the translation of gerund in caroline...


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Universitas Islam Negeri













A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty

In partial Fulfillment of the requirements for


Mohammad Ridho Kholid


Approved By:


Drs. Asep Saefuddin, M.Pd

NIP. 150261902








The thesis entitled “The Translation of Gerund in Caroline Plaisted’s Novel E-

Love and its Tranlation by Sutanty Lesmana”.has been defended before the Adab and

Humanities Faculty’s Examination Committee on march 18 2010. The thesis has

already been accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Strata One


Jakarta, March 18, 2010

Examination Committee

Signature Date

1. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan M.pd (Chair Person)

19650919 200003 1 002

2. Drs. Asep Saefuddin M.pd (Secretary)

19640710 199303 1 006

3. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan M.pd (Advisor)

19650919 200003 1 002

4. Danti Pudjiati, S.Pd, MM., M.Hum (Examiner I)

19731220 199903 004

5. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum (Examiner II)

19781003 200112 2 002


Mohammad Ridho Kholid, “The Translation of Gerund in Caroline Plaisted’s Novel E-

Love and its Tranlation by Sutanty Lesmana”. Skripsi Jakarta : Letters and Humanities Faculty,

State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2010

One of the problems that translators need to solve in translating a text into

Indonesian language is gerund because there is no gerund system in Indonesian.

Gerund has a noun form but it may have a verbal meaning. In fact, mostly gerund

has a verbal meaning. This system does not exist in Indonesian language.

The aims of this research are to describe the equivalence of gerund from

English into Indonesian language and to describe the procedures used by the

translator in translating gerund into Indonesian language in E-love by Caroline

Plaisted bilingual edition. The method of this research is descriptive analysis

because it gives a description of the gerund and its translation into Indonesian.

After analyzing the data, the writer’s first conclusion is that gerund is usually

translated into either a verb or a noun. Mostly gerunds are translated into a verb with

the prefix Me+V. The writer’s second conclusion is that gerunds are translated

either by shift or non shift. Mostly gerunds are translated by class shift.

Gerunds are mostly translated into a verb by class shift procedure because

mostly gerund has a verbal meaning and it is the task of the translator to transfer the

meaning from the source language to the target language. Based on the data, 101 data

are translated using shift procedure, and 25 data are translated using non-shift procedure.

Out of 126 data, there are 90 data which are translated by using class shift. There

are 11 data which are translated by using unit shift. There are 13 data which are

translated by non class shift. There are 10 data which are translated by omission.

There are 2 data which are translated by loan word. This shows that most of the

time in translating gerunds, we can not maintain the formal equivalence or the form of

gerund which is a noun. The translator uses class shift procedure or in this case the

procedure of changing the gerund which is a noun into a verb more often than the other

procedure in translating gerunds in the E-Love novel by Caroline Plaisted, the

bilingual edition.


I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, if contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where do acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, March 2010

Mohammad Ridho Kholid


In the name of Allah, the most beneficent, the most merciful.

All the praises be to Allah SWT because of his blessings, his help, his mercy

this paper have been completed. Next, Shalawat and salam are upon our prophet

Muhammad SAW, his companion and all his followers.

Writing this paper is not an easy work. So many helps that the writer has

received from many people. The great thanks dedicated to his lovely parents, Prof.

Dr. Idham Kholid, M.Ag and Lela Sukmawati S.pd I, Dr. Mahmudah Fitriyah ZA. M.

pd who have never stop praying, give their support and teach his so many valuable

things. They are always best ‘teacher’ in his life.

A special thanks, the writer also dedicated to his advisor Drs. Asep Saefudin

M.pd who always gives his time, guides and suggest the writer to make a good paper

may Allah SWT always be with him.

The writer also would like to express his gratitude to those who have given so

many helps to do this research, they are:

1. Drs. Abdul Choir as the dean of Adab and Humanities Faculty

2. Dr. H. Muhammad Farkhan M.pd, as the chief of English Letters Department

3. My two brothers, Mohammad Agung Laksono Kholid, Mohammad Fikri

Nugraha Kholid and my sister Riris Kharisma Kholid.

4. My beloved Raisa Shahrestani

5. My best friend who always accompany me in every condition: Fandi

Oktiawan , Romand Fazardo Pradana , Aldy Wandra, Achwan Safar, Usanto

Handroyoko, Aulia Reiha Saputra, Mirzan Gulammahmad as the assistant Lab

Adnan Habib, Elda Wedana and all of my ‘relatives’ in class: Sulaiman, Budi

Santoso, Abdurahman, Aditya Apriansyah, Mohammad Dodo Ridho, Yusuf

Hendra Permana, Even Apriansyah, Saiful Bahri, Crismantion, and for all

personnel of ‘Kops n’ Roks’ that can not be mentioned.

6. Ahmad Dhani, Will Smith ‘Pursuit of the Happyness’ for the great inspiration


May Allah SWT always bless and protect them. Finally the writer realized that

this paper far from perfect. Therefore, his hands are open to receive any criticism and

advice to make this paper better.

Jakarta, March 18, 2010

Mohammad Ridho Kholid



ABSTRACT ............................................................................................ i

APROVEMENT ...................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION .................................................................................... iii

DECLARATION ..................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ..................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION......................................................... 1

A. Background of the Study........................................... 1

B. Statement of the Problem .......................................... 5

C. Research Objectives................................................... 5

D. Scope and Limitation Research .................................. 5

E. Research Methodology .............................................. 6

CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................... 8

A. Formal Correspondence Versus Dynamic

Equivalence .............................................................. 9

1. Formal Correspondence...................................... 9

2. Dynamic Equivalence......................................... 9

B. Procedure of Translating........................................... 10

1. Shift .................................................................... 10

2. Modulation.......................................................... 14

C. Gerund...................................................................... 14

1. Function.............................................................. 15

2. The Usage of Gerund........................................... 24

3. The Feature of Gerund......................................... 25

4. Gerund’s Time Relationship to The Main Verb ... 28

5. Affixation............................................................ 30

CHAPTER III : RESEARCH FINDING................................................ 34

A. Gerund as an Object of Preposition ........................... 37

1. Class Shift ........................................................... 37

2. Unit Shift Translated Into Phrase........................... 58

3. Non Class Shift ................................................... 61

4. Translation by Omission ...................................... 65

B. Gerund as an Object of Verb ..................................... 68

1. Class Shift ........................................................... 68

2. Unit Shift (Translated into a Phrase) .................... 83

3. Non Class Shift ................................................... 85

4. Omission ............................................................. 86

5. Loan Word .......................................................... 87

C. Gerund as a Subject................................................... 87

1. Class Shift ........................................................... 88

CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................... 99

BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... 102



Table 1: Different Term Used by Marcella Frank and Randolph Quirk..... 33

Table 2: The Translation of Gerunds ............................................................. 90



A. Background of the Study

One of the problems that translators need to solve in translating a text is

the gerund because there is no gerund system in the Indonesian language.

According to W. Stannard Allen in Living English Structure, a gerund is

defined as the part of a verb that ends in –ing which has the force of a noun as

well as that of a verb.1 The reason why the gerund system does not exist in the

Indonesian language is that the concept of gerund is different from

nominalization in the Indonesian language. According to Gorys Keraf in Tata

Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia, nominalization is derived from a verb or an

adjective by adding affixes such as pe+V, pe-+V+ -an, ke-+V+ -an and V+ -

an.2 A Gerund is derived from a verb by adding the participle -ing. Besides

that, nominalization only has a substantival meaning. The gerund, however, has

a verbal meaning or a substantival meaning. According to Wiliting in The

Gerund, the gerund has a force of a noun if the gerund has a substantival

feature such as having an article in front of it and having a plural noun. When a

gerund has a force of a noun, it has a substantival meaning. Substantive is a

word that can function as a noun such as a gerund, an infinitive and a noun.

1 Allen, W. Stannard, Living English Structure, (London: Longman, 1991), p. 177 2 Keraf, Gorys, Tata Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Grasindo, 1990), pp. 60

─ 61

The gerund has a force of a verb if the gerund has a verbal feature such as

having its own object, and having inflected in the perfect and the passive.

When a gerund has a force of a verb, it has a verbal meaning.3 When this is the

case, gerund becomes a hybrid because it has a noun form but it has a verbal


The translator may try to maintain the form of a gerund which is a noun by

adding affixes such as pe- an, ke-an, pe- and -an. This is one of the procedures

in translating the gerund into the Indonesian language. However, in practice, a

translator has to use other procedures to achieve a dynamic equivalence where

the meaning is the most important factor to transfer and not the noun form. The

translator may use a class shift by adding affixes such as be-, me-, me- -kan, di-

and ter- because he or she finds that using affixes such as pe- an, ke-an, pe- and

-an is not possible or it will make the translation sounds unnatural. The

example is that the sentence “I could not bear thinking about it.” is translated

“Aku tidak tahan memikirkannya.” The translator can not replace the affix me-

+V+-kan with the affix pe- an, ke-an, pe- and –an. The sentence will sound

unnatural if the translator replaces it. This is because there is not a noun that

has a verbal meaning in Indonesian. This system does not exist in Indonesian

language. According to Peter Newmark in A Textbook of Translation, unnatural

translation is marked by interference, primarily from the SL text, possibly from a

third language known to the translator including his own, if it is not the target

3 Wiliting, The Gerund, (Pekalongan: Harapan, 1983), pp. 32 ─ 33

language. He also states that one of the things that we must pay attention to is the


Accroding to Peter Newmark in A Textbook of Translation, translating a

gerund often uses transpositions.5 Transposition illustrates a frequent tension

between grammar and stress. According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced

English Grammar, writers choose gerunds when no abstract noun phrases exist or to

express movement and activity in some kind of process. Gerunds have stronger verbal

force than noun clauses, infinitives, or abstract noun phrases. That means they put an

emphasis on some kind of action.6 This shows that the purpose of using the

gerund is to emphasize some kind of action that the writer of the SL wants the

reader to take special notice. A translator must try to make a good translation so

that the TL reader gives the same response as the SL reader in reading the text

containing a gerund in their own language.

In translating gerund, translators may use a different procedure such as shift,

modulation, or omission. Even so, translator must keep in mind to achieve a

dynamic equivalence because experts agree that translators must make the

translation natural by putting the meaning as a top priority. Nida and Taber agree

that translators have to make the message as a priority in translating a text.

4 Peter Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London : Prentice Hall, 1984), p. 27 5 Ibid, p. 88 6 Schmidt, Helen Hoyt, Advanced English Grammar, (Iowa : Prentice Hall Regents, 1995),

p. 322

Eugene A. Nida and Charles Taber in The Theory and Practice of

Translation, make the definition of translation more accurate. According to them:

"Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural

equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and

secondly in terms of style"7.

As mentioned above, the writer chooses gerund because there is no gerund in

the Indonesian language system. The writer chooses E-Love novel as the source of

data because the writer finds many gerunds in the book and because the book is a

serial of Teenlit which is popular among teenagers nowadays. In E-love Caroline

Plaisted has given us a 21st century take on teenage love and heartache. Sam is a

bright, middle-class 15 year old who chats away with her friends on the Internet,

exchanging gossip and homework tips. The focus on the reliance on the Internet,

e-mail and text messaging services over the telephone reflects the evolution of

teenage communication, and Plaisted has written a story pertinent to these new

forms of communicating. Parts of the text are set out as e-mail or chat-room

conversations, and it is these which make the story progress the most.

Sam meets 17 year old Dan in a chat room despite that she's been expressly

forbidden from talking to anyone other than her girlfriends. Dan proves to be who

he says he is, and Sam manages to conduct a successful relationship, first online,

then by mobile phone and then eventually in person, when they go to tennis camp

7 Nida, E.A. and Charles R.Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden:E.J.

Brill, 1974), p. 12

together. Plaisted successfully explores the highs and lows of teenage love envy

from friends but admiration at her success; jealousy from Sam towards other girls

Dan knows; hopes that despite the geographical distance they will stay together.

Despite or maybe because of the emphasis on the many forms of

communication available to teenagers today, Sam suffers, as every girl from Juliet

onwards has, from miscommunication problems. Praise to Plaisted for making the

ending realistic, for placing heartache beside first love, but perhaps some criticism

for portraying the online search for love as easy, safe and successful.

B. Statement of the Problem

A question to answer in this thesis is:

What procedure does the translator use to translate the gerund into Indonesian

in E-Love by Caroline Plaisted, the bilingual edition?

C. Research Objectives

The aims of this research is as follows:

To describe the procedures used by the translator to translate gerund from

English into Indonesian language in E-Love by Caroline Plaisted, the

bilingual edition.

D. Scope and Limitation Research

The writer only analyzes the gerunds found in E-Love by Caroline Plaisted

and its translation by analayzing the equivalence of gerunds and the

procedures in translating gerunds. The writer will not analyze the gerund time

relationship to the main verb.

E. Methodology of Research

1. Method

This research uses a descriptive method because it gives a description of

the gerund and its translation into Indonesian. The writer will analyze the

data by describing what affixes the translator uses in translating gerunds and

what kind of shift the translator uses in translating gerunds.

2. Data

This research analyzes 126 data in sentences, comprising gerunds and

its translation from E-Love by Caroline Plaisted, the bilingual edition.

Indonesia language as a Target language and English language as a source


3. Data Source

The data are acquired from 245 pages consisting of Indonesia language

as a Target language and English language as a source language of E-Love

novel by Caroline Plaisted, the bilingual edition, which was first published

in 2004 by Gramedia in Jakarta and it is translated by Sutanty Lesmana.

4. Data Collection

After reading the material comprehensively, the writer underlines the

sentences that contain gerunds and its translations into Indonesian. Those

sentences are entered into data cards. One data card contains a sentence in

the source language and the translation in the target language.

5. Data Analysis

The steps used to analyze the translation of gerunds are grouping the

data card based on the function of the gerund (Object of Preposition, Object

of Verb and Subject), analyzing the data card by focusing what procedure the

translator uses to translate the gerunds and making a conclusion of the




Translation is a process of transferring the meaning of the text from the SL to the TL. In

Approaches to Translation, Newmark said that translation is a craft consisting in the

attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in another language.8 Newmark

conveys his idea in A Textbook of Translation that translation is rendering the

meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.9

According to Mildred L. Larson in Meaning Based Translation: A Guide to

Cross-Language Equivalence, translation is basically a change of form. The form of a

language is the actual words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, etc., which are

spoken or written. These forms are referred to as the surface structure of a language.

It is the structural part of language which is actually seen in print or heard in speech.

In translation the form of the source language is replaced by the form of the receptor

(target) language. Translation consists of transferring the meaning of the source

language into the receptor language.10

The main goal of translating is finding the

equivalence of the words and makes the sentences of the text sound natural in the TL.

8 Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation, (London:Prentice Hall, 1981), p.7 9 Newmark, A Textbook of Translation, (London:Prentice Hall, 1984), p.5 10 Larson, L.M. Meaning-Based Translation : A Guide to Cross-language Equivalence, (New

York: UP America, 1984), p.3

A. Formal Correspondence versus Dynamic Equivalence

According to Nida and Taber in The Theory and Practice of Translation,

dynamic equivalance is prior to formal correspondence.11

This means that

translators should remember that transferring the message is their top priority.

1. Formal Correspondence

Formal correspondence is an effort to maintain the formal consistenty.

According to Nida and Taber in The Theory and Practice of Translation,

Formal correspondence is produced by combining the formal consistenty of

the length of the sentence, the classes of words and the order of word, phrase,

and clause.12

According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of Translation,

formal correspondent is any TL category (unit, class, structure, element of

structure, etc.) which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible, the `same'

place in the `economy' of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the


2. Dynamic Equivalence

Dynamic equivalence is an effort of translator to send the same

message of the SL into TL so the reader in TL has the same response as the reader

in SL. According to Nida and Taber in The Theory and Practice of

11 Nida, E.A. and Charles R.Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden:E.J.

Brill, 1974), p.22 12 Ibid., pp.21-22 13 J.C. Catford., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1965),


Translation, dynamic equivalence is defined in terms of the degree to which

the receptors of the message in the receptor language respond to it in substantially

the same manner as the receptors in the source language. This response can never be

identical, for the cultural and historical settings are too different, but there

should be a high degree of equivalence of response, or the translation will

have failed to accomplish its purpose.14

If the translator intends to produce the same response from the

readers in the SL and the readers in the TL, the translator has to put a

greater emphasis on the dynamic equivalence concept over the formal

correspondence. To achieve this, sometimes the translator has use shift.

B. Procedure of Translating

A procedure is the act or manner of proceeding in any action or process.

According to Rochayah Machali in Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah, the translation

procedures only focus on the translation of word, phrase, clause, sentences not the

whole text.15

The procedures that will be used in this thesis are shift and


1. Shift

One of the translation procedures is shift. According to Catford in A

Linguistic Theory of Translation, By `shifts' we mean departures from formal

14 Nida, E.A. and Charles R.Taber, The Theory and Practice of Translation, (Leiden:E.J.

Brill, 1974), p.24 15 Rochayah Machali, Pedoman Bagi Penerjemah, (Jakarta: Grasindo, 2000), p.62

correspondence in the process of going from the SL to the TL. There are two

major types of `shift'. They are level shifts and category shifts.16

a. Category Shift

According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of Translation,

category-shifts, which are departures from formal correspondence in

translation, consist of structure-shift, class-shift, unit-shift (rank-changes),

and intra system-shift.17

a) Structure Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of

Translation, A structure shift involves a change in grammatical

structure between the source language and the target language.18

Example: White house - 'Gedung putih '

b) Class Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of

Translation, class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL

item is a member of a different class from the original item.19

(1) SL: The neighbours were hostile to the family.


TL: Para tetangga memusuhi keluarga tersebut. '


16 J.C. Catford., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1965),

p.73 17 Ibid., p.76 18 Ibid., p.77 19 Ibid., p.78

c) Unit Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of

Translation, by unit-shift we mean changes of rank-that is, departures

from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a

unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL.20


Example: These days translated into sekarang (from phrase to


d) Intra-system Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory

of Translation, we use the term intra-system shift for those cases

where the shift occurs internally, within a system; that is, for those

cases where SL and TL possess systems which approximately corres-

pond formally as to their constitution, but when the translation

involves selection of a non-corresponding term in the TL system.21

For example: Cans translated into kaleng-kaleng. Plural word in

English may be translated into reduplication in Indonesian language.

b. Level Shift

According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of Translation, by a

shift of level we mean that a SL item at one linguistic level has a TL

translation equivalent at a different level.22

20 J.C. Catford., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1965),

p.79 21 Ibid., p.80 22 J.C. Catford., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, p.73

Meanwhile, accroding to Peter Newmark in A Textbook of

Translation, A `shift' (Catford's term) or `transposition' (Vinay and

Darbelnet) is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar from

SL to TL. Transposition is the only translation procedure concerned with

grammar, and most translators make transpositions intuitively.

One type, the change from singular to plural, e.g. `furniture'; des

meubles; `applause', des applaudissements; `advice', des conseils; or in the

position of the adjective: la maison blanche, `the white house' is automatic

and offers the translator no choice. A second type of shift is required when an

SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL. Here there are always

options. The third type of shift is the one where literal translation is

grammatically possible but may not accord with natural usage in the TL.

The fourth type of transposition is the replacement of a virtual lexical gap

by a grammatical structure

A gerund is included in the second type of shift. The shift is required

when an SL grammatical structure does not exist in the TL. For example,

the English gerund (`Working with you is a pleasure') offers many choices.

The gerund can be translated by verb-noun (le travail, die Arbeit), or a

subordinate clause ('when, if, etc. I work with you'), with a recast main

clause, or, in some languages, a noun-infinitive (e.g. das Arbeiten, which is

formal style), or an infinitive. Peter Newmark thinks that the gerund is the

most neglected of all translator's transpositions.23

2. Modulation

In this shift theory, there is also modulation. Modulation has to do with

the changes related to the meaning shift, which happens because the

perspective or point of view changes. According to Peter Newmark in A

Textbook of Translation, the modulation procedures are active for passive,

abstract for concrete, cause for effect, one part for another, reversal of terms,

space for time, intervals and limits and change of symbols. Of these procedures,

`active for passive' (and vice versa) is a common transposition.24

C. Gerund

According to W. Stannard Allen in Living English Structure, a gerund is

defined as the part of the verbs that ends in –ing which has the force of a noun

as well as that of a verb.25

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English

Part II, gerund is defined as participial forms used in noun function.26

According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar, gerunds

mean fulfilled actions (fulfilled before the action of the preceding verb).

2nd action 1st action

23 Peter Newmark, Approaches to Translation, (London:Prentice Hall, 1981), pp.85-88 24 Ibid., p.89 25 W. Stannard Allen, Living English Structure, (London:Longman, 1991), p. 177 26 Marcella Frank, Modern English Part II, (New Jersey:Prentince Hall, 1972), p.97

(2) The manager remembered paying the bill.

(the action was fulfilled before the action of the first, main verb)

1st action 2nd action

The manager remembered to pay the bill.

(the action happened after the action of the first, main verb)27

1. Function

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical

Reference Guide, the gerund has several functions:

Gerund phrases may perform all the functions that nouns do.

Subject of verb

(3) Her cleaning the house every day is not necessary.

Object of verb

(4) Her husband appreciates her cleaning the house every day.

Object of preposition:

In prepositional object

(5) Her husband insists on her cleaning the house every day.

In adverbial phrase

(6) By cleaning the house every day she is pleasing her husband.

27 Helen Hoyt Schmidt, Advanced English Grammar, (Iowa:Prentice Hall Regents, 1995),


Subjective complement

(7) What her husband insists on is her cleaning the house every

day. (predicate noun)


(8) Her husband insists on one thing-her cleaning the house every


a. Gerund Phrases as a Subject

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical Reference

Guide, a gerund phrase does not occur frequently as a subject. One of its

common uses as a subject is in general statements with “be” as the main verb.

(9) Eating a good breakfast is very wise.

(10) Taking a long walk every day is good exercise.

The gerund phrase may also function as the subject of a verb,


1. Cause-effect relationship

(11) Seeing her every day made him realize how wonderful she was.

28 Marcella Frank, Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall,

1972), pp. 314 ─ 315

(12) His finding the error quickly saved him (=caused him to save)

many hours of extra work.

(13) The punishing of a man known to be innocent of any crime

shocks our moral consciousness and is seen as a grave


A gerund phrase subject with such a verb may have conditional


(14) Doing such a thing now (=If you do such a thing now, it) will cause

you much trouble later on.

2. Emotion

(15) Being overcharged for anything enrages her.

(16) Seeing her so thin and pale shocked him.

(17) Seeing her going out with another man shocked him.

It should be noted that such verbs of emotion often also denote

some degree of cause; thus “enrages her”, “shocked him” in the above

sentences may be interpreted as “causes her to become enraged”,

“caused him to be shocked.”

Gerund phrases may also function as subjects of passive verbs.

(18) His keeping accurate records has never been questioned.

Their accepting the money will be considered unwise.

A gerund phrase subject sometimes appears after anticipatory it

+ an adjective. Such a construction usually represents informal usage.

(19) It's very embarrassing (,) not remembering your name.

(20) It's incredible (,) meeting an old schoolmate so far from


A comma is required if the "subject" is included in the gerund

phrase-It's strange, his doing that.

Sometimes a noun is used rather than an adjective in this

construction after anticipatory “it”.

(21) It will be a sad thing, not seeing her any more.

(22) It's been a pleasure meeting you.

(23) It's no use (or no good) crying over spilled milk.

No use and no need may also be preceded by expletive “there”-

There's no use (or no need) crying over spilled milk.

Gerund phrase subjects after anticipatory “it” often have

alternate forms with infinitive phrases.

(24) It's very embarrassing not to remember your name.

(25) It's been a pleasure to meet you.

(26) It's no use to cry over spilled milk.29

According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar,

gerunds as Subjects-Gerunds emphasize the action, the continuous nature of

an activity, and often imply something already in progress.

29 Marcella Frank, Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey:Prentice Hall,

1972), p. 321.

(action emphasis)

(27) Running down small game was probably one of the earliest

methods of obtaining meat.

b. Gerund Phrases as Objects of Verbs

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical

Reference Guide, certain verbs in English are followed by verbals-

either gerunds or infinitives-which are considered as the objects of these

verbs. Most of these verbs denote mental activity or indirect speech and

therefore require subjects that refer to human beings. Others have little

semantic content outside of indicating aspect-the beginning, duration,

end or repetition of an action; these verbs may or may not be used with

subjects denoting persons. There is less agreement that a verbal following

one of these aspect-denoting verbs is its object; actually, there is some

justification for considering a verb that expresses aspect as a quasi-

auxiliary rather than as a verb that takes an object.30

c. Gerund as Object of Prepositions

1) Nominal Function of Prepositional Gerund Phrases

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical

Reference Guide, Any verb used as the object in a prepositional

phrase takes the form of a gerund. Most gerund phrases after

30 Ibid., p. 322

prepositions are subjectless, especially those in adverbial prepositional

phrases. Such gerund phrases function as prepositional objects of

verbs. A great many of the verbs listed under prepositional objects in the

chapter on prepositions take such gerund objects.

(28) He insisted on paying the entire bill for dinner.

(29) She often dreams about having a lot of money to spend on


The word “to” after the following verbs is a preposition rather

than the sign of the infinitive and therefore requires a gerund after it:

accustom oneself, allude, confess, confine oneself, dedicate oneself, limit

oneself, look forward, object, plead guilty, reconcile oneself, resign

oneself, resort, and revert.

(30) He objected to their entering the factory without


(31) We look forward to seeing you again.31

2) Adjectival Function of Prepositional Gerund Phrases

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical

Reference Guide, these adjectival constructions appearing after nouns

begin mostly with of or for. There are two main types:

31 Ibid., pp. 324 ─ 325

a) Those prepositional gerund phrases that follow nouns derived

from verbs or adjectives.

(32) His pretense of being rich didn't fool anyone.

(33) Their preparations for traveling abroad were very time-


(34) He spoke of the necessity of hiring more men.

b) Those prepositional gerund phrases appearing after nouns that

are non- derivational. Such adjectival constructions are mostly

adjective clause equivalents. These phrases are sometimes interpreted as

appositives to the nouns that precede them.

(35) The money for traveling around the country (= with which

they could travel around the country) was soon used up.

(36) This is not a good way of doing it (=in which you can

do it).

(37) The time for making excuses (=in which you can make

excuses) is past.

Both types of prepositional gerund phrases may have alternate

infinitive forms.

(38) He spoke of the necessity to hire more men.

(39) This is not a good way to do it.

(40) The time to make excuses is past.

3) Adverbial Function of Prepositional Gerund Phrases

a) Prepositional Gerund Phrases Modifying Verbs

These phrases may express almost all adverbial relationships

except place.

(41) After listening to the news, she started to prepare dinner.

(42) He earned the money for his tuition by working as a waiter

during the summer months.

(43) I passed him in the street without his recognizing me.

(44) In spite of traveling alone, she enjoyed her vacation very


A prepositional gerund phrase may appear in all three adverbial

positions, but most frequently in initial or final position. In initial

position the "subject" of the phrase is rarely expressed, since it is

understood as the subject of the sentence. If the agent of an

‘introductory gerund' phrase is other than the subject of the sentence,

the phrase is considered an unacceptable "dangling" element-

(45) On looking out the window, a beautiful scene met his eyes.

b) Prepositional Gerund Phrases Modifying Adjectives

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical

Reference Guide, at introduces most prepositional gerund phrases

after adjectives, especially -ed participial adjectives.

He was embarrassed at hearing himself praised.

I'm disappointed at your doing such a thing.

He's very quick at adding figures.

Other prepositions introducing gerund phrases after adjectives are:


(46) He's very careless about keeping appointments.


(47) Their funds are adequate for meeting their moderate needs.


(48) He's afraid of displeasing his parents.


(49) They must be content with seeing each other at infrequent



(50) I was annoyed by the dog's barking all night.

(This prepositional gerund phrase may also be interpreted as a modifier of the

passive verb be annoyed.)32

32 Ibid, p.326

2. The Usage of Gerund

There are some verbs that follow gerunds. According to Helen Hoyt

Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar, we often use gerunds after:

a. Factive verbs (express something that really happened):

admit, appreciate, finish, legalize, miss, regret, stop

b. Two-word verbs: insist on, consist of 33

According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar, the

following infinitives and gerund patterns are arranged in order of the most

common to the least common.*

Pattern 1

subject verb infinitive object

(51) The upper-middle class aspired to join upper-class prestige


Pattern 2

subject verb direct object infinitive

(52) People have used power and wealth to maintain their

position. (subject of infinitive)

Pattern 3

33 Helen Hoyt Schmidt, Advanced English Grammar, (Iowa:Prentice Hall Regents, 1995), P.


subject verb gerund object

(53) The second step involves making sure no major changes are


Pattern 4

subject verb possessive gerund object

(54) We resent their social typing of (object of gerund)


Note that noun clauses ("that" clauses) are used more than infinitives and

gerunds. They occur 46 percent of the time.

Knowledge of sentence patterns can help a writer determine the

choice of a gerund or infinitive object. Although noun clauses and infinitive

objects are used most of the time, you will see gerunds used in your academic

reading assignments from time to time.34

3. Feature of Gerund

Gerund has some features. According to Knud Schibsbye in A Modern

English Grammar with an Appendix on Semantically Related Prepositions, the

forms of the gerund have both substantival and verbal features; both aspects

of the content are often apparent in the same context.

a. The gerund's Substantival Features are as Follows:

(1) it may have a plural -s:

34 Ibid.,p.309

(55) Judge Jeffreys watches the hangings of those he has con-


(2) it may have a genitive -s:

(56) We are walking for walking 's sake.

(3) it may be provided with articles:

(57) There was a gentle tapping on the door.

(58) The cream of the batting had already been skimmed

on Saturday.

(4) it may be combined with words in the attributive-adjectival function:

(59) There was much coming and going between

the embassies.

(60) He infuses the story with a warm spontaneous power

that prevents its being obvious.

(61) The best grouping of canvases is put in the front

of the store.

(62) No complaint was made about the judge's

summing up;

(63) The house was locked up and there was no answer to

one's ringing.

(5) it may form part of compounds in the same way as a substantive:

(64) a walking-st ick/ blotting paper;

(6) it may have the object of the implied verbal concept attached to it by


(65) Mrs 0.’s leaving of her life was as unobtrusive as her

l iv ing of it.

(66) The killing of the pig lasted an unconscionable time;

(7) it may be co-ordinate with substantives:

(67) Transpor t at ion o r banging , that's what he


(68) Travelling and ho tel accommodation is always

first class.

(8) it may be subject, object, predicative complement, and the com-

plement of a preposition:

(69) Speaking seemed painful to him.

(70) You must give up travelling.

(71) This is playing with fire.

(72) He used to earn coppers by lighting fires for

Orthodox neighbours on the Sabbath. (60)

b. The Verbal Character of The Gerund Can be seen From The Fact

that this Form May

(1) be combined with adverbial members:

(73) By scraping and eating skimpily, he spent four months

as a student in New York

(74) Our chance of ever knowing the truth is very slight;

(2) have an object or predicative complement:

(75) After receiving the last sacraments, he died peacefully

at 12.52 a.m.

(76) She was proud of being his daughter.

(3) have a subject:

(77) She got a sense of it being her duty to do something

(78) I hate the idea of my cousin in terf ering .

(9) be inflected in the perfect and the passive:

(79) There is a possibility of his having arrived by now.

(80) This saved him from being burt . (60 – 61)

4. Gerunds Time Relationships to the Main Verb

Gerund has a time relationship to the main verb. According to Marcella

Frank in Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, the participial

forms used in gerund phrases indicate the same kind of time as they do

in participial phrases. The –ing form is neutral with respect to time; the

time that is intended often depends on the tense or the meaning of the

main verb.35

According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar :

a. General Time Form-Gerunds used as objects of the verb express the same

35 Ibid., p.315

time or a time future to the main verb.

Subject verb active gerund object of the gerund

(81) The president considered changing the rules.

(Gerund = object of main verb)

subject verb passive gerund

(82) The president anticipated being elected.

(Action of gerund affects the subject.)

(83) The candidate was last seen being attacked by

the press.

(Action of the verb and the gerund affect the subject.)

b. General Time Form-Gerunds used as subjects or complements of the verb

express the same time or a time earlier than the main verb.

Active gerund subject verb active gerund complement

(84) Seeing is believing. (same time)

subject gerund object verb object

(85) Lowering the interest rates had two effects.

(Action of the gerund is earlier than the main verb.)

passive gerund subject verb passive gerund complement

(86) Being seen meant becoming recognized. (same time)

c. Past Time-Perfect Gerund Form expresses an action, earlier than the

main verb.

Subject verb active gerund object of gerund

(87) The president forgot having changed the rules.

(perfect gerund = object of main verb)

subject verb passive: perfect gerund

(88) The candidate ,understood not having been elected as

president. (Action of gerund affects the subject.) (305)

5. Affixation

Affixation is very useful in translating gerund. According to Gorys Keraf in Tata

Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia, there are two kinds of affixes.

a. Inflectional Affix

Inflectional Affix does not change the class of the word after the

word is given affixes such as me-, di- and ter-.

b. Derivational Affixes

Derivational affixes changes the class of the word after the word is

given affixes such as ke- -an, pe- -an, pe- and -an.36

In conclusion, the features and the usage of the gerund help us to

identify the gerund or to distinguish between gerund and the other suffix -

ing such as present participle and adjective in the process of identifying

36Gorys Keraf, Tata Bahasa Rujukan Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta:Grasindo, 1990), p.121

gerund in the book. According to Knud Schibsbye in A Modern English

Grammar with an Appendix on Semantically Related Prepositions, a word

with suffix -ing can act as:

1. a substantive (noun or others that functions as a noun)

(89) I gave him my blessing

(90) a street of silent-looking dwellings;

2. a gerund

(91) Banging criminals is no cure.

(92) I am proud of being your wife.

(93) Talking so rudely is provoking.

3. the present participle

(94) A girl smiling her sweetest

(95) coming up to me he said, `Good morning'

(96) What are you looking at?

4. an adjective

(97) he is always willing

(98) He is a strapping fellow

(99) He is the cunninger of the two.

5. a preposition

(100) I will communicate with you concerning your friend.

(101) I have an advantageous offer to make him regarding the

cattle .

(102) Your facts are very valuable, specially as touching (this is

archaic) your own stay in Crete. (57)

In addition to distinguish between gerund and the other suffix -ing,

we must remember that the gerunds will always answer the noun question,

what? (since they name an action or a fact, they don't answer to who?).


(103) Your driving a car to New York in your condition disturbs

me greatly.


(104) Your driving a car to New York took longer than I expected.

The writer shall doublecheck the gerunds by testing other nouns or

pronouns in its place. Then in the analysis, the writer will divide the

gerunds based on the function of the gerund. According to Marcella

Frank in Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, gerund has

several functions: subject of verb, object of verb, object of preposition (In

prepositional object or in adverbial phrase), subjective complement, and


Meanwhile, Randolph Quirk in A Comprehensive Grammar of

The English Language refers the gerund as the verb of nominal -ing

clauses (or more fully, nominal -ing participle clauses) and sometimes are

called gerundive which has a function as:

1. subject:

(105) Watching television keeps them out of mischief.

2. direct object:

(106) He enjoys playing practical jokes.

3. subject complement:

(107) Her first job had been selling computers.

4. appositive:

(108) His current research, investigating attitudes to racial

stereotypes, takes up most of his time.

5. adjectival complementation:

(109) They are busy preparing a barbecue.

6. prepositional complement:

(110) I'm responsible for drawing up the budget. (1063)

The difference between the two is that most of the terms that

Marcella Frank and Randolph Quirk uses are different which can be

seen from the table.

Table 1

Different term used by Marcella Frank and Randolph Quirk

Marcella Frank use the term Randolph Quirk use the term

subject of verb

object of verb

object of preposition

In prepositional object

In adverbial phrase

subjective complement



direct object

prepositional complement


subject complement


After that, the gerunds will be analyzed by their translating


The procedures in translating gerunds are divided into:

Shift which consists of class shift and unit shift

Non Shift consists of non class shift, loan word and omission.



In translating a gerund, one may find difficulty because there is no gerund

system in Indonesian. A gerund can be a hybrid. It may have a noun form and a

verbal meaning. The Indonesian language system distinguishes between noun and

verb and there is no hybrid. According to Marcella Frank in Modern English Part

II, a gerund is defined as a participial form used in noun function.37

According to

W. Stannard Allen in Living English Structure, a gerund is defined as the part of a

verb that ends in –ing which has the force of a noun as well as that of a verb.38

However there are translating procedures that the translator can use in translating


The procedures in translating gerunds are divided into:

1. A shift which consists of class shift and unit shift;

Class Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of

Translation, class shift occurs when the translation equivalent of a SL

item is a member of a different class from the original item.

Unit Shift. According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of

Translation, by unit-shift we mean changes of rank-that is, departures

37 Marcella Frank, Modern English Part II, (New Jersey: Prentince Hall, 1972), p.97 38 W. Stannard Allen, Living English Structure, (London: Longman, 1991), p.177

from formal correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a

unit at one rank in the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL.39


2. A non shift which consists of non-class shift and omission

By using non-class shift, the gerund form, which is a noun, is maintained.

According to Mona Baker in In Other Word, translation by omission may

sound rather drastic, but in fact it does no harm to omit translating a word or

expression in some contexts. If the meaning conveyed by a particular item or

expression is not vital enough to the development of the text to justify

distracting the reader with lengthy explanations, translators can and often do

simply omit translating the word or expression in question.40

In translating a gerund, a translator is given the option to use the shift or non-

shift procedure. The translator may choose the non-shift and maintain the form of the

gerund, which is a noun. However, if it is not possible or if it makes the translation

sound unnatural, the translator may choose the second procedure, which is the shift

procedure. The form of the gerund may be changed into a verb or an adjective. The

39 J.C. Catford., A Linguistic Theory of Translation, (Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1965),

p.79 40 Mona Baker, In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation, (London: Routledge, 1995),


translator must keep in mind that his/her main responsibility is to transfer the

meaning or to find a dynamic equivalence.

According to Helen Hoyt Schmidt in Advanced English Grammar, writers choose

gerunds when no abstract noun phrases exist or to express movement and activity in some

kind of process. Gerunds have a stronger verbal force than noun clauses, infinitives, or

abstract noun phrases. That means they put an emphasis on some kind of action.41


shows that the purpose of using a gerund is to emphasize some kind of action that the

writer of the SL wants the reader to take special notice. According to Amran Tasai in

Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia Untuk Perguruan Tinggi, in Indonesian language, there

are five ways to emphasize a word or a phrase.

The first way is putting the word which wants to be emphasized in the

beginning of the sentence. The example below is in Indonesian Language.

Harapan Presiden ialah agar rakyat membangun bangsa dan negaranya.

The phrase “Harapan Presiden” is emphasized in the sentence above.

The second way is ordering a sequence of word. The example below is in

Indonesian Language.

Bukan seratus, seribu, atau sejuta, tetapi berjuta juta rupiah, telah

disumbangkan kepada anak-anak terlantar.

The third way is repeating the same word. The example below is in

Indonesian Language.

Saya suka akan kecantikan mereka, saya suka akan kelembutan mereka.

41 Helen Hoyt Schmidt, Advanced English Grammar, (Iowa:Prentice Hall Regents, 1995), p.322

The fourth way is contrasting the idea. The example below is in Indonesian


Anak itu tidak malas dan curang, tetapi rajin dan jujur.

The fifth way is using the particle –lah. The example below is in Indonesian


Saudaralah yang bertanggung jawab. (93)

A translator must try to emphasize the same action to make a good translation so

that the TL reader will give the same response as the SL reader in reading the text

containing gerunds in their own language.

The underlined word below is the gerund and its translation. The italized word

indicates the object of the gerund’s translation.

A. Gerund as an Object of Preposition

According to Betty Azar in Understanding and Using English Grammar, gerund is

frequently used as the object of preposition.42

1. Class Shift

Class shift occurs when an SL item is translated by means of a TL item

belonging to a different grammatical class. Class shift procedures in

translating a gerund includes adding affixes such as be-, me-, me- -kan, di-

and ter-. A translator uses class shift because he/she finds that maintaining

42 Betty Schrampfer Azar, Understanding and Using English Grammar.2

nd ed, (New Jersey:

Prentice Hall Regents, 1989), p. 151

a gerund form which is a noun or using affixes such as pe- an, ke-an, ke-

and -an is not possible or it may make the translations sounds unnatural. By

using the class shift, the form of the gerund is mostly change into a verb.

a. Translated into Me-+V (22) Class shift

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, as a transitive verb, me- commonly means doing an

action (melakukan tindakan) or using something (menggunakan or

memakai). As an intransitive verb, the affix me- has the meaning of

becoming (menjadi), living as something (hidup sebagai), having a

profession of (berprofesi), eating/drinking/sipping something

(minum/makan/isap sesuatu), moving to somewhere (menuju/bergerak

ke), finding or collecting something (mencari atau mengumpulkan),

making something (membuat), pretending or doing a mimic of

something (berlaku seperti atau menyerupai), and making a noise

(mengeluarkan bunyi) (70-72)

1) SL : He was going to ring me again tonight and I was no closer to

having sorted it. E-Love, 2001, 194

TL : Dia akan meneleponku lagi nanti malam, dan aku belum

membuat keputusan. E-Love, 2001, 72

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is keputusan. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of having sorted it

(melakukan tindakan membuat)

2) SL : At least I didn't have hours of travelling to get there and back.

E-Love, 2001, 139

TL : Setidaknya aku tidak perlu menempuh jarak jauh pulang-pergi.

E-Love, 2001, 17

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is jarak jauh. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of traveling

(melakukan tindakan menempuh)

3) SL : It didn't take too long to get home and then we had the fun of

opening all the carrier bags of things that Mum had bought. E-

Love, 2001, 207

TL : Tak lama kemudian kami sampai di rumah, dan asyik

membuka kantong-kantong belanjaan Mum. E-Love, 2001, 85

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is kantong belanjaan.

The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of opening

(melakukan tindakan membuka)

The translation of the three sentences above have the same

pattern which is the auxiliary verb in Source Language is omitted and

the gerund is translated into a verb to replace the auxiliary verb

4) SL : It was so ridiculous that even I started to laugh at the thought

of keeping anything a secret from that lot. E-Love, 2001, 171

TL : Menggelikan sekali urusan ini, sampai-sampai aku mulai

tertawa membayangkan aku menyimpan rahasia dari sobat-

sobatku ini. E-Love, 2001, 49

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is rahasia. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of keeping something a

secret (melakukan tindakan menyimpan rahasia)

5) SL : I can't bear the thought of not seeing you after tomorrow

morning. E-Love, 2001, 221

TL : Aku juga tidak tahan membayangkan tidak melihatmu lagi

setelah besok pagi. E-Love, 2001, 99

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is mu. The affix me-

above has the meaning of doing the action of not seeing you

(melakukan tindakan tidak melihatmu). It has a negative meaning

because the negation “not”.

Two sentences with their translation above have the same

pattern. The pattern is that the preposition is omitted and the gerund is

translated into a verb and there is a double verb (verba berderet).

6) SL : Debs has set her heart on getting into it, but she's got to wait

two more years before she'll be old enough to audition. E-Love,

2001, 172

TL : Debs setengah mati ingin menjadi anggota paduan suara ini,

tapi dia mesti menunggu dua tahun lagi, barulah dia cukup

umur untuk ikut audisi. E-Love, 2001, 50

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is anggota paduan

suara. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of

being a member of a choir (melakukan tindakan menjadi paduan


7) SL : I was about to go off-line, feeling miserable about not speaking

to Dan, when a new message appeared: Hi, Sam! You there. E-

Love, 2001, 177

TL : Aku berniat keluar saja, merasa kecewa karena tidak bisa

mengobrol dengan Dan, tapi tiba-tiba muncul pesan baru: Hai,

Sam! Ada di situ? E-Love, 2001, 55

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is Dan. The affix me-

above has the meaning of doing the action of not speaking (melakukan

tindakan tidak mengobrol). It has a negative meaning because the

negation “not”.

8) SL : I just thought it might be a way of building on what I’ll learn if

I get into the school tennis squad this summer, that's all. E-

Love, 2001, 180

TL : Kupikir mungkin dengan ikut kamp tenis itu aku bisa

memperbaiki teknikku untuk nanti kalau aku masuk tim tenis

sekolah pada musim panas ini. Itu saja. E-Love, 2001, 58

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is teknikku. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of sending (melakukan

tindakan mengirim).

9) SL : I found myself constantly thinking about Dan: supposing he

thought I was a complete geek for sending that e-mail to him?

E-Love, 2001, 182

TL : Aku terus-menerus memikirkan Dan gimana kalau dia pikir

aku kuper abis gara-gara aku mengirim e-mail itu padanya? E-

Love, 2001, 60

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is e-mail. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of sending (melakukan

tindakan mengirim).

10) SL : And, of course, my big mistake about sending the e-mail. E-

Love, 2001, 183

TL : Juga, tentu saja, kesalahan besarku karena telah mengirim e-

mail-itu. E-Love, 2001, 61

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is e-mail. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of sending (melakukan

tindakan mengirim). The translation of gerund above is given a time

mark which is telah.

11) SL : Even sadder though, was that, Mrs Jay never got back to being

a concert pianist. E-Love, 2001, 140

TL : Tapi yang lebih menyedihkan, Mrs. Jay tidak pernah lagi

menjadi pianis konser. E-Love, 2001, 18

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is pianis. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of being a concert

pianist (melakukan tindakan menjadi pianis).

12) SL : Once I was in my bedroom, I got so jittery at the thought of

phoning Dan that I did actually feel ill. E-Love, 2001, 186

TL : Begitu berada di kamarku, aku jadi sangat gelisah memikirkan

akan menelepon Dan sampai-sampai aku benar-benar merasa

tidak enak badan. E-Love, 2001, 64

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is pianis. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of being a concert

pianist (melakukan tindakan menjadi pianis).

13) SL : 'spk 2u 18r' was our own code for getting on-to net to chat and

I sent them both the same message back: gr8thnx. E-Love,

2001, 141

TL : Isinya hampir sama "smpi nanti" adalah kode rahasia kami,

yang artinya mengajak chatting . Kukirimkan balasan yang

sama pada mereka: sip thx E-Love, 2001, 19

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is chatting. The

translator uses chatting because the affix me- needs a noun to complete

the sentence. Chatting in the translation is a loan word. It is not

translated because it is a computer terminology. In this case, chatting

means to chat by typing the sentence through a chat program in a

computer through the Internet. The affix me- above has the meaning of

doing the action of phoning (melakukan tindakan menelpon).

14) SL : There's no point in trying to chat to them. E-Love, 2001, 193

TL : Percuma mencoba ngobrol dengan mereka. E-Love, 2001, 71

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is mereka. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of trying (melakukan

tindakan mencoba).

15) SL : When I got home from school that afternoon I went straight to

the piano (after saying hello to Charly, of course). E-Love,

2001, 194

TL : Sepulang sekolah siang itu, aku langsung beranjak ke piano

(tentu saja setelah menyapa Charly). E-Love, 2001, 72

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is Charly. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of saying

hello(melakukan tindakan menyapa).

16) SL : Still, as Butter's dad said when he opened a huge phone-bill

one day, he'd rather we were chatting via the net, because it

was cheaper than using the phone. E-Love, 2001, 153

TL : Tapi, seperti kata ayah Butter, sewaktu menerima tagihan

telepon yang mahalnya amit-amit, dia lebih suka kami

mengobrol lewat Internet sebab lebih murah daripada kalau

memakai telepon.E-Love, 2001, 32

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is telepon. The affix

me- above has the meaning of using the phone (menggunakan


17) SL : Definitely one of the benefits of being an only child with

parents who work so hard: they give you your space. E-Love,

2001, 227

TL : Satu keuntungan menjadi anak tunggal dengan orangtua yang

bekerja begitu keras adalah: mereka memberikan banyak

kesempatan untuk sendirian. E-Love, 2001, 105

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is anak tunggal. The

affix me- above has the meaning of action of being an only child

(melakukan tindakan menjadi anak tunggal).

18) SL : I'd better go and get in a spot of howling outside the

window before supper. E-Love, 2001, 200

TL : Sekarang aku mau melolong-lolong dulu di luar jendela,

sebelum makan malam. E-Love, 2001, 78

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb where there is no object after the verb melolong-

lolong. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of

howling (melakukan tindakan melolong-lolong).

19) SL : Debs butted in first – I could tell because we all identified

ourselves by giving our initials at the end of the chat. E-Love,

2001, 152

TL : Debs yang pertama-tama-aku bisa tahu karena kami memberi

tanda dengan menaruh inisial kami masing-masing pada akhir

chat. E-Love, 2001, 31

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is inisial kami. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of giving our

initials (melakukan tindakan menaruh inisial kami).

20) SL : She was telling me of gently, for making her jump too. E-Love,

2001, 160

TL : Dia memprotesku rupanya, karena membuat dia kaget juga. E-

Love, 2001, 38

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is inisial dia. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of making her

jump (melakukan tindakan membuat).

21) SL : But he kept on knocking and in the end I opened the door and

made some pathetic excuse about not hearing him. E-Love,

2001, 219

TL : Tapi dia terus mengetuk-ngetuk, dan akhirnya kubuka juga

pintu. Kukatakan tadi aku tidak mendengar. E-Love, 2001, 97

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the

action of making a false statement (membuat suatu kebohongan).

The gerund below is translated into me-+V and there is a

reduplication of the translation of the gerund

22) SL : As if somehow, by repeating myself what he'd said, it was

going to change things. E-Love, 2001, 240

TL : Seolah-olah dengan mengulang-ulang apa yang dikatakannya

bisa mengubah keadaan. E-Love, 2001, 118

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is apa yang

dikatakannya. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the

action of repeating something (melakukan tindakan mengulang-ulang).

23) SL : So what's all this rubbish about waiting for Mr. E-mail to come

to you, Sam? E-Love, 2001, 184

TL : Nah, apa sih masalahmu, soal menunggu-nunggu si Mr. E-mail

membalasmu, Sam? E-Love, 2001, 62

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is si Mr. E-mail. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of waiting

(melakukan tindakan menunggu-nunggu).

The verb of the gerund below is Two-word verbs and translated

into Me-+V

24) SL : Yes. I'll be able to catch up with my howling, won't I? E-Love,

2001, 210

TL : Ya, aku jadi bisa bebas melolong-lolong, iya kan? E-Love,

2001, 88

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb where there is no object after the verb melolong-

lolong. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of

howling (melakukan tindakan melolong-lolong).

25) SL : I just carried on with my peeling and chopping. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Aku meneruskan mengupas dan mengiris-iris sayuran. E-Love,

2001, 73

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is sayuran. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of peeling and

chopping (melakukan tindakan mengupas dan mengiris-iris).

b. Translated into Me-+V +kan (6) Class shift

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the meaning of the affix me- -kan depends on the verb

one. If the the verb one is a verb, an adjective, it has the meaning of

doing an action (melakukan tindakan) or to do something to the object

(menyebabkan sesuatu/seseorang /objek menjadi). If the the verb one

is a noun, it has the meaning of making or presuming the object as

something (menjadikan atau menganggap objek sebagai).43

1) SL : She’s so good, Mrs. Sutton our sport teacher is thinking of

putting her forward for the national team this year. E-Love,

2001, 130

TL : Permainannya bagus sekali, sampai-sampai Mrs. Sutton guru

olahraga kami berniat mencalonkannya masuk tim nasional

tahun ini. E-Love, 2001, 8

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is -nya. The affix me-

-kan above has the meaning of causing someone to be a candidate

(menyebabkan seseorang menjadi calon).

2) SL : For a second I thought about leaving a message myself but

then I changed my mind. E-Love, 2001, 174

43Amalia Candrayani, Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing, (Jakarta: Wedatama Widya

Sastra, 2004), pp. 81-88

TL : Sesaat aku menimbang-nimbang untuk meninggalkan pesan,

tapi lalu mengurungkannya E-Love, 2001, 52

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is pesan. The affix

me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of leaving

(melakukan tindakan meninggalkan).

3) SL : But I think Mum had an idea of how I felt because she leaned

back and squeezed my hand without saying anything. E-Love,

2001, 223

TL : Tapi kurasa Mum bisa menebak perasanku, sebab Mum

mengulurkan tangan ke belakang dan meremas tanganku tanpa

mengatakan apa-apa. E-Love, 2001, 101

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is apa-apa. The affix

me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of leaving

(melakukan tindakan meninggalkan).

4) SL : I only just about had time to tell her my worries about telling

Mum when we arrived at assembly. E-Love, 2001, 192

TL : Aku cuma sempat menceritakan kecemasan-kecemasanku

kalau harus menyampaikan hal ini pada Mum, tapi kami sudah

keburu tiba, di rapat. E-Love, 2001, 70

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is hal ini. The affix

me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of telling

(melakukan tindakan menyampaikan).

5) SL : I protested at first, but then I began to see the sense of getting it

over with. E-Love, 2001, 240

TL : Mulanya aku protes, tapi lalu aku mulai menyadari perlunya

membereskan masalah ini sampai tuntas. E-Love, 2001, 119

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is masalah ini. The

affix me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of finishing

(melakukan tindakan membereskan).

6) SL : I had to admit that I felt better for talking to someone about it.

E-Love, 2001, 184

TL : Mesti kuakui, perasaanku jadi lebih enak setelah

membicarakan ini. E-Love, 2001, 62

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is masalah ini. The

affix me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of talking

about something (melakukan tindakan membicarakan sesuatu). The

translation of gerund above is given a time mark which is setelah.

c. Translated into Me-+Verb+-i (1) Class shift

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the affix me- -i has the meaning of making a decision

how to reponse (berlaku/bersikap - terhadap objek)44


1) SL : In the end, they bullied me into saying yes. E-Love, 2001, 243

TL: Akhirnya mereka berhasil juga memaksaku menyangupi untuk

datang. E-Love, 2001, 121

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- -kan above has the meaning of willing

to go (bersikap menerima ajakan)

d. Translated into Ber- +V (1) Class shift

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the affix Ber- has the meaning of having something

(mempunyai), having a relation with (mempunyai hubungan), using

(menggunakan atau memakai), to creating (menghasilkan), handing out

(mengeluarkan), doing an activity (mengerjakan atau mengadakan kegiatan),

an activity involving more than one peope (tindakan yang melibatkan

44 Ibid, pp. 91-94.

pelaku lebih dari satu), calling or presuming (memanggil or menganggap

sebagai), doing an action (sedang melakukan tindakan), doing an action for

him/herself (tindakan atas diri sendiri), in a condition (berada dalam

keadaan), a group of something (himpunan atau dalam jumlah) (40-43)

1) SL : I'm sorry but I won't agree to the meeting until I speak to his

mother or father. E-Love, 2001, 198

TL : Yah, sayang sekali, tapi aku tidak mengizinkan kau bertemu

dengan dia sampai aku sudah bicara dengan ibu atau

ayahnya.E-Love, 2001, 76

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is dia. The affix ber-

above has the meaning of the action of meeting someone

(Mengadakan kegiatan bertemu)

e. Translated into Ter-+V (1) Class shift

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the affix Ter- has the meaning of an accidental action

(tidak sengaja di-), can be (dapat di-), have been done (sudah di-), or a

condition (keadaan)45


1) SL : All that-stuff about tingling, you know? E-Love, 2001, 140

45 Ibid, pp. 122-124.

TL : Soal perasaan tergelitik itu, ngerti maksudku? E-Love, 2001,


The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix ber- above has the meaning of the

condition of tingling (keadaan tergelitik)

f. Translated into V 1 without affixes (9) Class shift

1) SL : I wrote it without thinking first. E-Love, 2001,145

TL : Aku mengetik itu tanpa pikir panjang. E-Love, 2001, 23

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

2) SL : It was mostly clothes for her and Dad but she had bought me a

really nice jacket - it was just like one I'd told her about seeing

in a catalogue. E-Love, 2001, 207

TL : Kebanyakan isinya pakaian untuk Mum dan Dad, tapi aku juga

dibelikan jaket yang bagus sekali-persis seperti yang pernah

kulihat di katalog dan kuceritakan pada Mum. E-Love, 2001,


The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

3) SL : Oh sure- it won’t stop me from going to camp don't worry. E-

Love, 2001, 210

TL : Oh, bisa-tenang aja, aku pasti ikut kamp itu, kok. E-Love,

2001, 88

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

4) SL : In the meantime, I had to keep myself occupied by playing

more tennis with the girls (Butter was quite good but she did

go off to a cricket training camp so I lost her as a tennis

partner, for a while), swimming (we all went together), playing

the piano, and. generally mooching around the house and

garden with Charly. E-Love, 2001, 225

TL : Sementara ini, aku mesti menyibukkan diri dengan main tenis

lebih sering bersama sobat-sobatku (Butter sangat bagus, tapi

dia ikut kamp latihan kriket, jadi untuk sementara aku

kehilangan dia sebagai partnerku), berenang (kami pergi

bersama-sama), main piano, dan pada umumnya cuma

berkeliaran di sekitar rumah dan kebun bersama Charly. E-

Love, 2001, 103

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

5) SL : No, he just did it by being himself. E-Love, 2001, 227

TL : Dia tampil apa adanya saja. E-Love, 2001, 105

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

6) SL : After all the worry about chatting to him, he was actually really

easy to talk to once I'd taken the plunge. E-Love, 2001, 188

TL : Padahal tadi aku cemas setengah mati membayangkan ngobrol

dengan dia, padahal dia benar-benar enak diajak bicara, begitu

aku sudah memulai. E-Love, 2001, 66

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is dia. Ngobrol is an

informal word. The formal words are mengadakan percakapan.

7) SL : Perhaps the girls were right and somehow, by going into the

chatroom the way I had, I had invited some weirdos into the

world of my PC. E-Love, 2001, 185

TL : Mungkin sobat-sobatku benar juga, bahwa dengan masuk ke

chatroom seperti itu, aku jadi mengundang orang-orang sakit

ke dalam dunia PC-ku E-Love, 2001, 63

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

8) SL : I was looking forward to going. E-Love, 2001, 243

TL : Aku merasa bersemangat untuk pergi. E-Love, 2001,121

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb.

9) SL : Fortunately, he didn't go and spoil it all by trying to grope me.

E-Love, 2001, 244

TL : Untunglah dia tidak merusak suasana dengan coba-coba

meraba-rabaku. E-Love, 2001, 123

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is ku.

g. Translated into Kata Dasar Adjective (1)

1) SL : Fortunately, after all those years of worrying about it, being

with a boy like that just comes naturally. E-Love, 2001, 216

TL : Untunglah, setelah sekian lama merasa cemas, menikmati

kebersamaan dengan cowok seperti ini berjalan sewajarnya

saja. E-Love, 2001, 94

It is rare to find a gerund which is translated into an adjective. The

gerund above actually has a verbal meaning but the translator decided to

translate it into an adjective to make the sentence effective. The words

“about it” are translated using translation by omission because the write

think it is not significant.

2. Unit Shift Translated into Phrase (6)

According to Catford in A Linguistic Theory of Translation, by

unit-shift we mean changes of rank-that is, departures from formal

correspondence in which the translation equivalent of a unit at one rank in

the SL is a unit at a different rank in the TL.(79)

1) SL : I was prepared for just about every social occasion going except

for skiing! E-Love, 2001, 211

TL : Pokoknya aku siap deh dengan perlengkapan untuk segala macam

acara, kecuali untuk main ski! E-Love, 2001, 89

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “skiing” is

translated into a phrase “main ski”.

2) SL : But what was I going to do about meeting him? E-Love, 2001, 193

TL : Tapi bagaimana tentang rencana menemui dia? E-Love, 2001,


The translation above is a unit shift because the word “meeting” is

translated into a phrase “rencana menemui”.

3) SL : As I switched the light on, she twitched an ear at me and let out, a

purr of greeting. E-Love, 2001,143

TL : Ketika aku menyalakan lampu, dia menggerakkan satu telinganya

padaku dan mengeong menyambut kedatanganku. E-Love, 2001,


The translation above is a unit shift because the word “greeting” is

translated into a phrase “menyambut kedatanganku”.The gerund in the

sentence above is translated into a transitive verb. The object of the verb is


4) SL : As we approached our exams, we seemed to get more and more

coursework and endless lists of books from all our teachers that

they reckoned we needed to read because they were essential to

passing our exams. E-Love, 2001, 229

TL : Ketika ujian-ujian semakin dekat, kami semakin banyak

mendapat tugas-tugas dan daftar buku yang menurut guru-guru

kami mesti dibaca supaya bisa lulus ujian. E-Love, 2001, 107

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “passing” is

translated into a phrase “bisa lulus”.

5) SL : I told Mum about telling Dan, and that his mum would be

expecting her to call. E-Love, 2001, 200

TL : Kuberitahu Mum bahwa aku sudah bilang pada Dan, dan bahwa

ibu Dan akan menunggu telepon ibuku. E-Love, 2001, 78.

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “telling” is

translated into a phrase “aku sudah bilang pada”. The gerund in the

sentence above is translated into a transitive verb where the object of the

gerund’s translation is Dan. Aku sudah bilang is informal. The formal

words are aku telah mengatakannya.

6) SL : I wondered if I should tell them about meeting Dan and see what

advice that they might have. E-Love, 2001, 193

TL : Aku berpikir-pikir, haruskah kuberitahukan pada mereka

rencanaku bertemu dengan Dan. E-Love, 2001, 71

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “meeting” is

translated into a phrase “rencanaku bertemu”. The gerund in the sentence

above is translated into a transitive verb where the object of the gerund’s

translation is Dan.

3. Non-Class shift

By using non-class shift, the gerund form, which is a noun, is


a. Translated into Ke-+V +an (3)

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the affix ke- -an depends on the verb one. If the verb one is

a verb, the affix has the meaning of something related to (hal yang

berhubungan dengan), or a place (tempat). If the verb one is a noun, the

affix has the meaning of meaning of something related to (hal yang

berhubungan dengan), a place (tempat), or a nature of something (sifat

yang) (167-169)

1) SL : Surely they could help to rescue him from his studying? E-

Love, 2001, 136

TL : Teman-temannyakan pasti bisa membantu dia menghilangkan

kebosanannya? E-Love, 2001, 14

The translation above is a free translation because studying is

translated into kebosanannya. The affix ke- -an has a meaning of

something related to the boring condition (hal yang berhubungan

dengan kebosanan)

2) SL : I think lunch was one of Dad's treats to us for having been

away all week. E-Love, 2001, 155

TL : Kurasa acara makan siang bersama ini merupakan salah satu

cara Dad untuk menebus ketidak-hadirannya di rumah

sepanjang minggu. E-Love, 2001, 33

The affix ke- -an has a meaning of something related to the

having been away condition (hal yang berhubungan dengan ketidak-

hadirannya )

3) SL : There was no point in looking to keen. E-Love, 2001,151

TL : Jangan sampai aku kedengaran terlalu antusias. E-Love, 2001,


The translation above is a free translation because looking is

translated into kedengaran. Kedengaran is informal word. To make a

good translation, the word “looking” should be translated into


b. Translated into Pe-+V +an (1)

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, the affix pe- -an depends on the verb one. If the verb one is

a verb, the affix has the meaning of a process of (proses me-/me- -kan/ me-

-i), a tool to do something or a result of (alat/hasil me-) or a place to

(tempat me-). If the verb one is a noun, the affix has the meaning of a

process of (proses me-/me- -kan/ me- -i), or a tool to do something

(hal/hasil me-).46

1) SL : Says she'll never be able to look her in the eye at a parent-

teacher meeting again! E-Love, 2001, 127

TL : Katanya dia bakal malu banget deh kalau ketemu Mrs. Dixon

dalam rapat pertemuan orangtua murid dan guru! E-Love,

2001, 5

The affix pe- -an means the process of meeting (proses


46 Ibid, pp. 162-165.

c. Translated into Verb + -an (3)

According to Amalia Candrayani in Bahasa Indonesia untuk

Penutur Asing, if the verb one is a verb, the affix –an has the meaning of

passive (yang di-), the result of (hasil melakukan), a tool (alat), a place


1) SL : We spent some time working on religious paintings - you

know, icons and rood screens, that sort of thing - and Mrs.

Thomas played us Mozart's Requiem. E-Love, 2001, 135

TL : Pernah kami mengerjakan proyek membuat lukisan-lukisan

religius-ikon-ikon, sekat-sekat berpola, semacam itulah-dan

Mrs. Thomas menyetetkan Requiem Mozart. E-Love, 2001, 13.

The affix –an in the sentence above means the result of painting

(hasil melukis)

2) SL : They said it was up to us to be responsible for our own safety

and that, as long as we turned up to breakfast each morning

and coaching on time, and didn't disgrace the camp at anything,

they'd treat us as adults. E-Love, 2001, 217.

TL : Kata mereka, kami sendiri, yang bertanggung jawab atas

keselamatan kami, dan selama kami ikut sarapan setiap pagi

dan datang latihan pada waktunya, serta tidak melakukan hal-

47 Ibid, pp. 169-171.

hal yang memalukan kamp, maka mereka akan

memperlakukan kami sebagai orang dewasa. E-Love, 2001, 95.

The affix –an in the sentence above means the result of coaching

(hasil melakukan latihan)

3) SL : We've got a timetable of coaching but we get some time off

every day to go out on trips. E-Love, 2001, 213

TL : Ada jam jam latihan, tapi setiap hari kami diberi -waktu untuk

keluar berjalan-jalan. E-Love, 2001, 91

The affix –an in the sentence above means the result of coaching

(hasil melakukan latihan)

d. Translated into Kata Dasar Noun (1)

1) SL : We didn't bother to team up with any of the others, because

without saying anything to each other, we both seemed to

realise that we just had to spend the time on our own because

who knew when we were going to see each other again. E-

Love, 2001, 221

TL : Kami tidak berbaur dengan anak-anak lainnya, sebab tanpa

kata-kata pun kami berdua sepertinya sama-sama menyadari

bahwa kami ingin berduaan saja sebab entah kapan kami bisa

bertemu lagi. E-Love, 2001, 98

4. Translation by Omission (8)

According to Mona Baker in In Other Word, translation by omission

may sound rather drastic, but in fact it does no harm to omit translating a word

or expression in some contexts. If the meaning conveyed by a particular item

or expression is not vital enough to the development of the text to justify

distracting the reader with lengthy explanations, translators can and often do

simply omit translating the word or expression in question.48

1) SL : We sat next to each other to watch the mixed doubles finals and

then we had the joy of watching Sally lose in the girls' singles for

her set. E-Love, 2001, 221

TL : Kami duduk berdampingan menonton final ganda campuran, lalu

kami menikmati kekalahan Sally dalam tunggal putri

kelompoknya. E-Love, 2001, 98

2) SL : But then I made the excuse of feeling tired and went up to my

room. E-Love, 2001, 236

TL : Tapi lalu aku beralasan bahwa aku capek, dan aku naik ke

kamarku. E-Love, 2001, 114

3) SL : When you've got a mother who is smart, there's not a lot that slips

by her without being noticed. E-Love, 2001, 196

48 Mona Baker, In Other Words: A Course Book on Translation, (London: Routledge, 1995),


TL : Susah kalau punya ibu yang cerdas, tidak banyak yang bisa lolos

begitu saja tanpa sepengetahuannya. E-Love, 2001, 74

4) SL : So I made some excuse about being tired because there had been a

really late party the night before. E-Love, 2001, 223

TL : Jadi aku membuat alasan, mengatakan aku lelah karena semalam

ada pesta hinggga larut malam. E-Love, 2001, 101

5) SL : I was glad that I didn't have to worry about being with a boy who

ate less than I did! E-Love, 2001, 206

TL : Aku senang Dan tidak makan lebih sedikit daripada aku E-Love,

2001, 84

6) SL : When he got round to sending them, that is. E-Love, 2001, 236

TL : Itu kalau, dia sempat. E-Love, 2001, 114

7) SL : I make the most of having a nice long lie-in and then, if I'm feeling

like it, I might spend some time practicing the piano. E-Love,

2001, 154

TL : Aku lebih suka tidur sampai siang lalu kalau sedang ingin, aku

berlatih piano selama-beberapa waktu. E-Love, 2001, 32

8) SL : Without stopping to think, I answered the call to stop the phone's

incessant ringing tune. E-Love, 2001, 198

TL : Tanpa pikir panjang kujawab telepon itu, untuk menghentikan

nada deringnya. E-Love, 2001, 77

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive verb.

B. Gerund as an Object of verb

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English a Practical Reference

Guide, certain verbs in English are followed by verbals-either gerunds or

infinitives-which are considered as the objects of these verbs. Most of these

verbs denote mental activity or indirect speech and therefore require subjects

that refer to human beings.49

1. Class shift

a. Translated into Me- +V (17) Class Shift

1) SL : I mean you can relax a bit in Art and enjoy slopping the paint

together. E-Love, 2001, 135

TL : Maksudku, kita kan bisa sedikit santai dalam pelajaran Seni,

asyik mencampur-campur cat. E-Love, 2001, 13

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is cat. The affix me-

49 Marcella Frank, Modern English a Practical Reference Guide, (New Jersey: Prentice Hall,

1972), p.322

above has the meaning of doing the action of slopping something

(melakukan tindakan mencampur-campur)

2) SL : I think it was, when I stopped anticipating that he might

surprise me and phone or e-mail. E-Love, 2001, 242

TL : Mungkin sewaktu aku tidak lagi menunggu-nunggu kejutan

berupa telepon atau e-mail darinya. E-Love, 2001, 120

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is kejutan. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of anticipating

(melakukan tindakan menunggu-nunggu)

3) SL : They'd probably already started chatting. E-Love, 2001, 152

TL : Kemungkinan mereka bertiga sudah mulai mengobrol. E-

Love, 2001, 30

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of having a

chat (membuat percakapan). Mengobrol is an informal word. The

formal word is berbicara.

4) SL : I reckoned I had a couple of hours before Dad wanted to start

watching the videos. E-Love, 2001, 157

TL : Kuperkirakan masih ada waktu sekitar dua jam sebelum bad

mulai menyetel video-video itu. E-Love, 2001, 35

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is video-video. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of playing the

videos (melakukan tindakan menyetel video-video)

5) SL : I'd do anything to avoid making a decision about whether or

not I was going to call Dan! E-Love, 2001, 186

TL : Pokoknya aku melakukan kegiatan apa saja deh, asal tidak

usah memutuskan apakah akan menelepon Dan atau tidak. E-

Love, 2001, 64

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is apakah akan

menelepon Dan atau tidak. The affix me- above has the meaning of

doing the action of making a decision (melakukan tindakan membuat

suatu keputusan)

6) SL : It was when Dan's mum and mine started talking about schools

that Dan caught my eye and winked at me. E-Love, 2001, 205

TL : Ketika ibu Dan dan ibuku mulai mengobrol tentang sekolah,

Dan menatapku dan mengerdipkan mata. Aku tersenyum dan

dia mengedip lagi. E-Love, 2001, 83

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of making a

conversation (membuat suatu percakapan)

7) SL : Or perhaps he'd regretted sending me that message? E-Love,

2001, 209

TL : Atau barangkali dia menyesal mengirim pesan itu padaku? E-

Love, 2001, 87

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is pesan. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of sending something

(melakukan tindakan mengirim sesuatu)

8) SL : Sometimes you can hear her muttering stuff under her breath

and shaking her head in disbelief that people can be so awful to

each other. E-Love, 2001, 132

TL : Kadang d ia suka manggumam pelan sambil geleng geleng

kepala, tak percaya bahwa orang-orang bisa begitu jahat

terhadap sesama mereka.E-Love, 2001, 10

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of making a

noise (membuat suatu suara yang tidak jelas)

9) SL : In the end, Dan gave up trying to cajole me into doing

something with him and said he'd see me at supper in the

dining-hall. E-Love, 2001, 219

TL : Akhir nya Dan tidak lagi mencoba membujukku melakukan

kegiatan bersamanya. E-Love, 2001, 97

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is ku. The affix me-

above has the meaning of doing the action of trying (melakukan

tindakan mencoba sesuatu). There is a double verb (verba berderet) in

the sentence above.

10) SL : I felt irritated and cross with myself as I started painting. E-

Love, 2001, 136

TL : Aku jadi kesal dan sebal pada diriku saat mulai melukis.E-

Love, 2001, 15

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of making a

painting (membuat suatu lukisan)

11) SL : But he kept turning it one way, then the other, trying to make it

shrink. E-Love, 2001, 160

TL : Dari tempatku di sini, jelas tampak rak itu terlalu besar, tapi

orang itu masih saja membolak-baliknya ke sana-sini, mencoba

memuatnya E-Love, 2001, 38

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is -nya. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of turning (melakukan

tindakan membolak-balikkan sesuatu). Membolak-balik is an

informal word. The formal word is membolak-balikkan.

12) SL : I didn’t even feel like chatting to any of them. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Aku malah sedang tidak ingin mengobrol dengan mereka.E-

Love, 2001, 52

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is mereka. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of chatting

(melakukan tindakan mengobrol). Mengobrol is informal. The formal

words are mengadakan percakapan.

The gerund in the sentence below has a two-word verbs and

translated into Me-+V

13) SL : But he kept on knocking and in the end I opened the door and

made some pathetic excuse about not hearing him. E-Love,

2001, 219

TL : Tapi dia terus mengetuk-ngetuk, dan akhirnya kubuka juga

pintu. Kukatakan tadi aku tidak mendengar. E-Love, 2001, 97

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of making an

action of knocking (membuat ketukan-ketukan)

14) SL : So I ignored the PLINK! and carried on talking to Debs for a

bit. E-Love, 2001, 159

TL : Jadi, kubiarkan saja bunyi- PLING! itu. Aku meneruskan

mengobrol dengan Debs sebentar. E-Love, 2001, 38

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is Debs. The affix

me- above has the meaning of doing the action of talking (melakukan

tindakan mengobrol). Mengobrol is an informal word. The formal

word is percakapan.

15) SL : ‘Huh!’ Butter carried on glaring, this time at her feet which she

started to kick against the locker she had been leaning on. E-

Love, 2001, 137

TL : "Huh!" Butter masih juga melotot, kali ini pada kakinya

yang mulai ia tendang-tendangkan_ke loker yang disandari-

nya. E-Love, 2001, 15

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the

action of glaring (melakukan tindakan melotot).

16) SL : We carried on chatting like that for a while and then Dan

brought up the subject of my last e-mail. E-Love, 2001, 238

TL : Kami meneruskan mengobrol seperti itu selama beberapa saat,

kemudian Dan menyinggung tentang isi e-mail-ku yang

terakhir. E-Love, 2001, 116

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an

intransitive verb. The affix me- above has the meaning of making an

action of chatting (membuat percakapan)

17) SL : He carried on holding my hand which made me feel better. E-

Love, 2001, 235

TL : Dan masih terus menggenggam tanganku, dan aku jadi merasa

lebih baik. E-Love, 2001, 113

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is tanganku. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of holding

(melakukan tindakan menggenggam sesuatu).

b. Translated into Me-+V +kan (6) Class Shift

1) SL : I don't even remember showing my pass to the conductor. E-

Love, 2001, 192

TL : Aku bahkan tidak ingat menunjukkan karcisku pada kondektur.

E-Love, 2001, 70

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is karcisku. The affix

me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of showing

something (melakukan tindakan menunjukkan sesuatu).

2) SL : Anyway, I typed up the material that I'd got off the net and started

closing down my PC. E-Love, 2001, 130

TL : Aku mengambil materi yang kutemukan di Internet, lalu hendak

mematikan komputerku. E-Love, 2001, 8

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is komputerku. The

affix me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of closing

down (melakukan tindakan mematikan komputer).

3) SL : In the end, I couldn't bear thinking about it any longer. E-Love,

2001, 180

TL : Pada akhirnya, aku tidak tahan lagi memikirkannya. E-Love,

2001, 58

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is -nya. The affix me- -

kan above has the meaning of doing the action of thinking of something

(melakukan tindakan memikirkan sesuatu).

4) SL : To be honest, I was so happy about how well the whole thing had

gone that I didn't really mind telling her all the stuff that Dan had

told me about his life and his family. E-Love, 2001, 206.

TL : Sejujurnya, aku senang sekali semuanya berjalan lancar, sehingga

aku dengan senang hati menceritakan pada ibuku segala yang

diceritakan Dan tentang hidupnya dan keluarganya. E-Love,

2001, 85

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is ibuku. The affix me-

-kan above has the meaning of doing the action of telling something

(melakukan tindakan menceritakan sesuatu).

5) SL : It was good, although they did keep asking me questions about

London. E-Love, 2001, 232

TL : Senang juga, meski mereka banyak menanyakan tentang London.

E-Love, 2001, 110

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb. The affix me- -kan above has the meaning of making a question

statement (melakukan tindakan menanyakan sesuatu).

6) SL : I can't imagine giving up all my friends, all that freedom of living

from your parent. E-Love, 2001, 139

TL : Tidak kebayang deh kalau aku harus meninggalkan teman-

temanku, kebebasan hidup jauh dari orangtua. E-Love, 2001, 18

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is teman-temanku. The

affix me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of giving up

(melakukan tindakan meninggalkan sesuatu).

Object of verb where the verb is Two-word verbs and translated

into Me--+V+-kan

7) SL : And then I went for a swim while Mum went on a sunbed (no

matter how many times I tell her how bad the thing is for her, she

still insists on going on a sunbed every now and then) and Dad

had a sauna. E-Love, 2001, 155

TL : Setelah itu aku pergi berenang, sementara Mum berbaring di

sunbed (padahal sudah berkali-kali kukatakan bahwa berjemur di

sunbed itu tidak bagus untuknya, tapi Mum masih juga

melakukannya sesekali), Dad masuk ke ruang sauna. E-Love,

2001, 33

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is -nya. The affix me- -

kan above has the meaning of doing the action of doing something

(melakukan tindakan melakukan sesuatu).

c. Translated into Ber-+V (4) Class shift

1) SL : While I was steaming my way up and down the pool, I couldn't

help wondering what Dan did at this time on a Saturday. E-Love,

2001, 155

TL : Sambil berenang bolak-balik di kolam, aku bertanya-tanya kira-

kira apa yang dilakukan Dan pada jam segini di hari Sabtu. E-

Love, 2001, 33

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb. The affix ber- above has the meaning of doing the action of

wondering (melakukan tindakan bertanya-tanya).

2) SL : I make the most of having a nice long lie-in and then, if I'm

feeling like it, I might spend some time practicing the piano. E-

Love, 2001, 154

TL : Aku lebih suka tidur sampai siang, lalu kalau sedang ingin, aku

berlatih piano selama beberapa waktu. E-Love, 2001, 32

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb because it does not have the passive form. The affix ber- above has

the meaning of doing the action of practicing (melakukan tindakan


3) SL : They made some excuses about going off to do some shopping.

E-Love, 2001, 205

TL : Mereka lalu berbasa-basi bilang akan pergi berbelanja sebentar.

E-Love, 2001, 83

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb. The affix ber- above has the meaning of doing the action of

shopping (melakukan tindakan berbelanja).

4) SL : The cursor kept winking at me but no one spoke. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Kursor berkedip-kedip padaku; tapi tidak ada respons. E-Love,

2001, 36

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb because it does not have the passive form. The affix ber- above has

the meaning of doing the action of winking (melakukan tindakan


Object of verb where the verb is Two-word verbs and translated

into Ber-+V

5) SL : ‘Sure’, I called over my shoulder as I carried on trying to tackle the

music. E-Love, 2001, 155

TL : “Oke,” aku berseru sambil menoleh, berusaha sambil tetap

memainkan piano. E-Love, 2001, 33

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb because it does not have the passive form. The affix ber- above has

the meaning of doing the action of trying (melakukan tindakan


6) SL : And I'm really looking forward to meeting u. E-Love, 2001, 201

TL : Dan aku tidak sabar ingin bertemu kamu. E-Love, 2001, 80

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb because it does not have the passive form. The affix ber- above has

the meaning of doing the action of meeting (melakukan tindakan


d. Translated into Ter- (1) Class Shift

1) SL : The only thing that wasn't so good about using the chat room-

was that you couldn't hear each other laughing. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Ngobrol di-chatroom cuma satu kekurangannya tidak bisa

mendengar teman kita tertawa. E-Love, 2001, 32

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into an intransitive

verb because it does not have the passive form. The affix ter- above has

the meaning of the state of laughing (keadaan tertawa).

e. Translated into Di-+V (2) Class Shift

Di- is used to show that the sentence is a passive sentence

If the SL is active and it is translated into passive, it is called modulation.

If the SL is passive and it is translated into active, it is called modulation.

1) SL : When I got home, I got my usual greeting from Charly and,

armed with a cup of tea and some toast, I headed for my room

and switched on my PC. E-Love, 2001, 185

TL : Tiba di rumah, seperti biasa aku disambut oleh Charly. Lalu

dengan membawa secangkir teh dan roti panggang aku masuk ke

kamarku dan menyalakan computer. E-Love, 2001, 63

In the sentence above, the SL is active and it is translated into

passive, it is called modulation. The type of the modulation is the

passive for the active.

2) SL : In fact, Dan ate even more than me perhaps it was because he had

such long legs that needed filling up with food! E-Love, 2001,


TL: Malahan dia makan lebih banyak-barangkali karena kaki-kakinya

panjang sekali, dan perlu diisi makanan sampai penuh? E-Love,

2001, 84

In the sentence above, the SL is active and it is translated into

passive, it is called modulation. The type of the modulation is the

passive for the active.

f. Translated into V 1 without affixes Class shift (7)

1) SL : Do you like living in the city, then? E-Love, 2001,149

TL : Kamu senang tinggal di kota? E-Love, 2001, 27

2) SL : Do you like living in your rural place? E-Love, 2001,149

TL : Kamu senang tinggal di pedesaan? E-Love, 2001, 27

3) SL : On Saturday mornings, Mum and Dad (if he was around) always

went, to the supermarket to do the shopping. E-Love, 2001, 153

TL : Acara rutin Sabtu pagi: Mum dan Dad (kalau sedang ada di

rumah) selalu pergi belanja ke pasar swalayan. E-Love, 2001, 32.

4) SL : Was he busy studying? E-Love, 2001, 155.

TL : Apa dia sibuk belajar? E-Love, 2001, 33

5) SL : I couldn't stop myself grinning from ear to ear. E-Love, 2001, 180

TL : Aku nyengir lebar. E-Love, 2001, 58

6) SL : Charly curled herself up on the sofa while I practised this really

cool new piece Mrs. Jay had given me to start learning for my

next piano exam. E-Love, 2001, 154

TL : Charly meringkuk di sofa, sementara aku berlatih memainkan

musik baru yang bagus sekali, yang diberikan Mrs. Jay untuk

kupelajari sebagai ujian piano berikutnya. E-Love, 2001, 32

7) SL : So that's when we really started using the chatroom so much. E-

Love, 2001, 153

TL : Mulai saat itulah kami jadi sering sekali ngobrol di chatroom.E-

Love, 2001, 32

2. Unit Shift Translated into Phrase (5)

1) SL : Why did this boy keep preying on my mind? E-Love, 2001, 154

TL : Kenapa cowok ini tidak mau hilang dari pikiranku? E-Love, 2001,


The translation above is a unit shift because the word “preying” is

translated into a phrase “tidak mau hilang”.

2) SL : I've often fancied having a brother or sister so I couldn't appreciate

what Dan was on about. E-Love, 2001, 203

TL : Aku sering membayangkan ingin punya adik lelaki atau perempuan,

jadi aku tidak mengerti kenapa sih Dan mengeluh tentang adiknya

itu. E-Love, 2001, 81

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “having” is

translated into a phrase “ingin punya”.

3) SL : It was a good job he couldn't see me blushing. E-Love, 2001,145

TL : Untung saja dia tidak melihat pipiku yang memerah. E-Love, 2001,


The translation above is a unit shift because the word “blushing” is

translated into a phrase “pipiku yang memerah”.

4) SL : It was Monday morning and I got the feeling that they'd all been

waiting, ready to pounce, for some time. E-Love, 2001, 169

TL : Hari itu hari Senin pagi, dan perasaanku mengatakan mereka sudah

menunggu-nunggu saat ini, siap-menerkam. E-Love, 2001, 47.

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “feeling” is

translated into a phrase “perasaanku mengatakan”.

5) SL : And she's still teaching. E-Love, 2001, 140

TL : Dan dia masih tetap memberi les. E-Love, 2001, 18

The translation above is a unit shift because the word “teaching” is

translated into a phrase “memberi les”. The gerund in the sentence above

is translated into a transitive verb where the object of the gerund’s

translation is les. The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action

of teaching (melakukan tindakan memberi les)

3. Non-Class Shift

a. Translated into Pe-+V +-an (3)

1) SL : Do boys have any feelings at all? E-Love, 2001, 242.

TL : Apa cowok-cowok tidak punya perasaan ya? E-Love, 2001, 121

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a noun. The

affix pe- -an above has the meaning of something related with feeling

(sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perasaan)

2) SL : Listen, Sam, I don't want to hurt your feelings or anything. E-

Love, 2001, 238

TL : Begini, Sam, aku tidak ingin menyakiti perasaanmu. E-Love,

2001, 116

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a noun. The

affix pe- -an above has the meaning of something related with feeling

(sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan perasaan)

3) SL : I mean, supposing the meeting the day before had been a bit of a

dream? E-Love, 2001, 209

TL : Maksudku, gimana kalau pertemuan kami kemarin itu cuma

mimpi? E-Love, 2001, 87

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a noun. The

affix pe- -an above has the meaning of something related with meeting

(sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan pertemuan)

b. Translated into Verb + -an (2)

1) SL : We're just going to put the shopping away and then have some

coffee before we go off to the club. E-Love, 2001, 154

TL : Kami mau menaruh belanjaan, lalu minum kopi sebentar,

setelah itu pergi ke klub. E-Love, 2001, 33

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a noun. The

affix -an above has the meaning of the result of shopping (hasil


2) SL : You know, the one where they did all the training before the

Olympics last year? E-Love, 2001, 178

TL : Itu lho, tempat yang digunakan untuk latihan sebelum

Olimpiade tahun lalu. E-Love, 2001, 56

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a noun. The

affix -an above has the meaning of the result of training (hasil latihan)

4. Omission (3)

1) SL : And she loved getting Dan as her partner, I noticed. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Aku memperhatikan dia juga suka sekali main berpasangan dengan

Dan. E-Love, 2001, 95

2) SL : I can't stand going. E-Love, 2001, 154

TL : Terus terang, aku gak tahan. E-Love, 2001, 32

Gak (nggak) is informal word. The formal word is tidak.

3) SL : I just started chatting one day when I was waiting for you lot. E-

Love, 2001, 159

TL : Aku cuma kebetulan aja ngobrol sama dia, waktu sedang nunggu

kalian-kalian ini. E-Love, 2001, 37

Ngobrol is informal. The formal word is berbicara. Sama is

informal. The formal word is dengan.

5. Loan Word (2)

1) SL : I need rescuing from my brother. E-Love, 2001, 177

TL : Aku butuh refreshing nih dari adikku! E-Love, 2001, 55

The sentence above is translated using free translation. Refreshing is

a loan word.

2) SL : You don’t mind chatting to me, do you? E-Love, 2001, 176

TL : Kamu maukan chatting sama aku? E-Love, 2001, 54

Chatting is a loan word.

C. Gerund as a Subject

According to Marcella Frank in Modern English, a gerund phrase does not

occur frequently as a subject. One of its common uses as a subject is in general

statements with be as the main verb.50

The gerund in bold means the gerund is still emphasized .

1. Class Shift

a. Translated into Me-+V (2) Class shift

50 Ibid, p.321

1) SL : Giving kids like me piano lessons instead of listening to the

sound of applause ringing in her ears. E-Love, 2001, 140

TL : Mengajar les piano pada anak-anak seperti aku, bukannya

menikmati tepukan tangan yang memuji penampilannya. E-

Love, 2001,18

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is les piano. The

affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of giving

(melakukan tindakan memberi).

2) SL : I was glad to be with Dan but, quite frankly, I couldn't really see

why sticking jabs into sheep was quite as exciting as Dan found

it. E-Love, 2001, 230

TL : Aku senang bersama Dan tapi terus terang aku tidak mengerti…

apa sih asyiknya menyuntik domba-domba… kok.Dan

menikmati sekali. E-Love, 2001, 108

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is domba-domba.

The affix me- above has the meaning of doing the action of giving

(melakukan tindakan menyuntik).

b. Translated into Me-+V +-kan (1) Class shift

1) SL : I often find that bashing out a dramatic piece of music takes

the steam out of me. E-Love, 2001, 194.

TL : Memainkan musik yang dramatis seeing kali bisa

mengurangi keteganganku. E-Love, 2001, 72

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive

verb where the object of the gerund’s translation is musik. The affix

me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the action of playing

(melakukan tindakan memainkan).

c. Translated into Ber-+V (1) Class shift

1) SL : Of course I was going to work hard but studying wasn't going

to completely take over my life, was it? E-Love, 2001, 235

TL : Tentu saja aku akan belajar keras, tapi hidupku bukan cuma

diisi dengan belajar, kan?

The sentence above is translated into an intransitive verb. The

affix me- -kan above has the meaning of doing the activity of

studying (mengadakan kegiatan belajar).

d. Translated into V 1 without affixes Class shift (1)

1) SL : Coming home was awful. E-Love, 2001, 224

TL : Pulang ke rumah sungguh menyedihkan. E-Love, 2001, 102

The sentence above is translated into an intransitive verb.

The translation of gerunds found in E-Love can be seen from the table

1.9 below.

Tabel 2

The Translation of Gerunds

Translated into Total Total Total Total Total


Class shift Gerund as an Object of preposition

Translated into Me-+V

Translated into Me-+V+-kan

Translated into Me-+Verb+-i

Translated into Ber-+V

Translated into Ter-+V

Translated into verb 1 without affixes

Translated into kata dasar adjective


Gerund as an Object of verb

Translated into Me-+V

Translated into Me-+V+-kan

Translated into Ber-+V

Translated into Ter-+V

Translated into Di-+V

Translated into verb 1 without affixes


Gerund as a Subject of verb

Translated into Me-+V

Translated into Me-+V+kan

Translated into Ber-+V

Translated into verb 1 without affixes



Unit shift Gerund as an Object of preposition

Gerund as an Object of verb






























Non Class shift Gerund as an Object of preposition

Translated into Ke-+V+an

Translated into Pe-+V+an

Translated into V+–an

Translated into Kata Dasar noun


Gerund as an Object of verb

Translated into Pe-+V+ -an

Translated into V+-an


Total Non Class Shift


Gerund as an Object of preposition

Gerund as an Object of verb


Loan Word

Gerund as an Object of verb



Total Data



















The findings of this thesis are:

1. The translation of gerunds which are found in E-Love can be seen from the table 1.9

on page 93. There are several affixes which are used in translating gerunds in E-

Love. The most frequently used is the affix Me-+V. There are 44 data which are

translated into Me-+V. There are 14 data which are translated into Me-+V+-kan.

There are 1 data which is translated into Me-+V+-i. There are 8 data which

are translated into Ber-+V. There are 2 data which are translated into Ter-+V.

There are 3 data which are translated into Ke-+V+-an. There are 4 data which

are translated into Pe-+V+-an. There are 5 data which are translated into V+-an.

2. Based on the data, 101 data are translated using shift procedure, and 25 data are

translated using non-shift procedure. Out of 126 data, there are 90 data which

are translated by using class shift. This shows that most of the time in translating

gerunds, we can not maintain the formal equivalence or the form of gerund which is

a noun. The translator uses class shift procedure or in this case the procedure of

changing the gerund which is a noun into a verb more often than the other

procedure in translating gerunds in the E-Love by Caroline Plaisted, the bilingual

edition. The verbs in the TL data are mostly transitive verbs. There are 53

data which are translated into transitive verb. This makes sense because the

gerund has a verbal meaning most of the time and it is the translator’s top

priority to transfer the meaning of the gerund. In other cases the gerund has a

substantival meaning, such as the gerunds which are translated using non-

class shift which is translated into a noun because of the substantival


Examples of gerunds which are translated into transitive verbs:

SL : He was going to ring me again tonight and I was no closer to having sorted

it. E-Love, 2001, 194

TL : Dia akan meneleponku lagi nanti malam, dan aku belum membuat

keputusan. E-Love, 2001, 72

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive verb where the

object of the gerund’s translation is keputusan.

SL : For a second I thought about leaving a message myself but then I changed

my mind. E-Love, 2001, 174

TL : Sesaat aku menimbang-nimbang untuk meninggalkan pesan, tapi lalu

mengurungkannya E-Love, 2001, 52

The gerund in the sentence above is translated into a transitive verb where the

object of the gerund’s translation is pesan.

The translation usually reflects its meaning because the translator’s task is to

transfer the meaning. The gerunds above are translated into transitive verbs

because the gerunds have a verbal meaning. In this case, the gerund above has a

force of a verb or a verbal meaning because the gerund has a verbal feature.

The verbal feature is that the gerund has its own object.

3. The noun gerund usually preserves its original active form even where it has a

strong passive force. This fact is also reflected in its translation. Based on the

data, there are only 2 sentences containing gerunds which are translated into

passive form. The two sentences are translated into di-+V. This shows that most

of the time the translator maintains the active form of the gerund in translating


The following are the sentences which are translated into the passive form:

Translated into Di-+V

SL : When I got home, I got my usual greeting from Charly and, armed with a

cup of tea and some toast, I headed for my room and switched on my PC.

E-Love, 2001, 185

TL : Tiba di rumah, seperti biasa aku disambut oleh Charly. Lalu dengan

membawa secangkir teh dan roti panggang aku masuk ke kamarku dan

menyalakan computer. E-Love, 2001, 63

SL : In fact, Dan ate even more than me perhaps it was because he had such

long legs that needed filling up with food! E-Love, 2001, 206

TL : Malahan dia makan lebih banyak-barangkali karena kaki-kakinya

panjang sekali, dan perlu diisi makanan sampai penuh? E-Love, 2001, 84

4. The gerund is used to emphasize or stress an action. There are several ways to

maintain the stress of gerund in its translation. There is only one technique

which is found in the data. The technique is by moving or keeping the position

of the translation of the gerund in the beginning of the sentence because there is

an emphasis on the first word or phrase in a sentence in the Indonesian

language. In most cases, the translation of the gerund is not emphasized

anymore. But this result is mainly by observing the written form. We must

remember that how we read it or the intonation plays an important role in

emphazing in the Indonesian language. The following are translations of

gerunds which are still emphasized by moving or keeping the position of the

translation of the gerund in the beginning of the sentence.

SL : Giving kids like me piano lessons instead of listening to the sound of

applause ringing in her ears. E-Love, 2001, 140

TL : Memberi les piano pada anak-anak seperti aku, bukannya menikmati

tepukan tangan yang memuji penampilannya. E-Love, 2001,18

SL : I often find that bashing out a dramatic piece of music takes the steam

out of me. E-Love, 2001, 194

TL : Memainkan musik yang dramatis seeing kali bisa mengurangi

keteganganku. E-Love, 2001, 72

SL : Coming home was awful. E-Love, 2001, 224

TL : Pulang ke rumah sungguh menyedihkan. E-Love, 2001, 102

5. There are several usages of informal languages in the translation of E-Love.

Below are examples of sentences that contain informal language.

SL : After all the worry about chatting to him, he was actually really easy to

talk to once I'd taken the plunge. E-Love, 2001, 188

TL : Padahal tadi aku cemas setengah mati membayangkan ngobrol dengan

dia, padahal dia benar-benar enak diajak bicara, begitu aku sudah me-

mulai. E-Love, 2001, 66

SL : They'd probably already started chatting. E-Love, 2001, 152

TL : Kemungkinan mereka bertiga sudah mulai mengobrol. E-Love, 2001, 30

Ngobrol or mengobrol is an informal word. The formal words are mengadakan


The translation of E-Love uses some informal language such as mengobrol, ngobrol,

ngobrol sama, capek, sudah bilang, kedengaran, and gak (nggak). This is because

the translator considers that the readers are teenagers and teenagers are more used

to informal language in their daily life. According to Peter Newmark in A Textbook

of Translation, the translation of a text is pulled into ten different directions.

One of the directions is readership. (4-5)

6. Gerund is a non-finite verb. This means it does not contain any tense. In other

word, a gerund is neutral in respect of time. We only can observe the gerund’s

time relationship with the main verb. The writer only finds two sentences which

are given a time mark. In this case telah and setelah is added before the

translation of gerund. The sentences are:

SL : And, of course, my big mistake about sending the e-mail. E-Love, 2001,


TL : Juga, tentu saja, kesalahan besarku karena telah mengirim e-mail-itu. E-

Love, 2001, 61

SL : I had to admit that I felt better for talking to someone about it. E-Love,

2001, 184

TL : Mesti kuakui, perasaanku jadi lebih enak setelah membicarakan ini. E-

Love, 2001, 62

7. There is not much negation before the gerund in the data. We can attach

negation to the gerund as a subject, as an object of preposition, but we can not

attach negation to the gerund as an object of verb.

The following are the gerunds which are preceded by a negation.

SL : I can't bear the thought of not seeing you after tomorrow morning. E-

Love, 2001, 221

TL : Aku juga tidak tahan membayangkan tidak melihatmu lagi setelah besok

pagi. E-Love, 2001, 99

SL : I was about to go off-line, feeling miserable about not speaking to Dan,

when a new message appeared: Hi, Sam! You there. E-Love, 2001, 177

TL : Aku berniat keluar saja, merasa kecewa karena tidak bisa mengobrol

dengan Dan, tapi tiba-tiba muncul pesan baru: Hai, Sam! Ada di situ? E-

Love, 2001, 55

8. Ommision in translating gerunds occurs when the word is not significant and to

make the sentence effective. For example:

SL : We sat next to each other to watch the mixed doubles finals and then we

had the joy of watching Sally lose in the girls' singles for her set. E-Love,

2001, 221

TL : Kami duduk berdampingan menonton final ganda campuran, lalu kami

menikmati kekalahan Sally dalam tunggal putri kelompoknya. E-Love,

2001, 98

The gerund watching in the sentence above is translated by omission because

it is not significant. It is not significant because from the context of the

translation, we can see that “menikmati kekalahan Sally” refer to an activity

where the main character enjoys watching Sally’s defeat.



One of the problems that translators need to solve in translating a text into

Indonesian language is gerund because there is no gerund system in Indonesian. The

reason why the gerund system does not exist in the Indonesian language is that the

concept of gerund is different from nominalization in the Indonesian language.

Nominalization is derived from a verb or an adjective by adding affixes such as

pe+V, pe-+V+ -an, ke-+V+ -an and V+ -an. A Gerund is derived from a verb by

adding the participle -ing. Besides that, nominalization only has a substantival

meaning. The gerund, however, has a verbal meaning or a substantival meaning.

In translating gerund, the translator may try to maintain the form of a

gerund which is a noun by adding affixes such as pe- an, ke-an, ke- and -an. This is

one of the procedures in translating the gerund into Indonesian language. However,

in practice, a translator has to use other procedures to achieve a dynamic

equivalence where the meaning is the most important factor to transfer and not the

form. The translator may use a class shift by adding affixes such as be-, me-, me- -

kan, di- and ter- because he or she finds that using affixes such as pe- an, ke-an,

pe- and -an is not possible or it will make the translation sounds unnatural. This is

because there is not a noun that has a verbal meaning in Indonesian. Gerund has a

noun form but it may have a verbal meaning. In fact, mostly gerund has a verbal


The aims of this research are to describe the equivalence of gerund from

English into Indonesian language in E-love novel by Caroline Plaisted bilingual

edition and to describe the procedures used by the translator in translating

gerund into Indonesian language in E-love novel by Caroline Plaisted bilingual


The first conclusion is that the gerund is usually translated into either a verb or

a noun. Mostly gerunds are translated into a verb with the prefix Me+V. There are

44 data which are translated into Me-+V. There are 14 data which are translated into

Me-+V+-kan. There are 1 data which is translated into Me-+V+-i. There are 8 data

which are translated into Ber-+V. There are 2 data which are translated into Ter-+V.

There are 5 data which are translated into V+-an. There are 18 data which are

translated into verb one. There is 1 data which is translated into an adjective. There

are 3 data which are translated into Ke-+V+-an. There are 4 data which are

translated into Pe-+V+-an. There is 1 data which is translated into a noun. There

are 10 data which are translated by omission. There are 2 data which are translated

by loan word. The translator usually maintains the gerund’s active form in its

translation and by mainly observing the written form, the translation of the gerund

is not emphasized anymore in most cases.

The second conclusion from the analysis is that gerunds are translated either by

shift or non shift. Mostly gerunds are translated by class shift. Gerunds are mostly

translated into a verb by class shift procedure because mostly gerund has a verbal

meaning and it is the task of the translator to transfer the meaning from the source

language to the target language. Based on the data, 101 data are translated using shift

procedure, and 25 data are translated using non-shift procedure. Out of 126 data, there

are 90 data which are translated by using class shift. There are 11 data which are

translated by using unit shift. There are 13 data which are translated by non class

shift. There are 10 data which are translated by omission. There are 2 data which

are translated by loan word. This shows that most of the time in translating gerunds,

we can not maintain the formal equivalence or the form of gerund which is a noun. The

translator uses class shift procedure or in this case the procedure of changing the gerund

which is a noun into a verb more often than the other procedure in translating gerunds in

the E-Love novel by Caroline Plaisted, the bilingual edition.

The writer suggests that someone will make a more thorough research on gerund

especially on the gerund time relationship with the main verb which is not discussed in

this thesis.


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