how to motivate yourself to exercise

Post on 27-Jul-2015






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How to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

Motivation is something that people find to be out of reach especially when it comes to being able to exercise consistently. Yet, having the motivation to exercise isn’t as mysterious as it’s believed to be. It’s within everyone’s reach.

It’s just that people tend to look for it in the wrong places and have expectations that immediately put them at a disadvantage before they’ve even begun to exercise.

Here’s some help for staying motivated while excuse proofing your workout routine.

Create a schedule

Stick it on your fridge so you can tick off each activity when you complete it. That way you can see your progress in a visual way. And you’ll be reminded each time you open the fridge.

Think about why you exercise

I exercise because I want to live a long and healthy life. But also because I feel better when I am fit. Why do you exercise? Do you want to see your grandchildren grow up? If you’re simply exercising to flatten your stomach then you may well lose enthusiasm once you’ve accomplished that, or you’ll lose heart if you don’t accomplish it right away. Think of exercise as an essential part of a balanced life, because that is what it is.

Positive mental attitude

At times, exercise can sound so hard. But instead of thinking about how hard it may be, think about what you will get out of it. The fact that at the end of all your hard work you’re going to be happier and healthier.

Get a workout buddy

Having a friend to work out with is a great way to keep both of you accountable. Everyone has their off days where they can’t find the willpower to go to the gym or work out, but having a friend to drag you along. Having workout partner will encourage you to work harder and get better results.

Make it manageable

Do something realistic to begin with. Set yourself realistic goals and a schedule of exercise that you will be able to maintain for longer than a couple of weeks.

Make exercise a part of your normal life

A really easy way to do this is to walk or cycle to work. If you live too far away then get off the bus or park your car a block further away and walk the rest of the way or go for a walk at lunchtime.

Don’t expect immediate results

You may well get some immediate results but don’t get disheartened if you don’t. After you’ve exercised for a time you’ll find that the results you’ve gained will level off and your exercise is more for maintenance. This is where people can stop as they get bored or disheartened because the improvements stop. The reality is that no matter how big you are you can’t keep losing weight forever.

It is not easy to make a commitment to exercise but once you make that decision,

you will be well on your way to achieving the impossible. Burn calories in the gym

or perform easy exercises at home – it does not really matter, just as long as you

are able to sweat.

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