understanding by design stage 3: learning plan

Understanding by Design Stage 3: Learning Plan Designing Instruction and Learning Experiences

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Understanding by Design Stage 3: Learning Plan. Designing Instruction and Learning Experiences. Stage 3: Designing Instruction and Learning Experiences. What learning experiences and instruction will promote the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills of Stage 1? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Understanding by DesignStage 3: Learning Plan

Designing Instruction and Learning Experiences

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Stage 3: Designing Instruction and Learning Experiences

• What learning experiences and instruction will promote the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills of Stage 1?

• How will the design ensure that all students are maximally engaged and effective at meeting the goals?

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Stage 3• Stage 3 Answers the Question:

How will we get there?• Road map: How we get to the

desired learning in stage1• WHERETO: Acronym that

summarizes key elements to consider when designing an effective and engaging learning plan.


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Understanding WHERETO

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W: Questions to Consider

• Goals:

• Expectations:

• Relevance and Value:

• Diagnosis:


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H: Hooking and Holding

• How will you hook and hold student interest?


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E: Equipping Students

• Experiential and Inductive Learning

• Direct Instruction

• Homework and other Out-of Class Experiences


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R: Questions to Consider

• Rethink

• Revise or Refine

• Reflecthttp://goo.gl/jXAYC

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E: Encouraging Self-Evaluation• What do you really understand about ___?• What questions do you still have about ___?• What was the most/least effective ___?• How could you improve ___?• What are your strengths/deficiencies in ___?• How difficult was ___ for you?• How does your preferred learning style influence ___?• What would you do differently next time?• What are you most proud of?• What are you most disappointed about?• What grade/score do you deserve and why?• How does what you’ve learned connect to other learning?• How has what you’ve learned changed your thinking?• How does what you’ve learned relate to the present and future?• What follow-up work is needed?


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T: Tailoring the Design for Diverse Learners

• Content

• Process

• Producthttp://goo.gl/qn7Ki

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O: Organizing the Learning

The Logic of “Coverage”• Teacher as tour guide• Following textbook• From facts and basic skills to

advanced concepts and processes

• Breadth of material• Few hands-on and other

experiential activities due to time

• Teach and test the discrete pieces before application

The Logic of “Uncoverage”• Unit – unfolding story or problem• Begin with a hook • Teach on an as-needed basis. • Not all material is front loaded

before application• Sequence more surprising and less

predicable • Ongoing cycles of modeling,

practice, feedback, and adjustment• Big ideas• Whole - Part

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Research-Based Instructional Strategies

• Build on our understanding of pedagogy• Consider opportunities for differentiation• Pay specific attention to stages 1 and 2

• This is the fun stuff!

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Stage 3 Feedback Tool

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Review of Understanding by Design

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Big Ideas Graffiti Write

• Big Ideas• Concerns• Questions


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Design Sequence Review

• Stage 1 – Begin with the Desired Results– Content Standards– Big Ideas and Understandings– Essential Questions– Knowledge and Skills


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Design Sequence Review

• Stage 2 – Identify Assessment Evidence– Facets of understanding– Performance assessments and

criteria• Authentic Tasks and Rubrics• Prompts and Rubrics

– Other Evidence and Checklists– Student Self-Assessment

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Design Sequence Review

• Stage 3 – Develop the Learning Plan– Key Teaching and Learning

Activities• WHERETO Elements• Sequence

– Learning Materials and Resources

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Alignment is the Key• All stages must align.• A clear understanding is achieved

between what is taught and assessed.• The learning plan provides a path for

linking the desired results and the assessment evidence.

• Various resources and activities are accessed to achieve the desired results.

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What’s Next?

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Four Clear Learning Targets

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Contact InformationE-mail: [email protected]: waterlovers3Phone: 828.244.8759 (H)Blog: www.mullinshe.wordpress.comWiki: www.rt3region7.ncdpi.wikispaces.net Twitter: @carolinablondie