the merge coworking space

The Merge Coworking Space 1

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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Describe the new coworking space "The Merge" @ Tainan, Taiwan.


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The Merge Coworking Space


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What is Coworking space?Quote from Wiki

“共⽤用⼯工作空間,也稱共同⼯工作空間,英⽂文為 Coworking Space ,提供共同⼯工作的空間,廣義也簡稱共同⼯工作(Coworking),⽽而「共同⼯工作」是⼀一種⼯工作的型態。︒共⽤用⼯工作空間同時也是共同⼯工作者的社群平台,彼此若有共同價值觀且志同道合的共同⼯工作者,




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The source ..San Francisco布萊德紐伯格在美國舊⾦金山成⽴立⼀一個名為「帽⼦子⼯工廠」(Hat Factory)的共同⼯工作網站,隨後他將他⾃自⼰己家裡的倉


名為「市民空間」(Citizen Space) 的共同⼯工作空間創辦⼈人,也是全球第⼀一家以「商業」(Work Only) 的共同⼯工作空


美國已經超過 700 家共⽤用⼯工作空間。︒[12][13][14]






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Story behind The Merge2013 年初, Lman 從待了⼗十多年了台北回到台灣南部, 準備要先成⽴立塗鴉空間.書店,

之後再進⾏行其原本科技業的Startups. 但在⼀一年的經營下, 發現因為這個空間⽽而認識

了很多有趣和超級有想法的⼈人. 驚訝於空間跟⼈人互動後產⽣生的化學反應. 並恰巧於

2013年末認識到幾個想回南部發展並尋找Cowroking Space的朋友. 於是決定利⽤用

塗鴉空間的3F空間, 作為The Merge的發源地. 並且因為複合在原本的塗鴉空間.書店

之內, 所以在定價之上也可以比傳統的Cowroking Space更為彈性也對使⽤用者更加友

善. 並期待透過The Merge能夠創造出更多不⼀一樣的變化或團隊.


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The Merge =

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The Merge

People Space SocialX X

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What we expected?


Synergy New Team

New Opportunities New Business

And more…

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SPACES❖ The Merge will have various space and services

❖ The Merge D(edicated)

❖ The alliance members will provide the dedicated space for coworkers. Terms vary from space to space with regard to hours of operation, how many days are offered, reservation requirements, etc.(認證會員於各地都能使⽤用數⽇日免費的共⽤用⼯工作空間。︒每間共⽤用⼯工作空間所招待的時數、︑天數或預約⾨門檻等各家有所不同)

❖ The Merge S(hare)

❖ The space will provide the existing seats or corner for the coworkers within their shop or spaces.


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1st stage Coworking


2nd stage Incubator/Accelerator

Accumulated 10~20 teams

then cowork with NCKU EMBA

to initial the next program

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Alliance Partners

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The Merge #1

❖ The Merge #1 is a The Merge D coworking space

❖ Address - 台南市東區⼤大學路18巷18-1號3F (塗鴉空間.書店)

❖ Services - dedicated space. food & beverage. meeting room


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The Merge #2

❖ The Merge #2 is a The Merge S coworking space

❖ Address - 台南市東區長榮路⼀一段181號B1 (塗鴉空間.書店 長榮店)

❖ Services - sharing seats, food & beverage.


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The Merge #3 (TBD)

❖ The Merge #2 is a The Merge S coworking space @ ⾼高雄

❖ Address - ⾼高雄市三民區皓東路171-6號 (橘園咖啡 2F)

❖ Services - sharing seats, beverage
