suits and waists · the owl was riled with bouquets silllee rotes and carnations with a quantity of...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD APRIL 9 1907 J I TUES AX 5 f E New Handsome Silk Wraps Silk Wraps are very fashionable Jackets in Eton and Pony and Coats in ty and full lengths are in demand We show a very attractive collection of these very smart and stylish garments and there are many variations several models affording opportunity for the gratification of every taste Woodward Lothrop YorkWASHINGTONParis 1 BLACK l i y a 7 = At 750 A Splendid Black Taffeta Silk Eton Jacket trimmed with braid and lined with white silk all sizes At 1250 A Splendid Black Taffeta Silk Pony Jacket with braid and strap lined with white silk all sizes r tricnmiltg and At 1500 A Handsome Black Taffeta Silk Eton Jacket with pleated girdle ef- fect and fancy braid vest lined with white silk all sizes At 1500 A Handsome Black Taffeta Silk Pony Jacket embroidered and trim med with braid black or white silk lining all sizes ¬ Also a very choice collection of finer Outergarments in a wide va- riety of styles in rich silks and laces up to 6400 each Handsome New Suits E have just received a new collection of Fancy Tailormad Suits in plain black and plain blue Panama trimmed with braids and made in Pony and Eton styles plaited skirts An excep- tionally good suit at 2100 each We have also just received some new effects in brown blue and black Chiffon Panama Suits made in a variety of shapes everal very novel ideas being used in application The new prices are 2850 and 30 00 each And they are specially worthy of inspection Handsome New Skirts We also slaw a splendid collection m New White Wool Skirts which arc so popular They are in serges Panamas and voiles and are made in a wide variety of styles We call special attention to our col- lection of White Serge Skirts at 875 1000 and 1250 each Smart Spring Millinery- For All Occasions HE preeminence of Woodward Lothrop Millinery has been dem onstrated during the show days of the past few weeks Our Mil- linery Salon presents abundant selection of hats from the fore- most Parisian and importations this season are gen- erally conceded to be handsomer than ever before Quite as attractive however are the charming hats that come each day fresh and original from our own workrooms Latest models now on display in Mushroom Hats Parisienne Sailors Poke Bonnets Flower Hats The Cloche Picture Hats Toques and Turbans Special Sale of Domestic and Oriental Rugs- To Make Room for Mattings and New Spring Stock I E are offering reductions of onethird to onehalf on a number of rugs which while good patterns have been discontinued- by the manufacturers Also lots of rugs purchased at specially low prices Hotelkeepers as well as housekeepers will find it to tljeir interest to take advantage of this sale The and many others are included in this c 4 t s braid t e Tiii aaarG at i 1 1 motli tea our t 1 Siptialaf9a1eaL itaadIoarZ4aIM at ¬ ¬ ¬ = = ¬ < == = = > Were Now 0000 oo 4000 3250 2500 1900 3000 2250 1750 1350 3000 1850 31 81 475 350 81 350 250 et M 8 300 200 Iv m Iot ww 3750 2975 1t lc g A IersMa Itfdysa 11 lYiltea Raer- fot iaLit ski a aa n dl s xis ttlst- e llnrreis Rate 00e for r IInrseh Raee xa F r ioei leas vet ° = ° ° ° ° ° > ° °°° ° > Were Now DMh 200 100 75c 40c f 250 125 f 500 250 J 2750 and 3000 2250 f 2250 and 2500 1750 lta r 1750 and 2000 1500- i r 1500 and 1750 1250 lS r 1350 and 1500 1075 800 and 1000 575 L 1 n i t IIati Irps t 1kW hags 1 one l aste 11aarMa ka enr i mil One lot leatal hags = ° ° ° ° ° ° + > ° ° Twenty Large Oriental Rugs in various sizes and choice designs and colorings offered at about Onethird Less Than Regular Prices FtIa 4 feari at The Onepiece Waist Pattern STILLMAN inventor the Onepiece Waist straight front and back will give with the sale of her Combination Pattern Eton jacket corset cover and waist a beautiful Bias Front Waist Pattern of her designing They are the only two Onepiece Pat terns known to the dressmaking world This demonstration is both and educational It cannot fail to interest all our Main urG st WOODWARD I MISS overt pro- gressive patrons f ¬ ¬ Imported Etamine At Half Price DEPARTMENT an another purchase of Etamine similar to that a few weeks back This lot consists of 750 yards It is made of highgrade flax and mercerized cotton Shown in white and a limited quantity of light blue 250 the yard Regular price 5oc LOTHROP LINEN II advertised saetat fearElereafi a Miss Gladys Frost Weds Her bert Ogden in New York JOSS MAGEUDEE MAKES DEBUT Ambassador and Bnronesn Von Sternburer Leave to Sail for Tomorrow Mr and Mr Bryce Return from Their Vlqlt in Canada and Trip to Chicago A wedding of much interest to Wash- ingtonians since both the bride and bridegroom are well known here was that of Miss Gladys Frost the daughter of Mrs Henry Titus Frost and Herbert celebrated afternoon at 4 oclock In St Thomas Protestant Episcopal Church New York Rarely has Thomas been so exquisitely decorated The owl was Riled with bouquets Silllee rotes and carnations with a quantity of palms and spreading ferns The brides attendants were Mrs Wither bee Stack of Pelham Manor New York and Mrs N Dsrrell Harvey of Provi- dence R I as matrons of honor and the bridesmaids were Misses Elizabeth Laud- er of Grace Tucker of Albany and Kathleen U R Buckloy of New York Air Ogdens brother acted as beat man and the ushers were Paymaster Charles P Dyer U S N Dr N Darrell Harvey of Providence William S Peachy and William Mills Thompson of Washington A reception was held at the Hotel Buckingham after the ceremony and Mrs George W Vanderbilt who are entertaining a house party at Blltmore House have among their guests Mre Winston Churchill the Aus- trian Ambassador M Lotolller of the Belgian Legation and others Mr and Mrs Vanderbilt are entertaining their house guests with a round of delightful A trip to Pisgah Lodge lice been arranged for this week Senator and Mrs Chauncey Depew who have been m m bare of the Biltmore House party have returned to New York Other guests are expected at Blltmore House within the next few days The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs GarfleW have taken a long tense begin- ning next fan on the house of Mw Violet Reels Bloomer in Massachusetts avenue MtoftIaabet May lies to sell the first of May with the Duke Of Neweaetla and his niece Miss Ltster- Kayt to pass some time abroad Th Dvke Newcastle who has been pasflwg some time In this country has lever f td in New York and oUter pteees he lies visited and was yesterday the of Mrs Wilson Shannon Dunn of New York when an Informal vaudeville performance was given The Hon Maude Pauncefote who lies been the guest of Mrs Townsend the past winter is now visiting Sfrs Letter Miss Joaana Schroeder entertained at diner lest night in honor of her hones gttegt Mtae Dorothy H rv n sit ef her petty going later to the dance tor UM- Childrens Country Home at Ra sehers The table decorations were pink caraa Uem Her guests were Miss Carroll Harper alter Dodge Mist Chew Miss Mary Miss Dorothy Harvey Mr James Palmer Mr Caseeite Mr Ma- kMie Mr Fmnkltn Ellis Mr James Hop- kins The tea given by Dr and Mrs Magruder to signalize the tlelAit of their daughter label Magruder yesterday after- noon was one of the most brilliant affairs of the season The house was richly deco- rated with palms and quantities of carna- tions Mrs Magruder was assisted in receiving by Mrs Bromwell Mrs West cott Mrs Francis Miss Denny and Misa- GoWsborough and wore a charming toi- lette of violet muslin trimmed with fon and a profusion of ribbon Miss Ma- grtMers gown which was especially be- coming was a simple toilet of white chif- fon The guests Includod every one recog- nized as being in society Despite her tong Illness of the early winter Miss Magruder was in superb health yesterday The Ambassador from Germany anti Baroness Speck von Sternburg left yes- terday for New York and will sail on Wednesday tor Germany going at once to the estates of the Ambassador la Sax- ony where they wilt remain for a num- ber of weeks In their absence the em- bassy wilt be In charge of Count von Hatz who has not yet de- cided on the summer headquarters of the embassy Count von Hatzfeldt must not be eonfounded with Count Hutzfeidt Trachenburg the soninlaw of the Jap- anese Ambassador who has greater part of the winter In Washing- ton as they are members of very tar branches of a family bearing the same name The British Ambassador and Mrs Bryce returned yesterday from their visit to the governorgeneral of Canada Lord Grey and have no Immediate plans tor the future They will be entertained to- night by Mr and Mrs Arthur Lee Their trip through the United States was given by the Pilgrims In New York at which Mr Bryce was the honored guest They were entertained by Sfr and Mrs Franklin MacVeagh and Marshall Field In Chicago Mrs Bryce Is many years younger than her husband a woman of great savory pits and distinc- tion whose grace beauty and tact add to her husbands prestige Mr de Thai who is connected with the Rweelan court and Is at present serving as second secretary to the Muscovite Em wssy In this country is talented musi- cally At the garden party at Mrs Graham Bells the other day his numbers were much applauded and he was very generous In responding to the encores Another Russian at present residing in Washington who has gret musical tal Diamonds of quality guaran teed by a reputation of over one hundred years is an in vestment that for all time will yield large returns in satis faction GALT mO Established Over a Century Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers 1107 Penna Avenues IN THESOOIAL WORLD Gouverneur Ogden yesterday St o oIl planned abEt o du BreW t4r chi feidt Wlldenburg re- moved a triumphal procession after flip dinner Alex- ander DIAMONDS BUY ING r Ger- many Air and fishing g teat tag ilea Airs 9 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ent Is Baron de Kattentaek who not only plays with ability and genius but is a composer as well Capt arid Mrs Warren Beach will en- tertain at dinner tonight in honor of tholr house guest Mrs Louis T Hoyt of Now York Invitations have been sent out by oxSen ator and Mrs Mason for the marriage of their daughter Ruth White Mason and Mr Eugene Charles Hall The ceremony wilt take place Wednesday evening April 17 at the home of the brides Miss Bthel Mason will act as of honor and the bridesmaids will be Wise Mildred Hall and Miss Kdlth The best man will be William B Mason Roderick and Lowell Mason serve as ushers Mrs Rufus G Collins of Chicago is visiting Mrs Herman A Phillips of M87 Eighteenth street northwest Rauschers presented a gay scene last night whew the dance was given for the benefit of the Childrens Country Home The decorations were vary simple consisting only of groups of palms but so happily arranged that the rooms pre- sented a vary attractive appearance On the committee were Mrs Symonds Mrs Biddle Mrs Bulmer Mrs Bradley Miss Denny Miss Gertrude Myer Miss Biddle and Miss Victoria Emory The patronesses were Mrs Bacon Mrs Bulmer Mrs Denny Mrs Dodge Mrs Eno Mrs lisle Mrs Glover Mrs Huff Miss Kean Mrs Arthur Lee Mrs Alex ardor Legare Mrs McCauley Mrs Ljan Mrs Newberry Mrs Oliver Mrs Perkins Mrs Riggs Mien Jane Riggs Miss Schroeder Mme van Swlndereu and Mrs Wainwright Those receiving were Mrs Schreeder who wore an elaborate gown of blue satin Mrs Harrison Dodge In a stunning gown of pompadour silk Miss Biddle whose charming frock wee of chiffon built on liberty silk and Mtefi Victoria Emory In pink satin Mrs Donny who was listed to receive was prevented from attending because of the lames of her husband who although still quite ill te rapidly Improving A buffet supper was served between 13 and 1 oclock These were between 300 and JW- SUttXs present representing every set In Washington society At the fete for the benefit of the Womans Army sad Navy League atPort Diver tomorrow Miss Adelaide Vernon will render musical assistance alias Vernon is a teacher of voioe culture having Dome to Washington some five years aat from London and through her unusual mustcul sad dramatic ability has made an enviable place in the Wash- ington musical world Some of the boxholders at tfce National last night for the special performance of- rThe Lton and the Moos given under the auspices of the Fartntnglon Society were Mis Roosevelt Mrs SbapkiM Mrs Straus and Mrs Garfield The object ef this society Js to takes sufficient money to defray the expens B of a nurse to visit among the poor The steamship La Touraine brought four distinguished Frenchmen to America yesterday woo came to Attend the dedica- tion of the Carnegie Institute In Pitte burg They are D L C Knmrt director of the French Trocadero Museum J Rate secretary to UM Chamber of Deputies Baron dEstountelles de Constant and Pftul Doumer expresident of the French Senate woo was a candidate for the Pres- idency at the last election Baron iTEstourneUes the reorder of the American branch of the Aseoeiathm ef In- ternational Condttation Is expected hi Washington today to visit tie Presi- dent Mr and Mrs Robert F Shepard and family are stopping temporarily at IBS- Rfess place while repairs are being made in their home 1306 Eighteenth street The children f Mr std Mrs WJUtam G Bopp gave a reception last night In honor golden anniversary of the wedding of their parents who Move toads their home in Washington during the whole period of their married life They made the trip from Leesburg where the wedding took place in a Concord coach Mr Bopp is a German a native of Darm stoat bat has lived In America since IRS He was a participator In all the stirring times of the period before the war Mrs Bopp was Miss Mary A Barite A- Leesbws Va Of the seren children born to them lira are stilt Jiving ARMY AND NAVY Army Order OBOHOK J NKWOARDSV WSM to M- tMnc baud at Wa UMstw B mck fer Pint Umti WIIUAM MeK VMDDKV PHILIP VOTT and EDWARD N 3IACON ArtiHwjr Corp pconoted to eanlaiMt- CoMi et ftBtooD IRA A ALLEN typo Fret Jte- IlMiwa to hk hears Sew Vwk 3ky for nokMnt of cMrtnet- OwitnK 8owai HKKBERT C WOOLLBY bola Xw Yet CIty to VaMMftr BcnadM- Mnt Lint CLARKXCB C CULVEU TWrd O T sIp to defatted tttf senior sad to tW a Ta- hi tlM ttnwl Case Nnvnl Orders Ctpt P OAMT dctafltd mtmbtr tMwaf r taMd in connection with oott oT dM eea te UM- taiWoc the hotMi of e gMeri g l inc erected at the N l Aead mr- Ue t A W rUEBSEY d acbed nreoHm p- Lnptmiler maty film I ngue Iricnd K MeCOMMON d ta hed LancMter mfr I MflD Idaad Pa ic to BreokljB- MUiktowui N M SMITH to the Bweau ef Yank and Doieki DcpartMeat WMkhigtok D C OHl BMiMV A C CUNNINOHASl dHMhtH- dotr Ikncw of Yank sod Dock Navy freer WathtagtoB D C e to WT relit Nor folk Chit Bogtoaer L K OKBOOItY detaekcd duty My yaid Notfatt Va c April 9 9K to UM BAT lud New Y April M- INT Ci fl H gtoe r U 8 O to ateRton D C far duty as easier meraixr ef Bxaainine Bards OBodoc wadtr the eofmifawe of tie Bu IMH of Ysri sad Dock Nary Depirtra Ht- CflUef HoaUmta C f PtBRCB rethed to tile jacd New York N Y rtj oe of tie per of UM yard MOVEMENTS OP VB8SKL8 Tbe foltewlBg mote raenU of resets sere beta repotted to tie liu- ArtkedApril S ChoeUw st Norfolk Dolphin at Wwbmsfem BO M at Aeaptiko Vbipj J Hall TnutoB red Maedowncb at Key West Wert- Yksinia at Qloa apo Ca wtf at Cbuteaton April r 1ntirie at uanUMao Abar ada at Hampton lloadi Mayflower at UiTosa- SttHed April 4 St Louis from Juintanamo for Hampton ICMd April Choctaw from New- port Nets for N rfott UttateEton item Piaodi- Mcbor e for 8hBshi HeteHle from Im Meat for Key Welt 1adneah from Port Limon for Tnuflto April 7 Caesar Item Cbarlestoo to rd tat earl targe No 1 Iotoaao from Norfolk to Man tar sal barge No 1 fralrie ram JtkMOnio do Cuba for imBta uao Aba raft H ptw Koad to carat lilt eat No L READY FOR RIFLE PRACTICE Fourth Infantry Company Encamps nt Naval Academy Range Special to TIM llenld- Annapalis Md April S A company of the Fourth Infantry United States regu lar army commanded by Capt G H B Smith arrived in Annapolis today from Washington and Is ROW encamped at the Naval Academy rifle range to engage in two weeks rifle practice Other officers assigned to the company are FirstLteuts Carter and Cardeman Second Lieut Dietrich and Surgeon Hart Two companies of cavalry stationed ut Fort Myer Va Will for prac- tice when the company now here departs Preserved Gets Pension The Pension Bureau has granted n pen- sion at the rate of 12 a month to Pre served Angell tf Jlbode Island par- e 1s maid I fa- r Vary Darryl Y t dprR I r York S HITS naT of S WIIJtu foR her Angell r- and will Rio yellow well fit the tai well rite sir e Atq try Maw lad fir ether teat NasiNAtktt tort lace Dome ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > PRELATES MEET HERE Catholic University Matters to Considered OAEDINAI WILL PRESIDE- Ten ArchbUhopa to Deliberate Over Affairs of American Church Plan Protest Against Ants of French Government Matter of Pence to He TaUon Up A twp meeting of the archbtahepe States will begin tomorrow in Hall at the Catholic Unirer- slty Ten of the of the American hierarchy expected to and Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore will preside Tomorrow they will hold a Joint meet Ins with the trustees of the university and dltcuea the management and finance of the Institution On Thursday the arch Wshojw wlfl eonjider American church matters one of them being the increase of Peters pence It is likely some action will be taken looking to an expression of protest against the spoliation of the phurch property in Prance The trustees of the university will tWo meeting Thursday at McMahon Hall and it 18 expected their deliberation will be continued on Friday There are fourteen archWehops in the United States but of theae Archbtehod Quigley of Chicago Is on his way home from Rome and will not reach America until next week Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ryan of Philadelphia arrived in Washington yesterday afternoon and are the gueate of the president of the university Archbishops Parlay of New York and Ryaq of Philadelphia and Bishop Hark 1ns of Providence R I are members of the Catholic Missionary Union and one of the interesting meetings incidental coming to Washington of the prH atea of the church will be a gathering of the trustees of the Apostolic Mission Heuae to bear the annual report of Rev A P Doyle reefer of that Institution and to transact other business in connec- tion therewith Peters Pence to He Connlderrd It to said Uw contribution of Peters pence for Uw support of the Pope from America has become a matter of com- plaint at Rome and the leaden of the church feel called upon to bring this fea- ture of Catholic worship into greater prominence in the future It Is to be the purpose of the hierarchy to raise the contribution from Catholics for this purpose to 1000000 annually- It is expected that the drafting of another memorial protesting against the spoliation of the church lands In France by the government will occupy much of the attention of prelates and un- doubtedly a letter of sympathy from American Catholics will be sent to the French hierarchy on the subject e day of holds to- Ut the ire Peters Caldwell are at- tend under- stood ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Voile Suits Particularly stylish and ed colors include the new tau std other shades as well as Mack and white Price range 40 4250 55 and up to i I I- It i 585 I w 1 el tailor i 5 a tr ¬ DULIN MARTIN CO Old Colonial Glassware Substantial Artistic Inexpensive is probably no Glass that proves so thoroughly satisfactory un der all as Old Colonial The beauty durability and inexpensiveness of this ware commend it to the practical as well as the artistic taste Our stock includes graceful shapes in the fol lowing and other wanted pieces Water Tumblers Water Goblets Punch Bowls Finger BowU Berry Bowls Fruit Stand Water Pitchers Sugars and Creams Candelabra Candlesticks e Dulin Martin Co Pottery Porcelain China Glass Silver c 1215 and 121418 Youll Get Prompt and Superior Car- riage Service if You Order from PHONE NORTH 747 1741 JOHNSON AVE Bet R S Sts and 14th 15th Sts LIGHT HIRING A SPECIALTY Painter and Paperhanger OnkT M to do piloting sad 1iptrtungine guarantee work that will with ppror We study out sad execute the most mititk cfl ctt Patriot y Paparhangor 1727 Seventh Street N W Phono N 4 23 I THERE blc t many I I J FSt G St- I S ELLMANS I TABLES C LEVER the nor PLITT J Its meet ¬ ¬ > Strictly Reliable Qualities An Exclusive Ladies Cloak Suit and Furnishing House Business hours 8 am to 6 Garments of Artistic Design CLOTH SUITS Designers and artisans have developed the t 0 new fabrics into suits of splendid character and styles assembly of ETON and COAT SUITS Is rich in garments of distinc- tion and variety The new stripes checks and plain colors are prominent The price range is as follows 1 1650 20 25 2850 30 3250 3350 35 3850 t SILK SUITS Handsome Silk Suits in a fine quality of black t taffeta 35 and 3850 f m t t t1 a t A IU pm- t i SUiTS and WAISTS I I And Superior Workmanship t I S t t t- Our f ++++ + + + Jumper Suits Attractive new models just re- ceived styles that promise to be much in vogue for spring and summer Checks plain colon Our prices for these suits are 1850 25 40 I I J t and t ¬ + These Lace Waists are the most beautiful we have ever shown delight the feminine taste tor dalntness and charm 650 850 10 1550 and 1850 H McKNEW CO 933 Pa Avenue 1 I i 51350 It WM t- e e e O 0 4 and will f- p + TRADCMAK Sloans Art Galleries 1407 G St Washington D C A NOTABLE AUCTION EVENT The Countess dAudigneS- ALE OF SUMPTUOUS FURNISHINGS MOSTLY IMPORTED Begins Tomorrow April 10 Pelages of ancient Venice Empire rare Adams Sli and Sed ebamb r Wonderful Hall Clock a collection of Royal China Groups Oh Mei e n Lille and useful and ornamental China Cut Glass Rare Books Rugs Mirrors Empire Bronse Candelabrum and Fire Sets Old Prints Hangings Curios c mostly collected abroad by the Countess dAudigneW- ho is now traveling in lurope where she Tylll make her future home These valuable streets have recently been removed from her Washington residence No Ifi9 K street which is now for sale to our ART GALLERIES No 1407 G St where they will be sold at unre- stricted public auction tomorrow Thursday and Friday April 10 11 slid 12 1907 at 11 am and 3 p m On public view up to hour of sale CATALOGUES MAILED ON APPLICATION 1407 G Street Washington D C I The periOds of Louts XV and XVI Italian item fire Royal Chip Vernis and other furniture Parlor Library try Dresden Chel- sea rlental C G Sloan Co Auctioneers t 4EO1iTERED i Renaissance 31art1a for D room Gobelln Lo setoff other e TO- e o 1 > HIS MASTERS VOICE TALKING MACHINES- ON Easy Payments Nothing surpass the Vic tor as an entertainer for your self your family or yOUr friends A small cash pay ment will put one in your home arid easy weekly or monthly payments will make it yours Comedy tragedy sacred and secular music coon BOMBS and grand opera aH falthfrtly re produced Stop in sad let us show you some of the things a Victor can do JohnFEUisCo 937 Penna Ave N W There Are No Finer Coffees Grown than Old Mandehling Java and Arabian Mocha Oar Breakfast and Afterdinner Cof- fees are blended from these two famous coffees Selected in the raw bean and fresh roasted daily on the prem- ises Price 38c Ib C7SmitbfleId sad Ferris Haste IlonelesB Bacon Beechnut Ba con G G Cornwell Son Grocers end 14121414 Avenue Spring Sale REGULAR MARKED PRICES FOR CASH Fine Furniture Bricabrac Curios c And many other useful things Suitable for Wedding Gifts Old Colony Co IMPORTERS 1403 H Street N W NO CKEAM TASTE8 LIKE PROOF OF SUPERIORITY best evidence of the high quality Fussells Ice Cream- u fornklwd by iu jfm of itccdr sad Erowins popularity Tie fatorite froMK rioters err alL Order FttMenV sad be sure of highest purity sad dtiieioai 1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513 BRIDAL CARRIAGESA- nd the most elegant turnouts are furnished at DOWNEYS 16201628 L St HW Solos Department A large of nawoed aad a great rariety of sew std iteaod band oarrusn and hameseea for oak CTJiTemhios Strictly u Repreunted C3 The Dressing Makes the Salad Always tovort LUellA bUUUd OLIVE OIL It dyes dtHeiew pitukser flat OllVe Oil J BS otter ott caa 1 G ar ot d Qftft Full oteUlr pve Pall QT Quart bottles see Fen pts Thompson PharmacyF- rank C Henry Prop 703 15th CANOESO- rder now and have your boat in time We have all the newest styles If youre interested In canoes don t fall to see stock Athletic Goods Sag Pcnniylvtnia Ave N W PAPERHANGERSSa- mple books now ready for distribution FOERHEBZ08 CO Vbilc3ale and llctaii 724 13tli St Phone Mnln CoQ VICTOR II U J Importer 2500 Off lU ELLS THE I M T FUSSELL acc aIaUd To k petted use Gar part tAo St Sportint and S all f t J T fie Peoria s t t mace rase t i slut lure a care sir you our Watford Papers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

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Post on 27-Jun-2020




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Page 1: SUiTS and WAISTS · The owl was Riled with bouquets Silllee rotes and carnations with a quantity of palms and spreading ferns The brides attendants were Mrs Wither bee Stack of Pelham




f E


Handsome Silk WrapsSilk Wraps are very fashionable Jackets in Eton and Pony

and Coats in ty and full lengths are in demandWe show a very attractive collection of these very smart and

stylish garments and there are many variations severalmodels affording opportunity for the gratification of every taste

Woodward LothropYorkWASHINGTONParis







=At 750

A Splendid Black Taffeta SilkEton Jacket trimmed with braidand lined with white silk all sizes

At 1250A Splendid Black Taffeta Silk

Pony Jacket with braid and straplined with white silk

all sizes


tricnmiltg and

At 1500A Handsome Black Taffeta Silk

Eton Jacket with pleated girdle ef-

fect and fancy braid vest lined withwhite silk all sizes

At 1500A Handsome Black Taffeta Silk

Pony Jacket embroidered and trimmed with braid black or white silklining all sizes


Also a very choice collection of finer Outergarments in a wide va-

riety of styles in rich silks and laces up to 6400 each

Handsome New SuitsE have just received a new collection of Fancy Tailormad Suits

in plain black and plain blue Panama trimmed with braidsand made in Pony and Eton styles plaited skirts An excep-

tionally good suit at

2100 eachWe have also just received some new effects in brown blue and

black Chiffon Panama Suits made in a variety of shapes everal verynovel ideas being used in application The new prices are

2850 and 30 00 eachAnd they are specially worthy of inspection

Handsome New SkirtsWe also slaw a splendid collection m New White Wool Skirts

which arc so popular They are in serges Panamas and voiles andare made in a wide variety of styles We call special attention to our col-

lection of White Serge Skirts at

875 1000 and 1250 each

Smart Spring Millinery-For All Occasions

HE preeminence of Woodward Lothrop Millinery has been demonstrated during the show days of the past few weeks Our Mil-

linery Salon presents abundant selection of hats from the fore-

most Parisian and importations this season are gen-

erally conceded to be handsomer than ever beforeQuite as attractive however are the charming hats that come each

day fresh and original from our own workroomsLatest models now on display in

Mushroom Hats Parisienne SailorsPoke Bonnets Flower Hats

The Cloche Picture HatsToques and Turbans

Special Sale ofDomestic and Oriental Rugs-

To Make Room for Mattings

and New Spring Stock

I E are offering reductions of onethird to onehalf on a numberof rugs which while good patterns have been discontinued-by the manufacturers Also lots of rugs purchased atspecially low prices

Hotelkeepers as well as housekeepers will find it to tljeir interestto take advantage of this sale

The and many others are included in this








Tiii aaarG at i 1


motli tea our



Siptialaf9a1eaL itaadIoarZ4aIM at




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= =


Were Now0000 oo

4000 32502500 19003000 22501750 13503000 1850

31 81 475 35081 350 250

et M 8 300 200




ww 3750 2975



g AIersMa Itfdysa

11lYiltea Raer-

fot iaLit ski a

aa n dl sxis ttlst-

ellnrreis Rate

00e for rIInrseh Raee

xa F r





° °

° °

°> °

°°° °


Were NowDMh 200 100

75c 40cf 250 125

f 500 250J 2750 and 3000 2250

f 2250 and 2500 1750lta r 1750 and 2000 1500-

i r 1500 and 1750 1250lS r 1350 and 1500 1075

800 and 1000 575




t IIatiIrps

t 1kWhags 1

one l aste 11aarMa

kaenr imil

One lotleatal hags

=° °°

° ° °



° °

Twenty Large Oriental Rugs in various sizes andchoice designs and colorings offered at about

Onethird Less Than Regular PricesFtIa


feari at

The OnepieceWaist Pattern

STILLMAN inventorthe Onepiece Waist

straight front andback will give with the sale of herCombination Pattern Eton jacketcorset cover and waist a beautiful

Bias Front Waist Patternof her designing They arethe only two Onepiece Patterns known to the dressmakingworld

This demonstration is bothand educational It cannot

fail to interest all ourMain urG st










Imported Etamine

At Half Price

DEPARTMENT ananother purchase of

Etamine similar tothat a few weeks back

This lot consists of 750 yards Itis made of highgrade flax andmercerized cotton Shown in whiteand a limited quantity of light blue

250 the yard

Regular price 5oc





saetat fearElereafi a

Miss Gladys Frost Weds Herbert Ogden in New York


Ambassador and Bnronesn VonSternburer Leave to Sail for

Tomorrow Mr and MrBryce Return from Their Vlqlt inCanada and Trip to Chicago

A wedding of much interest to Wash-ingtonians since both the bride andbridegroom are well known here wasthat of Miss Gladys Frost the daughterof Mrs Henry Titus Frost and Herbert

celebratedafternoon at 4 oclock In St ThomasProtestant Episcopal Church New YorkRarely has Thomas been so exquisitelydecorated

The owl was Riled with bouquetsSilllee rotes and carnations with aquantity of palms and spreading fernsThe brides attendants were Mrs Witherbee Stack of Pelham Manor New Yorkand Mrs N Dsrrell Harvey of Provi-dence R I as matrons of honor and thebridesmaids were Misses Elizabeth Laud-er of Grace Tucker of Albanyand Kathleen U R Buckloy of NewYork Air Ogdens brother acted as beatman and the ushers were PaymasterCharles P Dyer U S N Dr N DarrellHarvey of Providence William SPeachy and William Mills Thompson ofWashington A reception was held at theHotel Buckingham after the ceremony

and Mrs George W Vanderbiltwho are entertaining a house party atBlltmore House have among their guests

Mre Winston Churchill the Aus-trian Ambassador M Lotolller of theBelgian Legation and others Mr andMrs Vanderbilt are entertaining theirhouse guests with a round of delightful

A trip to Pisgah Lodge lice beenarranged for this week Senator and MrsChauncey Depew who have been m mbare of the Biltmore House party havereturned to New York Other guests areexpected at Blltmore House within thenext few days

The Secretary of the Interior and MrsGarfleW have taken a long tense begin-ning next fan on the house of MwViolet Reels Bloomer in Massachusettsavenue

MtoftIaabet May lies to sellthe first of May with the Duke Of

Neweaetla and his niece Miss Ltster-Kayt to pass some time abroad

Th Dvke Newcastle who has beenpasflwg some time In this country haslever f td in New York and oUter pteeeshe lies visited and was yesterday the

of Mrs Wilson Shannon Dunn ofNew York when an Informal vaudevilleperformance was given

The Hon Maude Pauncefote who liesbeen the guest of Mrs Townsendthe past winter is now visiting SfrsLetter

Miss Joaana Schroeder entertained atdiner lest night in honor of her honesgttegt Mtae Dorothy H rv n sit ef herpetty going later to the dance tor UM-

Childrens Country Home at Ra sehersThe table decorations were pink caraaUem Her guests were Miss CarrollHarper alter Dodge Mist Chew MissMary Miss Dorothy HarveyMr James Palmer Mr Caseeite Mr Ma-kMie Mr Fmnkltn Ellis Mr James Hop-kins

The tea given by Dr and Mrs Magruderto signalize the tlelAit of their daughter

label Magruder yesterday after-noon was one of the most brilliant affairsof the season The house was richly deco-rated with palms and quantities of carna-tions Mrs Magruder was assisted inreceiving by Mrs Bromwell Mrs Westcott Mrs Francis Miss Denny and Misa-GoWsborough and wore a charming toi-lette of violet muslin trimmed withfon and a profusion of ribbon Miss Ma-grtMers gown which was especially be-coming was a simple toilet of white chif-fon The guests Includod every one recog-nized as being in society Despite her tongIllness of the early winter Miss Magruderwas in superb health yesterday

The Ambassador from Germany antiBaroness Speck von Sternburg left yes-terday for New York and will sail onWednesday tor Germany going at onceto the estates of the Ambassador la Sax-ony where they wilt remain for a num-ber of weeks In their absence the em-bassy wilt be In charge of Count von Hatz

who has not yet de-cided on the summer headquarters of theembassy Count von Hatzfeldt must notbe eonfounded with Count HutzfeidtTrachenburg the soninlaw of the Jap-anese Ambassador who hasgreater part of the winter In Washing-ton as they are members of very tar

branches of a family bearing thesame name

The British Ambassador and MrsBryce returned yesterday from their visitto the governorgeneral of Canada LordGrey and have no Immediate plans torthe future They will be entertained to-night by Mr and Mrs Arthur LeeTheir trip through the United States was

given by the Pilgrims In New York atwhich Mr Bryce was the honored guestThey were entertained by Sfr and MrsFranklin MacVeagh and MarshallField In Chicago Mrs Bryce Is manyyears younger than her husband awoman of great savory pits and distinc-tion whose grace beauty and tact addto her husbands prestige

Mr de Thai who is connected with theRweelan court and Is at present servingas second secretary to the Muscovite Emwssy In this country is talented musi-cally At the garden party at Mrs

Graham Bells the other day hisnumbers were much applauded and hewas very generous In responding to theencores

Another Russian at present residing inWashington who has gret musical tal

Diamonds ofquality guaran

teed by a reputation of overone hundred years is an investment that for all time willyield large returns in satisfaction

GALT mOEstablished Over a Century

Jewellers Silversmiths Stationers

1107 Penna Avenues


Gouverneur Ogden yesterday







BreW t4r


feidt Wlldenburg


a triumphal procession after flip dinner





Air and


g teat



























ent Is Baron de Kattentaek who not onlyplays with ability and genius but is acomposer as well

Capt arid Mrs Warren Beach will en-

tertain at dinner tonight in honor of tholrhouse guest Mrs Louis T Hoyt of NowYork

Invitations have been sent out by oxSenator and Mrs Mason for the marriage oftheir daughter Ruth White Mason andMr Eugene Charles Hall The ceremonywilt take place Wednesday eveningApril 17 at the home of the brides

Miss Bthel Mason will act as

of honor and the bridesmaids will be WiseMildred Hall and Miss Kdlth Thebest man will be William B Mason

Roderick and Lowell Mason serveas ushers

Mrs Rufus G Collins of Chicago isvisiting Mrs Herman A Phillips of M87

Eighteenth street northwest

Rauschers presented a gay scene lastnight whew the dance was given forthe benefit of the Childrens CountryHome The decorations were vary simpleconsisting only of groups of palms butso happily arranged that the rooms pre-

sented a vary attractive appearance On

the committee were Mrs Symonds MrsBiddle Mrs Bulmer Mrs Bradley MissDenny Miss Gertrude Myer Miss Biddleand Miss Victoria Emory

The patronesses were Mrs Bacon MrsBulmer Mrs Denny Mrs Dodge MrsEno Mrs lisle Mrs Glover Mrs HuffMiss Kean Mrs Arthur Lee Mrs Alexardor Legare Mrs McCauley MrsLjan Mrs Newberry Mrs Oliver MrsPerkins Mrs Riggs Mien Jane RiggsMiss Schroeder Mme van Swlndereu andMrs Wainwright

Those receiving were Mrs Schreederwho wore an elaborate gown of bluesatin Mrs Harrison Dodge In a stunninggown of pompadour silk Miss Biddlewhose charming frock wee ofchiffon built on liberty silk and MtefiVictoria Emory In pink satin MrsDonny who was listed to receive wasprevented from attending because of thelames of her husband who althoughstill quite ill te rapidly Improving Abuffet supper was served between 13 and1 oclock These were between 300 and JW-

SUttXs present representing every set InWashington society

At the fete for the benefit of theWomans Army sad Navy League atPortDiver tomorrow Miss Adelaide Vernonwill render musical assistance aliasVernon is a teacher of voioeculture having Dome to Washington somefive years aat from London and throughher unusual mustcul sad dramatic abilityhas made an enviable place in the Wash-ington musical world

Some of the boxholders at tfce Nationallast night for the special performance of-

rThe Lton and the Moos given underthe auspices of the Fartntnglon Societywere Mis Roosevelt Mrs SbapkiM MrsStraus and Mrs Garfield The object efthis society Js to takes sufficient money todefray the expens B of a nurse to visitamong the poor

The steamship La Touraine broughtfour distinguished Frenchmen to Americayesterday woo came to Attend the dedica-tion of the Carnegie Institute In Pitteburg They are D L C Knmrt directorof the French Trocadero Museum J Ratesecretary to UM Chamber of DeputiesBaron dEstountelles de Constant andPftul Doumer expresident of the FrenchSenate woo was a candidate for the Pres-idency at the last election

Baron iTEstourneUes the reorder of theAmerican branch of the Aseoeiathm ef In-

ternational Condttation Is expected hiWashington today to visit tie Presi-dent

Mr and Mrs Robert F Shepard andfamily are stopping temporarily at IBS-

Rfess place while repairs are being madein their home 1306 Eighteenth street

The children f Mr std Mrs WJUtamG Bopp gave a reception last night Inhonor golden anniversary of thewedding of their parents who Move toadstheir home in Washington during thewhole period of their married life Theymade the trip from Leesburg where thewedding took place in a Concord coachMr Bopp is a German a native of Darmstoat bat has lived In America since IRSHe was a participator In all the stirringtimes of the period before the war

Mrs Bopp was Miss Mary A Barite A-

Leesbws Va Of the seren childrenborn to them lira are stilt Jiving



tMnc baud at Wa UMstw B mck fer

Pint Umti WIIUAM MeK VMDDKV PHILIPVOTT and EDWARD N 3IACON ArtiHwjrCorp pconoted to eanlaiMt-

CoMi et ftBtooD IRA A ALLEN typo Fret Jte-

IlMiwa to hk hears Sew Vwk 3ky fornokMnt of cMrtnet-

OwitnK 8owai HKKBERT C WOOLLBY bolaX w Yet CIty to VaMMftr BcnadM-


sIp to defatted tttf senior sad to tW a Ta-

hi tlM ttnwl Case

Nnvnl OrdersCtpt P OAMT dctafltd mtmbtr tMwaf r

taMd in connection with oott oT dM eea te UM-

taiWoc the hotMi of e gMeri g linc erected at the N l Aead mr-

Ue t A W rUEBSEY d acbed nreoHm p-

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and Doieki DcpartMeat WMkhigtok D COHl BMiMV A C CUNNINOHASl dHMhtH-

dotr Ikncw of Yank sod Dock Navy

freer WathtagtoB D C e to WT relit Norfolk

Chit Bogtoaer L K OKBOOItY detaekcd dutyMy yaid Notfatt Va c April 9 9Kto UM BAT lud New Y April M-

INTCi fl H gtoe r U 8 O to ateRton

D C far duty as easier meraixr ef BxaainineBards OBodoc wadtr the eofmifawe of tie BuIMH of Ysri sad Dock Nary Depirtra Ht-

CflUef HoaUmta C f PtBRCB rethed to tilejacd New York N Y rtj oe of tie per

of UM yard

MOVEMENTS OP VB8SKL8 Tbe foltewlBg moteraenU of resets sere beta repotted to tie liu-

ArtkedApril S ChoeUw st Norfolk Dolphin atWwbmsfem BO M at Aeaptiko Vbipj J HallTnutoB red Maedowncb at Key West Wert-Yksinia at Qloa apo Ca wtf at CbuteatonApril r 1ntirie at uanUMao Abar ada atHampton lloadi Mayflower at UiTosa-

SttHed April 4 St Louis from Juintanamo forHampton ICMd April Choctaw from New-

port Nets for N rfott UttateEton item Piaodi-Mcbor e for 8hBshi HeteHle from ImMeat for Key Welt 1adneah from Port Limonfor Tnuflto April 7 Caesar Item Cbarlestooto rd tat earl targe No 1 Iotoaao fromNorfolk to Man tar sal barge No 1 fralrieram JtkMOnio do Cuba for imBta uao Abaraft H ptw Koad to carat lilt eat

No L


Fourth Infantry Company Encampsnt Naval Academy Range

Special to TIM llenld-Annapalis Md April S A company of

the Fourth Infantry United States regular army commanded by Capt G H BSmith arrived in Annapolis today fromWashington and Is ROW encamped at theNaval Academy rifle range to engage intwo weeks rifle practice Other officersassigned to the company are FirstLteutsCarter and Cardeman Second LieutDietrich and Surgeon Hart

Two companies of cavalry stationed utFort Myer Va Will for prac-tice when the company now here departs

Preserved Gets PensionThe Pension Bureau has granted n pen-

sion at the rate of 12 a month to Preserved Angell tf Jlbode Island


e 1s maid





Y t dprR I r

York S





WIIJtu foR




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Catholic University Mattersto Considered


Ten ArchbUhopa to DeliberateOver Affairs of American ChurchPlan Protest Against Ants ofFrench Government Matter of

Pence to He TaUon Up

A twp meeting of the archbtahepeStates will begin tomorrow

in Hall at the Catholic Unirer-slty Ten of the of theAmerican hierarchy expected to

and Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimorewill preside

Tomorrow they will hold a Joint meetIns with the trustees of the universityand dltcuea the management and financeof the Institution On Thursday the archWshojw wlfl eonjider American churchmatters one of them being the increaseof Peters pence It is likely some actionwill be taken looking to an expression ofprotest against the spoliation of thephurch property in Prance

The trustees of the university will tWomeeting Thursday at McMahon

Hall and it 18 expected their deliberationwill be continued on Friday

There are fourteen archWehops in theUnited States but of theae ArchbtehodQuigley of Chicago Is on his way homefrom Rome and will not reach Americauntil next week

Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Ryanof Philadelphia arrived in Washingtonyesterday afternoon and are the gueate ofthe president of the university

Archbishops Parlay of New York andRyaq of Philadelphia and Bishop Hark1ns of Providence R I are members ofthe Catholic Missionary Union and oneof the interesting meetings incidental

coming to Washington of the prHatea of the church will be a gatheringof the trustees of the Apostolic MissionHeuae to bear the annual report of RevA P Doyle reefer of that Institutionand to transact other business in connec-tion therewith

Peters Pence to He ConnlderrdIt to said Uw contribution of Peters

pence for Uw support of the Pope fromAmerica has become a matter of com-plaint at Rome and the leaden of thechurch feel called upon to bring this fea-ture of Catholic worship into greaterprominence in the future It Is

to be the purpose of the hierarchyto raise the contribution from Catholicsfor this purpose to 1000000 annually-

It is expected that the drafting ofanother memorial protesting against thespoliation of the church lands In Franceby the government will occupy much ofthe attention of prelates and un-doubtedly a letter of sympathy fromAmerican Catholics will be sent to theFrench hierarchy on the subject










are at-tend








Voile SuitsParticularly stylish and

ed colors include the new tau stdother shades as well as Mack andwhitePrice range

40 4250 55 andup to

i I I-


i585 I

w 1el tailor

i5 a tr



Old ColonialGlassware

SubstantialArtisticInexpensiveis probably no

Glassthat proves so

thoroughly satisfactory under all as OldColonial

The beauty durabilityand inexpensiveness of this

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Our stock includesgraceful shapes in the following and other wantedpieces

Water TumblersWater GobletsPunch BowlsFinger BowUBerry BowlsFruit StandWater PitchersSugars and CreamsCandelabraCandlesticks e

Dulin Martin CoPottery Porcelain China Glass

Silver c

1215 and 121418

Youll Get Prompt and Superior Car-

riage Service if You Order from




1741 JOHNSON AVEBet R S Sts and 14th 15th Sts


Painter andPaperhanger

OnkT M to do piloting sad1iptrtungine guarantee workthat will with pprorWe study out sad execute the mostmititk cfl ctt

Patrioty Paparhangor

1727 Seventh Street N WPhono N 4 23







FSt G St-














Qualities An Exclusive Ladies CloakSuit and Furnishing House

Businesshours8 am

to 6

Garments of Artistic Design

CLOTH SUITS Designers and artisans have developed the t0 new fabrics into suits of splendid character and styles

assembly of ETON and COAT SUITS Is rich in garments of distinc-tion and variety The new stripes checks and plain colors are prominentThe price range is as follows

1 1650 20 25 2850 30 3250 3350 35 3850

t SILK SUITS Handsome Silk Suits in a fine quality of blackt taffeta 35 and 3850

f mt


t1a t

A IUpm-



And Superior Workmanshipt



t t-







Jumper SuitsAttractive new models just re-

ceived styles that promise to be muchin vogue for spring and summerChecks plain colon Our pricesfor these suits are

1850 25 40


tand t



These Lace Waists are the most beautiful we have ever showndelight the feminine taste tor dalntness and charm

650 850 10 1550 and 1850

H McKNEW CO 933 Pa Avenue

1 I


It WM t-

e e e

O 0 4

and will


p +


Sloans Art Galleries1407 G St Washington D C




Begins Tomorrow April 10

Pelages of ancient Venice Empire rare Adams Sli

and Sed ebamb r Wonderful Hall Clock a collection ofRoyal China Groups Oh Mei e n Lille

and useful and ornamental China Cut Glass Rare BooksRugs Mirrors Empire Bronse Candelabrum and Fire Sets Old PrintsHangings Curios c mostly collected abroad by the

Countess dAudigneW-ho is now traveling in lurope where she Tylll make her future home

These valuable streets have recently been removed from her Washingtonresidence No Ifi9 K street which is now for sale to our

ART GALLERIES No 1407 G St where they will be sold at unre-stricted public auction tomorrow Thursday and Friday April 10 11slid 12 1907 at 11 a m and 3 p m On public view up to hour of sale


1407 G Street Washington D C


The periOds of Louts XV and XVI Italian item fire RoyalChip

Vernis and other furniture Parlor Librarytry

Dresden Chel-sea rlental

C G Sloan Co Auctioneers





31art1a for D roomGobelln

Lo setoffother



e o 1





Easy PaymentsNothing surpass the Vic

tor as an entertainer for yourself your family or yOUrfriends A small cash payment will put one in yourhome arid easy weekly ormonthly payments will make ityours

Comedy tragedy sacred andsecular music coon BOMBS andgrand opera aH falthfrtly reproduced Stop in sad let usshow you some of the things aVictor can do

JohnFEUisCo937 Penna Ave N W

There Are NoFiner Coffees

Grown than Old MandehlingJava and Arabian Mocha OarBreakfast and Afterdinner Cof-

fees are blended from thesetwo famous coffees

Selected in the raw bean andfresh roasted daily on the prem-ises Price 38c Ib

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Spring Sale


Fine FurnitureBricabracCurios c

And many other useful thingsSuitable for Wedding Gifts


1403 H Street N W



best evidence of thehigh quality

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Erowins popularity Tie fatorite froMKrioters err alL Order FttMenVsad be sure of highest purity sad dtiieioai

1427 N Y Ave Phone M 1513

BRIDAL CARRIAGESA-nd the most elegant turnouts are furnished at

DOWNEYS 16201628 L St HW

Solos DepartmentA large of nawoed aad

a great rariety of sew std iteaodband oarrusn and hameseea for oak

CTJiTemhios Strictly u Repreunted C3

The Dressing Makesthe Salad Always

tovort LUellAbUUUd OLIVE OIL It dyes

dtHeiew pitukser flatOllVe Oil J BS otter ott caa

1 G ar ot dQftft Full oteUlr pve Pall QT

Quart bottles see Fen pts

Thompson PharmacyF-rank C Henry Prop 703 15th

CANOESO-rder now and have your

boat in timeWe have all the newest styles

If youre interested In canoesdon t fall to see stock

Athletic Goods

Sag Pcnniylvtnia Ave N W

PAPERHANGERSSa-mple books now ready for distribution

FOERHEBZ08 COVbilc3ale and llctaii

724 13tli St Phone Mnln CoQ




2500 Off




acc aIaUd

To k petted useGar




Sportint andS



























