how did you attract

How did you attract/address your audience? By Rianna Brathwaite and Darren Smith

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Post on 24-May-2015



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Page 1: How did you attract

How did you attract/address your audience?By Rianna Brathwaiteand Darren Smith

Page 2: How did you attract

0 There are many ways in which we addressed our audience. We aimed our film at teenagers over the age of 15, and we also aimed the film at adults. The reason for this is because we wanted to show some teens about things that happen in the world today, however we wanted to represent it in a thriller way so it keeps them interested throughout the cause of the film. We also aimed it to adults, those who are likely to have a teen child in order for them to be aware. In the opening, there’s a scene which we tried to empathise on in which it shows that parents don’t pay enough attention to their children, this was the scene in which Kerry (Alisha's Mum) isn’t even 100% sure as to where her daughter is going. We tried to represent this in a way that would make parents be more aware of situations like this, this is how we addressed the adult audience. In terms of the teens, this is simply a message to make them be careful as to who they are talking to online because it could be anyone.

Page 3: How did you attract

0The scene in which the dialogue kicks in has general close up shots on the face of the mother of Alisha. The reason for this is because we wanted to show her facial expression and to see how much attention she was paying when she was allowing her daughter to go out. We had mid shots on Alisha to show her body language and also her facial expression. The reason for this is because we wanted to show her expressions when she was talking to the antagonist (Darren) via text, and also when she was talking to her parents in the kitchen.

Page 4: How did you attract

0 The audience in which we want to portray this opening to is mainly teenage females. The reason for this is because we wanted to create an awareness to make them know and understand that its not always safe to talk to people you’ve never met, and its not right to go out meeting people that you don’t know because they could possibly turn out to be anyone. In terms of the parent, we tried to put them in the frame as well, because we believe its important for the parent to be more responsible and pay more attention to things like this. For example, if we look at our film, when Alisha asked her mum to go to her friends house, you could tell that her mum (Sara) wasn’t paying much attention, due to the fact that she was talking to her daughter (Rianna). We empathised the positioning of the parent at the end of the opening as well, when we done a close up shot on Sara when she noticed that her daughter had left the phone at home.

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0The camerawork had a big impact because it managed to put the audience in the position of the actors and make them wonder what they would do in that situation. We think that this was an interesting way of putting our message across.

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0This also again shows how we tried to link it to the conventions of the thriller genre. The reason for this is because we tried to create suspense over the whole cause of the film. We tried to make the audience wonder what will happen next a lot of the time. We link it to conventions of the thriller genre in the way that it creates suspense a lot of the time as well. We believed that by doing this it would grab the audiences attention and keep them entertained.

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Thankyou for watching!

By Rianna Brathwaiteand Darren Smith