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  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Agnes Community,

    I greet you, first of all, not only from my desk, but

    also from our renovated St. Agnes Church. Our Feast

    of St. Agnes is very close. On January 21st

    andespecially on January 24th we will give our

    thanksgiving to God through our Patron Saint, St.


    This past year, 2009, was and is the 40th

    Anniversary of our St. Agnes Church.

    Through the special events: Gala and

    Anniversary Mass on November 1st,we sang

    Glory to God for Gods immeasurable

    graces and gifts: Baptisms, Holy

    Communions, Weddings, Confirmations,

    Funerals and the many Holy Masses.

    I am proud of everyone who participated

    in the active life of our Parish in the arch

    of the last 40 years. Every gesture of

    generosity, every word of mercy and

    consolation, every smile of an older

    parishioner or cry of an infant or child,

    have created and are creating the beauty

    and uniqueness of our St. Agnes

    Community. Thanks be to God for you and for


    I want to express my gratitude and thanks to all of

    you who participated in our Project Overhead. Thank

    you for your prayers and money. I am convinced,

    your generosity is endless when you think about the

    here and now, and about the future of our St. Agnes

    Church. Probably in the near future we have to think

    about the churchs roof, and later about the painting

    of our church, and still later about a new carpet, and

    later yet... etc, etc.

    Nevertheless, what is most important is the creating

    of our Community of Faith and practicing of healthy

    Christian values.

    I expressed, in my last Christmas letter titled The

    Holy Family as a School of Faith for Today, my

    concern and preoccupation of proper and

    healthy education. We are proud of our

    Christian civilization. It was created on

    the pillars of the literature and

    architecture of ancient Greece, on the

    law of the justice of Rome, and was

    baptized by Christianity. I said thatpractically everything we use today, we

    have, thanks to our Christian heredity

    and Christian Tradition from the care of

    the unborn child to the defence of the

    dignity women.

    Following the words of Bishop Tonnos,

    shared with us at our October Gala, we

    discovered the necessity of defending

    Catholic education in Canada, the proper

    understanding of Christian values and the right placefor the Crucifix in our churches, schools and homes.

    The Holy Cross is our love and our pride.

    My Friends St. Paul said: where sin increased, grace

    abounded all the more. There is a toxicity just as

    dangerous as air pollution, and it is the pollution of

    the spirit, which leads to gloominess and the

    tendency to see persons as mere bodies. The new

    year 2010 has begun with Mary who is the Mother of

    Pastors Message

    75 Bluevale St. N, Waterloo

    Phone: 885-4480 Fax: 885-6421

    Email: [email protected]


    Saint Agnes Catholic Church

    Winter 2010 Newsletter

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    I have been a parishioner at St. Agnes Parish forabout 20 years. I have been the pastoral assistanthere for 16 years. I dont know how to begin to

    express my thankfulness for the people I have met

    and the things I have been able to do over the last

    two decades. I have helped prepare over 600 families

    for Baptism. There is nothing like being a part of a

    childs first encounter with the sacredness of a

    sacrament, even if they do sleep right through the

    celebration. I have had the pleasure of preparing

    over 1500 children in Grade 2 and 8 for First

    Communion and Confirmation. Every year we have

    our challenges and struggles, but the rewards are

    great when celebration day arrives. I have had the

    privilege of knowing countless teachers, educational

    assistants, custodians, librarians, and principals at St.

    Pastoral Assistant Report of Joanne Thorpe


    Current Parish Council Members

    Administrative Assistant Judy KerrLiturgy Fr. Piotr Machnacki

    Communications Margy Wardell

    St. Vincent de Paul Eugene McCarthy

    Finance Jim Lehman

    Maintenance Chris Thorpe

    Mike Van Dam

    Spiritual Director/Pastor Fr. Piotr Machnacki

    Chair Randy Palach

    Parish Council Secretary Rachel Trump

    Pastoral Assistant Joanne Thorpe

    Catholic Womens League Marilynne Feeney

    St. Agnes School


    Elizabeth Ingle

    St. Luke School


    Mark Wardell

    St. Matthew School


    Mary Scott

    PAGE 2

    God Theotokos. We can reflect on the pollution of

    the air and the purity of Mary. Mary constitutes a

    sweet and reassuring presence in our Church and in

    the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, she recalls the

    presence of a Mother who constantly watches over us

    today and over the new children of our Community.

    She repeats: Do not be afraid, Jesus has conqueredevil. He has conquered it at the root, freeing us from

    its dominion.

    Our Community is formed by each one of us. We are

    all actors and, in evil as in good, our apostolate has

    an influence on others. We cannot always be only

    spectators, because we received the dignity given to

    Gods children. We are responsible for one another on

    the path to the Kingdom of Jesus and Mary. And,

    Mary helps each one of us to re-discover and defend

    the depth of parishioners, because in her there isperfect transparency of the soul in the body. She is

    purity personified; soul and body are in her, fully

    consistent between themselves and the will of God.

    We want to be people with a clean spirit and we want

    to eliminate any pollution because with pollution of

    the spirit our faces are not smiling even worse,

    they are gloomy, which leads us to not greet or look

    at one another in the face. We become, simply,

    bodies without souls, and things like objects,

    without a face.

    With all that has happened, great and positive in our

    Parish, today and throughout the last forty years, we

    are going to Mary, our Mother of the Church, with the

    desire to consecrate ourselves and the future

    generations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We

    want to sing with Mary the joyful Magnificat: With

    all our hearts we praise the Lord and we are glad

    because of God our Saviour. He shows mercy to

    each one of us.

    Fr. Piotr Machnacki, SAC

    Pastor of St. Agnes Parish

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    Parish Finance Report of Jim Lehman, Chair of Finance Committee

    In 2009, we have seen our weekly Sunday offeringsdecrease by $12,000, which in all probability wasdue to the focus on Project Overhead. Due to tight

    control of expenses and Father Irek not yet being re-

    placed, we hope, with your continued support for the

    rest of the year, to keep the shortfall for 2009 in the

    $5 - $10,000 range. This is certainly remarkable inlight of the success of Project Overhead and the

    hard economic times.

    St. Agnes parishioners and friends must certainly be

    commended for responding to the challenge of raising

    $175,000 for Project Overhead over the past 12

    months; it is even more astonishing considering the

    tough economic times we are experiencing. The spirit

    of the St. Agnes community came through. This

    money paid for the required roof beam repairs and

    placed us in a position to retire our existing debt to

    the Diocese. As you are well aware, our church roof

    has been a major concern for a number of years and

    our maintenance committee is reviewing the situation

    and plans to make a recommendation to the Finance

    Committee in the new year. At this point, we willevaluate our priorities.

    Your continued support is appreciated. The chal-

    lenges we face today, though different, are the same

    we have faced in the past 40 years. We survived our

    first 40 years and with these experiences we will sur-

    vive and flourish in the 40 to come.

    Thomas, St. Agnes, St. Matthew, St. Luke and St.

    David schools. For the past few years, I have

    thoroughly enjoyed working with parent and youth

    volunteers in our Sunday school program that has

    affected the lives of over 200 children in our parish.

    Spending time with those little ones is what makes

    9am Holy Mass a little easier to get up for. Childrensliturgies, Christmas pageants, feast day celebrations

    and Passion Plays have offered me a unique and

    fulfilling time of preparation throughout the church

    year. A young woman who was very active in my first

    school-based social justice team, and took on the role

    of Jesus in one of my first Stations of the Cross

    tableaus for Grade 8s, is now teaching at St. Luke

    School. She and her husband are expecting their first

    child. Whenever I become frustrated or think I cant

    do my job anymore, God sends one of those children

    to find me at a school, in the mall or in the grocerystore. Their memories and smiles are a reminder of

    the gifts He has given me over the years. The

    community of St. Agnes Parish is very lucky to have

    had consistent pastoral guidance and care during the

    last 20 years as I have only worked with three

    priests during that time. Each of them offered me

    support and encouragement and for that I am

    grateful. I am also thankful for the parishioners at St.Agnes who participate in our programs and

    celebrations. Many of them have shared with me

    their thanks, their prayers, their encouragement,

    their tears and laughter. They are the heartbeat of

    this community and I would not have much of a job

    without them. Finally, I am thankful to God for

    waiting so patiently for me to answer His call to

    Parish Ministry. I hope I can continue to answer that

    call for a few more years.

    God Bless

    Once we open our hearts to holiness, it can only grow. We smile not for a reason, but because the

    Lord smiles with us.

    He has found joy for us, an all-encompassing joy echoing through the chambers of our souls and find-

    ing Jesus there & there & there . At each encounter He says, Everywhere you look you will findme, but you must never stop looking. Let my gift to you be the conviction of love.

    Rachel Trump

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    As our calendar is about to turn over another page,we too are turning a page in the 40 year historyof St. Agnes Parish.

    After an 18 month campaign, we are closing the bookon the Project Overhead Fundraiser. Without the en-

    thusiasm and support of our parishioners the goal of

    $175,000.00 could not have been achieved. The cam-

    paign launched in April 2008, officially ended with the

    Gala Dinner held in October 2009.

    Through the generosity of many, we were able to

    raise the funds needed to pay for the work done on

    the beams in the church and to fulfill our financial

    obligation to the Diocesan office. Your monetary aid,

    along with your enthusiasm for the events planned by

    our committee, was vital to the success of this pro-

    ject. As chair of Project Overhead, I would like to

    take this time to offer my heartfelt thanks to the

    many dedicated volunteers who shared their time and

    talents planning and carrying out the many wonderful

    and profitable activities and events. These events not

    only raised much needed dollars, but also brought a

    renewed community spirit to our Parish.

    Charity comes from the heart and in these tough eco-

    nomic times we appreciate the fact that it took a lot

    of heart to commit your hard-earned dollars to thiscampaign. We would like to thank all who supported

    this campaign whether large or small, your donation

    was critical and much appreciated.

    With the conclusion of this very successful fundraiser,

    lets not forget the needs of our Parish. St. Agnes

    Church will always be our spiritual refuge and will

    continue to require our financial support. Your con-

    tinued weekly offering is essential in meeting the on-

    going expenses of the parish, and the upkeep of the

    Church building.

    *Bingo will continue to run as long as volunteers are

    available to work at it....Funds derived from Bingo

    will be directed to the expenses of special projects

    pertaining to the church building specifically*

    Thank you to all who supported this effort with their

    prayers and kind words of encouragement.

    Thanks to our Brilliant Committee!

    Fr. Piotr Machnacki

    Randy Palach, Parish Council Chair

    Michael Fitzgerald, Fund Raising Chair

    Jim Lehman, Treasurer

    Ann Marie Sehl

    Elizabeth Ingle

    Alfie Renon

    Bill Weiler

    Our committee invited as many parishioners as pos-

    sible to assist in the many events. Thank you to the

    individuals and families who pitched in along the


    Special Mention

    Sandy Weiler and the many volunteers associ-

    ated with the dinner theatre

    St. Agnes, St. Luke, and St. Matthew Schools

    Catholic Womens League

    St. Agnes Quilting Group

    St. Vincent de Paul Society

    Ken Benninger & Schneider Male ChorusSweet Adelines and St. Agnes Childrens


    Judy Kerr and Joanne Thorpe

    Catherine Palach

    Susan Fitzgerald

    The Weber and Renon Families

    Bill Weiler & our Bingo Volunteers

    And...The many unsung heroes of the cam-

    paign quietly working behind the scenes.

    Thank you!

    A complete financial breakdown of Project Over-

    head can be found on the next page......

    Fundraising Committee Report by Michael Fitzgerald, Project Overhead Chair

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    Event/ Organization AmountPledges



    Catholic Charities Lotteries Rebate $90.00

    Dinner Theatre $15,000.00

    Pallottine Fathers $1,000.00

    St. Agnes Catholic Womens League $4,333.00

    St. Vincent de Paul Society $1,000.00

    Tuesday Morning Group $85.35

    Schneider Male Chorus $1,025.00

    St. Agnes Quilters Group $1,000.00

    Sweet Adelines/ St. Agnes Childrens Choir Pot Luck $616.07

    Ennios Spaghetti Dinner $3,301.84

    Mission Possible (Including Skating Party, Family Picnic, Beach PartyPoinsettias & Mothers Day Flowers and the following school totals)

    St. Agnes School Mission Day $689.38St. Luke School Mission Day $300.00St. Matthew School P.J. Day $364.00


    Misc. Donations and Memoriams$840.51

    40th Anniversary Gala Dinner$1,020.03

    Grand Total $177,485.25

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    An example? The MISSION: POS-

    SIBLE! student volunteers

    were out in full force serving

    Poinsettia customers before

    Christmas with eagerness andenthusiasm a wonderful dem-

    onstration of what is POSSIBLE

    when we give kids a chance to

    get involved in service to oth-

    ers...they rise to the opportunity & spread joy!

    Thank-you to all! -


    Catholic Womens League Report by Marilynne Feeney, 2009/2010 Past President


    his year we celebrated the St. Agnes Churchs 40th

    Anniversary. Our Council began in 1967. Our St.

    Agnes Church was built in 1969. What is old is new


    A new feeling of family then, we still have a new

    feeling of family with families joining our Parish, pa-

    rishioners being married, children being Baptized, and

    new Altar Servers joining the experienced. Forty

    years ago the group was only boys, but now we have

    boys, girls and men ranging in age from 8 to 82.

    St. Agnes Parishioners began celebrating Holy Mass in

    the St. Agnes School building until our Place of Wor-

    ship was built. We had C.W.L. members read at Mass,

    commentate and assist as Min-

    isters of Communion. New

    beams recently went up above

    our heads to secure the origi-

    nal beams built 40 years ago.

    C.W.L. council members con-

    tributed towards the Elevator

    Project approximately 10 ago

    PAGE 6


    Returns For Another Great Year!

    As with last year, our Primary Focus is the involve-

    ment of our fantastic students in fun activities

    that allow them to demonstrate the many Christian

    values and basic positive life skills we strive to teach

    in our Homes, Schools & Churches. Through volun-

    teering their time, skills & talents in the running of

    these social events they get a chance to live these

    values, serve others....and participate in creating a

    great time for all!

    Misson Possible Report by Elizabeth Ingle

    January 29th, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm Fun On Friday Drop In, Hang Out & Make New Friends!

    A place for kids Grades 6 - 8 to get together in a positive & safe environment & have some fun

    hangin out..

    Music, movies, munchies, ping pong, chess, board games and a chill zone to just get together with



    Watch for more details coming soon!

    February 13th St. Agnes Family Pot Luck Dinner & Dance, Parish Hall

    Bring your friends & family for dinner and a chance to hit the dance floor! JP the DJ from last yearshugely successful Beach Party will be back with lots of great music for all! Details to be announced


    March 6th The Skating Party returns! Albert McCormick, 4-5 pm. Stay tuned.

    Would you like to help out? Please let us know! Elizabeth Ingle [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    The Knights of Columbus are very active in St.Agnes parish, serving in all of the various liturgi-cal roles Lectors, Commentators, Ministers of Com-

    munion, and in Marriage and Baptism Preparation.

    The Knights also serve the St. Agnes community di-

    rectly by sponsoring a monthly Holy Hour, and by our

    4th Degree Honour Guard participation in Confirmation

    and other special liturgical celebrations, including

    honouring our deceased members with an annual Me-

    morial Mass that is normally held in St. Agnes church.

    Members of our council are also actively involved in

    charitable activities such as our New Toys for Needy

    Kids Toy Drive, which provides toys to the St. Agnes

    Conference of St. Vincent de Paul. Our other fund-

    raising activities allow us to regularly support the par-

    ish with funds for St. Vincent de Paul, and other ac-

    tivities such as the Good Shepherd Atrium and last

    years Vacation Bible School. Our members are also

    Knights of Columbus by Jamie Jewer

    active in the parish by provid-

    ing time and money to various

    parish fundraising efforts.

    The Knights of Columbus,

    which is thankful for our many

    strong members from St. Agnes

    parish, is also actively involved

    in other community charitable

    and pro-life activities. We provide funds to DogGuides Canada to sponsor dogs for children, and our

    sales of pro-life roses go to raise funds for the KW

    Right to Life. At this time of year, we also support

    the message of Keep Christ in Christmas by sponsor-

    ing a lighted nativity display at the Wonders of Win-

    terlight display in Waterloo Park.

    as well as Project Overhead this past year, and of

    course, towards many smaller events along the way.

    Our C.W.L. Council began 42 years ago with over 200

    members. Our current membership is over 250. We

    began with German Pallotine Fathers as our Spiritual

    Directors. Currently we have a Polish Pallotine Father

    as our Spiritual Advisor.

    Our Executive members are still busy ladies with

    families and careers. While our committees have

    changed, we still work for God, Canada and St. Agnes

    Church. Oh and our members! Our ladies do every-

    thing from own their own businesses to being Stay-at-

    Home Moms and Grand Moms. We may happily say

    that we can count among our membership many

    mothers and daughters and daughters-in-laws from

    16 year old new members, to members who have

    joined over 65 years ago. We even have a memberwho has been in the St. Agnes Choir since its incep-

    tion. We have a member who has laundered, cleaned

    and mended Altar Linens and garments for over 40

    years. We also have new members who have just had

    a baby. We have an adult member of 15 years who

    has just gotten her first actual job outside the home.

    And as well, we have members who have just retired

    after years in the workforce.

    So many activities are new, yet old, at our Church/

    Parish/Council. We have a continuing yet renewed

    spirit of the Holy Spirit, with the celebration of Holy

    Mass. Our Prayer Network prays for the needs of a

    few particulars folks and for all members across Can-

    ada. For many years we have led fellow Parishioners

    in Stations of the Cross during Lent, and for three

    years now we have led in the Stations of the Nativityduring Advent.

    We have held Card Parties to raise funds for needs of

    our Parish and Church. We have raised funds for wells

    to be dug in South America providing water for hun-

    dreds. We have been donating to the Attawapiskat

    Mission in Northern Ontario for over 40 years. For

    many years we donated clothing and now it is best

    that we donate funds, so we shall.

    I am proud to say, the St. Agnes Council members

    take their pledge For God and Canada to truly

    mean here at St. Agnes Church and out into the

    world, joining, leading and following for the glory

    of God. To all our charter members, our long-time

    members and our new members, thank you and I ask

    that you join me in a silent prayer, thanking God for

    our St. Agnes Church, a sanctuary of hope, love and

    the goodness of God.

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    Our Schools

    St. Agnes

    In the role of School Representative forSt. Agnes School, I have the opportunityto keep both the school and the parishinformed about relevant activities &

    initiatives which have mutual impact.

    During St. Agnes school council meetings

    for example, I will present a report which

    not only informs about news of possible

    interest, but will strive to engage support for

    programs and initiatives underway at the parish. This

    Christmas for example, extra support was requested

    and successfully received from the school for the St.

    Vincent de Paul food needs for the hamper program.Also in this forum, programs like MISSION:

    POSSIBLE! are shared and participation is promoted

    and encouraged.

    Similarly, news and updates from the school level are

    brought to Parish Council meetings. This way our

    Parish stays aware and connected with the needs and

    concerns of St. Agnes School.

    Our objective is to ensure that acommunication link exists between our

    Parish and its schools. This creates

    opportunity to build and grow relationships,

    and to ensure that our Catholic Christian

    values are being supported, nurtured,

    demonstrated and expanded wherever


    My husband Steve and I have two daughters attending

    St. Agnes school Sarah (11) in Grade 6, and Olivia (8)

    in Grade 3. This extra level of involvement with their

    school life is very rewarding to us. I personally enjoy

    the opportunity to contribute my time and

    perspective in ways that can have a positive impact

    on their experience at St. Agnes school and their


    Elizabeth Ingle

    Parish Representative


    St. Matthew

    As usual St. Matthew School has had a very busy

    first term. We welcomed Mary Mayer as our newVice Principal this September. Our Open House was

    very well attended as was our first School Council

    meeting. On September 21st we celebrated our

    opening School Mass and the Feast of St. Matthew.

    Our fall fundraiser was once again a great success,

    with funds raised being used to support initiatives

    such as: in-class learning

    presentations, faith, art, and to

    offset transportation and agenda


    October and November have also

    been busy with our participation

    in the Thanksgiving Food Drive, Grade 4 Bible

    Celebration, Advent preparations and monthly

    assemblies to name just a few.

    In reflecting on the theme of Thanksgiving, I would

    have to say that, as serving as the ParishRepresentative for St. Matthew School for the last 6

    years, the most gratifying aspect of this ministry is

    having the opportunity to get to know my fellow

    members of Parish Council. They have continually

    offered me their friendship and their support.

    Being a member of St. Agnes Parish does feel like

    family on so many levels. By taking the chance on

    volunteering for this particular ministry it has led to

    my involvement in other Parish activities. For that I

    am truly grateful.

    Mary Scott

    Parish Representative

    PAGE 8

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    St. Luke

    We are in the midst of a busy school year at St.Luke School. The Dance-a-Thon was held at theend of October. This year the School Council decided

    to collect food rather than funds for the school.

    Nearly 5000 lbs of food was collected and donated tothe Food Bank in the name of the St. Agnes St.

    Vincent de Paul Conference. Students from all classes

    participated in donating food and in taking turns

    dancing to music in the gym.

    The students of St. Luke performed the play The

    Christmas Carol on the evenings of December 15, 16,

    and 17th to a packed gymnasium. Thank you to all the

    students who shared their gifts and talents received

    from God. Thank you to the students and staff for

    their hard work and months of preparation and to

    those who attended the shows.

    We would like to thank Fr. Piotr and Joanne for their

    support of the faith development and the sacramental

    preparation programs this year, which includes manyclassroom visits. We are especially grateful for the

    frequent Holy Masses celebrated in the gymnasium.

    Once again the School Council

    will be providing transportation

    for all St Luke students to the

    year-end Holy Mass at the


    Mark Wardell

    Parish Representative

    The St. Agnes Parish ChildrensChoir was re-established in ourParish in 2003 by Carleen and

    Michael Van Dam, along with

    fellow parishioner Delores

    Alexander. Now in its seventh year,

    the Choir has grown from a choir of three to a choir

    of 20 or so children, ranging in age from seven tofifteen. A few members have offered to become

    accompanists as their skills and talents as musicians

    develop, and this has definitely added a new

    dimension to our Choir. Choir members are leaders of

    song at our twice monthly Childrens Liturgies, as well

    as our Christmas Eve Family Mass, Good Friday and

    Easter morning services, and other special occasions

    throughout the church year. They were invited to sing

    in Concert with the Sweet Adelines in December

    2006 as part of a Christmas fundraiser for Out of the

    Cold, and hosted a Christmas Concert in our Parish,along with special guests, the Sweet Adelines, in

    December 2008, to help raise funds for Project

    Overhead. Twice the children have been asked to sing

    at weddings, a definite honour for those who were

    Childrens Choir Report by Carleen Van Dam

    able, and we have been able to offer retreats for our

    members in the past as well. The Childrens Choir

    sings on the second and last weekend of each month,

    at our Parish Childrens Liturgies on Sundays at 9:00

    a.m., as well as occasions such as our Feast Day and

    all Parish First Communions. Schedules are provided

    in advance. Children must be in grade 3 or older, and

    our Choir is open to new members at any time. Joinus for practices, held every Thursday evening 6:00

    p.m. to 7:00 p.m. downstairs in the library in the

    Parish Centre. Come on out and join us! See what we

    are all about and then make a commitment for the

    school year. We do not sing during July and August.

    We are very grateful to the children and their families

    for their outstanding commitment to this Choir, and

    hope many more children will grace us with their

    presence in the years to come! For more information,

    contact Carleen or Michael Van Dam at 519-886-7391

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but

    when it grows up, it is the biggest of all

    plants. It becomes a tree, so that birds

    come and make their nests in its branches."

    Matthew 13: 31,32

    Their time in the atrium presents an opportunity for

    their seed of faith to sprout up. Children need time

    and space to focus on their faith development and

    friendship with Jesus the atrium attempts to

    provide this environment and is a place free from the

    distractions of the world. I am thankful for the

    smiles on the faces of the children when they come

    to the atrium. I am thankful for their eagerness to

    learn more about the life of Jesus. I am thankful for

    the parents who have decided to bring their children

    week after week.

    Catechists and helpers in the Atrium: M. Armbruster,

    Wendy Hicknell, Maria Lambour, Margarita Varela.

    The Good Shepherd Catechesis Program had itsseed planted at St. Agnes Parish in 2001. In thepast years we have had help from Catechists from St.

    Louis Parish, St. Marks Parish, St. Teresas Parish in

    Elmira, Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, and from our ownParish family. The depth of love for God and the

    Catholic Faith is evident when the families bring their

    children to the atrium once a week, sometimes twice

    a week if their children are in two

    different levels and in some cases

    three times a week when the

    children are in three different age

    groups. I am thankful for the

    growth of the program in our

    Parish. When I see the children

    come to the atrium I am remindedof the Parable of the Mustard Seed.

    "The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man

    takes a mustard seed and sows it in his


    Good Shepherd Atrium Report by Margaret Wardell, Catechist

    Cheryl Ann Feeney and Jeffrey Beaupre - October 10, 2009


    In MemoriamBaptisms

    PAGE 10

    Douglas Haelzle Died September 12, 2009

    Brian Stephens Died October 22, 2009

    Peter Ancich November 30, 2009


    Mike Hagop

    Conrad Maximilian Totzke

    Ruby Starla McKenna

    Joseph Matthew Miller


    Noah Wyatt Paquette

    Emileigh Bonita Docherty

    Saira Isabella DMello

    Nichole HutchinsonJonah Peter Takacs

    Conrad Maximilian Totzke


    Olivia Marie George

    Johnathan Joseph Nguyen

    Brody Richard Bonn


    Carlos Joshua Garcia

    Keira Helen Prudham

    Connor Garrett Blanchard-


    Savana Ana-Rose Harris-


    Lauren Christian Loucas

    Olivia Mary Martin

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church


    Carl Schropp has recently prepared an inspiring CD

    with his favourite hymns. It is titled, Rejoice! A

    Celebration of Life and has musical accompaniment

    provided by Danny McKellar a fellow parishioner at

    St. Agnes Parish. The CD was created as a musiciansthanksgiving to God for a successful quadruple heart

    bypass surgery. Carl said the nurses and doctors did

    such a good job that Im back again. The word

    rejoice stuck in his head when he realized he was

    still alive following the surgery. To show his grati-

    tude to the staff at St. Marys Hospital, Carl is donat-

    ing all proceeds from the sale of this CD to the St.

    Message from Carl Schropp former Director of St. Agnes Sanctuary Choir


    Marys Hospital Foundation, in support of cardiac


    The price for the CD is $20 and may be purchasedthrough the following resources:

    St. Agnes Parish Office, 75 Bluevale St. N.Waterloo

    Carl Schropp, 519-885-6315,[email protected]

    St. Mary's Hospital Gift Shop Kitchener

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    Born c. 291

    Died c. 304 (aged 12)

    Canonized Pre-Congregation *

    Major shrine Church of Sant'Agnese fuori le mura

    and the Church of Sant'Agnese in

    Agone, both in Rome

    Feast January 21

    Symbol a lamb

    Patronage Betrothed couples; chastity; Children

    of Mary; Colegio Capranica of Rome;

    crops; gardeners; Girl Guides; girls;

    virgins; St. Agnes parish, Waterloo

    Our Patron Saint

    Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

    *Pre-Congregation Canonization

    The decision as to the martyr having died for his faith

    in Christ, and the consequent permission of venera-

    tion, lay originally with the bishop of the place in

    which he had borne his testimony. The bishop in-

    quired into the motive of his death and, finding he

    had died a martyr, sent his name with an account of

    his martyrdom to other churches, especially neighbor-

    ing ones, so that, in event of approval by their re-

    spective bishops, the cultus of the martyr might

    Adapted from

    extend to their churches also, and that the faithful,

    [1] "might hold communion with the generous martyr

    of Christ" (generoso Christi martyri communicarent).

    Martyrs whose cause, so to speak, had been dis-

    cussed, and the fame of whose martyrdom had beenconfirmed, were known as proved (vindicati) martyrs.

    In the earlier ages, therefore, this veneration of the

    saints was entirely local and passed from one church

    to another with the permission of their bishops. This

    is clear from the fact that in none of the ancient

    Christian cemeteries are there found paintings of

    martyrs other than those who had suffered in that


    Prayer to Saint Agnes

    Let us gain courage for our own


    by honoring the martyrdom of

    the glorious

    virgin Agnes.

    St. Agnes, vessel of honor,flower of unfading fragrance,

    beloved of the choirs of Angels,

    you are an example to the

    worth of virtue and chastity.

    O you who wear a Martyr's palm

    and a virgin's wreath,

    pray for us that,

    though unworthy of a special


    we may have our names writtenin the list of Saints.

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church



    Patron Saint of Pallotine Fathers

    Saint Vincent Pallotti

    Born April 21, 1795, Rome

    Died January 22, 1850 (aged 64), Rome

    Canonized 1963, Rome by Pope John XXIII

    Feast January 22

    Buried Church of San Salvatore in Onda,


    In Pallottis room stood a Hill of Calvary. In front of a

    painted backdrop stood the cross of Jesus. it was

    an expression of his religious attitude. In the cross he

    found strength and courage. He knew that Gods love

    is real. For hours and through long nights he prayed

    before this sign of salvation. The safest road, he

    wrote, is the road of suffering. Our Saviour came

    along this road, as well as His Mother and the saints.

    The hardest thing in the apostolate and in all pastoral

    work is not to reach the other person, to be without

    success, to be misunderstood and to be left working

    alone. Pallotti carried this burden without complaint

    to the Hill of the Cross.

    p. 34, 35 St. Vincent Pallotti A Prophet For Our Time

    Against Anxiety Vincent

    Pallotti often calls for


    Your greatest weakness

    Is your lack of trust in


    Your miserable condition

    Has its roots in your

    excessive worry.Abandon once and for all

    Your destructive anxiety.

    We must let a permanent

    Unlimited trust in God

    Rule our lives.

    It will be followed by


    p.20 St. Vincent Pallotti A Prophet

    For Our Time

  • 8/14/2019 Saint Agnes Catholic Church
