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Diferences Between Vedic Astrology and

Western Astrology

Chakrapani has always said that he prefers not to make comparisons

between Tropical Astrology  and Vedic Astrology  because his experience is

limited to the Vedic system; he admittedly has only a supercial

understanding of the Western system. However giventhe inevitable

!uestions about how to distinguish the two systems from one another the

following are some observations aboutVedic or Sidereal Astrology  and

Western or Tropical Astrology .

 "he most obvious di#erence in the two systems is that Vedic $strology is

based on the Sidereal Zodiac whereas Western $strology uses the Vernal

 Zodiac. Vedic%&idereal $strology uses the xed observable stars in the sky;

Western $strology is more time based determining the beginning of the

'odiac as corresponding to the start of the Vernal (!uinox. )n the year *+,+

the di#erence between the two systems is considered to be between ** and

*- degrees and indicates the di#erence between the point of the Vernal

(!uinox and the rst point of the constellation $ries.

 "his results in the native having a di#erent horoscope in each system which

can cause confusion. $lthough Chakrapani cannot defend or legitimi'e the

Vernal odiac as he has not made a study of it it is generally accepted that

the two systems are looking at the heavens each from a di#erent

perspective with a conse!uently uni!ue and di#erent point of view. &ome

feel that the two systems can peacefully co/exist as they are looking at thesame phenomenon but with a di#erent angle of visionas opposed to

contradicting one another outright. Chakrapani has no comment on this

other than the fact that he wholeheartedly subscribes to the Vedic system

which he knows and trusts.

0eyond the two di#erent 'odiacs the most dening element of Vedic

astrology 1yotish as it is called is the fact that it is a Vedic science

connected at its roots to Vedic philosophy. $s such a spiritual orientation is

woven into the fabric of all the systems and methods of the science. Vedic

$strology has many categories and throughout all the branches of study thatit encompasses there is a palpable underlying spiritual orientation to the


Vedic $strology is intended as a tool to aid mankind in his 2ourney of life on

earth. "he understanding being that the purpose of life is to grow in ones

greater understanding wisdom and capacity to love. Vedic $strology holds


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tantamount the evolution of the soul and that all trials and tribulations on

the earthly plane are seen as a means to rene ones character in the process

towards ever/greater perfection.

Vedic $strology is not intended to bea fanciful or lighthearted undertaking or

a source of entertainment although there is certainly humor and irony in the

human condition if one cares to look from that point of view. "his is not to

suggest that "ropical $strology is any less serious but certainly the parlor

games daily horoscope in the newspaper casual !uestions as to one3s

4sign5 do not do 2ustice to the sub2ect matter or its intentions. Vedic

$strology is considered a divine science to be approached with reverence

and respect. )t is a highly complex science and when practiced with focused

study such that one becomes a channel for the knowledge it also becomes

an art.

Vedic $strology as a eld of study encompasses far more than what one

person could hope to master in a lifetime of dedicated work. &ome of the

areas of focus include cycles of weather and crops earth!uakes and natural

phenomenon health or medical astrology economics and world trade

markets politics and world events and so on. )n fact virtually all realms of

human life are addressed by Vedic $strology. However for a practitioner to

become procient in any given sub2ect re!uires focused attention on that

area and attunement to the methodologies and energies of the planets as

they pertain to that particular sub2ect.

Vedic $strology is fre!uently called predictive astrology because of its ability

to predict events in life. "his ability is due to the renement in the varioussystems of the science and re!uires signicant subtlety of understanding

and perception on the part of the practitioner.

When one refers to 6predictions6 in astrology one is not suggesting that it

has to be so but rather that the energies are aligned in such a way as to

suggest a probable outcome. "his is why astrology is referred to as the

"Science o Indications". Without an e#ort to overcome the momentum of

any given force or thrust of action the indications suggest what will probably


$strology reveals the timing of trends and certain in7uences but never

discounts the element of free will. 8ather in studying the horoscope the

intention is to apply e#ort to overcome obstacles and inherent weaknesses

and to capitali'e on ones strengths. "here is also the hope that one will

reach a place of peace and acceptance with the challenges that the destiny



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Vedic $strology rather than suggesting a passive or fatalistic philosophy is

founded on being proactive; it is based on the notion that knowledge is

power. "he more one re7ects on ones own chart; the more the insights

become deeper and more profound. "he astrologer serves as a kind of

guide but a productive encounter with the astrologer re!uires that the

individual be actively involved measuring the astrologer3s words against

their own inner knowing. "hat re7ection is an ongoing process continuinglong after any given consultationas sometimes one is not ready to hear or

consider or fully comprehendthe material that is suggested in the reading.

(ven if it is understood or accepted oftentimes for the understanding to

penetrate deep into ones being takes many years. "he point being that the

astrologer is acting as a catalyst; the astrologer has studied the energies of

the planets and attempts to be of service to the aspirant who is seeking

greater knowledge of self. )t is a spiritual !uest ultimately; the greatest

measure of its success rests with the intentions of the aspirant.

)n Vedic $strology the 8ising &ign or $scendant is considered to be the mostimportant factor in making accurate predictions. "he $scendant is

represented by the sign which is on the eastern hori'on at the time of birth

and is the aspect of the chart that changes most fre!uently 9approximately

every two hours:. )t is the pivotal point from which the astrologer considers

the horoscope the context from which all of the planets are evaluated. "he

8ising &ign determines the ordinal procession of the houses; when the

$scendant is determined the rulership of the twelve houses is then

established. 0oth of the systems rely on the $scendant in this way.

 "he asa &ystem 9the planetary cycles: is a uni!ue feature of the Vedicsystem which indicates a period during which a planet<s in7uence becomes

fully operative. "he asha &ystem is a critical element enabling the Vedic

$strologer to give precise predictions during any given period.

Vedic $strology is also sometimes called Constellation $strology because it

takes into account xed stars called constellations. $s a result the astrologer

considers not only the in7uence of the planets in a sign but also the subtle

in7uences exercised by the constellations. "his means that when a planet

passes through a sign it expresses the in7uence of the sign and is also

tempered by the in7uence of the constellations of the sign. "o practicepredictive astrology one must be able to go deep into the subtle in7uences

of the constellations.

=ne conse!uence of the two di#erent 'odiacs is that the Vedic system does

not give the &un the same prominence that is has in the Western system.

While acknowledging the &un as a signicator of the essence or soul of the


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individual Vedic $strology by following the &idereal odiac gives more

relative importance to the in7uence of the other planets. )n the Western

system the perspective or emphasis of the resulting horoscope results in the

&un becoming more of a focal point.

)n Vedic $strology more emphasis is placed on the ?oon than on the &un.

 "he ?oon represents the mind which is seen as the agency of perception

and conse!uently is a ma2or determining factor in how one interacts with

the world. "he signicance of the ?oon can be further appreciated by the

fact that Vedic $strology divides the ?oon signs into twenty/nine di#erent

charts called Nakshatras or lunar mansions. "he @akshatras comprise

another method for the astrologer to go deep into the subtle energy of the


 "he popular expression6What is your signA6 reveals the importance of the

&un sign in Western astrology as well as a prevailing attitude or idea about

astrology. )f that !uestion were posed by a Vedic practioner he%she would be

more likely referring to the individual<s ?oon sign. )n Vedic astrology the

mind 9not to be confused with the intellect : is considered of greater single

conse!uence to the chart than that of the &un.

However in )ndia where Vedic astrology has been practiced for centuries

this type of !uestion would not typically hold sway. Berhaps because

astrology is so much embedded in the culture and traditions of the people

there is a natural and almost unconscious understanding that reading the

horoscope involves a complex evaluation of the overall placement of the

planets and how and when they harmoni'e and blend or oppose oneanother. =ne can observe that there is not the same temptation to reduce

astrology to simple catch phrases the way one does with a new idea which

has gained a kind of cult status or supercial allure.

Vedic astrology has remained an integral part of )ndian life through the

centuries despite recent trends to westerni'e and moderni'e. (ven )ndians

who consider themselves little interested in astrology likely consult an

astrologer when considering marriage or important events like the birth of a


&ome other methodologies that distinguish Vedic $strology from the Western

system are mathematical divisions called &hadbalas and &hadvargas. "hey

give the precise strength of each planet in a mathematical gure which

enables one to !uantify the potency of the planets.

$nother system of delineation in Vedic $strology are aspects known as

6yogas6. "his is a uni!ue system for understanding the power of the


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associations between the planets in their placement from one another. When

the planets form yogas they create specic results which are powerful.

 "hese are a few of the uni!ue features of the science of Vedic $strology

although such a cursory list does not do 2ustice to the sub2ect. $lso to make

a truly fair comparison of Vedic $strology and Western $strology one needs

to have made a thorough study of both systems which Chakrapani has not

done. With these thoughts in mind we hope that this brief account will be of

some assistance.

ltimately the science of Vedic $strology was be!ueathed to man in ancient

times as a means to help alleviate su#ering and guide him in his spiritual

 2ourney on earth. "his tradition of astrology has remained unbroken and

untainted throughout the ages; its wisdom is universal and timeless and of

value to all peoples of the world regardless of religion or any belief system

to which they may subscribe.