analysing music videos

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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3 analysed music videos. pre prodcuction



IMAGE In these close ups, Adele’s make up is very subtle and not exaggerated at all, this represents her as a natural person and connotes that she’s real and could be an incentive to believe that her music is about natural

occurring life events that a wide audience could probably relate to.

This is what I would like to show in my video, using little amounts of natural looking make-up which will create a casual image for the character which also connote that

the genre of music isn’t mainstream with glamorous artist, it isn’t what’s currently in the charts. For example

it’s not similar to anything of Beyonce or Rihanna.


The above shots are natural and something that is relevant to everyone as it’s something we see every day. The fact that the locations are so realistic connotes that the meaning behind the song is realistic, and Adele is trying to put across a message

that all can understand through the natural settings of this video. The location appears to be an isolated area near a park/field which could connote a double meaning; firstly

togetherness because it’s a lot of trees all together, it’s not an empty field, but secondly it could connote being alone because there is no one in the shots, just pure scenery.

These isolated locations are quite typical for a video of this soul/blues genre as they are often relative to the lyrics and meaning of the song.


Most shots of Adele are close ups or mid shots which is typical for this genre of music as it basically forces the audience to focus on her face and upper body as

this is where we will see her facial expressions and the state of her body language and from this we can understand the emotion of the video, instead of

focusing on anything that may be irrelevant in the background throughout the song. These shot types connote that she is the most important part of the video and also that our attention as an audience

should be on her at most times.

This straight on shot connotes that they are in love and are happy. The angle also suggests that

neither are superior to the other, they are equal in

status and power.

CLOTHING The clothes worn throughout the video are casual wear, they aren’t expensive looking or unusual in any way. This goes well with the genre because it tends to discuss real issues and feelings that everyone can relate to, the clothes help to reinforce this. Also, the colours of the clothing are dull which is good as it helps to set the mood for the song as it isn’t upbeat, it’s quite saddening and wearing bright and unique clothing would contrast drastically with the song.


The weather is dull and grey which goes with the mood and the emotions within the song, we associate dull colours with being

unhappy and the song is rather sad. The leaves are falling from the trees which connotes it’s Autumn, it creates a messy look and indicates that things are possibly uncertain, this helps set the

mood of the audience. Also, the trees create shadows and block out bright light making the lighting dim and depressing.


There aren’t many props in the video but there is one big one which is the car. The car wreckage connotes devastation and break down which could be in relation to a break down of a relationship and therefore the

car is acting as a symbol, something to remind her of it forever. The car is quite powerful and emotional because crashes are dangerous and could

lead to fatality, this creates a serious atmosphere.



This location is a garden and she is about to hang out her washing which is a stereotypical role for a women, to be a house wife and do the washing. Cooking etc. This location therefore connotes that it is her territory and that in one way she may be seen as powerful, but on the other hand she could also be portrayed as weak because she’s just a house wife.

A black stage when she’s performing connotes that the attention should be focused on her and nothing else. It also makes her stand out and look like she’s brightening up the stage, indicating it is her time to shine and at this moment she holds authority.

The trees and open space in this shot connote a place

for thinking and being free as it’s not busy and it

appears to just be the man by him self. This location

makes him look like a figure of authority, as if he owns



This low angle shot connotes that she is inferior and beneath anyone else as she is laying on the floor looking helpless. It is a mid shot and so it focuses mainly on her facial expression and upper body language, from this she appears confused and very weak, especially as there is mud all over her which further connotes her weakness and implies she is dirty and worthless.


These two shots show her to be important and possibly a figure of authority. Firstly because it is just her standing alone, with a upright posture which connotes confidence. Secondly, the lighting is quite natural and bright which lifts the mood and makes everything appear positive. Although, her clothing contrasts with this because her top is baggy and shapeless which could suggest she is careless or has no money for more fashionable items, no money could suggest no power.



Here we see her in a very natural environment in a field. We also see that its shot in the daytime where natural lighting is used. This gives it a very pure feel and from this we denote that she’s very innocent and humble. This is how we would like to portray our artist so we too will use a natural outdoor setting without all the lights and added gimmicks.

In this part of the video, we see Corrine run/skip through the field bare foot again

Really emphasising the whole nature feel and giving it a sense of purity and a care free vibe.

We see clearly that it is located in a forest. We see trees and a lot of greenery again showing nature. In this particular shot, it appears to be a little darker and the colours have high contrast which slightly gives it a mysterious feel. This is good because the video would be too boring if it was all just in the field below.


We see bright sunlight which lifts the mood and along with her white clothing makes her look almost angelic. As we are filming quite late in the year and its coming up to winter times, we may not be able to capture this summery feel therefore we will have to use elements of the mise-en-scene

to accentuate the care-free and pure vibe.


In this shot we see that her makeup is very subtle and natural which corresponds with the location (natural environment)… Obviously, it

wouldn’t suitable if she had heavy smokey eyes for this location. This effortless look gives the artist more authenticity and makes her look

down to earth. This is the kind of representation we would like to show for our artist in our music video.

Her hair also is very simple and simply just left down to be curly.

The close up allows us to fully see her simplistic image. We would like to incorporate a lot of close ups in ours in order for the audience to really get an insight of our artist.


Again, similar to the makeup, the outfits are very simple and minimalistic. There’s no fancy accessories and shoes etc… Simple a

plain top, jeans and bare foot. The fact that her top is white emphasises the purity and makes her look like a person who cares for

the environment.

Here we see a mid shot which really shows off her costume. For our music video, as well as having close ups to show the artists face, we will also have mid/long shots to show off the props used to give the artist a sense of branding.


The fact that we see her riding a bike rather than being in a car again represents her to be someone who is environmentally friendly and doesn’t necessarily use the most up to date technology because she likes to be more in touch with the natural world. The

video doesn’t really have a narrative as we just see her riding through a forest and running through fields so the fact that they're just riding a bike through trees highlights the fact that there’s no storyline and they’re just riding to be free and happy. We would

like to portray the same sort of vibe in our video by having her walk around in open natural environments not necessarily just in a forest to add authenticity to our artist

rather then having her in fancy glamorous locations.


Here we see quite a high angle used almost as if someone has filmed it from the tree. In addition to the colour of this shot

being dark and gloomy, the high angle too gives it a mysterious feel but at the same time makes it look harmless like the rest of

the video as its taken from a high angle and makes the place look less intimidating.

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