striking gold with bing ads remarketing

Audience mining with Bing Ads Remarketing Webinar Striking Gold #BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

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Audience mining with Bing Ads Remarketing Webinar

Striking Gold

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Purna Virji Sr. Bing Ads PPC TrainerBing Ads, Microsoft@purnavirji

Eric CouchBing Ads PPC TrainerBing Ads, Microsoft@ecouch11

MJ DePalmaEngagement Marketing ManagerBing Ads, Microsoft@mjdepalma

Today’s Webinar Speaker Today’s Webinar Speaker


Today’s Webinar Host

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

We’ll go over:• Make the most out of different types of searchers• Get a list of ideas for remarketing segments to boost ROI• How to execute offline to online remarketing• Tips to avoid the creepiness factor• How to get started

We’ll show you how.

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

“The true scarce commodity is increasingly human attention.”

Satya NadellaCEO, Microsoft

Infinite devices and data

Finitetime and attention

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Our marketing efforts need to resemble one-on-one conversations.

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

We need full funnel insights.

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

The backbone: Universal Event Tracking

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

• What it is• How it works• How to set it up

We’ll cover

What is it?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

3rd party tag managemen

t solution

And place across every page on siteEasily deploy within the client’s TMS of choice


UET code is used to enable conversion tracking and goals site-wide

Universal event tracking

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

One tag to rule them all.

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

A common tag across all campaigns and accounts gives you the ability to better attribute your conversions.

Customer-level attribution

Cross campaigns

Cross accountsCross devices

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Conversion events become so much more powerful with the addition of Universal Event Tracking

Gaining the visibility you need

Improved conversion opportunity



Powerful remarke



insight (last-click)

Need to better understand campaign


Track different types of goals

Follow-up with potential customers based upon actions

Eliminate the need to place tags often

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma





Consider where in the chain you’re discovering customer data

Funnel insights





#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Form completions

Conversion page optimization

Marketing budget adjustment

What’s important? SAMPLE: Lead generation form

Consider a large-scale insurance company with B2C products:

Campaign reporting improvements

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

What can it do?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Goal 1

Tag 1

Goal 2

Tag 2

Goal 3

Tag 3

Goal 4

Tag 4

Unique tag for each campaign goal

Old way of tracking goals

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma


#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

With universal event tracking you can measure the success of your campaignsIdentify: Action:The keywords that lead to better conversions

Optimize your Ad Groups for best conversion rate

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

With universal event tracking you can measure the success of your campaignsIdentify: Action:

The ROI of your advertising dollars Spend more on well-performing campaigns

The keywords that lead to better conversions

Optimize your Ad Groups for best conversion rate

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

With universal event tracking you can measure the success of your campaignsIdentify: Action:

The audiences that have higher conversions Refine calls-to-action for your target audience

The ROI of your advertising dollars Spend more on well-performing campaigns

The keywords that lead to better conversions

Optimize your Ad Groups for best conversion rate

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Goals such as:What can UET track?

• Destination URL• Duration• Pages viewed per visit• Custom event• *Mobile App install

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

*Mobile App install conversion tracking is supported through 3rd

party SDKs. In-app actions currently not supported.

Destination typeTrack the number of users that visited a specificsection or page of your website.




#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Duration per visitTrack the number of users who spent more, less or an exact amount of specified time on your site.




#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

I just wanted to let you know that your liking my package to Little Red Riding Hood made me smile! Have a wonderful wee-end.

Susie | 05/04/2015

…your company was fantastic to work with, so thank you for making it a positive experience.

Tina | 05/04/2015

Rarely do I take the time good or bad to leave a comment, not his time. Worked S for 40+ years, very difficult job. I just wanted to say thank you! You’re company has undoubtedly the best customer service I have ever done business with. No other company comes close! Kudos to ALL involved.

Pamela | 05/04/2015

Excellent customer service.

Stanislav | 05/04/2015


Pages per visitTrack the number of users that visited a specified amount of pages during a visit to your site.




#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Custom eventAn event consists of values you can use to describe a consumer’s interaction with your site.




#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Mobile app install



#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Getting started

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Steps to getting started with UET

Defineyour goals

Create your tag

Implement the tag on your site

Step 2Step 1 Step 3

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Give your goal a name that’s easily identifiable.

Name your goal

Examples:• Order completion• Created an account• Contacted support

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Choose from the 5 available types and define the goal.

Select the goal type

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Code template:<script> window.uetq = window.uetq ||[]; window.uetq.push({ 'gv': amount }); </script>

Assign a constant goal value in the interface or create dynamic goal values by writing your own javascript code.

Optional: Assign a goal value

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Option 1: Place the tag directly on your website Implement the tag

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Option 2: Place the tag within a supported tag management system

Implement the tag

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Simplify implementation

Repository for analytics & media tags

Scale with ease

Leverage logic across domains

Greater flexibility

Deploy tags without code

Advantages of using tag management

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma


#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Issue: Goal data not available


Confirm Tracking TagsReview Goal SettingsEvaluate Goal Likelihood

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma


Confirm Tracking TagsDouble Check Goal Conditions

Issue: Conversions are unusually high

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

What's next?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Sneak peek of next week’s new UET features

• Improved workflow: More intuitive experience and in-line alerts.

• Unique conversions: Count only unique conversion that happen after an ad click.

• Account level goals: Ability to associate conversion goals at the account level and not the customer level.#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Sneak peek of next week’s new UET features

• Tag and goal tracking status: Validate if goals and tags are tracking conversions in Bing Ads UI.

• Contains function for custom event: Verifies if input string is present anywhere in the URL reported by the UET tag.

• Conversion metrics in goals page: The goals page will now show conversions.#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

And that’s not all….

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Remarketing in paid search

Launching very soon:

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Not all searchers are good as gold

Forrester, Understanding Shopping Cart Abandonment, May 2010

Second chance Remarketing in paid search gives you a second chance to convert or engage with customers.

Brand familiaritySearchers who visited your site and are familiar with your brand/products are more likely to convert.

Shoppers who leave96% of first time visitors leave websites without converting. 70% of shoppers add products to the cart but abandon.

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Re-engage with audiences that have previously visited your website.

Remarketing in paid search


User Yourwebsite

User added in remarketing list

User leaves

User searches on Bing or Yahoo

Your adis served


#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Super easy to set up

Place Universal Event Tracking (UET) tags across website.

Define and create Remarketing Lists.

Engage with these audiences.

< HTML >

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Create remarketing list(s) based on URLs or custom



#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Associate remarketing lists with Ad Group(s)

Apply bid boost for remarketing list - ad group association

Adjust Bids Customize Ads Broaden KWs


#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Cookie facts• Need at least 1000 users (cookies) in a list

• Can Adjust Bids +900% to -90%• Lists are shareable across all accounts under the same customer shell

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Okay this is wonderful…but how do I make money?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Identify, segment, and target users based on the specific stage of the buying funnel.

Segment and target past visitors

Audience segmentation

Home page

Category or form pages

Shopping cart

Thank you pages

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Optimize bids and adsHome page

Category page

Product page

Shopping cart

Thank you pages

“Discover new deals”

“25% off today”

“limited time offer”

“Free shipping”

“Have you tried…”

Increase bids by 50%

Increase bids by 100%

Increase bids by 150%

Increase bids by 900%

Increase bids by 200%

Adjusting bids Customizing ads

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Broadening keywords can help increase traffic and deliver a good ROI by targeting more qualified audiences.

Broaden keywords and match types

Home page

Category page

Product page


“hotel deals”

hotels in Oklahoma City


best hotels


Remarketing campaigns Traditional campaigns

Six audience segments to give you the Midas touch

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

The core lists

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#1 Woo the window shoppers

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Who gets on the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Visits and browses with no conversions• Broad list to widen net• Can further segment by product category in future

#1 Woo the window shoppers

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Aim: Woo them back to the site to boost likelihood of conversion.

#1 Woo the window shoppers

We’ll need: Brand and product reminders for TOMA.

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

How? - Expand keyword lists- Increase bids- Edit ad copy

#1 Woo the window shoppers

#2 Attract the abandoners

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Who gets on the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Add to cart or lead form partial fill, but no conversion

#2 Attract the abandoners

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#2 Attract the abandoners

Test:• Subtle product/brand reminders• Ease their mind by sharing return policy

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#2 Attract the abandoners

Test:• Bidding on competitive terms• Free/upgraded shipping offers

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#2 Attract the abandoners

Test:• Special deals/discounts (e.g. BOGO)

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#2 Attract the abandoners

Test:• Raising bids significantly (up to +900%)• Shorter time durations

Getting granular

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Who gets on the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Event-based:e.g. watched (part of) a video

Pages viewed: Visits to key pages, e.g. S&H costs

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Fill in the blanks for them:• Product reviews e.g. review annotations

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Fill in the blanks for them:• More info, case studies e.g. Sitelink extensions

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Fill in the blanks for them:• Shipping offers e.g. free or faster S&H

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Fill in the blanks for them:• Special offers or discounts

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Test click to call • Phone has higher c-rates.

#3 Re-engage the engaged visitors

Bid modifications• Bid up by 150%+

#4 Upsell to recent converters

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Who gets on the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#4 Upsell to recent converters

Our existing customers• Can further segment by product category in future

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#4 Upsell to recent converters

Be helpful:• Offering relevant cross-sells

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#4 Upsell to recent converters

Be helpful:• Exclusive discounts and promotions

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#4 Upsell to recent converters

Be helpful:• Purchase incentives (e.g. gifts with purchase)

#5 Offline to online

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Traffic from offline channels such as TV

Who gets on the list?#5 Offline to online

Who gets on the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Tip! Same tactic for cross-channel campaigns: e.g. social media promos or brick and mortar

#5 Offline to online

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Reinforcing the offline messages• Promote the same offers• Add urgency

#5 Offline to online

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#6 To infinity and beyond

Who makes the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

OPAs! (Other Peoples’ Audiences)

Thinking beyond your own site can drastically expand your remarketing pool

#6 To infinity and beyond

Who makes the list?

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Tag related, complementary websites

#6 To infinity and beyond

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Bid on broad keywords

#6 To infinity and beyond

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Upping bids by +50 to +150%

#6 To infinity and beyond

Engage them

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Offer purchase incentives/special offers

#6 To infinity and beyond

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Window Shoppers

Recap the Lists

Attract the abandoners

Re-engage the engaged

Upsell to converters

Offline to online

OPAs: Other People’s Audiences

Four optimizations worth their weight in gold

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Two options to take when assigning your list

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#1 Bid like a boss



Strategy Recommend settingAdjusting bids Bid only

Customizing ads Target and bid

Broadening keywords Target and bid

#1 Bid like a boss

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Raise your bidExample: Bidding up on users who have abandoned a shopping cart, filled out a lead form, etc…

Lower your bidExample: Bidding down on users who have recently made a purchase or are already members of a membership program.

Apply bid adjustments to rank higher or lower based on which remarketing lists user belongs to.

Improve ROI by adjusting bids

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#2 Avoid the creepiness factor

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Avoid being too specific in the ad copy • Subtlety works• Be helpful• Use product categories

How to avoid the creepiness factor

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Test varying cookie windows • Review time to purchase stats

How to avoid the creepiness factor

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

• To track a dynamic goal value with UET (like revenue for a conversion for your destination goal), you can write and add a snippet of JavaScript to the code of your webpage. The functions defined in this code would be replaced, defined, and owned by you or your web developer.

• Dynamic goal values are ONLY supported for destination and event goals

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#3 Tracking dynamic revenue

How to track dynamic revenue

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

<script>var uetq = uetq || [];  uetq.push({ 'gv': amount }); // Pass the computed goal value </script>

• Lower overall CPA to help compete• Good reminders + purchase incentives• Be there when comparison shopping

#4 Use Bing Ads Remarketing during the holidays

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Bid like a Boss

Be subtle Dynamic revenue

Holiday remarketing


• Decide on YOUR audience mining strategy• Tag entire site with UET• Build your remarketing lists• Creatively engage audiences & measure• Get started and strike ROI gold!

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Strike ROI Gold Webinar recap

Q A#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Stay in touch

#BingAdsWebinar | @ecouch11 | @purnavirji | @mjdepalma

Bing Ads Blog:

UET Tag webpage:

#AskBingAdsUse this hashtag on Twitter with your questionsWe vlog answers monthly