discover learn conserve interact grow play relax

Mural Arts Program and Urban Farm: Blank Park Zoo Kids Kingdom: Chickens Ranging in Orchard: Mural Arts Program and Pollinator Habitat: New Outdoor Movie Screening: feds_have_a_plan Modern Farm Welcome Center: Historic Farm Welcome Center: Creative Outdoor Movie Theater: Children’s Natural Play Space: nia-surface-design-2010/ Outdoor Educational Programs Native Landscape Plantings Engaging Water Feature: .Edible Landscape Design: Unique Re-Use Raised Beds: O l d M a c D o n a l d h a s a f a r m . . . E I E I O . . . DISCOVER... LEARN... CONSERVE... INTERACT... GROW... PLAY... RELAX... New Welcome Center Duck Pond Family Pavilion Outdoor Education Center Farm Animal Petting Zoo %XWWHUÁ\ Garden + Mural Interpretive History Wall Native Landscape Northern Gateway Natural Play Scape Mixed-Use Gardens Large Event Space Chicken Orchard Amphitheater And on the farm there is a w e lc o m e c e n t e r t h a t e n courages adventure a n d As the story unfolds, visitors w i n d t h e i r w a y t h r o u gh a landscape And on the farm there is a p e tti n g z o o t h a t i n s p ir e s interaction of all a g e s And on t he farm t here i s an orc h a r d a n d n e w r e s i d e nt i al agri cul t ure edu ca t i o n And on the farm there is a crea ti v e p l a y s c a p e t h a t promotes play for all. And on the farm there is a du c k p o n d f o r a l e i s u r e ly stroll and interacti o n discovery. Visitors can w atch a m ov i e f r o m t h e a m pitehater or venture of natural and historical feat u r e s . N a t i v e p r a ir ie a nd trees lign the pat h and a playful garden an d m u r a l p r o m o t e e n g a g i n g learning opportu n iti e s . with farm animals. Fa m ilies f e e d a n d c a r e f o r a n i mals of all sizes an d for all ages. Families can gro w o n a m u l t i d u e o f d i fferent materials a n d The space offers room for a fa mi ly p i c n i c , e n v ir o n mental learning, a n d with a multidue of ducks in t h e i r o w n b a b i t a t. on to learn about the ne w attra c t i o n s assist in farm chores. A s th e c h o r e s w r a p u p , t h e a dventure continu es explore what best Àts th eir h o m e a n d i n t er e s t. wildlife exploration. Here a quack, there a qu ac k, e v e r y w h e r e a q u a c k quack---

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Post on 08-Apr-2022




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Mural Arts Program and Urban Farm:

Blank Park Zoo Kids

Chickens Ranging in

Mural Arts Program and Pollinator Habitat:

New Outdoor Movie

Modern Farm Welcome Center:

Historic Farm Welcome Center:

Creative Outdoor Movie

Children’s Natural Play Space:

Outdoor Educational Programs

Native Landscape Plantings

Engaging Water

.Edible Landscape Design:

Unique Re-Use Raised

Old MacDonald has a farm...

E I E I O ...


New Welcome Center Duck Pond

Family Pavilion

Outdoor EducationCenter

Farm Animal Petting Zoo

%XWWHUÁ\�Garden +

MuralInterpretiveHistory Wall Native



Natural PlayScape


Large EventSpace



And on the farm there is a welcome center that encourages adventure and As the story unfolds, visitors wind their way through a landscape

And on the farm there is a petting zoo that inspires interaction of all ages And on the farm there is an orchard and new residential agriculture education

And on the farm there is a creative play scape that promotes play for all. And on the farm there is a duck pond for a leisurely stroll and interactiondiscovery. Visitors can watch a movie from the ampitehater or ventureof natural and historical features. Native prairie and trees lign the path

and a playful garden and mural promote engaging learning opportunities.

with farm animals. Families feed and care for animals of all sizes and for all ages. Families can grow on a multidue of different materials and

The space offers room for a family picnic, environmental learning, and with a multidue of ducks in their own babitat. on to learn about the new attractions

assist in farm chores. As the chores wrap up, the adventure continues explore what best À ts their home and interest. wildlife exploration.

Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack---