20150821, bba emis projectteammeeting-reshma singh

From Custombuilt to Customary Prac@ce Sectorspecific EIS Packages Reshma Singh Lawrence Berkeley Na;onal Laboratory Supported by DOE Building Technologies Office, A. Mitchell BBA EMIS Project Team Mee;ng, August 21, 2015

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From  Custom-­‐built    to  Customary  Prac@ce  Sector-­‐specific  EIS  Packages  

Reshma  Singh  Lawrence  Berkeley  Na;onal  Laboratory  

Supported  by  DOE  Building  Technologies  Office,  A.  Mitchell  

BBA  EMIS  Project  Team  Mee;ng,  August  21,  2015  

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1.  Context 2.  Vision for EIS packages 3.  Sector-wise solutions

•  Hospitality •  Healthcare

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Context:  Five-­‐year  bilateral  US-­‐India  CBERD  program  


Department of Energy


Center for Building Energy Research and Development

§  MOU on collaborative research for clean

energy innovation with measurable results and significant reduction in buildings energy use in the U.S. and India.

§  Leapfrog technologies in India; Demonstrate in Indian buildings; Apply results in U.S.

Govt. of India

 §  Public-Private Collaborators on CBERD EIS

Research team: §  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA §  Center for Environmental Planning and

Technology, India §  Schneider Electric §  Wipro Eco-Energy §  Mazzetti


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EIS-in-a-box packaged solution From custom-built to cutomary practice

Technical requirements for packaged, scalable, cost effective, sector-wise “EIS in a box” for the U.S. (underserved building sectors) and India (emerging market) Help scale applicability and use of EIS to encourage widespread adoption

§  3 elements (1) Meters (2) Gateway (3) Software & UI §  2-tiers (1) Entry (2) Advanced §  3 target sectors (1) Hospitality (2) Healthcare (3) Offices

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Packaged or custom?

2. Prioritized support for business drivers











Entry Package Advanced

Package Custom EIS

§  Simpler, cost- effective packages have some tradeoffs compared to sophisticated, custom built EIS solutions, but the latter may be excessive for many, underserved organizations

§  Entry (Tier 1) and Advanced (Tier 2) packages mapped to energy-related business drivers

1. Tradeoffs by package tier based on cost, functionality, flexibility

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What makes current EIS solutions expensive? A characterization of transactional cost

Step 1:

Make executive decision Secure customer

Step 2: Define biz drivers, KPIs

Design engineering mapped to organizational KPIs

Step 3: Procurement (RFP)

Product fulfillment, integration, configuration, testing

Step 4: Installation, Commissioning

Sub-contractors for installation

Step 5: Training and Ongoing Use

Key red: client -side activity and associated cost blue: vendor-side activity and associated cost (passed on to client)

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3) Select Target Segments 1) Screen Characteristics 2) Define Segments

How  did  we  pick  the  three  target  sectors?  Market  segmenta@on  and  analysis  

§  High growth sectors §  High EUI in the sector, with energy saving opportunities §  Need for EIS penetration of stock buildings in these sectors

Hospitality Healthcare Offices

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What does an EIS package look like? Hospitality sector (business hotel) example

Source: Technical Requirements for EIS for Hotels (CBERD report)

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EIS package for business hotels Technical requirements for (1) Metering and (2) Gateway

Parameters     Metering  Points  

Physical  Loca@on    (Meter  Nos)   Communica@on      Measureme

nt  interval      Measured  parameters       Accuracy       Data  storage  

capabili@es  Addi@onal  inputs  

Tier  1:  Entry    

WB,  3-­‐4  Major  Loads  

1  Main  DB    (5  Meters)  

Wired  between  meter  and  

gateway,  Wi-­‐Fi  between  

gateway  (1)  and  remote  database    

Hourly     kWh,  V,  I    Class  1  

according  to  IS13779  

5  K  Points   None  

Tier  2:  Advanced  

WB,  7-­‐8  Major  Loads  

1  Main  DB  +  1  Representa;ve  Spaces  /  Floor  DB    (15  Meters)  

Wired  between  meter  and  

gateway,  Wi-­‐Fi  between  

gateway  (1)  and  remote  database    

Hourly     kWh,  kW,  V,  I,  PF    

Class  1  according  to  IS13779  

10  K  Points  

 -­‐  Add  bldg/    zone  area  footprint  -­‐  Average  OAT  -­‐  Opera;ng  schedules    

Source: Technical Requirements for EIS for Hotels (CBERD report)

§  Metering specs provided for each tier §  Meters selected from off-the-shelf products that comply with the specs

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EIS package for business hotels Technical requirements for (3) Software analyses and user interface

Business driver 1 Continuous monitoring of energy performance

Business driver 2 Benchmark energy performance

Business driver 3 Track cost and manage demand

Business driver 4 Identify, track EE projects

Business driver 5 Track GHG emissions, carbon

Tier 1 Entry

Tier 1 Advanced


Data inputs


Deliberate specifications for analysis mapped towards business drivers Analysis mapped to visualization charts


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EIS  package  for  business  hotels  (3)  SoTware  and  User  Interface:  Daily/  Weekly  Dashboard  (Audience:  Facility  manager)    

(1)  Energy Use Area

chart (Tier 1 and 2 versions) Energy Consumption -  Electricity(kWh or

kBTU) -  Gas (kBTU)

(2) Power Demand Trendline chart (Tier 1 and 2 versions) -Electrical Loads (kW) - Gas Loads (kBTU/hour)

(3) Fuel cost and consumption chart (Tier 1) Energy Consumption (kBTU): - Electricity (grid, off-grid), - Natural Gas - Steam Energy Cost (Rs/$)

(4) End use breakdown chart (Tier 2, optional) -Electrical Loads (kW) - Gas Loads (kBTU/hour)

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EIS  package  for  business  hotels  (3)  SoTware  and  User  Interface:  Monthly/  Annual  (Execu@ve,  Facility  manager)    

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Kapoor, Ravi. Kumar, Satish. (2011). Energy Efficiency in Hospitals: Best Practice Guide. New Delhi, India.

Sector-wise EIS offering: Healthcare sector Key findings on sub-sector and energy use

§  Order of magnitude higher energy consumption, and bigger savings opportunities. US trend towards outpatient facilities, and energy efficient design India trend towards inpatient, acute care with US levels of service/ patient delivery; high growth

§  Heterogeneity within sector: Acute Care, Ambulatory Care, Skilled Nursing… §  Additional healthcare specific metrics (KPIs), e.g. EUI/bed, or EUI/adjusted patient day. §  Gateways similar to those in the hospitality package, but metering expected to be different,

given the diversity, complexity and criticality of spaces, systems and equipment §  Not all large loads may be controllable. Many are highly regulated by healthcare agencies.

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Derivation of “Picklist of Loads” in the healthcare package

Sector-wise EIS offering: Healthcare sector Exhaustive analysis of recommended metered points

Is the load contributing to major consumption? CONTRIBUTION (Y/N)

Is the load available to control/ schedule? ACTIONABLE (Y/N)

Can the load be sub-meter discretely METERABLE (Y/N)

Load 1, e.g. “ Zone Ventilation”

Load 2, e.g. “Operating Theater Lighting

Load 3, e.g. “Imaging Lab”

Load 4, e.g. “ Diagnostic & Treatment Rooms:”


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Next Steps

1.  Finalization of Healthcare EIS package 2.  Demo of Hotels package in 2 Indian business hotels

§  Package technical requirements adopted by commercial partners §  Package evaluation according to assessment criteria §  Package results transferred to US facilities

3.  Initiate EIS for Offices package