6 stupid sales questions that should not be asked

Stupid Sales Questions That Shouldn’t Be Used… It had to be one of the first sales training sessions I attended… because the first time I heard these questions, I got tense. They felt wrong, trite, transactional, and therefore I cringed thinking I would have to ask them. Yet, they still live…being taught as effective closing sales questions. You may even have them memorized and it may be an involuntary reaction. But seriously they need to be buried along with your Day-Timer. What are Examples of Stupid Sales Questions? 1. If I could solve that problem, could we do business today? 2. If you like what you see in our proposal, is there any reason we couldn't write-up this order? 3. Who else will be making the decision and do you have a budget for this purchase? 4. How quickly will you be making a decision? 5. Are you happy with your current vendor? 6. What keeps you up at night? These tired sales questions, which are often asked early in the sales process (if there is a process), are designed to get prospective clients to talk or become “pre-closed”. There is nothing wrong about pre-closing questions when timed right. However, are you sure you are ready to bring the deal to closure for the benefit of the client…or are you taking the easy route to make quota? Buyers are so much more informed these days. They do their research, they have a wealth of product information at their fingertips, and comparative company research is as easy as a click of the mouse. Therefore buyers see your tactics a mile away. They are insulted by your attempts at an easy close and it may cost you the sale even though they like your product.

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Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Page 1: 6 Stupid Sales Questions That Should Not Be Asked

Stupid Sales Questions That Shouldn’t Be Used…

It had to be one of the first sales training sessions I attended…because the first time I heard these questions, I got tense. They felt wrong, trite, transactional, and therefore I cringed thinking I would have to ask them.

Yet, they still live…being taught as effective closing sales questions. You may even have them memorized and it may be an involuntary reaction. But seriously they need to be buried along with your Day-Timer.

What are Examples of Stupid Sales Questions?

1. If I could solve that problem, could we do business today?2. If you like what you see in our proposal, is there any reason we couldn't write-up this order?3. Who else will be making the decision and do you have a budget for this purchase?4. How quickly will you be making a decision?5. Are you happy with your current vendor?6. What keeps you up at night?

These tired sales questions, which are often asked early in the sales process (if there is a process), are designed to get prospective clients to talk or become “pre-closed”. There is nothing wrong about pre-closing questions when timed right. However, are you sure you are ready to bring the deal to closure for the benefit of the client…or are you taking the easy route to make quota?

Buyers are so much more informed these days. They do their research, they have a wealth of product information at their fingertips, and comparative company research is as easy as a click of the mouse. Therefore buyers see your tactics a mile away. They are insulted by your attempts at an easy close and it may cost you the sale even though they like your product.

Consequences of a Stupid Sales Questions

Prospective clients are usually so offended with the inappropriateness of these type of stupid sales questions that they don't know how to react first. So they most likely give a less than honest response, trying to avoid being rude but not agreeing to what was asked.

And they immediately lose respect for the salesperson; who now feels much worse.

It’s Essential to Stop Immediately

Unfortunately it isn't as easy as you may think to stop. In sales meetings, you are often in the zone. Before you know it you involuntarily slip a stupid question out, and then suffer the consequences.

Page 2: 6 Stupid Sales Questions That Should Not Be Asked

In order to prevent yourself from asking a stupid sales question you should try the following:

1. Find the Trigger. To escape involuntary question trap, first you need to find your trigger. Start by identifying what precedes you asking that question. A point in the presentation, a delivery you have made numerous times, a response from the client, impatience, being nervous?

2. Plan an Alternative Approach. Once you know your trigger, you can consciously plan an alternative approach before your next meeting. Be specific about what you're going to say and how you'll react when you hear or feel the trigger. If it is inappropriate to close at this time ask it in a conducive way. Or drop it entirely, and focus on your prospect's business.

3. Rinse and Repeat . Practice makes perfect, so you need to practice these new approaches before you say them to prospects. Bring in a peer to ask them their opinion regarding your questions.

4. Say it out loud. That's right. Say that alternative approach out loud. You'll immediately discover that it feels awkward. That's because it's new to you. However, it will need to sound natural, professional, and confident.

Yes, it's work to change a bad habit. But it's extremely costly not to. If you keep asking those stupid sales questions, you're virtually guaranteed to lose business with today's savvy prospects who'll think you're a dinosaur.

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