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  • 7/30/2019 Seems Legit


    Seems Legit

    The Finance and Legal Portfolio held a Legal Day on March 10th

    to educate the general body on the legal

    aspect of AIESEC.

    The portfolio worked tirelessly to create a fun day which would help the GB learn better. We decided

    that presentations about the legality of AIESEC, while may serve the purpose of education, may not

    entirely be the best way to go about it. Furthermore, it would bore the audience and low interest would

    mean a negative response to Legal Days in the future. Thus the portfolio came up with a number of

    activities that would keep the participants interested and also help them learn. As an incentive, we also

    offered prizes at the end for those who performed exceptionally.

    The day was divided into 3 major activities: Parlimentary Debate, Role Play and Functional

    Responsibilites Cases.

    The Parlimentary debate revolved around dividing the participants into teams of 3. Two teams were

    then given a case study and both teams were given two sides: the proposition and the opposition. Each

    speaker from both sides was then given two minutes each to defend their position on the case study at

    hand. These case studies were majorly centered on the Local and National Compendiums. The purpose

    was served as participants were forced to critically analyse and think about the situations and learned to

    look at both sides of an argument.

    The Role Play activity was based on the code of ethics. Participants were once again divided into teams

    and each team given a certain clause out of the Code of Ethics. Their task then was to create a short skit

    centered around the violation of said clause and how the violation could be countered. This was a fun

    activity and there were many humourous skits. Participants enjoyed themselves while also learned

    about the important code of ethics clauses.

    The last activity was based on Functional Responsibilities. Members of the different portfolios were

    given short case studies about their portfolios. Being well versed in the functional responsibilities they

    are supposed to uphold, the participants were then asked to come up and explain their case while alsoasked to answer critical questions and analyse these case studies. The audience was also allowed to ask

    questions during this activity. This allowed for different portfolio members to learn about other

    portfolios and the responsibilities they have.

    The day ended with a short prize ceremony. We awarded a best delegate award which was given to

    Talha Abbasi as he showed interest and enthusiasm throughout the day. There was also a functional

  • 7/30/2019 Seems Legit


    responsibility case study award given to Iqra Ishaque and Zain Riaz representing ICX. The best team for

    the parliamentary debate went to Naveed Zafar, Talha Abbasi, Mirza Mustafa and Zain Riaz.