
ดด ดด . . ดดดดด ดดดดดดด ดดดดด ดดดดดดด Ph.D. (Computer Science) Ph.D. (Computer Science) ดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดด ดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดดด ดดดดดดดดดดดด ด ดดดดดดดดดดดด ด

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ดรดร..เจษฎา โพนแก้�วเจษฎา โพนแก้�ว Ph.D. (Computer Science)Ph.D. (Computer Science)

ปร�ชญาและหล�ก้ก้ารว�จ�ยในร�ปปร�ชญาและหล�ก้ก้ารว�จ�ยในร�ปแบบต่�าง ๆแบบต่�าง ๆ

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ชื่��อ-นามสกุ�ล: ดร . เจษฎา โพนแก้�วป ที่"#จบก้าร

ศึ%ก้ษาระด�บปร�ญญา ว&ฒิ�ก้ารศึ%ก้ษา สถานก้ารศึ%ก้ษา

2535 อน�ปริ�ญญา เทคน�คกุาริแพทย์� สาขาริ�งส�เทคน�ค

โริงเริ�ย์นริ�งส�เทคน�ค โริงพย์าบาลจุ�ฬาลงกุริณ์� จุ.กุริ�งเทพมหานคริ

2543 ปริ�ญญาตริ�วศ.บ. (สาขาไฟฟ(า อ�เล)กุทริอน�กุส� และคอมพ�วเตอริ�)

มหาว�ทย์าล�ย์อ�บลริาชื่ธาน� จุ.อ�บลริาชื่ธาน�

2548 ปริ�ญญาโท วท.ม. (ว�ทย์ากุาริคอมพ�วเตอริ�)

มหาว�ทย์าล�ย์ขอนแกุ,น จุ.ขอนแกุ,น

2555 ปริ�ญญาเอกุ Ph.D. (Computer Science)

มหาว�ทย์าล�ย์ขอนแกุ,น จุ.ขอนแกุ,น


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ล*าด�บ ป งบประมาณ แหล�งที่&น ช-#อเร-#อง1 2557 มหาว�ทย์าล�ย์



2 2558 ส5าน�กุงานคณ์ะกุริริมกุาริว�จุ�ย์แห,ง,ชื่าต� (วชื่.)


3 2558 ส5าน�กุงานคณ์ะกุริริมกุาริกุาริอ�ด้มศ7กุษา (สกุอ.)

กุาริพ�ฒนาโปริแกุริมว�เคริาะห�ลาย์ผ้.าไหมม�ด้หม��ของชื่น 4เผ้,าเพ��อริะบ�แหล,งท��มาในจุ�งหว�ด้ศริ�สะเกุษ

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1. อธ�บาย์ปริ�ชื่ญาและหล�กุกุาริว�จุ�ย์


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Discovery & Knowledge

Natural Science

โลก้ว�ต่ถ& ข�อม�ล

ประจ�ก้ษ3 ร�ปธรรม



Social Science

ปฏิ�ส�มพ�นธ3 พฤต่�ก้รรม

Humanity inner side ค&ณค�า ความ

ร��ส%ก้อารมณ3 , ความค�ด

ค&ณล�ก้ษณะนามธรรมปร�ชญา ค&ณงามความด" ส&นที่ร"ย3

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When you start doing research you need to grip with some basic concepts of research philosophy.



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• The Longman dictionary (1995) defines research as “the studious study of a subject, that is intended to discover new facts or test new ideas; the activity of finding information about something that one is interested in or needs to know about”

• The process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study and analysis (Sekaran,2006)

• Systematic inquiry that provides information to guide decision (Cooper & Schindler, 2001)

• Is research always problem-solving based? Yes.

What is Research?


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• Paradigm is an interpretative framework, which is guided by "a set of beliefs and feelings about the world and how it should be understood and studied." (Guba, 1990).

• Denzin and Lincoln (2001) listed three categories of those beliefs:

• Ontology: what kind of being is the human being. Ontology deals with the question of what is real.

• Epistemology: what is the relationship between the inquirer and the known: "epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge and the process by which knowledge is acquired and validated" (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996)

• Methodology: how do we know the world, or gain knowledge of it? Research Paradigm

• Scientific• Interpretive• Critical

Research Paradigm

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• Application of scientific method to the investigation of relationships among natural phenomenon, or to solve a medical or technical problem.

• The scientific method is the means by which researchers are able to make conclusive statements about their studies with a minimum of bias.

What is Scientific Research


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• Interpretive research focuses on analytically disclosing those meaning-making practices, while showing how those practices configure to generate observable outcomes.

• Interpretive research is an approach to research in the human sciences that recognizes the paradigmatic character of all research.

Interpretative Research

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• Research that involves a formal analysis and evaluation of a text, production, or performance. Critiquing criteria are the standards, rules, or tests that serve as the bases for judgments.

Critical Research

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Empricism• Empiricism proclaims that experiments and observation are the

main instruments for the acquisition of knowledgePositivism• Exploring social reality based on philosophical ideas with the

emphasis of observation and reason as means of understanding human behaviour. Scientific methods are used as a means of knowledge generation.

Anti-positivism • Social reality is viewed and interpreted by the individual

according to his or her ideological positions. Therefore, knowledge is of person’s experience rather than acquired from or imposed from outside. Reality is multi-layered and complex and a single phenomenon is having multiple interpretations.

Critical Theory• Exploring an existing phenomena to develop theory

Research Paradigm: Schools of thought

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• Epistemology: To do with our beliefs about how one might discover knowledge about the world

• Ontology: To do with our assumptions about how the world is made up and the nature of things

• Methodology: To do with the tools and techniques of research

• Relationship of the three: Epistemological and ontological positions should have some bearing on the methods that you select for your research


Epistemology, Ontology and Methodology

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• Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include information, facts, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education.

• Plato defined knowledge as "justified true belief."

• Theoretical or practical understanding of a subject.

• Implicit knowledge (as with practical skill or expertise)

• Explicit knowledge (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject)

What is knowledge


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• Knowledge is sometimes considered as justified true belief.

• However this is insufficient because one must have a reason or justification for that belief.

• There are situations in which a belief may be justified and true and yet not as knowledge

• Knowledge is distinct from belief and opinion.

• In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology


Defining Knowledge

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• The study of our method of acquiring knowledge.

• The explanation of how we think. • It answers the question, "How do we know?" I• It encompasses the nature of concepts, the

constructing of concepts, the validity of the senses, logical reasoning, as well as thoughts, ideas, memories, emotions, and all thingsmental.

• It is concerned with how our minds are related to reality, and whether these relationships are valid or invalid.

What is Epistemology

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• Epistemology comes from the Greek words episteme (knowledge) and it is a branch of philosophy that deals with the ratio, origin and scope of knowledge

• It attempts to answer the basic question of what distinguishes true (adequate) knowledge from false (inadequate) knowledge.

• It relates to truth and belief.24


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To determine the true from the false by determining a proper method of evaluation.

Importance of Epistemology

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What are the key elements of a proper Epistemology?

• Senses are used to gain information about the world.

• Reason is the method of gaining knowledge, and acquiring understanding.

• Logic is the method of maintaining consistency within the set of knowledge. 

• Objectivity is the means of associating knowledge with reality to determine its validity.

• Concepts are abstracts of specific details of reality, or of other abstractions. A proper epistemology is a rational epistemology.

Key Elements of a Proper Epistemology

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It involves complex cognitive processes:

PerceptionCommunicationAssociation Reasoning

Knowledge Acquisition

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• Ontology is the study or concern about what kinds of things exist.

• Ontology comes from the Greek words onto which means something that exists, and logos which means logical knowledge.

• Definition: An ontology may take a variety of forms, but necessarily it will include a vocabulary of terms, and some specification of their meaning. This includes definitions and an indication of how concepts are inter-related which collectively impose a structure on the domain and constrain the possible interpretations of terms


What is an Ontology

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• Gruber defines an ontology as “the specification of conceptualisations, used to help programmes and humans share knowledge

• The conceptualiztion is the couching of knowledge about the world in terms of entitities (things, the relationships they hold and the constraints between them)

• Explaining / describing in terms of etimology, terminology, philosophy of the research variables, research title, problem statement, research questions and research objectives.


What is an Ontology - Cont

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Research paradigm: PositivismResearch Approach: QuantitativeResearch Methods: Survey, longitudinal,

cross-sectional, correlation, experimentsExamples: Attitude of foreign students

towards UTM registration system, Relationship between student’s financial position and their academic performance, Effect of emotional intelligence on learning effectiveness.

Selection of Research Paradigm and research


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Research paradigm: Anti positivismResearch Approach: QualitativeResearch methods: Biographical,

phenomenological, ethnological, case-study

Examples: A study of autobiography of Ibn Khaldun or Ahmad Nejad or Zia ul-Haq, A study of effective management among female managers, A case-study of UTM distance learning programme.

Selection of Research Paradigm and research methods (2)


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Research paradigm: Critical TheoryResearch Approach: Critical and Action-

orientedResearch methods: ideology critique

and action researchExamples: A study of industrial

development in Malaysia during the Mahathir’s time; A study class absenteeism among Muslim students during the month of Ramadan. 32

Selection of Research Paradigm and research methods (3)

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Applied ResearchApplying the result of research finding to solve specific problem happening in an organization. The aim is to solve current problem

Basic ResearchEnhancing the understanding of certain problem that commonly occur in organization setting and seek method of solving them. The aim is to generate knowledge, understand phenomena/problem that occur in various organization setting

Action research  is either research initiated to solve an immediate problem or

a reflective process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve problems.

Types of Research

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Quantity Research

o Quantity research provide the statistic evaluation of the researched phenomenon

o People’s behavior is pre-defined as regular and predictable

o Usually applied to large groups of people that may represent the opinion of the population

o Research data is numericalo Research results are generalized and can be used to

evaluate large groups of peopleo Research report provides data that is usually presented

in graphic visual formo Quantity researches are most appropriate in the following


Types of Research

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Quality Research

o Quality researches help to understand and interpret social life

and interactions

o Quality research treats human behavior as dynamic and

situation related

o Researches isolated cases, does not lean to representativeness

o Research data is usually either in word format or are presented


o Research results are usually partial, hardly generalized

o Research reports provide data interpretations and authentic

sayings of the research participants

Types of Research

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Provides scientific information and theories Follows a certain structural process though the

step order may vary depending on the subject matter and

researcher The following steps are usually part of the most

formal research both basic and applied Observations and Formation of the topic Hypothesis Conceptual definitions Operational definition Gathering of data Analysis of data Test, reviving of hypothesis Conclusion 36

Scientific Research

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• The goal of the research process is to produce new knowledge.

• This process takes three main forms1.Exploratory research which structures

and identifies new problems2.Constructive research which develops

solutions to a problem3.Empirical research which tests the

feasibility of a solution using empirical evidence. 37

Research Mehtods

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• PhD : Theoretical Gap: Improving the latest theory on research focus; There is contribution of new knowledge.

• Master: Empirical gap: Application of tested theoretical framework to solve current problems.

Level of Research

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Step 1 - Choose your topic.Step 2 - Find basic information.Step 3 - Refine your topic.Step 4 - Locate and retrieve materials.Step 5 - Evaluate relevancies of materials.Step 6 - Take notes.Step 7 - Construct your project. Writing

Research Process

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ปร�ชญาก้ารว�จ�ย –ก้ารค�ดส��ก้ารปฏิ�บ�ต่�เพ-#อประโยชน3ของผ��อ-#น

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จรรยาบรรณก้ารว�จ�ย- Research ethics

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จรรยาบรรณก้ารว�จ�ย- Research ethics

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หล�ก้ก้าร- Principles of ethics concern

1. ไม�ม"ก้ารค�ดลอก้ผลงานผ��อ-#นมาเป4นของต่น (Plagiarism)

2. ก้ารด*าเน�นก้ารปราศึจาก้ความล*าเอ"ยง (Bias)

3 . ไม�ม"ก้ารล�วงละเม�ดก้ฏิเก้ณฑ์3 (Violation)

4. ไม�ม"ก้ารบ�ดเบ-อน (Distortion)

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