vce studio arts unit 3...

1 VCE_SAR_Annotation_Kinnersley_2013 VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 Annotation

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Page 1: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

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VCE Studio Arts !Unit 3!


Page 2: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

Abstract!!!Annotation is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences, trials, experiments, and solutions. It describes the thought processes a student moves through in order to reach their folio of finished artworks. Annotation is required in some form on every page of the visual dairy and is a key part of the assessment.!!The annotation in the visual diary should take the following forms:!!

Discuss thoughts and ideas on your concept and subject matter!Discuss the work of artists who inspire you and other sources of inspiration such as found images or newspaper clippings!Describe and discuss the experiments you undertake and evaluate their effectiveness!Discuss the materials and techniques that are being explored!Describe and discuss the development and application of aesthetic qualities such as the use of line, colour, texture, shape, etc!Clearly label Potential Directions and thoroughly evaluate their effectiveness!Discuss personal reflection about the progress and refinement of the Design Process and clearly flag work that will continue to be refined or has the potential to be worked through in the future!Date and number each page in the visual diary to keep track of the progress of the work!Don't disregard failed attempts; identify and discuss why the results failed and what will be modified in the future to produce even stronger work!Define titles for each page of the Design Process to make the navigation easier for you and your teacher!Clearly label found images and words citing their original author, source or artist to ensure there are no questions asked about the authenticity of your work!Annotate often rather than sometimes; this will help make the responses more detailed and meaningful!The process of annotation could become more structured through the use of a key allocating different colours to the types of annotation written!Careless misspelling is distracting, especially if it is an artist's name or art terms that are used consistently throughout the design process!!!!!

The ideas and inspiration for making artworks are as important as the final product itself. In general you are not required to document your interests in your chosen art form as much as the idea/ subject matter/ concepts you want to portray via the chosen art form. The best art always comes from artists who are passionate and authentic about their ideas. !!!!!!! !


Page 3: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

Annotation of Ideas!!The annotation of ideas is one of the fundamental components within the support material for Studio Arts students. The ideas component of annotation should include a commentary about your personal ideas and inspiration and what you intend to achieve throughout your art making process.!!!

How to annotate your Ideas!!Annotation of your ideas should include commentary on your:!!

Initial Ideas and brainstorming!How you plan to develop your ideas!Sources of inspiration !!!

Finding Ideas and Sources of Inspiration!!It is recommended that you begin the year with a series of of brainstorming sessions. Annotate all the ideas that you consider possible or interesting. You may find it helpful to consider some of the following suggestions for sourcing ideas.!!

Research a range of artworks from different art movements. For example, Surrealism, Cubism,

Post Modernism, Expressionism, Impressionism, Romanticism.!

View the work of other artistes by visiting a range of art galleries both Public and Commercial

galleries. To locate particular art exhibitions refer to publications and corresponding websites for

example, Art Gallery Guide Australia or Art Almanac. Both are available for viewing in the Studio

Arts room or from news agencies.!

Investigate the work of other artists via the internet or by looking at a range of art history books

and art journals.!

Engage in conversation with friends and family, listen to discussions on TV and radio about

issues that interest you and help develop your ideas.!

Consider issues related to the natural environment.!

Observe objects that interest you from your home, at school, on public transport!

People you see in public, at home, at school or at work.!

Observe the shapes, the shadows, the materials within the built environment.!

Consider your personal dreams, thoughts, desires, fascinations, experiences. !


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Ways to Annotate Ideas and Inspiration!


Writing down your thoughts and experiences.!!Annotate thoughts you have about anything that gives you ideas. Try and express your feelings about your ideas and the objects and situations that are motivating your thinking.!!Remember as a students simply saying that you really like something does not take the reader very far. Always discuss why you like or dislike an artwork, object, idea or place. It is very important when you are discussing ideas that you set out the details. For example, if you like fashion- state what it is about fashion that fascinates you and explain how you are going to investigate your idea based on fashion. There are many facets or components to one idea- you must clarify WHY you want to explore this idea.!!For example, a student has stated that she likes and this is her chosen theme. This is a good start but she neglects to explain why. She needs to discuss the different components of sport which she is interested in exploring. For example this could relate to a love of rowdy crowds at the cricket, a sports person’s obsession with fitness or the sensation of being part of a team or a supporter of a team. Now we are developing a clearer picture. Then the student must describe how this idea will be explored and what sources of inspiration will be utilised to generate further ideas related to her theme of sport.!!!!Taking photographs of things that interest you.!!Your own photography is an extremely powerful way of recording your own ideas and suggests a greater degree of authenticity. Many students paste their own photographs in their Folios and write their ideas underneath.!!Taking your own photographs is creating what is called a primary resource. This means that you are the creator of the source. Secondary sources of inspiration come from things like magazines you buy, local newspapers, films at the cinema or images from art book or the internet. So you can see why primary sources are so powerful because the come from you and are therefore authentic.!!Remember when using your own photography, document when the image was taken and where possible who and what the subject matter is and how you plan to explore the idea further. If you do not have your own camera it is worthwhile using your phone or even look at purchasing a cheap handheld point and shoot for use throughout the process.!!!!


Page 5: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

!!!Cutting and pasting text from books/ articles or internet websites that inspire you. !!Collecting ideas from poetry books and novels has always been very popular with artists throughout history. Artists also explore words from songs, newspapers articles and blog sites. Where possible always provide the reader of your Folio with reference details. For example; when you use an artists work you must always acknowledge the artist. The same rule applies for the use of text, tell the reader where did it come from, who wrote it and when!!!Give some description of the context of the text. For example “This is an excerpt from an article written by Dr Andrew Webb about the revival of soft sculpture and craft based artwork, downloaded from website which includes articles and interviews with a range of artists on their working methods using craft materials. This is interesting to me because….” !!!!!Cutting and pasting images of artworks/ designs/ from media/ internet.!!When you decide on your idea or are formulating different ways to explore your idea it is essential to seek out how other artists have explored similar themes in their artwork. Use the artwork of other artists as a spring board for your own ideas. Viewing the work of other artists is one of the best ways to generate creativity. Collect a number of artworks that you find useful and that link with your own ideas. Set these visual examples out in your Folio and annotate clearly- explaining why the visual examples have been included. For example, this is an image of a painting by Rene Magritte, titled Treachery of Images. The words under the pipe read ‘this is not a pipe’. One may have selected this image for a range of reasons such as simplicity of subject matter, the use of text or because the artist has used parody within the artwork.!!Visual examples are one of the most powerful ways to illustrate your idea clearly and comprehensively to an examiner. They are an excellent tool for explaining the various elements that contribute to your thinking and show the examiner how your ideas have developed. When you use the work of other artists try to avoid poor reproductions of an image. For example, if you are taking images from the internet check the size and resolution before you print out the image. Alternatively, use quality images from art books as examples for your artist inspiration. Also remember, that when you are referring to the work of another artist always try and document the full name of the artist, the title of the work, the medium, and where you found the image. !!!!!!!


Page 6: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

Inserting Ideas from brainstorming sessions.!!Brainstorming ideas is a very old method of generating thoughts and possible solutions. Brainstorming does bring results and is one way that you can play around with ideas and not feel too pressured if your ideas are not taking shape immediately. Recording different brainstorming sessions and adding them to your folio is an excellent way to show an examiner that you have really thought about your ideas. After brainstorming try to immediately order/ group you ideas to make some sense of the range of ideas you are considering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Using everyday objects, such as train tickets, pamphlets, as a source of inspiration.!!If you think that any of the objects listed above or others can relate to your idea, then start collecting them and pasting the found items into you folio. Remember the connection doesn't have to be obvious. For example, if you are exploring trains then obviously you may collect train tickets but you also may collect a series of tickets because you like the use of colour, the style of graphic used r as a symbol of contemporary culture.!!!!!Inserting images or details about artwork you completed in yr11.!!Set out the work/ influences you collected in the past and paste into your folio. Outline why you have included this material and label the work clearly stating that the work is from the previous year. Try to describe the connection between this work and the inspiration/ ideas it is giving you in your new work.!!


Page 7: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

!!Sketches, doodles, playful cartoons.!!Do not feel that you have to be too serious when it comes to getting ideas. Many of the world’s masterpieces were initially doodled on a paper napkin in a restaurant!!!!Your own poetry/ verse.!!Using music lyrics, poetry from well known poets and writers or creating your own personal verse or poetry can be another useful tool in not only stimulating ideas but also expanding upon existing ideas. The use of personal verse and poetry is a powerful way to convince an examiner that your ideas are authentic and original. Alternatively, make use of the work of other writers. For example, the written work and quotes from Oscar Wild have generated many ideas not only for other writers but also visual artists. Find a poet or writer that represents your way of thinking. If you are using humour and parody in your work a writer like Oscar Wild would be a worthwhile reference. Alternatively, you may be considering ‘heightened emotion’ or childhood fantasy as a concept within your art making. If so, you would refer to dramatic writers such as Shakespeare or children's literature by Beatrix Potter for example. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Page 8: VCE Studio Arts Unit 3 is the written documentation of your ideas, concepts, influences,

Annotation of Subject Matter!!There is a strong link between an artists ideas and the subject matter they explore in their artworks. The same is true for you. You begin with an idea and from this idea your subject matter evolves. Subject matter is a description of ‘things’ that are in or on the artwork which gives clues to the meaning of the artwork. The ‘things’ and/ or ‘objects’ within the artwork provide a clue for the viewer. These objects communicate various meanings and messages from the artist. in other words, they help you to understand and identify what the artwork is about. The way you describe and interpret subject matter will depend on the type of artwork you are making and/ or researching. The understanding and description of subject matter within an artwork will depend on whether the artwork is in a 2 dimensional form such as a painting, photograph, film still, drawing or tapestry or a # dimensional art form such as sculpture, an assemblage or designed objects such as furniture, textiles and jewellery.!!If you are annotating the work of other artists or designers the title of an artwork may give significant clues to the meanings or messages the artist intends to communicate to the viewer. For example, titles like ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch are self explanatory; other titles may require you to investigate the intentions of the artists when making the artwork.!!Subject matter is often described using common art terminology that is easily understood. For example, 2 dimensional artworks can often be described as a portrait, a self portrait, a figurative work, a genre scene (groups of people in everyday activities), a history painting (where dramatic religious or cultural scenes are represented), a landscape, a seascape, a streetscape, a flower study or a still life. Figurative art is like the word itself, it refers to the full or partial human figure. Usually the figure is nude or more often than not anonymous. On the other hand, portraiture normally represents a well known or identifiable person. A portrait is usually the upper part of the body as the face is the focal point in most portrait works. 3 dimensional artworks can often be described by terms such as a figurative sculpture, a sculpture bust (usually the head and shoulders of a known person), a vitrine (a glass case with objects in it). Throughout your annotation of subject matter apply the relevant art terms that place the subject matter into an appropriate category and always make sure you clarify and describe the artwork in terms of 2 or 3 dimensional art. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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!!Worked Student Examples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



This is an image that I took at home of my desk with my digital camera. I was brainstorming what inspires me and thought this image said a lot about what I am attracted to. It includes so many things that I find inspiring and that in many ways is likely to be reflected later in my final artworks in some way. Clearly from what you can see in this image, I really appreciate portraiture. I have a small postcard of a favourite Vincent Van Gogh self portrait and a collection of old photos of girls (see on right). Im also fascinated with the life of Marilyn Monroe. I have a passion for anything art as you can see from the collection of art books I have. I am also inspired by vintage, kitsch, porcelain sculptures and colour- lots of colour.

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I spent some time on the web looking at images related to repetition. This image has really given me a lots of ideas. I think what I find inspiring is how simple it can be to create something interesting by using the principle of repetition. Many objects repeated seem to take on a new life when they are grouped ‘on mass’. From this image I started to think of other bits and pieces I could use in my exploration of repetition. I thought of all the lollie wrappers my friends and I discard, the receipts, the train tickets and bank transcription receipts. I plan to experiment with all this discarded material and explore the ways I can use repetition to recreate interesting images.

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I found this painting on the internet it’s called ‘Treachery of Images’ by Rene Magritte and it’s an oil on canvas. I am fascinated with what a simple idea Magritte has created and yet it is so thought provoking. I want to use objects in a similar way to Magritte. I’m interested in taking simple everyday objects of all kinds such as a toothbrush, saucepan, hairbrush or mobile phone and creating a series of trial artworks. I then want to incorporate the use of text like Magritte. I need to carefully research my use of text and to link it with my overall idea. I also like the way Magritte has handwritten the text in a kind childlike way this is something else I could investigate.

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This image was taken using my digital camera, a timber setting with the camera placed on a low stand. I purchased these pink plastic shoes from Kinky Gerlinki in Brunswick Street. I find the texture, colour, and patterning on the shoes very enticing and visually exciting. I put this old crocheted blanket on the ground to create a pattern contrast- rather Kitsch really. My ideas are related to this style of pattern and colour. I wanted to use other inspirational material apart from my artist inspiration. I find that lots of different things put creative ideas in my head and this include fabrics, fashion items, postcards and decorative items like old vintage tablecloths and dollies from the op shop. At this stage I’m exploring a range of ideas and considering a range of creative options.

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I’m looking about for poets and authors who can provide some inspiration for me. I am a keen reader and am always reading a book but have never really spent much time reading poetry. I though I would have a look at these two authors who are entirely different. Beatrix potter is for kids, I had these stories read to me (as well as read on my own) when I was younger and well Shakespeare is for adults. However there is drama and suspense in the work of both of these writers. I want my ideas to reflect the connection between innocence, drama, and tragedy and I think these 2 writers will provide some ideas.