what is “ solid state physics ”??

What is Solid State Physics ??

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Post on 18-Mar-2016




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What is “ Solid State Physics ”??. Reminder of the Course Objective To expose students to the rich, broad, varied field of SOLID STATE PHYSICS This ISN'T a semiconductor physics course!! A semiconductor course is Physics 5335 , Semiconductor Physics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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What isSolid State


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Reminder of the Course Objective• To expose students to the rich,

broad, varied field ofSOLID STATE PHYSICS

• This ISN'T a semiconductor physics course!!

• A semiconductor course isPhysics 5335, Semiconductor PhysicsOffered in the fall of even numbered years.

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• Solid State Physics is about many different kinds of solids.

• Semiconductors are a special category.• We'll discuss the microscopic

physics of mostly, CRYSTALLINE solids, including metals, insulators, & semiconductors.

• This course is complementary to, but it ISN'T a replacement for Physics 5335!!

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Large Size >> Atomic Size

Small Size < ~ Atomic Size

Low Speedv << c

High Speedv < ~ c

Special Relativity(Einstein)

Classical Mechanics(Newton, Hamilton, Lagrange)

Quantum Mechanics(Schrodinger, Heisenberg)

Relativistic QuantumMechanics (Dirac)

Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Electrodynamics

Atomic Physics

Solid State Physics

Molecular (Chemical) Physics

Nuclear & ParticlePhysics

(Gluons, Quarks, Leptons, Strong Nuclear Force)

Feynman, Schwinger,Gell-Mann (Photon) (Weak Nuclear Force)

Quantum Chromodynamics

The Structure of PhysicsIncreasing Speed





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Large Size >> Atomic Size

Small Size < ~ Atomic Size

Low Speedv << c

High Speedv < ~ c

Special Relativity(Einstein)

Classical Mechanics(Newton, Hamilton, Lagrange)

Quantum Mechanics(Schrodinger, Heisenberg)

Relativistic QuantumMechanics (Dirac)

Quantum Field Theory

Quantum Electrodynamics

Atomic Physics

Solid State Physics

Molecular (Chemical) Physics

Nuclear & ParticlePhysics

(Gluons, Quarks, Leptons, Strong Nuclear Force)

Feynman, Schwinger,Gell-Mann (Photon) (Weak Nuclear Force)

Quantum Chromodynamics

In this course,our focus will

be here!

The Structure of PhysicsIncreasing Speed





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What is “Solid State Physics”?• “Solid State Physics” can be ~ defined as the

study of the microscopic properties of the dense assembly of electrons formed by placing atoms very close together in a solid.

• It is a very large, very broad physics sub-field.• In some sense, Solid State Physics is “the

opposite” of Particle Physics. Particle Physics focuses on properties of INDIVIDUAL particles.

• Particle physicists break composite objects up into constituent building blocks.

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What is “Solid State Physics”?• Solid State Physics deals with the

microscopic properties of large COLLECTIONS of particles.

• Solid State physicists are interested in what fundamentally NEW PROPERTIES emerge when these building blocks are grouped together in various ways.

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Motivations for the Study of Solid State Physics • There are Technological & Basic

Physics motivations to study Solid State Physics.

Technological Motivations• A very important motivation is that

the microscopic properties Solid State Physics deals with are responsible for the majority of modern technology.

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Motivations for the Study of Solid State Physics

Technological Motivations• A very important motivation is that the microscopic

properties Solid State Physics deals with are responsible for the majority of modern technology.

• These properties determine the mechanical strength of materials, how they interact with light, how they conduct electricity, etc.

• So, Solid State Physics is important for technology, because it gives guidance on the design of circuits needed for modern electronic devices.

This field gave us the transistor & the semiconductor chip!

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Technological MotivationsThis field gave us the transistor &

the semiconductor chip!• So, Solid State Physics is traditionally linked to

materials science, chemistry & engineering.• Recently, it has developed overlaps with biology,

biochemistry, biotechnology & medicine.• So, many current research questions in Solid

State Physics are still at the frontiers of applied science & next-generation technologies.

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Basic Physics Motivations• A very important motivation to study Solid

State Physics is that the fundamental physics needed to understand the microscopic properties of solids is very interesting.

• To understand these properties, the ideas & methods of quantum mechanics must be used. The physics of solids isVERY deeply quantum mechanical.

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Basic Physics Motivations• The physics of solids is

VERY deeply quantum mechanical.• Solid State Physics has sometimes been

called the best “laboratory” for studying subtle quantum mechanical effects.

• This course may be a first chance for students to see quantum mechanical ideas & methods applied to cases where their technological consequences are so important.

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• 2 examples (of MANY!) in which Solid State Physics discoveries have revealed very interesting, fundamental physics are the observations/explanations of

1. Superconductivity2. The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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1. Superconductivity2. The Fractional Quantum Hall Effect• Both have exotic quantum mechanical explanations.• A very strong indicator that Solid State Physics

has led (& continues to lead!) to the understanding of many very interesting basic physics phenomena is the fact that:

More than 40% of Physics Nobel Prizes in the past 40 years & 50% of those in the past 10 years have been for work in

Solid State Physics!!!!

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The Solid State Physics Research Area • Many of you are likely taking this course because it is

related to your research area. If so, you've chosen a very good, interesting field! LARGE quantities of new physics is discovered in this area all of the time.

• For example, the American Physical Society's (APS) Division of Condensed Matter Physics or DCMP ("Condensed Matter" is ~ the same as “Solid State”) is, BY FAR, the largest APS division!

~(1/3) of the ~ 60,000 APS members belong to the DCMP.

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Solid State Physics Research Area • Another APS division is the Division of Materials

Physics or DMP (“Materials Physics” is ~ the same as “Applied Solid State”), which started ~20 years ago. The DMP is rapidly growing & may eventually become similar in size to the DCMP. (Many people belong to both!).

• BY FAR, the largest annual APS meeting is the joint DCMP & DMP meeting. It is held each March (it's called the “March Meeting” !).

2017 March Meeting (New Orleans, LA):~10,000 + people & ~7,500+ papers!

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The APSNo matter what your research area isEvery Physics Graduate Student, + every undergrad who wants to go

to graduate school!should join the APS!!

• The first year's membership is FREE to students & the following student years are highly discounted!

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The MRSGraduate students working in

Solid State, Condensed Matter, or Materials Physics should also consider joining theMaterials Research Society (MRS)!

• The MRS is another large professional organization, but it has a very interdisciplinary membership.

• This reflects the fact that people with many different backgrounds are doing various kinds of materials research. For example, it has members with backgrounds in Physics, in Chemistry, & in various types of Engineering.

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Relationship of Solid State Physics to Other Areas:• Solid State Physics Research often benefits from interaction

with researchers from other areas of physics & from engineering. So, often it is truly interdisciplinary in nature.

• This aspect of it is illustrated abstractly in the figure

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