guide to mobile analytics

Find out more about mobile analytics at 0 App and Mobile Market Data Mobile App Tracking Solutions Mobile Website Analytics

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Post on 27-Oct-2014




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A guide to all the various app tracking, site analytics and others solutions available for mobile


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App and Mobile Market Data

Mobile App Tracking Solutions

Mobile Website Analytics

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About this guide

Understanding and tracking

mobile app and web usage is

key to successfully operating

in the mobile market

However, tracking mobile

conversions, downloads and

user behaviour requires

specialist services and tools

This guide helps you to find

mobile analytics providers that

can help you achieve your


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+44 (0) 203 322 2945

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Mobile Analytics Tools

Mobile Tracking Tools

Mobile Data and Reports





Mobile Analytics Tools

Mobile Tracking Tools

Mobile Data and Reports

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Mobile Analytics Tools (part 1) Bango - Develops real time analytics and payment solutions for app developers,

app store owners and mobile operators. Clients include EA Games, Facebook and


MixPanel - Claims to have built the most advanced mobile and web analytics

platform, analysing 6.2 billion actions every month. Provides insight into app

usage and conversion optimisation.

Apsalar - Provides a range of analytics and targeting solutions for mobile apps,

which help app marketers acquire users and retargeted with behavioural

marketing campaigns.

Mopapp – Lets app developers analyze app ratings, reviews and distribution to

create a ‘sentiment’ chart of an app’s success. Mopapp also provides a range of

other metrics, such as app store rankings and sales data.

KSuite - Mobile analytics suite from Kontagent. Provides device and OS tracking,

virtual currency optimisation tools, visibility on user acquisition visibility and

various app engagement insights.

Localytics Mobile App Analytics – Enterprise-grade app analytics tools for

developers and app marketers, including audience reports, customer insights and

insights that help you maximise in-app purchase revenue.

AD-X – Provides brands and agencies with analytics and tracking solutions for

mobile apps. Lets you track from app stores, mobile web, SMS and in-app and lets

advertisers analyse the effectiveness of media spend.

Find out more about mobile analytics at 4

Mobile Analytics Tools (part 2) Prosper202 - A suite of tools and solutions to help mobile affiliate marketers

analyse and track their mobile affiliate campaigns. Prosper202 is largely free to

use if you self-host.

MediaLets - Premium ad buying platform for advertisers and developers, which

also provides a range of deep analytics tools to help optimise and track


Crittercism - Analytics platform that focuses on crash reporting and performance

monitoring for apps. Used by clients such as Netflix, AT&T and NPR.

Appclix - Analytics platform for iOS developers. Gives you all the important

metrics, such as session length, revenue info and conversion info into one

dashboard. Also provides ad tracking from mobile ads to conversion with iTunes.

Amethon – Provides a range of mobile analytics solutions, such as near real time

analysis, app and device identification, usage analysis. Also provides mobile data

consultation services.

AdMob Analytics – Free mobile website analytics tool offered by Google’s AdMob

network. Lets you get a range of data on traffic for your mobile site, including user

location and device type.

WebTrends - Web analytics company that also offers solutions for mobile

analytics and tracking. Gives insights into in-app ad engagement, session data

and conversion history.

DeckStats - Provides real-time analytics for mobile websites, allowing you to view

unique visitors, device types and referrer traffic.

Find out more about mobile analytics at 5

Mobile Analytics Tools (part 3)

ComScore - Offers a suite of tools to help optimise your mobile apps and sites.

ComScore gives you granular reporting, mobile internet user panels etc, and lets

you gain insights on the best ways to engage different users via mobile.

PreEmptive - Provides a variety of tools that lets you manage and measure

applications across cloud, desktop and mobile platforms. Offers Windows Phone


PlayTomic - Mobile analytic and tracking platform that specialises in the tracking

of player behaviour across mobile games. Works with HTML5, iOS and Android


Countly – Mobile analytics platform similar to PlayTomic, allowing you to track user

behaviour across mobile games. allowing you to optimise in-game purchases and


iMetrix – Media analytics company that offers its iMetrix Mobile Analytics solution

to mobile users. The platform provides insights on device types, keywords and

referrers, conversions of mobile transaction and more.

UmberSystems - Mobile analytics platform designed primarily for carriers, helping

them optimise tariffs, measure data usage and track differences in usage between


MyRT - Completely free mobile website analytic tool that helps you track unique

visitors, brand and model data, and carrier data.

Find out more about mobile analytics at 6

Mobile Analytics Tools (part 4) CoreMetrics - Marketing analytics suite from IBM. Lets you measure and optimise

your marketing campaigns across both desktop websites and mobile channels.

SiteSpect - Mobile analytics and tracking platform that offers behavioural

targeting and other basic analytics. Also claims it will track users who have

disabled Javascript and only chosen to accept temporary cookies.

AT Internet - Web analytics company that also offers a mobile solution. Lets you

monitor mobile traffic in real time, also features geo-location and eCommerce

analysis. iOS, Android and Windows Phone supported.

Keynote Mobile Perspective - Mobile analytics platform from Keynote. Offers

performance monitoring and testing for mobile apps and websites, as well as

competitive analysis.

ByteMobile – Offers mobile analytics for carriers, allowing them to improve their

network capacity and their quality of service. Recently acquired by Citrix.

BrandAttention – Mobile analytics platform that offers a bespoke tracking

solution, giving you accurate insights into how users are engaging with your

mobile site.

AppBoy - CRM platform for app developers that helps you better communicate

with your users via in-app news feeds, cross promote your apps and streamline

your support desk.

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Mobile Analytics Tools (part 5) TapMetrics – Mobile app analytics platform. Lets you analyse sales and

downloads, usage patterns, buzz and reviews around your app and more. Lets

you track your first three apps for free.

MediaCells – Focuses on providing data on smartphone usage for retailers, mobile

app developers, carriers and media buyers.

TeaLeaf - Customer Experience Management company owned by IBM. It’s mobile

solution lets you understand how customers are accessing your website via

mobile in order to better enhance the customer experience.

Adobe SiteCatalyst – Mobile analytics solution from Adobe. Offers mobile

reporting, offline mobile measurement, measurement of any mobile content and


Find out more about mobile analytics at 8

Mobile Tracking Tools (part 1) ClickTale – Tracking and analytics company that made its name on desktop.

ClickTale is now running a beta of its mobile tracking solution, which it says

promises true granular behaviour tracking on mobile users.

CrashAnalytics – Provides a solution that helps developers troubleshoot

application crashes based on usage data, also provides UDID alternative tracking


MobileAppTracking – Gives you unique tracking links that provide real-time click

and conversion data across all the major ad networks on a single platform. Clients

include Zynga, Yahoo! and TinyCo.

iMobiTracking - Application designed to help affiliates, agencies and brands track

and optimise campaigns that target mobile devices. Track referrers, IP’s, OS,

device and manufacturer.

AppsFire – App discovery platform that also offers its own mobile tracking tool as an alternative to UDIDs. MadTracker – Provides app download tracking for iOS devices. Requires no

UDID, or SDK. mAdTracker claims to have 90% accuracy and works with all the major ad networks.

Appsflyer – Tracks mobile app installs and conversions across Android and IOS

MobAffTracker - Allows app developers, agencies and marketers to track details

of their mobile campaigns across all partners. Also features advanced analytics.

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Mobile Tracking Tools (part 2)

InMobi Tracker – Free mobile ad network that provides its own alternative to

UDIDs that lets you track post-click mobile conversions.

MobileStats – Offers tracking and real time reporting for your mobile site,

including visitor tracking, referrer tracking, device tracking and CPC performance.

Find out more about mobile analytics at 10

Mobile Data and Reports (part 1) Flurry – Draws on its integration with over 200 million apps to provide developers

with app store data across iOS and Android platforms. Measures consumer

behaviour to help developers better monetise and build more effective apps.

Distimo – Provides data and reports on a variety of app and mobile related

metrics, such as app pricing, app charts, download and usage. Provides cross-

platform data from iOS, Windows Phone and Android.

148apps – Blog that provides news and opinion on the iOS app market, as well as

set of metrics from the App Store, including pricing and chart positions.

Xyologic – Provides free reports on app download numbers across Android,

iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone platforms, and across Asian, European and

American regions.

AppAnnie – Provides app store stats and advanced app market intelligence

across iOS and Android platforms. Also offers its own app analytics platform for developers to track their app’s performance. AppFigures – Tracking and reporting tool that provides insight on a variety of

mobile app metrics. Used by big name clients such as Capcom, Conde Nast and


Nielsen – Long-running market research company that covers a range of media,

tech and entertainment markets, including smartphones, tablets and mobile apps.

Statista – Features reports on a variety of markets, including smartphones, apps

and other mobile-related markets.

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Mobile Data and Reports (part 2)

Research2Guidance – Research group dedicated to the mobile industry,

produces a variety of reports on smartphones, tablets, apps and platforms.

Juniper Research – Research group that focuses on the telecoms market,

providing regular white papers and insights into mobile apps, carriers,

smartphones and other mobile-related technologies.

App Genome Project – Claims to be the world’s largest app dataset, used to gain

an insight into mobile market dynamics and how apps operate on potentially

security sensitive devices.

Canalys – Research group providing market research and reports on the

smartphone market, apps market, tablet market and other mobile-related sectors.

MobiThinking – Very useful site with a big round-up of global stats on various

mobile-related sectors, such as smartphones, tablets, apps and platforms.

Gartner – Technology research group that publishes regular reports on the

smartphone market, app market and other mobile-related markets. Reports are

often summarised in their press release section.

IDC – Research group that provides reports on a number of industries, but very

active when it comes to the smartphone market and related technology markets.

Find out more about mobile analytics at 12

Get in touch

Your Next Step

• To find out more about mobile

analytics go to

• You can also find more

information covering:

mobile advertising

app promotion

mobile revenue


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+44 (0) 203 322 2945