promoting excellence in ... · promoting excellence in academics, arts, and athletics mount vernon...

8 PROMOTING EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMICS, ARTS, AND ATHLETICS MOUNT VERNON COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT JANUARY 2015 MÊçÄã VÙÄÊÄ CÊÃÃçÄ®ãù S«Êʽ D®ÝãÙ®ã 525 Palisades Road SW Mount Vernon, IA 52314-1761 Non Prot OrganizaƟon U.S. Postage P A I D Mount Vernon, IA Permit No. 3 Reminder .... January 1 - 2: No Classes - Winter Break January 5: Classes Resume January 19: Early Dismissal - 12:30 pm MUSTANG DISTRICT NEWS IN THIS ISSUE Elves Visit PreSchool ...................................................... 1 Gingerbread Day............................................................ 1 Mustang Legacy Society ................................................ 2 “Hot Jobs” ..................................................................... 2 Hard Surface Routes ...................................................... 2 RC RAIL Survey............................................................... 2 MV RoboƟcs Club .......................................................... 2 Late Start Reminder....................................................... 2 MS Fitness Group .......................................................... 2 Iowa Assessments ......................................................... 3 Cornell Tutors ................................................................ 3 CongratulaƟons ............................................................. 3 Post Season Football Honors ......................................... 3 School Breakfast Survey ................................................ 3 Middle School Clothing Drive ........................................ 4 Magical Night Art & Caroling Fest ................................. 4 Giving Parents, Staand Community ............................ 4 MS Quiz Bowl Takes First .............................................. 4 Hour of Code ................................................................. 5 Middle School Ski Trip ................................................... 5 Washington Elementary Chorus Club ............................ 5 Night of the Notables .................................................... 5 Orchestra, Concert Choir and Band Performances........ 5 January Breakfast & Lunch Menu .................................. 6 Archery Update ............................................................. 6 First NASP Archery Tournament .................................... 6 Reminder for Cold Weather .......................................... 6 Mount Vernon Fine Arts AssociaƟon ............................. 7 Cold Weather Delays, CancellaƟons or Changes ........... 7 WETAP ........................................................................... 7 Classroom Cash ............................................................. 7 Free or Reduced Price School Meals ............................. 7 Photo Thank You............................................................ 7 January AcƟvity Calendar .............................................. 7 Upcoming SoŌball Fundraiser ....................................... 8 High School Girls Track Parent MeeƟng ........................ 8 Signing Day .................................................................... 8 A Magical Time of Year to make cards, wrapping paper, and giŌs for the children’s families. A highlight was decoraƟng cookies and sharing The kindergarten teachers and students would like to thank WETAP for helping fund the annual Gingerbread Day. There are numerous supplies needed to make this day complete, and it could not be done without WETAP or the wonderful volunteers who come on this day. Thank you for making Gingerbread Day one to remember! Gingerbread Day Elves of all sizes and ages poured into Mrs. Nowak’s preschool classroom to help prepare for the holidays and share a liƩle cheer. Grandparents and special friends worked with the preschoolers them for snack. The classroom was just as bustling as E L V E S V I S I T P R E S C H O O L Santa’s own workshop and aŌer everyone had their ll of cookies, carols were sung and a holiday story shared. Read about more magical moments on page 4

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Permit No. 3Reminder....January 1 - 2: No Classes - Winter Break

January 5: Classes Resume

January 19: Early Dismissal - 12:30 pm


IN THIS ISSUEElves Visit PreSchool ...................................................... 1Gingerbread Day ............................................................ 1Mustang Legacy Society ................................................ 2“Hot Jobs” ..................................................................... 2Hard Surface Routes ...................................................... 2RC RAIL Survey ............................................................... 2MV Robo cs Club .......................................................... 2Late Start Reminder ....................................................... 2MS Fitness Group .......................................................... 2Iowa Assessments ......................................................... 3Cornell Tutors ................................................................ 3Congratula ons ............................................................. 3Post Season Football Honors ......................................... 3School Breakfast Survey ................................................ 3Middle School Clothing Drive ........................................ 4Magical Night Art & Caroling Fest ................................. 4Giving Parents, Staff and Community ............................ 4MS Quiz Bowl Takes First .............................................. 4Hour of Code ................................................................. 5Middle School Ski Trip ................................................... 5Washington Elementary Chorus Club ............................ 5Night of the Notables .................................................... 5Orchestra, Concert Choir and Band Performances ........ 5January Breakfast & Lunch Menu .................................. 6Archery Update ............................................................. 6First NASP Archery Tournament .................................... 6Reminder for Cold Weather .......................................... 6Mount Vernon Fine Arts Associa on ............................. 7Cold Weather Delays, Cancella ons or Changes ........... 7WETAP ........................................................................... 7Classroom Cash ............................................................. 7Free or Reduced Price School Meals ............................. 7Photo Thank You ............................................................ 7January Ac vity Calendar .............................................. 7Upcoming So ball Fundraiser ....................................... 8High School Girls Track Parent Mee ng ........................ 8Signing Day .................................................................... 8

A Magical Time of Year

to make cards, wrapping paper, and gi s for the children’s families. A highlight was decora ng cookies and sharing

The kindergarten teachers and students would like to thank WETAP for helping fund the annual Gingerbread Day. There are numerous supplies

needed to make this day complete, and it could not be done without WETAP or the wonderful volunteers

who come on this day. Thank you for making Gingerbread Day

one to remember!

Gingerbread Day

Elves of all sizes and ages poured into Mrs. Nowak’s preschool classroom to help prepare for the holidays and share a li le cheer. Grandparents and special friends worked with the preschoolers

them for snack. The classroom was just as bustling as


Santa’s own workshop and a er everyone had their fi ll of cookies, carols were sung and a holiday story shared.

Read about more magical moments on page 4 2 Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

“Promoting Excellence in Academics, Arts, and Athletics”

Mount Vernon Community School District



ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE Superintendent Offi ce ................................. 319-895-8845525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Superintendent: Dr. Gary O’Malley [email protected] Superintendent Secretary: Amy Weber Bookkeeper: Tasha Whitman Business Manager: Ma Burke Alumni Associa on: Kathy Staskal Founda on Director: Ben BrannamanFOR ALL BUILDINGS ........................................895-8843 Grounds & Buildings: Roger Pitlik Technology & Website Admin: Sean Flockhart Systems Administrator: Tim Larson Nurses: Melissa Hauser & Linda See School Lunch Program: Marcia Purington Transporta on: Dennis Gross (895-6205) Homeless Educa on Program Liaison: Jason Pershing Equal Opport. & Level I Inves gator: Bldg. Principals

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLMain Offi ce/A endance ......................................895-6251615 5th Ave SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Principal: Kate Jones [email protected] Building Secretary: Denise Havill Building Secretary: Lori Arnold School Counselor: Heidi Hassen ELP: DeAnn Scearce Early Childhood: Erin Whitehead & Jo Nowak- Thompson Media Center: Mary Priske Kids Club: Jennifer Ruth/Teresa Hines .........560-2958

MIDDLE SCHOOLMain Offi ce/A endance ......................................895-6254525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Principal: Bob Haugse [email protected] Building Secretary: Chiara Burke Building Secretary: Pa y Mote Athle c Director: Aaron Trui ELP: DeAnn Scearce School Counselor: Jennifer Holub Tischer Media Center: Suze e Kragenbrink Kids Club: Jennifer Ruth/Teresa Hines .........560-2958

HIGH SCHOOLMain Offi ce/A endance ......................................895-8843731 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 Principal: Steve Brand [email protected] Assistant Principal & Ac vi es Director: Ma Thede [email protected] Ac vi es Secretary: Val Binsfi eld Building Secretary: Stephanie Timm Registrar & Building Secretary: Vicky Wieseler School Counselor: Kathryn Baron Media Center: Suze e Kragenbrink Alterna ve Educa on: Jason Pershing Transi on Center Director: Brandi Viter-Pitlik


This district newsle er is published 10 mes per year for parents and residents of the Mount Vernon Community School District. Addi onal copies may be obtained by calling 319-895-8845. Views are those of the authors. Any ques ons about educa onal programs or school events should be directed to the Superintendent’s offi ce. Ar cles can be submi ed via email or CD. Materials due by the 15th of every month. No permission is necessary to reproduce contents unless otherwise noted. Clearly label the mate-rial with your name and phone number and send it to the Administra ve Offi ce by email or drop if off to the district offi ce to: Amy Weber 319-895-8845 or [email protected]


HARD SURFACE ROUTES Messy winter roads are just around the corner so be prepared for those days when our buses may only run on Hard Surface Routes. Hard Surface Routes will only be in eff ect for the morning pick up of students. A ernoon drop off will be normal bus routes. If weather condi ons warrant hard surface routes for a ernoon drop off , a SchoolMessenger communica on will be sent to all parents and guardians. Hard surface route maps are distributed by bus drivers each year. Addi onal ques ons regarding hard surface routes may be directed to Transporta on Director, Denny Gross at (319) 895-6205.

Jean Pavelka Li s from the Mount Vernon High School class of 1953 started driving the bus for Mount Vernon schools when her daughter was 14. At that me Jean drove the handicapped bus, and she has con nued to this day driving regular routes morning and nights. She currently drives a van to pick up special needs students.

Jean says “she loves helping people, and this way she helps the student, the parents, the teachers, and the man at the bus barn.” One slippery day her boss at the bus barn, Denny Gross, spread ice melt from where her school van was parked all the way to her car. He said “I didn’t want anything to happen to her!”


Ben BrannanmanFounda on Director

Is the tradi on of the Mount Vernon Schools experience meaningful to you? Have you ever considered leaving a legacy that will benefi t future genera ons of Mount Vernon students? The Mount Vernon Community School District Founda on is proud to introduce the Mustang Legacy Society. The Mustang Legacy Society will serve to recognize individuals who elect to include the Mount Vernon Community School District Founda on in their estate plans. There is no minimum amount required – any deferred gi that benefi ts the Mount Vernon Schools through the Mount Vernon Community School District Founda on will qualify you for membership. The Mount Vernon Community School District Founda on was established in 1987 as a nonprofi t 501(c)(3). The founda on’s mission is to partner with alumni, businesses, parents, and friends of the Mount Vernon community to support a higher level of educa onal excellence and opportuni es to prepare Mount Vernon School students for the challenges of global opportuni es. Contribu ons to the founda on support the Mount Vernon School District in a number of ways, from student scholarships and teacher grants, to facility enhancements and other specifi c ini a ves. The founda on is commi ed to working alongside the school district to con nue to uphold a top-notch student experience for today’s graduates as well as our youngest Mustangs. If you have already included the Mount Vernon Community School District Founda on in your estate plans, or would like addi onal informa on, contact Founda on Director Ben Brannaman at [email protected] or (319) 693-9520. The Founda on would be happy to welcome you into the Mustang Legacy Society!On Mount Vernon!


Josh Hanson, Mount Vernon High School junior, took advantage of a Workplace Learning Connec on job shadow recently learning about “Hot Jobs” in Advanced Manufacturing such as Design, CNC, EDM (Electric Discharge Machining), and Fit/Assembly. Josh, along with 7 other area high schoolers, are one step closer to a very successful future by taking the ini a ve to job shadow at a business during high school. MSI Mold Builders hosted this group of students. To learn more about how to get involved with this type of learning ac vity, go to the high school guidance offi ce or log on to:

Above: Front row, second from le - Mount Vernon Junior Josh Hanson

In just 5 short minutes parents can make a diff erence in the lives of their student(s) by comple ng an RC RAIL Coali on survey. RC RAIL has put together a short survey addressing community needs and substance use. By you par cipa ng in this survey, it will help us be er understand how RC RAIL can create a posi ve environment for youth in Mount Vernon. Please follow the link: h ps:// to complete this survey. Contact Kassy Rice at [email protected] with any ques ons. The next RC RAIL coali on mee ng will be held January 22, 2015 at 5 pm at the Microtel Inn and Suites in Marion. Please join us to support RC RAIL and keep our students substance free!


By Mount Vernon Junior Isaiah Exley-Schuman Whirrs and clicks and cks can be heard around the laboratory, muffl ed by the sound of circular saws and grinding gears in the background as a group of eleven people huddle around a whiteboard fi gh ng for the best idea. This is a standard evening at the robo cs lab. The laboratory, located uptown in the a c of the First Presbyterian Church, is a hub of ac vity between 3:30 and 5:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “We o en stay up here for days at a me when compe on rolls around.” Nate Barnhart says jokingly, although the lab has been open to students seven days a week on some occasions. What requires so much me and eff ort from students? One robot. Every year a game is announced in which a robot (made to certain specifi ca ons) is built to compete alongside another bot against two others in a series of matches. With three teams, these students have a lot to be busy about. When asked about his involvement as a team leader, Nate Barnhart said “It’s very challenging. It tries my pa ence some days.” Robo cs can be diffi cult, but Nate also states he has enjoyed a lot of this year. One of the mentors this year, Dave Keller, says that the best part of robo cs is “Watching you guys win lots of matches!” So, even a er a rough season so far, the MV teams are showing their stripes as pioneers in their fi eld. If you would like to join a team or learn more, contact Mr. Scearce at Mount Vernon High School.


As winter is upon us, here is a reminder: Please note that when a 2-Hour Delay is announced, there are NO HIGH SCHOOL EARLY BIRD CLASSES AND 1ST PERIOD WILL BEGIN AT 10:20AM. The following full day of school will then start with the Early Bird day that was missed. Example: If we have a late start with no "A" Early Bird, then the next full day of school will begin with "A" Early Bird.


Middle School Fitness Group will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays star ng on Tuesday, January 6 through February 27. Fitness group will run from 3:15 pm - 4:30 pm in the MS wrestling room. It is open is open to all 5th - 8th grade students and is under the direc on of Jeremy Ellio and run by various Mount Vernon Middle School staff members.


Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

IOWA ASSESSMENTS The Iowa Assessments standardized tests are designed to provide a measure of a student’s general educa onal development, regardless of the specifi c courses taken. The State Department of Educa on requires each high school to report the Iowa Assessment achievement scores from “Iowa Core” content areas, specifi cally in the areas of Reading, Mathema cs and Science. This year, Mount Vernon High School administered the Iowa Assessments on November 4 and 5. All students in grades 9, 10 and 11 were tested. The tests can show how Mount Vernon High School students compare with other students in that grade in the na on and in Iowa. This informa on can be very helpful to teachers in planning/revising curriculum and to students in planning for a meaningful high school experience that gives the best prepara on for life a er gradua on. In the graph below are this year’s Mount Vernon Iowa Assessment results. Na onwide, all schools aim to have their students 100% profi cient in Reading, Mathema cs and Science.

Currently, Cornell tutors have and are currently volunteering in the Middle School A er School Success Lab on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:10 to 4:30 pm. This group se ng is free to all Mount Vernon Middle School students. In addi on to the A er School Success Lab, Cornell tutors are also available for one-on-one sessions with any grade level of students. They can assist students with daily and/or weekly organiza onal, academic assignment/project comple on, study skills, or specifi c supplemental or intensive skill sets. The stated rate is $20.00 per hour. If you are interested in having your student meet with a Cornell tutor on a one-on-one basis, please contact Jennifer Holub Tischer or Kim Steele at the Middle School. They will share the list of Cornell students contact informa on with you.Mount Vernon Middle School - (319) 895-6254Jennifer Holub Tischer [email protected]. 3006


Kim Steele [email protected]. 3008



Josh Hof


Mickey Hines

• Thank you Mount Vernon Archery Club for a successful start to the Children's Charity Tournament series. They raised $270 to benefi t St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. See full details on page 6.

• Thank you to the Middle School Caroling Club for providing fantas c music for elementary students. Carolers included Sadie Player, Derek Jordan, Lauren McCollum, Ben Hopkins, Colter LaFallo e, Maddie Dickson, Macy Eskelsen, Megan Baumler, Isabelle Krapfl , and Kayla Wallace.

• Congratula ons to the following middle school students selected for the Marion Junior Honor Band. In sixth grade: Leah Kaminsky, Emma Rodman, Sage Boe cher, and Megan Baumler. In seventh grade: Danielle Homrighausen, Karly Connolly, and Sean Pitlik. And in eighth grade, Caden Eskelsen.

• Thank you to the High School Concert Choir. They took a service trip to the University of Iowa Hospital where they performed. Par cipa ng students were: Alex Abresch (11), Ben Alger (11), Blaise Anton (9), John Arians (10), Leah Arnold (11), Jordan Axtell (10), Aaron Barnhart (10), Nathaniel Barnhart (11), Trevor Baty (12), Kate Baumler (12), Mar n Benesh (9), Jenna Brannaman (11), John Butz (9), Becke Christensen (9), Hannah Clark (11), Riley Clark (11), Cody Connolly (9), John Cooper (11), Bryce Cox (11), Chris an Cripe (11), Lily Dahlstrom (11), Raina David (11), Jaylee DeLancey (11), Kelsi Dhondt (12), Jack Dietsch (9),Isaiah Exley-Schuman (11), Jordan Greif (11), Theresa Gruber-Miller (10), Chloe Guillaume (10), Jordan Hicks (11), Ethan Hill (10), Adam Holcomb (11), Charlie Hunter (11), Stacey Jaeger (10), Brooke Kelley (10), Renny Klein (12), Mitchell Kragenbrink (11), Sam Krapfl (10)Aubrey Lyon (12), Sara Lyon (12), Nicole Margheim (11), Kenzie Maurice (12), Elijah McInnis (9), Cian Meier-Gast (9), Elizabeth Minor (12), Rory McCollum (10), Luke Moran (10), Grace Niehaus (12), Shaunna Palmer (11), Dylan Pi s (12), Jacob Pra (10), Sydney Pra (12), Hali Rawson (11), Elijah Recalde (9), Ian Reid (10), Jenna Reimann (11), Rehanna Rexroat (11), Marissa Roe (11), Annelise See (11), Kyler Shannon (11), Taylor Sherman (11), David Taylor (11), Ethan Wenz (10), Jack Young (10).

• The Middle School Spelling Bee will be Friday, January 9. Congratula ons to the following students who will be par cipa ng:5th grade par cipants: Jaden Houghtaling, Madelyn Plotz, Kael Dimmer, Liz Dougherty, and Rafe Pisarik.6th grade par cipants: Kai Yamanishi, Keaton Dennis, Katy Edwards, Emrys Yamanishi, Lauren Ryan, and Sydney Jones. 7th grade par cipants: Max Siders, Lily Cripe, Kaylia Wirfs, Evan Tvedt, Luke Wade, and Sophie Klotzbach.


Parents! We want your thoughts on the most important meal of the day—that’s right, breakfast! Help us improve school breakfast at Mount Vernon Community Schools by taking a few minutes to fi ll out a short online survey from the Iowa Department of Educa on. The purpose of the survey is to be er understand what parents like you think about the school breakfast program. Your input will be used to help the Iowa Department of Educa on understand why breakfast par cipa on is so low in Iowa schools and how schools can be er meet you and your child’s needs at breakfast! Fill out this short online survey from the Iowa Department of Educa on at: h ps:// If you have any ques ons about the survey, please contact Natoshia M. Askelson, MPH, PhD ([email protected]; 319-335-6867). The Iowa Department of Educa on and the University of Iowa need your help to make school breakfast at Iowa schools the best it can be! Thank you in advance for you input!



Josh HofMickey HinesConnor Herrmann

Luke Maddock Tristan WirfsJohnny See

2nd TEAM

Hunter HormannJack Cochrane


Ryan MullerRyan Ackerman


Andy DeCamp 4 Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

Students from all over the state of Iowa, competed Wednesday, November 19th in the Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl academic compe on. The students used a computer and worked together to answer 100 challenging ques ons from all curriculum areas. Sixth grader Kai Yamanishi said, “In the middle of the compe on the computer crashed.” The computer was able to recover and the team started where they le off . Seventh grader Keaton Wenz commented, “I learned that Hunger Games trivia is a 100% relevant topic!” A team of 14 sixth and seventh grade students from Mount Vernon Middle School competed. Sixth grader Anna Nydegger commented, “It is fun to meet kids older than you and to learn new things.” The team scored 1,130 out of 1,500 possible points. That was an improvement of over 100 from last year’s score. The team answered 88 out of the 100 ques ons correct and got 77 of them correct on the fi rst try. “It’s so intense wai ng for it to load in silence and then rejoicing when the team gets it right,” said sixth grader Megan Baumler. “When you have to wait and see if you got the ques on right the suspense is crazy!” added Aliya Keaton, sixth grade. Seventh grader Caroline Voss said, “I think we worked together well and had fun!” Students on the team included: Team Captains – Megan Baumler, Mandy Morrical, Chris Banwart, and Sean Pitlik. Readers – Sadie Player, Kai Yamanishi, Lillie Hawker, and Aliya Keaton. Keyboarders – Jackson Brus, Jayden Meeker, Keaton Wenz, and Caroline Voss. Sta s cs – Aliya Keaton, Mya Reyhons, Anna Nydegger, and Mandy Morrical. The sta s cs people keep track of how many ques ons the team answers within 5 seconds, giving the team full bonus of 15 points each me. The team got 35 full bonus out of the 100 ques ons, 15 of those occurred during the fi rst 25 ques ons. Chris

Banwart, seventh grade commented, “I feel like old school, ge n’ points and takin’ names! # MVMS.” Sean Pitlik, seventh grade added, “Every year we do be erer and be erer!” Academic coach DeAnn Scearce commented, “I really was pleasantly surprised that we got fi rst place in the contest. Last year was the fi rst me we tried this par cular compe on. Our hard work paid off .” The team received a trophy and ribbons for their eff orts. Sixth grader Lillie Hawker, who was a bit late for the contest said, “It’s a CRIME to forget the Quiz Bowl like I did!” Seventh grader Mya Reyhons said, “Quiz Bowl is a unique experience and I am sad that this was my last one.”


Above: 7th grade QB members - Front row: Mandy Morrical, Keaton Wenz, and Sadie Player, Back row: Jackson Brus, Caroline Voss, Mya Reyhons, and Chris Banwart. Not pictured Sean Pitlik

Above: 6th grade QB members - Front row: Jayden Meeker and Lillie HawkerBack row: Megan Baumler, Aliya Keaton, Anna Nydegger, and Kai Yamanishi

MS Clothing DriveMS Clothing DriveMS Clothing DriveSixth grade student Emrys Yamnishi had a great idea....A winter apparel drive to help families in need. She took her idea to the Middle School Student Ac vi es Team (SAT) and the drive was on! Pictured below is Emrys with some of the clothing that was collected.

Interview with Emrys Yamanishi 6th grade Class of 2021

Q: What inspired you to want SAT to do a winter apparel drive?A: All the unused winter clothes at my house. I’d rather give them to people in need than have them pile up in closets. So, I men oned it to the SAT coordinators and they said okay.

Q: What did you learn in this process?A: I learned that it’s pre y easy to have a drive and that people are suppor ve of you. They are ready to help as soon as you are ready to start.

Washington Elementary art students created circle garlands and decorated lanterns crea ng a large fes ve holiday environment in the First Street Community Center gymnasium. Middle school art students made and presented a fes val of

short animated fi lms as part of the art ins lla on. The evening featured over 50 Elementary Magical Night Carolers singing in the fes ve environment and music played by high school band members. The Mount Vernon Fine Arts Associa on provided and served

Magical Night Art & Caroling Fest

over 700 cups of hot chocolate to community members.

Linda See, Middle School and High School nurse and Missy Hauser, Elementary School nurse would like to thank parents, staff and community members for all the wonderful support the district has received for the Kids in Need program throughout the school year and this Christmas season. The nurses have been humbled by the generosity and though ulness of so many people. Giving has come in so many forms: clothing, money, me, food, and gi s. All are equally important and all are equally appreciated. The Kids in Need program would not operate without the generosity of parents, staff and community members. We bring thanks and extreme gra tude this holiday season for all of the dona ons.

High School staff gets in the holiday spirit on Ugly Sweater Day

Orchestra students provided holiday music for elementary students

Above and le : The Grinch

and Whoville residents visited

Washington Elementary

At le : 4th grade students celebrated with cocoa and carols

Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

Tuesday, December 9 was the Night of the Notables performed by the sixth and seventh grade Extended Learning Program students. A er doing extensive research on a notable person from history and crea ng a learning center, the students became their person for the night in character and dress, mingled with the audience, revealed themselves through a riddle about their person, and served refreshments that had something to do with their notable. Seventh grader Mandy Morrical (Sally Ride) said, “The Night of the Notables was a very educa onal night, not only for the people who came, but for the presenters.” Lillie Hawker (Mother Teresa), sixth grade added, “This was an amazing experience where I learned a lot about Mother Teresa and others. I would love to do this again!”Here are some comments from par cipants about the diff erent parts of the program: The Grand March- “The Grand March was pre y cool because we all had snazzy poses.” commented sixth grader Aliya Keaton (Cleopatra). Seventh grader Caroline Voss (Dr. Suess) said, “It worked well as a group because we all knew when to pose, mingle, sit and recite our poems.”Mingling- Mya Reyhons (Pope John Paul II), seventh grade said, “ Something that went well for me was answering ques ons during mingling because not many people knew who I was.” Seventh grader Chris Banwart (Michael Jackson) commented, “I loved never breaking character, and being able to answer ques ons correctly. It was great!” Sixth grader Jayden Meeker (Roberto Clemente) said, “A lot of people knew who I was, and some even googled me.” Costumes- “I will take up any opportunity to wear a suit!” remarked seventh grader Keaton Wenz (Johnny Carson). “The straight jacket was fun but I sure am glad I didn’t have to dislocate my shoulder to get out of it!” said seventh grader Sean Pitlik (Harry Houdini).Riddles- Anna Nydegger (Amelia Earhart) sixth grade, commented, “ One thing that went well is that I didn’t forget my lines or mess up.” The Extended Learning Program would like to thank Cornell College Librarians Paul Waelchli and Grace Chamberlain, who started us on this research journey. We would also like to thank Barb Shepley who helped us on many of the costumes, and Sherene, Laura and Clarissa Player who were the make up ar sts for the evening. Finally, we would like to thank videographer Richard Scearce, who provided us with a video that will be record of the fun and educa onal event. Sixth grader Megan Baumler (H.A. Rey) commented, “It’s fun stepping into someone’s life and seeing all of the challenges they had to face and accomplishments they made.” Kai Yamanishi (Hora o Nelson) sixth grade, said “We

have worked on this for a long me so I’m glad people enjoyed it.” A er the intense event, Jackson Brus (John F. Kennedy) seventh grade, said, “My head kinda hurts.” Seventh grader Sadie Player (Madame Curie) summed it up for many when she said, “It was a TON of work ge ng the informa on and pu ng the tri-folds, costumes, and the riddles together, but the end result was awesome!”

NIGHT OF THE NOTABLES We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever fi eld our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly hinge on understanding how technology works. But only a ny frac on of us are learning computer science, and less students are studying it than a decade ago. That’s why the en re Mount Vernon Middle School joined in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code. The Hour of Code was held during Computer Science Educa on Week (Dec. 8-14.) Last year, 15 million students tried computer science in one week. This year, MVMS joined students worldwide to reach 100 million students!What is the Hour of Code? Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 170+ countries. It is a one-hour ac vity during which students of all ages can choose from a variety of self-guided tutorials on computer coding. Hour of Code is a spark to keep students learning computer science. Once students see what they have created electronically, they are empowered to keep learning. The Hour of Code is a statement that Mount Vernon Middle School is ready to teach these founda onal 21st century skills. Thank you to Susan Maurice, Ross Sowell (Cornell College) and Nanne e Gunn for planning this event.


Above: Mrs. Maurice works with 7th grade students on coding a smiley face.Below: Students work diligently during thier Hour of Code.

At le : Cornell student Wint Hnin talks to 8th grade students about coding.Below: 8th grade stu-dents work on coding a sun and clouds.

The middle school ski trip to Chestnut Mountain in Galena, IL will take place on Friday, January 16, 2015, a regular school day. Informa on and permission slips were sent home with students in early December. The purpose of this trip is to con nue to build posi ve rela onships between staff , students, and community members. At approximately 8:30 a.m. that morning, 5th and 6th grade students will dismiss to the charter buses and leave for the ski resort. 7th and 8th grade students will follow around 9:30 a.m. Students not a ending the ski trip will remain at school under the supervision of a teacher un l 3:05 p.m., our normal dismissal me. 5th and 6th grade students will return to the middle school around 5:30 p.m. with 7th & 8th grade students returning around 6:30 p.m. The price of the trip includes chartered bus transporta on, ski or snowboard rental, lesson, li cket, and lunch at the ski resort. Bo led water and fruit on the bus ride home will be provided by PRIDE, our parent group. ALL students will use Chestnut Mountain equipment and will be fi ed for skis/snowboards at the middle school on the a ernoon of Monday, January 12. ALL students must also ride the buses to Chestnut Mountain but may return from the trip with a parent or friend only with parental permission that is arranged with the middle school offi ce no

later than Wednesday, January 14th. Students a ending the ski trip must return the signed permission form in the provided envelope to the middle school offi ce by Wednesday, January 7, 2015. A separate permission form with all sec ons completed must be returned for each child but all forms can be returned in one envelope. The cost of the trip is outlined below.*Checks payable to Mount Vernon Community Schools*Middle School Student Skiers – $49Middle School Non-skiers

(transporta on/meal) – $30 Parents are welcome to accompany us on the trip. Limited seats are available on our buses. The cost is $55 to ski and ride the bus (space permi ng-fi rst come fi rst served) or $30 to ski only (providing your own transporta on). If the cost of this trip is a fi nancial burden for your family, please contact Chiara Burke at (319) 895-6254 and a empts will be made to help with expenses. We are excited about our ski trip and believe it will be an enjoyable experience for everyone.


ORCHESTRA, CONCERT CHOIR AND BAND PERFORM December 14 was a day full of beau ful music in the District Auditorium. The 8th - 12th grade Concert Choir performed. This performance was followed by the high school band and high school orchestra concert.





Washington Elementary Chorus Club is coming soon! Rehearsals will start Monday, January 12. The par cipa on form is linked on the Elementary page of the website for any interested 3rd or 4th grade student.

WE CHORUS CLUB 2014 15 6 Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS






5 BREAKFAST: Sausage Patties

Chocolate Muffin Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Hot Dog Potato Triangle Green Beans


HS Alt: Beef & Noodles

6 BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza

Yogurt Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Chicken Strip Wrap

Lettuce-Tomato-Shredded Cheddar Fresh Baby Carrots Fresh Strawberries

Apricots MS & HS Alt: French Dip Sandwich

7 BREAKFAST: Western Omelet

Quesadilla Cereal

Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: BBQ Pork Sandwich Oven Roasted Potatoes

Baked Beans Cole Slaw

Fruit Slushie Cup HS Alt: Chicken Cheese


8 BREAKFAST: Combo Bar

Bagel w/cream cheese Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Orange Chicken

Brown Rice Steamed Broccoli Steamed Carrots Fresh Pineapple

Mandarin Oranges Snickerdoodle

HS Alt: Cheeseburger Soup

9 BREAKFAST: Fruit Pastry

Cereal Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Spaghetti w/ sauce

Meatballs (on side) Lettuce w/ Spinach

Tomatoes Applesauce w/strawberries &

bananas Bread Stick

HS Alt: Chili Crispito


Pancake Wrapped Sausage Chocolate Muffin Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Breaded Chicken

Sandwich Chili Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Steamed Cauliflower Pineapple

HS Alt: Meatball Sub

13 BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza

Yogurt Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Beef/Bean Nachos

Tortilla Chips Cheese Sauce

Black Bean & Corn Salsa Beets

Green Grapes Peaches

MS & HS Alt: Chicken Panini


Sausage-Egg on a Bagel Cereal

Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Cheese Pizza-ES/MS Cheese, Sausage, or Chicken

Pizza-HS Romaine Lettuce

Fresh Baby Carrots Applesauce No Alt at HS


French Toast Sticks Bagel w/cream cheese

Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Chicken Nuggets Mashed Potatoes & Gravy

Steamed Asparagus Cantaloupe

Pears Dinner Roll

HS Alt: Salisbury Steak

16 BREAKFAST: Fruit Pastry

Cereal Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Lasagna Cheese Roll Up

Green Beans Celery w/ Sunbutter

Mixed Fruit Chocolate Muffin

MS & HS Alt: Taco Soup w/ Fritos

19 BREAKFAST: Waffle Sticks

Chocolate Muffin Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Breaded Pork Pattie

Sandwich Baked Beans

Steamed Broccoli w/Cheese Peaches

HS Alt: Chicken Fried Rice 12:30 early dismissal

20 BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza

Yogurt Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Chicken Gravy w/ Biscuit

Peas Steamed Carrots

Fresh Strawberries Pineapple

MS & HS Alt: Corn Dog Muffins


Oatmeal Muffin Square Cereal

Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: French Toast Sticks Sausage Links Potato Triangle

Scrambled Eggs-HS Only Tomato Juice OR Orange Juice

Applesauce No Alt at HS

22 BREAKFAST: Cheese Omelet

Bagel w/cream cheese Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Fajita Chicken Wrap Lettuce-Shredded Cheddar

Salsa & Sour Cream Black Beans

Corn Watermelon

Pears HS Alt: Maidrite

23 BREAKFAST: Fruit Pastry

Cereal Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Italian Pasta

Romaine Lettuce Tomatoes & Cucumbers

Mandarin Oranges Bread Stick MS &HS Alt:

Broccoli Cheese Soup

26 BREAKFAST: Sausage Patties

Chocolate Muffin Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Chicken & Bean Burrito

Refried Beans Mexican Rice

Red & Green Pepper Strips Pineapple

HS Alt: Fish Tacos

27 BREAKFAST: Breakfast Pizza

Yogurt Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Sub Sandwich

Ham-Turkey-Cheese Lettuce-Sliced Tomato

Sun Chips Fresh Baby Carrots

Red Grapes Pears

MS & HS Alt: Chicken Caesar Wrap

28 BREAKFAST: Pancakes/Syrup

Cereal Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Sloppy Joe

French Fries Fresh Vegetable Salad

Citrus Fruit Salad HS Alt: Grilled Cheese

29 BREAKFAST: Combo Bar

Bagel w/cream cheese Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Hot Turkey Sandwich

Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Glazed Carrots

Honey Dew Melon Peaches

HS Alt: Cuban Sandwich

30 BREAKFAST: Fruit Pastry

Cereal Fruit, Juice, Milk

LUNCH: Macaroni & Cheese

Meatballs Peas

Lettuce w/Spinach Fruit Slushie Cup

Chocolate Chip Cookie MS & HS Alt: BBQ Rib Sandwich

Mount Vernon Archery warmed up on November 25 with a charity tournament to support St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. By the end of the month, 18 schools from Alaska, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas and West Virginia had par cipated in the na onal online tournament. The Mount Vernon Club raised $270 in support of St. Jude’s children. In NASP® we are “Changing Lives one arrow at a me.” NASP® and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital are joining forces in an on-line charity archery tournament to expand our infl uence to “Saving Lives one arrow at a me.” For more informa on about St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital: Both the middle school and elementary teams placed 1st in their division.In the middle school division (6-8th grades) the top fi ve fi nishers were all from Mount Vernon: For the boys, Conner Meyers - 1st, Nick Flynn - 2nd, Colton Hof - 3rd. For the girls, Kayla Wallace - 2nd, Caroline Voss - 3rd. High school (9-12th grades) archers at the top were Sara Lyon 1st, Chris an Tanberg 2nd. Top fi nisher for the elementary team (4-5th grades) was Quinlan Denes 2nd. For more scores go to Three archers shot their unoffi cial personal records: Max Siders, Masen Pelley and Quinlan Denes. Mount Vernon Archery club begins the Iowa State NASP League season with a tournament two-day opener at the First Street Community Gym in uptown Mount Vernon on December 16 and 18. Visi ng schools include Alburne , Solon, Marion and Springville. Visit the club website at for more event informa on. Individual archer scores: Adam Vig 224, Aden Grudzinski 246, Adrian Dale 203, Alex Deeb 247, Anna Nydegger 245, Aryn Siddell 78, Asher Eichhorn 97, Ashton Pirrie 137, Ben Crock 142, Ben Merlak 145, Benjamin Nydegger 154, Caroline Voss 246, Chris an Tanberg 282, Cian Meier-Gast 225, Clark Younggreen 181, Cody Connolly 234, Colton Hof 268, Connor Myers 276, Cooper Becthold 233, Dallas Olberding 171, Derk Keller 247, Elizabeth Meier-Gast 210, Elizabeth Barns 159, Ellie Barkalow 159, Emily Friedman 265, Ethan Hall 124, Ethan Stanerson 181, Ethan Kesterson 49, Evan Tvedt 233, Evere Thompson 256, Gus Andrews 80, Hannah DeWi e 188, Henry Steine 140, Isabelle Krapfl 221, Jacob Russell 180, Jacob Cannon 89, Jaden Houghtaling 207, Jaegen Becthold 211, Jake Kadlec 223, Jake Stanerson 190, Jakob Hunter 227, Jensen Meeker 146, Jessica Belding 187, Josie DeLancey 168, JP Hoagland 147, Kael Dimmer 202, Kaiden Shannon 164, Kailey Shannon 232, Kari Tanberg 247, Kayla Wallace 249, Kennedy Hunter 81, Korina Schoon 175, Kyler Shannon 208, Lance Eriksen 225, Lily Cripe 122, Logan Eriksen 141, Maddox Rollinger 79, Mae Owen 223, Mandy Morrical 228, Margaret Player 52, Mark Liberko 192, Masen Pelley 174, Ma Morrical 266, Max Siders 229, McKenzie Rentschler 136, Naomi Flynn 155, Nathan Woods 186, Nevaeh Exley-Schuman 101, Nick Flynn 272, Noah Exley-Schuman 220, Noah Guillaume 248, Poppy Klein 111, Quinlan Denes 248, Quinn Alles 129, Renny Klein 251, Ryan Naeve 185, Ryder Bunch 136, Rylan Bu erbaugh 200, Sadie Player 192, Sara Lyon 271, Sydney Benn 62, Tori Hoagland 194, Trenton Pitlik 150, Tryston Locke 258, Walker J. Holmes Bilden 170.

ARCHERY UPDATE Mount Vernon was able to host the fi rst offi cial tournament of NASP’s eastern Iowa league the week of December 15. The Eastern Iowa NASP (Na onal Archery in the Schools Program) league is challenged this year by a record number of par cipa ng schools and archers. With over 900 archers now registered in Eastern Iowa, the league is having diffi culty fi elding tournaments so that all archers are able to par cipate in the minimum number of shoots required to qualify for the state tournament. Coach Tom Wilkinson believes that this is a great problem to have, but it does require some pa ence from the archery families as the schedule gets established. In order to accommodate more archers, Mount Vernon’s December tournament was held both Tuesday and Thursday evenings, December 16 & 18, at the First Street Community building. In this venue, each 60-minute round of shoo ng was open to 24 archers. Mount Vernon invited par cipants from Solon, Anamosa, Marion Independent Schools, and Alburne . Only Mount Vernon and Alburne fi elded full teams of 24 archers each. Mount Vernon’s team scores were: Elementary, 2817; Middle school, 3244; and High School 3246. Individual rankings are as follows: For the 4th and 5th grade elementary school level, 72 archers par cipated. Mount Vernon’s top 3 girl archers were Quinlan Denes, Mae Owen and Jaegen Becthold. For the elementary boys division, Mount Vernon’s Aden Grudzinski and Aden Locke took the top two spots while an

archer from Solon placed third. In the middle school division, there were 85 par cipants. Mya Reyhons and Sydney Ulch took the top two spots for the Mount Vernon girls while Connor Meyers and Logan Kelly were the leaders for the boys. The high school division had 46 par cipants. Mount Vernon siblings were the leaders for girls and boys. Kari Tanberg placed fi rst with a score of 276 and Chris an Tanberg placed second place in the boys division with a score of 287.


Le - Right: Aden Grudzinski, Mandy Morrical, Alex Deeb

Le - Right: Brandon Lochner & Derk Keller

Please send your child to school with a warm coat, snow pants or at least long pants, hat, gloves, boots and/or athle c shoes so they can con nue to have a great me on the playground as well as to and from school. Thank you for your help.


Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

FINE ARTS ASSOCContact: Karla Steff ens-

MoranSteff [email protected]

(319) 895-2383Provides support for all fi ne arts programs in

Mount Vernon schools.MV Fine Arts Assoc.

meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month.

Next Mee ng:January 6, 2015

7 pmHigh School Library

P.R.I.D.E.Contact: Jackie Morrical

[email protected](319) 895-6135

Promotes the posi ve aspects of Middle School

life. All parents of Middle

School students and staff are members of P.R.I.D.E.P.R.I.D.E meets on the 3rd Monday of each month.

Next Mee ng: January 19, 2015

7 pmMiddle School Library


W.E.T.A.P Contact: LeAnn

Briesemeister, Presidentlbriesemeister@ 231-0526

All parents, future parents, and guardians of Washington

Elementary students, as well as teachers and

school staff of the Washington

Elementary School are members of WETAP.

WETAP meets on the 1st Monday of each month.

Next Mee ng: January 5, 2015

6:30 pmWashington

Elementary Art Room

BOOSTER CLUBContact: Kent Streicherstrikeforce921@yahoo.

com (319) 560-7081

Off ers fi nancial and volunteer support for all athle c programs

at Mount Vernon High School and Middle

School. The MV Booster Club

meets on the 1st Wednesday of each

month.Next Mee ng:

January 7, 20157 pm

High School Commons

Pres - Kent StreicherVP - JennyKaye Hampton

Sec - Tom WieselerTreas - Becky Whitman



Decisions concerning early dismissals, delays and school closings are made in the interest of the health and safety of students. Closings will be reported to the media as early as possible. Freezing rain, fog, dri ing or heavy snow, extreme cold or heat, and ability of the country crews to clear roads

are all factors in the decision to close school.

MEDIA NOTIFICATIONThe following radio and television sta ons are called when school will be delayed, dismissed early or canceled: KCRG-TV-9, KGAN-TV-2, KWWL-TV-7, KZIA-102.9 FM, KDAT-104.5

FM, WMT-600 AM, and KHAK-98.1 FM

Mount Vernon Fine Arts Associa on met Tuesday, December 9, 7:00pm in the High School Library. A endees included teachers, a school board member and parents. Each teacher present had exci ng news to discuss. Mr. Stephens is inves ga ng procuring a “Square,” a small electric a achment for a phone or tablet that allows for credit card charges. It would be used at plays when patrons are unable to pay by check or cash – this is s ll being researched and considered. The fall play, Our Town, went very well with many students involved. The spring musical will be Footloose. A new high school class begins in January to teach direc ng and producing theatre. Teaching and learning will take place in both a classroom se ng and through par cipa on in the spring play. Mrs. Rodenberg is pleased to have the new middle school tuba. Quotes are being reviewed to buy new chairs for band and orchestra performances. Mrs. Fitzgerald reported that Magical Night at the First Street Building was very well a ended, with 700 cups of hot chocolate served. There were fes ve decora ons, stop-ac on and computer movies, and more than 50 kids singing. MVFAA members con nue to apply for corporate funded grants, matching and mul plying funds. However, general dona ons are down, and it would be disappoin ng if MVFAA couldn't cover cri cal expenses. Next mee ng will be back on the regular date, the fi rst Tuesday of the month, January 6, 7:00 pm in the high school library.

THEATRE UPDATE On November 14 & 15, 21 high school students a ended the Iowa Thespian Fes val in Cedar Falls. Seven students competed in 4 individual events at the state level. The Improv team of Trevor Baty, Ma Banwart, and David Taylor received a top overall ra ng of ACCOMPLISHED and winning fi rst place. They subsequently performed in the IE Showcase in front of 900 fes val delegates.

MVFAA is currently planning several upcoming events. Mr. So llo and Mr. Stephens will co-teach a new class in the spring, Theatre Design & Produc on. The 0.5 credit elec ve course will introduce students to all aspects of theatre including ac ng, direc ng, design, and produc on. Audi ons will be held February 3 – 5 for the spring musical, Footloose. MVFAA will host a free showing of the Kevin Bacon fi lm in the district auditorium in late January to get students excited for the produc on. describes the show, "When Ren and his mother move from Chicago to a small farming town, Ren is prepared for the inevitable adjustment period at his new high school. What he isn't prepared for are the rigorous local edicts, including a ban on dancing ins tuted by the local preacher, determined to exercise the control over the town's youth that he cannot command in his own home. To the rockin' rhythm of its Oscar and Tony-nominated top 40 score (the soundtrack album reached number one on the Billboard charts and has sold over 15 million copies!) and augmented with dynamic new songs for the stage musical, FOOTLOOSE celebrates the wisdom of listening to young people, guiding them with a warm heart and an open mind." Registra on opens in February for the Interna onal Thespian Fes val, held June 22-27 in Lincoln, NE. At the week-long event students will have the opportunity to see outstanding full-length plays and musicals and chapter select one-act plays from across the county, a end workshops taught by theatre professionals, audi on for college and Thespian scholarships, audi on for Thespian Playworks, par cipate in Fes val's Got Talent, Tech Challenge, or student leadership seminars, and much more. For more informa on, contact Mr. Stephens at [email protected] or online at h p:// val2015/home/

Twi er: @mvhstheatreWeb: h p://

Pictured above L - R: Ma Banwart, Trevor Baty and David Taylor

Washington Elementary Teachers & Parents


The December WETAP mee ng recapped much of what WETAP has been able to accomplish and provide the fi rst months of the school year, while focusing on ac vi es for the month and what is to come in the new year. • WETAP agreed to move forward with the purchase of 10 iPads with cases for Kindergarten classrooms. • Instead of “giving wreaths” for elementary teachers as had been done in the past, WETAP collected ideas from teachers for specifi c items, and encouraged parents to support local businesses in their purchases. • WETAP supported the local Kids in Need program. • There are plans for a family ac vity night in late January, with details s ll to be determined. • The annual WE Ski Trip will take place Feb. 26. • WETAP is exploring the development of a Career Day to take place in the spring in coordina on with local businesses and the MVCSD Founda on. A reminder of general WETAP mee ngs taking place the fi rst Monday of each month, at 6:30 pm at the elementary school.

CLASSROOM CASH Would you like to earn money for Mount Vernon Community School District each me you make a purchase?

Hills Bank has a program that will do just that. Classroom Cash is a program that empowers you to earn money for Mount Vernon Community School Dis ct each me you make a purchase with your Hills Bank debit card. With every purchase , the bank will make a dona on to the school. There is no cost to you. It’s a great way for Hills Bank to make a diff erence in our community schools - together. Since the program began, $30,603.23 has been donated to the Mount Vernon Community School Founda on and over $730,000 to all schools in the program. The funds are used to support programs and services which enhance student educa onal experiences. To enroll in Classroom Cash if you are already have a Hills Bank debit card you need to fi ll out an applica on at any Hills Bank loca on or online at If you are not a HIlls Bank customer simply visit a Hills Bank loca on and apply for a checking account with a HIlls Bank debit card. You can even show school spirit by selec ng your school’s card design or school colors. Once you have your debit card you can begin making purchases and earning money for your school. Make a diff erence in your community with Classroom Cash. Choose Mount Vernon Community School District today!

Above: Dr. Gary O’Malley receives Classroom Cash check from Hills Bank Vice President, Offi ce Manager, Brenda Langenberg and HIlls Bank First Vice President, Commercial Banking Mike Turner.

FREE OR REDUCED PRICE SCHOOL MEALS Applica ons for free or reduced price school meals are available online or in any of the building offi ces. Applica ons can be submi ed at any me throughout the school year. Please contact Amy Weber at (319) 895-8845 or [email protected] with any ques ons.


Size Free Meals Reduced Price Meals




a Month

Every two





Twice a Month

Every two



1 15,171 1,265 633 584 292 21,590 1,800 900 831 416

2 20,449 1,705 853 787 394 29,101 2,426 1,213 1,120 560

3 25,727 2,144

1,072 990 495 36,612 3,051 1,526 1,409 705

4 31,005 2,584 1,292 1,193 597 44,123 3,677 1,839 1,698 849

5 36,283 3,024 1,512 1,396 698 51,634 4,303 2,152 1,986 993

6 41,561 3,464 1,732 1,599 800 59,145 4,929 2,465 2,275 1,138

7 46,839 3,904 1,952 1,802 901 66,656 5,555 2,778 2,564 1,282

8 52,117 4,344 2,172 2,005 1,003 74,167 6,181 3,091 2,853 1,427

For each additional

family member












THANK YOU!Thank you to everyone who donated picutures

for the January 2015 edi on of the district newsle er: Jo Nowak-Thompson, Steve Brand,

Jennifer Holub Tischer, Kate Jones, DeAnn Scearce, Sarah Fitzgerald, Mark Benesh, Laurie Keller, Laura Deininger, Claire Pe nger, Nolan Teubel, Cheryl

Wery, Brenda Langenberg, Halverson Photography, and Workpalce Learning Connec on. 8 Mount Vernon Community School District JANUARY 2015 NEWS

1 2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

• HSW, Western Dubuque @ Epworth, 6:30 pm

• HSW - Varsity @ MV, 6 pm - Senior Night

• 7BB, Marion, T, 4:15 pm• 8BB, Marion, H, 4:15 pm• HSW - Varsity, Anamosa, T, 6 pm

• 7BB, DeWi , H, 4:15 pm• 8BB, DeWi , T, 4:15 pm• HSW - Varsity, Solon, T, 6 pm• 9GB, Maquoketa, T, 6 pm• 9BB, Maquoketa, T, 7:30 pm

• 9BB, Lone Tree, H, 12 pm• HSW, Lisbon, T, 4 pm• HSGB, Dubuque Hempstead, H, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• MS/HS District Orchestra Fes val, select students• NEIBA Honor Band, select students• Archery Tournament @ MV• HSW - Varsity, Linn-Mar, T, 9 am

• Archery Tournament @ Washington High School• MS Honor Band, Marion, select students • HSW -Varsity, Cascade, T, 9 am• HS Speech Showcase, District Auditorium, 7 pm

• HS Speech Large Group Districts, • Archery Tournament @ Bellevue High School• HSW - Varsity, Clinton, T, 9 am• HSW - JV, CR Jeff erson, T, 9 am

• HS Meistersinger Honor Choir @ Wartburg College, select students• HSW - Varsity, Western Dubuque @ Epworth, 10 am • HSGB, Cedar Rapids Prairie, T, JV @ 5 pm, Varsity @ 6:30 pm


• Booster Club Mee ng, HS Commons, 7 pm

• WETAP Mee ng, ES Art Room, 6:30 pm

• HS Dorian Honor Choir @ Luther College, select students• HSW - JV, Center Point-Urbana, T, 5:30 pm• School Board Mee ng, HS Library, 6:30 pm


12:30 pm Dismissal

• 7BB, Solon, T, 4:15 pm• 8BB, Solon, H, 4:15 pm• WAMAC Large Group Speech Contest @Central City, 4:30 pm• P.R.I.D.E Mee ng, MS Library, 7 pm

• 7BB, Clear Creek-Amana, H, 4:15 pm• 8BB, Clear Creek-Amana, T, 4:15 pm

• HSGB, Vinton-Shellsburg, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, Vinton-Shellsburg, T, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• MVFAA Mee ng, HS Library, 7 pm

• 7BB, Benton Community, T, 4:15 pm• 8BB, Benton Community, H, 4:15 pm• HSGB, Solon, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, Solon, T, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• MS/HS Orchestra Metro Audi ons, Harding Middle School, 3:30 pm• HSGB, West Delaware @ Manchester, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Vars y to follow• HSBB, West Delaware, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• HSGB, Western Dubuque, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, Western Dubuque @ Epworth, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• HSGB, Beckman @ Dyersville, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, Dyersville Beckman, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• HSGB, DeWi , H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, DeWi , T, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSW - JV, Western Dubuque @ Epworth, 5 pm

• HSGB, Anamosa, H, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow• HSBB, Anamosa, T, 9th @ 4:30pm, JV @ 6 pm, Varsity to follow

• HSGB - JV, Maquoketa, H @ MVMS, 4:30pm, • HSBB - JV, Maquoketa, H @ MVHS, 4:30 pm• So ball Fundraiser Soup Supper, HS Commons, 5 - 8 pm• HSGB- Varsity, Maquoketa, H, 6 pm, • HSBB - Varsity, Maquoketa, H, 7:30 pm

• HS Dorian Honor Choir @ Luther College, select students

• 7BB - 7th Grade Boys Basketball • 8BB - 8th Grade Boys Basketball • 9BB - Freshman Boys Basketball • HSGB - High School Girls Basketball • HSBB - High School Boys Basketball • HSW - High School Wrestling • JV - Junior Varsity




by joining them for a Soup Supper Fundraiser. Then cheer on the Mustang basketball teams as the girls and boys take on the Maquoketa Cardinals

WHEN? January 30, 2015TIME? 5 - 8 pmWHERE? High School Commons WHAT’S TO EAT? Soup, Mac & Cheese, Veggies, Cinnamon Rolls, and dessert! d

SoftballSoftball Fundraiser Fundraiser

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Mount Vernon High School Girls Track Parent Preseason Mee ng.

Monday, February 9, 20157:00 pm

MVHS CommonsContact Coach Maggie Willems with

ques ons:[email protected]


Seniors Morgan Mechert (pictured above) and Lizzie Adams (pictured below) will don purple and gold next fall as both have signed le ers of intent. Morgan will a end McKendree University to play

volleyball and Lizzie Adams will a end University of Northern Iowa for swimming. Both are shown with

their families and Ac vites Director Ma Thede. Congratula ons ladies!