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Gerringong to BomaderryPrinces Highway upgrade




RTA/Pub. 07.349FISBN 9781921242861

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Gerringong to BomaderryPrinces Highway UpgradePreliminary Social-Economic Impacts Report

The Roads and Traffic Authority NSW

August 2007Document No.:

Page 3: Gerringong to Bomaderry...Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway Upgrade Prepared for The Roads and Traffic Authority NSW Prepared by Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd Level 11, 44 Market

Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway Upgrade

Prepared for

The Roads and Traffic Authority NSW

Prepared byMaunsell Australia Pty LtdLevel 11, 44 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000, PO Box Q410, QVB Post Office NSW 1230, AustraliaT +61 2 8295 3600 F +61 2 9262 5060 www.maunsell.comABN 20 093 846 925

31 August 2007

DEV06/04-SE-B3-Social-Economic Impacts-Rev-0

© Maunsell Australia Pty Ltd 2007

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Table of Contents1.0 Background 12.0 Objective of the report 2

2.1 Background 22.2 Study methodology 22.3 Report structure 3

3.0 Study area 43.1 Extent of study area 43.2 Gerringong 53.3 Berry 53.4 Bomaderry 63.5 Rural areas between towns 6

4.0 Social economic profile of the study area 74.1 Introduction 74.2 Social economic profile of local government areas 8

4.2.1 Kiama 84.2.2 Shoalhaven 9

4.3 Social economic profile of potentially affected areas 114.3.1 Gerringong 114.3.2 Berry 134.3.3 Bomaderry 15

4.4 Summary of business activity 175.0 Community assets 18

5.1 Introduction 185.2 Gerringong 185.3 Berry 185.4 Bomaderry 19

6.0 Summary of data review 206.1 Introduction 206.2 Social and economic impacts identified in previous studies 206.3 General data review of bypass studies and impacts 22

6.3.1 Evidence from NSW 226.3.2 Comparative analysis with Berrima, Mittagong and Karuah 236.3.3 Evidence from elsewhere 23

7.0 Potential social-economic impacts 257.1 Introduction 257.2 Community identity and interaction 257.3 Amenity impacts 267.4 Road related impacts 277.5 Economics 287.6 Community and special social group needs 297.7 Impacts of acquisition 297.8 Community involvement – perceived social and economic issues 30

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8.0 Summary of key social and economic impacts 329.0 Next Steps 3810.0 References 39

Appendix A List of businesses in the study area a

List of TablesTable 4.1: Kiama LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage 9Table 4.2: Shoalhaven LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage 11Table 4.3: Gerringong employment by sector (2001) 12Table 4.4: Gerringong averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage 13Table 4.5: Berry employment by sector (2001) 14Table 4.6: Berry averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage 15Table 4.7: Bomaderry employment by sector (2001) 16Table 4.8: Bomaderry averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage 17Table 4.9: Summary of Business Types in the Study Area 17Table 6.1: Social impacts brought up in previous studies 21Table 6.2: Summary of economic impacts on bypass towns in NSW 22Table 7.1: Social impacts associated with acquisition 29Table 7.2: Social and economic issues identified during study consultation 31Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts 33

List of FiguresFigure 3.1: Study area map 4Figure 4.1: Kiama Municipal LGA 8Figure 4.2: Shoalhaven City LGA 10

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1.0 BackgroundMaunsell was engaged by the RTA in December 2006 to carry out an Options and Route SelectionStudy, Concept Development and Environmental Assessment (EA) for upgrading the Princes Highwaybetween 42.6 km to 74.6 km south of Wollongong. Maunsell has engaged a number of prominentsub-consultants to contribute to the delivery of this project.

The work includes development of route options and concept development based on the identifiedpreferred route, environmental assessment, public displays and handover period to allow forfinalisation of all activities and reports following the announcement and display of the Preferred Route,the Environmental Assessment and the Conditions of Approval.

The project will provide a bypass of Berry. The northern extremity of the project is in the vicinity of theMount Pleasant Lookout (north of Gerringong at the termination of the four lane configuration) and thesouthern extremity of the project is the intersection (roundabout) of the Princes Highway withCambewarra and Moss Vale Roads at Bomaderry.

Community involvement is a key aspect of this project and will afford the broader community theopportunity to make a demonstrable input to the process and to ensure that the requirements andaspirations of the community will be adequately and appropriately addressed. This is particularlyrelevant to:

a) Any potential impacts on rural and residential areas within the study area;b) Social and economic impacts;c) Accessibility of the road network for local and through traffic;d) Potential impacts on water quality;e) Potential impacts on wetlands;f) Potential impact on flooding;g) Potential impacts on land uses;h) Threatened flora and fauna species;i) Indigenous and non-indigenous heritage;j) Visual impact;k) Noise; andl) Air quality.

Several studies have been undertaken since the early 1990s to identify a preferred route to upgradesections of the Princes Highway between Kiama and Nowra including a bypass around the town ofBerry.

These studies include:

m) The 1991 Gerringong to Berry Route Study;n) 1998 North Street Berry Bypass Corridor; ando) 2004/05 Quantm Study from Kiama to Nowra.

Sections of the highway between Gerringong and Bomaderry have a poor accident record and limitedsafe overtaking opportunities.

Due to the significant changes in traffic, land use and population since 1991, the NSW stategovernment, in March 2006 committed to investigating an area where it is likely a preferred routewould be located to upgrade the Princes Highway between Mount Pleasant at Gerringong and MossVale/Cambewarra Road at Bomaderry to meet current road standards.

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2.0 Objective of the report2.1 BackgroundSocial and economic impacts associated with major infrastructure projects rarely occur in only onespatial or temporal context. Rather, there is inevitably a variety of receptors in space and time whichrequire assessment and management.

The Princes Highway between Gerringong and Bomaderry is characterised by:

a) Its geographical reach;b) The level of tourism investment and reliance including the location of two significant local

economic drivers (Gerringong and Berry);c) The range of land uses along the route and the corresponding ability of the project to have direct

and indirect impacts on the local communities as well as those throughout the Illawarra regiondue to it being the main road connection between Sydney and the South Coast of NSW; and

d) The varying communities through which the road would pass – from rural and agriculture to townsand villages.

The objective of this report is to provide an initial overview of potential social and economic impactsassociated with the route selection process. This report does not address the wide range of socialand economic benefits which will affect the South Coast beyond Bomaderry/Nowra as these benefitswill be experienced/ created irrespective of the actual route chosen between Gerringong andBomaderry.

This preliminary social-economic impacts assessment identifies the key social impacts which havebeen considered during the selection of the short list of feasible route options.

In the next phase of the (preferred) route selection this preliminary assessment will be fed into a multi-criteria analysis. At this time, various weighting will be applied to each aspect being considered sothat the option developed reflects the various constraints and opportunities associated with the project.

2.2 Study methodologyThis preliminary social economic impact assessment includes the following tasks:

a) A desk-top study of maps, photographs, and other relevant data sources (see Section 10 for asummary of the sources referenced);

b) Review and summary of demographic profile at strategic and study area levels;c) Review and summary of economic activity along the route;d) A number of site inspections along the route; ande) Community and stakeholder consultation.

There are a number of limitations to this preliminary report including the following:

f) The fact that the latest census data is now 5 years old and about to be replaced by new data-sets. New local level data for employment activity is expected to be released by the AustralianBureau of Statistics in October 2007; and

g) Impact assessment can not be completed or mitigation measures identified at this route selectionstage.

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The results of the analysis is summarised in the following sections.

2.3 Report structureThe report is divided into the following sections:

a) Section 3 reviews the context of the study area as well as a description of the main study towns;b) Section 4 summarises the social economic profile of the wider area local government area as well

as the more specific study area;c) Section 5 outlines the community assets in the study area;d) Section 6 summarises the social and economic impacts raised in the previous studies, as well as

providing a review of the general impacts of previous bypass schemes based on a review ofavailable literature;

e) Section 7 categorises the various potential social-economic impacts;f) Section 8 includes an assessment of the potential social and economic impacts relating to the

highway upgrade;g) Section 9 includes a description of the way forward with the current study; andh) Section 10 provides a list of reference documents.

This report should be read in conjunction with the Preliminary Land Use Issues Report and thePreliminary Traffic Assessment Report.

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3.0 Study area3.1 Extent of study areaThe study area extends from the Mount Pleasant lookout north of Gerringong to the CambewarraRoad roundabout in Bomaderry as shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Study area map

The following sections outline the character of the three main towns within the study area, as well asthe rural areas between the towns.

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3.2 GerringongGerringong is a small coastal town that is located along the Princes Highway at the northern end ofthe project area. As a result of amalgamation due to expansion, Gerringong consists of two suburbs;Gerringong and Werri Beach. Gerringong has both the picturesque qualities of a coastal town to theeast and a rural setting to the west including the Cambewarra Range.

The Princes Highway in conjunction with the South Coast railway line forms a strong western urbanboundary to the town. The eastern boundary is the coastline, which is protected from developmentwith an open space corridor. Werri Lagoon and adjacent rural environmental protection zones, limitdevelopment to the north, whilst there is no clear southern boundary and consequently urbanexpansion has occurred in this part of Gerringong.

Gerringong’s industrial hub is located adjacent to the Illawarra railway line and consists mainly of lightindustry. The commercial/business centre is located around Fern Street, Belinda and BlackwoodStreets. This is also predominantly where the community facilities are located; however a number offacilities are also located in Werri Beach. A number of Gerringong’s facilities and services are utilisedby residents of Gerroa which is often associated with Gerringong as it is a very small, predominantlyresidential coastal town south of Gerringong.

In addition to local shops and services, the town includes a number of tourist related activitiesincluding boutique accommodation and bed and breakfasts, cafes and restaurants, beach relatedretail outlets as well as a number of lifestyle and craft related services.

3.3 BerryBerry is the first non-coastal country town located along Princes Highway when heading south fromSydney and is approximately 130 kilometres or two hours drive time. Within Berry, the PrincesHighway becomes Queen Street; the main street of the town. Berry is valued for and enjoys a highlevel of amenity and tranquillity. It is a very picturesque town with a number of historic buildings andwell established gardens and vegetation. A significant number of well established trees are locatedthroughout the urban landscape. Berry also has a dramatic scenic backdrop with the Cambewarrarange located to the north and west of the town.

The northern and southern urban boundaries to Berry are North Street and the South Coast railway,respectively. Broadly, the only activities located south of the Illawarra Railway line are light industryand agriculture, whilst to the north of North Street, there are some residential areas, a sportsground aswell as agriculture further to the north. More recent development has seen the urban area expand tothe south of Kangaroo Valley Road. The commercial precinct is located on Queen Street near theAlexandra Street intersection. Berry is surrounded by large lots that are primarily used for agriculturalpurposes. An increasing trend is the presence of “hobby” and “weekend” farms.

Given distance from Sydney and the picturesque nature of the town and its local setting, Berryrepresents an ideal stopping off point for through traffic as a rest and refreshment point. In addition, italso attracts a significant number of day trippers who visit the town to enjoy its amenities. As a resultof this demand, the town has numerous bed and breakfasts, restaurants, cafes, craft and antiqueshops which rely to a large degree on highway related trade.

Due to the proximity to Nowra and Bomaderry, Berry also serves as a dormitory settlement to theselarger towns. Berry provides access to a range of retail services but major department stores andsupermarkets are located in Nowra, 18 kilometres to the south of the town.

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3.4 BomaderryBomaderry adjoins North Nowra and Nowra, which is a significant urban centre with the capacity tocater for the local and regional communities.

Bomaderry is bounded by the Shoalhaven River to the south and Bomaderry Creek to the west. Thetown has extended to the Bomaderry suburbs boundaries along the north with the urban landscapeencroaching on Meroo Meadow. The South Coast railway line and industrial uses located on eitherside of it forms the eastern boundary of the town. Bomaderry has a number of pockets of vegetationincluding a significant level of vegetation at Bomaderry Creek.

The Princes Highway connects Bomaderry to Nowra via a historic 2-lane bridge over ShoalhavenRiver which was at one stage intended to include a railway crossing which never eventuated.Bomaderry station is the last station on the South Coast line that connects the region to Sydney.

The Bomaderry shopping centre and railway precinct are located west of Bomaderry railway station.Commercial activities are also located at the Bolong Road and Belinda Street intersection. Variouslight industrial activities are located along Princes Highway, at the Cambewarra Road intersection, aswell as along the waterfront. Some restricted industrial uses are located between Bolong Road andShoalhaven River, for example the Manildra starch and ethanol plant which currently employs over200 persons.

3.5 Rural areas between townsThe rural areas in the study area are important is considering the social impacts which will potentiallyresult from the project.

Rural localities in the study area between the urban towns include: Willow Vale, Toolijooa, Foxground,Broughton, Broughton Village, Berry, Jaspers Brush, and Meroo Meadow. These localitiespredominantly consist of large lot agricultural holdings including dairy farming and vineyards, as wellas designated environmental protection areas. Many of the farms and dwelling houses on theseagricultural land holdings are located close to the highway and have direct access to the highway.

Generally, the topography is more rugged to the west of the highway. In these areas, heavily woodedareas are well established. Views from some of theses areas stretch down to the Shoalhaven Riverand to the ocean. There are also a large number of “hobby” and “weekend” farms to the west of thehighway, serviced by the access roads adjoining the highway.

Land to the east of the highway is generally flatter, with a high percentage situated on the flood plain.This land is primarily used for dairy farming. One other activity of note is quarrying on Crooked RiverRoad which according to the operator, Cleary Bros., indirectly employs over 100 persons.

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4.0 Social economic profile of the study area4.1 IntroductionThis section provides a summary of the social economic profile of the study area. This includes anoverview of the two local government areas (LGA’s) through which the Princes Highway passes,namely Kiama LGA and Shoalhaven LGA. This is followed by a more local summary of thedemography in those areas most directly affected by the project which includes Gerringong, Berry andBomaderry.

Information has been primarily sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) BasicCommunity Profiles 2001 and Social-Economic Indexes for Areas (SEIFA). According to the ABS,more recent community data collected as part of the 2006 Census will be available in October 2007.When it becomes available, this information will be incorporated in subsequent analysis.

SEIFA provides an index figure for a number of key variables; social-economic advantage /disadvantage, economic resources and education/occupation). A brief outline of these SEIFA social-economic variables is provided below:

A higher score on the Index of Relative Social-Economic Advantage/Disadvantage indicatesthat an area has attributes such as relatively high proportion of people with high incomes or askilled workforce. It also means an area has a low proportion of people with low incomes andrelatively few unskilled people in the workforce. Conversely, a low score on the index indicatesthat an area has a higher proportion of individuals with low incomes and more employees inunskilled occupations.

The index of Economic Resources reflects the profile of the economic resources of familieswithin the areas. A higher score on the Index of Economic Resources indicates that an area hasa higher proportion of families on high income, a lower proportion of low income families, andmore households living in large houses i.e. 4 or more bedrooms. A low score indicates the areahas a relatively high proportion of households on low incomes and living in small dwellings.

The Index of Education and Occupation is designed to reflect the educational and occupationalstructure of communities. The education variables in this index show either the level ofqualification achieved or whether further education is being undertaken.

All the indices have been constructed so that relatively “advantaged” areas have high index values(i.e. often over 1000). For the Index of Relative Social-Economic Disadvantage this means thatrelatively “disadvantaged” areas have lower index numbers.

Information has also been sourced from the following unless documented otherwise:

a) Kiama Municipal Council Community Profile, March 2004;b) Kiama Municipal Council Social/Community Plan, 2004-2009; andc) Shoalhaven City Council Community Plan 2005-2010.

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4.2 Social economic profile of local government areas4.2.1 Kiama

The Kiama municipal LGA comprises 256 square kilometres, located on the south coast of NSW (seeFigure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Kiama Municipal LGA

In 2001, the population of the Kiama municipal local government area (Kiama LGA) had reached18,827, representing 0.3% of NSW’s total. The ABS estimated that the population of Kiama hadincreased to 20,414 by 2004.

Age structures within the Kiama LGA are undergoing a change as a result of generational alterations.The Kiama Municipal council community profile (March 2004) found that:

“there currently is a high proportion of children and young people aged between 5 and 19 living inthe Kiama area… [and] a high proportion of 40-49 year old people living in the area”. 1

1 Kiama Municipal Council Community Profile 2004-2009. March 2004. p7.

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Also of importance is the fact that:

“In 1976, only 6.6% of the population of Kiama were over the age of 70. This proportion hasdoubled with 13.3% of the people of Kiama a being over the age of 70. The Kiama region hasseen a decrease in the amount of young people living in the area, with the proportion of 20-24,25-29, and 30-34 year olds all dropping considerably between 1976 and 2001 from 7% to 4.3%,7.4% to 4.3%, and 7.3% to 5.2% respectively”. 2

1.1% of the 2001 population are of an indigenous background, less than the NSW average of 2.1%.Of the total Kiama LGA population, 82.6% were born in Australia and 12.7% born overseas, namelythe United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Germany. 18.7% speak a language other than English athome within the Kiama LGA.

At the 2001 census, 7,961 dwellings were occupied. Of these, detached houses were most prevalent(72.9%), followed by units (6.1%), attached dwellings (5.8%) and other dwellings (2%)3. Detacheddwellings within Kiama LGA represent a higher proportion of overall dwellings than the NSW averageof 64.1%. Units represented a lower proportion than the NSW average of 16.3% and at 7% thepercentage of attached dwellings was less than the NSW average of 8.5%.

The Kiama LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage are compared tothose of NSW in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1: Kiama LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage

SEIFA index Disadvantage Social-economicadvantage/



Education andoccupation

Kiama LGA 1060.4 1044.9 1028.7 1049.6NSW Average 1000.5 1015.3 1030.5 1009.7

Across all relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage indexes (apart from EconomicResources) Kiama LGA displays a higher level of advantage than the NSW average. Economicresource is recorded as being marginally less than that of the NSW average. These results indicatethat within Kiama LGA there are a higher proportion of people with higher incomes, higher levels ofemployment and those in a skilled workforce, and living in larger households.

4.2.2 Shoalhaven

The Shoalhaven City LGA (Shoalhaven LGA) comprises 4,558 square kilometres, located on thesouth coast of NSW (see Figure 4.2).

2 Kiama Municipal Council Community Profile 2004-2009. March 2004. p7.

3 Kiama Municipal Council Community Profile 2004-2009. March 2004. p10.

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Figure 4.2: Shoalhaven City LGA

In 2001, the population of the Shoalhaven LGA had reached 87,650, comprising 1.4% of NSW’s total.The age structures within the Shoalhaven LGA are undergoing a change as a result of generationalalterations. The Shoalhaven City Council Community Plan 2005-2010 outlines that:

a) Children (0-12 years) in the Shoalhaven have declined as a proportion of the overall populationprofile reflecting a significant reduction in the 25-39 year old age group as a result of outmigration;

b) The Shoalhaven has a significantly lower than average proportion of young people; andc) The Shoalhaven has a significantly higher than average proportion of residents aged 55 years

and older when compared to regional and state averages.4

4 Shoalhaven City Council Community Plan 2005-2010. P3.

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In 2001, 3.6% of the population were of an indigenous background, a figure greater than the NSWaverage of 2.1%. Of the total Shoalhaven LGA population, 81.8% were born in Australia and 12.4%born overseas, namely the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and Germany. 19.1% speak a languageother than English at home within the Shoalhaven LGA.

At the 2001 census, 33,392 dwellings were occupied. Of these, detached houses were mostprevalent (88.1%), followed by units (4.7%), attached dwellings (3.1%) and other dwellings (2%)5.Detached dwellings within Shoalhaven LGA represent a higher proportion of overall dwellings than theNSW average of 64.1%. Units represented a lower proportion than the NSW average of 16.3% and at3.1% the percentage of attached dwellings was less than the NSW average of 8.5%. Caravansrepresent 3% of all occupied private dwellings, higher than the 1.1% state value.

The Shoalhaven LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage are compared tothose of NSW in Table 4.2.

Table 4.2: Shoalhaven LGA averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage

SEIFA index Disadvantage Social-economicadvantage/



Education andoccupation

Shoalhaven LGA 967.7 938.0 921.7 951.5NSW Average 1000.5 1015.3 1030.5 1009.7

Across all relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage indexes, Shoalhaven LGA displays alower level of advantage than the NSW average. These results indicate that within Shoalhaven LGAthere are a lower proportion of people with higher incomes, lower levels of employment in a skilledworkforce, and living in smaller households.

4.3 Social economic profile of potentially affected areas4.3.1 Gerringong


As at 2001, Gerringong had a total population of 3,492 persons, of these 48.1% were male and 51.6%were female. The male population in Gerringong is slightly lower than the NSW average, which was49.4%. Gerringong covers an area of 3.3 square kilometres of the Kiama LGA.

Of this total population, 76% are 15 and over with 20.4% 65 and over. The 15 and over age bracketwithin Gerringong is slightly lower than the NSW average of 79.3%, and the total persons withinGerringong over 65 was higher than the 13.1% of the state average.


The total Gerringong labour force in 2001 was 1,440, and of these 105 (7.3%) were unemployed. Atthat time, 54.1% of the Gerringong population aged 15 years or more were employed, which waslower than the proportion those aged over 15 years employed in NSW (61%). Gerringong’sunemployment rate of 7.3% is effectively on a par with the NSW average unemployment rate of 7.2%.

5 Shoalhaven City Council Community Plan 2005-2010. P11.

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The breakdown of employment activity in Gerringong in 2001 is shown in Table 4.3. The mainemployment sources include retail, education, health, construction, property, manufacturing andaccommodation, cafes and restaurants which provide nearly 75% of all jobs. Much of thisemployment is related to servicing the tourist sector including retail, property and business servicesand accommodation, restaurants and cafes. In addition, other employment sectors serving theretirement and second property markets are prominent including health and community services,construction, property and business services and personal and other services.

Table 4.3: Gerringong employment by sector (2001)

Industry No. of jobs % of totalRetail 186 14Education 179 14Health and community services 157 12Construction 149 11Property and business services 118 9Manufacturing 98 7Accommodation, cafes and restaurants 94 7Personal and other services 64 5Government, administration and defence 63 5Transport and storage 50 4Cultural and recreational services 39 3Other 117 10Total 1,324 100%Source: ABS Community Profile, 2001

Household structure

There were 1,491 dwellings identified from the 2001 census. Of these

a) 1,061 (71.2%) were detached (greater than the NSW average of 64.1%);b) 143 (10%) were attached/semi-detached (greater than the NSW average of 8.5%);c) 25 (1.7%) were flats (significantly lower than the NSW average of 16.3%); andd) 245 (16.4%) were unoccupied private dwelling (higher than the NSW average of 8.9%).

Travel patterns

Approximately 90% of the population drove to work (driver and/ or passenger), which is greater thanthe NSW average of 78%. Only 2% were reliant on public transport (bus and train), which issubstantially lower than the NSW average of 11.4%.

Income levels

Within Gerringong the following income indicators are recorded:

e) Median weekly individual income is between $300-399 which is similar the NSW average; andf) Median weekly family income is between $800-999 which is similar to the NSW average.

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Economic performance indices

The Gerringong postcode (2534) averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage arecompared to those of NSW in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4: Gerringong averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage

SEIFA index Disadvantage Social-economicadvantage/



Education andoccupation

Gerringong 1048.1 1033.1 1008.4 1043.3NSW Average 1000.5 1015.3 1030.5 1009.7

Across all relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage indexes (except Economic Resources),Gerringong displays a higher level of advantage than the NSW average. These results indicate thatwithin Gerringong there are a higher proportion of people with higher incomes, higher levels ofemployment in a skilled workforce, and those living in larger households.

4.3.2 Berry


As at 2001, Berry had a total population of 1,597 persons, of these 47.2% were male and 52.8% werefemale. The male population in Berry is slightly lower than the NSW average, which was 49.4%.Berry covers an area of 5.2 square kilometres of the Shoalhaven LGA.

Of this total population, 79.3% are 15 and over with 22.1% 65 and over. The 15 and over age bracketwithin Berry is equal to the NSW average of 79.3%, and the total persons within Berry over 65 washigher than the 13.1% of the NSW average.


The total Berry labour force in 2001 was 673, of which 40 (5.9%) were unemployed. At that time,52.3% of the Berry population aged 15 years or more were employed, which was lower than theproportion of those aged 15 years and over employed in NSW (61%). Berry’s unemployment rate of5.9% is less than the NSW unemployment rate of 7.2%.

The breakdown of employment activity in Berry in 2001 is shown in Table 4.5. The main employmentsources include retail, health, construction, accommodation and restaurants, property and educationwhich provide nearly 70% of all jobs. As with Gerringong many of these employment sectors servicethe tourist market in the region including retail and accommodation, cafes and restaurants. Alsoservices linked to the retirement and second property markets are prominent including health andcommunity services, construction, property and business services and personal and other services.

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Table 4.5: Berry employment by sector (2001)

Industry No. of jobs % of totalRetail 101 16Health and community services 95 15Construction 68 11Accommodation, cafes and restaurants 66 10Property and business services 59 9Education 52 8Manufacturing 50 8Agriculture, forestry and fishing 24 4Government, administration and defence 24 4Personal and other services 22 3Wholesale trade 18 3Other 64 9Total 643 100%Source: ABS Community Profile, 2001

Household structure

There were 702 dwellings identified from the 2001 census. Of these:

a) 563 (80.2%) were detached (greater than the NSW average of 64.1%);b) 9 (1.3%) were attached/semi-detached (lower than the NSW average of 8.5%);c) 50 (7.1%) were flats (lower than the NSW average of 16.3%); andd) 70 (10%) were unoccupied private dwelling (higher than the NSW average of 8.9%).

Travel patterns

Approximately 81% of the population drove to work (driver and/ or passenger), which is less than theNSW average of 78%. Approximately 1.5% were reliant on public transport (train only), which isgreater than the NSW average of 7.1%. There was no reliance on buses as a transportation method.

Income levels

Within Berry the:

e) Median weekly individual income is between $300-399 which is equal to the NSW average; andf) Median weekly family income between $700-799 which is lower than the NSW average of $800-


Economic performance indices

The Berry postcode (2535) averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage arecompared to those of NSW in. Table 4.6.

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Table 4.6: Berry averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage

SEIFA index Disadvantage Social-economicadvantage/



Education andoccupation

Berry 1037.7 999.5 963.0 1019.8NSW Average 1000.5 1015.3 1030.5 1009.7

Across all relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage indexes (except disadvantage andeducation and occupation), Berry displays a lower level of advantage than the NSW average. Theseresults indicate that within Berry there are a lower proportion of people with higher incomes, lowerlevels of employment in a skilled workforce, and those living in larger households.

4.3.3 Bomaderry


For the purpose of statistical analysis, the ABS has grouped both Nowra and Bomaderry (known asBomaderry in this report) together into one basic community profile. Therefore the results are not anexclusive reflection of the Bomaderry area.

As at 2001, Bomaderry had a total population of 28,876 persons, of these 48.9% were male and51.1% were female. The male population in Bomaderry is slightly lower than NSW, which was 49.4%.Nowra-Bomaderry covers an area of 210 square kilometres of the Shoalhaven LGA.

Of this total population, 75.9% are 15 and over with 14.1% 65 and over. The 15 and over age bracketwithin Bomaderry is slightly lower than the state average of 79.3%, and the total persons withinBomaderry over 65 was higher than the 13.1% of the state average.


The total Bomaderry labour force in 2001 was 12,059, and of these 1,177 (9.8%) were unemployed.At that time, 37.7% of the Bomaderry population aged 15 years or more were employed, which waslower than the proportion of those aged 15 years and over employed in NSW (61%). Bomaderry’sunemployment rate of 9.8% is greater than the NSW unemployment rate of 7.2%.

The breakdown of employment activity in Bomaderry in 2001 is shown in Table 4.7. The mainemployment sources include retail, manufacturing, government, health, property, construction,education and accommodation and restaurants which provide nearly 80% of all jobs. It is of note thatthis area (which includes Nowra) has a much higher number of manufacturing based jobs compared tothe other areas.

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Table 4.7: Bomaderry employment by sector (2001)

Industry No. of jobs % of totalRetail 2,007 18Manufacturing 1,241 11Government, administration and defence 1,239 11Health and community services 1,201 11Property and business services 876 8Construction 838 8Education 702 6Accommodation, cafes and restaurants 571 5Personal and other services 400 4Other 1,823 18%Total 10,898 100%Source: ABS Community Profile, 2001

Household structure

There were 11,530 dwellings identified from the 2001 census. Of these:

a) 9,151 (79.4%) were detached (greater than the state average of 64.1%);b) 431 (3.7%) were attached/semi-detached (lower than the state average of 8.5%);c) 845 (7.3%) were flats (lower than the state average of 16.3%); andd) 796 (6.9%) were unoccupied private dwelling (lower than the state average of 8.9%).

Travel patterns

Approximately 88% of the population drove to work (driver and/ or passenger), which is greater thanthe state average of 78%. Of these 921 (10.6%) were passengers, which is greater than the NSWaverage of 7.9%. Approximately 1% were reliant on public transport (bus and train), which issignificantly lower than the NSW average of 11.4%.

Income levels

Within Bomaderry the:

e) Median weekly individual income is between $300-399 which is equal to that of NSW; andf) Median weekly family income is between $700-799 which is lower than for NSW ($800-999).

Economic performance indices

The Bomaderry postcode (2541) averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage arecompared to those of NSW in Table 4.8.

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Table 4.8: Bomaderry averages for relative social-economic advantage/ disadvantage

SEIFA index Disadvantage Social-economicadvantage/



Education andoccupation

Bomaderry 933.5 939.2 936.0 942.6NSW Average 1000.5 1015.3 1030.5 1009.7

Across all relative social-economic advantage/disadvantage indexes Bomaderry displays a lower levelof advantage than the NSW average. These results indicate that within Bomaderry there are a lowerproportion of people with higher incomes, lower levels of employment in a skilled workforce, and thoseliving in larger households.

4.4 Summary of business activityTo further understand the types of businesses operating in the study area, an analysis of localbusiness has been undertaken. For ease of comparison various business types have beenaggregated as follows:

a) Accommodation – including guest houses, bed and breakfasts and hotels;b) Food and drink – including cafes, restaurants, bakeries and public houses;c) Services – including real estate, hair dressers, photographers, builders, electricians and

accountants;d) Retail – including clothing, gifts, wineries, supermarkets, newsagents, bookstores and music

shops; ande) Agriculture – including farming and horse related activities.

Table 4.9: Summary of Business Types in the Study Area

Category Gerringong Berry BomaderryAccommodation 12 53 4Food and drink 14 17 13Services 34 180 28Retail 11 65 21Agriculture 2 20 3Source: Gerringong Chamber of Commerce, Yellow Pages, Berry Chamber of Commerce website (

The full list of businesses is contained in Appendix A. Analysis of the detail of these lists confirms theconclusions drawn previously. Many of the business located in the Gerringong and Berry areas arefocussed on supporting the tourism industry as well as the second home and retirement markets.Whereas, an assessment of the Bomaderry list of businesses reveals a higher proportion ofmanufacturing and blue collar type employment activities.

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5.0 Community assets5.1 IntroductionWithin the project area there are a number of community assets that are of particular importance. It isimportant that the existing role of the community assets be carefully considered and integrated into theroute options assessment. Of particular interest are the “open space” and “special uses” land useareas. These community assets should be avoided or taken into consideration during the routeselection process.

5.2 GerringongSome of the key facilities that cater to the needs of the communities include Gerringong Town Hallwhich is a multifunctional facility that holds workshops, film screenings, library services, publicmeetings as well acting as a meeting place for a number of organisations. Mayflower RetirementVillage and associated buildings is a key facility which caters for the needs of the elderly within thecommunity. A number of Gerringong’s sporting/recreational facilities and assets are located at WerriBeach including Gerringong Bowling and Recreation Club which also hosts events at the clubhouse;tennis courts adjoining the bowling club; and a Surf Life Saving Club. Of particular interest to thisstudy are the following assets within the project area:

Open spaces and recreational facilities

a) Gerry Emery Reserve, Bridges Road.

5.3 BerryBerry has a wide range of community facilities and assets ranging from a number of places of worshipto sporting grounds, a variety of recreational facilities, educational facilities as well as basic facilitiesand services. Many of these facilities were provided when the town was first established including theold court house, hospital, post office and police station. Some of the key facilities that cater to theneeds of the Berry population include the Berry School of Arts which is run by the Berry CommunitiesActivity Centre which organises and runs a number of events for different interest groups. BerrySchool of Arts also provides a place where community organisations can hold their meetings andevents. Berry Showground is also a key asset which addresses the needs of outdoor events such asfairs and sporting events. Of particular interest to this study are the following assets within the projectarea:

Zone – special use

a) Berry Gateway Uniting Church - 69 Albert Street;b) St Lukes Anglican Church - 66-68A Princess Street;c) Berry Presbyterian Church - 81 Victoria Street;d) Berry Community Church - 34 Alexandra Street;e) St Patricks Catholic Church - 80 North Street;f) Berry School of Arts - 19 Princess Street (Berry Community Activities Centre);g) Court House - 58 Victoria Street;h) Berry Primary School - 42 Victoria Street;i) Accommodation for Aged and Disabled Persons - 10 Albany Lanej) Berry General Cemetery - Kangaroo Valley Road;k) Berry Sewerage Treatment Works off Wharf Road;l) CEM - Beach Road; andm) Waste Depot - 175 Agars Lane.

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Other facilities and assetsn) David Berry Hospital – 85 Tannery Road;o) Fire Brigade, 26 Prince Alfred Street;p) Broughton Vale Berry Rural Fire Brigade, 82 Albert Street;q) Police Station, 28 Victoria Street;r) Post Office, Princes Highway;s) Service Station, Alexandra Street;t) Scouts Hall, Wharf Road;u) Berry Masonic Village (Aged Care facility), 41 Albany Street;v) Berry Preschool Inc, 20-24 Edward Street; andw) Berry RSL Sub-Branch, 26 Alexander Street.

Open spaces and recreational facilities

x) Berry Showground, Station Road;y) Camp Quality Park, North Street;z) Berry Memorial Park, Gilliam Street;aa) Anzac Memorial Park, Alexandra Street;bb) Mark Radium Park, Princes Highway;cc) Apex Park, Albert Street;dd) Oval (adjoining berry Primary);ee) Berry Swimming Pool, Berry Showground (Hazel and David Berry Parks);ff) Berry Bowling Club, 140 Princes Highway;gg) Berry Sporting Complex, North Street;hh) Berry Riding Club, 445 Coolangatta Road; andii) Berry Tennis Club Ltd, North Street.

5.4 BomaderryThe key community facilities and assets in Bomaderry include Bomaderry Community Centre whichholds a number of functions and events; educational facilities including Bomaderry High, BomaderryPrimary, and Illawarra Institute of Technology Nowra College; and sporting/recreational facilitiesincluding Bomaderry Sporting Complex and Bomaderry Aquatic Centre.

Nowra is a key centre in the region and as a result provides primary facilities and services such asNowra Hospital. Bomaderry has a number of smaller and secondary facilities and services thatcomplement the services and facilities available in Nowra. Of particular interest to this study is thefollowing asset within the project area:

Open spaces and recreational facilities

a) Bomaderry Sporting Complex, Cocos Palm Drive.

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6.0 Summary of data review6.1 IntroductionAs part of the preliminary social-economic impacts assessment, a review of existing literature and datasources has been undertaken to identify the likely impacts which can result from road upgrades andbypass schemes. This review is divided into two main parts comprising:

a) A review of previous studies undertaken on the Princes Highway between Kiama and Nowra withregards to the key social economic issues; and

b) A review of the available data concerning the social economic impact of bypasses in bothAustralia and overseas.

A full list of the documents contained in Section 10 of this report. The results are summarised below.

6.2 Social and economic impacts identified in previous studiesSeveral studies have been undertaken since the early 1990s to identify a preferred route to upgradesections of the Princes Highway between Kiama and Nowra including a bypass around the town ofBerry. These studies that include social issue documentation include:

a) Gutteridge Haskins & Davey, 1991, Gerringong to Berry Route Study;b) ERM Mitchell McCotter, 1998, Berry Bypass Environmental Impact Assessment; andc) RTA, 2006, Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway Upgrade – Consultation Report.

Within these studies, a number of social issues were documented. The different categories of issuesreviewed are presented in Table 6.1.

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Table 6.1: Social impacts brought up in previous studies

Issue 1991 Study 1998 Study 2006 Study

Community identity and interaction

Community severance

Property severance

Route uncertainty (anxiety)

Amenity impacts

Construction impacts

Disruption of ‘peace and quiet’

Historic character

Impact to wildlife corridors

Loss of views


Operational impacts

Pollution/air quality

Privacy loss

Property access

Reduction in quality of life

Rural lifestyle/amenity

Scale of the bypass

Scenic amenity

Vegetation loss

Visual amenity


Restriction on expansion of Berry

Impacts to agricultural lands

Loss of produce

Changes to personal income

Impacts of acquisition

Property impacts (including acquisition)

Community and special social group needs

Access to services


Transport access – local road network

Natural hazards

The table identifies a broad range of impacts associated with the Gerringong to Bomaderry route.Visual amenity, property impacts, rural lifestyle/ amenity, pollution / air quality and operational impactsare cited in all three studies. This gives an early indication of the potential social impacts associatedwith the current route options study.

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6.3 General data review of bypass studies and impacts6.3.1 Evidence from NSW

There have been a number of bypass schemes implemented in NSW over the past two decades. Byreviewing the impacts of some of these road schemes on the local towns, it is possible to identifyissues which might need to be addressed as part of the current project. The RTA published a report6

which attempted to identify the economic impact of bypassing a number of towns as a result ofimprovements to the Hume Highway corridor in the 1980’s and 1990’s. The towns which wereassessed in the study included Goulburn, Yass, Mittagong, Gunning and Berrima.

One of the main findings of the report was that there were significant positive environmentalimprovements in the town centres assessed in terms of reductions in traffic congestion, noise and airpollution as well as road safety benefits and improved parking availability providing the potential toboost the towns’ amenity and attractiveness to visitors. These effects were expected to increase thelikelihood of motorists stopping in the towns and consequently would boost local economic activity.

The above study included an assessment of the local economies to determine the extent to whichbusinesses were reliant on highway generated trade for their income. Consequently, with a reductionin highway traffic directly through the towns following the implementation of bypass schemes, thestudy attempted to identify the direct and indirect impacts resulting from the reduction in highwaygenerated trade. The direct impacts were defined as those resulting from a reduction in expenditureby motorists stopping and staying in the town, and indirect impacts were defined as the reduction inthe value of purchases made by individual businesses from other businesses.

The report quantified the economic impacts in terms of changes in economic output (measured interms of business turnover) and employment. The results are summarised in Table 6.2.

Table 6.2: Summary of economic impacts on bypass towns in NSW

Indicator Goulburn Yass Gunning MittagongChange in grossretail turnover (%)

-4.9 -15.2 -11.4 n/a

Change inemployment (%)

-0.65 -4.5 -2.3 -0.44

Source: RTA, Evaluation of the economic impacts of bypass roads on country towns

The results of the analysis indicated that the economic impacts of bypass roads on local businesses,although noticeable, were less negative than had been predicted in other studies and might haveoriginally been predicted. The overall reduction in turnover ranged from -4.9% for Goulburn to -15.2%for Yass. In employment terms, the reduction was estimated to between -0.5% for Goulburn to -4.5%for Yass.

In terms of job losses, it was predicted that casual and part time employment accounted for 70% oftotal job losses. Moreover, the analysis indicated that the most affected businesses were thosedirectly serving the needs of the motorist including service stations, food outlets and to a lesser extentfood stores. The accommodation sector was found to be largely unaffected. The indirect effects weremeasured to be relatively minor.

It should be noted that the higher losses measured at Yass were partially offset by the development ofa new service station on the bypass road which generated a significant amount of new employmentand retail turnover.

6 RTA/ University NSW, Evaluation of the Economic Impacts of Bypass Roads on Country Towns, Final Report, 199660021933 - Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway UpgradePreliminary Social-Economic Impacts Report – August 2007 Page 22

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6.3.2 Comparative analysis with Berrima, Mittagong and Karuah

The Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics (BTCE) published a case study of theimpact on Berrima and Mittagong which were located on the old Hume Highway but were bypassedwhen the road was upgraded. The study looked at the impact of the bypass in terms of the effect onthe local economies. The “pre-bypass” economies of both towns were broadly similar with tourism andretailing being the most important industries. Berrima differed from Mittagong in that, like Berry, it wasand is a tourist destination in its own right possessing a number of historic buildings set in an attractivelandscape.

The results indicated that the completion of the bypass enhanced the tourist appeal of Berrima due tothe reduction in traffic through the town which improved the general environment of the town. In thecase of Mittagong, there was a minor decline in economic activity in the town following the bypass butthis largely related to highway based trade including take-away food shops, petrol stations and motels.In the longer term, it was expected that there would be a beneficial effect on the local economy as newtourist related businesses were expected to be established.

More recently, a study7 has been undertaken to look at the economic impact of the recent completionof the Karuah bypass. The analysis prior to the implementation of the bypass indicated that the townhad a large number (40-50% of the total) of businesses which were dependent on passing traffic.Consequently, it was envisaged that the bypass would have a significant detrimental impact on thesebusinesses. One year after opening a supplementary survey of businesses was undertaken. Theresults of this survey indicated that whilst there was a negative economic impact on the town, theextent of this impact was not as significant as originally envisaged. In many cases, the job losseswere part-time jobs which supplemented family incomes rather than representing the primary sourceof income. Furthermore, a number of measures have been put in place at a business level to mitigatethe bypass impacts including increased marketing and increased focus on local market compared tohighway trade. However, the report notes that “a surprising number of businesses have made noadjustments in response to the bypass. This is attributed to insufficient financial resources and aperception that the local Council is responsible for the economic recovery of the town”.

On the flip side, the report notes that the reduction of traffic and congestion from Karuah town centrehas created a significant improvement in the ambience of town with improvements in noise, air qualityand road safety, particularly in the vicinity of the local school.

6.3.3 Evidence from elsewhere

Following on from the wider literature review, a number of principles have been developed whichshould be borne in mind in developing the current scheme to ensure as many positive social andeconomic impacts while creating as few negative impacts as possible. These include the following:

1) The route should be close enough so that road users will stop at the townsThe location of the bypass is particularly important especially if there are other towns within a fewkilometres of the town to be bypassed (for example; Gerringong and Bomaderry’s location inrelation to Berry). Current literature outlines that distance from the bypass to the township, bothphysical and perceived, is very important to motorists and their decision whether to divert fromthe bypass and visit the town.

Johnson (2003) comments that if a bypass is greater than 5 kilometres from the bypassed town,motorists are less likely to turn off the highway and stop in the town. In general, the shorter thedistance the greater the appeal. Other studies in the USA attempt to apply mathematical modelsto assess potential impacts. While these studies are of limited relevance to the current routeselection study, they do reinforce the principle that towns are less likely to experience detrimentaleconomic impacts when the road bypass is close to the town.

7 The Economic and Social Impacts of the Karuah Bypass, The 1 Year Report, RTA/ University of Sydney60021933 - Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway UpgradePreliminary Social-Economic Impacts Report – August 2007 Page 23

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2) The route should, if possible, allow the town to be seen from the highwayThe ability of motorists to physically see a bypassed town from the bypass greatly increases thelikelihood that the motorist will visit the town. Importantly:

“A successful bypass is generally visible from the town. This appears to have some impact uponmotorist’s ability to turn off the highway and decide to stop in the town. The visual link providesan indication of the distance in and out of the town. The selection of the route needs to maintainsome level of visibility with the town. There need not be unimpeded visual linkages but sufficientto give a clear indication of perceived distance from the highway” (Johnson, 2003: 5).

The net result, when combined with the extra distance which would need to be travelled, is thatmotorists may continue along the highway without diverting off the bypass and visiting thetownship.

3) Interchanges and intersections should have regard to business needsIn addition to the distance of the actual route from the township and the visual linkages, a centralconsideration in later stages of the project will be the location and design of interchanges. Forexample, even if the highway route is located close to the town, this is of little benefit if theinterchanges are inappropriately located. Examples of this include Goulburn and Kiama where, inboth cases, the road is located close to the towns but because the interchanges are somedistance from town, motorists appear to be dissuaded from stopping.

The situations for Berry and Gerringong, although having inherent similarities, are fundamentallydifferent from each other and will need to be addressed in very different ways as the designprocess progresses to later stages where interchanges are addressed.

4) The route should not be so close that the rural character of the township is compromised.It is considered that options which involve the road being located very close to the Berry townshipperimeter would have considerable impacts on the rural character of the township. As a result, itis important that there is a balance between proximity and impact. For the bypass to be at asuitable distance from Berry to encourage motorists to divert from the bypass whilst still providingvisual links from the bypass to the town, there will undoubtedly be associated impacts.

In the case of Berry, it is important that view corridors along north/south aspect streets should notbe interrupted by potential northern or southern bypass route options. If the bypass was tooclose to the town, views could be significantly severed. As a result, the rural character of thetownship would be significantly compromised as views and the rural outlook would no longer beseen to the north of, and to a lesser extent, to the south of Berry. This is particularly significant inBerry as the township currently is renowned for its rural character. Any impact on this will changethe way the town is perceived by both tourists and locals.

The probability of any southern routes having such an effect is significantly less as the southernpart of Berry already experiences the physical barrier of the extant railway and its infrastructure.

In summary therefore, the key finding from literature review is that potential social-economicimpacts in relation to the bypassing of a town are affected by the following matters:

a) Proximity: The route should be close enough so that road users will stop at the towns;b) Visibility: The route should, if possible, allow the town to be seen from the highway;c) Appropriate location of interchanges: Interchanges and intersections should have regard to

business needs; andd) Impact of proximity: The route should not be so close that the rural character of the township

is compromised.

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7.0 Potential social-economic impacts7.1 IntroductionThe potential positive social impacts (in particular those related to safety, tourism, employment andeconomic development) associated with the project at a regional level are far-reaching. Whilst arange of positive impacts will be experienced, there is also a potential for the project to create negativesocial impacts. The purpose of this preliminary report is to identify the main potential social impactswhich could be experienced in the local area. This will allow these to be adequately addressed duringthe ongoing/future design processes. Accordingly, this methodology has sought to understand thoserisks which are potentially the most significant to the communities along the route.

To allow a better understanding of each of the potential impacts, we have developed six categories asfollows:

a) Community identity and interaction;b) Amenity impacts;c) Road related impacts;d) Economic (local and regional);e) Community and special social group needs; andf) Impacts of acquisition.

A description of types of potential impacts, and instances of these potential impacts identified to date,are provided below.

7.2 Community identity and interactionAt a local level, this group of potential impacts is one of the most critical in understanding how theproposal could change the structure of the community and the manner in which it may respond to theproposal.

a) Social cohesion: Social cohesion has a number of definitions, but the over-arching definition isthat it is, “all that which brings people together”8. It is also seen as being the ongoing process ofdeveloping a community of shared values, shared challenges and equal opportunities based on asense of trust, hope and reciprocity.

b) Severance: Severance refers to the extent to which the proposal or related activities (duringconstruction or operation) has the potential to physically divide a community. That is, this impactfocuses on identifying those project elements which could reduce the level of integration within acommunity based largely on the physical nature of the infrastructure. Areas that have thepotential to be significantly impacted by severance include:- Agricultural land to the east of the existing Princes Highway; this includes land holdings

severed internally by the new road;- The township of Berry for example:

• Impacts associated with new subdivision to the north west of the town from the existingtownship;

• Severance of the North Street sports fields from the existing township of Berry; and• Severance of the sport and recreation camp to south from the existing township of


8 European New Towns Platform (

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- The township of Gerringong for example:• Potential increased severance of the town centre if adequate access arrangements are

not ensured.

c) Community identity: Community identity refers to a condition where the community has adistinctive identity. This identity is often developed as a result of evolution based on thosecharacteristics of the community which contribute to its distinctiveness from other communities.For example the three towns on the route have three different identities (coastal town, rural/market town and large urban) – while the agricultural land holdings to the east of the PrincesHighway and the hobby farms to the west of the Princes Highway which have rural/farmingidentities.

d) Social interaction: Social interaction refers generally to the extent to which individual or groupactions promote a high level of interaction. Social interactions associated with a project of thisnature are likely to fall into the following types:- Deliberate: This may take the form of opposition to, or support for, the project or certain

project elements. Deliberate interaction is most likely to occur in the lead up to the projectand during project construction phase. For example, resident action groups or certainstakeholders in the community who hold a certain view are likely to interact with each other(both positively and negatively) in response to the proposal.

- Accidental: Accidental social interaction is likely to be generated and promoted – especiallyduring the operation phase of the project – and includes the interaction experienced by“bumping into” people, be it neighbour, colleague or friend.

- Common: This is the interaction which we experience simply living in a community and refersto the relationships which develop between individuals within the community who, forwhatever reason, commonly see and interact with each other. Examples include a shop-keeper or other person who spends significant time in a community.

e) Community assets: Related to the above elements is the role of community assets in promotingcohesion and interaction among community members. This is especially relevant for Berry as it islocated effectively in the middle of the project area. The extent to which these assets aredetrimentally affected by the project (either directly or indirectly) will determine the likely socialimpacts caused. Similarly, the impact recommended mitigation measures adopted to manage theimpacts will also be important considerations, including the potential for new open space andimproved connectivity.

f) Uncertainty: The feeling of uncertainty is well known. In short it is the feeling of doubt orinsecurity driven by not knowing what the result of an action may be. In relation to the project, theconcept of uncertainty will be common, and in particular during this conceptual phase where anumber of variables exist. This will be experienced throughout the project area.

7.3 Amenity impactsAmenity impacts will be created both during construction and operational project phases. For thepurposes of this initial report, the following contributory elements have been identified as being thosewhich are most likely to create impacts on the existing levels of amenity in the localities along theproposed route:

a) Loss of flora and fauna: Along the proposed project corridor, the role of vegetation and animalhabitat contributes significantly to the level of residential amenity. In addition to visual impacts,from a social perspective, flora and fauna also plays an important role in providing a respite fromthe urban form. Therefore, loss of vegetation as a result of the project may contribute to areduction in this amenity throughout the project area.

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b) Noise and vibration: Noise and vibration created during both the construction and operationalphases may create impacts on residential amenity unless appropriate design and mitigationmeasures are adopted. Key elements likely to be associated with this project include:- Construction noise (machinery, excavation, tunnelling etc): This is likely to be a major

contributor to negative impacts on the amenity along the project corridor as the new road isbuilt. The variables are numerous in terms of how this element will affect different parts ofthe corridor in different ways.; and

- Operational noise: This is likely to be a major contributor to both negative and positiveimpacts on the amenity along the project corridor. The variables are numerous in terms ofhow this element will affect different parts of the corridor in different ways.

c) Visual impacts: Visual impacts can have very significant impacts upon the amenity of an area asa result of a changed landscape and introduced structures associated with the project. Keyelements likely to be associated with this project include:- Scenic amenity;- Scale of the infrastructure; and- Loss of views.

d) Pollution/air quality: Pollution can lead to significant impacts upon the amenity of the area.Pollution has the potential to be experienced through the construction phase of the upgrade andalso during operation as a result of the potential greater volume of vehicles.

7.4 Road related impactsAny major project of this nature has the potential to have significant road related impacts. Some of themain road related impacts which can be expected to be associated with the project include:

a) Road safety: Road safety is an important social impact, both for current and future safety.Sections of the highway between Gerringong and Bomaderry have a poor accident record andlimited safe overtaking opportunities. The project area (and other areas further south) will gainpositively in terms of safety from a social perspective. A bypass of Berry will provide verysignificant improvements to road safety.

b) Road closures and changes and provision of access to new road: The change of classification ofthe Princes Highway has the potential to reduce the number of access roads directly accessingthe Princes Highway. This has the potential to require further acquisition for service roads,increased journey time for residents and further disruption to the immediate residents. However,as a result, safety will be enhanced on the upgraded Princes Highway. Detailed arrangementsfor access will be developed in the next phase of the project.

c) Displacement and provision of safe pedestrian crossings, paths and cycleways: Depending onthe location of the upgrade and the variation from the existing Princes Highway, there is thepotential for displacement of safe pedestrian crossings, paths and cycleways. However, one ofthe requirements of the upgrade is to provide safe pedestrian and cyclist facilities.

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7.5 EconomicsAny major project of this nature has the potential to have significant local economic impacts. Some ofthe main economic impacts which can be expected to be associated with the project include:

a) Employment: Employment would be generated during the construction phase of the project.Such employment is likely to draw people from around NSW and range from highly skilled tounskilled. During the operational phase, employment would be increased as a result of improvedeconomic activity in the locality and the region. In terms of the regional effects, improvedconnectivity to the South Coast of NSW will enhance business opportunities in the area as well assupporting the existing tourism industry in the area including Jervis Bay, Bateman’s Bay andUlladulla. In addition, industries in the Nowra area will benefit from increased accessibility tomarkets and raw materials in the Sydney and Wollongong areas.

b) Local business impacts: The project would have the potential to create both positive and negativeimpacts on local non-farm businesses including:- Potential short term negative impacts due to construction impacts and potential long-term

impacts if the project resulted in changes to travel arrangement and urban form. Thosebusiness most likely affected are those most dependant on highway traffic including servicestations, eateries and some food stores in the retail sector. Establishments providingaccommodation (motels and hotels) are less likely to be affected;

- Potential long term negative impacts during operation if the upgrade bypasses too far fromBerry. Likewise appropriate access to Gerringong will be required to ensure the localeconomy is not negatively affected by the upgrade. In the case of the latter, the solution willneed to facilitate through traffic movements and encourage road users to turn off thehighway to visit the locality. These access arrangements will developed in more detail in thenext phase of the study;

- Improved ability to obtain and retain a workforce with the appropriate skills (which may notbe available in the local community) as a result of improved inter-connectivity with theregional labour market; and

- Loss of produce resulting from lower agricultural output.

c) Impacts on agricultural/farm lands: Agricultural and farm lands will be affected if the upgradedroad passes directly through an agricultural property or if access is reduced. As well as loss ofproductive land, farmers can incur additional costs in moving or replacing high cost equipmentsuch as milking machines.

d) Household finances: Household finances could be affected by the project in a number of waysincluding:- Reduced travel costs; and- Changes due to employment opportunity improvements, both locally and regionally.

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7.6 Community and special social group needsServices and facilities for special social groups may be impacted by the project. The social groupsinclude:

a) Disabled;b) People from a non-English speaking background ;c) Children and young people;d) Indigenous peoples; ande) The aged.

Community health, including for special groups has the potential to be impacted by a project of thisscale. At a broad level, reduced air pollution and increased road safety as a result of reduced cartravel through towns and higher standard roads, augmented by an improvement in access to highlevel medical facilities outside the study area has the potential to increase health levels.

7.7 Impacts of acquisitionThe construction of the upgrade would require the acquisition of land along the route. The land wouldbe acquired under the terms of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991. Section 55of the act allows for the following matters to be considered in determining the amount of compensationto which a person in entitled:

a. The market value of the land on the date of its acquisition;b. Any special value of the land to the person on the date of its acquisition;c. Any loss attributable to severance;d. Any loss attributable to disturbance; ande. Solatium (meaning compensation to a person for a non financial disadvantage resulting from the

necessity to re-locate their residence as a result of the acquisition).

Despite the above mitigation measures, compulsory acquisition of property can potentially create anumber of social impacts which are summarised in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Social impacts associated with acquisition

Residential Commercial/Employment

Rural/Agricultural Industrial

• Anxiety• Amenity• Financial distress• Isolation• Severance from

community• Reduced


• Financialconcerns

• Relocation costs• Locating suitable


• Staff anxiety• Operational

difficulties• Market impacts

• Loss ofagricultural landand production

• Recognition ofdifferential landvalues within afarm a/

• Relocation costs• Locating suitable


• Reducedsubdivisionpotential

• Financialconcerns

• Relocation costs• Locating suitable


• Staff anxiety• Operational

difficulties• Market impacts

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Note: a/ For example, high ground is more valuable than low land (cattle can be moved to high groundduring flooding) and paddocks close to homestead are more valuable than those further away(security of cattle at night).

Within the various rural and agricultural land uses, the impacts that may be most detrimental are inregards to reduced subdivision potential with reduction in lot sizes. There are a large number ofsubdivision controls within both Shoalhaven City and Kiama Council’s planning controls which wouldbe affected by any reduction in lot size. In Shoalhaven, there are controls that mitigate this bypermitting the erection of houses with consent as long as it was permissible before the land wasacquired for the purpose of a public main or arterial road. However, there are no controls that addressmitigation measures for allotments that will no longer meet minimum lot sizes for subdivision due toacquisition for the highway. In Kiama, there are no mitigation measures for the loss of subdivision anderection of a dwelling house potential.

7.8 Community involvement – perceived social and economic issuesCommunity involvement is an integral part of any social-economic assessment process and impactanalysis should include the effect of people’s values, social dynamics, and beliefs about particularevents. Those people directly affected are in the best position to say how they actually experienceevents, and people’s own predictions are a significant component of their behaviour and hence socialimpacts. Community involvement will afford the broader community the opportunity to make ademonstrable input to the process and to ensure that any issues or concerns are adequately andappropriately addressed.

As route options become refined, further involvement mechanisms will be used to keep the communityinformed and to enable the project team to gain an understanding of key community issues related toeach route option

Key involvement activities undertaken between May 2006 and August 2007 include:

a) Community information sessions and information stands in May 2006;b) Planning Focus Meeting with representatives from various agencies and stakeholder groups in

September 2006;c) Three community information sessions in February 2007;d) Interest group workshop in April 2007;e) Individual meetings with the Gerringong and Berry Chambers of Commerce;f) Individual meetings with local councils, Local Aboriginal Land Council representatives and other

local interest groups;g) Specialist information sessions held in Berry in August 2007.

Based on the six categories identified previously in this chapter, in section the Table 7.2 identifies thebroad impacts and sub themes that have emerged through the consultation process to date.

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Table 7.2: Social and economic issues identified during study consultation

Broad social Impact Sub ThemesCommunity Identity and interaction Community connections

SeveranceUncertaintyLand use – agricultural

Amenity Impacts Operational impactsIncrease in heavy vehicle trafficConstruction impactsFloodingNoise,WaterAir qualityVisual amenityEuropean and indigenous heritage

Road related Impacts Cycle waysRoad SafetyIncrease in road TrafficAccess

Economic impacts Impacts to farm and non-farm businessAboriginal employmentAdequate access roads to support economicactivity and encourage tourist traffic;

Impacts of acquisition Property and land acquisition

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8.0 Summary of key social and economic impactsThe considerations required to address the key potential social impacts during the route selectionprocess are outlined in Table 8.1. Some of the project considerations associated with other social andeconomic impacts will, by their nature, conflict with other considerations. For example, in terms ofsafety it would be preferable to limit direct access to the road; however this has negative implicationsin terms of social interaction and access to community facilities. For the purposes of this preliminaryreport however, these potential conflicts highlight the importance of the value management processwhere this information will be utilised.

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Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts

Potential social impacts Social considerations Project considerationsExisting social cohesion a) Route options selected need to minimise social tensions

by avoiding clear “winners and losers”; andb) Transparent communication of options and option

development process.Potential severance issues around/within Berry c) Where possible, minimise impacts to sports fields;

d) Attempt to avoid severance between Berry and existingcommunity assets; and

e) Attempt to avoid severance between Berry and newdevelopment to the north-west.

Potential severance issues around/within agricultural landholdings within the project area

f) Attempt to avoid internal acquisition of land that willgeographically sever areas of larger land holdings; and

g) Identify opportunities for access across the road wherethis cannot be avoided (culverts and underpasses).

Community identity of Berry, and the impact of an upgrade onperception of this identity

h) Identify options which reinforce the special character ofBerry while not compromising its role as touristdestination.

Community identity of rural areas, and the impact of an upgradeon perception of this identity

i) Select options which reinforce the special rural characterof the agricultural lands within the project area;

j) Attempt to avoid significant impacts on key viewcatchments;

k) Facilitate movement of agricultural goods/machinery andstock; and

l) Minimise impacts on local rural roads.

Community identity andinteraction

Community assets such as special uses and open space m) Attempt to avoid acquisition of community assets suchas special uses and open space;

n) Attempt to avoid severance of community assets fromtowns and key rural localities; and

o) Develop improved accessibility between the study areaand community assets.

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Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts cont’d.

Potential social impacts Social considerations Project considerationsSocial interaction p) Minimise impacts which could be experienced through

increased travel times to the three urban areas orGerringong, Berry and Bomaderry.

Community identity andinteraction (cont.)

Uncertainty q) Provide as much clarity in the communication processused to develop the options; and

r) Provision of some certainty in terms of funding andtiming.

Loss of flora and fauna s) Take into account routes running through significantand/or substantial areas of flora and fauna;

t) Take into account routes running through areas ofendangered flora and fauna; and

u) Promote retention of flora to preserve the pre-existingresidential and rural amenity and to provide a break fromthe upgraded infrastructure.

Noise and vibration during construction v) Options which are located further from existingresidences; and

w) Consideration of construction methods – includingaccess, excavation methods etc.

Noise and vibration during operation x) Locate the upgrade at a reasonable distance fromresidences.

Construction traffic and related impacts y) Consideration of construction methods.Operational traffic and related impacts z) Locate the upgrade at a reasonable distance from

residences; andaa) Consideration of potential mitigation measures.

Amenity impacts

Visual impacts, notably scenic amenity, scale of the new roadand loss of views

bb) Ensure retention of flora to preserve the pre-existingresidential/scenic amenity and to provide a break fromthe upgraded infrastructure;

cc) Identify options which consider the existing topographyand potential view catchments; and

dd) Consider sharing of potential impacts.

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Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts cont’d.

Potential social impacts Social considerations Project considerationsAmenity impacts (cont.) Pollution/air quality ee) Identification of routes which involve shortest distance

and smallest grade changes.Road safety ff) Limit direct access to the new road;

gg) Develop route options that have horizontal and verticalgeometry which will provide optimum road safety; and

hh) Consider options which minimise conflicts with localroad and access ways

Road closures, changes and provision of access to new road ii) Provide suitable service roads to connect existingaccess roads to the new road; and

jj) Consider options which minimise conflicts with localroad and access ways.

Road related impacts

Displacement and provision of safe pedestrian crossings, pathsand cycle ways.

kk) Consider options which minimise conflicts with key cycleand pedestrian paths; and

ll) Consideration of routes which would allow use of thecorridor by cyclists or provide alternative routes.

Economic Local business and employment Impacts mm) Although complicated (and expensive) route optionswould be avoided, regardless of the relative complexityand cost, the project will still involve very substantialemployment (both locally and regionally);

nn) Apart from the construction phase of the project, the keyemployment related impact (in terms of route selection)is likely to relate to employment in Berry, Gerringongand the surrounding rural area;

oo) Route and road configurations which seek to protect thelocal economy may include retaining a proximity to Berryso that its role as a service centre and tourist destinationis protected;

pp) Proximity to Berry and multiple exits from the highway toBerry and Gerringong may assist; and

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Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts cont’d.

Potential social impacts Social considerations Project considerationsImpacts on agricultural lands qq) Investigate alleviating strategies to minimise any

adverse impacts on the local economy throughpromotion of tourism and recreation in the area,initiatives to stimulate the retail and commercial sectorsof Berry and Gerringong, improvements to streetscapein Berry and Gerringong to attract visitors, considerbusiness adjustment initiatives as well as advertisingand marketing campaigns;

rr) Access to the highway from local roads will be importantin protecting rural operations

ss) The selection of routes which minimize impacts on thekey productive areas and access points.

Household finances tt) Impacts mainly related to business and agriculturalproduction impacts, acquisition, any increase in carreliance, increased journey times to key destinations.

Road safety uu) A fatal accident costs the community around $1.7millionand a serious accident costs around $450,000; and

vv) Routes and road formats (horizontal and verticalalignments etc) which promote road safety to bepromoted.

Economic (cont.)

Impacts on property development potential ww) Issues relating to subdivision potential, dwellingentitlements and concessionary allotments are to beconsidered in route option selection.

Community and specialsocial group needs

Impacts on services and facilities for special social groups xx) Distance of the new road to these services and facilities;yy) Develop improved accessibility between the study area

and community assets;zz) Avoid acquisition of community assets such as special

uses and open space; andaaa) Avoid severance of community assets from towns and

key rural localities.

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Table 8.1: Summary of key social impacts cont’d.

Potential social impacts Social considerations Project considerationsImpacts of acquisition Partial or whole acquisition of property a1) Routes with less acquisition impacts are preferable; and

b1) Take into consideration past/future subdivision potentialwith the objective of having as little direct impacts onfuture development potential.

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9.0 Next StepsThe proposed upgrade of this section of the Princes Highway is being developed in a way that isecologically sustainable and achieves the optimum balance of community, environmental, engineeringand economic interests. The process to identify a preferred option will result from the ongoing work inthe next phase of the study. This involves the short listing of a few route options which will be thesubject of more detailed assessment. This will include further consultation with the local communityand project stakeholders to ensure that all relevant issues relating to the short listed options havebeen properly examined. It is currently envisaged that community responses will be recorded at aseries of events collectively comprising the route options display.

The short listed options will subject to further analysis which will be brought together through a valuemanagement process which will include a workshop. Participants at the workshop will comprise thestudy team (including RTA), government agencies, other stakeholders and community members. Theprocess is tailored to ensure that the interests of all stakeholders are considered in the decisionmaking process. The conclusion will assist the selection of a preferred route that provides the bestoverall outcome and not necessarily one that is just the best in terms of social and or economicgrounds.

The recommendations of the value management process will be considered together with the ongoingand more detailed analysis into the short list of route options; the outcome being the recommendedpreferred route. Following approval and announcement of the preferred route by the Minister forRoads, a full concept design for the preferred route will be developed.

Following the announcement of the preferred route, the land acquisition process will commence. Inparallel with that, the concept design will be the subject of environmental assessment. The conceptdesign will be developed in line with the findings of the environmental assessment and to enableconstruction contracts to be let. Construction of the upgrade is likely to be delivered in a number ofpackages and will take several years.

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10.0 ReferencesThe following sources were referenced during the course of the study:

Australian Bureau of Statistics (2001) Census of Population And Housing – Socio–Economic IndexesFor Areas, Australia.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2001 Data, Shoalhaven Local Government Area National RegionalProfile.

Kiama Municipal Council Community Profile: 2004-2009. March 2004. p3.Kiama Municipal Council Social Plan: 2004-2009. March 2004. p8.Planning Issues by Dan Johnson, Planning and Design Symposium 2003.Roads and Traffic Authority, Shoalhaven City Council and Department of Transport & Regional

Services, Upgrade of MR92: Environmental Impact Statement.Shoalhaven City Council Community Plan 2005-2010, p1Shoalhaven City Council Website, Date accessed: 17th January 2006.Shoalhaven City Council, October 2006. Tourism In The Shoalhaven: Profile And Statement of

Economic Impact For the year ending 31 December 2005.Shoalhaven City Council, May 2003, Role of Shoalhaven City Council in Promoting Tourism to the City

of Shoalhaven. Region - Economic Impact of Tourism Report Year Ended Dec 2005, p15.Draft RTA Project Estimating Manual 2006;TA. 2006 Gerringong to Bomaderry Princes Highway Upgrade – Consultation Report;Quantm Kiama to Nowra Strategic Analysis of Corridor Options Final Report July 2005;ERM Mitchell McCotter, July 1998. Berry Bypass Environmental Impact Assessment;1998 North Street Berry Bypass Corridor;Department of Public Works and Services, March 1996. RTA – Princes Highway, Berry Bypass

Project: Value Management Study;1991 Gerringong to Berry route study;Evaluation of the Economic Impacts of Bypass Roads on County Towns, Final Project Report, 1996,

RTA/ University of NSW;Evaluation of the Economic Impacts of Bypass Roads on Country Towns, A good Practice Guide,

1996, RTA/ University of NSW;Berry Chamber of Commerce website (accessed

13th August 2007);Working Paper 11, The Effects on Small Towns of Being Bypassed by a Highway: A Case Study of

Berrima and Mittagong, 1994, Bureau of Transport and Communications Economics (BTCE);and

The Karuah Highway Bypass, Economic and Social Impacts, The 1 Year Report, RTA/ University ofSydney.

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Further to the above documents, a literature review of the following documents has been carried out:

Anderson, M and R Souleyrette, 1998, Transportation conference proceedings. Quick-ResponseBypass Forecasting for Small Urban Communities Using an Economic Gravity Model forExternal Trip Analysis, (Iowa: USA);

Chase, M and K Gustavson, 2004, Economic impacts of highway bypass development oncommunities (Nova Scotia: Canada);

Comer. J and G. Finchum, 2004, Modeling the Influence of Highway Bypasses and Population onBusiness Activities in “Papers of the Applied Geography Conferences”, v.27, (Oklahoma,USA);

Comer. J, Finchum G, and A Coleman, 2000, A Methodology Using Geographic Information Systemsto Evaluate Socioeconomic Data Concerning Impact of Highway Bypasses in Oklahoma in“Oklahoma Academy of Science”, v.80, p79-89 (Oklahoma, USA);

J Comer, 2001, Business Impacts of Highway Bypasses in “Papers and proceedings of the AppliedGeography Conferences”, v.24, November 2001 (Oklahoma, USA);

Planning Issues by Dan Johnson, Planning and Design Symposium 2003;Srinivasan, S and Kockelman, The Impacts of Bypasses on Small- and Medium-Sized Communities:

An Econometric Analysis, (Texas: USA);Urban and Regional Planning Program (URPP), University of Sydney, and the Karuah Community and

Economic Redevelopment Committee (KCERC), July 2004, Karuah Community and EconomicRedevelopment Plan. Options and Opportunities: Karuah after the Bypass.

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Appendix A List of businesses in the study area

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Appendix A List of businesses in the study areaCategory codes: A – accommodation; F – food and drink; R – retail (excl food and drink); S – services; AG – agricultural

Berry business listNo. Business Address Contact Business type Category

1. Berry IGA Supermarket 123 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Leeanne SaundersPhone: (02) 4464 1239

Everyday essentialR

2. Berry Newsagency 100 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

George WaddellPhone: (02) 4464 1025 Fax:4464 2098

Everyday essentialR

3. Berry Pharmacy 113 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ross HobsonPhone: (02) 4464 1091

Everyday essentialR

4. Berry Post Office 109 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

John & Paul MarquisPhone: (02) 4464 1007

Everyday essentialS

5. Christopher SimnadisDental Surgeon

First Floor, 84 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Christopher Simnadis B.D.S.Phone: (02) 4464 1055

Everyday essentialS

6. National Australia BankBerry

106 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Lyndal MortynPhone: (02) 4464 1403

Everyday essentialS

7. Nelsons Meats Berry 129 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Michael Wedd, Nathan AlcockPhone: (02) 4464 1063

Everyday essentialR

8. Shell Berry 79 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Joe SolaPhone: (02) 4464 2405

Everyday essentialR

9. Bangalee Motel Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Arne JensenPhone: (02) 4464 1305 Fax:(02) 4464 2139


10. Berry Village BoutiqueMotel

72-76 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Grant & Margaret SymondsPhone: (02) 4464 3570 Fax:(02) 4464 3580


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category11. George Street Cottage 32 George Street

Berry NSW 2535Deidre & Mike EllardPhone: (02) 4464 1580 Fax:(02) 4464 2151


12. Marigold Cottage 7 Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Deidre & Mike EllardPhone: (02) 4464 1580 Fax:(02) 4464 2151


13. The Bunyip Inn Bed andBreakfast

122 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Alan & Diane MahonyPhone: (02) 4464 2064


14. The Cottage 64 Princes StreetBerry NSW 2535

Elders Berry to make yourbookingPhone: (02) 4464 1600


15. Berry Hotel 120 Queen Street BerryNSW 2535

Colin Waller & Jeff EvansPhone: (02) 4464 1011 Fax: 4446 0478


16. Beach Road Bed &Breakfast

290 Beach RoadBerry NSW 2535

Sandra BernerPhone: (02) 4464 1454 Fax:(02) 4464 1454


17. Back Forest Retreat 38 Back Forest Road,Back ForestVia BerryBerry NSW 2535

Alan Robinson & NaomiSpencerPhone: (02) 4422 4166



18. Bellawongarah at Berry B& B Country Retreat

869 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBellawongarah NSW2535

Deb MitchellPhone: (02) 4464 1999 Fax:4464 1988



19. Broughton Mill FarmGuest House & CookingSchool

78 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Rick Gainford & Jenny ClaphamPhone: (02) 4464 2446 Fax:(02) 4464 1621



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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category20. Bundara Farm Cottage 18 Wire Lane

Berry NSW 2535Alan & Julee JonesPhone: (02) 4464 1565 Fax:(02) 4464 2997


21. Coolangatta EstateHistoric Village & Winery

R1335 Bolong RoadCoolangatta NSW 2535

Greg and Eileen BishopPhone: (02) 4448 7131 Fax:(02) 4448 7997

Accommodation / wineryA

22. Far Meadow Lodge B & B 199 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Julie and Geoff WebbPhone: 4448 5500 Fax: 44485388


23. Jaspers Brush B & B 465 Strongs RoadJaspers Brush NSW2535

Ian & Leonie WinlawPhone: (02) 4448 6194


24. River Farm Enterprises 369 Comerong IslandRoadTerara NSW 2540

Richard MarshallPhone: (02) 9247 7298 Fax:(02) 9241 4842


25. The Clifton Club CedarvaleJasper Brush NSW2535

Danni MurrayPhone: (02) 9960 4545 Fax:(02) 9960 2850


26. The Silos Estate VineyardCottages

B640 Princes HighwayJaspers Brush NSW2535

Sophie Cockayne & RajarshiRayPhone: (02) 4448 6082 Fax:(02) 4448 6246



27. The Yurt at Lothlorien 912 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBellawongarah NSW2535

Bob Ashford & Noreen GilesPhone: (02) 4464 1574



28. Willowvale Berry 290 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Lorna & David WardlePhone: (02) 4464 1968 Fax:(02) 4464 1968


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category29. Wombat Hill Bed &

Breakfast1010 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBellawongarah NSW2535

Trish JessopPhone: (02) 4464 1924



30. George Street Cottage 32 George StreetBerry NSW 2535

Deidre & Mike EllardPhone: (02) 4464 1580 Fax:(02) 4464 2151


31. Berry First National RealEstate

114 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Cherylee ElliottPhone: (02) 4464 1966 Fax:(02) 4464 2076

Real estateS

32. Elders Real Estate 121 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Brian McGoldrickPhone: (02) 4464 1600 Fax:(02) 4464 1923

Real estateS

33. Harcourts Real Estate Shop 1, 65 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Michael O'GormanPhone: (02) 4464 2800

Real estateS

34. Berry Interiors Shops 9 &10,97 Queen Street Cnr.Queen & Alexandra Sts(upstairs abovePottering Around)Berry NSW 2535

Maria CarterPhone: (02) 4464 1205 Fax:(02 4464 1205

Retail – Antiques and Collectables & Art, craft anddesign


35. Broughton Antiques 118 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Robin NinkovPhone: (02) 4464 1036

Retail – Antiques and CollectablesR

36. Claringbold's FineJewellery, Antiques andGifts

117 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Margot ClaringboldPhone: (02) 4464 2440 Fax:(02) 4464 2512

Retail – Antiques and CollectablesR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category37. Flying Pig Precinct 12-14 Alexandra Street

Berry NSW 2535Nell McNally and Tony PackPhone: (02) 4464 3402

Retail – Art, craft and design & gallery & gardenR

38. Precinct Galleries 12-14 Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Nell McNally and Tony PackPhone: (02) 4464 3402 Fax:(02) 4464 3426

Retail – Art, craft and design & galleryR

39. Berry Music Centre Shop 5 94 - 96 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Jenni & Colin AndrewsPhone: (02) 4464 1284 Fax:(02) 4464 1284

Retail – Books and music


40. Global Contact Bookstore 131 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Michele Darlington & PatsyGriffithsPhone: (02) 4464 2121

Retail – Books and musicR

41. Our Book Shop Shop 1, 89 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Kate Khoury & Gaynor SimsPhone: (02) 4464 3448

Retail – Books and musicR

42. Bedroom Bliss 102 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Bonnie Armstrong & LeighScullyPhone: (02) 4464 3336 Fax:(02) 4464 3336

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and Accessories


43. Berry Country Cottage 116 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Karen Oberdoff-FyffePhone: (02) 4464 1692

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and AccessoriesR

44. Berry Shoes &Accessories

Shop 2 & 3, 98 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Jean SorensenPhone: (02) 4464 2126 Fax:(02) 4464 2126

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and Accessories


45. Blue Illusion Shop 2 /65 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Lesley CarringtonPhone: (02) 4464 2480

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and AccessoriesR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category46. Juniper Hearth cnr Alexandra and

Princess StreetBerry NSW 2535

Bob & Noreen AshfordPhone: (02) 4464 3367

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and AccessoriesR

47. Simply Red Shop 3, 68 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Katrina Owen & JohnUnderwoodPhone: (02) 4464 3088

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and AccessoriesR

48. The Berry Barn Samantha & NigelBrookesPhone: (02) 4464 2200

119A Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Retail - Clothing, Shoes and AccessoriesR

49. GoldFish Gifts and Toys Shop 2, 62 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Elisa DoroPhone: (02) 4464 3332

Retail - Confectionary & KidsR

50. The Treat Factory Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Leon & Karin MaxwellPhone: (02) 4464 1112

Retail - Confectionary & KidsR

51. Lightstorm Photography Albert Court, AlbertStreetBerry NSW 2535

Sue & Brian KendrickPhone: (02) 4464 3165

Retail - GalleryR

52. Pottering Around 97 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Chris Ball & Chris MulcahyPhone: (02) 4464 2177 Fax:(02) 4464 3188

Retail – Garden & HomewaresR

53. haven and space Corner Albert &Alexandra StreetsBerry NSW 2535

Barbara SlatyerPhone: (02) 4464 2554 Fax:(02) 4464 1538

Retail - homewaresR

54. Huckleberry Home Shop 2, 94 - 96 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Karen Peat & Michele LacePhone: (02) 4464 3881 Fax:(02) 4464 3882

Retail - homewares


55. Quest On Queen 108 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

James Roberts & Daniel ShortPhone: (02) 4464 3044


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category56. Scullys of Berry 83 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Sue & Peter MantonPhone: (02) 4464 2228


57. Sew & Tell Shop 2 & 3, 133 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Karen & Michelle StieperPhone: (02) 4464 2428 Fax:(02) 4464 2428



58. The Living Room Shop 5 & 6, AlexandraStreetBerry NSW 2535

Jan & Tony LewisPhone: (02) 4464 3777 Fax:(02) 4464 3777



59. Utopia Furnishings Shop 1, 97-99 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Fay & Phil HahnPhone: (02) 4464 1795


60. Berry Shoes &Accessories

Shop 2 & 3, 98 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Jean SorensenPhone: (02) 4464 2126 Fax:(02) 4464 2126



61. Global Contact Bookstore 131 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Michele Darlington & PatsyGriffithsPhone: (02) 4464 2121


62. Berry Bizarre Craft Shop Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Phone: (02) 4464 2500 RetailR

63. Berry CommunityActivities Centre

Prince Alfred StreetP.O. Box 244Berry NSW 2535

Phone: (02) 4464 1476 RetailR

64. The Berry PatchworkShop

70 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Elizabeth Dubbelde & AlanSmithPhone: (02) 4464 3387


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category65. Pretty Parcels 97 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Cheryl & Robert FrenchamPhone: (02) 4464 2418


66. Karen & Michelle Stieper Shop 2 & 3, 133 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Phone: (02) 4464 2428 Fax:(02) 4464 2428


67. Berry CommunityActivities Centre

Prince Alfred StreetP.O. Box 244Berry NSW 2535

Information or bookingsCall Friday between 10am -3.30pmPhone: (02) 4464 1476



68. Giggle at Berry 639 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Paul WilsonPhone: (02) 4464 1572


69. Good Wool Store 49 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Andrew KillenPhone: (02) 4464 2081


70. Paradwys Lavender Farm 961c Bolong Rd,Coolangatta via BerryNSW 2535

Erwin Way & Kate RobertsPhone: (02) 4448 8023


71. Berry Country Rooster 109 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Bob HillPhone: (02) 4464 2240


72. Berry Happy Inn 127 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Peter & Judy HaPhone: (02) 4464 1136


73. Berry Jetz Café 1/94 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Elle & Ken HuttPhone: (02) 4464 3320


74. Berrylicious 2 / 89 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Mary & Fiona HohlastosPhone: (02) 4464 3880


75. Delicious Food by Lisa Shoe 3, 62 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Tammy Vassallo-KnappPhone: (02) 4464 3650 Fax:(02) 4464 3650


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category76. Gabby's of Berry Prince Alfred Street

Cnr Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Richard & Carolyn KatonPhone: (02) 4464 2349 Fax:(02) 4464 1973


77. Gourmet on Broughton Shop 2 &3 109 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Beverley & Michael RhodesPhone: (02) 4464 2220


78. Grapefruit Cafe 103 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Bev PickettPhone: (02) 4464 1920


79. Pavilion RestaurantLounge

Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

John DentPhone: (02) 4464 1074


80. Seahaven Cafe/GeneralStore

19 Riverleigh AveGerroa NSW 2534

Dave & Paula ThomsonPhone: (02) 4234 3797 Fax:(02) 4234 3797


81. The Emporium Food Co. 127B Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Horst & Patricia BleuelPhone: (02) 4464 1570 Fax:(02) 4464 3291


82. The Ice Creamery - Berry Shop 1, 90 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Colin Child & Susie KipaPhone: (02) 4464 2060


83. The Silos Restaurant 640 Princes HighwayPO Box 411 Berry NSW2535Jaspers Brush NSW2535

Andrew and Alenka KnevittPhone: (02) 4448 6160 Fax:(02) 4448 6070



84. Berry Bowling Club 140 Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Jim AbbottPhone: (02) 4464 2995

Public houseF

85. Cambewarra EstateWinery

520 Illaroo RoadCambewarra NSW 2540

Louise ColePhone: (02) 4446 0170 Fax:(02) 4446 0170


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category86. Jasper Valley Wines 152 Croziers Rd

Berry NSW 2535Pat & John WyethPhone: (02) 4464 1596 Fax:(02) 4464 1595


87. Seven Mile Vineyard 84 Coolangatta RoadCoolangatta NSW 2535

Joan & Eric SwarbrickPhone: (02) 4448 5466


88. The Silos Estate Winery B640 Princes HighwayJaspers Brush NSW2535

Sophie Cockayne & RajarshiRayPhone: (02) 4448 6082 Fax:(02) 4448 6246



89. Woodhill Mountain Wines 141 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Paul & Shona GibsonPhone: (02) 4464 1810 Fax:(02) 4464 1810



90. Berry Bottle Shop 112a Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Justin LillPhone: (02) 4464 1052

Bottle ShopR

91. The Treat Factory Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Leon & Karin MaxwellPhone: (02) 4464 1112


92. Beaumont Rural FireBrigade

899 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBeaumont NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2011 Rural Fire BrigadeS

93. Fire Brigade Berry 26 Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1008 Fire BrigadeS

94. Berry Milko 285 Bryce's RoadFar Meadow NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2417 Milk DeliveryS

95. Accommodation SouthCoast (NSW) Association

PO Box 338Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3335 AccommodationA

96. Abbywood In The Fields 25 Hill & Dale RoadBroughton Vale NSW2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2148 AccommodationA

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category97. Berry Bronzed Mobile

Spray Tanning ServiceMob:0418 477 438 Beauty Salons


98. Berry Farm Cottage 35 Croziers RdJaspersBrush NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3430 AccommodationA

99. Berry Sport &Recreational Centre

Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2258 Venue, AccommodationA

100. Drawing Rooms of Berry 21 Wattamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3360 AccommodationA

101. Elouera Country Bed &Breakfast

5 Agars LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2668 AccommodationA

102. Figlea Cottages 165a Bong Bong RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1635 AccommodationA

103. Forest Lodge B & B 11 Graham's RoadMerooMeadow NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 6121 AccommodationA

104. Grovebrook Cottage 80 Boundary RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1101 AccommodationA

105. Jasmin Cottage Bed &Breakfast

Ph:(02) 4464 3370 Accommodation A

106. Jaspers Cottage 400 Strongs RoadJaspersBrush NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 6174 AccommodationA

107. Khan Cottage Accommodation A108. Meadow Mountain Lodge Ph:0416 225 881 Accommodation A109. Mill Creek Berry 286 Tindalls Lane

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 2990 Accommodation


110. Moy Hill Accommodation 37 Houston PlaceBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3310 AccommodationA

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category111. Mullengrove Cottage 109 Bendooley Road

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1912 Accommodation


112. Netherby Berry Mountain Ph:0418 406 248 Accommodation A113. Postman's Ghost The 137 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 44642349 Accommodation


114. Quamby Loft 91 Watamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1000 AccommodationA

115. Red Dog Retreat 269B Tourist RoadBeaumont NSW 2577

Ph:(02) 4464 2750 Accommodation A

116. River Oaks Warf RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:9969 9796 AccommodationA

117. Roses Farm Stay 240 Wattamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2384 AccommodationA

118. Sojourn 47 Bryces RoadFar Meadow NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 5497 Accommodation A

119. Studio Bed & Breakfast 53 Houston PlaceBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1742 AccommodationA

120. The Dairy 273 Bundewallah RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:9365 5552 AccommodationA

121. Tin Shed The 1 Brogers Creek RoadWoodhill NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2966 Accommodation A

122. Tulloch End Ph:(02) 4464 1600 Accommodation A123. Tulloch Loft Guesthouse 100 Tulloch Road

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1748 Accommodation


124. Tuscany on the mountain Berry Mountain Ph:(02) 4464 2900 Accommodation A125. Woodbyne Private Hotel 4 O'Keefe Lane

JaspersBrush NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 6200 AccommodationA

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category126. A Crago Broughton Vale Road

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1451 Farmer


127. Berry Flower Farm 511b Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1672 Florist wholesaleAG

128. Berry Mountain Nursery 501 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1494 Wholesale NurseryAG

129. Berry Mountain OrganicFarm

109 Bendooley RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1912 Vegetable GrowerAG

130. Berry OrganicSubscription Farm

500 Wattamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1261 Organic ProduceAG

131. Hall J R & S V Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1170 DairyAG

132. Herd Improvers 2a Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2744 DairyAG

133. Mirrabook Alpacas Pty Ltd 515 Backforest RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2665 Alpaca FarmAG

134. Morris B & P Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2588 DairyAG

135. Berry Rural Co-OperativeSociety Ltd

Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1006 Rural Stores, HardwareR

136. Berry Veterinary Clinic 84 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1899 Veterinary ServicesS

137. Fahl Terry 51 Jaspers Brush RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0419 428 106 Farm ContractorAG

138. Foreman Barry 98 North StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1187 Farm ContractorAG

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category139. Grasshopper Nursery 1089d Kangaroo Valley

RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2375 Farm ContractorAG

140. Greg Lynch Mobile FarmService

38 Swamp RdBerry NSW 2535

Mob:0414 800 359 Farm ServicesAG

141. H Bowden 111 Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1139 Livestock TransportAG

142. Kerseydale HorseAgistment

Ph:(02) 4464 1144 Horse AgistmentAG

143. Regal Lodge Stables Station StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1362 Horse TrainerAG

144. Shoalhaven EquineMyofunctional Therapy

225a Tindal's LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1757 Horse TherapyAG

145. Snug Rug Saddlery 5 old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2999 SaddleryAG

146. Terry Fahey Ph:0419 101 075 Horse TransportAG

147. Valinor Park Arabians Broughton Vale RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1549 HorsesAG

148. Deny Christian Design Ph:(02) 4464 1620 Design S149. Eldco Design 10 Tartarian Crescent

Bomaderry NSW 2541Ph:(02) 4421 4800 Graphic Design


150. J B Photo 36 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3033 PhotographerS

151. Lindsay Crethar GraphicDesign

P O Box 217Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1355 Graphic DesignS

152. Richard Miller P O Box 266Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1922 PhotographerS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category153. Tourism Marketing

Services54 Watts RoadCallalaBeach NSW 2540

Ph:(02) 4446 4415Mob:0401 532 745

Photography and Creative ServicesS

154. Oake's Camellia Garden Broughton ValeBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4421 5982 Camellia GardenS

155. Ellard Limousines 220 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1580 Manufacture LimousineS

156. Berry Automotive Repairs 2/ Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3999 RepairsS

157. Berry Smash Repairs Crash repairs/ paintBerry NSW 2535

Lot 1 Princes HighwayPh:(02) 4464 1258

Crash repairs/ paintS

158. Alan R. Hazlewood -Master Builder

Ph:(02) 4464 3025Mob:0408 259 378

Master BuilderS

159. B R & N N Burrow 360 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1512 BuildeS

160. C K B Civil 400 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2065 ExcavationS

161. Country RoadConstructions

52 Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1233 BuilderS

162. Craftsman Homes 37 George StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1151 BuilderS

163. D & R Kelly Services A112C Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0412 136 221 BuilderS

164. Foxrun Building Services 2d Old Creamery LanrBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1695 BuilderS

165. Gary Featherstone Ph:(02) 4464 2170 Builder S166. John Jorgenson Ph:0417 236 463 Builder S

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category167. Lord & Gleeson 639B Coolangatta Road

Ph:(02) 4464 1075Builder S

168. Priddle P J 268 Bolong RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1725 BuilderS

169. S N Bickerstaff 140c Bryce's RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2046 BuilderS

170. Around Town PropertyServices

Ph:(02) 4446 1029Mob:0418 248 433 S

171. Berry Plumbing & RoofingService

96 Strings RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 6064 Plumbing, RoofingS

172. Brad Booth Electrical Ph:(02) 4464 107 Electrician S173. Dave Parrish Plumbing 165 Beach Road

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 3353 Plumber


174. DSV Tiling 640 Beach RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1442Mob:0419 487 165


175. EEPS - ExecutiveElectrical + PetroleumService

P.O. Box 301Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1993Mob:0412594907

Electrical ContractorS

176. Executive ElectricalServices

Ph:(02) 4464 2292 Electrician S

177. Kelly Carpentry Ph:(02) 4464 2501 Carpenter S178. Ken Hodges Plumbing Ph:0412 645 707 Plumber S179. Langleys Bricklaying 20 Windsor Drive

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1680 Bricklaying


180. M l & E C Thompson 535A Backforest RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1130 ElectricianS

181. McGrath A R 48a Harley Hill RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1990 Earth MovingS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category182. P J & J A Robinson

Bricklaying28 Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1740 BricklayingS

183. Paul Bramley 28 Clarence StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1312 PlumberS

184. Richard Healey Plumbing 31 Clarence StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1312 PlumberS

185. Rumble D & J 52 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1384 Earth MovingS

186. Rumble K & R 430 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1368 Earth MovingS

187. Russell Davies Ph:(02) 4464 1557 Plumber S188. Stuart Bramley Electrical 52 Albert Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1630 Electrician


189. T & S Gray Electrical 53 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1509 ElectricianS

190. Termites Solutions Ph:(02) 4448 5444 Termite Experts S191. Wayne Hamilton Ph:(02) 4464 1531

Mob:0424 399 094Earthmoving - Cut and Fill


192. Craig Johnson Design P O Box 341Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3155 ArchitectS

193. Berry Joinery Ph:0409 715 791 Joinery S194. Brian Lindberg Cabinet

Maker535 b Back Forest RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2344 JoineryS

195. Coolangatta FloorSanding

Coolangatta NSW 2535 Ph:(02) 4448 7932 Floor Sanding S

196. Everdry Waterproofing &Coatings

16 Kentia CloseBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1065 WaterproofingS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category197. Glazier - Shoalhaven

Glass & MirrorsPh:(02) 4422 0374Mob:0403 975 099

Glazier S

198. Glen Alexander 40 Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1540 PavingS

199. I J & L J Horsfall Ph:(02) 4464 1533 Boring/ drilling S200. John Blow Sanding &

Polishing11 Ford StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2153 Floor Sanding, Floor PolishingS

201. Make an Entrance Ph:(02) 4464 3405 Fencing S202. Marson Carpentry Ph:(02) 4423 2407

Mob:0413 536 541Carpentry & Joinery S

203. ML EC Thompson 535A Backforest RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1130 Air ConditioningS

204. R J Stone Mobile Welding 39 Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1215 WeldingS

205. Rybrook Joinery Ph:(02)4422 4600 Joinery + Flyscreens S206. Stonehedge Dry Stone

Walling50 Lidbetter RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0402 406 192 Dry Stone WallingS

207. Village Forge The 14 Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3333 BlacksmithS

208. Wet-Seal Australia Ph:(02) 4464 1930 Waterproofing S209. Berry Printers 69 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1100 Printer


210. The Shape of Things toCome

P O Box 105Berry NSW 2535

Ph:0407 742 737 Technical Animation and Web Site DesignS

211. Berry Signs Wire LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3131 Sign WriterS

212. Flying Fox Media 234 Croziers RoadJaspersBrush NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3789 MediaS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category213. Inglis Customs Services 45 Houston Place

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 2633 Customs


214. John Cottle Signs 22 B George StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2583 Sign WriterS

215. Mark Bowmer 203 Tindalls LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3331 Public RelationsS

216. Mosaic Media 44 Princess StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1115Mob:0406 008 843


217. Safety & Quality SystemsManagement

P O Box 163Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1810 Safety/Quality ManagementS

218. To Market We Go 445 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1182 MarketingS

219. Windward PublicationsPty Ltd

464 Woodhill MountainRoadWoodhill NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1977 Desk Top PublicationS

220. Berry Courthouse Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1365 VenueS

221. ComputerTroubleshooters

Far Meadow NSW 2535 Mob:0422 227 456 S

222. Lazyfish ComputerServices

Wattamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0423 055 160 Computer SupportS

223. Shore Computer Services 3 Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3771 ComputerS

224. Southern TechnologySupport

270 Irvine's RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3500 Computer

225. Virtual City Berry NSW 2535 Ph:(02) 4464 3338 Internet, Computers S226. Barking Mad 6/ 65 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 3370 Dog/Cat Products


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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category227. Four Legged Friends Pet

Feeding Service30a Lidbetter StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2472 Pet FeedingS

228. Little Bell Cattery 261 Bryce's RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2223 CatteryS

229. Pampered Pooch The 55b Mullers LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3230 Kennel, CatteryS

230. 3R's Tutoring 59 Broughton Vale RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1766 TutoringS

231. Berry Art School Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3322 Art SchoolS

232. Berry Dance & PerformingArts Studio

71 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1212 Performing ArtsS

233. Chris Mansell P.O. Box 94Berry NSW 2535

Ph:0414 267 665S

234. Leon Gregory Ph:(02) 4464 1607 Music TeacherS

235. Matt Sperring - PersonalTraining

Unit 11 Old CreameryLaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0402 860121Mob:0402 860121

Personal TrainingS

236. W J B Consulting 87 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3584 Education ConsultingS

237. G N B's Video Hire 2/ 84 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2566 Video HireS

238. On the Books 5 Sabal CloseBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2766 Book KeepingS

239. Lee & AssociatesAccountants

58 Tourist RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1383 AccountantS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category240. Morton & Cord Services 121 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1600 Accountant


241. Stephen Long Accountant Ph:(02) 4448 6031 AccountantS

242. Winstone Private Ph:(02) 4464 2224 Investment S243. Kerry Mitchell 1 Raffia Close

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 2016 Furniture restoration


244. Woodhill Classics 2 George StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1802 Cabinet MakerS

245. B J Property Services -Berry

P. O. Box 291Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3543Mob:0403 359 473

Home/Property ServicesS

246. Berry Country GardenerThe

100 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1640 NurseryS

247. Berryvale WholesaleNursery

55 Croziers RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2061 Nursery wholesaleS

248. Broughton Landscapes 74-79 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3352 LandscapingS

249. Coolangatta NativeNursery

140 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 5647 Nursery wholesaleS

250. EEPS - Lawn Mowing +Yard Care Services

Ph:(02) 4464 1993Mob:0412594907

Lawn Mowing + Yard Care Services S

251. Grandiflora Gardens Ph:(02) 4448 6221 Landscape design S252. Green With Envy Ph:(02) 4464 1394 Indoor plant hire S253. Just In Trees Mob:0419 386 550 Tree Surgeon - Horticulturist


254. Lazy Gardener Too Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 8355 Landscape SuppliesS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category255. Raraflora Nursery 86 O'Keefe Lane

JaspersBrush NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 6034 Nursery WholesaleS

256. Reg Ryan's Turf 65 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 7209 Turf SuppliesS

257. Rink Promotions 140 Bryce's RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3441 Bowling Green ConstructionS

258. Southern Tree Service Ph:(02) 4464 2822 ArboristS

259. Stonehedge Dry StoneWalling

50 Lidbetter RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0402 406 192 Dry Stone WallingS

260. Turfco Woodhill Mountain RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2033 TurfS

261. Walkers Mini Diggers Ph:(02) 4464 1530 GardeningS

262. Berry Waste Depot Agars LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1241 Waste disposalS

263. Shoalhaven City Council Bridge StreetNowra NSW 2541

Ph:(02) 4429 3111 Local Government S

264. Agriculture NSW 13 Schofields LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1251 AgricultureS

265. Berry Sport &Recreational Centre

Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2258 Venue, AccommodationA

266. Berry Beauty Escape SpaSalon

4/65 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1736Mob:0400 352 949


267. Ghem Hairworks Shop 2, 119 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2711 Hair Dresser, WeddingsS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category268. Pure Hair & Beauty Shop 12

Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1110 HairdresserS

269. Professional MobileMakeup Artist

Ph:(02) 4464 2628Mob:0403 378 070


270. Bodycraft RemedialMassage

7/97 Queen Street(Upstairs from PotteringAround)Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 8833Mob:0413 774 490



271. Berry Therapeutics Ph:0411 371 086 Physiotherapist S272. Di Strong 5 Kangaroo Valley Road

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 2607 Reiki


273. Herbalife ReducingControl & Nutrician

9A Kentia CloseBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1471 Weight ReductionS

274. Integral Yoga Berry Ph:(02) 4464 3489 Yoga S275. Jennifer Clapham 78 Woodhill Mountain

RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1621 PhysiotherapistS

276. Kim Dove Ph:(02) 4464 3391 Yoga S277. Lauren Cunio 503 Kangaroo Valley

RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1060 Massage TherapyS

278. Matt Sperring - PersonalTraining

Unit 11 Old CreameryLaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0402 860121Mob:0402 860121

Personal TrainingS

279. Nanette Lamrock 11 Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1878 Traditional MedicineS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category280. Perfect Steps Podiatry 75 Boundary Road

Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1660 PodiatristS

281. Posture Supports BackCushions

78 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1621 Physiotherapy SuppliesS

282. Professional MobileMakeup Artist

Ph:(02) 4464 2628Mob:0403 378 070 S

283. Remco Pty Ltd P O Box 2Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1101 Rehabilitation ServicesS

284. Sally Absalom 131 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2001 HomeopathS

285. Temco Pty Ltd P O Box 2Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1101 Rehabilitation ServicesS

286. Therese Bowen 31 Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1184 PodiatristS

287. Wholebody Physiotherapy 4/ 84 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2874 PhysiotherapistS

288. Bevan's Painting Service 20 King StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2274 Decorator, Wallpapering & Wallcovering ServicesS

289. bizzi beez Ph:1300 13 664 Cleaning service S290. David Berry Property

Maintenance46 Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3240 Property MaintenanceS

291. Davies Russell Ph:(02) 4464 1557 Chimney Sweep S292. Ian McLean Ph:(02) 4464 3267 Handyman S293. Impressions Painting &

Decorating Service PtyLtd

12 King StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2811 Painting, DecoratingS

294. Jeff Warden Ph:(02) 4464 1530 Lawn Mowing S

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category295. Jim Kellet Handyman

Services1 Kangaroo Valley RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1171 HandymanS

296. Shoalhaven PremiumCleaning Services

250 Bryce's RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1752 Pest ControlS

297. Termite ManagementSolutions

P O Box 323Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 5444 Pest ControlS

298. A W & R A Jones 139 Kangaroo ValleyRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1930 Fibreglass ProductsS

299. Willow FurnitureUpholsterers

245a Toolijooa RoadToolijooa NSW 2534

Ph:(02) 4234 1160 Upholsterer S

300. Berry Eye Centre 1/78 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1656 OptometristS

301. Berry Family MedicalPractice

Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1002 Medical CentreS

302. Berry Medical Centre 22 Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1577 MedicalS

303. Child Health Centre Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1272 Health CentreS

304. Patrick Green 84 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1055 DentistS

305. Stresswatch Australia 258 Bong Bong RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1160 PhycologistS

306. Lindsay Blue Burke C/ O Post OfficeBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2379S

307. South Coast Register 122 Kinghorn StreetNowra NSW 2541

Ph:(02) 4421 2999 NewspaperR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category308. South Coast Style

MagazineP. O. Box 1585Nowra NSW 2541

Ph:(02) 4422 6799Mob:0422 098 136


309. Berry Removals Agars LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3557 RemovalsS

310. Christine DunstanProductions

P O Box 17Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1718 Theatrical ManagementS

311. Gemini Studio 309c Kangaroo ValleyRdBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2486S

312. Julee Jones 18 Wire LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1565 DressmakerS

313. Miss Shelley's Flower &Second-hand Books

1/ 98 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3674 Flower & BooksR

314. Colin Escott 84 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1911 SolicitorS

315. Lindsay Brien Solicitor 3/119 Queen streetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2158 SolicitorS

316. Raine & Horne RealEstate

112 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2399 Real EstateS

317. Coastal PrestigeProperties

89 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3511Mob:0412 999 982

Real EstateS

318. Huntingdale Park Kangaroo Valley RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4228 1622 Real EstateS

319. Tony Byrne RealtyBusiness and Real EstateAgents

P.O. Box 309Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 6108 Real estateS

320. Albert Lane Giftware Shop 1, 66 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1218 GiftsR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category321. De Gabriele Auctions and

ValuationsPh:(02) 4464 1289 Antiques


322. Berry Interiors Shops 9 &10,97 Queen Street Cnr.Queen & Alexandra Sts(upstairs abovePottering Around)Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1205Mob:0405 203 041


323. Berry Art Gallery 5 Broughton CourtBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2230 GalleryR

324. Leadlight Reflections 49 Queen StBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2652 LeadlightR

325. Our Book Shop Shop 1, 89 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3448R

326. Aquatique Berry 125 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1881 Clothing, Surf WearR

327. Going Places - Bags &Luggage

11 Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3323R

328. It's Berry Necessary 2 & 3 / 70 Albert StreetGiftware in Shop 4 / 70Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

(02) 4464 3515Ph:(02) 4464 3177

Gifts, Clothing


329. Knickerboxers of Berry 2 / 68 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3399S

330. One Night Stand 2 / 113 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1427 ClothingR

331. Penny Lane Boutique 104 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3220 FashionR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category332. raspBerry kids 4/ 109 Broughton Court

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 2222 Children's Wear


333. St Vincent De PaulSociety

Albert CourtBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2038 Used WaresR

334. Berry Country Bakehouse Shop 2 & 3 109 QueenStreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2233 BakeryF

335. Berihurikari 32 Prince Alfred StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1230 BakeryF

336. Berry Donut Van Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3030 Food and BeverageF

337. Grandpa's Garden Shop 3 65 Queen StreetCnr Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2406Mob:0437 046 833

338. Hampers From Jenny 491 Woodhill MountainRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2329 HampersF

339. Meg's Roadhouse 79 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:0409 568 255 Take awayF

340. Berry Country Collections 133 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1081 FurnitureR

341. Ocean Country Furniture A45 Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2992 FurnitureR

342. Real Mattress & Base Co P O Box 112Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4448 7490 MattressesR

343. Drue Wholesale Nursery 45 Agars LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1830 NurseryR

344. Forest Native Nursery 189 Wattamolla RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2275 NurseryR

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category345. Southern Elements

FountainsPh:(02) 4464 1195 Garden


346. Sylvan Dale Nursery Ph:(02) 4464 1265 Nursery R347. GoldFish Gifts and Toys Shop 2, 62 Albert Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 3332 Gifts, Toys


348. Quest On Queen 108 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3044 Home waresR

349. Berry Hardware Store 87 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1558 HardwareR

350. Bamboozle 2/ 66 Albert StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1878 Home waresR

351. Bountiful of Berry 94 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1003 Jewellery, GiftsR

352. Lorax Design Old Creamery LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3010 Home waresR

353. Our Crowd in Berry 1/ 68 Albert CourtBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3490 Decorator LifestyleR

354. Shambalaa Books & Gifts 4 Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1916 Books, GiftsR

355. The Berry Bon Bon Shop 3 90 AlexandraStreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2278Mob:0431 588 112


356. Bomaderry Bowling ClubLtd

154 Meroo RoadBomaderry NSW 3008

Ph:(02) 4421 2733 S

357. Ambra Rose Bistro 140 Princes HighwayBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2388 Bistro in the Berry Bowling ClubF

358. Berry Wood firedSourdough Bakery & Cafe

12 Princess StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1617 Bakery/ cafeF

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category359. Great Southern Hotel 95 Queen Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1009 Hotel


360. Hedgehogs Coffee Shop 98 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3051 CafeF

361. Mixed Berry Garden CafeThe

1/ 78 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3223 CafeF

362. Thai Berry 2 Alexandra StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2087 Take awayF

363. twenty three at berry 85 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2323 RestaurantF

364. Ackroyd Opals 78 Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 3260 OpalsR

365. Berry Fairy Shoppe The 104a Queen StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1774 Fairy ShopR

366. Cuckoo Corner 78 Queen streetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2214 ClocksR

367. Bundewallah EstateWinery

204 A BundewallahRoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2106 WineryF

368. The Arbour, Berry Cnr. Princes Highway &Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 9251 8642Mob:0411 333 554

Retirement VillageS

369. The Grange at Berry 22 Victoria StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 9525 6277Mob:0413 883 539

Retirement VillageS

370. Berry Masonic Village 41 Albany StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2765 Retirement VillageS

371. Berry Pre School-Kindergarten Inc

20 Edward StreetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1764 Pre SchoolS

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No. Business Address Contact Business type Category372. Berry Primary School 40 Victoria Street

Berry NSW 2535Ph:(02) 4464 1158 School


373. Garry O'Connor School ofTennis

Ph:(02) 4464 1418 Tennis coach S

374. Berry Bulk Haulage 430 Coolangatta RoadBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1368 HaulageS

375. Berry Bus service 469 Agars LaneBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1532 Coach hireS

376. Berry Taxi Service 19 Windsor DriveBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1181 TransportS

377. L C Neill Transport PtyLtd

Ph:(02) 4464 1252 Transport S

378. Whitesands Travel 5/113 Queen streetBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2863 Travel AgentR

379. Berry Acupuncture Clinic Queen StBerry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 1732 AcupunctureR

380. Botanic Art P O Box 292Berry NSW 2535

Ph:(02) 4464 2635 FloristR

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Businesses in GerringongNumber Business Address Contact Business type Category

1. Adam's Quality Meats & Catering 102 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341678

food F

2. Gerringong Pizza Shop 1/ 123 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42342454

food F

3. Lucky Harbour Chinese Restaurant Shop 4/ 152 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42344989

food F

4. Seahaven 19 Riverleigh AveGerroa NSW 2534

ph: (02) 44641657

food F

5. Seven Mile Beach Kiosk Crooked River RdGerroa NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341570

food F

6. Zoobs Wood Fired Pizza Shop 1, 11 Blackwood StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340241

food F

7. Crooked River Winery / Cafe 11 Willow Vale RdGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340975

food F

8. Jacks Grill Gerringong HotelGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42342020

food F

9. Perfect Break Vegetarian Cafe Opposite Town HallGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341211

food F

10. Poets Corner 104 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42342277

Food F

11. Sea Vista Shop 2/ 1 Noble StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340551

food F

12. Gerringong Deli & Cafe 133 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341035

Food F

13. Scoops Ice Creamery & Cafe 100 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341855

Food F

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category14. Bellachara Boutique Hotel 1 Fern St

Gerringong NSW 2534ph: (02) 42341359

Hotel A

15. Glenora Weaving & Wool PO Box 9Gerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340422

Crafts R

16. Beauty By The Beach Shop 137 B, Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340347

Beauty Salons S

17. Jindalee Spa Shop 137b Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

(02) 4234 0347 Beauty Salons S

18. Local Beauty 7 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42343982

Beauty Salons S

19. Nail Are You 125 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341047

Beauty Salons S

20. Peradigm Solutions 37 Gowan PlGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42314468

Computer SystemsConsultants


21. Gerringong Rural Services Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341731

Farm Contracting Services AG

22. Southern Rural Fencing & FarmServices

Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: 0404 717 951 Farm Contracting Services AG

23. Roselea Vineyard 310 Princes HwyGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340340

Vineyards R

24. Gerringong Veterinary Surgery 20 Belinda StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341317

Veterinary Surgeons S

25. Illawarra Equine Centre 23 Bridges RdGerringong NSW 2534

ph: 0419 341 313 Veterinary Surgeons S

26. Medenis A J & Associates 20 Belinda StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341317

Veterinary Surgeons S

27. Chris & Wendy Cutting Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: 0418 168 117 Fencing Contractors S

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category28. Southern Rural Fencing & Farm

ServicesGerringong NSW 2534 ph: 0404 717 951 Fencing Contractors S

29. Axiom Fencing 7 Willawa AveGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341036

Fencing Contractors S

30. Gerringong Co-Operative DairySociety

18 Belinda StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341001

Fencing Materials S

31. Burgess Phillip 6/ 11 Blackwood StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42340066

Chiropractors S

32. Diane Redmond Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: 0404 073 648 Fitness Centres S33. Rhee International Tae Kwon-Do Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 4234

0389Fitness Centres S

34. South Coast Pilates Studio Shop 4, Gerringong Plaza11 Blackwood StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: 0438 295 781 Fitness Centres S

35. Joy Gabrielsen 75 Renfrew RdWerri Beach NSW 2534

ph: 0413 227 945 Herbalists R

36. Raffal Goudry 67 Mitchells La Rose ValleyNSW 2534

ph: (02) 42344556

Alexander Technique S

37. Joy Gabrielsen 75 Renfrew RdWerri Beach NSW 2534

ph: 0413 227 945 Bowen Therapy S

38. Karenne Eccles 42 Burnett AveGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42342434

Aromatherapy R

39. Gerringong Family Medical Practice 139 Belinda StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341399



40. Dick Payne First National 119 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341911

Real Estate Agents S

41. Gerringong The Professionals 135 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341177

Real Estate Agents S

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category42. Bevans Real Estate Group - Illawarra 1/ 102 Fern St

Gerringong NSW 2534ph: (02) 42341688

Real Estate Agents S

43. Campbells Ray White 1/ 1 Noble St94 Fern St GerringongNSW 2534

ph: (02) 42344000

Real Estate Agents S

44. Noble Bros Gerringong Pty Ltd 58 Fern StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341464

Real Estate Agents S

45. F Harding 32 Willawa AveGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341515

Storage S

46. Gerringong Hotel Motel 29 Belinda StGerringong NSW 2534

ph: (02) 42341451

Hotel A

47. ANZ Bank 107 Fern Street Gerringong 42341 975 Bank S48. Gerringong Pharmacy 113 Fern Street 4234 1333 R49. Gerringong Physio 11 Blackwood Street 4234 4666 S50. Gerringong Top Video 3/11 Blackwood Street 4234 1013 R51. Gerringong Village Auto Centre 100 Belinda Street 4234 1336 S52. Mortgage Wisdom Gerringong 15 Henry Lee Drive 42344396 S53. PRM Architects & Town Planners 3 Noble Street 4234 4396 S54. Rentquip - Kiama / Gerringong 15 Victoria Street 4233 1888 S55. Seahaven Café 19 Riverleigh Ave Gerroa 4234 3796 F56. South Coast holidays 3 Noble Street 4234 2065 S57. Guys At Gerringong Shp1/ 135 Belinda St Gerringong NSW

2534(02) 4234 0900 R

58. Natural Necessity Surf & SnowboardShop

Opposite Town Hall Gerringong NSW2534

(02) 4234 16 R

59. IGA R60. Library Town Hall S

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category61. Florist - Seeking More Shop 2/ 125 Fern St Gerringong NSW


62. Carter & Ferguson 125 Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341900


63. Bookshop R64. Retirement Village A65. Anchor Inn 139 Belinda St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 4234


66. Gerroa Shores Holiday Park Crooked River Rd Gerroa NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341233


67. Seven Mile Beach Holiday Park Crooked River Rd Gerroa NSW 2534 ph: 1800 666 665 A

68. Werri Beach Holiday Park Pacific Ave Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: 1800 655 819 A

69. Gerringong YHA Hostel "NesterHouse"

Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341249


70. Gerringong Coastal Resort Motel Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341359


71. Seascape Manor & Resort Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341359


72. The Werri Traveller 57 Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42340400


73. Tumblegum Inn 141C Belinda St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42343555


74. Adam's Quality Meats & Catering 102 Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341678


75. Gerringong Gourmet Meats 109 Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42341327


76. Jocks Bakery & Cafe 123 Fern St Gerringong NSW 2534 ph: (02) 42342311


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Businesses in BomaderryNumber Business Address Contact Business type Category

1. Lodesign Studio PO Box 378Bomaderry NSW 2541

ph: 0414 707196

Designers--Graphic S

2. Holly Hill Graphics PO Box 141Bomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44213076

Designers--Graphic S

3. John Hills Signs 68 Meroo RdBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44214070

Designers--Graphic S

4. Shoalhaven Regional Auctions 55 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44235599

Auctioneers R

5. Bomaderry Antiques 272 Princess HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: 0402 066233

Antique Dealers R

6. Bibi's Auto Electrics Pty Ltd Unit 3, 313 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44231548

Auto Electrical Services S

7. Martin's Automotive Electrical &Rewinding Service

37-39 Bolong RdBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44210401

Auto Electrical Services S

8. Ken Nicholls Auto Electrical & AirConditioning

Lot 1 McIntyre WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44234611

Auto Electrical Services S

9. Akwell Auto Wreckers 21 Concorde WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44218077

Motor Accessories R

10. Bomaderry Muffler Centre 32 Railway StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44215235

Motor Accessories R

11. Joe's Car Detailing & Accessories Unit 2, 301- 313 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44220999

Motor Accessories R

12. Koolatint 343 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44228044

Motor Accessories R

13. Shoalhaven Mechanical Services McIntyre WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44293760

Motor Engineers & Repairers R

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category14. Mobil Oil Aust Pty Ltd 33 Bolong Rd

Bomaderry NSW 2541ph: (02) 44216507

Service Stations S

15. Akwell Auto Wreckers 21 Concorde Way Bomaderry NSW2541

ph: (02) 44218077

Motor Replacement Parts R

16. Avis Caltex Service Station Bolong RdBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44232424

Car Hire &/or Minibus Rental S

17. Nowra Mini Bus Hire PO Box 430Bomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44236045

Car Hire &/or Minibus Rental S

18. Nowra City Holden 301 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44210144

Motor Cars R

19. Country Motor Company 314 Princes Hwy Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44210122

Motor Cars R

20. Diane's Hair Design Lyndhurst CentreBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44231531

Beauty Salons S

21. Team Spa Pty Ltd 67 Belinda StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44216508

Beauty Salons S

22. Bounty Theatre Restaurant 271 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44212233

Restaurants F

23. Kia's Restaurant 71 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44212199

Restaurants F

24. Bb's Fish Cafe Shp 1/ 480 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44227047

Take Away Food F

25. Bomaderry Pizzas 69 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44231044

Take Away Food F

26. Harry's Takeaway Shop 13b/ 73 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44234577

Take Away Food F

27. Mamma's Italian Kitchen 4 Birriley StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44220021

Take Away Food F

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category28. McDonald's Family Restaurants Cnr Princes Hwy & Camberwarra Rd

Bomaderry NSW 2541ph: (02) 44236270

Take Away Food F

29. Cafe Roma South Coast 43 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44229970

Take Away Food F

30. Tractors Plus 18 Concorde WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44226228

Agricultural Machinery AG

31. Amitec P/L T/A MoorhouseMachinery

8 Victa WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: 1800 024900

Agricultural Machinery AG

32. Nowra Truck & Tractor 12 Victa WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44217188

Agricultural Machinery AG

33. McCracken's Water Services 5 Worthington WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44236699

Pumps--Mfrs &/or Merchants R

34. Southern Water Company 35-37 Bolong StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: 0406 626625

Pumps--Mfrs &/or Merchants R

35. Bayside Mortgages 3/ 33 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44236660

Mortgage Brokers S

36. CLC Finance Shoalhaven PO Box 348 Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: 1800 669410

Finance Brokers S

37. Gordon Weakley Suite 4, 33-35 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44237370

Chiropractors S

38. Northern Shoalhaven ChiropracticClinic

Suite 4, 33-35 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44237370

Chiropractors S

39. Weakley Gordon Ste 4/33- 35 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44237370

Chiropractors S

40. Jacqui Boyd 7 Helsinki PdeBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44233326

Massage Therapy S

41. Juergen Bieniasch 445 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44218704

Massage Therapy S

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category42. Bomaderry Pharmacy 37 Meroo St

Bomaderry NSW 2541ph: (02) 44212736

Pharmacy R

43. Coast & Country Services PO Box 379Bomaderry NSW 2541

ph: 0412 420301

Home Maintenance & Repairs S

44. Hammond Painters Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44224645

Home Maintenance & Repairs S

45. Bomaderry Self Storage 55 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44235599

Storage S

46. Beechwood Homes Cnr Cambewarra Rd & Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44230000

Building Contractors S

47. DIY Timbers 6 Worthington WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44217922

Building Contractors S

48. Gallagher S & S 7 Barwon StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44210532

Building Contractors S

49. Alpine Glass Pty Ltd Cnr. Meroo Rd & Concorde WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44210074

Security Doors, Windows &Equipment


50. Bomaderry Security Doors &Windows

45 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44224647

Security Doors, Windows &Equipment


51. Dolphin Screens 23 Bolong RdBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44236898

Security Doors, Windows &Equipment


52. Alternate Pet Food Un 3 2 Mcintyre WayBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44230412

Pet Foods &/or Supplies R

53. Bomaderry Veterinary Hospital 335 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44213133

Veterinary Surgeons S

54. Bomaderry Cycles Sales Pty Ltd 61 Meroo StBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44217094

Sporting Goods--Retail & Repairs R

55. Nowra Bomaderry Squash &Fitness Centre

Narang Rd Sports Complex BomaderryNSW 2541

ph: (02) 44213708

Sporting Goods--Retail & Repairs S

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Number Business Address Contact Business type Category56. Shoalhaven Embroidery 63 Meroo St

Bomaderry NSW 2541ph: (02) 44210021

Badges &/or Badge MakingEquipment &/or Supplies


57. Project Mapping (Australasia) PtyLtd

390 Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44223770

Maps &/or Mapping S

58. Bomaderry Bowling Club Ltd 154 Meroo RdBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44212733

Wedding Reception Venues F

59. The Original Berry Bakery 47 Meroo St Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44216139


60. The Saucy Tart 2/ 55 Meroo St Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44210888


61. Bomaderry Plaza Meats 2 Meroo St Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44210499


62. Lyndhurst Centre Butchery & Deli Shop 4, Lyndhurst Centre BomaderryNSW 2541

ph: (02) 44234422


63. IGA Bomaderry Bomaderry Plaza Bomaderry NSW 2541ph: (02) 4421 6900


64. Lyndhurst Mini Market 43 Lyndhurst Drv Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44233004


65. Bomaderry Hotel 71 Meroo St Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44212146


66. Avaleen Lodge Motor Inn 317 Princes Hwy Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44218244


67. Balan Village Motel The Cnr Cambewarra Rd & Princes HwyBomaderry NSW 2541

ph: (02) 44231111


68. Bounty Motor Inn 271 Princes Hwy Bomaderry NSW 2541 ph: (02) 44212233


69. Shoalhaven Mill 340 Bolong Rd, Bomaderry 4421 9511 S

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