“the big five ” (ap psych)

“THE BIG FIVE” (AP PSYCH) By: Will Dunne

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“The Big Five ” (AP Psych). By: Will Dunne. “The Big Five” Table of Contents. - Some Background - Conscientiousness - Agreeableness - Neuroticism - Openness - Extraversion. Some Background . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)


By: Will Dunne

Page 2: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

“The Big Five” Table of Contents

- Some Background- Conscientiousness- Agreeableness- Neuroticism- Openness- Extraversion

Page 3: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Some Background In the field of Psychology, a person’s personality

can be broken down and grouped into five broad domains or traits Conscientiousness Agreeableness Neuroticism Openness Extraversion

These traits are nicknamed “The Big Five” To take a personality test to discover your Big

Five “levels” click here

Page 4: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Conscientiousness Conscientiousness is the trait associated with

organization, reliability, carefulness, and thoroughness

A person with High Conscientiousness: Would be organized, careful,

and thorough. Low Conscientiousness: Would be unorganized,

unreliable, and not careful.

Page 5: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Agreeableness Agreeableness is the trait associated kindness,

compassion, and trust A person with

High Agreeableness: Would be caring, and kind; always taking other’s feelings into consideration.

Low Agreeableness: Would be unkind and not go out of their way to help another person.

Page 6: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Neuroticism Neuroticism is the trait concerned with anxiety,

moodiness, and guilt. A person with

High Neuroticism: Would be very anxious all the time and constantly moody; these people are easily stressed.

Low Neuroticism: Would be cool under pressure and never really anxious.

Page 7: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Openness Openness is the trait concerned with

imagination and curiosity. A person who is

Open: Would always be up to try new things and would have a very big imagination.

Not open: Would be more down to earth and more realistic about life and ideas in general.

Page 8: “The Big Five ” (AP Psych)

Extraversion Extraversion is the trait associated with being

outgoing, talkative, and social. A person who is

Extraverted: Would always be up to go out with friends or to a social event.

Introverted: Would be more non-social and quite. These people still do social things, just not as often.