saturday, september 22, 2012

important spin off in the Aruban economy. According to Minister Odu- ber, this conference is designed to open the eyes of all parties that the registration of aircrafts can become a new economic pillar for Aruba in the future. tration market. Aircraft regis- tration is important to Aruba; it is important revenue for our economy. Not only does it cre- ate additional funds for the government and more know- ledge in the field of civil avia- tion, but it also has an ORANJESTAD -- Last Thurs- day, Aruba was host to the kick off of the 2nd Annual Offshore Aircraft Registration Confe- rence at the prestigious Renais- sance Convention Center. At the conference, the Minister of Tourism indicated that Aruba must seriously consider out- sourcing certain tasks if we are intent on capitalizing on the registration of aircrafts on Aruba. The government of Aruba recognizes the high level of ex- pertise of our Department of Civil Aviation, and is con- vinced that they are doing a su- perb job of control and vi gilance, but that they must expand and integrate other components of added value, such as the quality and speed of various services. In this context they have decided that they must out- source the aspect of inspection of aircraft registered here. In- spection, they are convinced must take place under the strict supervision of our own inspec- tors, as well as from the De- partment of Civil Aviation. The government is also convinced that we must change our mentality regar - ding aircraft registration, or else others will pass us by. Aruba must ensure that we have the highest quality and speed of service while safe- guarding the security aspect. One of Aruba’s goals is to capitalize on the aircraft regis- Aircraft registration: new Aruban economic pillar? The last of the 33,000 'surge' troops ordered into Afghanistan by President Barack Obama in 2009 have withdrawn from the country, returning the American presence to pre-surge levels, a senior U.S. defense offi- cial said yesterday. The surge in American troops was designed to push back the Taliban and create space for NATO forces to build the Afghan army to a point where it could take over Afghanistan's security, allowing for an eventual Western drawdown. Saturday, September 22, 2012 Last of 33,000 surge troops leave Afghanistan

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Page 1: Saturday, September 22, 2012

important spin off in theAruban economy.

According to Minister Odu-ber, this conference is designedto open the eyes of all partiesthat the registration of aircraftscan become a new economicpillar for Aruba in the future.

tration market. Aircraft regis-tration is important to Aruba; itis important revenue for oureconomy. Not only does it cre-ate additional funds for thegovernment and more know -ledge in the field of civil avia-tion, but it also has an

ORANJESTAD -- Last Thurs-day, Aruba was host to the kickoff of the 2nd Annual OffshoreAircraft Registration Confe -rence at the prestigious Renais-sance Convention Center. Atthe conference, the Minister ofTourism indicated that Arubamust seriously consider out-sourcing certain tasks if we areintent on capitalizing on theregistration of aircrafts onAruba.

The government of Arubarecognizes the high level of ex-pertise of our Department ofCivil Aviation, and is con-vinced that they are doing a su-perb job of control andvi gilance, but that they mustexpand and integrate othercomponents of added value,such as the quality and speedof various services.

In this context they havedecided that they must out-source the aspect of inspectionof aircraft registered here. In-spection, they are convincedmust take place under the strictsupervision of our own inspec-tors, as well as from the De-partment of Civil Aviation.

The government is alsoconvinced that we mustchange our mentality regar -ding aircraft registration, orelse others will pass us by.Aruba must ensure that wehave the highest quality andspeed of service while safe-guarding the security aspect.

One of Aruba’s goals is tocapitalize on the aircraft regis-

Aircraft registration: new Aruban

economic pillar?

The last of the 33,000 'surge' troops ordered intoAfghanistan by President Barack Obama in 2009 havewithdrawn from the country, returning the Americanpresence to pre-surge levels, a senior U.S. defense offi-cial said yesterday. The surge in American troops wasdesigned to push back the Taliban and create space forNATO forces to build the Afghan army to a point whereit could take over Afghanistan's security, allowing for aneventual Western drawdown.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Last of 33,000 surge troops

leave Afghanistan

Page 2: Saturday, September 22, 2012

ORANJESTAD -- Earlythis week, Curacao bornartist and author with animpressive artistic back-ground took the stage atour Fort Zoutman to in-troduce his newest book,titled in Dutch, “Vuurw-erk in mijn hoofd” (Fire-works in my head).

Roy Colastica’s bookis written both for chil-dren and adults with auniquely motiva ting mes-sage. During the pre -sentation of his book, itwas revealed that Royhas a long associationwith Aruba dating backto 1987. Over the yearshe has shared in our chil-dren’s’ book festivals,and in nume rous literarypresentations.

Roy has recently pre-sented his book in Hol-land and in Bonaire andwith much success. Wewere delighted to havehim bring his book hereto Aruba as well. Duringthe presentation of hisbook, this was combinedwith a youth combo byFDEC and the Gang diArte.

Aruba congratulatesRoy Colastica with hisexcellent book and trustthat our youth will makegood use of the book.

Author Roy Colastica

presents new book

value of 1.10 Aruban florins.This adorable series featurescats and kittens at rest andplay, and is a must-have forstamp collectors. The set isavailable as a first-day issueensemble with coordinated en-velope and cancellation stamp.

The newest collection,along with other beautifulstamps issued this year, can bepurchased at the Philately

The Department of Philately, asubsection of PostAruba, is-sued a new commemorativestamp on Thursday, Septem-ber 20. This is the seventh spe-cial issue of 2012, created byAruban artist Ronna Lem-minga, the subject being “Do-mestic Animals: Cats.”

There are eight stamps inthe series, issued in two seriesof four, each having a face

2 Saturday, September 22, 2012

New commemorative issue fromPostAruba

Desk in the main PostArubaoffice in Oranjestad from 7:30AM until noon and from 1:00to 4:30 PM, Monday throughFriday. It is also sold at thePalm Beach Plaza branch of-fice, which is open non-stropfrom 8:00AM until 8:00 PMMonday through Saturday.

Previous commemorativestamps issued this year andstill on sale, are:

January 19, Eagles by ElvisTromp, value: 10 Arubanflorins,

February 21, ArubanFauna, (Goats) by Edith vander Waal, value: 4 Arubanflorins

April 5, SummerOlympics, Rudberth Wolffe, 5Aruban florins each, only in aset of 4

May 15, Whales by Angi-olina Henriquez, value: 10Aruban florins

June 21, Caribbean Dressesby Michiko Takatsu, value: 4Aruban florins

August, Aruba RembrandtRegatta by Adolfo Valbuena,value 6 Aruban florins

The next special commem-oratives issue will be onThursday, October 18, in timefor sending holiday greetings.The theme will be Christmas& New Year 2012 byStephanie Croes; stamps willhave an individual value of 4Aruban florins. For collectors,they can be purchased withmatching envelope and can-cellations stamp.

Page 3: Saturday, September 22, 2012

but which allows individualministers to develop detailedpolicies.

The VVD and Labour bothwant a speedy formationprocess so they can amendparts of the 2013 budget agree-ment. Although Labour hasnow accepted the rise in value-added tax to 21%, both partieswant to change the proposedtax on travel expenses.

THE HAGUE -- Sources inThe Hague suggest talks onforming a new right-left gov-ernment between the VVD andLabour could be completed ina matter of weeks. The twoparties emerged as the big win-ners in last week's generalelection.

Both parties want to drawup an agreement that sketchesgeneral strategy and positions

this discussion, because I, asMinister of Justice, will NOTsign any law to legalizeCannabis on Aruba!”

The minister added thateach person has the right todiscuss the academic and me-dicinal part of this issue, but asfar as the Law is concernedand the legal trajectory to le-galize Cannabis – which ispossible on Aruba – he said:“Do not count on me!”

ORANJESTAD: Minister ofJustice and education, ArthurDowers recently made veryclear his position on the issue oflegalizing Cannabis on Aruba.This issue has been going onfor a few days already.

The minister commentedthat those who are discussingthis issue are trying to make ita political issue. MinisterDowers added emphatically:“They might as well stop with

appreciate her so much.The fourth nominee is a

teacher at Colegio EPI in theEconomics division, teacherShahaira Rodulfo. The Min-ister remarked to Shahairathat her being chosen sayssomething about her as a per-son and about her qualities asa teacher.

It is expected that onWednesday October 10th the2012 Teacher of the Year willbe chosen and announced.

Saturday, September 22, 2012 3

The third nominee is ateacher who recently cele-brated 40 years working inthe field of education.Teacher Eleonora Chase fromMon Plaisir College was thethird teacher to be surprisedby the honor of being nomi-nated for the teacher of theyear award. Teacher Chaseremarked that for her teach-ing is more than just herwork, it is her passion and isso pleased that her students

ORANJESTAD -- This is thesecond year that Aruba is ho -noring teachers in this man-ner. A teacher of the yearprogram was introduced herelast year for the very firsttime.

The first teacher to be sur-prised by his nomination wasteacher Derek Peterson ofColegio Frere Bonifacius.Teacher Derek was delightedwith his nomination. Derekmost assuredly has had a pos-itive impact on his students tohave been submitted for thisnomination. Derek was per-sonally congratulated by theMinister of Education lastWednesday morning.

The second teacher nomi-nee to be surprised with hisnomination was Geographyteacher at Colegio Arubano,Herman Balentijn. When toldby the Minister of Educationthat his name was submittedfor teacher of the year, Balen-tijn was extremely pleasedand honored by the nomina-tion. He assured all that thisgives him more reason towork even harder for his stu-dents.

Nominees for 2012 Teacher ofthe Year

Minister Arthur Dowers:

“Do not count on me to

sign any law to legalize


Cabinet formation talkscould take just weeks

Page 4: Saturday, September 22, 2012

New York next week for theUnited Nations General As-sembly, Foreign Minister Pa-tricia Espinosa told reportersyesterday.

Espinosa said she spoke toBono, who founded the globalanti-poverty group ONE tohelp fight poverty and diseasein Africa, to inform him of thedecision

MEXICO CITY (AFP) - Me -xico will bestow the Order ofthe Aztec Eagle, the highestdecoration awarded to foreign-ers, on U2 singer Bono inrecognition of his humanitar-ian work and close ties withthe country.

President Felipe Calderonmay deliver the medal to theIrish star during his visit to

Werner’s challenge eachyear is to capture different andexciting photographs of Arubain new and exciting ways. Va -rious elements such as light,shadows and contrast canchange each subject, butthrough his years as a photog-rapher, Werner has learned tobe patient and wait for that mo-ment when the subject is justperfect.

Award-winning pho-tographer and pub-lisher Werner J.Bertsch’s annualPhotographic ArubaCalendar is nowavailable at all Dewittlocations, as well as avariety of souvenirstores throughout theisland. The 12 X 12inch sized calendarhas plenty of room tomake appointmentnotations, personalcomments and tomark special occa-sions. This 2013 calendarcompliments Werner’s re-cently published book, ArubaI am Your Island, which hasbeen available since May2012.

The stunning colorfulphotographs chosen for the2013 calendar, utilizing HDRPhotography (High DynamicRange), feature Aruba's trop-ical scenes: its sunrises; thebeautiful beaches; the inten-sive colors and the abundantisland charm of the locals.From the pristine beaches ofPalm Beach to the ruggedNorth Coast Shore, each photoin this large wall calendar tellsa story of Aruba. As a bonus,each month includes a local fa-vorite island recipe such asChobolobo, Arepita di Pam-puna and Bolo di Maishi.

Sunday session is FREE forCaretakers of the participants.(Please register your caretaker:limited places available)

Fee Includes: Tuition,Materials and Certificate.Tea/Coffee, Pastries.

Book early, as there islimited placed available (Max.40) Fundacion AlzheimerAruba (F.A.A.) reserves TheRight To Retain 50% of TheFee, in case of cancellationsafter September 30th, 2012.

Cancellation prior to Sep-tember 30th will incur a $30(AWG. 52) administrative han-dling charge.

Participants should wearcomfortable, appropriate cloth-ing.

Venue of the workshops:Holiday Inn Resort Aruba, J.E.Irausquin Blvd 230

Versions of materials inEnglish, Spanish and Papia-mento will be available at allworkshops.

For more information andregistration for workshops orthe Memory Walk, contactF.A.A. President, MelvaCroes-Yanez, at their officeson the Avenida Milio Croes 29SUITE-C, telephone 582-1684, Email: [email protected], or visittheir website:

from North Carolina, and Pro-fessor Dr. Victor Fuenmayorfrom Venezuela, is scheduledfrom October 4-7, at the Holi-day Inn.

Art therapies “have provento be a very effective tool inunderstanding and communi-cating with those afflicted withAlzheimer’s. They providenew ways to communicate, im-proved concentration, betterbehavior, closer relationships,increase in freedom and spon-taneity, calming of agitation,relief of isolation, and im-proved communication.”Those attending the workshopwill learn how to use the cre-ative process of making art toimprove a person’s physical,mental, and emotional well-being.

“When Words Have LostTheir Meaning: The Personwith Alzheimer’s Communi-cate through Art“ is one of theworkshops, “because though aperson gradually loses the abi -lity to express her/his self withwords, other parts of theirbrain that deal with colors andbody language can still be usedto express their emotions andthoughts in a non-verbal way.”

Four (4) days WorkshopsFee: US $200,- (AWG. 350,-),including Sunday’s experien-tial workshop with caretakers.

Foundation Alzheimer Aruba(F.A.A.) ends their tenth TealRibbon Week, days of aware-ness raising events, with theirMemory Walk, beginning thisevening at 5:00 PM. Thisyear’s theme is “Stand upAgainst Stigma.”

The traditional 5K MemoryWalk will include Zumba.Registration starts at 4:00 Pmin the parking lot of theGuillermo Trinidad Stadium inDakota. Registration fee is 5Aruban florins per person,which entitles entrants to a teeshirt, fruit, refreshments andtickets for the great prizes fromthe annual raffle. Walkers areinvited to be creative and formteams and groups. The routewill travel down the Stadion-weg to Vondellaan, back upAvenida Milio Croes, anddown to the stadium parkinglot. Principal sponsors for thisyear’s walk are Tiara AirAruba, Super Food, Ling andSons Supermarket, ADCTRAand Divi Flamingo Resort,Bonaire.

F.A.A. will also be conduc -ting programs on “Coping witha Loved One with Alzheimer’sRelated Disorders”. A four dayworkshop on: Art Therapiesfor Individuals with Alzhei -mer’s with visiting lecturersProfessor Dr. Robert Winter

4 Saturday, September 22, 2012

Reminder: 10th Anniversary Memory

Walk today

Aruba – I Am Your Island

2013 Calendar Has Arrived

Bono to receive Mexico's

Order of the Aztec Eagle

Page 5: Saturday, September 22, 2012

been beaten, and that theythemselves were detained andlater released.

of going to jail for reportingon matters of public interest,while on the contrary the in-formation should be taken asan alert to correct a problemaffecting the population," saidGustavo Mohme, editor of thePeruvian newspaper La re-publica and the head ofIaPa's free press committee.

the director of HablemosPress, roberto de jesusGuerra, and a lawyer for thenews service told IaPa thatMartinez was being held at aHavana police station and had

worked for the independentHablemos Press news service,was arrested near the Havanaairport while investigating re-ports that a shipment of medi-cine and medical equipmentdonated by the World HealthOrganization had been dam-aged due to negligence.

He had disclosed an out-break of cholera on the com-munist-ruled island in june,and warned of the appearanceof dengue cases.

"It is a contradiction that ajournalist faces the possibility

MIaMI (aFP) - the Inter-american Press associationcalled yesterday for the imme-diate release of a Cuban jour-nalist who was arrested thisweek for reporting on choleraand dengue cases.

Calixto Martinez arias,who was arrested in Cuba sun-day, was charged with criminalcontempt of Fidel and raulCastro, a charge that carries apenalty of up to three years inprison, IaPa said.

the Miami-based publish-ers' group said arias, who

Oranjestad--terminal 7 atthe aruba Ports authority wasthe venue yesterday for the 1stFCCa workshop and trainingfrom aquila’s Center forCruise excellence held at theport of Oranjestad. Mr. al-fonso Boekhoudt, Port direc-tor welcomed all the par -ticipants to the workshop andemphasized the importance ofparticipating in these work-shops and learning about newways to explore excellent ser -vice practices and discoveringtools to assist in growing theirbusiness.

during the first segment ofthe course Mrs. Beth Kelly-Hatt gave a global overview ofthe cruise industry. she high-lighted the fact that cruise pas-sengers have increasingly highlevels of expectations fromtheir shore experiences as dothe cruise lines and how im-portant it was for a destinationto measure up to these increas-ingly high standards to main-tain their business.

after the introductory ses-sion the workshop led theFCCa Member tour operatorswho currently have contractswith the cruise lines through aconsultative process thathelped them identify proactiveapproaches to reach new levelsof performance and producti -vity; offered them innovativeways to improve their own or-ganizations; assisted them inidentifying opportunities to bemore profitable; and helpedthem develop an action planfor exceeding the increasingexpectations of the cruise lines

the workshop cateredspecifically to the tour operatorand covered topics that are rel-evant to their unique situation,such as safety issues, insuranceand best practices. they werealso coached by the industryexpert on ways to take actionsthat will positively impact theirbusiness, from performance toprofits and assessments, andreports on findings and oppor-tunities.

at the end the participantreceived additional informa-tion about the online tourGuide excellence training andcertification program.* FCCamembers who invest in theirtour Guides in their destina-tion will be included on a listof endorsed operations sent toall FCCa member CruiseLines.

Saturday, September 22, 2012 5

1st FCCAworkshopheld atTerminal 7at Port of Oranjestad

Press group calls for release of jailed Cubanjournalist

Page 6: Saturday, September 22, 2012

structures.American Airlines, which

filed for bankruptcy protectionin November blamed the movein part on industry-leadinglabour costs.

allowed by the judge oversee-ing its bankruptcy. The carrieralso began steps this week tolay off as many as 4,400 me-chanics, baggage handlers andother ground workers as it re-

DULLUS -- American Airlineshas cancelled 300 flights untilSept 23 as it grapples with anincreasing number of mainte-nance delays as well as pilotscalling in sick after the com-pany won court permission toalter their contract.

The cancellations, whichbegan on Tuesday, are on topof 250 flights dropped fromSept 14-17 that promptedAMR Corp's American to trimsystemwide flight and seatingcapacity as much as 2 per centthrough October.

The disruptions occurred asAmerican began imposingchanges on pilots such as re-vised schedules and work rules

WASHINGTON (AFP) - USSecretary of State HillaryClinton reminded govern-ments yesterday of their"solemn duty" to protectdiplomatic missions, amid awave of anti-American unrestin the Muslim world.

"As I have said before andas is embodied in the ViennaConvention and other interna-tional agreements, all govern-ments have the duty, thesolemn duty, to defend diplo-matic missions, Clinton said.

"They must be safe andprotected places," she said be-fore talks with Tunisia's For-eign Minister RafikAbdessalem.

Tens of thousands took tothe streets after Friday prayersin the Middle East and Asia tovent their anger over a US-made film ridiculing theProphet Mohammed and thepublication in France of car-toons lampooning him.

US and French diplomaticmissions were bracing for theunrest, after the US outpost inBenghazi was attacked by mil-itants last week in an hours-long siege in which the USambassador to Libya and threeother Americans were killed.

"We are monitoring eventsclosely today. There is nohigher priority for PresidentObama and myself than thesafety of our people," Clintonadded.

"We have taken a numberof steps around the world toaugment security and to pro-tect our personnel at diplo-matic posts and we areworking closely with hostgovernments in this effort."

rate group nearby.Protester Untuaz Ahmad,

34, said both the film and car-toons had been "very upset-ting".

"This is not acceptable.This is not freedom of speech,"he said. "We want the Frenchgovernment to take actionagainst the people who havedone this."

France has banned protestsover the cartoons on thegrounds that they would repre-sent a threat to public order.

French missions, schoolsand cultural centers in 20countries -- although not inBritain -- closed for the dayyesterday over security con-cerns, while Western missionsacross the Arab world were onhigh alert.

Tens of thousands took tothe streets after yesterdayprayers in countries across theMiddle East and Asia, as angerover the film showed little signof abating.

LONDON (AFP) - Around ahundred Muslim protestersgathered outside the Frenchembassy in London yesterday,shouting slogans against aFrench magazine that pub-lished cartoons portraying theProphet Mohammed naked.

French satirical magazineCharlie Hebdo published thecartoons on Wednesday, fu-elling earlier protests over theUS-made film "Innocence ofMuslims" which have ragedsince September 11, leavingnearly 50 people dead.

Protesters outside France'sembassy in London's plushKnightsbridge district shouted"Allahu Akbar" (God is great)and waved placards reading"Sharia for France" and "Mus-lims will conquer France", anAFP reporter at the scene said.

A police cordon held thedemonstrators back from theembassy while around 25women wearing niqabs, or fullface-veils, protested in a sepa-

Protest at France's London

embassy over Mohammed


restaurant were ransacked.In the northwestern city of

Peshawar, the Lady ReadingHospital said it had four dead,including a TV station em-ployee shot when protesters setalight and ransacked a cinema.

Doctor Farman at KhyberTeaching Hospital, who usedonly one name, confirmed thatanother body had been broughtin after the demonstrations.

Hospital doctors in Pe-shawar gave a combined totalof 79 people wounded.

Interior Minister RehmanMalik said he had ordered aninvestigation into the TV sta-tion employee's death and re-peated government calls forprotests to remain peaceful.

ARY, the man's employer,accused the police of murder.

The channel broadcast dis-turbing footage of its em-ployee, clearly in a criticalcondition and receiving urgentmedical care in hospital.

In Islamabad, a doctor atthe Services Hospital said 35people were brought in withinjuries, including eight po-licemen and four civilians withgunshot wounds.

Overall, 19 people havebeen killed in Pakistan duringprotests over the past weekagainst a trailer for the crudelymade film, made by extremistChristians in the United States.

KARACHI (AFP) - At least 17people were killed and morethan 200 wounded during vio-lent protests in Pakistan yester-day against a US-made filminsulting Islam, officials said.

Twelve people were killedin Karachi, the country'slargest city, and five in thenorthwestern city of Peshawar,hospital officials said, after theeruption of violence defied agovernment call for onlypeaceful demonstrations.

The combined total ofwounded in Karachi, Peshawarand in the capital Islamabadwas 229.

Thousands took to thestreets in a series of demon-strations across Karachi, hometo an estimated 18 million, tocondemn the film, "Innocenceof Muslims".

Scuffles broke out whenprotesters tried to march to-wards the US consulate,throwing stones at police andtrying to remove shipping con-tainers that blocked the road,police said.

Officers launched tear gasshells and fired into the air todisperse the crowd, but threepolicemen were wounded bygunfire from an unknown di-rection, Shakeel said.

Police said three cinemaswere set on fire and a numberof shops including a KFC

6 Saturday, September 22, 2012


17 killed in Pakistan film

protests: officials

Clinton: Nations haveduty to protectdiplomaticmissions

Damaged buildings and cars are seen in Aleppo's al-Midan neighbourhood after clashes between Free SyrianArmy fighters and forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. President al-Assad says Syrian rebels will not bevictorious in their fight against his government, althoughthe “door to dialogue remains open.”

American cancels hundreds of flights

Page 7: Saturday, September 22, 2012

have a theory in the first hoursof an investigation. This timewe have no idea," he said.

The mystery attack on Sep-tember 6 near the village ofChevaline saw Saad al-Hilli,his wife Iqbal, her mother aswell as Frenchman SylvainMollier, a passing cyclist, shotdead. The couple's two youngdaughters survived the attack.

One of the daughters,Zainab al-Hilli told investiga-tors yesterday, shortly afteremerging from a medically in-duced coma, that she had seen"one bad guy," a source said.

cences of stations that receivedmore than approximately halfof their funds from abroad.

The law could theoreticallyapply to other radio stations aswell, including those that arepart of European entertainmentconglomerates. None has an-nounced plans to followedRFE/RL off air as yet.

The layoffs came amid spec-ulation that the station wasunder pressure after it named asits new boss a journalist whowas fired from her previouspost for refusing to cover amedia event thrown by Presi-dent Vladimir Putin

Glushkova told AFP.The Moscow office of Radio

Liberty / Radio Free Europe(RFE/RL) employed about 60reporters. Most of the cuts af-fected the multimedia divisiondespite the station's forced shiftto Internet-only broadcasting.

"A number of our emplo -yees were not able to take partin the Internet project,"Glushkova said amid specula-tion that the layoffs came underKremlin pressure.

The Kremlin under formerpresident Dmitry Medvedevrammed through parliament alittle-noticed piece of legisla-tion revoking the operating li-

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia'sUS government-funded RadioLiberty station said yesterdaythat a tough new law limitingforeign funding of the mediahad forced it to cut more thanhalf its staff and plan a move offair.

The station famous for beingjammed throughout the Sovietera because of its pro-Americanperspective at the height of theCold War said it expected toswitch to exclusive Internetbroadcasting in a matter ofweeks.

"More than half of the staffwas laid off -- maybe 70 per-cent," station director Yelena

tions will have "full access tothe case as if there were noborder," said Eric Maillaud,the prosecutor in the localtown of Annecy.

Previously French investi-gators were running into diffi-culties working with Britain'sHome Office and saw somelegal requests rejected forbeing improperly formulated.

About 100 investigators areworking full-time on the caseand Maillaud admitted theprobe is progressing slowly.

"It is an investigation thatrisks lasting an enormouslylong time. Often investigators

GRENOBLE (AFP) - Police inFrance and Britain haveformed a joint task force toease bureaucratic hurdles inthe investigation into the unex-plained massacre of a Britishfamily in the Alps.

The task force, led by twoinvestigating French magis-trates, will be made up ofBritish police officers andFrench gendarmes and operatein coordination with EU judi-cial agency Eurojust, Frenchprosecutors and Eurojust said.

The team will operate "as ifwe were in a single country"and investigators from both na-

Saturday, September 22, 2012 7

France, Britain form joint team to probeAlps killings

New law forces US-funded Russianradio station off air

tographs of their rear ends."Some of the prizes went to

studies offering helpful infor-mation, like this year's Medi-cine prize, to a French teamwho advised doctors "how tominimize the chance thattheir patients will explode"during colonoscopies.

And the Chemistry prizewent to a Swedish scientistwho solved "the puzzle ofwhy, in certain houses" in acertain Swedish town, "peo-ple's hair turned green."

Companies and govern-ments are also eligible for the

prize, and this year's PeacePrize was awarded to a Russ-ian company "for convertingold Russian ammunition intonew diamonds."

The US government, atleast its General Accountabil-ity Office, was also honored,with the Literature prize "forissuing a report about reportsabout reports that recommendsthe preparation of a reportabout the report about reportsabout reports."

ity anywhere -- even in a deadsalmon."

Other prizes of note: theFluid Dynamics prize, to a US-Russian-Canadian team "forstudying the dynamics of li -quid-sloshing, to learn whathappens when a person walkswhile carrying a cup of cof-fee;" and the Anatomy prize toa Dutch-US team "for discove -ring that chimpanzees canidentify other chimpanzeesindivi dually from seeing pho-

NEW YORK (AFP) - Scien-tists behind studies on brainactivity in dead fish and pho-tos of chimpanzee butts wereamong dozens honored withthe tongue-in-cheek Ig Nobelawards Thursday.

The 22nd annual editionof the Nobel prize spoof, heldat Boston's uber-prestigiousHarvard University, also dis-tinguished the researchers be-hind a study proving that"leaning to the left makes theEiffel Tower seem smaller."

The prize, created to re-ward "research that makespeople laugh and then think,"according to the organizers'website, invites real Nobel lau-reates to confer honors on se-rious scientists for work that isgenerally only unintentionallyfunny.

This year's Neuroscienceprize, for example, went to anAmerican team "for demon-strating that brain researchers,by using complicated instru-ments and simple statistics,can see meaningful brain activ-

Ig Nobels awarded for zany side ofserious science

Page 8: Saturday, September 22, 2012

"My weight is really thesame, it's just redistributed,"she added.

According to the Associa-tion of Plastic Surgeons, lastyear some 13.8 million cos-metic operations were carriedout in the United States -- fivepercent more than in 2010.

The most popular surgery isbreast-enhancement, followedby nose jobs, liposuction andface lifts.

But the number of buttockenhancements has surged,with 38 percent more this yearthan in the same period in2010. Ghavami says most ofthe 700 he has carried out werewithin the last three to fouryears.

"It's new for a lot of sur-geons right now, that's why I'minvited to go lecture at meet-ings about it, because surgeonsare very curious about it, it'strendy," he said.

For the patients the out-come can be life-changing."They definitely save and in-vest to do it because whenyou're not happy with yourbody shape, there's somethingout there that can help youwith it," said Ghavami.

"It's good for them, to theirrelationship, their husbands,their confidence."

Los Angeles, where the cult ofthe body is everywhere.

Ghavami's clinic is in theZip code area "90210" -- thename of a coming of age TVshow set in Beverly Hills, acity where dreams famouslycome true on the silver screen,especially if you look beautifulenough.

But achieving a better be-hind is not done without atleast some pain.

"We do liposuction withsmall incisions, we go in witha canula and we suction the fatinto a sterile container andthen we wash the fat and put itinto syringes and then inject itinto the buttock," he said.

"When I'm injecting into thebuttock, we do what's calledthe fanning technique -- it ac-tually improves cellulite, be-cause it fills the skinunderneath," he added.

And contrary to some mis-conceptions, even prejudices,the operation is not necessarilyanything to do with a patientbeing overweight.

"I never had a weight issue,but after I hit 40 I had 10 extrapounds. I actually gained 10pounds just to have the proce-dure, so there would be morefat to transfer -- the more thebetter," said the accountant.

BEVERLY HILLS (AFP) -Forget face lifts or boob jobs -- in California the latest cos-metic surgery must-have is thebuttock enhancement, whetherhigher, rounder or justsmoother.

"I just knew that I was un-happy. And you know I didsomething for myself, some-thing that did make me happy.And I feel great," saidKristina, 21, after going underthe knife of surgeon AshkanGhavami.

He has carried out the S-Curve Buttock Lift operation -- which, instead of usingimplants, involves fat takenfrom the tummy and elsewhereand transferred to the buttocks-- on around 700 people.

Ghavami, an Iranian-Amer-ican who is assistant clinicalprofessor at the University ofCalifornia Los Angeles(UCLA) David Geffen Schoolof Medicine, said Hollywoodstars had raised people's desirefor a nicer "derriere."

"A lot of people focusedmore on breasts -- for the but-tock to be a focus of bodyshaping is definitely verynew," the medic, who pio-neered the S-Curve and nowteaches it to other surgeons,told AFP at his Beverly Hillsclinic.

"Finally thanks to Kim Kar-dashian, Jennifer Lopez andall the media, now we are re-alizing this a much more natu-ral way than butt implants."

He has performed the oper-ation -- which typically costs$9,000-$16,000 -- for sevenyears, with the surgery mostpopular with black, Latino,gay and transgender people in

No buts, in Beverly Hills it hasto be a butt job

row in France."Defending life and the

family in society is not at allreactionary but ratherprophetic because it comesback to promoting valueswhich allow for the full blos-soming of the human person,created in the image and re-semblance of God," the popesaid.

For the pope, "marriage andfamily are institutions whichmust be promoted and guaran-teed ...."

The working visits "ad lim-ina" by the French bishops thatwill continue until Decemberare the first to be made underthe pontificate of BenedictXVI.

30 bishops from westernFrance, without mentioningthe draft law but clearly refer-ring to the debate around it.

During the feast of the As-sumption on August 15,France's Roman Catholic bish-ops invited their followers tosay a prayer that was inter-preted as a stand against ho-mosexual marriage, sparking a

CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy(AFP) - The pope on Fridayurged French bishops to fightfor the traditional family basedon marriage between a manand a woman, saying the battle"is not reactionary."

While the French govern-ment prepares to legalise ho-mosexual marriage, PopeBenedict XVI spoke to around

8 Saturday, September 22, 2012

Health & Living

the 1960s, specifically whenthe former president insistedAmerica land on the moon anddo other challenging tasks "notbecause they are easy, but be-cause they are hard." "WhenKennedy stood up there onSeptember 1962, he didn't saythat we're going to study howto get to the moon," RonaldDePinho, president of MD An-derson, told ABC News. "Hesaid we are going to the moon.Then the nation rallied to makesure we went to the moon."While cancer death rates havebeen falling since the 1990s,the disease is still a majorthreat.

WASHINGTON - The nation'slargest cancer hospital, Univer-sity of Texas MD AndersonCancer Center, in Houston an-nounced it would take a"moonshot" effort in fightingcancer. Launching in February2013, its program which aim toreduce cancer deaths of eightspecific types of the disease.

The center expects to spendas much as $3 billion on theproject over the next 10 yearsand already has "tens of mil-lions" of dollars in gifts tojump start it now, said its pres-ident, Dr. Ronald DePinho.

The dramatic effort is in-spired by John F. Kennedy'spush for space exploration in

'Moonshot' Against Cancers

Pope urges French bishops to fight forheterosexual marriage

Beauty Tipsfor Teen GirlsBeing a teen in today's worldbrings many pressures fromsociety to look good. Thereare many ways to enhanceyour natural beauty and keepa practical skin care andmakeup routine. These tipswill help bring out the best inyou. But remember, goodposture and a smile give a great first impression.* At an early age, a light moisturizer may be called for,but do not use heavy creams made for dry skin. Choosea product that is formulated for light skin care mainte-nance that does not block your pores. * Acne is the #1 skin care concern for teens. Keep yourface and hair clean, wash your hands frequently, andkeep them away from your face. There are many prod-ucts available on the market today for acne preventionand cures, and they are much more effective than yearsago.* Keep your makeup light for school. You don't need touse it on every facial feature you have! Mix and match tofind out what looks best on you. For parties, you maywant to add a little more makeup to add some glam. * Don't try to hide your freckles. You may not appreciatethem, but they are part of you. Exposure to sunlightmakes freckles darker so avoiding the sun and using asunscreen will keep them in check.* Liquid and stick blush are popular choices for teens be-cause they glide on smoothly and blend in well.* For luscious lips, lip gloss does the trick. If you want toadd some color to your lips for a nighttime look, try a lip-stick in a sheer color. For extra shine, put the lip glosson over your lipstick. Always have lip balm handy forchapped lips.* As with any makeup, blending is the key and Never goto bed with makeup on.

Page 9: Saturday, September 22, 2012

tooth for a tooth. Show nomercy."

The man's profile revealedhe was a fan of the film "Scar-face" with Al Pacino andshowed a photo of his birthdaycake with two chocolate guns.

Police also follow themovements of suspected gang-sters with Facebook.

An alleged contract killerwho kept checking his Face-book profile was nabbed afterpolice tracked the Internet keyhe was using to log on.

A leading boss was caughtwhen he posted two photos onhis girlfriend's Facebook pagethat showed he was in Mar-bella on southern Spanishcoast.

Another man was caught inVenezuela where he was try-ing to organise drug shipmentsto Europe through the socialnetwork using a fake profile.

Saturday, September 22, 2012 9

PARIS (AFP) - France's Con-stitutional Council Friday re-jected a request byanimal-rights activists to banbullfighting in the southernareas where it is still autho-rised.

The council said it was notagainst the spirit of the consti-tution to allow the practice insome regions despite it beingbanned in most of the country.

France holds dozens ofbullfights every year, withmore than 1,000 animals killedannually in bouts that support-ers defend as a local traditionand an important generator oftourism.

The council said the provi-sion allowing bullfighting inthe south was "precise, objec-tive and rational", adding that"these traditional practicesthus authorised do not infringeupon constitutional rights."

The anti-bullfighting groupCRAC and animal-rights or-ganisation DDA had asked the

council to impose a nationwideban by closing the loophole al-lowing the tradition to con-tinue in southern areas.

Polls have generally indi-cated that about two-thirds ofthe French electorate wouldlike to see bullfighting bannedentirely.

The sport has many pas-sionate defenders, includingInterior Minister Manuel Vallswho enraged bullfighting op-ponents earlier this month byinsisting it is a tradition thatshould be saved.

Defenders have also pointedto the economic benefits of asport that they say attractslarge numbers of tourists tosouthern France.

Animal rights activists planto continue their fight to havebullfighting banned, lobbyingto have parliament enact a banand are also considering achallenge to the practicethrough the European Court ofHuman Rights.

France rejects ban onbullfighting


ROME (AFP) - Italian policeare making use of Facebook toidentify criminal networks andeven to catch gangsters whocannot resist posting updateswhile on the run, L'Espressoweekly reported on Friday.

The report gave examplesof mafia members using thenetwork to make extortion de-mands, send death threats andorganise home deliveries of

drugs, as well as to demon-strate the clout of their socialcircle.

Antonello Ardituro, an anti-mafia prosecutor in Naples,said: "Facebook allows you tospread messages in a simpleand direct way."

Following an attempt onhis life, one suspected mafiamember posted a Facebookupdate: "An eye for an eye, a

Italian police track mafia with Facebook

with recommendations theregulator made last December.The DPC, who was forced intothe issue following complaintsby a group of Austrian law stu-dents calling themselves “Eu-rope v Facebook,” had toldFacebook it had to be moreupfront about giving users pri-vacy choices.

Facebook, which was tar-geted in Ireland because that’swhere all its non-North Amer-ican business is based, is alsocrowing about going beyondthe call of duty: “The latest an-nouncement is confirmationthat we are not only compliantwith European data protectionlaw,” the company said, “butwe have gone beyond some oftheir initial recommendationsand are fully committed to bestpractice in data protectioncompliance.”

Facebook (FB) has axed its fa-cial recognition functionalityfor users in the EuropeanUnion to satisfy the concernsof privacy regulators.

Data Protection Commis-sioner Billy Hawkes said: "Iam satisfied that the reviewhas demonstrated a clear andongoing commitment on thepart of Facebook to comply

with its data protection re-sponsibilities by way of im-plementation or progresstowards implementation of therecommendations in the AuditReport.

The Irish data protectioncommissioner (DPC) issuedhis assessment (pdf) on Fridayof Facebook’s compliance

EU Forces Facebook to Kill FaceRecognition

Page 10: Saturday, September 22, 2012

10 Saturday, September 22, 2012

SEPT 22 - SEPT 29

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Page 11: Saturday, September 22, 2012

The daughter of a small-town seamstress, Peron firstwon fame as an actress, be-fore marrying Juan DomingoPeron, a military strongmanwho became president a yearlater in 1946.

She died in 1952 at age 33of cancer, at the peak of herpopularity, cementing a leg-end celebrated in books andfilm.

President Cristina Kirch-ner cheered the new banknotewhen it went into printing onJuly 25, noting that "after 200years of currency, this is thefirst time a woman appearson a bill."

BUENOS AIRES (AFP) -Argentina marked the 60thanniversary of the death ofEva Peron yesterday with anew 100-peso banknote fea-turing the charismatic firstlady and champion of thepoor.

Evita appears in profile onthe note, with the quote, "Asa woman, I feel in my soulthe warm tenderness of thepeople where I came fromand whom I owe."

On the back side of the billshe is described as "a popularleader who fought for therights of humble and unpro-tected workers."

Evita the new face of

Argentina's 100 peso note

commitment to revitalise themultilateral trading systemwhich can restore economiccertainty at a time when it isbadly needed."

The WTO's revised projec-tions for 2012 came as datashowed global trade volumegrew just 0.3 percent in thesecond quarter, significantlyslower than the 1.2 percentseen in the previous threemonths.

Lamy, speaking in Singa-pore, said the WTO's revisedtrade outlook should not comeas a surprise given the strainsfacing the global economy.

"The main reason forgrowth slowing down is beingof course Europe wheregrowth is slowing. But notonly Europe, we also knowthat US is lower than ex-pected," said Lamy.

"So it is a substantial down-ward revision but in manyways unsurprising given whatwe know about the world eco-nomic outlook and the fact thatworld growth is slowing downmore than we expected somemonths ago," he added.

Lamy said there were al-ready signs pointing to govern-ments bowing to pressures toadopt protectionist measuresbut the WTO chief cautionedagainst such a move.

Instead, the best way for-ward is for governments tosupport the global multilateraltrading system, he said.

"We clearly are at a stage intrade relations where we reallydo need to see a practical reaf-firmation from governments oftheir commitment to interna-tional trade cooperation, and tothe institutional arrangementsthat support the world tradingsystem," he said.

"If we do not reaffirm thiscommitment with more thanwords, especially when thegoing gets tough, we risk let-ting things go to a point whereit becomes harder to pull backfrom a path of continuing de-terioration."

ropean sovereign debt crisishas not abated, making fiscaladjustment in the peripheraleuro area economies morepainful and stoking volatility."

In April the WTO hadwarned that world tradegrowth, which slowed to 5.0percent in 2011 after a big re-bound of 14.0 percent in 2010,would weaken again this year.

Director-general PascalLamy called for more to bedone to boost global growth,on top of recent measures tobuy up government bonds an-nounced by the central banksof the United States, Europeand Japan.

"In an increasingly interde-pendent world, economicshocks in one region canquickly spread to others," hesaid in the statement.

"Recently announced meas-ures to reinforce the euro andboost growth in the UnitedStates are therefore extremelywelcome. But more needs tobe done. We need a renewed

SINGAPORE (AFP) - TheWorld Trade Organization(WTO) yesterday slashed its2012 global trade outlook, cit-ing the eurozone debt crisisand weak growth in the USand China as key factors.

Global trade is now ex-pected to grow 2.5 percent in2012 compared with a previ-ous forecast of 3.7 percent, theWTO said in a statement re-leased in Singapore.

It also cut its global tradegrowth outlook for next year to4.5 percent from 5.6 percent.

"The global economy hasencountered increasinglystrong headwinds since the lastWTO Secretariat forecast wasissued," the WTO said.

"Output and employmentdata in the United States havecontinued to disappoint, whilepurchasing managers' indicesand industrial production fi -gures in China point to slowergrowth in the world's largestexporter.

"More importantly, the Eu-

Saturday, September 22, 2012 11



Crossword Answer


Dutch Antilles









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Current as09/21/2012

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A Senate panel said on Thursday that Microsoft andHewlett-Packard used offshore units to avoid US taxeson billion of dollars, taking advantage of loopholes. TheSenate's Permanent Subcommittee on Investigationssaid tax avoidance in the technology sector was ram-pant, with companies using intellectual property, royal-ties and license fees in tax havens to skirt taxes inAmerica. According to the report, Microsoft saved nearly$7 billion on its tax bill since 2009, while HP shifted bil-lions of dollars between two offshore subsidiaries, thusavoiding paying taxes.

NEW DELHI - Police have arrested five former senior ex-ecutives of Reebok India for allegedly defrauding thesportswear company of about US$160 million over anumber of years, police said yesterday. The company'sformer managing director, chief operating officer andthree general managers were arrested on Wednesday onaccusations of forging records, stealing goods and cre-ating ghost distributors across India to defraud Reebok.

WTO cuts 2012 global tradegrowth outlook

Campaign: Romney files2011 tax returns, paidrate of 14.1%WASHINGTON (AFP) - Republican presidential nomineeMitt Romney filed his 2011 tax returns Friday, his cam-paign said, adding that the Romneys paid an effective taxrate of 14.1 percent on $13.6 million in income.

The campaign also said a tax summary was releasedshowing the Romneys paid taxes for each of the past 20years at an average effective rate of 20.2 percent, and thatthe lowest tax rate during that period was 13.6 percent.

The latest filing, as well as the 20-year summary con-ducted and notarized by PricewaterhouseCoopers, isavailable for public view online at the website

Page 12: Saturday, September 22, 2012

Good WifeElisabeth Moss, Mad MenComedy SeriesThe Big Bang Theory, CBSCurb Your Enthusiasm,

HBOGirls, HBOModern Family, ABC30 Rock, NBCVeep, HBOMovie/MiniseriesAmerican Horror Story, FXGame Change, HBOHatfields & McCoys, His-

toryHemingway & Gellhorn,

HBOLuther, BBC AmericaSherlock: A Scandal in Bel-

gravia, PBSReality-Competition Pro-

gramThe Amazing Race, CBSDancing With the Stars,

ABCProject Runway, LifetimeSo You Think You Can

Dance, FoxTop Chef, BravoThe Voice, NBC

Paris Hilton has apologized for making a series of homo-phobic remarks that were caught on tape by New Yorkcab driver. During a conversation with a friend aboutGrindr, the popular social app for gay men, Hilton isheard to loudly proclaim, "Gay guys are the horniest peo-ple in the world...they're disgusting. Dude, most of themprobably have AIDS." The 31-year-old hotel heiress re-leased an extensive statement to the Gay and LesbianAlliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), saying she wassorry for causing "pain to my gay friends, fans and theirfamilies with the comments." Shortly after the tape wasposted Hilton's publicist said her comments were ex-pressions of concern about the dangers of unprotectedsex, not homophobic slurs. In a statement to CNN Thurs-day, the rep confirmed the recording was authentic, butsaid, "It was not her intent to make any derogatory com-ments about all gays."

Lindsay Lohan makes her Liz Taylor debut in 'Liz & Dick'trailer. The film, which is set to premiere on Lifetime inNovember, was shot earlier this summer and generatednegative headlines during filming when paramedics werecalled to Lohan's hotel penthouse in Santa Monica. TheTV film stars Lohan as Liz Taylor and Grant Bowler asRichard Burton and chronicles the two performers' tem-pestuous love affair, which began on the set of "Cleopa-tra." Though there's not enough shown in the teaser todetermine just how good or bad the film will be, it defi-nitely looks juicy enough to get Lohan's fans to tune in.

But thousands of peoplehave since visited the churchnear Zaragoza.

The airline Ryanair is noweven offering deals to thenorth-eastern Spanish city, en-couraging tourists to see thefresco in the Sanctuary ofMercy Church in Borja.

Ms Gimenez earlier saidshe had decided to restore thework by Elias Garcia Mar-tinez because of its deteriora-tion due to moisture.

She claimed to have had thepermission of the parish priestto carry out the job.

Cultural officials said shehad the best intentions andhoped the piece could be prop-erly restored.

say any "economic compensa-tion" would go to charities.

She made headlines afterher do-it-yourself restorationin a church left the 19th Cen-tury fresco of Christ resem-bling a hairy monkey.

The woman who ruined aprized Jesus Christ fresco inSpain is now demanding roy-alties after her botched restora-tion became a hit with tourists.

Lawyers for CeciliaGimenez, who is in her 80s,

12 Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jesus fresco 'destroyer' in Spain now atourist attraction

Lead Actor, DramaHugh Bonneville, Downton

AbbeySteve Buscemi, Boardwalk

EmpireBryan Cranston, Breaking

BadMichael C. Hall, DexterJon Hamm, Mad MenDamian Lewis, HomelandLead Actress, DramaKathy Bates, Harry's LawGlenn Close, DamagesClaire Danes, HomelandMichelle Dockery, Downton

AbbeyJulianna Margulies, The

This is a particularly difficultyear to divine which way theEmmy winds will blow towardpast favorites or strong newdrama and comedy contenders.

This Sunday’s night at ABCwith Jimmy Kimmel's muchanticipated first turn as host.

Here’s the list for some cate-gory:

Drama SeriesBoardwalk Empire, HBOBreaking Bad, AMCDownton Abbey, PBSGame of Thrones, HBOHomeland, ShowtimeMad Men, AMC

Emmy Awards could crown new winners

Paris HiltonGay Men Are Disgusting... Most Probably Have


received more than approxi-mately half of their funds fromabroad.

The law could theoretically

apply to other radio stations as

well, including those that are

part of European entertain-

ment conglomerates. None

has announced plans to fol-

lowed RFE/RL off air as yet.

The layoffs came amid

speculation that the station

was under pressure after it

named as its new boss a jour-

nalist who was fired from her

previous post for refusing to

cover a media event thrown

by President Vladimir Putin.

The Moscow office ofRadio Liberty / Radio FreeEurope (RFE/RL) employedabout 60 reporters. Most of thecuts affected the multimediadivision despite the station'sforced shift to Internet-onlybroadcasting.

"A number of our employ-ees were not able to take partin the (Internet) project,"Glushkova said amid specula-tion that the layoffs cameunder Kremlin pressure.

The Kremlin under formerpresident Dmitry Medvedevrammed through parliament alittle-noticed piece of legisla-tion revoking the operating li-cences of stations that

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russia'sUS government-funded RadioLiberty station said Friday thata tough new law limiting for-eign funding of the media hadforced it to cut more than halfits staff and plan a move offair.

The station famous forbeing jammed throughout theSoviet era because of its pro-American perspective at theheight of the Cold War said itexpected to switch to exclu-sive Internet broadcasting in amatter of weeks.

"More than half of the staffwas laid off -- maybe 70 per-cent," station director YelenaGlushkova told AFP.

New law forces US-funded Russian radiostation off air

Page 13: Saturday, September 22, 2012

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Saturday, September 22, 2012 13

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The great perks of gaming atCool Casino in the PalmBeach has created a dedicatedclientele; ask them what theylike about the cozy casino,and they don’t know where tostart! The free slot tourna-ments every Sunday?Major pay-offs in theirweekly Blackjack tour-naments every Tuesdayand Friday? Ladies’night every Wednes-day with entertainmentfrom great local bands?Or perhaps just the ter-rific benefits of being“One Cool Member” whichearns players bonus points to-wards additional activities,free dinners, day passes at theRiu Resort, credit for play, orbest of all: hard, cool cash!The casino opens daily at10:00 AM and on Saturdaysand Sundays, all are greetedwith an early morning

Cool Casino…where those

in the know go to play!

Aruban cuisine is incorporat-ing unique indigenous ingredi-ents such as in Wild CucumberStew and a particular light fishchowder accompanied by thelocal specialties pan bati (cornmeal pancake) and funchi (thelocal version of polenta.)

.Seafood main coursesrange from $14 for Catch ofthe Day Aruban Style to $18for shrimp and $20 for amixed seafood platter withshrimp, fish, squid, scallopsand mussels. Meat dishes suchas BBQ Chicken and Ribs orGrilled Tenderloin range from$12 to $16, each including achoice of 2 side dishes; allquite yummy and bargain-priced to boot!

The Queen’s is located onthe second level of PalmBeach Plaza, tucked into acozy corner at the front of themall. If you have a mind to trythe real deal in Aruban food,without a doubt, this is theway to truly eat like a local.They are open from 11:00 AMto 11:00 PM, daily, offering in-door and outdoor dining.Aside from an extensive menuthey also have daily specialsmade from whatever is in sea-son and Mama Luisa is in themood to prepare, so don’t for-get to ask about what isn’t onthe menu!

An elegant décor with abreezy terrace overlookingPalm Beach welcomes gueststo Varella Innocencia’s verypopular restaurant showcasingauthentic local cuisine: TheQueen’s.

They may have movedfrom Oranjestad to hipper newdigs in Palm Beach Plaza, butthe food and prices are strictlynative, which is what first wonthis charming eatery theirloyal clientele. Varella’s mom,Luisa, is still in the kitchen,conjuring up the deliciousdishes that have been in herfamily for generations, ac-knowledged on the menu withitems such as “Carni Stoba diMamachi”-“Grandma’s BeefStew,” and their ArawakSteak, along with local delica-cies like Keshi Yena -“FullCheese.” This is a tasty, fillingstew of chicken, with other in-gredients that are handy thatday, all incased in a thick skinof melted Gouda. It was verysatisfying and particularlymemorable paired with TheQueen’s garlic bread and veryspecial Pica, a mix of choppedonions and the famous localhot pepper, Madame Janette.Not overly spicy, it lends thatperfect bit of tang to this deli-ciously picturesque meal.

One of the distinctions of

Eat like a local at The Queen’s

restaurant at Palm Beach Plaza

Varella, Luisa and the next generation of chef

Keshi Yena with plaintains,vegetables and pica

Page 14: Saturday, September 22, 2012

saw Alex Song come on topartner Javier Mascherano atthe back. Carles Puyol andJordi Alba were also out alongwith long term absentee EricAbidal.

The off-field problems con-cerning Malaga have not af-fected their start to the seasonand they sit behind Barcelonaon 10 points with Athletic Bil-bao their next opponents.

Qatari owner Sheikh Ab-dullah al-Thani off-loadedsome of the star players overthe summer and was lookingfor buyers but the crisis nowappears to have passed al-though he has cut back on in-vestment.

Real's conquerors lastweekend, Sevilla, now travelaway to Deportivo la Corunawhile Mallorca, who have alsomade a strong start, have atough match with the visit ofValencia.

Europa League championsAtletico Madrid entertainnewly promoted Valladolidwho have slumped to back-to-back defeats.

At the foot of the table Os-asuna and Espanyol both havejust one point and now take onZaragoza and Real Betis re-spectively.

Fixtures (all times GMT)SaturdayZaragoza v Osasuna

(1400), Celta Vigo v Getafe(1600), Real Betis v Espanyol(1800), Barcelona v Granada(2000)

SundayMallorca v Valencia (1100),

Levante v Real Sociedad(1400), Atletico Madrid v Val-ladolid (1600), Athletic Bilbaov Malaga (1750), Rayo Valle-cano v Real Madrid (1930)

MondayDeportivo la Coruna v

Sevilla (1930)

peared to be the one to pay theprice as he was droppedagainst City and RaphaelVarane came in to partnerPepe at centre half.

The pressure on the shoul-ders of the Portuguese coachwould really have increasedwith a further defeat whichlooked quite possible at 2-1down with six minutes to gobut Karim Benzema and Cris-tiano Ronaldo turned the gamearound.

Most of the question marksat the start of the season wereover how Barca would be ableto overturn Madrid with theirnew coach Tito Vilanova, andwith Messi leading the waythey have made a stormingstart with four straight wins inthe league and now playGranada at the Camp Nou.

Messi also proved hisvalue on the European stagewith two late goals as Barcatoo had to come from behindto beat Spartak Moscow onWednesday.

The main concern for Vi-lanova is the number of play-ers missing from the defencewith Gerard Pique adding tothe list against Spartak which

14 Saturday, September 22, 2012

MADRID (AFP) - ChampionsReal Madrid aim to get theirLa Liga campaign back ontrack away to city rivals RayoVallecano following a dismalstart which has seen a LionelMessi-inspired Barcelonaopen up an eight-point leadover them with the season lit-tle over a month old.

Many reasons have beenoffered for the run of just onewin in four games, from a de-manding pre-season tour toclaims that Jose Mourinho haslost the control of the dressingroom.

But Real did offer the mo-tivation and fight that had beenmissing to come from behindto beat Champions League op-ponents Manchester City atthe Bernabeu on Tuesday.

Defeat away to Sevilla lastweekend, however, means thatReal have only picked up fourpoints so far and afterwards anangry Mourinho was particu-larly disappointed with the man-ner of the defeat where theplayers appeared to lack interest.

Sergio Ramos, one of theheavyweights in the Madriddressing room and has stoodup to Mourinho in the past, ap-

Football: Real bid to kick-startLiga campaign at Rayo


Cesc Fabregas of FC Barcelona (R) duels for the ball withJose Maria Movilla of Rayo Vallecano during the La Ligamatch 2011.

by the club's supporters duringThursday's Europa League tieagainst Tottenham," said aUEFA statement.

"The Control and Discipli-nary Body will meet on 18 Oc-tober to discuss the case."

Tottenham boss Andre Vil-las-Boas had said after thematch that UEFA should takeaction if there was a case toanswer.

"UEFA is very active onthis kind of situation so andour overall objective is to kickracism out of football," saidVillas-Boas.

PARIS (AFP) - Italian sideLazio will face disciplinaryproceedings after their fanswere accused of racist behav-iour during the Europa Leagueclash at Tottenham, UEFA saidon Friday.

Monkey chants were aimedat three of Tottenham's blackplayers, Jermain Defoe, AaronLennon and Andros Townsendduring the game at White HartLane which ended in a 0-0draw.

"UEFA has begun discipli-nary proceedings againstLazio for 'improper conduct'

Football: Lazio face UEFAprobe for Spurs 'monkeychants'

won 16, halved six and lost 11.Many feel that the new

generation of American play-ers coming through could tiltthe Ryder Cup balance backthe US way, although the vic-torious Europe captain fromtwo years ago, Colin Mont-gomerie, is not so sure.

The teams will arrive atChicago on Monday with thefirst practice rounds takingplace early Tuesday when thecat-and-mouse game of devin-ing who is likely to be pairedwith who for Thursday's open-ing foursomes and fourballswill begin.

Europe have bossed the eventfor the last 17 years, winningsix out of eight editions andfour out of the last five, in-cluding a thrilling 14 1/2 to 131/2 triumph at Celtic Manor toregain the trophy.

The US line-up looks strongwith 10 of their players rank-ing in the world top 20. Buttellingly none of them - in-cluding Woods and Phil Mick-elson - have a winning recordin Ryder Cup play.

In contrast, eight of the 12Europeans enjoy winningrecords led by Ryder Cup stal-wart Lee Westwood who inseven previous appearances has

Golf: Ryder Cup ......continues from page 16

off 32 balls that included fivefours and three sixes.

But none of the other bats-men reached double figures asJade Dernbach, skipper StuartBroad, Samit Patel andGraeme Swann picked up twowickets each.

Alex Hales helped Wrightput on 69 for the secondwicket before he was run outfor 31 in the 10th over.

Afghanistan, who had beengiven a pep talk by Indiangreat Sunil Gavaskar and Ar-avinda de Silva of Sri Lankaon Thursday night, never re-covered after losing threewickets for 14 runs by thefourth over.

It soon became 22-5 in thesixth as Jonny Bairstow took astunning diving catch at fine-leg off a skier from AsgharStanikzai.

England play India in thegroup's last match on Sunday.

COLOMBO (AFP) - LukeWright smashed an unbeaten99 off 55 balls as defendingchampions England knockedAfghanistan out of the WorldTwenty20 with a 116-run vic-tory in Colombo on Friday.

England, sent in to bat,piled up 196-5 after a bad startbefore Afghanistan were dis-missed for 80 in 17.2 overs,having narrowly avoidedbeing shot out for the lowesttotal ever in Twenty20 interna-tionals.

The minnows were reducedto 26-8, and in danger offalling below Kenya's 67against Ireland in 2008, whenGulbodin Naib and ShapoorZadran provided unexpectedresistence by adding 44 for theninth wicket.

Naib, who came to bat atnumber eight, scored morethan half of his team's runs be-fore he was last man out for 44

Cricket: Wright heroicsmuscle Afghans out ofWorld T20

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Saturday, September 22, 2012 15

NEW YORK -- The NFL and its locked-out officials metthe last two days, but a person familiar with the negoti-ations said the sides remain far apart and no furthertalks are scheduled. Michael Arnold, counsel and leadnegotiator for NFL Referees Association, acknowledgedthe discussions, saying his group reached out to theleague last week and the NFL agreed to meet. He saidthere may be additional talks, but it is "not appropriate"to comment on specific issues. The NFL locked out theregular officials after their contract expired. Negotia-tions with the NFLRA broke down several times duringthe summer, including just before the season. This isthe first time the league is using replacements since2001. The collection of small-college officials workingthe games has drawn criticism from those on the field.

Report: NFL, officials stillfar apart

NEW YORK (AFP) - Brook-lyn Nets owner MikhailProkhorov helped open theNBA team's new arena on Fri-day and the Russian billionairesaid he expects the relocatedclub to bring home an NBAcrown within three seasons.

"I still expect a champi-onship within three years," saidProkhorov, who bought theNets in 2009 when they werebased in New Jersey with avow the team would capture anNBA title within five seasons.

The $1 billion BarclaysCenter will open next Fridaywith a Jay-Z concert, one ofeight sold-out shows scheduledby the Brooklyn-born per-former, and host its first NBAgame on November 1 when theNets face the New YorkKnicks.

Businessman and movieproducer Bruce Ratner, likeJay-Z a part-owner of the Nets,cut the ribbon on an arena hefirst envisioned nine years ago.

The Nets are the first profes-sional sports team representingthe New York neighborhoodsince Major League Baseball'sBrooklyn Dodgers departed forLos Angeles after the 1957season.


Nets owneropens newarena withtitle expectations

SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) -Melky Cabrera, the San Fran-cisco Giants slugger who wassuspended 50 games for a dop-ing violation, has asked not tobe considered for the NationalLeague batting crown, theteam telecaster reported.

Comcast Sports' CSNBa-yArea reported Friday that the28-year-old Dominican out-fielder, banished after testingpositive for excessive testos-terone last month, wasdropped in a deal betweenMajor League Baseball andthe players union.

"I have no wish to win anaward that would be tainted,"Cabrera said, adding that itwould be "far better for some-one more deserving to win".

The move came two daysafter Major League Baseballcommissioner Bud Selig saidhe would not have stood in theway of Cabrera claiming thebatting crown.

Cabrera, batting .346 forthe season, was one plate ap-pearance shy of the minimumneeded to qualify for the bat-ting title but would have stillwon because a clause to therule allows for him to take thetitle if a hitless time at bat isadded to reach the minimum,a clause which now will notapply to Cabrera because hewill be suspended at the end ofthe season.

The National League bat-ting title, not won by a Giantsslugger since all-time US homerun king Barry Bonds hit .362in 2004, is now a chase be-tween San Francisco's BusterPoset at .335 and Pittsburgh'sAndrew McCutchen at .339.

The Giants, who could se-cure a playoff spot and NLWest division crown this week-end, would be allowed to bringback Cabrera if they advancepast the first round but havenot indicated they would do so.

Baseball: SuspendedCabrera pulls out ofbatting title race

PHOENIX (AFP) - PhoenixSuns forward Channing Fryehas been diagnosed with anenlarged heart and will besidelined until at least Decem-ber, the NBA club announced.

Doctors discovered thecondition during a routineechocardiogram and will mon-itor Frye ahead of a re-evalua-tion in December beforeallowing him to take part inbasketball-related activities.

"Channing and his familyhave the full support of our or-ganization. His health is ourprimary concern and we are

committed to helping him inany way he needs." Suns pres-ident of basketball operationsLon Babby said.

Frye, who has spent thepast three seasons with theSuns, is a 29-year-old 3-pointace. Since joining the Suns, hehas connected on 434 3-point-ers, third-most in the NBAduring that span.

Frye, 29, averaged 10.5points, 5.9 rebounds and 1.4assists in 64 games last season.He had previous stints withNew York and Portland.

NBA: Frye out withenlarged heart

Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital

Page 16: Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Northern Irishman,who won his second major inAugust at the PGA Champi-onship, and has won back-to-back tournaments in theFedEx Cup playoffs, was dis-missive of the Australiangreat's comments.

"How can I intimidate TigerWoods?" he said. "The guy'sgot 75 or 70 whatever PGATour wins, 14 majors.

For his part Woods was pre-dictably circumspect. "It's gotto be the hair, yeah," he saidjokingly, referring to McIl-

PARIS (AFP) - Rory McIl-roy's Europe will defend theRyder Cup against TigerWoods and the United Statesat the Medinah Country Cluboutside Chicago next week inwhat has become golf's mostspectacular event.

The world's top two playershave been the focus of atten-tion this week at the season-ending Tour Championshipevent in Atlanta with com-ments from Greg Norman thatMcIlroy intimidated Woodsstirring the pot.

employees were in London forthe duration of the Games.

According to reports, Lon-don 2012 chairman SebastianCoe telephoned his Braziliancounterpart Carlos Nuzmanwhen he discovered that thedocuments had been down-loaded without permission,and demanded that immediateaction be taken.

Brazilian sports commenta-tor and journalist Juca Kfouriclaimed in his blog that theLondon files included infor-mation about strategic plan-ning of the InternationalOlympic Committee (IOC)and security.

16 Saturday, September 22, 2012

SALT LAKE CITY (AFP) -American speedskater SimonCho, a 2010 Winter Olympicbronze medalist, allegedlytampered with the skates of arival at a world championshipevent on orders of his coach,Chun Jae-Su.

The information was re-vealed in an arbitration filingon behalf of 13 short trackspeedskaters trying to haveChun dismissed as coach ofthe national team after allega-tions of abuse against the for-mer South Korean nationalcoach.

The filing claims Chunasked Cho to sabotage Cana-dian skater Oliver Jean bytampering with his skates be-fore the 5,000-meter relayfinal at last year's world shorttrack team championships inPoland.

A problem with Jean'sblades meant Canada could

only send three skaters ontothe ice.

Cho also allegedly wrotea teammate a note that said ofthe incident: "It is my darkestsecret and I regret it."

Chun was suspended lastweekend pending the resultsof an investigation by attor-neys in the charges filedagainst him.

Nine members of the USshort track squad signed astatement supporting Chunthat calls the abuse allega-tions a false, baseless attack.

A US Olympic Committeespokesman said the organiza-tion is probing allegationsthat Chun slammed an athleteagainst a wall, threw bottlesand chairs at skaters, and toldwomen skaters they were"fat."

Chun faces no criminalcharges from police.


US Olympian says

coach ordered


RIO DE JANEIRO (AFP) -Ten members of the 2016Olympics organising commit-tee have been sacked for steal-ing computer files relating tothe organisation of the 2012London Olympics, a Rio 2016spokesman told AFP on Friday.

The Rio employees, whohad been working alongsideLondon staff during the sum-mer Olympics and Para-lympics, had downloadedinternal documents withoutauthorization.

"These Brazilian officialsworked in partnership with theLondon 2012 Games(LOCOG) in London, had freeaccess to the archives but did

not have the right to down-load," the spokesman added.

In a statement, the Rio 2016Committee stressed the atti-tude of the officials was "con-trary to the principlesgoverning mutual trust be-tween the two organisations".

"Those involved were iden-tified and the leadership ofRio 2016 and LOCOG actedjointly and quickly to repairthe situation," the statementcontinued. "All of the docu-ments were recovered and re-turned, and the employeeswere dismissed by Rio 2016."

Rio 2016 officals insistedthis was an "isolated" incidentgiven that some 200 of their

Olympics: Rio 2016 officialssacked for stealing London files

roy's tangled mop of curls.Whatever the case might be,

the two will undoubtedly bethe headliners going into whatwill be the 39th playing of theRyder Cup since its inceptionin 1927.

It could well be of coursethat, like at Celtic Manor,Newport two years ago,Woods and McIlroy will nevermeet on the course.

But, should the contest godown to the wire, as it did inWales, and should captainsDavis Love and Jose MariaOlazabal both select their re-spective talismen to anchortheir 12 singles slots, the stagewould be set for a clash of ti-tanic dimensions.

Of course, as every past andpresent-day player will con-firm, the Ryder Cup, in starkcontrast to the rest of golf, is ateam contest and one that hassoared to towering heightssince Great Britain and Irelandbecame Europe 33 years ago.

continues on page 14

Golf: Rory and Tiger set for starroles in Ryder Cup