department of ctrucation - deped misamis oriental - · pdf filedepartment of ctrucation region...

Republic of the Philippines department of Ctrucation REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO ___ DIVISION OF MlSAMIS ORIENTAL Don Apolinar Velez-Del Pilar Sts., Cagayan de Oro City 9000 (U(088)8564524 ^=09178892245 October 23, 2017 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 5W , S. 2017 CONDUCT OF THE DIVISION SEARCH FOR ICT BEST PRACTICES To : All Public Schools District Supervisors / District In-charge All School Heads / School In-charge This Division Pursuant to the Regional Memorandum No. 482 s. 2017 Re: 1st Regional DepEd ICT Summit 2017, this office hereby announces the conduct of Division Search for ICT Best Practices. Winning entries will be the division entry to the Search for the ICT Best Practices Regional Level. The search is open to all DepEd personnel. Each personnel or school can submit as many entries as possible based on the categories of the contest. All entries will undergo screening by the Division screening committee. The following are five (5) major categories of the contest: a. ICT for Teaching and Learning b. ICT for Governance c. ICT for Child Protection d. ICT for Interactive SIMs e. ICT for ICT (Learning Action Cells) LACs Session. Entry shall be in form of documentation that proves the existence and sustainability of the ICT project. Submission of entries shall be through email at freddieiun.deIig(a> with subject "Division ICT Best Practices" - School - Name of personnel on or before November 2, 2017. For more information on the contest guidelines please refer to Regional Memorandum No. 482 s. 2017 (attached). For concerns and clarifications, you may contact the Division Information Technology Officer Freddiejun T. Delig through 09177732993 or email at [email protected] Immediate and compliance of this Division Memorandum is hereby directed. /ictu_ftd Sa K to 12, level-up ang pangarap; sa Misamis Oriental, imong kaugmaon mahayag!

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Republic of the Philippines

department of CtrucationREGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO

___ D IV IS IO N OF M lSA M IS ORIENTALDon Apolinar Velez-Del Pilar Sts., Cagayan de Oro City 9000 (U(088)8564524 ^=09178892245

October 23, 2017


No. 5 W , S. 2017


To : All Public Schools District Supervisors / District In-chargeAll School Heads / School In-charge This Division

Pursuant to the Regional Memorandum No. 482 s. 2017 Re: 1st Regional DepEd ICT Summit 2017, this office hereby announces the conduct of Division Search for ICT Best Practices. Winning entries will be the division entry to the Search for the ICT Best Practices Regional Level.

The search is open to all DepEd personnel. Each personnel or school can submit as many entries as possible based on the categories of the contest. All entries will undergo screening by the Division screening committee. The following are five (5) major categories of the contest:

a. ICT for Teaching and Learningb. ICT for Governancec. ICT for Child Protectiond. ICT for Interactive SIMse. ICT for ICT (Learning Action Cells) LACs Session.

Entry shall be in form of documentation that proves the existence and sustainability of the ICT project. Submission of entries shall be through email at freddieiun.deIig(a> with subject "Division ICT Best Practices" - School - Name of personnel on or before November 2, 2017.

For more information on the contest guidelines please refer to Regional Memorandum No. 482 s. 2017 (attached).

For concerns and clarifications, you may contact the Division Information Technology Officer Freddiejun T. Delig through 09177732993 or email at [email protected]

Immediate and compliance of this Division Memorandum is hereby directed.


Sa K to 12, level-up ang pangarap; sa Misamis Oriental, imong kaugmaon mahayag!

Page 2: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

C«<A NO Telei


REGION XZone 1, Upper Balulang, Cagayan de Oro City

phone No.: (088) 880-7072, 880-7071 Telefax: (08822) 72-26-51 Website:


To: S ch o o ls D iv ision S u p erin ten d en tsThis Region

1. The DepInform ation an d Regional DepEd Digital Transfo be an n o u n ced i

a rtm e n t of E ducation (DepEd) C om m unications Technology U nit ICT S um m it on November 20-21, a tio n fo r the KID (K-12 + ALS, ICT,

i a separa te M em orandum .rm

3. The high B est P ractices educa tion m an different DepE governance, an in itiatives acros

4. Travel, a conduct of the F u n d s, sub ject travel an d ac category from to aud iting rule

RANDUMs. 2017



O ctoberCagayan

Region X, th ro u g h the ICTU), will hold the 1st 2017, w ith the them e

DepEd). The venue will

2. The S um m it a im s to:a. u p d a te ICT p rac titioners in DepEd on em erb. s ta r t th e cu ltu re of sh a rin g a n d co llaboratin

learn ing , an d governance;c. provide a forum to u p d a te everyone on c u n

im p lem en tations in DepEd a s well a s fu tu red. recognize ICT b e s t pro jects an d im plem enter

ging technologies; g of ICT in teaching,

e n t ICT pro jects an d p lans; an d


ight of th e S um m it will be th e Sear w hich aim s to genera te aw arene

agers an d school com m unities on I d ICT initiatives, su p p o rt teach i d cultivate a cu ltu re of su s ta in ab il s all levels.

ccom m odation, m eals, a n d o th er e Regional S um m it shall be charged to th e accoun ting a n d aud iting rule

dom m odation expenses of the four ch Schools Division shall be charged

s an d regulations.ea

Sa Kto 12 may pagbabago, Sa Rehiyon Diyes mga niag-aaral ay panalo!

2 0 1 7

h for the Regional ICT ss a n d su p p o rt from T initiatives, h ighlight

pg an d learn ing an d ity am ong DepEd ICT

xpenses relative to the o th e 2017 OSEC-GAS s an d regu la tions while (4) rep resen ta tives per

to local funds, sub ject

Page 3: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

while check -ou t served is d in n er 21, 2017.

5. R egistration an d check-in will be on November 9, 2017, a t 2:00 P.M., noon. F irst m eal to beis on Novem ber 21, 2017, a t 12:00

on November 19 while the la s t m eal iis sn a ck s on November

6. Enclosed are th e following for your ready reference:

a. E nclosure No. 1 - G eneral G uidelines on the C onduct of theRegional S um m it

b. E nclosure No. 2 - DepEd ICT S um m it Progratn of Activitiesc. E nclosure No. 3 - D istribu tion of P artic ipan ts

7. For concer Program m er II,

8 .


Im m ediate

n s , p lease co n tac t Ralph S im on L. M t 09054257448 or a t ra lphsim on .m ab

an d wide d issem ination of th is M em orandum is desired


abulay, C om puter ulay@ deped. gov. p h .


Page 4: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

1st d e p e d REGIONAL ICT SUMMIT 2 0 1 7

Search for th e R egional ICT B est P ractices

G uidelines

R ationale

The D epartm en t of E ducation (DepEd) su p p o rts personnel in o rder to deliver 2 1 st cen tu ry learn ing ex learners. W ith its m ission to facilitate learn ing and learner, DepEd form ulates, im plem ents, and coo pro jects in the a re a s of form al an d non-form al h as DepEd, th rough the Inform ation and C om m unicatio invites all teach ing and non -teach ing personnel to Awards.

the developm ent of its periences to the Filipino

constan tly n u r tu re every rd in a te s p rogram s and

education . This year, :is Technology Services, th e ICT B est Practices


The S u m m its’ tagline is C ultivating a Culture

O bjectives

o f ICT E xcellen ce .

The objectives of the ICT B est P ractices Awards are to:1. genera te aw areness am ong a n d su p p o rt from educa tion m anagers

a n d school C om m unities on ICT initiatives;2. h ighlight different DepEd ICT in itiatives th a t su p p o rt teach ing an d

learn ing a s well a s governance; and3. cu ltivate a cu ltu re of su s ta in ab ility am ong DepEd ICT Initiatives

acro ss all levels.

M echanics

1. The ICT B est P ractices Awards shall be open to all DepEd personnel.

ca2. There shall be five (5) m ajor categories:

a. IC T f o r T e a c h in g a n d L ea rn in g . Thein tensification of the use of th e DepEd Cc (DCP) packages and o th er available technol cu rricu lum .IC T f o r G overnance . The category fea tu res fu rth er im prove DepEd services in th e schools levels.IC T f o r C h ild P ro tec tio n . The category highlig th e u se of the DepEd Child Protection Pro u n d e rs tan d in g of the ch ild ren ’s u se of ICTs an to violence, exploitation, an d ab u se facilitated



tegory h ighlights the m puteriza tion Program ogies in tegrated in the

ICT ingenu ities th a t i, division, and regional

h ts the inventiveness of g ram s to en hance the d app ropria te resp o n ses th rough ICTs.

Page 5: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools



IC T f o r In teractivequan tita tive app ro in the schools, divi IC T f o r IC T (Leahigh ligh ts the co developm ent of ed profession in th e s

e SIMs. The category fea tu res th e innovations and ach in the u se of system atized in teractive teach ing sion, a n d regional levels.m in g A c tio n C ells) LA C s S e ss io n . The category m m itm en t of DepEd to th e im plem entation and uca tiona l reform s aim ed tow ard th e su ccess in the chools, division, a n d regional levels.

3. The p ro jec t/innovatio for, a t least, six (6) calen

4. The c o n te s t shall Regional (Tier 2).

n /e n try shall have been opera tional an d su sta in ab le d a r m o n th s from th e tim e of application.

be in two (2) tiers, nam ely: Division (Tier 1) and

a. E ach Schools Only th e first-p lace w inn Schools Division in the

Division shall have one (1) en try for each in each category shall be the official en try of the

Regional Finals.

b. The Regional D ivisions, each of w hich

F inals (Tier 2) shall have 14 partic ipa ting Schools shall one (1) official en try per category.

5. E ach en try shall have only one (lj p roponent.

6. P roponen ts a re req th e en try d u ring th e co for critiquing.

u ired to p repare a 10-m inute video p resen ta tion of n te s t proper. The ju d g es shall have five (5) m inu tes

7. Only the first-place ICT for G overnance sh a ICT Sum m it.

(Di8. Regional finalists shall display th e ir learn P resen ters sha ll u se a poste r shall include th p ro p o n en t’s nam e, en t w ords. All o th er a rtis tic of th e p roponent.

9. Failure to m eet subm ission of docum en project, shall disqualify '

10. The decision of the irrevocable.

w inners in the ICT for Teaching an d Learning and 1 be the official en try of th e Region to the National

vision first-place w inners in the five (5) categories) ng m ark e t exh ib its alongside the Regional Sum m it.

48x36 inch-size vertical poste r layout. Likewise, the e division an d its logo, school nam e w ith logo,

:ity title, a n d descrip tion of th e project in 50-100 elem ents of th e poste r shall be left to the discretion

tlhe g u id e lin es /m ech an ics of the con test, including s th a t prove the existence an d susta inab ility of the :he ap p lican ts from jo in ing the contest.

board of ju d g es shall be final, non -negotiab le, and

11. Finally, ICT in n o v a tio n s/p ro jec ts th a t have already won in the in te rnational, n a tiona l, a n d local ICT com petitions shall still be eligible to jo in th e con test.

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C hild P ro te c tio nA ch ievem en t

• Im provem ent of O perations an d Delivery of


• Involvem ent Level of R egional/D iv ision /School

H eads a n d Personnel

xO sO



r-H 20%

Su sta in ab ility

• D ocum entation (M onitoring & E valuation Files) 10%• Replicability of the project 10%

30%• Im plem enting M echanism s 10%

In n ovativen ess

• Creativity on the In tegration of Available Tools 15%• U n iqueness of th e Project 10% 25%

E ffectiven ess

• O utcom e a n d F unctionality of the Project 10%25%• C ost Effectiveness of th e Project 10%

Total 100%

Page 7: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

Criteria for Judging

1. Below are the criteria fo rju d g in g for the S earch for th e Regional ICT B est Practices:

ICT for T each ing and LearningA ch ievem en t

• Partic ipations of School M anagem ent 10%• Prom oting Usage of DCP Packages 10%

30%• S u p p o rt of school C om m unities 10%

Su sta in ab ility• D ocum entation (M onitoring & E valuation Files) 10%• Replicability of the Project 5%

20%• Im plem enting M echanism s 5%

In n ovativen ess• Creativity on th e Functionality of the Project 10%• U n iqueness of the Project 10% 20%

E ffectiven ess• O utcom e a n d Functionality of th e Project 20%• Length of Project Im plem entation 10% 30%

T otal 100%

G overnance jA ch ievem en t

• Im provem ent of O perations an d Delivery of 10%

Services10% 20%

• Involvem ent Level of R egional/D ivision/School

H eads a n d PersonnelSu sta in ab ility

• D ocum entation (M onitoring & E valuation Files) 10%• Replicability of the Project 10%

30%• Im plem enting M echanism s 10%

In n ovativen ess

• Creativity on th e In tegration of Available Tools 15%• U n iqueness of th e Project 10% 25%

E ffectiven ess

• O utcom e an d F unctionality of the Project 10%25%• C ost Effectiveness of th e Project 10%

T otal 100%

Page 8: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

ICT L ea rn in g A c tio n CellA ch ievem en t

• Im provem ent of O perations an d Delivery Services

• Involvem ent Level of R egional/D ivision /S c H eads a n d Personnel




10% 20%

Su sta in ab ility

• D ocum entation (M onitoring & E valuation Files] 10%• Replicability of the Project 10%

• Im plem enting M echanism s 10% 30%

In n ovativen ess

• Creativity on th e In tegration of Available Tools 15%• U n iqueness of th e Project 10% 25%

E ffectiven ess

• O utcom e a n d Functionality of the Project 10%• C ost Effectiveness of th e Project 10% 25%

Total 100%

Awards and P rizes

1. The m ajor aw ards an d prizes for all five (5) categoa. 1st Place B est ICT Practice - P I 5 ,000 .00 C ash

an d Certificateb. 2nd Place B est ICT Practice - P10 ,000 .00 C ash

and Certificatec. 3 rd Place B est ICT Practice - P5,000.00 C ash

ries a re a s follows:, Trophy,

, Trophy,

Trophy, an d Certificate

2. Special A w ards will be given to:a. B est P resen ter - Trophy a n d Certificateb. B est P resen ta tion - Trophy a n d Certificatec. B est Poster - Trophy a n d Certificate

Page 9: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

1 st R egional DepEd ICT Su m m it 2 0 1 7

Schedule of Activities

A ctiv ity Date

ICT B est P ractices S e lec tio n (D ivision , Tier 1)


Novem ber 4, 2017

ICT B est P ractices Subm ission to th e R egional Level via email:[email protected]

Novem ber 5-13, 2017

ICT B est P ractices Awards (Region, T ier 2)



m ber 20-21, 2017

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1st R egional DepEd ICT Sumi

PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIESDate: November 20-21, 2017

Venue: (to be announced)

m it 2 0 1 7

Day 0 - Sunday, Novem ber 19, 2 0 1 7

Time Session Type o f Session


2:00 P.M .-onw ards • R egistration• Booth Set-up

hig ress TBA

6:00-7:00 P.M. • D inner

Day 1 - M onday, N ovem ber 2 0 , 2 0 1 7

Time Session Type o f Session


6:00-8:00 A.M.• B reakfast• R egistration• Booth Set-up

hig ress


8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. O pening C erem onies Plenary

Welcome M essage Dir. Allan G. Farnazo

10:00 A.M. B reak

10:00-11:00 A.M.Keynote Speaker

• Google for E ducation11:00 A.M. - 12:00 N. 1 I.T Expert:

12:00 N. -1 :00 P.M. Lunch

C on test Proper

1:00-5:00 P.M.ICT for T eaching a n d Learning


ICT for G overnanceTBA

ICT for Child Protection TBA

6:00-7:00 P.M. D inner

Day 2 (Novem ber 2 1 , 2 0 1 7 )

6:00-7:00 A.M. B reakfast Iiig ress

C on test Proper

8:00 A.M.- 12:00 N.

ICT for In tegrated SIMsTBA

ICT for LAC Session

Page 11: department of Ctrucation - DepEd Misamis Oriental - · PDF filedepartment of Ctrucation REGION X ... 1st Regional DepEd ICT ... • Creativity on the Integration of Available Tools

12:00 N. - 1:00 P.M.


1:00-4:00 P.M.• Closing C erem onies• Awarding

4:00-5:00 P.M. Home Sw eet Home

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REGIONAL ICT SUMMIT 2 0 1 7 D istribution o f P articipants

O ffice P articip ants Number

R egional Office

Regional D irector 1OIC, A ssis tan t Regional D irector


Chief of F unctional D ivisions


ICT U nit 4D entist an d N urse 2

S ch oo ls D iv ision O ffice

Schools Division S u p e rin ten d en ts


CID Chief 14Inform ation Technology Officer I


Division finalists- ICT for T eaching and Learning


Division finalists- ICT for G overnance


Division finalists- ICT for Child Protection


Division finalists- ICT for In teractive SIMs


Division finalists- ICT for ICT (Learning Action Cells) LACs Session


School H eads (5 E lem entary , 5 Secondary)