process intensification report

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  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report




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  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report



    We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary.

    Thoughts live; they travel far.

  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report




    Chapter Page number)6 Role of pro7ess industries88888888666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666)

    36 Pro7ess Intensifi7ation66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666)36) Pro7ess intensif'in equipments666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666663

    36)6) Rotatin de9i7es66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666663

    36)63 Monolithi7 7atal'sts6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666536)65 Mi7rorea7tors666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666665

    363 Pro7ess intensifi'in methods666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666*3636) Multifun7tional rea7tors6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666*36363 Membrane rea7tors666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666*36365 !'brid separations66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661

    56 Pro7ess intensifi7ation throuh mi7rorea7tor appli7ation 66666666666666666666666666666156) Impa7t on resear7h and de9elopment 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666661563 !eat transfer impro9ements 6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666661565 !ih surfa7e to 9olume ratio 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666,56* "arer interfa7ial area for multiphase s'stems 666666666666666666666666666,561 Effi7ient mi;in 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666662

    56, Interated mi7ro7hemi7al s'stems 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666es pla7e in aseries of =ellenineered and tested operations and pro7esses6 The produ7tion of pro7ess oods

    usuall' requires inputs for thermal or 7hemi7al 7on9ersion/ su7h as heat/ time and pressure6

    The produ7t t'pi7all' 7annot be disassembled to its 7onstituent parts6Industrial pro7esses are pro7edures in9ol9in 7hemi7al/ ph'si7al/ ele7tri7al or me7hani7al stepsto aid in the manufa7turin of an item or items/ usuall' 7arried out on a 9er' lare s7ale6Industrial pro7esses are the >e' 7omponents of hea9' industr'6 Pro7ess industries suppl'materials that form produ7ts/ pro9ide ener'/ feed and 7ure people/ in short6 The' also pla' asinifi7ant part of the e7onom' in terms of 7ontribution to #%P and emplo'ment6 In addition

    to these/ pro7ess industries are a ma?or 7onsumer of ener' and resour7es6 Modifi7ation of thepro7esses or equipments in su7h a =a' that the 7onsumption of these 7omponents is effe7ti9eboth in terms of e7onom' and 7onser9ation6 Pro7ess intensifi7ation is one su7h approa7h thatimpro9es effi7ien7' of a pro7ess6

    2. Process IntensificationPro7ess intensifi7ation 7onsists of the de9elopment of no9el apparatuses and te7hniques that/

    7ompared to those 7ommonl' used toda'/ are e;pe7ted to brin dramati7 impro9ements inmanufa7turin and pro7essin/ substantiall' de7reasin equipmentsi@eprodu7tion7apa7it'ratio/ ener' 7onsumption/ or =aste produ7tion/ and ultimatel' resultin in 7heaper/ sustainablete7hnoloies6An' 7hemi7al enineerin de9elopment that leads to a substantiall' smaller/ 7leaner/ and moreener' effi7ient te7hnolo' is pro7ess intensifi7ation / in short6 Ma?or 7ost sa9ins/ short time

    to the mar>et/ safer pro7esses/ hih produ7t purit'/ hih sele7ti9it'/ operational e;7ellen7e/ less

    =aste and less b'produ7ts/ qualit' b' desin are the other attra7ti9e features of Pro7essIntensifi7ation6Pro7ess intensifi7ation 7on7erns onl' enineerin methods and equipment6 So/ for instan7e/de9elopment of a ne= 7hemi7al route or a 7hane in 7omposition of a 7atal'st/ no matter ho=dramati7 the impro9ements the' brin to e;istin te7hnolo'/ do not qualif' as pro7essintensifi7ation6 Pro7ess intensifi7ation/ bein dri9en b' the need for brea>throuh 7hanes in

    operations/ fo7uses mainl' on no9el methods and equipment6 But/ it also en7ompasses 7ertainestablished te7hnoloies and hard=are6The =hole field of Pro7ess Intensifi7ation enerall' 7an be di9ided into t=o areas:

    pro7essintensif'in equipment/ su7h as no9el rea7tors/ and intensi9e mi;in/ heattransfer and masstransfer de9i7es6 This is aain 7lassified as equipment that 7arr' out

    7hemi7al rea7tions and equipment that do not 7on7ern 7hemi7al rea7tions

    pro7essintensif'in methods/ su7h as ne= or h'brid separations/ interation of rea7tionand separation/ heat e;7hane/ or phase transition (in so7alled multifun7tional rea7tors-/te7hniques usin alternati9e ener' sour7es (liht/ ultrasound/ et76-/ and ne= pro7ess7ontrolmethods (li>e intentional unstead'state operation-6There 7an be some o9erlap bet=een these t=o areas6 Ne= methods ma' require no9el t'pes ofequipment to be de9eloped and 9i7e 9ersa/ =hile no9el apparatuses alread' de9eloped

    sometimes ma>e use of ne=/ un7on9entional pro7essin methods6 These t=o methods arepresented in Fi6 )6

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    Fiure ): Pro7ess intensifi7ation modes

    2.1 Process-intensifing e!uipment

    Rele9ant e;amples of pro7essintensif'in equipment aredis7ussed62.1.1 Rotating devices !ih heattransfer 7oeffi7ients are a7hie9able in the spinnin dis>rea7tor (S%R- 6 In S%Rs/ a 9er' thin (t'pi7all' )++ Dm- la'er of liquid mo9es on the surfa7e ofa dis> spinnin at up to appro;imatel' )/+++ rpm6 At 9er' short residen7e times (t'pi7all' +6)s-/ heat is effi7ientl' remo9ed from the rea7tin liquid at heattransfer rates rea7hin )+/+++

    m3.6 S%Rs 7urrentl' are bein 7ommer7iali@ed 6Other rea7tors espe7iall' dedi7ated to fast and 9er' fast pro7esses =orth mentionin in7lude:the supersoni7 asliquid rea7tor =hi7h emplo's a supersoni7 sho7>=a9e to disperse as into9er' tin' bubbles in a supersoni7 inline mi;in de9i7e 6 The other one is the ?etimpinement

    rea7tor of NORAM Enineerin and Constru7tors =hi7h uses a s'stem of spe7iall' 7onfiured?ets and baffles to di9ide and remi; liquid streams =ith hih intensit'6

    Rotorstator mi;ers/ =hi7h are aimed at pro7esses requirin 9er' fast mi;in on a mi7ro s7ale/7ontain a hihspeed rotor spinnin 7lose to a motionless stator6 Fluid passes throuh thereion =here rotor and stator intera7t and e;perien7es hihl' pulsatin flo= and shear6 Inlinerotorstator mi;ers resemble 7entrifual pumps and/ therefore/ ma' simultaneousl' 7ontributeto pumpin the liquids6

    Fiure 3: Spinnin %is> Rea7tor

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    2.1.2 !onolithic catalysts Monolithi7 substrates used toda' for 7atal'ti7 appli7ations aremetalli7 or nonmetalli7 bodies pro9idin a multitude of straiht narro= 7hannels of defineduniform 7rossse7tional shapes6 To ensure suffi7ient porosit' and enhan7e the 7atal'ti7all'

    a7ti9e surfa7e/ the inner =alls of the monolith 7hannels usuall' are 7o9ered =ith a thin la'er of

    =ash7oat/ =hi7h a7ts as the support for the 7atal'ti7all' a7ti9e spe7ies6The most important features of the monoliths are:

    9er' lo= pressure drop in sinle and t=ophase flo=/ one to t=o orders of manitudelo=er than that of 7on9entional pa7>edbed s'stems

    hih eometri7al areas per rea7tor 9olume/ t'pi7all' )61 * times more than in the

    rea7tors =ith parti7ulate 7atal'sts

    hih 7atal'ti7 effi7ien7'/ pra7ti7all' )++/ due to 9er' short diffusion paths in the thin=ash7oat la'er and

    e;7eptionall' ood performan7e in pro7esses in =hi7h sele7ti9it' is hampered b' masstransfer resistan7es6

    One of the problems in monolith rea7tors/ espe7iall' for asphase 7atal'ti7 pro7esses/ isdiffi7ult heat remo9al due to the absen7e of radial dispersion6 Monolith 7hannels are full'separated from ea7h other and/ therefore/ the onl' heat transport me7hanism is the 7ondu7ti9it'throuh the monolith material6 Monolithi7 7atal'sts also 7an be installed inline/ li>e stati7mi;in elements/ usin the latter as asliquid dispersin de9i7es6 Compared to 7on9entionalfi;edbed rea7tors/ su7h rea7tors offer mu7h better heattransfer 7onditions G namel'/ heattransfer 7oeffi7ients t'pi7all' of 5/1++02/1++ m3 ./ and heattransfer areas of up to 3/3++


    Fiure 5: Monolithi7 7atal'sts

    2.1." !icroreactors Mi7rorea7tors are 7hemi7al rea7tors of e;tremel' small dimensionsthat usuall' ha9e a sand=i7hli>e stru7ture 7onsistin of a number of sli7es (la'ers- =ithmi7roma7hined 7hannels ()+0)++ Dm in dia6-6 The la'ers perform 9arious fun7tions/ frommi;in to 7atal'ti7 rea7tion/ heat e;7hane/ or separation6 Interation of these 9ariousfun7tions =ithin a sinle unit is one of the most important ad9antaes of mi7rorea7tors6 The

    9er' hih heat transfer rates of upto 3+/+++ m3. a7hie9able in mi7rorea7tors allo= for

    operatin hihl' e;othermi7 pro7esses isothermall'/ =hi7h is parti7ularl' important in 7arr'inout >ineti7 studies6Her' lo= rea7tion9olumesurfa7earea ratios ma>e mi7rorea7tors potentiall' attra7ti9e for

  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report



    pro7esses in9ol9in to;i7 or e;plosi9e rea7tants6 The s7ale at =hi7h pro7esses usin batteriesof multiple mi7rorea7tors be7ome e7onomi7all' and te7hni7all' feasible still needs to bedetermined/ thouh6

    The 7hannels in the plates of mi7ro7hannel heat e;7haners are usuall' around ) mm or less

    =ide/ and are fabri7ated 9ia sili7on mi7roma7hinin/ deep ra' lithoraph'/ ornonlithoraphi7 mi7roma7hinin6

    Fiure *: Mi7rorea7tor

    2.2 Process-intensifing methods Most pro7essintensif'in methods fall into three =ell

    defined areas: interation of rea7tion and one or more unit operations into so7alledmultifun7tional rea7tors/ de9elopment of ne= h'brid separations/ and use of alternati9e formsand sour7es of ener' for pro7essin6

    2.2.1 !ultifunctional reactors These 7an be des7ribed as rea7tors that/ to enhan7e the

    7hemi7al 7on9ersion ta>in pla7e and to a7hie9e a hiher deree of interation/ 7ombine atleast one more fun7tion (usuall' a unit operation- that 7on9entionall' =ould be performed in a

    separate pie7e of equipment6 A =idel' >no=n e;ample of interatin rea7tion and heat transferin a multifun7tional unit is the re9erseflo= rea7tor 6 For e;othermi7 pro7esses/ the periodi7flo= re9ersal in su7h units allo=s for almost perfe7t utili@ation of the heat of rea7tion b'>eepin it =ithin the 7atal'st bed and/ after re9ersion of the flo= dire7tion/ usin it forpreheatin the 7old rea7tant ases6Rea7ti9e (7atal'ti7- distillation is one of the better >no=n e;amples of interatin rea7tion and

    separation/ and is used 7ommer7iall'6 In this 7ase/ the multifun7tional rea7tor is a distillation7olumn filled =ith 7atal'ti7all' a7ti9e pa7>in6 In the 7olumn/ 7hemi7als are 7on9erted on the

    7atal'st =hile rea7tion produ7ts are 7ontinuousl' separated b' fra7tionation (thus o9er7ominequilibrium limitations-6 The 7atal'st used for rea7ti9e distillation usuall' is in7orporated into afiberlass and =iremesh supportin stru7ture/ =hi7h also pro9ides liquid redistribution anddisenaement of 9apor6The ad9antaes of 7atal'ti7 distillation units/ besides the 7ontinuous remo9al of rea7tion prod

    u7ts and hiher 'ields due to the equilibrium shift/ 7onsist mainl' of redu7ed ener'requirements and lo=er 7apital in9estment 6 Also/ a re9erse pro7ess to the one des7ribed abo9e/that is/ 7ombination of rea7tion and 7ondensation/ has been studied for ben@ene o;idation to7'7lohe;ane and for methanol s'nthesis6 The number of pro7esses in =hi7h rea7ti9e distillationhas been implemented on a 7ommer7ial s7ale is still quite limited G but the potential of thiste7hnique definitel' oes far be'ond toda'Js appli7ations6

    2.2.2 !embrane reactor The membrane 7an pla' 9arious fun7tions in su7h rea7tors'stems6 It/ for instan7e/ 7an be used for sele7ti9e insitu separation of the rea7tion produ7ts/

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    thus pro9idin an ad9antaeous equilibrium shift6 It also 7an be applied for a 7ontrolleddistributed feed of some of the rea7tin spe7ies/ either to in7rease o9erall 'ield or sele7ti9it' ofa pro7ess (e66/ in fi;edbed or fluidi@edbed membrane rea7tors or to fa7ilitate mass transfer

    (e66/ dire7t bubblefree o;'en suppl' or dissolution in the liquid phase 9ia hollo=fiber

    membranes-6 In addition/ the membrane 7an enable insitu separation of 7atal'st parti7les fromrea7tion produ7ts-6 Finall'/ the membrane 7an in7orporate 7atal'ti7 material/ thus itselfbe7omin a hihl' sele7ti9e rea7tionseparation s'stem6The disad9antae of these s'stems is the relati9el' hih pri7e of membrane units/ althouhother fa7tors/ su7h as lo= permeabilit' as =ell as me7hani7al and thermal fraileness/ also pla'an important role6

    2.2." #ybrid se$arations Man' of the de9elopments in this area in9ol9e interation ofmembranes =ith another separation te7hnique6 In membrane absorption and strippin/ themembrane ser9es as a permeable barrier bet=een the as and liquid phases6 B' usin hollo=

    fiber membrane modules/ lare masstransfer areas 7an be 7reated/ resultin in 7ompa7tequipment6Membrane distillation is probabl' the best >no=n h'brid s'stem6 The four basi7 ad9anates of

    this are:K )++ re?e7tion of ions/ ma7romole7ules/ 7olloids/ 7ells/ and other non9olatilesK lo=er operatin pressure a7ross the membrane than in the pressure dri9en pro7essesK less membrane foulin/ due to larer pore si@e andK potentiall' lo=er operatin temperatures than in 7on9entional e9aporation ordistillation/ =hi7h ma' enable pro7essin of temperaturesensiti9e materials6

    ". Process Intensification through #icroreactor $pplicationPro7ess intensifi7ation based on mi7rode9i7es is a ne= 7on7ept in 7hemi7al enineerin =hi7haims at redu7in 7apital and ener' 7osts alon =ith the en9ironmental impa7t b' redu7in thesi@e of the 7hemi7al plant6 ith the de7rease of equipment si@e b' se9eral orders of manitude/substantial e7onomi7al benefits/ impro9ement of intrinsi7 safet'/ and redu7tion ofen9ironmental impa7t 7an be a7hie9ed6 In addition/ the small s7ales used redu7e e;posure to

    to;i7 or ha@ardous materials/ and the en7losed nature of the mi7rorea7tors means reater easeof 7ontainment in the e9ent of a runa=a' rea7tion6Be7ause of the small amounts of 7hemi7als needed and the hih rate of heat and mass transfer/mi7ros7ale s'stems are espe7iall' suitable for rea7tions =ith hihl' flammable/ to;i7 ande;plosi9e rea7tants/ for the elimination of b'produ7ts/ for a7hie9in ma;imum 7on9ersion and

    ener' utili@ation6 One of the main moti9ations for the use of mi7rorea7tor te7hnolo' are theain in 'ield and safet'6

    ".1 Impact on research and de%elopment Mi7rorea7tors ha9e been re7oni@ed as 9ersatiletools for rapid optimi@ation of rea7tion parameters/ as reliable instruments for >ineti7 resear7hand ha9e been found parti7ularl' useful in 7ombination =ith hihthrouhput methods6 iththe abilit' to finetune the mass transfer 7ontributions/ impose temperature profiles/ monitorthe proress of e;tra7tion and rea7tion/ toether =ith the e;7ellent a77essibilit' for pro7ess

    modelin/ the' are be7omin indispensable in resear7h and de9elopment laboratories froms7alin up6

    ".2 &eat transfer impro%ements Most s'ntheti7 transformations performed in mi7rorea7torsha9e in9ol9ed ambient or lo=temperature 7onditions in order to safel' 7ondu7t hihl'

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    e;othermi7 rea7tions6Ra@@aq et al6 de9eloped a hih temperaturehihpressure mi7rotubular flo= unit forpro7essin homoeneous rea7tion mi;tures6 Stainless steel 7oils =ere used that 7ould be

    dire7tl' heated a7ross their full lenth b' ele7tri7 resistan7e heatin to temperatures up to 51+

    LC6 The pressure 7ould be set and stabili@ed in the rane of 1+03++ bar/ =hile standard bat7hmi7ro =a9e s'stems operate at 3+ bar6 Rapid heatin and 7oolin of the rea7tion mi;ture =aspossible be7ause of effi7ient heat transfer throuh the thin steel rea7tor 7oil6 The' sho=ed ho=the lon rea7tion times for %ielsAlder rea7tion of 3/5dimeth'lbutadiene and a7r'lonitrile topro9ide the 7'7lohe;ene addu7t 7ould be redu7ed to merel' 3+ minutes6The stronl' e;othermi7 al>'lation 7ould be thermall' 7ontrolled e9en at ele9ated

    temperatures leadin to hih rea7tion rates and produ7t purit' abo9e 6 A more thant=ent'fold in7rease of the 9olumetri7 produ7tion rate 7ompared to a 7on9entional bat7hpro7ess =as the result of pro7ess intensifi7ation6For the 7ase of the #rinard rea7tion/ a redu7tion of the operation time from 1 hours to less

    than )+ se7onds =as demonstrated6 The use of fi9e rea7tors in paral lel =as proposed in orderto rea7h industrial produ7ti9it' of the stirred tan> rea7tor6

    "." &igh surface to %olume ratio In a re9ie= b' 9an #er9en et al6 on the intensifi7ation ofphoto7atal'ti7 pro7esses/ mi7rorea7tors ha9e been in9estiated in performin photo7hemi7aland photo7atal'ti7 rea7tions6 The main ad9antae des7ribed is the hih surfa7e to 9olume ratio/=hi7h in the 7ase of photo7hemi7al rea7tions leads to effi7ient illumination6 This permitseffi7ient 7atal'ti7 e;posure to radiation/ and in addition also leads to ma;imi@ed reaent 07atal'st 7onta7t6 A mu7h better 7ontrol o9er 9ariables su7h as temperature and flo= rates =as

    possible due to the fast heat and mass transfer6

    Biodiesel =as produ7ed at a rate of ,) > m




    b' .raai et al6 This result 7ompares =ell=ith the *3 > m05min0) reported for t'pi7al bat7h pro7esses6 The pro7ess in the mi7rorea7tor ismu7h more effi7ient/ sin7e there is no distin7t separation step/ and 7leanin of the rea7torbet=een bat7hes 7an be omitted6 The' also sho=ed that it is ad9antaeous to perform 7hemoand bio7atal'ti7 7on9ersions 7ontinuousl' 6Mi7rorea7tors offer a 7on9enient and hihl' effi7ient means to optimi@e rea7tion 7onditions

    and the performan7e of 7atal'sts6 In the 7ase of the rea7tion of 5bromoben@aldeh'de =ith *fluorophen'lboroni7 a7id/ + 'ields =ere reported for the mi7rorea7tors/ 7ompared =ith 1+ in stirred flas>s6A first 7ontinuous produ7tion pro7ess of Ba'lis!illman addu7ts =as de9eloped and optimi@edfor use under mi7rorea7tor 7onditions6 After optimi@ation/ the rea7tion 7ould be performed

    7ontinuousl' and appro;imatel' 5+ faster 7ompared to bat7h 7onditions6

    ".' (arger interfacial area for multi-phase sstems It is >no=n that miniaturi@ation 7ouldreatl' in7rease mass and heat transfer effi7ien7' and minimi@e amount of fluids resultin inshorter rea7tion times and redu7in the 7ost of resear7h and de9elopment6 !o=e9er/ in order tooptimi@e the desin and the operation of multiphase pro7esses in the mi7rorea7tor/ =e ha9e topredi7t and a77uratel' 7ontrol the e;istin flo= patterns to a7hie9e optimal 7onditions for aspe7ifi7 7hemi7al pro7ess6

    Slu flo=/ monodispersed droplets flo=/ droplets populations flo=/ parallel flo= and annularflo= are the most 7ommon flo= patterns of t=ophase mi7rofluidi7s6 T=o me7hanisms o9ern

    mass transport/ 7on9e7tion throuh internal 7ir7ulation and diffusion bet=een the t=o phases6The thi7>ness of the interfa7ial boundar' la'er is redu7ed/ =hi7h auments diffusi9epenetration6 Internal 7ir7ulation/ =hi7h is stimulated =ithin the slus b' their passae alon the

  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report



    7hannel/ is responsible for a lare enhan7ement in the interfa7ial mass transfer and the rea7tionrate6"iquidliquid mi7roe;tra7torrea7tors =ere sho=n to offer superior performan7e and reater

    effi7ien7' in 7omparison to 7on9entional equipment/ =ith 9er' lare spe7ifi7 interfa7ial areas

    in 7omparison =ith other 7onta7tors/ =hi7h enhan7es the masstransfer and heattransfer rates6Moreo9er/ the internal 7ir7ulation in the slus also impro9es the masstransfer rate b' surfa7erene=al at the phase interfa7e6

    Fiure 1:Flo= patterns for t=o phase flo= in a mi7rorea7tor

    ".) Efficient mi*ing B' impro9in the mi;in qualit' in the mi7rorea7tor/ the ma7ros7opi7

    rea7tion rate =as in7reased 7ompared to the labs7ale bat7h pro7ess in the 7ase of 7atal'@edo;idation of 3buto;' ethanol to 3buto;'a7etaldeh'de 6

    The installation of a Star"am 5+++ mi7rorea7tor in an e;istin produ7tion plant =as reportedb' .irs7hne7> and Te>aut@6 The Star"am 5+++ is a lare7apa7it' mi7rostru7tured mi;er (=itha throuhput of about 5 m5h0)-/ =hi7h 7reates a finel'dispersed in?e7tion of t=o fluid streams6

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    in their si@e and dramati7all' boostin theireffi7ien7'6 These de9elopments ma' result in the e;tin7tion of some traditional t'pes ofequipment/ if not =hole unit operations6Mi7rostru7tured rea7tors represent a hihl' effe7ti9e means for pro7ess intensifi7ation for

    spe7ifi7 pro7esses6 The benefits of emplo'in mi7rorea7tor te7hnolo' in7lude enhan7ed heatand mass transfer/ safet'/ en9ironmental impa7t/ distributed produ7tion/ hih portabilit'/remote (onsite- appli7ations and fle;ible nature of the te7hnolo'6 Rea7tions in mi7rorea7torsare performed under pre7isel' 7ontrolled 7onditions pro9idin impro9ed 'ields and produ7tqualit' 7ompared to the bat7h pro7edures6 No9el te7hniques are deplo'ed in order to impro9ethe te7hnolo' to a 7leaner/ smaller and more ener' effi7ient te7hnolo'6 Miniaturi@ation of7hemi7al pro7esses means that onl' small quantities of reaents are required and allo=s for

    hihthrouhput s7reenin of rea7tion 7onditions in a hihl' 7ontrolled manner6 The' are anideal tool for hih throuhput e;perimentation/ and 7an speed up pro7ess resear7h andde9elopment =ith the abilit' to maintain the hih le9el of 7ontrol and sele7ti9it'6 One setba7>=hi7h still has to be o9er7ome for translatin the potential of the no9el te7hniques into ane7onomi7al ad9antae is findin numberinup solutions for in7reasin produ7tion 7apa7ities6

    References47>el/ .6P6/ Mi7rote7hnolo': Appli7ation Opportunities in the Chemi7al Industr'/ Monoraph

    Series )53/ %e7hema/ Fran>furt/ pp6 301+ ()1-6

    .irs7hne7>/ %6/ Te>aut@/ #6/ Interation of a Mi7rorea7tor in an E;istin Produ7tion Plant/Chem6 En6 Te7hnol6 5+ (3++2- 5+16

    .olios/ #6/ and #6 Eienberer/ St'rene S'nthesis in a Re9erseFlo= Rea7tor/ Chem6 En6 S7i6/

  • 7/24/2019 Process Intensification Report


    1* ()5)*-/ pp6 3/,5203/,*, ()-6

    .raai/ #6 N6/ Han Q=ol/ F6/ S7huur/ B6/ !eeres/ !6 46/ de Hries/ 46 #6/ Ane=6/ T=oPhase(Bio-Catal'ti7 Rea7tions in a TableTop Centrifual Conta7t Separator/

    Chem6 Int6 Ed6 *2 (3++