using wordpress membership websites to sell and deliver information products

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Why sell digital products online

Generate excellent passive income

They build your brand and establish you as an expert leading to further opportunities and revenues.

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

What is your master plan? WHO Will You Target?

WHAT Solution Will You Offer?

Frequency – Will you be providing new content every day? Every week? Every Month?

Format – Will the content be articles? PDF Downloads? Videos? Audio Interviews? Combination?

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

What is the structure of your course?

Publisher module - Publish new content on a regular basis, much like an online “magazine”.

Everything available at once

Modular Course - A course with several modules. Members move from one module to the next based on a set schedule (ex. 1 module per week).

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

What is your product? eBook

Examples Free eBook offered as an incentive for joining your email list eBook sold for an $xx

Video Examples Access to the videos of a recorder seminar Set of training videos Recorded webinars

AudioExamples Accesses to past interviews

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

What will be your promotion strategy?

Free memberships level

Free trial access to the paid membership material

Free eBook#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

What are Email Marketing needsWhat emails are sent as a result of a


Would you like to automatically subscribe customers to a specific list based on what they purchased?

Will you need to use auto responders in conjunction with content delivery

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

How There tens of tools and solutions that work together

with WordPress

And several none WordPress solutions:





Many more

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Why use WordPress

You are in control

One time upfront investment, no monthly fees

Very flexible

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Tools : Plugins WishListMemeber – Very mature, has been around for long MemberPress – incredibly mature and powerful, without

regular eCommerce iThemes Exchange – offers upgrades & downgrades, Stripe

integration & eCommerce Paid Memberships Pro – free plugin with tons of additional

free add-ons Restrict Content Pro – simple to learn & use, with powerful

integration to Easy Digital Downloads WooCommerce – a powerful platform for memberships if you

also need full eCommerce


#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Other tools Video hosting:

Vimeo Pro


Payment Processing



Shopping carts

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

The signup process

Page with content

Depends on the membership structure

Thank you page

Can include welcome video, member orientation etc

Payment Processing

Can be on site or on PayPal or in a Shopping Cart env.

Signup form

New member enters basic details and selects payment method

Sales page

Provide benefits of the product, payments options etc

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Member added to email marketing system

Various emails are being sent

Step for building your website

Basic settings

Define membership packages/levels or product

Add content and apply protection rules

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Typical settings URL to direct users

to after Login – Could be a member dashboard , account page or any other page. Can be overwritten on a product level

URL to direct member to after logout

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Payments PayPal

Stripe – Requires SSL certificate

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Typical settings Thank You Page - The page your

members will be shown after they purchase one of your Products.

Account Page - Here the member can update their profile information, change their password, view payment histories, and upgrade/cancel their subscriptions.

Login Page - Shows a login form where members can login to your site and access the content they have paid for. This page also will show a forgot password link in case the user can't remember their password.

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Product Level Settings Price

Billing Type – One time or recurring

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Product Level Settings

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Protection RulesThe main protection type are:

Protect and entire page so that none-member can not accesses

Protect part of the content of the page using short codes – This allow us

to show a teaser that entices the visitor to sign up

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Logged InNot Logged In

Signup Form

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Groups in MemeberPress

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Setting notices

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

This feature is not depended on the email marketing system you use

Payment processing PayPal only

Direct processing of credit cards - requires a merchant account and a gateway.

What currency are you going to use?

Do you need to charge reoccurring fees?

Cancelation handling?

Do you want to offer discounts? Coupons? Trials

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Other considerations What happens if somebody tries to access a page that

he/she does not have access to?

Hiding content methods

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti

Resources Summary MemberPress

#WordPressInsider @MichelleCasti