the american colonies. why? colonizing america wealth

The American Colonies

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The American Colonies


Colonizing America


Colonizing America

•Religious dissent

Types of Colonies

• Royal Colonies–King

–Ruled by royal governor

Types of Colonies

• Proprietary–Individuals or groups–King gifted land

Types of Colonies

• Charter–Established by charters–King–Colonies governed themselves

New England Colonies

Massachusetts (1630)– John Winthrop

– Puritans• Purify and reform Anglican Church• Massachusetts Bay Colony• Strict religious beliefs; radical

Massachusetts• Pilgrims (Plymouth Rock)

– Separatists• wanted to separate from the

Anglican Church

– 1st Thanksgiving

– Mayflower Compact• 41 men drew up the

agreement to outline fair and equal laws for the colony; signed on the Mayflower

New England Colonies– New Hampshire (1630)

• John Mason• Settled for religious freedom• Economic freedom

New England Colonies

– Rhode Island (1636)• Roger Williams• Asked to leave by Mass.• Religious freedom

– Connecticut (1636)• Thomas Hooker• Asked to leave by Mass.• Religious and economic freedom

Middle Colonies

– New York (1626)• Peter Minuit• Dutch (Netherlands), taken over by English• Trade and profits

– New Jersey (1660)• Lord Berkley• Established by Sweden• Trade and profits

– Delaware (1638)• Peter Minuit• Trade and profits

Southern Colonies

– Maryland (1634)• George Calvert• Religious freedom for


Maryland Act of Toleration

• 1649

• Granted freedom of worship

Pennsylvania Colony– William Penn– Home to many

European Immigrants

• Quakers– Equality and all

possessed “Inner Light”

– Pennsylvania

Southern Colonies– North Carolina (1653)

• Group of proprietors• Business venture• Trade and profit

– South Carolina (1670)• Group of proprietors• Trade and profit

– Georgia (1733)• James Oglethorpe• Debtors and convicts

Virginia Colony

• Jamestown• 1st permanent settlement• Ruled by John Smith• Founded by the Virginia Company

– Joint-stock company: organized to raise money by selling stocks/shares to investors

• House of Burgesses (1619)-22 representatives called burgesses met to outline laws for the colony

Ethnic and Religious Diversity

Discrimination in Massachusetts

• Salem Witch Trials

Discrimination in Massachusetts

• Anne Hutchinson and Roger Williams• Banished from Massachusetts


• African Americans– Free– Slaves

• Native Americans– Pushed off land

by westward settlers

Religious Tolerance

• Roger Williams Providence, RI

• Penn – English Quakers– German Lutherans – Scotch-Irish Presbyterians– Swiss Mennonites

• New York linguistic and cultural diversity– First synagogue

Colonial Economy

Economic Diversity:

-South= Agriculture

-North = Commerce

-Towns and cities

develop along water


• Mercantilism

– Europe– Way to get rich– Export more than you import

**Effect= Britain creates rules for colonial trade**

Commerce and Immigrants (New England)

• Port cities– Boston– Immigrant population increases due to

religious freedom and economic opportunities (German, Scotch-Irish, Dutch)

– More towns in North than Southern colonies– Use town meetings to govern

New England Colonies

• Shipbuilding

• Fishing

• Smaller farms self-sufficient

Middle Colonies’ Economy

• Diverse in people and business

• Less slaves – Shops, homes and farms

Middle Colonies’ Economy• Farming

– Wheat, barley, rye

• Commerce– Access to water– Shipping overseas– New York and


Southern Economy

• John Rolfe and tobacco– Virginia, Maryland, NC

• Plantations develop– Need for labor– Indentured servants

• Agree to work for landowner• 4-7 years

– slavery

Plantation System (South)

• Exported cash crops to make money

• Creates: (1) Large farms around rivers

(2) Need for lots of labor

(3) Wealthy class of plantation owners

Slave Trade

• First slaves were captured Native Americans

• African slave trade flourished by 1700s

• Slaves endured a harsh voyage: Middle Passage

• Widespread use in Southern colonies

Colonial Society

Ethnic Diversity

-African Americans

-Native Americans

• Class Distinctions– Women– Wealth = power

Bacon’s Rebellion

• Virginia, 1676• Cause:

– Small farmers treated unfairly; wealthy landowners paid fewer taxes and received many benefits

• Nathaniel Bacon • Failed!• Result:

– Need for representation in government for the “common man”

Colonial Government

• Britain allows the colonies to govern themselves– Salutary neglect

• Colonial legislatures hold the power

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• Ancient Greece (800-510 BC)– Greeks practiced democracy– People vote directly

• Romans created a republic (500 BC)– Representative democracy

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• Middle Ages (400-1500 AD)– Republics fade– Autocracies develop

• Government ruled by a single sovereign

– Renaissance (1450 AD)• “Rebirth”• Reconnection to ancient Greece and Rome• Classical republicanism

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• Post Middle Ages– Limited government

– Government that must obey a set of laws– Usually a written document

– Magna Carta or “Great Charter” (1215 AD)• Prevented king from imposing taxes• Needed approval of a council British Parliament

– English Bill of Rights (1689 AD)• Power to Parliament• King could not interfere with Parliamentary elections or impose taxes

– Common Law• Originated in Middle Ages• Law based on tradition or past court decisions instead of written statutes

The English Government• Magna Carta (The Great

Charter)– Guaranteed rights and liberties

to the English people that could not be cancelled by later laws

Common Law-evolved from the Magna Carta; unwritten laws based on customs, usage and precedents

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• Enlightenment (1600s)– Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

• All people are born with certain rights• Protect one’s own life lead to chaos• Strong government is needed• Abuses by government = price of maintaining peace

and order

The Second Treatise of Civil Government

• 1. What is Locke’s argument?

• 2. What evidence does he give to support it?

• 3. Do you agree or disagree with his point about preserving mankind? Why?

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• John Locke (1632-1704)

– Two Treatises on Government (1690)• Natural rights: life, liberty, property• Can’t morally be taken away by government• Social contract theory

– Implied contract between government and citizens

– People submit themselves to follow the law for the common good and to cultivate civic virtue

– Government fails= replace government

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

– Montesquieu (1689-1755)• Separation of powers• Three branches of government• Checks and balances

– Voltaire (1694- 1778)• Free speech, freedom of expression and freedom

of religion

– Jean Jacque Rousseau (1712- 1778)• equality

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

• American Colonies– House of Burgesses (1619)

• First elected body in New World• Citizens should have a voice• Created laws for the colony of Jamestown

– Mayflower Compact (1620)• Document drafted by settlers• Created an elected legislature• Government received power from the people of the

colony• Demonstrates desire to be ruled by local government

instead of England

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

– Town meetings• Representative government• Local citizens met to discuss and vote on issues• Belief in democratic ideals

– Fundamental Orders of Connecticut (1639)• Written body of laws for the colony• Government’s power came only from the “free

consent of the people”• Set limits on what government could do

1.2 Self-Government and the Colonies

– First Continental Congress (1774)• Gathering of colonial leaders• Respond to laws passed by Parliament• “not represented in Parliament” and violations of

“natural rights”

– Second Continental Congress (1775)• Meeting of colonial leaders• Response to the Kings failure to act throw off

British rule

Causes of the Revolution Jigsaw

• What terms should your group know?– You’re the expert. Be one. Know those terms.

• Summarize your section?– Write a short summary in 25 words or less.

Conflict in the Colonies

• Native Americans

1. land

2. religion

• English Power– Mercantilism: England used colonies to

provide products they could not produce– Development of naval power– Desired a favorable balance of trade (when

exports exceed imports

Conflict con’t.• Navigation Acts of 1660 and 1663

– Passed to protect English mercantilism– Colonists were forced to use English ships

and trade directly with England

• Parliament forces James II out of power– Demonstrates that Parliament has final say

• Monarchy changes colonies– Enforce and tighten navigation acts– Parliament kept the right to veto any colonial laws

French and Indian War• Cause: France and Britain, both wanted

control of the Ohio country (land west of the Appalachian Mountains)– Albany Congress (1754)

• Colonial leaders and Iroquois leaders• No treaty made

– British and French go to war– Treaty of Paris-1763

• British gained control of land east of Miss. River• French lost their influence

Added Tension

• Relations with Native Americans

• Royal Proclamation of 1763: colonists could not cross the Appalachian Mountains

• England acquired a large debt from the war

The American Revolution1775-1783

• Loyalists/Tories-opposed independence; loyal to Britain

• Patriots-supported the war with Britain; American colonists

Loyalist or Patriot?“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace.

The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle?

What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”

~ Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775.

Loyalist or Patriot?

“If I must be enslaved let it be by a King at

least, and not by a parcel of upstart

lawless Committeemen. If I must be

devoured, let me be devoured by the jaws of

a lion and not gnawed to death by rats and

vermin.“~Samuel Seabury, Anglican Clergyman

from Connecticut


ADVANTAGES:• Home field: knew the


• Emotional: fighting for freedom

• Strong leadership: Gen. George Washington

DISADVANTAGES:• Shortage of supplies

• No navy

• Weak government

Gadsden Flag


ADVANTAGES:• Great navy

• Experienced army

• Larger number of available troops

DISADVANTAGES:• Distance from


• Weak leadership

• Military strategies

Ben Franklin

– scientist, writer, inventor and diplomat– Suggested Albany Plan of Union

The Revolutionary Cause

• Boston Massacre Townshend Acts repealed

• Committees of Correspondence– Organized colonial resistance against the crown

• Boston Tea PartyCoercive Acts/Intolerable Acts (harsh acts)

-closed Boston Harbor-military governor over Boston

Early Years of War

• April 1775- Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts– “shot heard round the world”

• Thomas Paine and Common Sense (January 1776)– Defense of American Independence from England

“Common Sense”

I offer nothing more than simple facts, plainarguments, and common sense . . .O ye that love mankind!Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant,stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun withoppression.

Freedom hath been hunted round the globe. Asia, andAfrica, have long expelled her--Europe regards her like astranger, and England hath given her warning to depart. O!receive the fugitive, and prepare in time an asylum formankind."

“Common Sense”

. . . we have every opportunity and everyencouragement before us, to form the noblest purestconstitution on the face of the earth. We have it in ourpower to begin the world over again. A situation,similar to the present, hath not happened since thedays of Noah until now. The birthday of a new world isat hand, and a race of men, perhaps as numerous asall Europe contains, are to receive their portion offreedom from the event of a few months.

~Thomas Paine

Revolutionary War• Second Continental Congress (1775-1776)

met: a) drafted Declaration of Independence and organized a new government

b) declare warc) George Washington- commander of Continental Army

• 1776 = low point of war– Disadvantages were evident– “These are the times that try men’s souls.”

-Thomas Paine

• Washington crosses the Delaware-1776

• Battle of Saratoga-1777– Turning point of war: Americans prove to

Europe their ability to win

• Valley Forge-1778

• Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown (October 1781)

End of a Revolution

• Treaty of Paris, 1783– Formally ended the war between American

Colonies and Britain– Britain recognized American Independence

Emerging American Identity

• Education– More schools in New England– Churches found early colleges

• (Harvard)

• Freedom of the Press– John Peter Zenger (1735)– Accused of libel (written slander)– Found NOT GUILTY– Newspapers are encouraged to speak out and express a variety of views

Emerging American Identity

• New England Colonies– Life revolves around Puritan church

• Middle Colonies– Religious pluralism

• Variety of religious beliefs

• Southern Colonies– Anglican Church– Growth of Baptist and Methodist


Emerging American Identity• Religion

– The Great Awakening (early 1700s)

• Jonathan Edwards: believed religion should be personal and emotional, not just attending services

• “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

• Rebellion against authoritarian rule (Anglican Church)

• Movement sparked the foundation of new religions and churches throughout the colonies

George Whitefield

Emerging American Identity

• Great Awakening encourage colonists to think for themselves about religion

• Valued colonial principles:– Freedom of religion– Separation of church and state

• Government not imposing a particular religion or church membership

Emerging American Identity

• Egalitarianism– Idea that all men are created equal and

posses “natural rights” because they are human

– Leads to idea that power of government comes from the consent of the governed

– Developing nationalism• Pride in one’s country

Emerging American Identity

• Limited “equality”– Slavery

• Declaration of Independence stated “All men are created equal.”

– White male landowners could vote• Women, african americans and native americans

could not vote