igem professional review interview workshop wednesday 23 rd may 2012 gordon davies and andy mcphee

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IGEMProfessional Review Interview Workshop

Wednesday 23rd May 2012

Gordon Davies and Andy McPhee

Council & Supporting Committees


Audit Committee

Membership Committee (MC)

Academic Panel (AP)Professional Development

Committee (PDC)

Finance Committee

Marketing Committee

Technical Co-Ordination Committee

Strategy Planning Committee

Various Panels

Purpose of the Workshop

Ensure that all Professional Review Interviewers and Assessors are trained to assess applicants and undertake interviews for CEng, IEng and EngTech

in compliance with the requirements of the Engineering Council.

Desired OutcomesUnderstanding: • IGEM’s application and professional registration

processes• IGEM’s professional review process• The requirements for assessing applications• What is expected from a Professional Review

Report and Interviewand• Feedback / suggestions to improve the IGEM


Time Agenda Led By

10.30 Welcome, Introduction & Programme Outline Gordon Davies

UKSPEC Requirements&

IGEM Membership ProcessAndy McPhee

Professional Review Interview Gordon Davies

Assessment of a Typical Professional Review Report(Exercise)

Gordon Davies

13.00 LUNCH

13.45 Report Back on Professional Review Report Exercise Gordon Davies

Q & A Session(Open Forum)

Gordon DaviesAndy McPhee

Summing up, Feedback to IGEM & Further IGEM Assistance Gordon Davies

Approx 15.00 FINISH

Programme• UKSPEC and MPPM summary• Summary of the requirements for the main

categories of Membership• The Professional Review• Requirements of Candidates• Interview Panel• Interview preparation• Conducting the Interview• Completion of paperwork• Making a judgement


describes the requirements that have to be met

in order to gain professional registration as an

Engineering Technician, Incorporated Engineer

or Chartered Engineer and gives examples of

the ways in which these requirements can be

achieved and demonstrated

Based on competence & commitment criteria

Specifies academic qualification for CEng, IEng and EngTech

Requires all Professional Review Interviewers to undergo formal training


Demonstrable Competence

Education and Training

Knowledge and understanding

Evidence =


Engineering Technician – Exemplifying Qualifications

• An Advanced/Modern Apprenticeship or other work based learning programme approved by a licensed professional engineering institution;

• An EdExcel Level 3 BTEC Certificate or Diploma in Engineering or in Construction and the Built Environment;

• A qualification, approved by a licensed professional engineering institution, in engineering or construction set at level 3 (or above) in the Qualifications and Credit Framework or at level 6 (or above) in the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework;

• An equivalent qualification approved by a licensed professional engineering institution.

Engineering Technician

Individual Route

Involves an in-depth appraisal of the knowledge and experience acquired by experienced practising technicians.

Administered by the Institution

• An accredited Bachelors degree with honours in engineering or technology plus either an Institution approved Masters degree or appropriate further learning to Masters level

or an accredited MEng

• Qualification accredited by the Engineering Council at the time it was taken.

Chartered Engineer – Exemplifying Qualifications

• An accredited Bachelors or honours degree in engineering or technology

• An HNC or HND or Foundation degree, plus appropriate further learning to degree level

• An NVQ4 or SVQ4 which has been approved for the purpose by a licensed engineering institution

• Qualification accredited by the Engineering Council at the time it was taken.

Incorporated Engineer – Exemplifying Qualifications

CEng/IEng Alternatives to Exemplifying Qualifications

Applicants who do not have the exemplifying qualifications to demonstrate the required knowledge and understanding may do so in other ways, but must clearly demonstrate they have achieved the same level of knowledge and understanding as those with the qualification

These ways include:

• Taking further qualifications, in whole or in part, as specified by the institution to which they are applying

• Completing appropriate work-based or experiential learning

• Writing a technical report, based on their experience, and demonstrating their knowledge and understanding of engineering principles

CEng/IEng Alternatives to Exemplifying Qualifications (cont)

Member Manager

• Meet the Competence and Commitment criteria• Hold a senior management position in the Gas

Industry for a minimum of 4 years; Or• Have a suitable academic, vocational or

professional qualification (i.e NVQ Level III or above) and have held an appropriate senior management position for 2 years

• Meet the Competence and Commitment criteria• Option to Interview


Demonstrates in documented form how the

policies and practices of membership issues are

implemented within the Institution

Receive initial membership enquiry

UKSPEC exemplifying qualifications?

EngC registered member

Sufficient relevant experience?


Professional Review Process


Technical report or other option?


Candidate prepares Professional Review Report

Report passed to Scrutineers – Proceed to Interview?

No Yes

Professional Review Interview – Successful outcome?


Professional RegistrationCandidate feedback/options


= Demonstrable Competence

Education and Training

Knowledge and understanding



Professional Development

Qualificationsor Awards TR




The Professional Review

Purpose of the Professional Review

The purpose of the Professional Review is to enable the interviewers to evaluate the competence and commitment of the candidate.

Based on evidence of professional competence and commitment to practice as a professional in the gas industry.

Role of ScrutineerTo ensure applicants meet the required standard for Membership in the appropriate category and to proceed to Interview when applicable.

Role of InterviewerTo determine whether a candidate meets the requirements for Membership.

The Professional Review• Final test of ‘competence and commitment’• Based on ‘documented history’ and interview• Candidate produces evidence that criteria is satisfied• Criteria comes from ‘UKSPEC Threshold Standards of

Competence and Commitment’ as applied to Gas Engineering

Evidence from:• Prior education and learning• Professional work undertaken• Other relevant work

Competence & CommitmentIGEM Competence & Commitment


A Knowledge and Understanding

B Application to practice

C Leadership, Managements and Supervision

D Inter-Personal Skills

Commitment E Professional Conduct

Competence & Commitment Criteria

Extracts for CEngA1 Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the

introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other relevant developments

A2 Engage in the creative and innovative development of engineering technology and continuous improvement systems

B2 Conduct appropriate research and undertake design and development of engineering solutions

C4 Bring about continuous improvement through quality management

Competence & Commitment Criteria

Extracts for IEngA1 Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach to the application

of technology in engineering practice

A2 Use a sound evidence-based approach to problem solving and contribute to continuous improvement

B2 Contribute to the design and development of engineering solutions

C4 Manage continuous quality improvement

Competence & Commitment Criteria

Extracts for EngTechA1 Identify limits of personal knowledge and skills, broaden and deepen

knowledge through experimentation and information resources, including IGEM publications, meetings, conference and seminars

A2 Apply engineering principles and best practice

B2 Use resources effectively to complete tasks with due regard to cost, quality, safety and environmental considerations

C3 Supervise technological tasks

Requirements of Candidates


‘ Assessment is the process of determining the Candidate’s suitability for registration with the Engineering Council. It is based on evidence of

competence and commitment. Competence and commitment are inter-related and an optimum

assessment system would consider them together’.

Candidate Planning and Preparation

Evidence should be prepared by reference to relevant Competence and Commitment


Candidates can assess themselves!

Candidates Submission

Should demonstrate compliance with the Competence and Commitment criteria

IGEM’s Method

Candidates report – Cross referenced to Competence and Commitment criteria.

The Interview Panel

Interview Panel

One panel member should preferably be in the same Membership category as that for which the

Candidate is applying.

One panel member should preferably be knowledgeable in the area of expertise of the


Interview Preparation

Interview PreparationInterviewers should:

• Review the principal evidence sources:o Reports / Accredited E & T / Application Documentso Candidate’s Evidence Cross-References

• Compare those sources against:o Standards–the A–E Roles and Responsibilitieso Routes–through the Educational Base, IPD and into CPD

Based on this work, prepare a strategy for Interview

Summary of Assessment & Planning for the Interview

What are the criteria for Membership and Registration?

What is the evidence that the candidate meets the criteria?

What can the Membership administration do?

How can the Interviewers prepare?

Conducting the Interview

The Interview

The Panel should comprise of two trained interviewers, one of whom must be experienced

An Engineering Council observer is entitled to attend

An IGEM auditor can be appointed

The duration of the interview is approximately 1 hour

Getting the Interview Started• The Interviewers have done their ‘homework’• The room is prepared, without distractions• The Interviewers have agreed their strategy• Areas of focus for probing• ‘Job Share’ agreed – who does what and when• Cues agreed for change over of rolesTHEN

• Normal Introduction and small talk to ensure Candidate is settled down

• Check identification• Invite the Candidate to introduce ‘evidence spine’

Questioning and Probing• Aim is to let the candidate do the talking (the more you talk; the less evidence you get!)• Use simple, single, direct, open questions (begin with what?, where?, when?, Why?, How?)• Seek out ‘opportunities’; probe use made of them• Follow the agreed approach in some logical sequence• Interviewer ‘pairs’ share questioning• Give yourself thinking time (if needed) by responses such as ‘what makes you say that?’• Cover the range – sample some areas in depth – look for ‘cross links’ – underlying principles – business relevance• Clarify any response when the word ‘we’ is used as to ‘I’

Collecting the Evidence

• Make a plan and stick to it• Use the IGEM interview report form

o Make noteso Watch your spaces fill / stay empty (cover range?)o If areas are staying blank, prompt and probe (What opportunity have you had to ……….?)o Check any ‘hard’ evidence brought and note this on the report form

• Even if the ‘office’ has confirmed qualifications, seek evidence that they are applied at the right level

• Ensure that your evidence is at the right level (e.g for CEng and not IEng, irrespective of educational base)

Concluding the Interview • Note writer ensure questioner can see report form• When evidence sufficient;

o Give clue to ending with statement such as; ‘Before we finish, I will see if my colleague has any further questions’

o Give candidate the opportunity to ask questions; ‘Before you go are there any final points you would like to make to us?’

o Be ready for the obvious questions; ‘When will I hear the result?’

o Be sure that you have got every bit of evidence you need to make your judgement

• Once the candidate has gone, you can only guess at the answers they might have given!

Completion of Paperwork

Interview Report Form CEng

Interview Report Form CEng

Interview Score Form


Section Total Score

Block Mean Score

A 1. Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the introduction and exploitation of new and advancing technology and other relevant developments

2. Engage in the creative and innovative development of engineering technology and continuous improvement systems

Section A Score

B 1. Identify potential projects and opportunities

2. Conduct appropriate research, and undertake design and development of engineering solutions

3. Implement design solutions, and evaluate their effectiveness

Section B Score

C 1. Plan for effective project implementation

2. Plan, budget, organise, direct and control tasks, people and resources

3. Lead teams and develop staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs

4. Bring about continuous improvement through quality management

Section C Score


Section Total Score

Block Mean Score

D 1. Communicate in English with others at all levels

2. Present and discuss proposals

3. Demonstrate personal and social skills

Section D Score E 1. Comply with relevant codes of


2. Manage and apply safe systems of work

3. Undertake engineering activities in a way that contributes to sustainable development

4. Carry out continuing professional development necessary to maintain and enhance competence in own area of practice

Section E Score Total Score

Comments/ Recommendation Recommend candidate for Chartered membership with IGEM:

Yes No

Score Allocation (Interview Report Form completed during Interview)

Competence / Commitment Level of Activity Score

No Knowledge

Insufficient understanding of the activity 0

Appreciation Has a basic understanding of the activity 1

Knowledge Has an understanding of the activity and its application


Experience Has the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills to perform operations


Know-how Has the ability to apply learned knowledge and skills to perform operations intuitively, efficiently and correctly


Score Recommendation for CEng & IEngThe candidate shall be recommended for Registration if the

following conditions are met;

The total score is not less than 38And The block mean score in any block is not less than 2And There is not more than one zero across the whole form

Where the above conditions are not met by a small margin, but the Interviewers wish to recommend Registration, they may make a positive recommendation provided they argue a case for dispensation from the normal guidelines.

Score Recommendation for EngTechThe candidate shall be recommended for Registration if the

following conditions are met;

The total score is not less than 31And The block mean score in any block is not less than 2And There is not more than one zero across the whole form

Where the above conditions are not met by a small margin, but the Interviewers wish to recommend Registration, they may make a positive recommendation provided they argue a case for dispensation from the normal guidelines

Recommendation for

Member Manager

The candidate shall be recommended for election if the Competence and Commitment criteria are met for this


Making a Judgement

Making a Judgement • The Professional review is to enable Interviewers to ensure the

Membership Committee that there is EVIDENCE that a candidate has the necessary ‘Competence and Commitment’ required for Membership and Registration

• The Candidate’s job is to make a sufficient case, using a form of ‘cross-mapping’ process

• Do not seek ‘mastery’ of every item in the Competence and Commitment lists, but a sensible balance

• Best evidence for E4 (CPD) is evidence of having learned to learn, and a realistic action plan

• If the evidence does not ‘fit’, be prepared to test against criteria for another grade

• Review your ‘Report Form’ notes from the Interview

• Collate any other relevant evidence, e.g documentary ‘witness testimony’

• Use the ‘Interview Score Form’ and it’s scoring methodology to guide you to a judgement

• You cannot expect excellence overall, but neither must there be large ‘blank’ areas. Use ‘comments’ space

• Note that everything you write is ‘personal data’ within the Data Protection Act 1998 (accuracy?)

• Your process must be transparent and fair, to comply with the Human Rights Act

• You can be challenged at appeal, Industrial Tribunal or Judicial Review!

Failure Report Form ExtractWhich area(s) of assessment did the candidate fail and why?

What action(s) should the candidate take to improve their competence in these areas?

Any other advice

Assessment of a Typical Professional Review


(Group Exercise)

Open Forum

Workshop Review & Feedback

Provision of Venues

IGEMProfessional Review Interview Workshop

Wednesday 23rd May 2012

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