ef international academy

International Academy www.ef.com High School Grades 9-12 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme International Private High School New York Campus

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International Academy


High School Grades 9-12

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

International Private High SchoolNew York Campus

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Welcome to EF International Academy

New YorkEducation at EF International Academy New York is about nurturing intellectual curiosity and beginning a lifelong journey of discovery, learning and engagement with the world.

Having lived and traveled extensively in nearly every corner of our globe, I cannot think of a better place to commence this journey. EF International Academy is located on the banks of the Hudson River, an exquisite setting featuring historic buildings, modern amenities, comfortable residence halls and grassy fields. Better yet, this spacious and secure home away from home is only 40 minutes, by train, from America’s center of art, culture, music and education: New York City.

Although our campus has much to offer, it is people that make EF International Academy New York a special place. Our school community includes students from over 30 countries, and our world-class teachers come from across the world, bringing experience, passion and an international perspective to our classrooms.

Internationalism is at the core of our school’s identity; it’s what makes us unique. The majority of our students carry passports from countries other than the USA, and our curriculum emphasizes global-mindedness along with academic excellence. As career opportunities increasingly hinge upon one’s ability to navigate a global economy, our school equips students with the skills and experiences required for success at top universities and beyond.

That’s why EF International Academy New York is an IB World School, authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization to grant the prestigious IB Diploma.

I invite you to visit us and experience firsthand what a wonderful and world-focused environment EF International Academy New York provides, and I encourage you to learn more.

Sincerely, Gary Julian, Headmaster

eF International academy New York is authorized by the University of the State of New York education Department to grant official high school diplomas.

eF International academy New York offers the IB Diploma Programme and is an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy – a commitment to a high quality, challenging, international education that we believe is important for our students. only schools authorized by the IB organization can offer any of its three academic programs: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme. For further information about the IB and IB programs, visit www.ibo.org

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Our mission

EF’s mission is to break down the barriers of language, culture and geography that divide us. In the past 45 years, EF’s educational programs have helped students of all nationalities to become true world citizens.

At EF International Academy, we strive to ensure that all students graduate equipped with the knowledge and desire to succeed as compassionate, life-long learners.

International focuseF International academy is committed to academic excellence, and we seek to provide an enriching environment for students, both socially and culturally. our aim is to produce capable and caring young people who will help create a better and more peaceful world through knowledge and intercultural understanding.

nurturing mindsour school prepares all students for university through challenging, engaging and satisfying coursework that enables every student to achieve continuous improvement in all academic areas.

as an international school, eF International academy motivates students to develop a deep appreciation for languages, mathematics, science, social studies, literature, modern technology, the arts and cultural diversity. as a boarding community, we encourage the development of character by espousing attributes such as citizenship, accountability, and independence.

Encouraging balanceour academic programs are highly demanding, and our students are driven and committed to excellence. The boarding experience provides students with opportunities to unwind, relax and socialize with friends. Students work hard, but they also understand the importance of making the most of life in the process.

eF International academy strives to instill in students a strong sense of personal and social responsibility, the ability to think critically, and the competence to communicate and contribute in an increasingly global community.

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About EF International Academy New York

What makes EF International Academy unique is its cosmopolitan atmosphere and global philosophy. Our international student body and geographically diverse faculty form a community – a nurturing home away from home where students interact with peers from every corner of the world.

Highest standardseF International academy New York is a private, co-educational preparatory high school with a safe and attractive campus in tarrytown, New York. We are governed by eF education First, the largest private educational organization in the world, with headquarters in Switzerland. Founded in 1965, eF has helped more than 4 million students realize their dream of studying abroad. our New York academy is one of three eF International academy campuses, which include oxford and torbay in great Britain.

as a full boarding school, we provide a comprehensive education to our students, who come from more than 30 different countries.

The school offers challenging academic programs for students in grades 9 through 12, including the world-renowned International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We are authorized by the state of New York, and we are an official IB World School, empowered to grant the International Baccalaureate Diploma.

a fulfilling experienceat eF International academy, the learning and maturing process never stops. It occurs in classrooms, over dinner-time conversations, at evening study hall, and during after-school and weekend clubs, activities and sports.

We believe that education is an ongoing process, and we are committed to developing students’ knowledge, skills and passion for learning while expanding their horizons and exposing them to different cultures, people and ideas from around the world.

Global citizensBy bringing students together from all corners of the world, we foster an

environment that encourages open-mindedness, curiosity and a desire to connect with and understand people from different backgrounds.

academically, we emphasize language and communication skills, along with math, science, humanities and the arts – knowledge that enables our students to excel in the global marketplace.

outside the classroom, students form lifelong friendships with classmates from other countries by living together in dormitories and sharing the common experiences of school life. This is a special experience, one that makes our community and students unique, and it underpins the international focus of our school.

By the time our students graduate and move onto top universities in the United States and around the world, they are poised to shine in tomorrow’s global landscape. By graduation day, their years at eF International academy have equipped them with an international perspective that takes others a lifetime to develop.



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Sofia Julian, america

laura auketayeva, kazakhStan

katJa knudSen, norway

rodolphe Berger, france

Stefan fleiSchmann, germany

aStrid romaJ gomez, venezuela

guxue feng, china

amin el Quali Sadki, Spain

gue min park, korea

yu-an chang, taiwan

Shin ken ng, malaySia

oScar San roman, mexico

Who is an EF International Academy student?our students come from countries on different continents, from cities and rural areas, and from almost every background imaginable. It’s nearly impossible to describe our students in a few words. However, a typical eF International academy student does possess certain character traits. our students are …

… Intellectually curious: They are naturally interested in the world around them and are internally motivated to learn more.

… Hardworking: In addition to managing busy classroom schedules and homework assignments, our students dedicate significant time to independent study and research.

… multilingual: Many students speak two or more languages when they come to eF International academy; all students do so when they leave.

… open-minded: living and studying with classmates from around the world takes an open mind and a willingness to listen and change as a person.

… creative: They love music, theater and literature, but their creativity isn’t limited to the arts, it’s also found in math class, science lab and on the sports field.

… ready to laugh: a good sense of humor helps students cope with life’s occasional setbacks, not to mention challenging workloads.

… Eager to have fun: Students enjoy rock climbing, soccer, bicycling along the river and taking school excursions to Boston and Washington D.C.

… responsible: living in a dorm leads to independence and maturity, but our students know that independence comes with responsibilities.

… motivated: Students from around the globe live on our campus in New York; they are motivated to succeed, and they are motivated to make the world a better place.

… Enthusiastic: In the classroom, on the sports field, and during passionate late-night debates, our students bring enthusiasm to every endeavor.

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Building a foundation for lifelong learning

In grades 9 and 10, our students develop a strong academic foundation that serves as the basis for future success.

Gateway to the IB diplomaWhile students in grades 9 and 10 follow a course of study that is valuable in its own right, the aim of our curriculum is to prepare them for grades 11 and 12 at eF International academy, when they will pursue the International Baccalaureate Diploma. We have crafted an academic program with that goal in mind.

Broad curriculumThe curriculum in grades 9 and 10 features a wide array of academic subjects. The focus is on academic achievement, but also on study skills and learning how to learn. In this way, our grades 9 and 10 program prepares students for the final two years of high school, when successful grades and test scores are critical for those seeking admission to the best colleges and universities worldwide.

Students complete coursework in five core subjects: languages, which includes both english and foreign

language study, humanities and social sciences, mathematics, science, and the arts and public speaking. our language program is uniquely comprehensive, and it includes languages such as Mandarin, russian, Spanish, Thai, Korean, german and vietnamese. The study of foreign language not only provides students with marketable skills in a global economy, it also teaches them to express themselves clearly, to understand other cultures and to value the power of words.

Globally recognizedThe grades 9 and 10 program at eF International academy follows globally recognized standards set by Cambridge University in accordance with the International general Certificate of Secondary education (IgCSe). IgCSe courses offer an international perspective, and students will have the opportunity to sit for the prestigious and internationally recognized Cambridge International examinations at the end of 10th grade.

Establishing good habitsWe place an emphasis on developing cross-disciplinary study skills, such as research, writing, critical thinking

and exam preparation. The curriculum also emphasizes significant non-academic skills that prepare students for the rigors of high school, university and adult life, such as health and wellness, personal finances and time management. outside class, students spend their free time participating in clubs and activities, community service and sports programs. Popular activities include the yearbook, drama club and Model United Nations.

Students who complete grades 9 and 10 at the academy are ideally positioned to continue their high school educations with our International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Some students may even choose to study at one of our other campuses in england.

Encouraging sound decisionsIn grades 9 and 10, young people develop interests that impact their future studies and careers. We provide regular guidance and support to students through our faculty advisor program. Students meet regularly with faculty advisors to review schoolwork, set goals and discuss their general welfare.



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International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a challenging two-year curriculum that prepares students for top universities around the world. It has a global philosophy and is widely recognized as one of the world’s most prestigious high school attainments. Students at EF International Academy follow this academically rigorous curriculum during grades 11 and 12.

IB World SchooleF International academy New York is an IB World School, one of a select group of schools authorized to grant the International Baccalaureate Diploma. only schools that meet the rigorous academic standards of the geneva-based International Baccalaureate organization are selected to be IB World Schools.

nurturing worldly thinkersThe IB curriculum encourages students to ask challenging questions, become independent learners, develop a strong sense of personal identity and culture, and hone their ability to communicate and understand people from different countries and

cultures. Community service is also an important part of the course. The IB Programme prepares students for top universities and future careers as responsible world citizens.

tangible achievementsIB students take classes in six broad categories: literature, mathematics, humanities, experimental sciences, foreign languages and the arts. They also complete three core requirements:

“Theory of Knowledge” is a cross-disciplinary course in which students develop critical thinking skills by exploring the nature of knowledge and facts.

“extended essay” requires students to investigate a subject of their choice in a throughly researched 4000-word essay.

“Creativity, action and Service” asks students to learn from real-life experiences outside the classroom. This includes activities such as community service, arts projects, sports and excursions.

at the end of their studies, IB students take a series of written examinations,

which are graded by IB examiners from outside the school. Students are also assessed for work conducted in school. Based on their examinations and internal assessments, students are awarded points, and those who earn a minimum of 24 points, out of a possible 45, are awarded the IB Diploma.

a world of opportunitiesas the IB curriculum is taught and respected around the world, and as earning an IB Diploma is regarded internationally as a considerable achievement, completing the IB program truly opens up a world of opportunities.

admissions offices at universities in the United States, great Britain and countries worldwide view the IB Diploma as a significant accomplishment. By earning an IB Diploma at eF International academy New York, students are positioned to attend university anywhere in the world. every year graduates from eF International academy have gone on to study at some of the most prestigious universities around the globe, including oxford and Cambridge.

The IB curriculum focuses on six broad fields of study: literature, mathematics, humanities, experimental sciences, foreign languages and the arts. Students also complete three core requirements: Theory of Knowledge, Extended Essay, and Creativity, Action and Service.

Group 1literature

Group 3Individuals and


Group 2



Group 4experimental sciences

Group 6The arts

Group 5

Mathematics an


computer scie



extended essay

theory ofknowledge

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Distinguished facultyOur faculty members bring years of experience and enthusiasm to the classroom. They have lived and taught in countries around the globe and contribute significantly to the international mindset of the school community. Most importantly, not only are they highly qualified, they are also passionate about nurturing the minds of young people and inspiring students to succeed.

ms. tia Gueye, mathematicsamong Ms. gueye’s many skills is the ability to develop students’ enthusiasm and passion for mathematics. Ms. gueye received her B.S. from the University of rochester and her master’s degree in biomedical engineering from the University of California. after studying in Cuba, where she became proficient in Spanish, she returned to the USa to join the NYC teaching Fellows program. Ms. gueye has taught mathematics in New York City high schools and earned a second master’s degree in mathematics education from the City College of New York.

ms. candice Beermann, scienceWith an extensive educational background in chemistry and biology, Ms. Beermann brings significant expertise and insight to the classroom. She served as IB coordinator at a large school in Canada, where she was heavily involved in the development and evaluation of standardized testing. She works for the International Baccalaureate organization as a chemistry examiner and has participated in several IB training conferences. Ms. Beermann earned her degree from Calgary University.

mr. Ivan cestero, historyMr. Cestero has taught a broad range of academic subjects and is uniquely qualified to inspire young people from around the world. He graduated from Dartmouth College, where he taught Spanish drill lessons, with a degree in comparative literature. He spent years in Spain, Hungary and France teaching english and Spanish, writing, and working as an academic consultant to secondary schools and university students. He has also taught Spanish at New York University and St. ann’s School. In addition, he has taught english, history and eSl.

dr. oxana litvine, biology and chemistryDr. litvine brings a wealth of accomplishment, teaching ability and real-world experience to the school community. She received an M.S. in physiology from Moscow State University and trained as a behavioral neuroscientist at the russian academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow before receiving a Ph.D. in biology, having written a Ph.D. thesis about mechanisms of learning and memory. She has worked as a postdoctoral research scientist in neurobiology in russia, Switzerland and the USa and has published several papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Ginny meissner-Borton, theater and drama Ms. Meissner-Borton has been a theater educator for over 20 years. as an actress, she has appeared in television and film and has worked in regional and off-Broadway theaters. Ms. Meissner-Borton has taught theater arts at the State University of New York and at schools in New York and Connecticut. She earned a B.a. from The New School and a master’s degree in educational theater from NYU. She has New York state certification in both theater and english and IB certification in theater arts. Ms. Meissner-Borton has attended schools in taiwan, Indonesia, West Pakistan, turkey, India, Saudi arabia and Hawaii.

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Our students become part of a close-knit community, like one big family, where they receive support and supervision and form enduring friendships.

Home away from homeMost of our students are living away from home – and their home country – for the first time in their lives, and their wellbeing is our primary concern.

Students quickly begin to cherish the independence and camaraderie that come with dorm life. They share meals together, participate in evening study groups with classmates, chat informally with house parents and unwind on weekend afternoons. Dormitory life creates an environment where students grow, expand their horizons and form everlasting friendships. It’s not long before they consider themselves part of one big family.

living in a dormFor students, living with peers from other countries and from other age groups is a unique opportunity. Younger students look up to juniors and seniors, and as a result, older students develop a sense of leadership and responsibility when it comes to mentoring younger dorm mates.

Residential Life


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Supervised independenceeF International academy New York encourages personal growth by providing a supportive and safe environment for students. Faculty members live in student dormitories as house parents to provide around-the-clock supervision and offer a helping hand when needed.

life in the dorm relies on an environment of mutual trust and respect, an environment where students learn that their independence comes with expectations and responsibilities. on a day-to-day basis, the interaction between students and

house parents is friendly and relaxed. Students may seek help with schoolwork in the lounge or discuss current events over dinner in the cafeteria.

on a more formal level, each student meets weekly with a faculty advisor to discuss schoolwork, college applications and overall welfare. It is our goal that students develop into independent, self-motivated individuals, and the dorm experience contributes to this goal.

Parental involvementWe encourage parents to stay involved and

maintain regular contact with their son or daughter. We regularly send home grades and written reports, and we welcome parents to our campus by hosting “family days,” which provide an opportunity for parents to visit dormitories, meet teachers and explore the school and town of tarrytown.

eF International academy New York operates an easy-to-use intranet portal, which allows parents at home to go online to check students’ grades, follow school news and read up-to-date notes from teachers.


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Whether they’re rehearsing choreography for an upcoming school play, swimming laps in the pool or debating mock resolutions as part of the Model United Nations, our students energetically dedicate themselves to a variety of activities outside the classroom.

athleticseF International academy New York boasts a number of athletic facilities, including an indoor

competition swimming pool, a fitness center, basketball courts and sports fields.

With students from around the globe, it’s no surprise that soccer is a popular sport, along with swimming, track and field, volleyball, and basketball. Many of our students enjoy participating in other active pursuits, such as rock climbing, yoga, dance classes, tai chi, distance running, or jogging along the Hudson river.

artsTheater provides a wonderful opportunity for students to express themselves. Performing on stage, in front of an audience, builds confidence and develops public speaking skills. Students act, sing, dance, perform music, and design costumes and stage settings. Producing a show allows students to experience the thrill of completing a tangible project, from beginning to end, on a tight deadline – learning that, after all, the show must go on.

Student activities


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model United nationsWith Model United Nations, students from eF International academy and other schools simulate United Nations proceedings. In doing so, they learn about international politics, diplomacy, public speaking and current events. our students play the roles of diplomats and simulate a number of different UN scenarios. For instance, they might manage a crisis in the Security Council or debate resolutions in the general assembly. With our international student body, a student from germany, for instance, may play the roll of a Brazilian diplomat. This adds complexity to our Model UN proceedings.

School clubsother popular clubs and activities at eF International academy include yearbook, student council, debate, cooking club, fashion design, choir, photography, movie club and chess club. We encourage students to pursue their interests, and with help from the activities office, we support student initiatives to organize new and exciting extracurricular opportunities.

Big city opportunitieseF International academy is 40 minutes from Manhattan’s grand Central Station by way of a scenic train route along the Hudson river.

Manhattan is home to countless academic and cultural opportunities, and our teachers take advantage of this proximity by organizing school trips and exposing students to places such as the Metropolitan Museum of art, the New York Public library, the United Nations headquarters, the Museum of Natural History and Broadway and off-Broadway theatrical productions. Students speak enthusiastically about the international flavor and vibrancy of New York City, one of the world’s great metropolises. They also enjoy weekend excursions to cities like Washington D.C. and Boston.

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University counseling and career guidance

As much as students enjoy their time at EF International Academy, most look forward the next step of their academic careers: attending university. We work extremely hard with our students to ensure that they achieve their goals.EF International Academy New York provides an array of college counseling services and resources to ensure students find the right college and are able to navigate the increasingly competitive world of university admissions

Finding the right matchWhen applying to university, it is important to find the right fit. Students work with university placement counselors to assess their aspirations, interests and career goals along with their abilities, grades and test scores. In addition to helping students find the right match, our university counselors guide students through the process of completing applications, taking standardized tests, writing personal essays and preparing for interviews.

We see this process as a period of discovery and growth for students.

We encourage them to take the lead in the process, and our university placement counselors help them navigate, offering valuable support and advice. Students find out a great deal about themselves as they learn to apply significant amounts of maturity and thought to the task of making an important decision.

Fairs and campus visitsas part of our college counseling program, students are allotted time to visit university campuses and attend college fairs, and we recommend they use this time to learn about different colleges and opportunities.

Eyes on careersCareer advisors work individually with each student to discuss career goals and formulate a career strategy. This plays an important role in choosing the right college.

Poised for successa succesful college admissions process results in students being accepted to institutions that fit their individual needs and aspirations, where they will be happy and productive.

Students who complete the IB Diploma are well positioned to enroll in the best colleges and universities in the United States and around the world. In great Britain, where we have been advising and counseling university-bound students for several years, our students consistently place into the nation’s top 10 universities, including oxford, Cambridge, london School of economics and Imperial College london.

University creditsMany american colleges and universities award credits to students who have successfully completed IB courses. This is determined by individual institutions and academic departments. However, many IB graduates will be able to take more advanced classes in their first year of college. In some instances, IB graduates may earn enough credits to graduate from college early.

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Meeting Claudia TrewAs Principal of EF International Academy New York, and as the coordinator of the school’s International Baccalaureate program, Dr. Claudia Trew is one of the most visible faculty members on campus. She is passionate about teaching young people, and she brings 25 years of experience to her leadership roll at the school.

Claudia trew earned her Ph.D. in english literature from Florida State University after receiving her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Florida atlantic University and conducting post-graduate studies at oxford. an avid traveler who has visited 46 counties, Dr. trew lived and worked in Saudi arabia for five years, which, among other things, gave her the opportunity to learn about arabic culture and Islam. Having lived abroad, she empathizes with students who experience culture shock and homesickness when they first arrive in america. She has taught english for over 22 years, and she’s been involved in the International Baccalaureate program for much of her career. Here, she describes why eF International academy is such a special place:

“Being Principal of EF International Academy is a unique and gratifying experience for me, and I think our students feel the same way about their own experiences.

To begin with, I relish being involved with a school where almost every student comes from a different country. This provides our boarding community with a cosmopolitan flavor and texture that can’t be found anywhere else. Every day, it is my privilege to interact with young people from Germany, Vietnam, Holland, Finland, Venezuela, South Korea, Chile, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Norway and many other nations.

This environment accentuates and reinforces a fundamental truth about humans: We are all unique individuals, and we all have something special to offer our communities and the world at large. It is my goal to make sure every student at EF International Academy discovers his or her unique qualities and attributes, and that every student sets ambitious personal goals and reaches his or her full potential.

I am proud of all our students for their hard work and dedication to academic excellence. As a result of their commitment, each one is ready to move onto university and eventually make a difference in the world.”

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EF International Academy’s New York campus is located in a safe and tranquil setting in Tarrytown, a small town 40 minutes north of Manhattan by train.

Historic groundsour secure 25-acre campus on the Hudson river, formerly the university campus of Marymount College, is the ideal place to live and learn. Three iconic buildings on campus – Butler, gerard and

academy halls – were built in the 1930s and are designated historic landmarks in tarrytown.

modern conveniencesFacilities on campus include an indoor competition swimming pool, fully equipped science laboratories, computer suites, three theaters, a fitness center, art studios, wireless Internet access, sprawling sports fields, basketball and tennis courts, and more.

Small town charmtarrytown, NY, is a picturesque Northeastern town with quaint stores and local restaurants, where the pace of life is unhurried. tarrytown is 25 miles north of New York City and has a population of about 11,000. It is best known as the setting for Washington Irving’s story, “The legend of Sleepy Hollow,” and it is the site of the John D. rockefeller estate, which served as home to four generations of the rockefeller family.

Our campus


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EF International Academy UK campusesEF International Academy has two additional campuses, which are located in Great Britain. One is in historic Oxford, and the other is on the English coast in the bourough of Torbay. Some students, after completing grades 9 and 10 in New York, may decide, after careful consideration, to cross the Atlantic and finish their high school careers at an EF International Academy campus in the UK.

EF International academy oxfordas home to the world’s oldest english-speaking university, oxford is infused with history, tradition and academic prestige. our students enjoy a rich and challenging educational experience and become immersed in oxford’s vibrant culture of learning. oxford, “the city of dreaming spires,” is a gateway to unsurpassed opportunities. It is a hub of student culture and activity, a historic university town filled with cafes, bookshops, museums and taverns. eF International academy oxford’s private grounds sit atop Headington Hill, which overlooks oxford’s stunning spires and river valley. our campus is less than an hour away from london and is close to shops, restaurants and tranquil parks. Students at our oxford campus study for British advanced level exams, known as a-levels, and we plan to introduce the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in 2011.

EF International academy torbayon the southern coast of england, torbay is part of the “english riviera.” It has a relatively warm climate, with subtropical vegetation, sandy beaches, elegant marinas and waterfront promenades lined with palm trees. eF International academy torbay is housed in a modernized 1830’s campus, overlooking the water, which students affectionately call the “castle.” The campus is close to torbay’s parks, bistros and boutiques. torbay’s small community and relaxed atmosphere provide the ideal setting for students to learn and grow. When not in classes, students enjoy sailing, playing golf, studying at outdoor cafes and a host of other activities. They also enjoy excursions to places like london, oxford and Stonehenge. Students in torbay study British a-levels or the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

British a-level examseF International academy students in the UK choose between the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme and a curriculum that prepares them for British advanced level exams, known as a-levels. The a-level exams are the traditional pathway into British universities, such as oxford and Cambridge. a-level students typically specialize in four academic subjects, though some choose five. They study these subjects in depth for two years. These two years are known as “sixth form,” and they are equivalent to the final two years of high school in the U.S. system. Students take important final exams at the end of their first and second years of sixth form, and their performance on these exams in large part determines which universities will offer them a place.

ef oxford

ef torbay

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Admissions information

On this page you will find some basic information about applying to EF International Academy New York. We invite you to contact us if you have questions, would like to schedule a campus tour, or would like to receive application material.

IntroductioneF International academy operates a holistic admissions procedure. In order to enroll in eF International academy programs, students must demonstrate the following:

1) That they are mature enough to cope with the demands of the program, including living in a boarding school community, coping with a new environment and dealing with the demands of living and working independently.

2) That they are capable of dealing with the academic requirements and standards of eF International academy programs.

3) That they are proficient in the english language.

We conduct individual interviews and testing to ensure that students meet these requirements.

Having been committed to international education for over 45 years, eF education First has a wealth of experience in student selection, and staff members are adept at identifying students who will flourish in new environments.

academic entry requirementseF International academy is an academically rigorous school, and incoming students should have a solid academic record. We review applications on a case-by-case basis. Don’t hesitate to contact us to ask questions, learn more or discuss your academic background with one of our admissions consultants.

age requirementsnew york:• Students wishing to attend in eF International

academy in grades 9 or 10 should be aged 14 to 16, and they should have completed grades 8 or 9.

• Students wishing to enroll directly in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme in New York should have completed grades 9 and 10, or the equivalent, at eF International academy or elsewhere.

United Kingdom:• Students wishing to join the IB Diploma or

a-level programs in oxford or torbay should be at least 16 years old within 28 days of their arrival at the school.

admissions proceduresStudents should contact eF International academy to receive admissions materials. Send an e-mail to Therese agerberth, director of admissions, at [email protected] or call our admissions office at 914 597 7241.

to apply, the following documents need to be submitted:

1) Completed application form2) Most recent available high school transcript3) Completed statement of purpose4) letter of recommendation from school

Please note: Students whose native language is not english may be required to submit test results from english proficiency examinations.

ScholarshipseF International academy is committed to helping promising students receive a world-class education and reach their full potential. For this reason, eF International academy offers a limited number of scholarships each year to students around the globe who are highly motivated and talented. to learn more about eF International academy scholarship opportunities, please contact our admissions office.

contact informationto learn more about eF International academy and admissions procedures, or to request application materials, please use the following contact information:

address: eF International academy 100 Marymount avenue, Butler Hall, tarrytown, NY 10591

e-mail: [email protected]: 914 597 7241Fax: 914 597 7260Website: www.ef.com/academy

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North AmericaBoston


Fort LauderdaleHonolulu

Los AngelesMiami Beach

MontréalNew York

SeattleSan Diego

San FranciscoSanta Barbara


South AmericaBogotaBuenos AiresCampinasCaracasCordobaFortalegaGuadalajaraGuayaquilLimaMedellínMexico CityMonterreyPanama CityRio de Janeiro

San JoséSanta Domingo

SantiagoSaõ Paulo










HelsinkiIstanbulLausanneLisbonLondonLuxemburgLuzernLuganoMadridMalagaManchesterMilanoMoscowMunichNiceNizhny NovgorodNovosibirskOsloOxfordParisPragueRomeSevillaSochiSt.JuliansStockholm

St. PetersburgTorquay








HanoiHo Chih Minh

Hong KongJakarta






Middle EastDubai


South PacificAucklandBrisbane


AfricaCape Town

EF Schools and Offices Around the World


The EF school in New York is a member of:

The EF school in Oxford is:

The EF school in Torbay is accredited by the British Accreditation Council for Independent Further and Higher Education:

The EF schools in Torbay and Oxford are members of:

The EF school in New York is accredited by:

ef international academies are accredited byEF International Academy in New York and Torbay are IB World Schools offering the IB Diploma Programme. EF International Academy in Oxford is a candidate school* for the Diploma Programme, pursuing authorization as an IB World School. These are schools that share a common philosophy – a commitment to a high quality, challenging, international education that we believe is important for our students. *Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its three academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme. Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted. For further information about the IB and IB programs, visit www.ibo.org

EF International Academy100 Marymount Avenue, Butler Hall, Tarrytown, NY 10591T 914 597 7241F 914 597 7260