revelations 12:1 my heavenly mary - divine9music


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Revelations 12:1 My Heavenly Mary

Order and beauty of the One Life

The 9 and the mystical number 52 of Thoth

Gert Kramer

Long ago, Humanity in its current, wondrous cosmic form was created in the image of El and

Asherah, the God and Goddess that are One in Spirit. She, who was considered to be the Pearl

of Creation, was to become the steward of our planet Earth. In her current state of

unconsciousness, in her disconnect from All That Is, she through the times has created a reality

of which all of Gaia’s inhabitants are experiencing the consequences. I gladly leave it up to you

what you think about this reality and how you perceive this personally. This reality is

experienced by me as unbalanced, inharmonious and destructive. It has encouraged me to

search for new answers. As the proverb says: “Seek and thou shall find.”

I would like to share with you a statement

frequently mentioned by my father in my life: “He

who conquers himself is stronger than who taketh a

city”. That's exactly how I have experienced the

past few years in which the ‘victory’ happened

through ‘surrender and embrace’. I write this article

in the tradition of the Freemasons, by freely sharing

with you some of the insights and perspectives that

I have recently gained. Insights that address

questions like: “Who am I?”, “How do my

Environment and I relate to each other?”, Ordo ab

Chao and E Pluribus Unum. The language in which

I write is the language of Spiritual Science. In my

personal experience I consider everything to be true

but someone else’s truth doesn’t need to be mine as

well as the other way around. My concern is not to

convince you of anything but simply to share my

‘truths’ with you, fully knowing that they can

sometimes be perceived as quite firm and

confronting. However, the only evolution comes

from within and can never be permanently imposed

on to you from the outside. So I ask you, as the

reader, to create a type of “what if?” island in your

mind and to read all that has been entrusted by me

to this paper, in this ‘open minded state’ of being.

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

Everything that happens, in my opinion, happens

for a reason. If even one small detail would have

gone differently, if one single choice was made

differently, then all that we experience today would

be completely different. Where we find ourselves

today in space and time, was all made possible by

everything that has taken place in connection with

each other before and even by that what still has to

happen. In South Africa they call this Ubuntu: I am

because we are. I hereby express my deepest

gratitude to all of those who have made all of that

possible, each in his or her role on the stage of the

‘Theater of Life’ where all life lessons are learned.

How? Simply by experiencing and then sharing

those experiences in all openness and without any

restraint. I would like to send a special thank you

out to my wife Francine, my Mary and Asherah,

and my children Gijs, Juliette and Eleonoor, for all

the support they have given me during this

sometimes very intense transformation process,

especially during those moments when the

Kundalini energy in full force worked itself through

my body and spirit. I also thank all the others,

visible and invisible to the human senses, for their

kindness, patience and support.

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Old sighs

and says to New

once I was just like you:

Young, strong and healthy

New smiled

and says to Old:

Once I was just like you:

Grey, wise and forgotten

Old doesn’t understand at all

But you’re as good as new!?

You just wait, New answered:

Your time will come

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There is a time...

Why has my writing reached you at this particular

time? The Wise King Solomon said long ago:

“There is an appointed time for everything. And

there is a time for every event under heaven ~ A

time to give birth, and a time to die, a time to tear

down, and a time to build up, a time to be silent and

a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a

time for war and a time of peace.” We are now

entering a new era: the time of the Water Bearer

Aquarius. The time of Oannis’ Revelations has

arrived and with it comes the fulfillment of ancient

prophecies. What has long been hidden in darkness

is now brought in the Light and available for

everyone to see. Coinciding with this, everything

Humanity has embraced as its ‘truths’ in the past, is

now lovingly, yet strongly being questioned and

many of Humanity’s current ‘assumptions’

therefore will be replaced by new ones. With all of

the consequences that a shift like this will bring.

Shiva and Shakti are One; destruction is at the

service of creation. For a very long time now,

Humanity, in order to come to a better

understanding, has been operating by definition,

containment, fragmentation and by labeling the

defined areas. Now the time has come to see the

connection between all of the different dots, to tear

down our self-imposed barriers and to see the

Oneness in All that our Cosmic Life Is.

It seems it is always a series of assumptions that

form the basis of any reality, of any sphere.

Philosophical spiritual assumptions of good versus

evil, light versus dark, heaven versus earth, man

versus woman, movement versus stillness, life

versus death and plus versus minus. Also included

are the ‘scientific’ assumptions like those of a

straightforward decimal numeral system. Realities

are interwoven with these assumptions. The various

principles which are all based on these assumptions

determine what is in our ‘box’ of feelings, thoughts,

the place where we consider perspectives, take

action and justify our actions. Over time, many

assumptions become implicit truths. We simply

forget that this was once devised or thought up by

man and later proclaimed to be and adopted as

truth. Any observations deemed inappropriate or

not fitting within these assumptions are often

simply ignored or in fear of embracing the

unknown suppressed with great physical and/or

mental cruelty. Is the earth flat or is it spherical? Is

it the earth or the sun that is central? Do our planets

move in an ellipse around a stationary sun or in a

spiral movement behind a sun that moves through

the cosmos in one big ‘musica mundana’? At the

core of each reality there are always a few basic

assumptions from which all other realities are

derived. The dominant reality that the majority of

humanity is still experiencing today is a self-

conflicting form of dualism based on the

assumption of good versus evil. Moreover, within

our current reality in which all situations are created

by ourselves, the solutions we seek to resolve these

are becoming increasingly more complex. Albert

Einstein clearly voiced his opinions on this in his

quote about the ‘intelligent fool’.

Have the assumptions, on which our current

dominant reality is based, always been the world's

leading assumptions? In this article I want to show

you that this is not the case. That we have a choice

in what assumptions we wish to embrace. This is

the basis of the phenomenon of ‘Free Will’.

Through the ages many known and lesser known

people, have experienced or witnessed from other

levels of consciousness another reality and shared

and used it as a basis to create. Harmonious

societies such as, for example, that of the

Nazarenes, the Cathar and the Mayans were

founded on it. All over the world, and across the

recent millennia, this other reality known as

Cosmic, Christ or Unity Consciousness has been

recorded and passed on to future generations

through images and symbols, stories, traditions and

rituals. The numbers used herein play a very

important role. The concept that ‘All is One and this

One is in All’ is already well known by those taught

within the Hermetic Tradition or in other similar

philosophies in other parts of the world.

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The lemniscate, symbol of the infinite

The eternal recurrence

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Everything is energy. This energy has an

electromagnetic basic principle with a vibration /

frequency and a transverse and scalar propagation

direction. Everything that vibrates carries

information in it. Each frequency can be defined

and established as a number and at the same time it

can be experienced as a particular kind of emotion,

by both the creating source as well as the

environment around this source.

Communication is the generation, transmis-sion

and reception of vibration and thereby the sharing

of information or in other words emotions. The

ability to translate vibrational information is

determined by the range, the sensitivity and the

translation module of your receiving and

transmitting station and can therefore be compared

to a radio station.

You can cut the One into all kinds of bandwidths,

divide it into endless little pieces and give each

piece a different label, everything is and remains

energy, whether it is an X-ray, light, sound or

matter. It is no coincidence that the Chinese call our

bodies ‘frozen light’. Just because you cannot see

something does not mean that it does not exist.

Something can simply be too large for someone to

perceive it or too small for them to comprehend it.

This is where relativity enters the picture. If the

difference between the ‘state’ of the observer and

the ‘state’ of the observed increases, it will become

increasingly difficult for one to merge with the


The One that is All, is Conscious. Because the One

is in Everything, Everything is Conscious. Within

this One there are different levels of Awareness,

which we also call spheres or dimensions. The

vibrational level or the frequency you tune into

determines the Consciousness that is experienced

and therefore the degree of 'complexity' of Chaos

that can be understood. This shows itself in:

your reiki ability, your outlook, how far and how

sharp do you “see”;

your comprehension, how much can you take in;

your processing ability, how can you process;

your responsiveness, how and how fast you


your adaptability, how quickly you adjust to new


your Connection ability; your ability to connect


An increase in Consciousness is an increase in all

of these different abilities which energetically have

to do with amplitude, frequency, range, direction of

propagation, and last but not least, coordination

and an active connection or in other words

‘neurons that fire together, wire together’.

The degree to which someone can ‘helicopter’ and

(simultaneously) go into the details to then put

together the overall puzzle of the whole, is a good

example of Consciousness. A computer game

where you constantly have to learn new skills and

execute them before you can advance to the next,

more complex level is another good example.

Without mastering the (basic) skills you don’t stand

a chance to function properly at a higher level


A third example of this is for instance a person

receiving a promotion within an organization too

late or sometimes too early. Once your own

consciousness has developed and reached a certain

level of vibration or frequency than you can ‘feel’

that you’re ready to take the next step. If the

promotion comes too late this person can become

frustrated. He will become disharmonious with

himself and his environment. If the promotion

comes too early then a huge insecurity ergo

disharmony can arise because his frequency has not

yet coincided with the consciousness that is needed

to fulfill the new position. The fact that he cannot

handle the new position comes to light in things

like being unable to connect with colleagues at this

new level or that he feels he cannot keep up. He

does not feel ‘in sync’ with the vibrations around


Meditation, finding the ‘Silence’, contributes

greatly to tuning your various ‘Octaves of

Consciousness’ in harmony.

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Nature manifests in curved shapes

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It is as if you increase the clock speed on your

computer when you go to a higher octave. You

even experience the phenomenon of ‘time’

differently. The word focus indicates that we are

speaking about concentration. Concentration of

what? Well, of your thought waves so you can

communicate at a higher level. Focused on what

exactly? Aimed on finding an answer by tuning in,

sending and then receiving. Where and how do you

find that answer? Inside of you and in all that

surrounds you. In order to do this, the ‘chaotic’

state of the mind and brain when it is busy with

basic daily activities is insufficient, better yet, the

mind and brain are actually ‘in the way’.

Aligning the Chakras as well as the functioning of

the Heart, which is capable of receiving and

generating the higher vibrational levels of pure

Love and Compassion is a requirement to help

enable the antenna and the radio station in our body

to work properly so that one can make contact with

our ‘higher’ Self.

Receiving and integrating the vibes from the ‘Holy

Spirit’ in the ‘Holy Body’ or to bring Light

(Dharma) into the relative Dark (Adharma) is a

very sensitive process that needs proper guidance in

order to prevent any physical ‘damage’. Damage

that could even result in death. This is why in

ancient times the ‘mystery schools’ were created to

help guide students in this process.

‘Talking to God’ is a communication process that

doesn’t take place in the Mind but through your

Essence, through the Holy Spirit that resides in

your Heart. Dreams, Thoughts and following

Action articulate the process whereby the frequency

is reduced continuously so that the Idea or Thought

can manifest itself into a physical form within this

‘thick syrupy’ 3D reality.

‘As above, so below; as below, so above’ is one of

the Hermetic Principles. From the energetic

principle that like attracts like, the emotions that

you as Source emit completely determine what you

attract as mirroring experiences. After all,

experiences are energetically built up situations.

Your highest vibrations are surrounded by your

lowest vibrations just like the nucleus of an egg is

surrounded by its hard shell. For your evolution as a

whole, the lowest vibration levels require your

attention first. Fear, hatred and anger have lower

vibrational levels than Love and Compassion. The

transformation of lower vibrational emotions, once

linked by you to certain experiences, to higher

vibrational emotions (for example the ‘thank you’

emotion) is very decisive for what you as Creator

emit as the core of your own Reality. What insights

are at your disposal to change your own views?

That depends on your own Consciousness ergo

vibrational level which is shown by your

‘intentions’, your image creating ‘visualization

ability’ and the power of your radiostation in other

words your ‘willpower’.

‘Ordo ab Chao’, one cosmic creation principle

for all Manifestations of Life. Can you imagine the

impact on the contemporary religions and

philosophies, the spiritual occult societies and

science when it is revealed that all of their main

traditions, stories, customs, architecture, art, rituals

and numbers, all irrefutably refer to the same

creation principle? If it turns out that this principle

was already well known around the world and used

in many of the civilizations that have since

disappeared from this Earth? That this principle

was also articulated in the Tabula Smaragdina and

the Hermetic Principles. That Dragons and Naga,

the wise winged Serpents, wanted to pass on this

principle as their most important Wisdom of Life to

young Humanity. When it comes out that the Royal

Road, the Tarot with its immortal Magician,

contains the wisdoms and the mysteries of Isis and

Thoth. Isis as in Inanna, Ishtar, Ashtar, and

Aphrodite. Thoth as Tehuti (he who balances),

Ningishzidda, Quetzalcoatl, Hermes and Myrddin.

That there is such a thing as a ‘geometric toolkit’

from the ‘Great Architect’.

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The nine pointed star symbolizes a nine based

spiritual-mathematical system. This system consists of

nine source numbers each with its own characteristics

The magic of the numbers of Pythagoras and Fibonacci

is visible everywhere

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That this principle can also be found in modern day

science, as long as you look through a certain kind

of glasses. If it turns out that all of Nature on Earth,

of which the relatively young and unconscious

Humanity is also a part, yes that even the entire

Cosmos (logically) unfolds according to this One

Principle. If Ein Söf and Da'at are not fabrications

but instead articulate a deep inner knowledge?

What will the effect be on our reality of re-

understanding and using a simple yet crucial key,

once lost to Humanity? A Key that brings to light a

gorgeous Balance, Unity and Beauty of All That Is.

That by simply and structurally applying this

principle, we can create the New Jerusalem, an

unprecedented inner balance based peace,

cooperation and a resulting harmony and

abundance, a truly Paradise on Earth for all as new

reality? Is that frightening or liberating to you?

Your personal ‘Judgement Day’?

Whatever emotions you want to link to this

experience, I leave up to you. After all, your

selfchosen assumptions determine your personal


I do want to ask you, however, how the prospect of

knowing great abundance without the fear of losing

it feels to you. Destructive at the expense of

disrupting, collecting, having and securing will then

hopefully be something of the past really soon. A

collective behavioral change; ‘from having to

sharing to being’!

The Nine that are One, together are responsible for

Ma'at, cosmic balance. In Cosmic Energetics,

evolution is not a material process but an energetic

process of refinement. It is about getting a new

vibrational level in other words a new State of

Consciousness associated with the mental and

physical adjustments. In scientific wording gaining

an ever-increasing degree of ionization associated

with higher levels of vibration ergo frequencies as

well as a different perception of time. That is as

well the essence of the Kundalini process where

increasingly higher frequency energies run along

your spine from bottom to top over drilling through

your Chakras as they align and transform these.

According to the Wise Pythagoras everything

works numbers. We have therefore arrived at the

mathematics, the noble language that makes it

possible to reach the highest level of abstraction

within philosophy. This language is used to better

understand what we observe around us and then

apply it to our own creations.

The title of this section refers to an old religious

principle from Heliopolis in Egypt based on the

Ennead, the nine as in 9 source numbers. Is this

perhaps why in Hinduism the nine star also known

as the Nine Pointed Star is the main symbol? Could

it be that that we, by only using the linear decimal

system, have blinded ourselves for certain ancient

existential insights? Insights that our ancestors did

have because they dealt with numbers in a different

way, yes even attributed these the different

characteristics of Life?

The Nine Pointed Star represents a nine based

spiritual -mathematical system. This system has

nine source numbers each with their own

characteristics. All other numbers come forth from

this as higher orders. Can a nine based system

change the Chaos experienced by so many (a

relative ‘state of mind’ and not more than that) into

Order by revealing the underlying repetitive

structures, regularity, sequences and patterns? So

that, for example, the order in the distribution of

primes over the natural numbers is visible? Is that

why so many nines appear in the ancient texts and

rituals? This while the number 10 rarely appears (in

an extract of the Egyptian Book of the Dead known

as the 10 Commandments).

Is this why hundreds of years ago Lichtenberg

wrote that in the philosophy of an Angel 2 x 2

equals 13? Because you only have to add together

the ciphers of which a number is composed in order

to calcu-late the correct source number. And 13

thus becomes the first higher order of the number 4.

And as well because you can so easily verify both

large additions as well as complex multiplications.

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Does a nine based system transform the by many experienced

Chaos into Order by revealing the underlying repetitive


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Did our ancestors in addition to a numerical

approach also use a non-linear cosmic form as the

foundation of their approach to life; a form that they

observed everywhere? A straight line just cannot be

found within a curvatures based Nature. It is just a

simplification for the reality that surrounds us.

Was this Key applied long ago to the spiral form we

see everywhere in the World and in our visible

Universe, the same shape that also forms the basis

of the Golden Mean? Are the words in spiritus and

inspired derived from in spiral? Was that the reason

for King Solomon to use spiral columns both going

in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction? Is

that the reason why among others in the Templars

Cathedrals pillars were designed and constructed in

this way? Are these pairwise entrance pillars based

on a certain wisdom of life?

What reality changing, and us to immortally

uplifting insights do we obtain if we apply this Key

to the famous spiral shape known as the Fibonacci

sequence? A sequence which is easily built up by

continually adding the last two numbers together. A

sequence that, as said in tradition, was taught in the

Arab world by Leonardo Pisano (aka Fibonacci) as

an answer to the question of how to determine the

growth of a rabbit population. A sequence which

also corresponds to the harmonic tones found in

music, discovered by Pythagoras by listening,

through splitting a music snare into two parts. A

sequence we can also find everywhere in the on

optimization of input and output based Nature.

How? By counting the number of spirals in spirally

built structures. Yet realize that multiple source

sequences can be constructed. How many? Lao Tse

teaches us this with the Tao Te Ching.

Below are the results of returning the Fibonacci

sequence to the nine source numbers.

Let’s go back to our “what if?” Island for a

moment and assume that numbers in the

mythological, spiritually religious and

philosophical areas were chosen by its writers for a

good reason. Otherwise they obviously would have

chosen another number. Below you will find a few

examples from the collective global Human


12: Number of Gods in the Mesopotamian and

Greek cultures

24 : Number of Thrones around the Central

Throne in Oannis’ Book of Revelation

52: Mystical number of Thoth and Quetzalcoatl

72: Names of God in Judaism. All names consist

of 3 letters

Number of Confucius’ disciples

Period that Lao Tzu was in his mother’s


Number of temples at Angkor, Cambodia

The Borobudur on Java has 9 terraces

adorned with a total of 504 Buddha statues,

432 on the Rupadhatu level and 72 at the

level Arupadhatu

The main Krishna temple in Dwarka is built

on 72 pillars

Very important number in Chinese secret


The sentur, a Persian musical instrument,

has 72 strings

Osiris was killed by Seth and 72

accomplices according to tradition

The Prophet said in a Hadith: “After me , the

community (Ummah) is divided into 73

sects, of which 72 will die and will one will

be saved.”

81: The number of verses in the Tao Te Ching

99: The number of names for God mentioned in

the Quran

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108 : Hindu and Buddhist cosmology, number of

names for gods, number of temples, statues,

structures and virtues.

The 10,800 stones of the Indian fire altar

Agnicayena built during a 12-day ceremony

Traditions within the Rosicrucians talk about

cycles of 108 years in which the secret

society shows its influence

108 is the number of beads in the Hindu and

Buddhist rosary

117: The number of scales of Chinese Dragons

divided into 81 and 36 Yin Yang scales

135: Number of bronze discs of the Arago Rose

Line by Jan Dibbets in honor of François


216: The Heart of the King's Chamber in the

Pyramid of Giza :

3 ^ 3 + 4 ^ 3 + 5 ^ 3 = 27 + 64 + 125 = 216

432: The number of syllables in the Rig - Veda,

the oldest Vedic scriptures, is 432,000

The base number of the Indian Kali Yuga,

the cosmic ‘consciousness seasons' or World


The Icelandic Eddas speaks of 432,000

fighters who at the end of this cycle at the

Day of the Wolf storm through 540 doors

out of Othin's Hall of Heroes

666 : The Number of Man according to the Book

of Revelation (the perfect triangle with 3 x

60 degrees)

999: The highest achievable, the perfection and

completion of a cycle of events

The value of Genesis 1:1 ‘Brayshith Elohim’

whose translation reads ‘In the beginning the


7-2 : The division of the Mesoamerican ‘Lords of

the Night’ in 7 Gods and 2 Goddesses

If all these numbers refer to the same Source, then

in my perception this Source must very important.

Why else go to such lengths to hide insights and

wisdoms for so many generations and/or pass these

on yes even through the ages wage huge wars to

again gain acces to these ancient insights.

Knowledge equals power, it is said. But what is

done with this power depends on the Awareness

Level of the recipient of this Knowledge. Ruling

and controlling power games with the permanent

fear of losing everything, including finite Life itself

or facilitation of a collective growth knowing that

your Essence is immortal. Are we then perchance

speaking of the ‘Source of Life’ of which on the

ancient Sumerian clay tablets is said that it was

discovered by Enki and used to create current

Humanity. Were our ‘Gods’ astronauts after all?

Can all these numbers be linked to each other in a

repetitive, merging into each other series of 2x12

perfectly balanced numbers? The 24 Thrones from

the Book of Revelation of which the Fibonacci

sequence that starts with the numbers 1 and 1 is at

the core? Does the origin and the importance of the

neutral and facilitative number 9, being both Yin

and Yang, the Silence from which all Movement

arises, aagain becomes visible and proven? To

facilitate Mankind in the rediscovery of the Creator

Source within Itself? Yes and I invite you

personally to, using the following two figures, gain

further insights and in this way experience the

mystical number of Thoth, the Perfect Balance, the

Cosmic Beauty of All That Is, the Order in the

Chaos and the Unity in the Multiplicity.

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Freemasons, Brahmins, Sufis, Shamans, Muftis,

Imams, Rabbis, Yogis, Gurus, Rastafarians, Qigong

Masters, Pastors, Priests, Medicine women and

men, Magicians, Witches, Theosophists, Religions

and Spiritual Societies, Scientists and all those not

mentioned by title in this world. I invite you all to

tear down all defensive walls erected by you which

may have even become your prisons, to open your

hearts and (hidden) libraries and without any

restraint freely make available the experience you

have gained in Love, Wisdom and Knowledge to

the Hearts and Souls to Humanity. Not only to build

your own Center with Love and Compassion but an

entire City, World, Universe and thus your own

Reality! This is the New Jerusalem, the one talked

about for so long in different words and stories . If I

could do magic than Love will reveal itself as The

Truth and The Truth as Love.

Le temps est revenu!

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‘All is One and One is in All.’

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The visionary as shibboleth

People with a visionary message often have the effect of a shibboleth. You let yourself get carried away by the

waves of their imagination, or you throw off the anchor of reason to keep you standing in their verbiage. For the

one, they speak a word of recognition (the meaning of shibboleth), for the other they are unintelligible.

Voice in the wilderness or orator on the mountain? John the Evangelist or John the Baptist? His outward

appearance makes Gert Kramer come across as a prophet. One of his lectures for young freemasons was

experienced as so prophetic that the recommendation was given for an article in Thoth. A Theory of All: that

sounds too good to in advance be set aside as irrational. Einstein nor the contemporary theoretical physicists

have found such a 'Unified Field Theory' but if Gert Kramer has his way, humanity soon will sit with God at the

controls. The only requirement is a return to the sources of knowledge out of which the ancient Sumerians and

Egyptians could draw, and out of which as well the masons themselves drank according to him, even though he

himself is not a mason.

A conversation with Gert Kramer is an exciting experience; rapidly subjects pass by like the Fibonacci numerical

sequence, the experience of unity of Buddha, vibrations that numb dolphins and the music of the spheres that

becomes audible when instruments are tuned according to the ‘Divine 9’. Is Gert Kramer only raving? No, there

is a hermetic consistency to his argument, which also enchants the listener skeptical to universal truth

pretensions. Overwhelmed by an avalanche of examples of the role that the number 9 plays in just about all

spheres of life, inevitably the question arises: but does it also mean something? Gert Kramer does not believe in

chance and sees signs everywhere that prove the causal and organic correspondence of everything with

everything. But we can also gratefully accept apparently significant correlations and synchronicities as small

gifts that accrue to us if we are open. As such one can accept the enthusiastic plea of Gert Kramer as a colorfully

wrapped spiritual surprise. He has no difficulty with that: "What I am is determined by the person who observes


Willem Verstraaten

Asked for a short text in order to introduce

himself to the readers, Gert Kramer says:

"The description of what I am and do is simple:

‘Eheyeh Asher Eheyeh ',' I Will Be Whatever I Will Be'."