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Klikk for å redigere undertittelstil i malen Vikeså Skule

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Klikk for å redigere undertittelstil i malen

Vikeså Skule

Location Village, ca 3000 ( whole municipality)

Buildings Primary school: 2 years Secondary school:49 years 2 buildings Science room, school kitchen, music

room,2 data-labs, group rooms( used by special needs students) , library( owned by the municipality),pool, gym, lobby and a game room

No gates/ fences Have to stay in the school`s area

Our school 150 male students and 165 female

students 5-16 years old From our municipality Reach school by bus, bicycle or by


Teachers Ca 45 teachers Always one teacher per class Depends on wheter or not there are

special needs students Students will speak unformally with the

teachers calling them by first name

Information We can dress as we want but not naked

of course

Timetable 08:05-13:40 and on Wedensdays 08:05-

14:10 3 breaks, two of them 10 minutes and

one 30 minutes Each lesson expect one last 45 minutes

and one last 50 minutes 6 lessons and 6 subjects each day at the


Breaks The primary school has a BIG

playground, with a climbing tower, football field, ”jungle”, swings and areas where they can relax

Compulsory and optional subjects We can chose between:German,

Specialized English and work-related training

But the others are compulsory subjects Around 20 – 30 students per class We have mixed-ability classes but the

special needs students get help while the best ones have to stay in class where the others are not as good

Exams We don`t have any exams until we are

on our final year in secondary school We have mid-term tests in math,english

and norwegian You get your diploma anyway even

though you have bad grades

Misbehavior You can get expelled but only for three

days The school can report it to the police if it

is very bad

After-school subjects We don`t have any after-school subjects

but we do have a place where those which parents are working can stay until their parents pick them up. Only for 1-4 grade

Erasmus Creativity Club We have a small group of students

working together on the project and we are the ones that are traveling(+2)

School Meals We have canteen on Friday where we

can buy food One lunch each month where we don`t


Vacations Autumn, Christmas, Winter, Easter. Long

weekends in May/June and our summer break

We don`t celebrate any festivals at school

The 17th of May which is the day that we got our constution (1814)

Weak points Gifted students don`t get enough

challenges sometimes Old classrooms with bad paint

Strong Points We have great teachers, computers Great realtionships between the

students Not to long days We have the whole weekend of Large and well equipped playground Nature surrounding us Lot of teachers, always teachers to make

sure we are allright

Made by Frida,Thea, Jenny and Malene