selected poems - · 8/1/2014 · isobar press. first published in 2018 by isobar...

Post on 18-Aug-2018






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Selected Poems

Tarō Naka

translated by

Andrew Houwen


Chikako Nihei


First published in 2018 by

Isobar PressSakura 2-21-23-202, Setagaya-ku,

Tokyo 156-0053, Japan&

14 Isokon Flats, Lawn Road,London nw3 2xd, United Kingdom

isbn 978-4-907359-23-2

Translations copyright © Andrew Houwen& Chikako Nihei, 2018

Introduction copyright © Andrew Houwen, 2018

All rights reserved.

acknowledgementsSome of the translations, or earlier versions of them, have previously appeared in the following publications or online jour-nals, to whose editors grateful thanks are offered: Asian Cha, Modern Poetry in Translation, Poetry Salzburg Review, Shearsman, Tears in the Fence, and Tokyo Poetry Journal.

imagesFront cover: August 1, 2014, copyright © Matsumoto Hiroshi, 2014. Author photograph courtesy of the Asahi Shimbun news-paper; photograph of the nō stage on page 96 courtesy of the National Noh Theatre of Japan.

Further acknowledgements appear on page 137.


Introduction 9

Translators’ Note 23

from Etudes (1950)

Street Scene 27Trees 28Short Piece 29

from Anthology of Post-War Poets (1954)

Scene i 33Scene ii 34Scene iii 35Landscape with Fishbones 36Karma 37Little Tale 38

from Anthology of Contemporary Poets (1959)

Décalcomanie ii 41Poem i 42Poem ii 43Autumn Walk 44Mist 46

from Music (1965)

(Note to Music) 48Fautrier’s Birds 49Smouldering Waves of Pipe-Smoke… 51

After a Painting 52Shi (Death) or Shi (Poetry) 53Sea 54Reincarnation 55Short Piece 56Palm Landscape 57

from Hakata (1975)

Hakata 1 61(Afterword & Notes to ‘Hakata 1’) 63Autumn 68November Words 69Memory 70Opus* 71Opus** 72Opus*** 73

from No-Self Mountain Temple Diaryand Other Poems (1985)

Passing Summer 77Old-Style Old Pond Sonnet 78The Fragrance of Apples 79Spring Pigeon 80Passing Shower Thoughts 81Romanesque 83Flying Shadows 84

from Requiems (1995)

Dream • Memory 87July 89Passer-By 91Season-Word Glossary of Sounds 92

The First Emperor (2003) 97

‘Notes for a Poetics’ (1966) 115

Japanese Authors, Artists, Literary Works, & Historical Figures 130

Notes 132Thanks 137Author & Translator Biographies 137


street scene

in the quiet streetnot even the sound of footsteps on the pavementthe shutters drawn down over all the windows

where has the murmuring leaves’ gold dust gone?where has the pale-faced woman consumed by illnessstaring all day from a second-floor balcony vanished?

reddish brown buildings their doors nailed shutnow only the bones of branches piercing the chilly air

god now there is no-one even to call your name

beyond zinc roofs the endlessly open seaon a tower an unseen flag flutters


scene ii

summer 1945

scabs of black memory tear offthe guillotine river cuts upthe city’s torn skin

pushed along in the flow countless burnt eyeseyeseyes

in the iridescent lightthe guts of civilisation crumble like broken tilessticking out, a riba malleusa thigh bonenerve fibres tangled around themlike rusty phone wire

where are unravelled organsstarting to sound again?

in the collapsed temple’s hollowed eye-socketsthe illusion of poppiesburning silently


décalcomanie ii

shi (poem) is a needle’s gleam spreading on the marbleme (eye) is the magnet on which its light converges

shi (death) is invisible sap climbing inside a treeme (bud) is the thorn it feeds pricking the outside world


shi (poem) is the shadow of a soaring bird me (eye) is the rifle bullet following in its tracks

shi (death) is a moth’s disturbance circling the night’s crownme (bud) is the flame subsiding on the candlestick


shi (poem) is a black roseme (eye) is the trembling antenna

shi (death) is the sea-bed’s tangled algaeme (bud) is the slicing blade


shi and shi are the ciphersme and me are the decipherers

shi and shi are the pollenme and me are the carriers


fautrier’s birds Fautrier four tori e four birds paintingone bird purpleone bird greentwo birds transparentskim through a magnetic stormperturbed purplegathered greenscud through the gouache          sharplysteel skygleam before dawn spills through the windowframecold clawmarks’unseen tracksunheard ether of flutessky done in clayclouds of waveswaveswaveswavespurple the burning flame of mugreen the predawn bud-sapthe birds fly through the invisible shadows of birdless formswhirling worldturning timethe birds forever flyingnever arrivingnever stoppingat themselvessolid windwhirlpool poemlarge looming musicendlessly emerging from themselves



the season of mists streaming awayturns from gold and silver to pale blackrevolving magic lanterns return once moredistant sun scatters, the light of cicada wings scatterseverything turns from today to yesterday, from yesterday to

tomorrowthe visible turns into the invisiblewhat is turns into what is nottime turns into the feet of rain running along the strings of

harpsthe white flame of a thousand-year candle burnsin the lake of cataract eyes shaded by the lashesof the empty heart’s tangled canopyweaving patterns of scattered showers’ spraymingle with dimly brightening ripples of memorywinter’s glittering fireflies summer’s frost-needles in the

dawnspring’s white bones of waving susuki grass beginning to witherin the floating thought of the naked fragrancelike clear waterof your yellow-green and light-green light kimonothe illusion of wavering curves of thighs and calvesallows the burning tangled algal hair to clingnow floating, now sinking in the dazzling dissolving lightof endless waves of wavering dreamsthe neither passing nor not passing of the pierced heartits neither going nor not going is the light of long agoon the transparent gleaming waterfowl wingsof time’s birdsflying into the emptiness of the sky


passing summer

in the morning hair of a palely brightening

dawn garden’s tangled grassy darkness

waves of summer’s tears overflow

gone the dream of trembling lily skin

gone the white death of gardenias’ scent

in first light over fields of darkness

the voice of dissolving time’s distant storm

scatters revolving green’s dazzling illusion

into empty sky…




the Kannon temple bell distantly echoesthe burning of the chaff         scorches the night sky of memoryfetching purifying sand          at Gion Yamakasa festival


the rain’s harp sweeps past allegroirises          peonies          rhododendrons too     swept pastfrom a green wound a drop drips andante   


rotting grass gives birth to firefliesa lily morphs into a butterflyin the sky swim countless silver fish


one morning white waves come crashing into the mindthe endless traveller          alonewalks through beautiful southern streets


amid the rubble water bursts from pipestears are burnt and parcheddarkly bright          noon



the author of ‘Spinning Gears’ drank Veronalon an innocent young day          for the first timeI felt the terror of life

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