how to attract your target market and how to sell with integrity webinar

How to Attract Your Target Market and How to Sell with Integrity Webinar

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Post on 16-Jan-2016




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How to Attract Your Target Market and How to Sell with Integrity Webinar

Page 2: How to Attract Your Target Market and How to Sell with Integrity Webinar

How to Attract Your Target Market

In order to attract the clients you want to work with and find the people who are looking for you, you need to use language that resonates directly with them. This is one of the reasons why it's so good to get clear on your brand and target market. The key is to focus on, and communicate to, a particular group of people with a specific pain.

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Recognize and talk to your client's pain

In order to help your potential clients feel that you understand and know about their pain, you must talk their language. This is not always as easy as it sounds!

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Some questions to help you come up with some pain points

What precisely do your potential customers complain about and wish would change when you first talk to them?

What would be their answer if you asked:

What are your concerns, or worries regarding (your speciality)?


What exactly do you feel isn't working in regard to (your speciality)?

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How to avoid the common mistakes that most people make

Speak to the pain, the worries and the concerns they feel, talk about and experience – not the problem you KNOW they have.

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Some Examples

If a therapist knows that their potential clients have unresolved emotions locked in their body that needs to be released, but their clients think they have anxiety attacks, the pain point isn't “Do you have unresolved emotions locked in your body that causes anxiety?” it's 'Do you suffer from anxiety attacks?'

Or, “Do you feel totally helpless when you have an anxiety attack?”

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Tuning In

You'll need to tune into what wakes them up in the middle of the night – it's very unlikely that people wake up in the middle of the night and think 'I have unresolved emotions locked in my body that needs to be released!'

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They say things like...

“I feel so alone. I want someone to share my life with.”

Or, “ I feel so fat. I want to lose weight.”

Or, “I feel like I've never got enough money. I can't take another bill coming in.

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A Dog Training Example

You know that people need to understand dog psychology, they need to have a strong positive mindset and be the pack leader. But, almost all dog owners love their dog SO much and want a well-behaved dog who takes notice of them. They want their dog to change – the dog's the problem not them!

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They say things like... * I love my dog SO much, I try hard to do the right thing but

they do what they like.

* My dog's behaviour is getting worse and I just don't know what to do.

* I wish I had more control with my dog.

* I wish my dog did what I said.

* People think I have no control with my dog.

* I feel helpless when my dog does … because nothing works and I don't know what to do.

* I'm terrified of what my dog might do.

* I'm terrified that they may do some REAL damage next time this happens.

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Your marketing message could be...

* Do you love your dog SO much, try hard to do the right thing but they are uncontrollable and do what they like?

* Are you worried that your dog's behaviour is getting worse, nothing is working and you don't know what to do to stop it?

* Do you feel totally helpless when your dog behaves in a particular way and you just don't know what to do?

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How to Attract Your Target Market

Find out what your client's language is BEFORE they work with you and receive the transformation that you provide. What are they saying, what are the changes that they are looking for?

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What do your clients say BEFORE they work with you?

What your clients say after they work with you will be very different to what they say before hand.

For example, some therapists help their clients to love and appreciate themselves so they can more easily attract a partner to love. A client who received that transformation may say afterwards that 'I learnt to love myself first, which is SO amazing.'

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What do your clients say BEFORE they work with you?

However, at the start that was not at the top of their list of what they were looking for so it doesn't qualify as magnetic marketing language.

After working with you, your clients will LOVE that they have leadership qualities, understand how their dog's mind works and KNOW how to act differently so that it has a direct positive result on their dog's behaviour.

However, at the start they wanted someone to train their dog so that their dog did what they said!

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Be clear on the DIRECT transformation that your provide

Be clear on the direct transformation that you’re providing, and the secondary benefits that may result, but don’t confuse the two.

This is similar to the second point we spoke about - don’t try to promise too many secondary benefits as this can dilute your message.

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Use your client's EXACT words and language

For example, if someone said:

I feel so fat. I hate my body.

Don't change that to 'Do you feel overweight, and don't like your body?

If your potential client says:

'I'm terrified that my dog will cause REAL damage, I dread what they might do next.'

Don't change that to 'Are you concerned by your dog's behaviour and anxious about what they might do next?'

Changing the wording or language will mean it’s not as powerful.

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The BEST way to find out your client's pain points

* Talk to potential clients or people who have dogs with unwanted behaviours. They will willingly give you plenty of examples of language to use!

* Keep any emails you may get from people who want your help. Notice the language they use and what they want to change.

* Look on the internet for blogs and forums where your target market people are talking. You’ll get precise language from them there.

* Look at your competitors websites and marketing (ideally ones that are doing well business wise).

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The BEST way to find out your client's pain points

* Look at websites who are not in your profession that are thriving in business – adapt some of the phraseology to speak to your target market.

* Keep notes during any telephone or face-to-face conversations you have, highlighting what your potential client says they are struggling with and what words and phrases they used.

* If you've ever been in your target market, imagine back to when you used to struggle with this issue. What did you say? Don’t fluff it up and only remember the good times – what did you want to change FAST!

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The Importance of Having A Clear Target Market

You can see why having a clear target market, and a problem (pain) that you solve is so important. That's when people REALLY feel that you’re talking to them.

What you want to avoid is for your ideal customer to read your literature and think 'That's not me. That's not me. No, not that either.' You'll avoid this from happening by finding out what your client's pain is and speaking directly to that.

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Benefit Statements

You not only have to show potential customers that you hear and know about their pain, you also have to show them what to expect at the end. This follows the same format that we've been talking about, you need to phrase the benefits in terms of what they want, not what you know they need.

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Intermediate Benefits – Not the way to go!

For example, if a therapist knew someone was putting on weight because they had slow metabolism they could say, 'This product will speed up your metabolism' which isn't a very appealing benefit because not that many people know or care about metabolism. The therapist knows that a faster metabolism means weight loss, but does their potential client? This is called an 'intermediate benefit' and is not that useful.

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Another Example

As another example, you know that being a pack leader and understanding the areas dogs look for leadership is important and will stop so many unwanted behaviours. But most dog owners want someone to train and fix their dog not them! This would be an 'Intermediate benefit.'

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End Results – the way to go!

Instead, say

This product will help you lose weight.

'This method will get your dog to WANT to do what you say and give you a happy, relaxed and well-behaved dog.'

This is an end result, which is much more powerful and appealing to your potential client.

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How to come up with benefit statements

You can come up with benefit statements in the same way you do when finding your customer's pain points:

Talk to potential clients or people who have dogs with unwanted behaviours. They will willingly give you plenty of examples of language to use!

Keep any emails you may get from people who want your help. Notice the language they use and what they want as an end result.

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How to come up with benefit statements

Look on the internet for blogs and forums where your target market people are talking. You’ll get precise language from them there and what they'd LOVE to achieve with their dog.

Look at your competitors websites and marketing (ideally ones that are doing well business wise) what promises and end results are they offering?

Look at websites that are not in your profession that are thriving business wise – adapt some of the phraseology to speak to your target market.

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How to come up with benefit statements

Keep notes during any telephone or face-to-face conversations you have, highlighting what your potential client says they are struggling with and what picture they have as an end result.

If you've ever been in your target market, imagine back to when you used to struggle with this issue. What did you say? Don’t fluff it up and only remember the good times – what did you want to change FAST! What was the end result that you dreamed of?

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So That Statements

If the benefits that you come up with feel more like intermediate benefits you can add a ‘so that’ statement to take them to the end result.

For example a business coach could say:

'It's good to set up referral systems so that you always have new clients coming in.'

If they just said 'It's good to set up referral systems' they are relying on their potential customer's to know why this would be important to set this up and to connect the dots themselves. The 'So that' statement makes it crystal clear.

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Another Example

You'll learn your dog's language so that they actually WANT to do what you say.

The words 'so that' doesn't have to be in the statement as long as the reason why is crystal clear.

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Your USP (Unique Selling Proposition)

We spoke about this in the branding section about ‘what’s unique about you’. It could be the way you deliver your method, your promise to the customer, a special part of the service you offer, something about your personality, something that you specialize in or are known for, etc.

Your process may be teaching dog owners about the areas that dogs look for leadership in a kind and gentle way – this is NOT your USP, it's HOW you achieve your USP.

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Closing the Sale with Integrity

Selling products and services is often the most challenging part for many business owners. It's seldom that people ring up and say 'Here's my credit card number, I don't care how much it costs, I just want to work with you!'

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Closing the Sale with Integrity

So, in order to have a successful business it's important that you become comfortable with selling. In fact when you're passionate about what you do, when you KNOW what you do makes a difference to people's lives, you owe it to them to give all the information they need in order to make an educated decision. When you explain how you can help them with passion and enthusiasm you naturally sell your services without it even feeling like you're selling!

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Closing the Sale with Integrity

This isn't about talking people in to something they don't want or need, this is about sharing your passion, knowledge and experience and being paid well for your gifts and talents in the process.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

1) Are you a good match? Can you help this person and would you like to work with this person? You're looking to see if you are a good fit, not a sale. You are there to help and guide them as well as being the expert/specialist.

2) Ask them questions about their dog and situation, listen to their pain and what problems they're wanting help with – this is a really good way of building rapport and shows that you care too.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

3)Providing you're a good match review their pain points – focus on what's not working for them. Ask them 'How does it exactly play out?' or 'What's your worst fear that might happen?' or 'What can't they do because of their dog's behaviour?' Write down any statements they share. Help them to see where they currently are and where they want to be.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

4) Start explaining what's possible for them – this is your opportunity to inspire them. You can help them imagine the potential outcome and to see the possibilities they will get from the transformation that you provide. Become very specific so they know the benefits of working with you. Back this up with your money back guarantee and use other people's success stories if appropriate.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

5)After the previous steps, it will be appropriate at some point to say ‘I have some ideas about what you can do that can help you achieve what you want. Is it OK to share them with you now?’ If they say no, the conversation is over. Thank them for their time, and say good-bye. If they say yes, present your package or programme and link it back to their pain and the transformation they'll receive.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

Say the price in a lowered tone and be quiet! Don't justify or recap the pain points or speak about the benefits at this point – you've already done that!

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

6) Overcoming objections - If there's any objections they usually come up here.

If they say ‘I don’t have the money’ - you could offer a payment plan and re-iterate about your money back guarantee. Review there pain points if appropriate – it will often cost them more NOT to get help in the long run.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

If they say ‘I don’t know if it will work for me’ – this is often because they need confirmation that they can do it. Explain how it's worked for so many others and there's a money back guarantee if they feel it's not for them. Explain you'll be there to support them, demonstrate and answer their questions.

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7 Steps to Closing A Sale With Integrity

7) Release all attachment to the outcome. You've painted the picture, you've given them all they need to make a decision, now let go. Whether it's yes or no, either way is good with you.

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What To Do AFTER A Potential Client Has Said 'YES' On The Phone

Getting a 'yes' on the phone is

not always a definite commitment.

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3 options you could include to make this more concrete and certain

1) You may ask for a non-refundable deposit or full payment.

2) You give your client something straight away so they immediately start receiving value from you and are excited about working with you and what they've bought.

3) You may get them to sign a contract – this will be sent straight away after they say 'yes' on the phone.

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Keep A Track Of What's Working And What's Not

Testing and measuring what is working and what is not is an important part of your business. Whenever you put an advert, leaflet or affiliation in place always keep track of how successful it is.

Ask people who contact you 'Where did you hear about me?'

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Keep A Track Of What's Working And What's Not

Keep track of where people are 'finding you'. Keep track of how many people are converting into sales from different areas of your marketing – it's not about quantity of calls, it's about how many of those calls are converting into sales.

What parts of your marketing is working? What is the 'Return On Investment' (ROI) for each area?

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Keep A Track Of What's Working And What's Not

When you know what's working and what's not you'll know where to best spend your time, money and focus.

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