intercultural communication week 2

SHM1023 Intercultural Communication G lobalising t oday’s t eaching p rofessionals

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Page 1: Intercultural Communication week 2



G l o b a l i s i n g t o d a y ’s t e a c h i n g p r o f e s s i o n a l s

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Week 2:Forms and

Models of ICC

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Approaches to IC Communicati on

Approach 1 ©“model” of communication © a visual representation of a process

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Approaches to IC Communicati on

Approach 2 © a framework of concepts © understand a

communication episode

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Why Models

• Descriptive function – visual representation• Summarizing research in an area• Troubleshooting function - communication breakdown /analysis

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I. Baldwin’s Model of ICC

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Interpersonal dimension

©Communicating with people based on our personal understanding of them.

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Interpersonal dimension

© According to Miller and Steinberg: demographic predictions

sociological predictions personal predictions

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Intergroup dimension

© The degree to which we see people in terms of groups. © Social identity theory

We see ourselves and others in terms of the groups which we belong to.

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Intergroup dimension

© This dimension is related not only to group perception, but also to stereotypes and prejudices.

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Intercultural dimension

© Real cultural differences which can range from minimal to very great.

© Perception of difference is 2nd dimension; but real differences are the 3rd dimension.

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©Distinguish between group belonging and real cultural differences.

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© Some combinations that might be problematic are if you and I are high on intergroup perception (we think we are different) but on the intercultural dimension, we are actually low. In this case, we are not really interacting with each other, but with our stereotypes of each other’s group.

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© We might look alike, even be from the same country or racial/ethnic group, so we see ourselves low on the intergroup dimension, but because of urban/rural or family culture differences, we are actually high on the intercultural dimension.

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© In this case, because we don’t expect cultural differences, we would blame communication problems just on personal traits and behaviours.

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Limitati on

• A limitation of this definition is that it does not include context

(see, Gudykunst & Kim model, below).

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Gudykunst’s Approach

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Environmental Influences



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The Four Filters.

• Cultural

- shared perception or

frameworks of thought

• Sociocultural - group identity• Psychocultural - individual mind • Environmental - context

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World ViewRules


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Roles Social identities

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Prejudice, stereotypes Uncertainty,


Mood, attitude,


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Interaction potential

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Samovar & Porter ’s Model

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Cultures vary in how different they are from each other

Individuals are not the same as cultures

Cultures and perception shape the way we process and create messages.

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3 Points

Cultures vary in how different they are from each other

Individuals are not the same as cultures

Cultures and perception shape the way we process and create messages.

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3 Points

Cultures vary in how different they are from each other

Individuals are not the same as cultures

Cultures and perception shape the way we process and create messages.

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Thank you.

Good communication is as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.

~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh