citation, format & style elearning rpk 214 – lecture 2


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  • NB.... Please note that ALL assignments in your legal studies MUST comply with the rules to follow in this lecture. Failure to properly comply with it will result in serious mark losses. These rules will also be important to you in your profession, as pieces of legal writing, for example heads of argument in courts, must also be done in compliance with these rules. Study Unit 1 contains all information as summarised here
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  • GENERAL... Paragraphs must be in 1,5 line spacing JUSTIFY paragraphs All text must be typed in Ariel font 12 Use bullets carefully rather find alternative ways... NO abbreviations o e.g. for example / etc. etcetera o South African Revenue Service (SARS) SARS (abbreviated NAMES of organisations may be used only AFTER it has been clarified) Add page numbers to assignments Avoid symbols: NOT him/her....him OR her Numbers: 1-20 one to twenty (type it out) Currency: R20 000,00 / $20 000.00 / 20 000-00 (In RSA we use the comma)
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  • 1,5 Line spacing
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  • Justify paragraphs
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  • HEADINGS Can add value & structure to your text Punctuation marks in headings...careful (Only use question marks and hyphens) Type it in BOLD Use consistently Headings it should provide a clue as to what is to follow, it should NOT be cryptic
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  • FOOTNOTES... Source references / additional information Position of reference in text... - Pay attention. 3 attention, 3 because... - Smith 3 is of the opinion that...
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  • STANDARD FORMS OF FOOTNOTES BOOKS & ARTICLES 1Smith 2008:5-9. 2Coetzee et al. 1990:11. 3Samuels 2009:2; Khati 2011:3. 1 x TAB No space! Full stop!
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  • No space!
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  • CRIMINAL COURT CASES: 1Jones 1962 2 SA A:668. CASES: 2Baker v Baker 1945 AD 709:353. 3Baker v Baker:400. LEGISLATION: 4Close Corporations Act 69/1984. 5Close Corporations Act 69/1984: sec 4. 6Sec 5.
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  • INTERNET: 7MacDonell 2007. Accessed on 15/02/2009. 8Smith 1997. Accessed on 3/12/2011.
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  • HOW NOT TO DO FOOTNOTES: 1 Smith 1990: 3 2 Mahlakeng 2009:44-47; Myburgh 2011:501-520; Nel:2. (The entire footnotes should be tabbed) 3This concept should follow the wide, rather than the narrow interpretation.
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  • According to style of JJS (Journal of Juridical Science, as it is described here) References to court cases & legislation are normally NOT included but may if required Categorisation... sometimes you will be asked to categorise the sources. E.g. to group all articles with each other, all books together, etcetera.
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  • BOOKS: BROOKS, HL 2003. Legal writing in practice. 2 nd Ed. London:CRC Press. ARTICLES: JOHNSON, HF 2006. Legal writing in practice. American Law Journal 34(2):1-23. 1 x TAB No space! Full stop! Book title in italics! 1 x TAB Journal title in italics! VolumeNumber Pages
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  • INTERNET: MACDONELL, H 2007. The intricacies of scientific evidence.. Accessed on 3/12/2009. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: KHUMALO, L 2010. Do we still have honest lawyers? The Citizen 14 August:3. 1 x TAB Article / website name in italics!
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  • Less than 50 words: o Enclose in quotation marks o Cite author More than 50 words: o NO quotation marks! o Cite author o 1 x TAB before starting quote o Single line spacing o 10 Ariel font
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  • 1 x TAB Single line spacing 10 Ariel font
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  • Direct duplication formulation & insights / ideas of source text with the intention of presenting it as ones own work Academic writing misconduct: cribbing in tests & exams fabrication or falsification of data deliberate dishonesty purchasing assignments etc.
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  • TYPES: Self Literal Citation Wholesale
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  • PARAPHRASING...Study in Study Unit 1! What is paraphrasing? Is paraphrasing plagiarism? Most frequent form of plagiarism by students When can paraphrasing be used?
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  • HOW TO AVOID PLAGIARISM Cite, cite, cite Use quotations where quoted Read sources you use! If you did not read a source (that includes cases!), you may not use it Rewrite after proper digestion - Read the source. Digest the information into your thoughts. Then rewrite into your own words
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