chapter 4 sections 3-5 the middle and new kingdoms

Chapter 4 Sections 3-5 The Middle and New Kingdoms

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Page 1: Chapter 4 Sections 3-5 The Middle and New Kingdoms

Chapter 4 Sections 3-5

The Middle and New Kingdoms

Page 2: Chapter 4 Sections 3-5 The Middle and New Kingdoms

Vocabulary 4.3

• Middle Kingdom – Period of peace brought on by pharaohs after government officials became jealous and took power away from the pharaohs, started around 2100 BC and ended in 1786 BC

• Hyksos – people from western Asia that invaded Egypt ending the Middle Kingdom

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• Ahmose – Egyptian prince who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

Vocabulary 4.4 • New Kingdom – Began around 1550 BC when Ahmose

drove the Hyksos out of Egypt; time of great riches and expansion for Egypt

• Thutmose III – Pharaoh who extended the Egyptian empire into Syria and Palestine

• Hatshepsut – Pharaoh who set up extensive trade system and built elaborate temples through out Egypt

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• Ebony – Trees found in Egypt that produce a black lumber

• Incense – materials that are burnt to produce scented smoke

• Thebes – Capital of Egypt during the New Kingdom

• Hieroglyphic – a type of writing that uses pictures to stand for words or sounds

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• Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton) – Pharaoh that came to power in 1370 BC, Shut down the traditional temples and Egypt and replaced them with his own

• Tutankhamen (King Tut) – took power at age 9, closed down the temples of Akhenaton and restored Egypt to following Amon-Re, became the most famous of the Pharaohs after his tomb and treasures were discovered in 1922

• Assyrians – group of people that took over Egypt in 671 BC

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Page 7: Chapter 4 Sections 3-5 The Middle and New Kingdoms

4.5 Vocabulary

• Papyrus – Egyptian paper made of reeds

• Survey – To measure land

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1. Where were the Pharaohs buried during the Middle Kingdom? What does this show?

• In the sides of cliffs instead of the Pyramids

• This shows a loss of power

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2. How did the Hyksos defeat the Egyptians?

• The Hyksos had horse drawn carriages and weapons that were made of bronze and iron

• The Egyptians traveled on foot and used weapons made of copper and stone

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3. What happened to Egypt during the New Kingdom?

• The Pharaohs of this time period expanded Egypt’s boarders and the Egyptian Empire became very wealthy and powerful

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4. Where did Hatshepsut send traders? What did they trade and what did they bring back?

• She sent traders out along the African Coast into the land called, Punt

• They took beads and metal tools and traded them for ebony, incense, monkeys, furs, and hunting dogs

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5. What was the new god the Egyptians began to worship during the New Kingdom?

• A combination between the God of Thebes (Amon) and the Sun God (Re)

• Amon-Re

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6. Other than worship what did the Egyptians use temples for during the New Kingdom?

• They were used and industrial centers for sculptors and artisans

• This is also where the schools for young men who were training to be scribes were located

• The temples also served as a treasury, a place were the counties valuables were stored

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7. How could a boy become a scribe?

• Only if his father was a scribe could a boy go to school to become a scribe

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8. What did scribes do?

• Wrote religious works• Kept records for the Pharaoh• Copied fairytales and stories• Wrote down medical prescriptions

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9. How did scribes make hieroglyphics usable?

• They developed a style of writing where the pictures were rounded off and connected making it easier to read and understand

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10. What was the name of the god Amenhotep IV replaced Amon-Re with? What did he change his name to?

• Aton

• He changed his name to Akhenaton, which meant Spirit of Aton

• Only certain members of his family and close advisors ever accepted his religion

• When his son-in-law, Tutankhamen took power he returned Egypt’s religion to that of worshiping


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Amenhotep IV

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11. Why did Egypt lose its power?

• There was a struggle between the priests and the Pharaohs which weakened their leadership

• The money that was needed to keep fighting wars to keep neighboring countries under Egyptian control was making Egypt broke

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12. Who took over Egypt in 671 BC, ending the great Egyptian Empires?

• Assyrians

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13. What were some uses of papyrus, other than paper?

• Baskets• Sandals• Rafts• Columns for houses

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14. What was the Egyptian number system based on?

• 10

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15. How did the Egyptians make their calendar? Describe their calendar.

• They based it on the flooding cycles of the Nile

• They had 3 seasons with 120 says in each

• They also had 5 main feast days to honor their gods

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16. In medicine what materials were the Egyptians the first to use?

• They were the first to use splints, bandages, and compresses

• They were very good at stitching wounds and setting broken bones

• The Egyptians were the first culture to explore medicine and to try and make improvements and repairs to the human body

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17. What were the Egyptians using to treat indigestion and hair loss?

• Indigestion = Castor Oil

• Hair Loss = Dog Toes, Dates, Donkey Hoof

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Egypt: Engineering an Empire CD-Rom Lesson Plan Set with DVD

• History Channel