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  • 7/29/2019 Swc Faq Eng v1.0 Lowres


    02/12/2013 - Version 1.0New Card Errata: Fleeing the Empire (Core 0056) pg 2, Fleet Command Center (Core 0057) pg 2

    Official Rules Clarification,Frequently Asked Questions, and Errata

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    Card ErrataThis section contains the ofcial clarications and erratathat have been made on individual cards or sets in StarWars: The Card Game. The card entries are orderedby the set in which the specied card was printed.The errata on any individual card always applies to allreprinted versions of that card.

    Most Recent Printing

    In the case where an LCG card is reprinted with updatederrata text in a later printing, the most recent printingis the legal version of the card. All older LCG printingsare assumed to be updated with the errata text. Whenin doubt over two versions of a card, the most recentprinting can be identied by the copyright dates on thecards in question. FFG will see that all LCG reprints withupdated errata text are also recorded in the FAQ.

    Core Rulebook

    Reresh Phase (p. 12)The parenthetical text after step 1, which reads, ...(Anyeffect with the text after you refresh can be used aftercompleting this step) is misplaced.

    After you refresh effects should be initiated after thecompletion of step 3 of the refresh phase.

    Core Set

    (v1.0) Fleeing the Empire 0056Should read: Reaction: After your refresh phaseends, ...

    (v1.0) Fleet Command Center 0057Should read: Reaction: After your refresh phaseends, ...

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    Rules Clarifications

    1. Draw, Search and Reveal

    (1.1) Drawing Multiple CardsWhen a player draws multiple cards (e.g., by drawing2 cards during his draw phase, or due to a card effect

    like that of Dark Precognition (Core 0034) ), he isconsidered to be drawing them one at a time, not all atonce. This is important for effects that may initiate by acard being drawn.

    (1.2) Shuing Ater a SearchIf a player searches any deck for any reason, he mustshufe the deck to the satisfaction of his opponent(s)upon completion of the search.

    (1.3) Duration o RevealWhenever cards are revealed, they remain revealeduntil they arrive at their nal destination as specied bythe effect that caused the card to be revealed.

    2. Game Play

    (2.1) Infnite LoopsIf it is possible, with certain card combinations, tocreate an innite loop, then when executing an inniteloop the resolving player must follow these two steps:

    1. Clearly display the innite loop to the opponent (andtournament judge, if the opponent requires it). Thus,the player must display, using all cards involved, one fullcycle of the innite loop.

    2. State how many times he or she wishes to execute

    this loop. For example, the player could say I wi ll nowexecute this loop seventeen million times. Then resolvethe loop that many times instantly. If the execution ofthis loop causes the player to win the game, the gameis over and the executing player wins.

    Innite loops should never be abused to causethe game to stall.

    (2.2) Priority o Simultaneous ResolutionIf a single effect affects multiple playerssimultaneously, but the players must individuallymake choices to resolve the effect, the player whoplayed or executed the effect chooses rst, with

    priority then proceeding clockwise around the table.

    (2.3) Engaging ObjectivesAn objective is considered engaged only after steps 1(Declare objective) and 2 (Declare attackers) on page18 of the core rules are completed. If these steps arenot completed, an engagement has not been declared.

    (2.4) Facedown Cards in Edge StacksA player may look at the facedown cards in his ownedge stack at any time.

    (2.5) Facedown Captured CardsThe Dark Side player may look at facedown cardscaptured at his objectives at any time. Barring a cardeffect that allows him to do so, the Light Side playermay not look at facedown captured cards.

    3. Card Effects and Abilities

    (3.1) Cancellation o EectsEffects that are canceled are still considered to havebeen initiated or played. Only the effects are canceled.Any costs have still been paid, and are not returned orrefunded.

    (3.2) Discard PileYou may not change the order of cards in any discardpile. You may look at any players discard pile at any


    (3.3) Participated and Removal rom anEngagementA unit is only considered to have participated in anengagement if it remains in the engagement through itsresolution. If they are removed from an engagement,there is no memory of that unit having participated inthat engagement.

    4. Definition of Terms

    (4.1) The word toThe word to as in Do X to do Y indicates that X is acost that must be paid before Y can occur.

    (4.2) The Letter XUnless specied by a preceding card, card effect, orgranted player choice, the letter X is always equalto 0.

    (4.3) Moving DamageMoving damage is not considered dealing damage.However, the unit that receives the moved damage isstill considered to have been damaged. (For example,a unit with ProtectCharacter can be used to absorbdamage that is being moved to anotherCharacterunit.)

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    Advanced Timing RulesWhile most effects and rules for Star Wars: The CardGame, are simple to resolve and generally withoutcontroversy, sometimes card abilities interact in waysthat require a more detailed understanding of timing (i.e.when, and the order in which, abilities are resolved].

    Timing conicts are generally resolved dependent on thetype of card ability in question (see Card Abilities onpages 24-25 of the core rulebook). This section providesdetailed rules to help players resolve advanced timingissues.

    Frameworkeventsand action windows

    There are two basic elements of activity upon which theplay of the game advances: the Framework Event and theAction Window.

    Frameworkevents are activities that are dictated by thegame rules rather than by player choice; they are the

    fundamental occurences and rituals that propel the gameforward. Framework event windows cannot be broken byplayer actions. The grey Frameworkeventwindows in theTiming Structure diagram on pages 30-31 of the corerulebook identify each of the games framework events.

    Action effects (those denoted by a bold Action triggeron a card) may only be initiated by players during a turnsactionwindows. The blue actionwindows in the TimingStructure diagram on pages 30-31 of the core rulebookidentify the opportunities in which players may initiateactions throughout a turn.

    action abilities

    When an action window opens, the active player hasthe rst opportunity to take an action, followed by hisopponent. Then, the active player may take anotheraction,and so forth. In this way, the option to take anaction passes back and forth between the players untilboth players consecutively pass.

    An action ability is always fully resolved before the nextbegins, or before the game proceeds.

    interrupt abilitytiming

    Interrupt abilities can be used during framework eventwindows and also during action windows, provided that

    the triggeringcondition indicated by the interruptabilitys text is true.

    For example: The card abillity o theLeia Organaunitcard reads Interrupt: When this unit leaves play,remove all ocus tokens rom all cards you control.The words When this unit leaves play describe thetriggering condition that must be occuring or thisability to be used.

    An interrupt ability must be used when its triggeringcondition is occurring, before the triggering conditionhas been fully resolved. Interrupt effects often cancel,redirect, or otherwise change the resolution of thetriggering condition.

    The active player always has the rst opportunity to usean ability that interrupts a given triggering condition,followed by his opponent, after which the active playermay use another interrupt, and so forth. Interruptopportunities for that triggering condition pass back andforth between players in this manner until both playershave passed consecutively.

    Once the opportunity to interrupt a triggering conditionhas been passed, that condition itself resolves (if it hasnot been canceled), and further interrupts to that specictriggering condition may not be used.

    reaction abilitytiming

    Reaction abilities can be used during framework eventwindows and also during action windows, provided thatthe triggeringcondition indicated by the reaction abilitiystext is true.

    For example: The card ability o theNightsisterunitcard reads Reaction: Ater you commit this unitto the Force, deal 1 damage to a target objective.The words Ater you commit this unit to the Forcedescribe the triggering condition that must be trueor this reaction to be used.

    A reaction ability is always used immediately ater itstriggering condition has occurred and has been resolved.The active player always has the rst opportunity touse an ability in reaction to a given triggering condition,followed by his opponent after which the active playermay use another reaction, and so forth. Reactionopportunities for that triggering condition pass back andforth between players in this manner until both playershave passed consecutively.

    Once the opportunity to react to a triggering conditionhas been passed, further reactions to that specictriggering condition may not be used.

    interruptand reaction priorityIn the case where both interrupt and reaction abilitiescould be taken from the same triggering conditioninterrupt effects have a priority, and must be initiated andresolved rst. (Interrupts will always be used and resolvebefore the triggering condition itself, the triggeringcondition will resolve second, and reactions to thatcondition will be used and reasolve third.)

    If the triggering condition still is true after resolving allinterrupt effects (i.e., the triggering condition has notbeen cancelled), reaction abilities may then be taken.

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    eFFect resolution

    When a player wishes to play a card, take an action, orinitiate an interrupt or reaction effect, he rst declareshis intent. The following steps are then observed, inorder:

    1) Check play restrictions: can the card be played, orthe effect initiated, at this time?2) Determine the cost (or costs, if multiple costs arerequired) to play the card or initiate the effect.

    3) Apply any modiers to the cost.4) Pay the cost(s).5) Choose target(s), if applicable.6) The card is played, or the effect resolves.

    If any of the above steps would make the triggeringcondition of an Interrupt effect true, that effect may beinitiated when that triggering condition becomes true.If any of the above steps would make the triggeringcondition of a Reaction effect true, that effect may beinitiated just after the triggering condition becomestrue.

    nested eFFect sequences

    Effects generally resolve in a rst in, rstout manner. For instance, if a player hastwo reaction effects he wishes to play inreaction to a single triggering condition, therst reaction is played and resolved in itsentirety, and then the second reaction isplayed and resolved.

    It is possible, however, for an interrupt orreaction effect to cause a newtriggeringcondition that could itselftrigger asubsequent series of interrupt and reaction

    effects. Such effects will nest on top of oneanother, creating a sequence of effects, andthese sequences need to be resolved in alast in, rst out manner.

    For example: During an engagement,Toms unit, Yoda, is dealt damage by anenemy strike. This is the triggering eventthat allows the cardLightsaber Deectionto be played, which allows Tom to redirect1 point o that damage to an enemy unit.

    Toms opponent, Kris, does not want thisto occur. When Tom attempts to play

    Lightsaber Deection, Kris interrupts itsexecution by playingIts Worse! This cardattempts to cancel the eects o TomsLightsaber Deection.

    Tom, however, is able to playCounter-stroke, which interrupts Krissattempt to play an event card, andthereore cancels the eects o ItsWorse.

    At this point, neither player has any more

    Interrupt or Reaction eects that can be played, soCounter-stroke resolves (being the fnal nested eectplayed in the sequence), canceling the eects oIts Worse. Since these eects were canceled, ItsWorse does not resolve (it is simply discarded), andthe Lightsaber Deection now resolves,redirectingone point o the damage away rom Yoda.

    I either player now has another Interrupt to theoriginal triggering condition (damage being dealt to

    Yoda), it can be played or initiated at this time.

    When such a sequence of effects occurs, playersshould keep playing and triggering effects until the chainof sequences runs dry (i.e. there are no interrupts orreactions to the resolution of all effects from the lasteffect played in the sequence).

    The most recently played nested effect sequence isalways completely resolved before any former sequenceof effects is resolved.

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    Frequently Asked QuestionsIf I have aTIE Attack Squadron(Core 147) in a battle andI place aTwist of Fate(Core 0157 or 0171) but no otherFate cards in my edge stack, does the TIE Attack Squadrongain the bonus icon and targeted strike keyword?

    Yes. The TIE Attack Squadrons passive ability checks

    whether or not you have placed any Fate cards intoany of your edge stacks during an edge battle thisengagement. Even if those Fate cards are canceled (byan opponents Twist of Fate), or if the resolution of theEdge Battle is canceled (by your own Twist of Fate), aFate card has still been placed, and you would still gainthe bonus icon and targeted strike keyword.

    If I damage an opponents unit withBoba Fett(Core 0019)and deal enough damage to destroy the unit, do I captureor destroy the unit?

    The unit is destroyed. Boba Fetts ability is a reactionthat captures a unit. The damage from the combat

    icons is applied to the unit and that unit is immediatelydiscarded if it has damage equal to or greater thanits damage capacity. You may not capture units froman out of play state (such as the discard pile) unlessspecically noted otherwise by a card effect.

    When you are constructing your deck, if you includean objective that contains a certain card (Sith Library(Core 0072) for example), do you have to use theversion of the card from that objective set or couldyou instead use the same card with a differentobjective set number at the bottom?

    No, you must use the version with theobjective set number that matches theobjective you placed in your objectivedeck.

    If the only character I control in an engagementis killed during the edge battle (such as from anopponentsHeat of Battle(Core 0065 or 0169) ), whahappens to the edge battle?

    It still resolves as normal. A player can win the edge

    battle and have no characters left over, which wouldkeep his opponents characters from gaining their edgeenabled icons for that combat.

    Can I use the ability on theTribal Support(Core 0151)objective to discard a card from my hand even if thereare noEwokunits in my discard pile?

    Yes, you can. The Tribal Support objective does nottarget anything. You can initate an effect that doesnot target even if you cannot complete that actionsuccessfully.

    If I strike with an attacking character with both the

    Shii-Cho Training(Core 0122) enhancement and thetargeted strike keyword, what happens?

    You can choose which of the two effects youwould like to use, they do not work together.

    Shii-Cho Training gives you the option todivide the striking units damage among

    participating units, targeted strikegives you the option to deal thestriking units damage to a non-participating unit. You may use oneeffect or the other, but they do notwork together. (You may also useneither effect, if you wish to deadamage as per the standardgame rules, to a singleparticipating enemy unit.)

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    If my opponent sacrices hisX-Wing Escort(Core0164) usingHeroic Sacrice(Core 0047), which effectoccurs rst, the X-Wings Interrupt or the targeting ofHeroic Sacrice?

    From the Effect Resolution section of theAdvanced Timing rules above, you would pay thecosts of Heroic Sacrice, sacricing a Vehicle,before you would chose the targets for the event.The X-Wing Escorts Interrupt effect resolves at

    the time that the cost is paid, so it occurs beforethe target of Heroic Sacrice is chosen. If youropponent sacrices his only Vehicleof cost 4 orless to the X-Wing Escorts ability, the remainingeffect of Heroic Sacrice no longer has a legaltarget and therefore does nothing.

    How does the reaction onRed Two(Core 0114) work?Does it allow me to attack another objective or will RedTwo be forced to strike again?

    It will depend on when the objective is destroyed.If the objective under attack is destroyed duringthe strike step of an engagement, Red Two willbe forced to strike again, as it will be a ready unitduring the striking step. However, if the objective isdestroyed via the unopposed damage at the end ofengagement resolution or at any time not during thestriking step of engagement resolution, Red Two willbe ready and available to enter another engagementif desired.

    When can I use the interrupt onThe Secret of Yavin 4(Core 0144) objective? Is my opponent allowed toattack the original objective again after the engagementat The Secret of Yavin 4 has resolved?

    From Section (2.3) Engaging Objectives of theRules Clarications section, the objective is onlyengaged after the original objective and all

    attackers have been declared. It is at this pointthat the interrupt on The Secret of Yavin 4 can betriggered. Your opponents units will already havebeen chosen for the attack and already committed.The original objective is still considered to have beenengaged this phase (and may not be engagedagain); The Secret of Yavin 4 is still eligible to beengaged if your opponent has not yetdeclared an engagement against it.

    If I destroy my opponentsA Journey to Dagobah(Core0003) objective and he uses its interrupt to search fora new cbjective and put it into play while I still have unitsleft to strike that have blast damage, what happens?

    The new objective is not considered engaged whenit enters play and does not receive damage fromthe resolution of the current engagement. Allparticipating units are still required to strike, eventhough the engaged objective has left play.

    Can I use a shield to prevent damage that I amreassigning to one of my own units via the protectkeyword?

    So long as the damage came from a sourcecontrolled by your opponent, the shield token willcancel one of the damage that is being transferredvia the protect keyword. The source of the damageis still an opponents effect, so the shield canprevent that damage.

    If my unit with the protect keyword has a shield, howmuch damage am I allowed to transfer to it?

    Up to the protecting units remaining damagecapacity, as per the normal rules for the protectkeyword. The presence of the shield does not

    change the amount of damage you can transfer viathe protect keyword.

    WhenTrench Run(Core 0150) is in play, which effectscan and cannot interact with the Death Star dial as anobjective?

    Because the Death Star dial is explicitly not anobjective, card effects that interact with objectivesdo not interact with the Death Star dial. Whenengaged as an objective, the Death Star dial may bedamaged by framework game effects only. This islimited to (blast) damage and unopposed damage

    2013 Lucaslm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. 2013 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy

    Flight Games, the FFG Logo, Living Card Game, and LCG are TM or of Fantasy Flight

    Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.