top 20 quotes from paul allen

Top 20 quotes from Paul Allen View more at here:

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Top 20 quotes from Paul Allen

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American business magnate, investor, real estate developer and

philanthropist, Paul Gardner Allen has a net worth of $17.5 billion as of

March 2015, according to Forbes. Allen co-founded Microsoft with Bill

Gates. He is the founder and chairman of Vulcan Inc., which manages

his business and philanthropic efforts. Allen also has a multi-billion

dollar investment portfolio which includes technology companies

such as Evri and Gist, real estate holdings, and stakes in other

technology, media, and content companies.


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The best museums and museum exhibits about

science or technology give you the feeling

that, hey, this is interesting, but maybe I could

do something here, too.

Paul Allen

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You've got to enjoy time with your family and

friends, and if you're involved in sports

franchises, those peak moments in playoff

games. You have to enjoy life.

Paul Allen

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You look at things you enjoy in your life, but

much more important is what you can do to

make the world a better place.

Paul Allen

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I'm a very private person that prefers a low


Paul Allen

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What should exist? To me, that's the most

exciting question imaginable. What do we

need that we don't have? How can we realize

our potential?

Paul Allen

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When it comes to helping out, I don't believe in

doing it for the media attention. My goal is to

support the organizations that need help.

Paul Allen

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Technology is notorious for engrossing people

so much that they don't always focus on

balance and enjoy life at the same time.

Paul Allen

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I am very excited to be supporting one of the

world's most visionary efforts to seek basic

answers to some of the fundamental question

about our universe and what other civilisations

may exist elsewhere.

Paul Allen

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In my own work, I've tried to anticipate what's

coming over the horizon, to hasten its arrival,

and to apply it to people's lives in a

meaningful way.

Paul Allen

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As a species, we've always been discoverers

and adventurers, and space and the deep

ocean are some of the last frontiers.

Paul Allen

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While I sign off on trades or free agents, I've

rarely overruled my basketball people's

decisions. But I'm not shy about steering the

discussion or pushing deeper if something

doesn't make sense to me.

Paul Allen

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That would be such a life-changing thing, for

us all to know that there are other beings out

there who we could potentially communicate

with, or maybe we are listening to a signal that

they transmitted hundreds of millennia ago.

Paul Allen

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I grew up around books. When I first held the

book and it was a substantive, tangible thing,

and I thought of all the work that went into it,

not just my work but everybody else's and the

research and so forth, there's a sense of really

have done something worthwhile.

Paul Allen

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In the computer industry, you've got an

interdisciplinary team of people who can

come together, attack the problem, and work

in a collaborative style. You knock down one

problem after another, cobble things together,

and then hopefully turn the crank at some


Paul Allen

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I enjoy creating new ideas, working on new

creative projects.

Paul Allen

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We've had some tough times, but we've hung

in there.

Paul Allen

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In the computer industry, you've got an

interdisciplinary team of people who can

come together, attack the problem, and work

in a collaborative style. You knock down one

problem after another, cobble things together,

and then hopefully turn the crank at some


Paul Allen

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Once you become an owner of a team, you

get so much more into the sport and you can't

help it. So I really love NFL football now to the

degree of following it much more than I did


Paul Allen

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The possible is constantly being redefined, and

I care deeply about helping humanity move


Paul Allen

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In global warming, I think everyone is

scratching their heads - are there

technological things that can be brought to

bear that can make a difference?

Paul Allen

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