halo the master chief collection – 25 legendary maps you need to revisit - gamebasin.com

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  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    Halo: The Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need To


    Theres an old saying about buses in London; you wait ages for one and then two come at once.

    The same apparently applies for Halo games on the Xbox One; weve waited what feels like ages

    (well, two years) and now were getting four at once. Rather than be bitter and cynical about this,

    were simply emptying our calendar from November 11th onwards and embracing the fact that

    Halo is set to take over our lives once more. The Master Chief Collection had been rumoured long

    before Microsofts E3 presentation earlier this month but still finally seeing it announced felt

    awesome. Running through all four campaigns will be an absolute treat (especially getting to relive

    Halo 2 in a new shiny coat of paint) but its the multiplayer details that have us wishing we could















    all playable in their original engines which is an amazing amount of maps. Custom playlists will

    allow you to combine maps from each game, as having every game on one disc allows the Master

    Chief Collection to seamlessly switch between different engines to make every map work as well

    as they did back in the day. With most series, wed be getting a lot of garbage maps but Halo has

    never let us down when it comes to quality and quantity; theres definitely going to be some hidden

    gems that weve long forgotten about. This list hopefully includes everybodys favourites, but due

    to the sheer volume of incredible maps theres bound to be at least one exclusion which probably

    deserves a place. If you can think of any map that definitely should have made the cut, please feel

    free to add it in via the comments section below. Together, we can build the ultimate Halo playlist.

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    25. Rats Nest Halo 3)

    Released in the Heroic Map Pack for Halo 3, Rats Nest quickly became a fan favourite. Perfectly

    symmetrical and big enough to accommodate vehicles, Rats Nest is a great map to team up with

    a buddy and gun the enemy down in a Warthog. Prefer your close quarters combat? The central

    area between the two bases tends to turn into a big on foot battleground as the two teams fight

    for control of the Rocket Launcher and Spartan Laser located in the middle of the structure. As a

    symmetrical map, Rats Nest is great for 8v8 Capture The Flag action and the maps clever mix of

    corridors and wide open spaces means all play styles are welcome. Its probably best to start

    learning this map now; its sure to be featured heavily in The Master Chief Collections objective

    based playlists.

    24. Guardian Halo 3)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    Often compared to Lockout and Ascension from Halo 2, Guardian is one of the most memorable

    maps from Halo 3. In fact, before the release of Blackout (a complete remake of Lockout), Guardian

    was known as the spiritual successor to Lockout. Its easy to see why; both maps feature a hectic

    central platform with a variety of paths and corridors to traverse if diving straight in isnt your style.

    If you like your weapons big and powerful, the Gravity Hammer spawns just below the central

    platform, and with close range combat almost guaranteed, wielding the Grav Hammer gives an

    immediate advantage. King Of The Hill on here was a real treat, especially when the hill moved to

    the middle, compounding everyone into the tiny space seen above. Its absolute chaos.

    23. Damnation/Penance Halo: CE)

    As Damnation beautifully demonstrates, the Covenant love their purple architecture. Set in a

    Covenant facility (essentially an evil lair for the bad guys), Damnation creates more vertical

    gameplay than most other maps. Controlling the high base is imperative if your team is to succeed

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    as it allows you to pick your enemy off from relative safety whilst they scramble around below.

    Much of the action is based around the pit area where three streams of water fall from the ceiling

    into a seemingly bottomless hole. Three walkways hang precariously over the pit but with a Rocket

    Launcher up for grabs, it might be worth testing your nerve if youre not afraid of heights. Great

    for objective game types and Slayer modes alike, Damnations (or Penance as it was rebranded in

    the Anniversary remake) purple interiors will undoubtedly be etched in your mind very soon after


    22. Elongation Halo 2)

    Set on a UNSC freighter, Elongations most noticeable feature is its two long corridors which make

    up almost the entirety of the map. A brighter remake of Halo: CEs Longest, Elongation is a tight

    map which results in heavy action right from the first spawn. Theres little cover, aside from gaps

    in the dividing wall between the two corridors and the boxes being carried through the level by the

    conveyor belts, so grenades are an amazingly lethal weapon here; theyre basically pocket nuclear

    bombs. According to 343 Industries, six of Halo 2 s maps will be receiving a complete remake in the

    Master Chief Collection, and Elongation could very well be due an overhaul. Its a perfect map for

















    definitely worth revisiting this November.

    21. Prisoner/Solitary Halo: CE)

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    Another vertical map from the first Halo, Prisoner (or Solitary in the Anniversary remake) is

    probably one of the smallest maps in Halo history. Its made up of one tall room with bridges,

    walkways and platforms spanning three levels. Right at the top is a sniper spawn which allows you

    to see nearly the entire map, suddenly making open spaces feel very vulnerable. Slayer is a good

    game type for this map (if you like fast paced action, anyway); the lower level quickly becomes a

    warzone as players rain grenades down from above. Team games also work surprisingly well,

    although friendly fire is a near certainty on a map this small. Of course, you could always create a

    custom game to really bring chaos to Prisoner a 16 man Slayer with nothing but Rocket Launchers

    sound good? Hope you like re spawning.

    20. Midship/Heretic Halo 2)

    A circular map set on a Covenant warship, Midship (or Heretic in Halo 3) is another tight map which

    features plenty of close quarters combat. The Energy Sword hanging on the arenas highest

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    platform is vital here; gaining control of it can be a massive advantage when the enemy is around

    every corner. Generally renowned as one of the best maps for Oddball, Midships three levels

    encourage you to keep on the move, especially when carrying the skull. Theres a real exhilaration

    to flying around this map while every other Spartan in the game chases you, especially when the

    next corner you turn around could be your last. Midship or Heretic will definitely be a popular

    feature in the Master Chief Collections Lone Wolves playlist.

    19. Exile Halo 4)

    As fun as Halos chaotic small maps are, sometimes we yearn for larger scale warfare. Luckily, Halo

    features some great large maps too, like Exile from Halo 4. Initially, the map is a race to control the

    Scorpion which is located at one base; capturing the hulking tank can get your team off to a great

    start. With a Banshee and/or a Mantis also spawning (depending on the gametype), Exile is clearly

    designed for vehicle warfare, although theres plenty of action for the on foot Spartan too. Exile is

    an excellent map to try one of 343 s new gametypes Dominion. Teams fight to control three bases

    which fortify and provide supplies over time, providing those without vehicles plenty of tools to

    dispose of those with them. It may not be as balanced as most other maps but Exile will add a










    18. Construct Halo 3)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    The Battle Rifle is one of the most dominant weapons in Halo 3 and Construct is perfectly suited

    for the weapon. The size of the map (large but not enormous) means that mid range battles take

    place all over the map and being skilled with the Battle Rifle in those scenarios is key. Thats why

    Construct gained such a big following in Halo 3 s MLG playlist; its size and multi level build makes

    it perfect for highly contested Team Slayer matches. The most dominating feature in Construct is

    the giant, yellow Gravity Lift in the centre of the map. Leading from the very bottom to the very

    top, the Grav Lift tends to be where most of the action takes place as players use it to ascend the

    maps levels quickly. Beware though, players love to throw grenades through it too to catch those

    at the top unaware.

    17. Terminal Halo 2)

    Another large, asymmetrical map, Terminal arrived in Halo 2 s Maptacular Map Pack and quickly

    became a firm favourite thanks to a unique look and feel. Set on Earth in a train station, Terminal

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    features a wide open courtyard, an elevated track with moving trains and somewhat bizarrely

    a parking garage, making Terminal one of very few maps in the Halo universe to be set on civilian

    grounds. The size and shape of the map makes it perfect for one flag CTF games, especially when

    the Wraith is added to the mix. Assault where one team is tasked with planting a bomb in the

    enemys base is also a great gametype to play on Terminal as opportunistic players can sneak the

    bomb down one path whilst the rest of the team creates a loud distraction at the enemys front

    door. Mind the gap though, those trains are lethal.

    16. Sandtrap Halo 3)

    One of the biggest maps released to date, Sandtrap is ideal for Big Team Battle playlists. Team Slayer,

    Assault and Capture The Flag all work great here, thanks to the introduction of the Elephant a

    movable base which has an array of turrets and weaponry to help defend the flag/bombpoint

    located on it. Hopefully the Elephant is reintroduced in the Master Chief Collection its an

    amazingly unique vehicle which has sadly been underutilised in the Halo universe so far. Away from

    the vehicles, this is another map where skill with the Battle Rifle is essential; the majority of the

    map is made up of wide open spaces, making Assault Rifles and Shotguns ineffective. The Banshee






















    Banshees cannons; being a good shot with the Spartan Laser can work wonders here.

    15. Turf Halo 2)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    Like Terminal, Turf wins points for being a highly original looking map. Set in the suburbs of Old

    Mombasa, Turfs main battlegrounds are a road and some rooftops. Despite featuring a Warthog,

    Turf is actually a really small map, as the background which features the bridge Master Chief

    crosses in the campaign level Metropolis making it seem bigger than it is. The most notable

    feature of the map is the collapsed Scarab which covers one corner of the map. Despite this, much

    of the action is focused on the road with the overlooking rooftops creating a perfect spot to get

    the jump on your opponents. With tight alleyways forming the rest of the map, Turf is a great map

    for small team games, especially King Of The Hill which forces players to move around instead of

    camping in one spot.

    14. Haven Halo 4)

    Haven is set on a Forerunner spire (the Forerunners are a highly advanced species in the Halo world)

    which is probably why everything looks so sleek and beautiful. It also seems to have been inspired

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    by other classic maps in the Halo series (Guardian in particular); thats probably why its one of

    Halo 4 s best maps. Like most Halo maps, Haven attracts a lot of action to its central platform,

    despite a lack of power weapons to collect. Teams tend to battle it out for control of the middle of

    this map with explosives being especially effective, thanks to a lack of protection. The lower level

    also invites a lot of action as enterprising players wait in the shadows for unsuspecting opponents

    to wander past. Its not a great objective map but Team Slayer on Haven tends to be a great


    13. Battle Creek/Beaver Creek Halo: CE)

    Battle Creek (or Beaver Creek in Halo 2) isnt the only Halo map featuring two bases in a box canyon

    (more on that later) but its definitely the smallest. Its also ingeniously named; theres a creek and

    its the setting for several huge battles (not quite sure where the beaver part comes from though).

    All jokes aside, Battle Creek is perfectly built for intense Capture The Flag games. Its incredibly

    symmetrical with a base on either side of the creek and theres several ways for players to sneak in

    and out as they bid to escape with the flag. Those more interested in killing will want to battle it

    out over the large arch which crosses the creek; its a perfect spot to pick enemies off from. This




















    effortlessly pulling on the nostalgia strings.

    12. High Ground Halo 3)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    This will probably come as a major shock but High Ground features a base perched on top of a hill,

    making it perfect for one sided objective games like One Bomb and One Flag CTF. To aid defenders,

    the gates to the base can be shut (they need to be opened from inside if attackers wish to enter

    with vehicles) and turrets line the wall to pick players off with ease. Of course, theres other ways

    into the base. The front wall is broken on one side, allowing attackers to sneak in with ease, whilst

    an exterior bunker entrance leads right into the middle of the base forcing the defenders to cover

    a lot of ground to prevent a mass break in. Plus, with a Sniper Rifle, a Spartan Laser and a Rocket

    Launcher up for grabs, High Ground offers plenty of excitement, no matter what particular game

    type is played on it.

    11. Valhalla/Ragnarok Halo 3)

    Oh look, a map featuring two bases in a boxed canyon! Valhalla (or Ragnarok in the Halo 4 remake)

    was created as a spin off of Halo classic Blood Gulch and its easy to see where Bungie wanted to

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    mix the map up. A big hill in the middle prevents players from sniping across the entire map,

    allowing on foot players to survive for (a little bit) longer. Two bases obviously makes Valhalla a

    great CTF map but its also a pretty fun King Of The Hill map too, especially when the hill is located

    on the well, hill. Vehicles on Valhalla are hugely important too with Wraiths, Banshees and

    Warthogs all capable of dishing out death with ease; it makes capturing the middle hill all the more

    important as the Spartan Laser that spawns there is a fantastic counter to annoying vehicle users.

    10. Headlong/Breakneck Halo 2)

    Another map based on the familiar ground of Planet Earth, Headlong (Breakneck in the Anniversary

    remake) is an amazingly big map which only features in Big Team Battle playlists. Getting around is

    made easier with the teleporters dotted around the map; Warthogs are also available for those

    who like to travel via more traditional methods. Headlongs immense size makes sniping a hugely

    important skill to utilise; picking enemies off from the heights of the construction tower is a great

    way to score some quick points for your team. While the Energy Sword can be picked up on

    Headlong, it might actually become a burden; youll very rarely be in range to use it and you might

    end up with a head full of lead for your troubles.

    9. Sidewinder/Avalanche Halo: CE)

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    Sidewinder (it was also remade as Avalanche for Halo 3) is one of very few maps in the Halo

    universe to be uniquely shaped; the map is a big horseshoe with the two bases situated right next

    to each other, separated by a wall of ice. The icy nature of this level actually adds to the excitement

    of vehicles as Warthogs slide easily, making them harder to control whilst also making Splatter kills

    more fun. Again, the size of Sidewinder means that being skilled in long distance combat will give

    you a strong advantage. The tunnels in the middle of the map will be the main source of action for

    those on foot, whilst vehicles will battle on the large ice patch at the centre of the map, meaning

    big team games on Sidewinder always provide constant action. The Avalanche remake is good but

    nothing will ever beat our first frozen steps onto Sidewinder.

    8. Adrift Halo 4)

    It might look like something out of Metal Gear Solid but Adrift is another great map from 343

    Industries first major step into the Halo Universe. Completely square, Adrift is made up of one

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    large central area bordered by corridors and pathways. The size of the map makes close quarters

    combat essential and watching your back is advised as players have a tendency to sneak up on you

    here. The central area gets particularly hectic as players fight for control of the Energy Sword, but

    a death tracking heat map for Adrift would probably show an even spread all over; its the sort of

    map where theres always something going on. King Of The Hill is a great game type for Adrift as it

    confines the action to one area at a time while free for all Oddball can lead to chases across the

    entire map, thanks to the linear corridors and weaving pathways.

    7. Ivory Tower Halo 2)

    Controlling the high ground is key on most of Halos maps but on Ivory Tower (remade as Reflection

    for Halo: Reach), its vital if youre to be successful. Ivory Towers highest level affords a great view

    across the rest of the map, although its also incredibly vulnerable to attack with three different

    paths leading to it. The elevator at the back of the map is particularly dangerous; clever players will

    ascend silently while their opponents are distracted with sniping from the raised platform. The

    Rocket Launcher located at the bottom of the map is particularly lethal here too; players will tend

    to group up and support each other, allowing a well placed rocket to decimate entire teams at once.

    Ivory Tower works best with standard Slayer game types but One Flag CTF and One Bomb can also
















    6. Last Resort/Zanzibar Halo 3)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    Another map which is ideal for one sided objective games, Last Resort (previously known as

    Zanzibar in Halo 2) is set in a large coastal base with plenty of space for big battles between

    attackers and defenders. The most dominating feature of the map is the giant wheel right in the

    middle of the base; it doesnt add a lot gameplay wise but it looks cool. It does hide Active

    Camouflage though, so thats something. The spacious ground floor is perfect for battles between

    vehicles while on foot players will be battling on the walkways linking the base with the outer wall.

    Camp Froman, a bunker located on one side of the base, is also highly contested as a valuable

    Sniper Rifle spawns there; controlling this spawn can be the difference between glorious victory

    and bitter defeat.

    5. Hang Em High/Tombstone/High Noon Halo:


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    Easily one of Halos most iconic maps, Hang Em High has been remade several times (as you can

    see from the title of this section) as players just cant get enough of it. Its a medium sized map

    with multiple levels which is a perfect battleground for Halos most infamous weapon the pistol.

    With a 2x scope attached, Halos pistol was a lethal weapon and for whatever reason, Hang Em

    High was a great map for 1v1 duels. The map features a Sniper Rifle on its upper levels, making

    open spaces a dangerous place to be. Luckily, the lower levels have plenty of cover, thanks to the

    small pillars covering the ground. The mixture of walkways and open spaces makes Hang Em High

    a great CTF map; flag carriers will constantly be in danger, making teamwork a must.

    4. The Pit/Pitfall Halo 3)

    The great thing about The Pit is that it works so well for so many different gametypes at the same

    time the map is symmetrical so Capture The Flag works well; its medium sized with a variety of

    combat zones so Slayer works well; and theres enough twists and turns in the map to make King

    Of The Hill and Oddball thrilling too. Theres also a great mix of power weapons to fight over with

    a Sniper Rifle and a Rocket Launcher located in the middle of the map, along with an Overshield

    and Active Camo; getting to these first will quickly ease your team into the lead. The Pit is also



















    players with the high ground a big advantage. No matter what playlist youre planning on diving

    into with the Master Chief Collection, The Pit is sure to feature heavily and you should be thankful

    for that.

    3. Ascension Halo 2)

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    Its unsurprising that 343 Industries would choose to show off a remade version of Ascension to

    get people excited for the Master Chief Collection; its definitely one of Halos finest maps. Its

    relatively simple in design but dont let that put you off; Ascension has always been a really exciting

    map. The middle dish seems like an obvious battleground but players tend to fight in the towers

    surrounding the central platform as controlling the Sniper Rifles on this map can make all the

    difference. One custom game type known as Tower Of Power encourages this by handing

    players Shotguns and charging them with attacking and defending the bigger tower on the map.

    Its an 8v8 game type too so it gets pleasantly hectic quickly. Just like all the best Halo maps, every

    game type is suitable for Ascension but King Of The Hill deserves a special mention. The hill

    generally moves from open space to open space, making gathering points within the hills

    boundaries a risky game. Plus, someone is bound to be holding the maps Rocket Launcher and you

    dont want to be in the firing line for that one. With a brand new look and probably a few gameplay

    reworks, Ascension is bound to go down a storm with the Halo community, making it one of the

    most eagerly anticipated maps for the Master Chief Collection.

    2. Lockout/Blackout Halo 2)

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    Determining one map as the best in Halo is a tough task but Lockout is a definite contender. Weve

    already seen its influence on other maps in the Halo franchise but nothing compares to the original.

    Lockout is massively popular with the Halo community and it suits most Slayer based gametypes

    perfectly; Team Snipers and Team SWAT (which removes shields, making each shot with the Battle

    Rifle a one hit kill) are firm favourites for Lockout. As with other maps that feature a mix of tight

    corridors and open spaces, King Of The Hill is a blast with grenades and Energy Swords flying

    everywhere. Oddball can lead to some intense chases as players drop through holes in the ground;

    jump off of towers and fly up grav lifts to separate themselves from their opponents. Team Slayer

    works really well here too as the design of the level makes it easy for players to sneak up on each

    other; having backup helps massively. Happily, Lockout is already confirmed to be receiving the

    Anniversary remake treatment which should be exciting news for any Halo player. Even if youve

    never played it before (which, honestly, would be impressive), Lockouts design will leave a lasting

    impression and the action it provides is unlike anything youre likely to see in another game.

    1. Blood Gulch/Coagulation Halo: CE)

  • 8/11/2019 Halo the Master Chief Collection 25 Legendary Maps You Need to Revisit - GameBasin.com


    2Fort. DE_Dust2. Facing Worlds. Some maps are so iconic that we immediately picture them when

    we hear the name of a game. As weve already seen, Halo has a ton of phenomenal maps but none

    will ever dethrone Blood Gulch; its simply the best map the series will ever know. Yes, its a map

    featuring two bases in a boxed canyon (where have you read that before?) but its the original map

    featuring two bases in a box canyon. Obviously, long range combat rules this dusty

    environment but getting up close with players is pretty common too, especially if youre running

    around trying to aid your team by capturing flags or delivering bombs. The small paths around the

    canyons edge are contested heavily by those on foot and even the hills in the middle of the

    battlefield can end up covered in Spartan corpses. It goes without saying that Capture The Flag is

    great for Blood Gulch but theres also a few other game types that are insanely fun to try out here.

    Team Snipers will test your skills to the max while even silly modes like Rocket Race (where players

    race around the map on a Mongoose) will have you grinning from ear to ear. The size of Blood

    Gulch makes it incredibly versatile too; nearly any game type could work here with enough players.

    Do you need further proof of Blood Gulchs prestige? Its been remade countless times (re released

    in Halo 2 as Coagulation; remade in the RTS spin off Halo Wars; plus its included in Halo: Reachs

    enormous Forge World) and it features heavily in one of the most legendary machinima creations

    ever Red Vs Blue. Despite all that, we want more Blood Gulch and thats why its going to be one

    of our most played maps on the Master Chief Collection long live the king of Halo maps.

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