january 27, 2012 strathmore times

Page 2 New District Governor for Lions Page 3 Look on Page 4 for Town of Strathmore Municipal Notices Pages 20 Contact Us Today! 403.934.5589 info@ strathmoretimes.com www. StrathmoreTimes .com $245,900 NONIE HALL AGENT 403-934-0420 [email protected] Selling Strathmore & Area “One Dream at a Time” 104 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore Canyon Creek (Strathmore) $154,900 $354,900 RENTING ...... WHY ?? JUST LISTED 3 BEDROOM - OPEN DESIGN WELL TREED LOT CLOSE TO SCHOOLS & PARKS WALKOUT - BACKING ONTO GREENSPACE - 5 BEDROOM FULLY DEVELOPED OPEN DESIGN PICTURE PERFECT JUST LISTED NEW...BE THE FIRST OWNERS ORIGINAL MUST SEE DESIGN WALKOUT- 3 BATHROOMS 3 BEDROOMS $245,900 FULLY FINISHED - 4 BEDROOM HARDWOODS - UPGRADES ATT GARAGE BACKS ONTO GREEN SPACE $139,900 3 BEDROOMS - HARDWOODS - UPGRADED $159,000 RENOVATED - UPGARDES - MOVE IN READY $59,900 2 BEDROOMS - LARGE LOT - HARDWOODS Bisons back on track Pushing for a healthy future VOLUME 4 ISSUE 4 Locally Owned & Operated JANUARY 27, 2012 TIMES Strathmore Locally Owned & Operated by Randy & Shelley Orford #109 - 900 Pine Road, Strathmore 403-934-9733 Store Hours M-F 8 - 9 pm Sat 8 - 6 pm & Sun 9 - 6 pm Service Centre - 4 Bays M-Sat 8 - 6 pm & Sun 9 - 6 pm. No appointment necessary Ranch Market on the Trans Canada Hwy Sushi Made Fresh Everyday MLA Arno Doerkson, Dave Rodney, Parliamentary Assistant for Health and Wellness and Agri- culture Minister Evan Berger toured Sacred Heart Academy, and Holy Cross Collegiate Jan. 23. Back: Evan Berger, left, Arno Doerkson and Dave Rodney. Front: Ty Appleyard, left, Faith Fletcher and David Klassen Shannon LeClair Photo SHANNON LECLAIR Times Reporter Students at Sacred Heart Academy and Holy Cross Collegiate were in for a treat on Jan. 23 when MLA Arno Doerk- son, Dave Rodney, Parliamentary Assis- tant for Health and Wellness, and Ag- riculture Minister Evan Berger toured their schools. “This is a wonderful opportunity for both people in government and people in the public to come together. We can find out what the needs of different communities are across the province and that’s really what it’s all about,” said Rodney. “The last thing that my colleagues and I ever want to be guilty of is spending too much time under the dome of the ivory tower. The more people come to know our MLAs, the more they come to know they are ordinary Albertans just like the other folks in their community. “We definitely have a focus, a pas- sion, expertise and experience in mak- ing life better for Albertans but in order to do that completely, effectively, we need to have one-on-one time with in- dividuals.” Spending time at the schools and see- ing first hand some of the issues being faced, such as space challenges, helps bring a new perspective to caucus ac- cording to Berger. “It’s one thing for somebody to ex- press what they see in the overcrowd- ing, or the difference in their schools or any of these on the ground issues. When you talk about it, as opposed to coming out and actually visualizing it and seeing it, it’s a big difference. You get a good understanding, you get a good understanding from people that are advocating on behalf of the students here…and it just fills in whatever ques- tions you may have had,” said Berger. “Education is an extremely important priority for the province, it is for all of our communities, we’re all Albertans and we know that Strathmore, this area is growing rapidly. There’s pressures for space, for capacity so this particu- lar stop was based around that,” said Doerkson. Continued on Page 2 Members of cabinet tour Strathmore STRATHMORE Future politicians?

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January 27, 2012 / Locally Owned & Operated / Volume 4 issue 4 / Strathmore / TIMES / Alberta


Page 1: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 2

New District Governor for Lions

Page 3

Look on Page 4 for Town of Strathmore Municipal Notices

Pages 20

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$245,900nonie hall agent

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Selling Strathmore & Area “One Dream at a Time”

104 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore

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Bisons back on track

Pushing for a healthy future

Volume 4 issue 4

Locally Owned & Operated

j a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 1 2



re Locally Owned & Operated by Randy & Shelley Orford

#109 - 900 Pine Road, Strathmore 403-934-9733

Store HoursM-F 8 - 9 pm

Sat 8 - 6 pm & Sun 9 - 6 pmService Centre - 4 Bays

M-Sat 8 - 6 pm & Sun 9 - 6 pm. No appointment necessary

Ranch Market on the Trans Canada Hwy

SushiMade Fresh Everyday

MLA Arno Doerkson, Dave Rodney, Parliamentary Assistant for Health and Wellness and Agri-culture Minister Evan Berger toured Sacred Heart Academy, and Holy Cross Collegiate Jan. 23. Back: Evan Berger, left, Arno Doerkson and Dave Rodney. Front: Ty Appleyard, left, Faith Fletcher and David Klassen Shannon LeClair Photo

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Students at Sacred Heart Academy and Holy Cross Collegiate were in for a treat on Jan. 23 when MLA Arno Doerk-son, Dave Rodney, Parliamentary Assis-tant for Health and Wellness, and Ag-riculture Minister Evan Berger toured their schools.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for both people in government and people in the public to come together. We can find out what the needs of different communities are across the province and that’s really what it’s all about,” said Rodney.

“The last thing that my colleagues and I ever want to be guilty of is spending too much time under the dome of the ivory tower. The more people come to know our MLAs, the more they come to know they are ordinary Albertans just like the other folks in their community.

“We definitely have a focus, a pas-sion, expertise and experience in mak-ing life better for Albertans but in order to do that completely, effectively, we need to have one-on-one time with in-dividuals.”

Spending time at the schools and see-ing first hand some of the issues being faced, such as space challenges, helps bring a new perspective to caucus ac-cording to Berger.

“It’s one thing for somebody to ex-press what they see in the overcrowd-ing, or the difference in their schools or any of these on the ground issues. When you talk about it, as opposed to coming out and actually visualizing it and seeing it, it’s a big difference. You get a good understanding, you get a good understanding from people that are advocating on behalf of the students here…and it just fills in whatever ques-tions you may have had,” said Berger.

“Education is an extremely important priority for the province, it is for all of our communities, we’re all Albertans and we know that Strathmore, this area is growing rapidly. There’s pressures for space, for capacity so this particu-lar stop was based around that,” said Doerkson.

Continued on Page 2

Members of cabinet tour Strathmore


Future politicians?

Page 2: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 2 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Continued from Page 1

“I think there is great opportunity in the province. We know that it’s an ex-citing year, there’s going to be an elec-tion this year, so we know that’s com-ing within the next few months.

“I just see a lot of opportunity for our province and also for this area as

it grows and as we continue to work together communities to address the challenges that we face and turn those into opportunities. It continues to be a privilege to work together with our communities, to see things happen.”

After touring the schools the men then headed off to the Wheatland County offices to meet with the con-

stituents and hear their concerns. Communities throughout the province had a chance to speak to government officials during the province-wide cab-inet tour Jan. 23 to 26. The focus of the tour was to listen to members of the community about local issues, to hear their plans and hope for the future, both provincially and locally.

Politicians assure Alberta advantage

Times TidbiTsDid You Know?

Haggis is a traditional Scottish dish and considered the national dish of Scotland. Haggis is a kind of savory pudding containing sheep’s heart, liver and lungs, then minced with onion, oatmeal, suet and spices. Traditionally it is encased in the animal’s stomach and simmered for hours,

however most modern commercial haggis is prepared in a casing rather than the stomach.

Bruce Bishop with the Strathmore Lions has recently been elected to District Governor.

Photo courtesy of bruce bishop


Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Bruce Bishop, a Strathmore Lion, can look forward to be-ing busy after being elected to the position of District Gov-ernor at the Lions Convention held in Strathmore on January 13 and 14. There were just over 200 Lions and Leos Present.

“In our Multiple District 37, the Strathmore Lions is in the District called 37-O. We have 51 clubs in our district, and I’ll be the District Governor of those 51 clubs,” said Bishop.

He said the Strathmore Lions Club is a part of a greater multiple district which includes all of Alberta, part of British Columbia, all of Montana. There are approximately 1515 members in the Strathmore District. The District Governor has to visit every club during the year, which runs from July 1 to June 30. They must also attend four Council and Cabinet meetings as well as many Charter Nights, Conventions and Leadership Rally’s.

Bishop has been a Lion for 37 years, coming to Strathmore in 1984. He had been a member of the RCMP and when he was transferred from Brooks to Elk Point, east of Edmonton, there wasn’t a Kinsmen Club there, which he had been a member of for five years in Brooks, so he joined the Lions and has been a member ever since.

Service and helping the community are two of the things he likes most about being a Lion. The Strathmore Lions host the senior’s breakfast during Heritage Days at the hospital, and have two food booths at the rodeo grounds. They also host the town Christmas party, and the seniors Christmas party at the Civic Centre. The Lions are good supporters of the Children’s Wish functions. They also take part in the Relay for Life by being a sponsor and cooking the pancake breakfast.

In April there is the Ladies and Gentlemen’s Auction to raise money as one our projects.

“The Lions is the largest single service organization in the world. We are co-ed, multicultural. We have over 40,000 clubs in 206 countries and 1.35 million members give or take a few, and we are the only service club in China,” said Bishop.

When a natural disaster strikes, such as a tsunami or earth-quake, there is the Lions International Fund. The District Governor of the affected area can request assistance from the fund, and the Lions are first on the ground providing as-sistance where needed, as there is usually a club in the area.

“One hundred per cent of any funds donated to Lions that

Strathmore Lion is new District Governor

2nd Floor of the Aztec Building304 - 3rd Avenue, Strathmore


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we make from our projects must be spent on the public, not on the members. There is absolutely no administration fee, 100 per cent is given to the public,” said Bishop.

The Strathmore Lions put in the Splash Park at Kinsmen Park, have always been a big supporter of the swimming pools, helped with the skateboard park, and also donate to a number of different groups around town.

Becoming a member is by invitation only, and people inter-ested must be of good moral character and 18 years of age, or older. The Strathmore Lions has sponsored a Leo’s Club, which is based out of Strathmore High School.

The Strathmore Lions currently have 54 members, and Bishop believes there are soon to be four or more new mem-bers, making it the fourth largest club in its district.

They have had four previous District Governors since be-coming chartered in 1939, and there is only one club in Cal-gary who has had more. In 2017 Lions International will be celebrating 100 years of service.

Page 3: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 3

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Kelly macDonald be-gan teaching yoga to children out of her home about two years ago. She currently has three groups of kids ages three to 14. Top: Abbe Cockx, mercedes Allen, Bree Cockx, Sophie mac-Donald. Right: Wyatt Anderson, ethan Ry-croft.

Shannon LeClair Photos


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Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

The Chinook Entrepreneur challenge is back for its eighth consecutive year. Community Futures and ATB Financial are partnering to support the business planning challenge. Out of the six or seven Community Future partners, with Wil-drose included, there have been approximately 500 people who have participated in the training sessions.

“It’s an excellent business training program and it really gives people a good opportunity to not only get some high quality training, but also to communicate with other like minded people during the training sessions and ask ques-tions,” said Ron Cox, General Manager for Community Fu-tures Wildrose Region.

“Anyone can take the training even if their sales are $10 million, but they can’t compete in the business plan competi-tion if their sales are over $2 million.”

Cox said there is usually 70 to 90 participants in the train-ing, and of that, only 25 to 30 per cent actually submit busi-ness plans for the competition.

“The most important element of this is the training that

you receive for your business. That’s where the real benefit comes from,” said Cox.

“Most people when they’re starting out don’t know where to start, and you really have to start with planning. Planning saves you just so much effort and misdirected effort. It just really helps to stop and think, and there are a lot of people out there that would like and want to start their own busi-ness.”

Participants will learn the business basics, such as market-ing, creating a business plan, accounting, financial, adver-tising, and cash flow. Cox said it is pretty much the whole gamut of what is needed to execute an expansion, retention, a re-organization or putting a new business into place.

Anyone who participates in the challenge will have a chance to compete for the grand prize of $10,000. There are also numerous in-kind prizes. Training sessions will be held at the Community Futures Wildrose office, and will go from Feb. 1 to March 28. Registration is free, and the eight ses-sions will be held every Wednesday from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. Business plans are due April 30, 2012 and the final awards presentations will take place on June 14, 2012. More infor-mation can be found at www.cfwildrose.ca

Calling all entrepreneurs

Shannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Promoting healthy living now that will follow our children into the future is just one reason why Strathmore resident Kelly MacDonald offers children’s yoga classes.

“I teach adult yoga classes and it was just something that intrigued me. I just know how busy kids are right now, with all of their sports and everything,” said MacDonald.

“I thought this would be, as much as it is somewhat fit-ness related, it’s more about flexibility and slowing down, and just taking time for themselves, they don’t get that time anymore and it was more about that.”

It all began about two years ago when MacDonald took her certification through an international company called ‘Rainbow Kids Yoga.’

“I went to Seattle and took the training, the gentleman’s name is Gopala and he travels worldwide to teach, to in-struct instructors. The closest place at that time for me was Seattle,” said MacDonald.

Some of the children who participate in her classes may come with friends, and some may not know anyone. She said it is also like having a peer support group. Since she began offering the program, MacDonald says she has had a good turnout. Some of the kids return for new classes, and there are a few kids who started in the three to five age group who have moved up into the next age group.

MacDonald runs the program out of her home, and teach-es children ages three to 14. The younger kids have a 30 minute class, while the older groups take part in a one hour class.

“We get a little more advanced, but we also do lots of stuff through games. I’ll teach a little bit of a class and then the ones who have been coming for awhile I’ll say, ‘alright, your turn you guys. Get together as a group and this is what I want you to do’,” said MacDonald.

What she calls a pose for an adult class is not necessarily what she would call it in a kids class, and MacDonald said

Promoting healthy lifestyles

everything is the same but different.MacDonald said there are lots of boys taking her classes,

which she finds interesting, some of which are hockey play-ers. Yoga provides the kids with knowledge about how their body works, and how they can fix it if they have any dis-comfort.

Classes have already begun, but anyone looking for infor-mation can contact Kelly MacDonald at 403-629-7465 or via email at [email protected].

Page 4: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 4 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

town of


We heard there’s room in...

upcoming council meetings will be held February 1 & 15 at 7:30 pm.

Agendas are available on the Town Website under Council.

680 Westchester Road, strathmore, AB t1p 1J1 • 403-934-3133 • office Hours: m - F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


tipp inFoRmAtionIf you wish to enrol in the Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) for your 2012 Taxes and are not currently on the payment plan you may still apply. We would require the January payment be made with your signed application and void cheque by January 25th, 2012. Please call the Tax Department if you have any questions.

toWn oF stRAtHmoRenotice oF Development peRmits

The following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Develop-ment Appeal Board:

Application: 12/D-011Civic Address: 315 Thistle WayLegal Description: Lot 8, Block 9, Plan 7611182Development: Rear Yard setback variance for existing garage (0.08 meters) and Side Yard setback variance for existing shed (0.6 meters)

Application: 12/D-012Civic Address: 121 Westdale StreetLegal Description: Lot 16 - 17, Block 2, Plan 37JKDevelopment: Rear Yard setback variance for existing garage (0.26 meters) and Side Yard setback variance for existing shed (0.67 meters)

The above noted file(s) can be viewed at the Town Office during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue fifteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are filed prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 West-chester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1.

Date of Publication: January 26, 2012 Deadline for Appeal: February 9, 2012

Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIPDirector, Planning & Development

puBlic HeARingThe Edgefield Area Structure Plan Public Hearing

has been postponed to the February 1st Council Meeting @ 7:30pm in the Municipal Council Chambers.

AlBeRtA entRepReneuRs: open neW DooRs!

lethbridge, AB – Community Futures and ATB Financial proudly announce a partnership to support local business through the Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge Business planning competition. Now in it’s 8th year, this is a great opportunity for businesses to obtain free training on building a sustainable business plan and in the end possibly winning the grand prize of $10,000 cash plus numerous in-kind prizes. What an incentive to invest in your future and kick off 2012!

Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge is a southern Alberta program for anyone starting or expanding a business. Registration is free and open now. Eight training sessions will be held Wednesday evenings from 6:30-9:00pm starting February 1 through March 28.

Visit www.chinookchallenge.com or call 403-320-6044 for registration and Challenge information.

notice oF Development peRmitsThe following application(s) for development has/have been conditionally approved by the Town of Strathmore, subject to the right of appeal to the Subdivision and Develop-ment Appeal Board:

Application: 12/D-003Civic Address: 200 Ranch DownsLegal Description: Lot 1, Phase 6, The RanchDevelopment: Discretionary Use: Semi-Detached, 2 Storey, Show Home

Application: 12/D-006Civic Address: 108 and 112 Wildrose HeathLegal Description: Lots 9 and 10, Block 4, Plan 1110243Development: Variance – Privacy Wall (rear deck) height 0.11 meters

The above noted file(s) can be viewed at the Town Office during regular business hours. The permit(s) is/are scheduled for issue fifteen days after the date of this publication provided no appeals are filed prior to the appeal deadline. Any person wishing to appeal this decision may do so by completing and submitting an appeal form, with the appeal fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Town of Strathmore, addressed to: Secretary, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, Town of Strathmore, 680 West-chester Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1J1.

Date of Publication: January 19, 2012 Deadline for Appeal: February 2, 2012

Tammy Henry, M. PL, RPP, MCIPDirector, Planning & Development

tos2011-035pARt time HAnDi-Bus DRiveR

An employment opportunity exists for a part-time Handi-bus Driver at the Town of Strath-more. If you enjoy working with seniors and physically disabled individuals and would like to make a difference in the lives of some very special people this could be the opportunity you are looking for!

Job Requirements: • Class 1, 2 or 4 Alberta Driver’s License. • Ability to assist passengers with loading and unloading.• Must be physically fit – requirement to lift heavy items – i.e. wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen bottles, etc.• Operation of vehicles and wheel chair equipment in a safe and courteous manner• Previous professional driving experience would be an asset.• First aid/CPR certificate• Clean drivers abstract and criminal record check

The position is part-time with a maximum of 29 hours per week; shifts will vary and appli-cants must be flexible enough to work weekdays, evenings and weekends.

Rate of Pay: $15.67 – $18.11 per hour.

Those interested in applying should submit a complete resume to:Linda Nelson, Deputy C.A.O.Town of Strathmore680 Westchester RoadStrathmore, AB T1P 1J1Email: [email protected](When emailing please quote the position in the subject line)

Closing date for applications is February 1, 2012.

Page 5: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

At 1:40 a.m. on March 22 a fire raged through a home at the corner of Briarwood Road and Briarwood Crescent in Strathmore. Four neighbouring homes were evacuated for the safety of the occupants due to the severity of the fire and wind direction. The occupants of the residence where the fire started were not home at the time. A sec-ond residence next to the first, was damaged by the fire.

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 5

Photo courtesy of Lisa Armstrong

The Hussar school stu-dents, staff and parents were entertained by HOJA on the morning of Jan. 24. HOJA is a three-man Ca-nadian acappella group based in Calgary and they travel all over Canada to perform. All the sounds are created live on stage ,there are no background

Hussar HOJA!

Council votes in favour of latest highway proposalShannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Council has made their deci-sion to support the final re-align-ment proposal for Highway 1. Councillor Blokland made a mo-tion to support the proposal, and for administration to draft a letter of support. Concerns related to the control and maintenance of the portion of the highway which will remain within Strathmore are to be determined at a later date.

Council also directed adminis-tration to draft a letter to Alberta Transportation requesting the realignment to be expedited to allow construction to begin as soon as possible.

A council committee will also be formed with the mandate of researching areas of concern. A few of these concerns include installing signs at Gleichen 22X and the east side of town, prior to the bypass. They would also like to see signs before Highway 9 and west of town to advertise services in town. Another request will be for Alberta Transportation to pave Highway 1 and all ser-vice roads adjacent to it before the town takes over.

Walking around Jamaica Graham Matsalla, Health Pro-

motion Facilitator with Alberta Health Services (AHS), and Lisa Sader with Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) spoke to council about promoting walking in the community, and across the prov-ince.

“The reason why Alberta Health Services wants to promote walking within the communities within the province is the con-cern over obesity,” said Matsalla.

The newest challenge HEAL is promoting is walking around the island of Jamaica. It’s a vir-

tual trek but participants have to walk, bike, run or swim around Jamaica and log their steps every-day. Anyone who gets to the end of the trek by the end of the 14 weeks will be entered to win a prize.

“I encourage you all to get out there and get moving,” said Sader.

“We’re hoping to start a walk-ing school bus for Brentwood School because that’s a school most of the students should be able to walk to.”

To help give council a bit of a boost, Sader presented Mayor Steve Grajczyk with a pedom-eter so he can begin tracking his steps.

The chilly weather may have some not wanting to venture out-side for a stroll, but there are op-tions.

There is indoor walking on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6 p.m. to 6:50 p.m. at Trin-ity Lutheran Christian Academy, and the town has indoor walk-ing available at the Civic Centre in the morning. The contest starts Feb. 1 and will run until May 8, and anyone interested in finding out more information, or partici-pating can go to www.healourfu-ture.com

Canadian Badlands Council has moved to become

a member of the Canadian Bad-lands for a trial year at .50 cents per capita. Councillor Earl Best was the only one who had objec-tions to motion.

“I’m not behind this, I have never been behind this. I be-lieve the cost doesn’t justify the means, they want to call us the gateway to the Badlands and yet we’re substantially a long way away from it, as well as most of the other towns who are with it,” said Best.


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Harvest Healing Center may soon be movingShannon LeCLair Times Reporter

The Harvest Healing Center may soon be relocating after council approved a land re-designation from Highway Com-mercial District to P1, Public Service Dis-trict.

The location of the site is at the corner of Highway 817 and the Canals Highway Commercial Area. Though the director of planning and development did not sup-port the application, in the end council approved the re-designation.

“With respect to the proposed use we did have some concerns with respect to the location. We are not against, obvi-ously, the ability to have church sites in town, it’s just unfortunately this location probably is not the best from our techni-cal analysis,” said Tammy Henry, Direc-tor of planning and development for the Town.

The area the Harvest Healing Center was asking to be re-designated is zoned and set out in the MDP to be an industri-al area. One of the first concerns for ad-ministration is the fact that the proposed land use amendment was not consistent with the Town Municipal Development Plan (MDP). Henry said though the MDP is a bit dated, it was created with the in-put of the citizens.

Henry said it is a statutory plan and administration is bound by the plan, be-cause it is a bylaw. She also mentioned that it would be cleaner to amend the

MDP prior to the proposed re-designa-tion.

Another concern was increased traf-fic, and the possibility of needing to add traffic signals. Henry said there were no concerns about building a facility, but preferred it be located on a different site which may meet their needs better.

“We are not looking to put millions of dollars into a building, a fancy building. A residential area would not allow us to put up a metal building that we are look-ing at, (it’s) not very likely because that’s not what they want sitting in a residential area,” said Pastor Elizabeth Karp, with the Harvest Healing Center.

She said public zoned land in a com-mercial area would allow them to put up a practical building, which fits the com-munity standards for the area.

“As far as the traffic light controlled in-tersection goes, at some point in time we have to do that, and maybe if we do it sooner than later it might help to develop that area a little quicker, if there’s proper access to and from that industrial area onto 817,” said Councillor John Rempel.

Both Mayor Steve Grajczyk and Coun-cillor Bob Sobol said they like the idea of having a church front and centre when people come into town.

“It’s always nice to see a church when you’re driving into town, I always thought that,” said Grajczyk.

The proposal was approved and given both second and third reading at the Jan. 18 council meeting.

tracks and all they play all types of music. A special thanks goes to the Hussar Kindergarten Association for sponsoring another wonderful event for the Hussar School. The school enjoyed the entertainment, while Grade 6 student Brody Beck helped HOJA sing “i’m in a Hurry by Alabama.”

Page 6: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Do you have a special recipe you would like to share? Please submit to the Strathmore Times by Friday noon. Fax Tracey 403.934.5546 or email [email protected]

Chicken Noodle Soup

Located on the North Side of Highway #1 at 210 Ridge Road Strathmore • 403-934-5661

StRatHmoRe daiRy queeN & touRiSt iNfoRmatioN ceNtRe

4 cups chicken stock, home made or store bought1 cup cubed cooked chicken2 tbsp cooking oil3/4 cup diced onion3/4 cup diced celery1 tbsp minced garlic2 cups dried egg noodles, cooked to al dente1/2 tsp tarragon2 tsp parsleySalt & pepper to taste*Leftover vegetables

Saute onion, celery and garlic in oil on medium heat for a few minutes until tender. Add stock to large pot. When ready, add onion, celery, and garlic then lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Add noodles and cook 5 more minutes. Remove from heat and add herbs and salt and pepper to taste.

*If you have leftover vegetables, toss them into the soup at the end of cooking time to heat through and serve with French bread.

More Than Just Great Fish!

110G 800 Pine Road, Strathmore

Take Out Available



Page 6 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012

These tips can help you improve the care you are giving to your loved one:

1. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends to help. Often, family and friends wish to help out but do not know where to start. Be specific about how they can help and remember to stay positive.

2. Check your eligibility for the Federal Government’s Compassionate Care Leave Program, which provides financial assistance for people caring for gravely ill family members.

3. Don’t rely on your memory - create a list of your loved one’s important documents and note the location of each. Include identification documents, financial documents, and wills and Power of Attorney documents. This will save time and frustration should an emergency arise.

4. If you are experiencing financial distress, ask your health care provider to refer you to a social worker who may be able to help address financial and other issues you are facing as a caregiver.

5. Ask your Pharmacist to prepare medication blister packs to help you keep track of the prescription medications you have to administer.

6. Give your loved one a sense of independence by encouraging them to complete grooming tasks on their own if possible, even if it would be quicker for you to do it for them.

7. To prevent falls in the bathroom, make sure there are at least two grab bars in the tub area and that the bath mat outside the tub has a rubber backing.

8. If your loved one cannot move in a bed, ensure that you turn them at least every two hours throughout the day to prevent bedsores.

Tips to help you care for

your sick loved one at home

Thought for the week

~ The quieter you become

the more you can


Page 7: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 7

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Letters to the editor

TIMESStrathmore Times is published every Friday by Strathmore Times Inc. and is distributed by Canada Post to Strathmore, Carseland, Cheadle, Cluny, Gleichen, Hussar, Namaka, Nightingale, Rockyford, Rosebud, Speargrass, Standard, Lyalta and Langdon. We also have various pickup locations throughout our coverage area. Our 11,500 issues are printed by Star Press Inc., Wainwright, Alberta. The content in the Strathmore Times is copyright and reproduction without the proper written consent of the Strathmore Times is strictly prohibited.

Contributors - Wendi Tashlikowich, Manny Everett, Doug Taylor, Jenna Campbell, Sharon McLeay

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1Y4 • 403.934.5589

Mario PrusinaPublisher / Editor

Shannon LeClairReporter

Rose HamrlikAdvertising

Tracey RogersOffice Manager

Jody SchneiderProduction

The Times welcomes letters to the editor for publication. All submissions must signed and a phone number included for verification purposes. We reserve the right to edit letters for length, legal considerations and taste. Please try and keep your letters under 400 words to ensure that it will appear as close to its original form as possible.


To the EditorIt’s difficult for most Albertans to decipher the

complexities of Alberta’s deregulated electricity sys-tem, but it is not difficult to conclude that our so-called market based electricity system is not work-ing. One only needs to read the bottom line of last month’s electricity bill for confirmation.

Albertans were told sixteen years ago that it was in our best interest to dismantle one of the best-regulat-ed electricity systems in North America for a market based system that would lower the price of electric-ity. So how much longer do we wait?

Over the last couple of weeks industry repre-sentatives provided testimony to Premier Redford’s “Transmission Review Committee” hearings. The Al-berta Electric Systems Operator (AESO) and other industry representatives praised our market-based system as a shining example of the success of dereg-ulation. I have a question for these representatives ~ “What market based system?”

The AESO prices electricity approximately every two hours for Alberta’s wholesale electricity market. Every two hours generators offer to sell their electric-ity based on market demand. This is how the price is set, and it is called the stacking order. The stacking order is a simple creation of the AESO, and it favours the generators and transmission line companies at the expense of the average consumer. For example:

When the AESO requires 8,000 megawatts (MW) to supply the market for the next two hours, hydroelec-tric power might offer to provide 4000 MW of elec-tricity to Alberta’s market for FREE. Coal generators might offer to sell 3800MW for $45 dollars a mega-

watt. The remaining 200MW might be provided (bid) to the market by other suppliers for $450 a mega-watt. This completes the total 8000MW required by the AESO to meet the expected demand.

AESO accepts hydro’s offer first, and then accepts coal’s offer and so on. This is called stacking. How is this price passed along to the consumer? All the generation suppliers (hydro, coal, and the other sup-pliers) get paid the top rate of $450 a megawatt ~ regardless of what price they were willing to sell to the market! In this example, Alberta’s consumers don’t get the benefit of FREE hydroelectric power. Alberta’s consumers don’t get the benefit of $45 a megawatt from coal electricity. As long as demand remains close to the 8000MW level for the next two hours, consumers pay the full price as if the total 8,000MW cost $450 a megawatt, even though 50% of the electricity was offered for FREE and another 47.5% was offered for $45 a megawatt!

If this wasn’t bad enough, when hydro and co-gen-erated electricity in Alberta drive the wholesale price of electricity to $0MW (FREE), the AESO interferes and clears the market (cancels all bids). The bidding process then starts over again.

Alberta’s electricity system is not a market-based system. It is a scam that guarantees the maximum price for the lowest cost electricity! Consumers are victimized by this pricing mechanism. Alberta didn’t move to a deregulated system. Alberta went from a regulated system to a rigged system, and it’s time we unrigged Alberta’s electricity market!

Joe AnglinRimbey, Alberta

How’s that electric bill working for you now?

Pat FuleFule for Thought

Most young men these days plan elaborate ways to ask their loved ones to marry them. In fact, if you go on YouTube and search “World’s Best Wedding Proposal … Movie Theatre,” you’ll see a brilliant one done by a young American guy.

You really do have to see it; or see the marriage proposal that was on “Mobbed” last season. Both of these examples only serve to make my own proposal that much more sad and pathet-ic! Before I bare my soul to you, let me just say that the 80’s were a strange decade, and I was a pretty naïve mountain boy from Canmore.

It was early 1984 and Debbie and I had been ring shopping where we both picked one she loved. Stupidly, the idea was: that I would pick up the ring on a certain Friday night, ask her to marry me, and we’d go to a nice restaurant for dinner. Then after this incredibly romantic event, we’d drive to Canmore and surprise our parents and Deb’s grandparents. Even THIS sounds pretty lame as proposals go, but wait, it gets worse!

The Friday arrived and I

packed up after school. Excited-ly, I raced to Calgary to Peoples’ Jewelers to pick up the massive “rock.”

Okay, it was a cluster of really small diamonds, but still expen-sive, for me! Now here’s where me, being a naïve bumpkin from the Rockies, comes into play. I arrived at Peoples’, showed my receipt, and was ready to meet Deb. Much to my shock and horror, the saleslady said I could not take possession of the ring until it was paid in full. I thought (like a car purchase back then), that you could put money down, get the ring, and pay it off. But no, Shirley (if that was her real name!) said I could not have the ring, as I still owed a large amount (I won’t bother telling you how much … that would be too painful).

Cell phones were not being used in 1984, so I slowly shuf-fled to a mall pay phone (again like The Green Mile), to face the music with Deb. After explain-ing the bad news, Deb replied … “where are you right now?”

I told her where I was (prob-ably should have lied), and she drove over. What happened next is still very painful for me. Deb paid for her own engagement ring in cash, and I had to pay

monthly payments to her until it was paid off!! We then did go out for dinner where I asked her to marry me, while parked out-side the restaurant. She prompt-ly turned me down, and told me “that’s not the way you’re sup-posed to ask me!”

I tried again, and I must have done it right, because she said “yes!”

So, let this be a lesson to all the young men planning to get engaged this year. Do it right, put some heart and thought into it … don’t be like me! Otherwise you’ll pay for it in more ways than one, and for a longer time!!

As a sidebar, I secretly bought a silver and diamond ring for our 25th anniversary, and sur-prised Deb before we went to Hawaii. She thinks it was ro-mantic … I just wanted to get rid of that other ring. It had way too much history!

“Fule for Thought” is a slice of life humourous column that will appear in the Strathmore Times, written by long-time resident, town councillor, high school teacher, coach, husband and father of two – Pat Fule. If you would like to get in touch with Pat, you can send him an e-mail at [email protected].

The engagement ring and how to pay for it for years


Your Newspaper!Get with the Times!

403.934.5589 [email protected]

202, 114 Canal Garden, Strathmore, AB

Page 8: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

timesPage 8 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


Happening?What’s happening is a free weekly community calendar. if you are a non-profit group and have a special event you would like to promote, please email your information to [email protected] or call 403-934-5589 or fax 403-934-5546 and we will include your information on this weekly Community page. Due to space restrictions, please keep information to a minimum.

Mark Your Calendars for these

Upcoming SpecialEvents....

Robbie buRns nite Presented by Gleichen &

Strathmore Masonic Lodges. January 27 @ the Strathmore Civic

Centre, Cocktails @ 6pm, Dinner @ 7pm. Tickets are $25. Contact Brad at 403-829-1670,

Jack at 403-542-7653 or [email protected]

stRathmoRe theatRe PlayeRs Guild

FundRaiseR Come support your local theatre group

as we present our “Winter Variety Show” Admission is free but donations

will be gratefully accepted. Perfor-mances start at 7:30, Friday January 27 & Saturday January 28, at the Strath-

more High School Theatre.

annual GeneRal meetinGs The joint Annual General

Meetings of the Rosebud Memorial Hall Association

and the Rosebud Fire Association will be held on

Thursday, February 23, 2012, at 7:00 P.M.

in the Community Centre.

Royal Canadian Legion For information regarding hall rentals, darts and crib, please call 403.934.5119

MOPS (Mother’s Of Preschoolers) meet 1st and 3rd Thursdays 9:30am – 11:30am at the Strathmore Alliance Church. Babysitting available for ages 0 - 6. For more information call Jennifer at 403-934-5799 or visit www.mops.org

Strathmore Parent and Tot Playgroup, meets every Tuesday at 9:30 - 11:30 am. in the Strathmore United Church Basement. For more information call Tammy at 403-983-7284 or Ali at 403-934-2089. $1 per child

Strathmore District Health Services Auxiliary Meetings are held the fourth Monday of the month @ 1:30 pm, (excluding July & August). Lower level Conference Room at the Strathmore Hospital. New members welcome. For more info please call 403-934-4436

Strathmore & District Chamber of Commerce meets the third Monday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. All members welcome. Check web page for meeting location. For more information call 403-901-3175 or www.strathmoredistrictchamber.com.

Come Fly With Us 903 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Sqn. Meet Wednes-days at 6:30pm at the blue building and Quonset on the Ag grounds. Boys & Girls welcome between 12 & 19 years. Call Joanna Howard at 403-983-5796 for more information.

HIV Edmonton providing support, education and advocacy for those infected with, affected by or at risk of HIV and AIDS for 25 years. Go to www.hivedmonton.com or call toll free 1.877.388.5742.

TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensibly Want to Lose Those Unwanted Pounds?? Need support to reach your goal? We are here for you! We meet every Thursday at 6:30 pm @the Anglican Church. Contact Melissa @ 403-901-1566 or Lynne @ 403-934-4359 to join our journey to a fitter you.

The Hope Bridges Society Board meetings held the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. Please call Marvin Hilton 403-901-8872 for information.

Strathmore Musical Arts Society, If you love music and musicians and have a special soft spot for the Blues, you would enjoy being part of this group. Call 403-934-4196 or 403-680-7721 to get on our phone or email list and be notifies about meetings and upcoming events.

Strathmore Elks Lodge #491 meets 3rd Tuesday at the Strathmore Curling Club 6:30 pm. Steak Supper at 7 pm. New Members welcome. Call Greg 403-888-6155.

Strathmore Homeschool Familes. Any Strathmore and Area familes that are homeschooling are invited to join our Yahoo Group. groups.yahoo.com/group/strathmorehsfams

Meals on Wheels is available in Strathmore. For information or to obtain this service please contact Wheatland FCSS at 403-934-5335.

Strathmore FASD Parent Support Group at the Strathmore United Church. For more info call Pam @652-4776.

Strathmore Caregiver Support Group This is an opportunity for caregivers to find support and benefit from interaction with others in a similar situation. For more information or to register call Amy Yaneza at 403-361-7176.

Sunday School for All Ages: Lord of All Lutheran Church offers Christian Education opportunities for ages 3 years to adult, on Sunday Mornings. All are Welcome! For more information please call Margo Sevick 403-901-2044 or call the Church Office at 403-934-2374.

Wheatland Conservation & Wildlife Association (Your local fish & game club). Meetings – 2nd Thursday every month, 7:30pm at the Clubhouse. Call Larry at 403-934-4388 for more information.

Strathmore Lions Club meets the first and third Thursday at the Strathmore Civic Centre at 6:45 pm.

Strathmore Country Gardens Club Meetings at least once per month. Tours, guest speakers, workshops and much more included in a membership. $20 single, $30 family. For more information visit www.strathmorecountrygardensclub.webs.com or phone Linda Pekrul 403-901-0017.

Strathmore Masonic Lodge #53 meets the first Monday of each Month at 7:30 p.m. Call Glen at 403-901-6038. Website: www.strathmore53.com

Adult Competitive Drop In VolleyballWednesdays 7-9 Crowther Memorial Junior High$2.00 per drop inBegins Wednesday September 21, 2011

Free Tree for all New Born Babies Attention all infants – remind your parents to register your birth so a tree can be planted commemorating your birth in the Chinook Credit Union Birth Forest in Strathmore. Registration Forms are available at the Town office, Chinook Credit Union and Health Unit. (A Communities in Bloom Project)

Healing Rooms, open for prayer Mondays from 7 to 9 pm. at the Harvest Healing Centre at 115A-3rd. Avenue in Strathmore. Everyone is Welcome.

Strathmore Full Gospel Church We’re a Pentecostal Bible based family church that has something for all ages. Call 934-2225 or visit www.strathmorefullgospel.com

Blackfoot Crossing’s new winter hours are Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm. Call 403-734-4383 for more information.

Wheatland Business Women Meet the second Tuesday of the month @ 8:00 am at Days Inn & Suites. New members welcome http://businesswomen.ca and follow us on Facebook. Call 403-324-6641.

Chestermere and area Children (& Families) with Type 1 Diabetes. Our Goal is to create a group of mature, responsible members where we open our own homes as Safe Places for Diabetic Children to go to if ever in Diabetic Distress. Join the Facebook group for more information.

Parent Link has reopened as Hand-In-Hand Parent Link Centre! Call 403-983-0076 for Program information or drop by the office in Country Lane Mall for a Program Calendar.

The Community Crisis Society, operating Wheatland Shelteris currently seeking volunteer applicants to serve on the board. Interest individuals may contact Gerry at (403) 934-6634, Monday -Thursday, or e-mail: [email protected].

Wheatland Rural Crime Watch. Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each Month. Featuring guest speakers. For more information call 403-934-4055.

Strathmore & District Agricultural Society Darcy Ledene - General ManagerStrathmore & District Agricultural [email protected] 403.934.5811 Office 403.999.7646 Cell 403.901.0299 Fax Facebook: Strathmore StampedeTwitter: Strathmore Rodeo

Strathmore Regional Victim Services Society (SRVSS) SRVSS is looking for men and women interested in becoming front line victim advocates to provide support, information and referrals to victims of crime or tragedy. We need individuals interested in a chal-lenging and rewarding volunteer experience who are caring and non-judgmental with a sincere interest in helping victims move past their immediate trauma.We provide extensive training in many areas, includ-ing sexual assaults, domestic violence, suicide, court preparation, and sudden death. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact Lesley Hering at the Strathmore RCMP Detachment at (403) 934-6552.

Strathmore Baptist Church Meeting Sundays @ 11am and Thursdays @ 7pm, Call Pastor David Blankenship for info 403-390-4431.

Happy Gang 55 plus Seniors Meetings; 2nd Tuesday every month @ 1:15pm.Potluck Supper; fourth Tuesday every month at 5:30pm. Everyone welcome!Hall Rental; $80. Call Shirley @ 403-934-9927.All other inquiries call Eric @ 403-901-1596.

RCCG Peculiar People Assembly, Strathmore Meeting Sunday Services at 10am & Wednesdays Bible study at 7pm. Venue: Chuck Mercer room of Centennial Civic Centre. PH: 403-667-7832 e-mail – [email protected]

The Strathmore Youth Club is looking for people interested in leading youth programs and for a Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in either of these positions, please contact the Strathmore Youth Club’s Program Coordinator for application details, [email protected] or 403-324-4521

vincial Hospital. She has one brother and one sister. Walt and Olive were married in August 1949, and have three daughters, six grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

Walter and Olive lived on the original Hayes farm from 1949 to 1994 – becoming an integral part of the Glei-chen Community for 45 years. They were long term members of the Meadowbrook Com-munity Hall Board, The Gleichen Lions Club, The Curling Club, Home and School Association, and active members in the local square dance club.

As a member of the Eastern Star Lodge, Olive represented as Grand Esther, and travelled to different Star Chapters in Alberta.

In 2008, Olive, accompanied by three daughters and three grand-daughters, completed the Strathmore Triathlon. She still clogs with The Strathmore

Stompers in the winter, and plays golf in the summer.

Both enjoy their hobbies – for Walt it is his woodshop, while for Olive it is sewing and quilting.

Prior to retirement, they enjoyed travelling to Arizona in their motorhome, or cruising to differ-ent countries around the world. Since retire-ment, they have both enjoyed good health, good friends and their grandchildren and

great-grandchildren.(“Remembering our Past” is a bi-

weekly special column to The Strath-more Times

that features a local senior or couple, and their lives in and around Strath-more and Wheatland County. If you know someone who should be featured in this article, please call the Strath-more Times at (403) 934-5589 and leave your request.)

John GodsmanTimes Contributor

Walt Hayes’ parents were born in Idaho, and grew up and worked in the agriculture and livestock areas of that state. When they read the glow-ing adverts promoted by The Cana-dian Pacific Railway Co. stating “Come to sunny Alberta, Canada - and make your fortune, on 160 acres of irrigated land” - they came to investigate, and purchased property in 1907, in the Gleichen area. There were no roads, no trees, just wide open prairie.

Time marches on, and Walter arrives in 1924, to complete the Hayes family of four boys and two girls. He attended a rural, one room school at Shamrock, for Grades 1-9, followed by Grades 10-12 at Gleichen High School.

In July 1942, a farm accident result-ed in his father being hospitalized for three months. Because of WW2, there was a shortage of farm help, so Walt took over the general farm operation. As the years progressed, he became totally involved in the farm’s manage-ment, and started to gradually buy the farm. To further his education and farming ability, he attended the South-ern Institute of Technology (S.A.I.T.) in Calgary, from 1947 to 1949, and gradu-ated from courses on Agriculture, Me-chanics and Building Construction.

Around this time he was introduced to a Home Economics and Dietician student at S.A.I.T – Olive How. She was born in Saskatchewan in 1929,where her father was the livestock manager for the Provincial Government, and her mother was a nurse at Battleford Pro-

RemembeRing ouR past

Walt & Olive Hayes

Page 9: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 9

Masons secrets revealedSharon McLeayTimes Contributor

Some people think that the Masons are an organization of elite men with secrets, engaging in occult ceremo-nies.

Local Masons from the Strathmore/Gleichen membership, Brian Ireland and Jack McCulloch, want to set the record straight.

“We are not a secret society, we are a society of secrets and the only secret we have is how we recognize each other,” said Ireland.

The practise he says stems from earlier centuries, when Masons need-ed to remain anonymous for safety’s sake.

“In WWII, Masons were persecuted along with the Jews,” said Ireland.

They said it comes in handy today to recognize other members in new acquaintances that they may meet.

“We have everybody from the com-mon labourer up to leaders of coun-tries,” said McCulloch, talking about the Mason societies as a whole. The society believes in the equality of men; McCullough said the attainment of power and world domination is not on the agendas.

“We have members from all races and backgrounds,” said McCulloch about the local branch.

It is not a religious or political par-ty either, as the arguments that occur over these topics create animosity be-tween people and the group encour-ages harmony and peaceful discus-sion.

“In fact, we are forbidden to talk of those,” said McCullough.

“The only requirement is that appli-cants have a belief in a Supreme Be-ing. We don’t care what religion you

are,” said McCulloch.The organization’s purpose is to

help each other become better peo-ple, as each individual works on self-improvement projects, with encour-agements to study liberal arts and sciences without neglecting family duties.

The rituals only occur when mem-bers have graduated to a new degree, of which there are three. The award ceremony incorporates teaching and historical significance, rather than sinister objectives. Allegory and sym-bolism are often a part of ceremonies. Pictures of recent ceremonies held in the Badlands are at www.royalarch-masonsalberta.com.

There are companion organiza-tions, such as the Eastern Star, which is a similar organization with wom-en members, and the Masons link to children’s groups such as Job’s Daughters and deMoley’s Sons. Shri-ner groups are linked to the Masons, as well.

Gleichen and Strathmore Lodges sold their buildings, due to structural deterioration. If people are curious, they can look inside a lodge at Heri-tage Park in the summer. A Mason member is on hand to discuss any questions people may have.

The society is very involved in the community supporting projects like the hospital, swimming pool renova-tions, building projects and higher education funding. They are the sec-ond largest contributor to education bursaries in the province.

“Last year we donated over $100,000 to the Wheatland commu-nity,” said Ireland.

They have social events such fam-ily BBQ, picnics, and suppers such as the Robbie Burns dinner held at

Right: Get Your Kilt On - The masons invite ev-eryone out to listen to Scottish music, dancing, poetry and a sample of Haggis, on Jan. 27. Bot-tom: Black Thunder-The black light and neon drummers will appear at the Robbie Burns Night Supper being sponsored by the Strathmore and Gleichen mason Society.

Sharon McLeay Photos

Wheatland Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) is accepting funding applications from non-profit and/or community groups offering preventive social programs for County of Wheatland residents. Consideration will be given for short term, special events or single endeavors. Programs should be preventative in nature, promote voluntarism, and provide family enrichment and social development aspects. Phone Sharon Tibeau at 403 934-5335 or email:[email protected] for more information or to request a funding application.

During 2011 Wheatland FCSS was able to provide financial support to the following community programs; GHSD Family School Community Resource Program, GHSD Drug & Alcohol Prevention, GHSD Welcome to Kindergarten program, Healthy Families, Project Hope, Roots of Empathy, Christ the Redeemer Family School Liaison Program, Growing Opportunities/Growing Families Society, Junior Achievement, Rockyford Library, Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society, Step One Support Group, Bridging the Gap, Strathmore Wheatland Addictions Team (SWAT), the Gleichen Kids Club, and several educational workshops and courses.


85 Lakeside Boulevard (Box 2156) Strathmore, Alberta T1P 1K2Phone: 403-934-5335 Fax: 403-934-2457 Email: [email protected]

the Strathmore Centennial Complex on Jan. 27, 2012. No membership is required to attend and it is a good chance to talk to members if you are curious about applying for member-ship.

“It’s a good excuse for a party,” said McCullough, who encourages every-one to come out. Entertainment will be the Burns singers, Scottish danc-ers, readings from the poet himself and the Black Light Drummers. Tick-ets are $25 at the door, or Call Jack McCullough at 403 542-7653.

Page 10: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 10 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

1040 Westridge Road, Strathmore I www.byronsmithford.com I 403-934-2100



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12 Ex


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11 Sup



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SE), 2

011 Es

cape I

4 Auto


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6/ 20

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, 2011 E

dge F



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E), 20

11 Esca

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012 Su


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Cab (


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-150 R


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Cab a

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Jan. 30

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Inc. a

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: 2011


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All rig

hts re







On most new 2011 and 2012 models.





On most new 2011 and 2012 models. 2011 F-150 5.0L & 3.7L amount shown.



Hurry in and get the vehicle and offer you’ve been thinking about. Only at your Alberta Ford Store.


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††2011 F-150SUPER CAB XLT 5.0L 4X4













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15.0L/100km 19MPG CITY^^








9.8L/100km 29MPG HWY^^

13.5L/100km 21MPG CITY^^









Page 11: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 11



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Page 13: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 13


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Gleichen hockey day returns for a third yearShannon LeCLair Times Reporter

Pond Hockey has proven to be suc-cessful in Gleichen, and this February they will be hosting the third annual Hockey Day in GA. Cara Sheppard, coordinator of the program is hoping to see 150 kids come out and partici-pate. In preparation of the big day, the Cluny Fire Department has been helping the Gleichen Fire Department with flooding the three outdoor rinks.

“Two outdoor ice surfaces are the same as last year and the third one is an outdoor rink that was donated from Red Deer Pond Hockey and a gentleman by the name of Mac Smith volunteered his time to go pick it up for us,” said Sheppard.

There is also a fourth rink, an in-door one that will also be used for the event.

Last year a chinook blew through, making things quite wet and messy for all of the participants and putting a bit of a damper on the day. Sheppard said, “As long as the weather does what it’s supposed to and doesn’t get too cold and doesn’t get too warm, I would be quite happy.”

Last year the RCMP brought a ra-

dar gun to measure the speed of kids’ shots, and though it isn’t confirmed as of yet, Sheppard is hoping they will again.

Kids from all over the province have been taking part in Canada’s favourite game, hockey.

“So there’s 2,600 kids in Hockey Alberta’s Pond Hockey currently, and we got 22 new programs started this year for a total of 47 all together all the way across the province,” said Sheppard.

Since the 2010/2011 season, num-bers have increased by 30 per cent.

Hockey Day in GA will take place Feb. 11, and it’s a $5 cost for each par-ticipant. The registration fee will see each player receive three shinny style games, lunch, and leave with a tour-nament souvenir.

For any players who are not cur-rently insured through Hockey Al-berta, the Hockey Day is supported by Hockey Alberta with the ‘Bring a friend’ program. With the program players are covered for insurance for the event.

For registration information call Cara Sheppard 403-734-3515 or email [email protected]. Registration deadline is Jan 31/2012.

Children’s author visits Standard SchoolManny everett Times Contributor

Children’s author Michael Wade from Strathroy, Ontario visited Stan-dard School’s students from grades three through to nine last week.

Wade read excerpts from his se-ries of books called “And Then It Happened”. Since its publication in the fall of 2003, this best selling se-ries has been entertaining students across North America. “And Then It Happened” is a laugh-out-loud series that is guaranteed to get kids read-ing.

In the 2010-2011 school year, Mi-

chael had the pleasure of visiting 300 schools, making him one of Canada’s busiest guest authors. Students and staff alike enjoy his dynamic, humor-ous presentation which focuses on the power of words and the fun and importance of reading.

Wade travels throughout Canada visiting schools and talking to stu-dents. His dynamic, highly enter-taining presentation not only mo-tivates students to become better readers and writers, but encourages reading for the fun of it.

For more information about the au-thor and his books you can contact him at [email protected]

Manny Everett Photo

Over 25 students competed against one another in various skills on the ice in their age groups. everyone got prizes for par-ticipating and the parents enjoyed the mini show. The children along with their Coach Sonja Kostrup are preparing for their ice-Carnival, which will be taking place on march 3 at the Standard/Rosebud Arena. Katie ings-Harder and madison Gates both who are three years old demonstrating their skate over skate walk on the ice.

Standard CanSkate

Page 14: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 14 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Page 15: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 15

"The Sign of experience"www.aztecrealestate.ca 403-934-5533Strathmore & area 24 HR. REAL ESTATE HOT LINE

#106 - 304 3rd Avenue, St rathmore, A lber ta T1P 1Z1

Robert Desjardins


Keith Garrioch


La Shaun Andrews


Sheila Bassen


Jim Buckle


Jody Buckle


Tamara Desjardins


Debbie Enslen


Chantale Hill403


Ron Kaechele


Paul Kautz403


Ryan Kautz403


Shauna Kenworthy


Tracy Larsen


Lorna Phibbs


call lorna

3 bdrms, 3 baths. $350,900

on the park custom


You get: A Garage. Your own Titled Lot - No Pad Fees. 3 Bedroom Home

with Family Room.

now $159,900!

MlS c3490154

call robert & taMara

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• Good Well and Building Sites

• 15 Minutes to Calgary

Buy alBerta land!$379,900

call robert & taMara

MlS c3488629

Gated Community, Overlooking Soccerfield.

Beautiful 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Open Concept,

Vaulted Ceilings, Covered Deck, Immaculate


call chantale

MlS c3465462


Gated Community1520 sq ft,

Single Garage3 Bed, 2 Bath,

Vaulted CeilingsHuge Covered DeckCall to View Today!

call chantale

MlS c3479672

ranch estates

Quiet Street in BownessFully Renovated Condo

Inside and Out!Close to transit, shopping,

Schools and Parks.Just Move In and Enjoy!

$213,000 Great deal in calGary!

MlS c3488109

call chantale

call chantale

Backs onto Nature ParkWalking Distance to Downtown

4 Bed, 2.5 Bath, Hardwood Floors. Walk-up basement and


Brand new custom Built


MlS c3486921

for all mls listinGs visit our weBsite


Fully renovated heritage home. Almost 1/4 acre fenced lot. Front and rear deck. New

furnace, hot water tank, windows and roof.

Excellent value.Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097

$177,500call ron

MlS c3479077

$199,900Stunning dream home

Oversized dble garage with heat


Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097MlS c3466341

call ron

like us on faceBookGo to

www.faceBook.com/aztec real estate

call lorna

Paved Circle DriveLots of Trees

Walking Distance to all Amenities

Attached Double Garage

Beautiful Brick BunGalow$299,900

call lorna

2 Bdrm and 2 BathWrap and DeckDouble Garage

overlookinG lake


Great valueGreat Location2 Bdrm Condo

FireplaceViews of Golf Course

and Lake$149,900

call lorna

MlS c3503165

Need room for growing family? This 1797 sq ft

home on a 1/4 acre lot has 3 bedrooms, 3 bath, large

kitchen, family room, pantry, island, and room to build

another garage in backyard to house the toys!

call debbie lanGdon $359,900!

MlS c3497558

Great 3 bdrm bungalow in good condition with original hardwood! Fully developed, newer roof and furnace, hot

water tank and appliances. Fully fenced yard with double detached garage. Sitting on a corner lot this 1133 sq ft fully developed home is

zoned R-3. This property is perfect for moving right into or for future

development. This land consists of 2 lots and a portion of a 3rd lot.

$287,000call Sheila

MlS c3493418

2 homes fully furnished -

$318,000· Renovated home on 10

acres near Standard· 1200 sq.ft. guest house· 40x60 shop, 20x60 barn· ALL FURNITURE STAYS!

call Sheila

call Sheila

Great 3 bdr house with lots of living space. New laminate

flooring, lino and stainless steel appliances. Newer hot water tank and furnace. This

is a dream yard with a Heated Oversized garage/quonset and loads of room

for RV parking.

Quiet livinG in a Great town! $144,900!

MlS c3496424

MlS c3500336

One of a kind bungalow, hardwood, 4bedrooms, new kitchen, renovations have

preserved much of the original character of this

home. Must be seen to be appreciated.

call debbie $360,000

Two large quonsets 1 metal, 1 wood

Small cozy mobile homeDouble garage

East of StandardCall Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097

4 acres $179,999

MlS c3500510

call ron

-Older mobile with some Reno-looked after by same

owner for years-own you home and land

for under 100!-3 bedrooms with built-ins

why rent, own your home!

call la Shaun

MlS c3486924

- Open Concept 2 Storey-Hardwood floors granite

counter tops-3 baths, 3 large

bedrooms-full walk up a must see!

Brand new home totally up Graded!

call la Shaun

-6 lots in the hamlet of Chancellor

-just east of Standard-Looking for a place

for a shop-a steal of a deal

chancellor land just $17,000!

call la Shaun / tracy

MlS c3467427

MlS c3501335

Double Wide mobile located on 1/2 acre leased lot located

on George Freeman Trail.. great location, immaculate condition with 3bedrooms,

28x24 heated garage, 10x42 covered sunporch

and hot tub.

call debbie $149,900

2 homes fully furnished -


call Shauna

· Renovated home on 10 acres near Standard

· 1200 sq.ft. guest house · 40x60 shop, 20x60 barn· ALL FURNITURE STAYS

camBridGe Glen $347,900

· Immaculate Abe Fehr Home on lg. lot

· 3 bdrms, 2 full baths· Central Air,

underground sprinklers· Heated Garage

call Shauna

This Super-Single Mobile Home shows with Pride of Ownership!!!Huge Bright Kitchen with Lots of OAK

Cabinets...Livingroom features a Beautiful OAK Wall-unit/FIREPLACE!!


MlS c3471936

call tracy

-6 lots each 50 ft frontage

-total of 36000 sq ft-services to property line-easy access to hwy 1 for

fast commute.

6 lots in heart of cluny $24,900!

call la Shaun / tracy

MlS c3490749

call tracy

8.5 Acre Parcel and Home $799,900! Fully developed 4 bedroom,vaulted ceilings,

hardwood flooring. Huge Kithchen!! Walk-out basement with media room!! Oversized

heated garage. Featuring a pond and bordering the canal.

stunninG mountain view!!!

MlS c3495537

hillview estates $363,000

Popular 4 level split.4 bdrms,

3 full baths.Luxurious master bdrm.

Room for everyone!

call Shauna

Three bedroom condo with full developed basement. Shows like new. Hardwood laminate, kitchen

island, fireplace. Patio, five appliances, two parking stalls.

End unit, low condo fees$189,000

Call Ron Kaechele 403-934-1097

spectacular condo

MlS c3505050

call ron




upGraded in westmount -

$299,900· Beautiful home in mature area

· 3 + 1 bdrms, 2 ½ baths· Spacious country kitchen· Double detached garage

call Shauna

why rent...$119,900 - immaculate,

older 2 bedr home,garage.OR

$154,900 4bedr home excellent,original condition,garage.

call hayley

$319,9003bedr bung with 2 bedr self-contained

suite. Great "mancave" oversized

heated (31x28)garage.

call hayley

$124,9003 acres and gst

exempt! Just south of 22x. 20min to

Calgary. Build your dream home.

call hayley

3 new great listings coming soon.

Call Hayley for details.

call hayley

call us for a


Market evaluation!

MlS c3451266

-Fully developed with quality throughout

-show suite for sell-2 bedrooms, 2 bath

-Brand new complex all on one floor!-be the first call for plans

affordaBle new condos

low condo fees!

call la Shaun

-Simply amazing home with Renovations

-3+2 bedrooms, 3 full baths-Bright and spacious up and down

-Brand new windows, siding, and roof

-new carpet, paint, bathrooms, and more!

fully developed, oversized heated


call la Shaun

MlS c3500423

• 3 Bedroom unit with hardwood

• Excellent Condition with Low Condo Fees• Close to Downtown, Schools and Amenities

terrific condo!$189,900

call robert & taMara

• Fully Developed Bungalow

• Newer Carpets/Paint/Appliances

• Double Attached Garage

new listinG!$259,900

call robert & taMara

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Page 16: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 16 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

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Page 17: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 17

ThefT from vehicles On Oct. 29, 2011, the Strathmore RCMP responded to

multiple theft from vehicle complaints in and around the Strathmore area. The property reported stolen included mobile GPS units, a satellite radio, a radar detector, and a .22 caliber firearm. Since October 2011, Investigators completed a lengthy investigation which resulted in the search of a Strathmore residence.

As a result of the search, Investigators recovered a quantity of the stolen property related to the thefts from vehicles and obtained sufficient evidence to charge two males. Jesse Kemp (18), and Cody Smith (20) both from Strathmore have been charged with five counts of theft under $5000.

Jesse Kemp is scheduled to appear at Provincial Court in Strathmore in February 2012. Cody Smith has since fled the province and is believed to be in British Columbia. An arrest warrant has been issued for Smith.

The .22 caliber firearm has not been recovered to date.

Anyone with information pertaining to this, or any other incident and wish to remain anonymous are encouraged to call Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477).

The RCMP would also like to take this opportunity to remind residents to keep their vehicles locked and not to leave any valuables inside.

requesT assisTance from public To idenTify gravesTone

On Nov. 9, 2011, a Wheatland County resident report-ed to Gleichen RCMP that they found a gravestone on their property. Police attended the location and recov-ered a gravestone which did not belong on the property. The gravestone is etched with the name “Father Frank CRUMMY 1869-1952”.

After extensive searching, Gleichen RCMP have not been able to locate the rightful owner or the location of the gravestone. The Gleichen RCMP would like to have this gravestone returned to its rightful location and are requesting the public’s assistance.

If you have any information about Father Frank CRUMMY or if you know where the gravestone belongs, please call the Gleichen RCMP at 403-734-3056 or call Crime Stoppers at 1-8000-222-TIPS (8477).

RCMP Briefs

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Encouraging a new generation of chefsShannon LeCLair Times Reporter

The Chef program, just one of many the Youth Club of Strathmore offers, received had a helping hand, making it more affordable. The Youth Club is formerly known as the Boys and Girls Club of Airdrie, Strathmore chapter.

Tina Shipley, owner of Tina’s No Frills in Strathmore, has been donat-ing gift cards to the program so they may purchase the food for the classes.

“They approached me to help with the cost of food, I’ve always thought the Boys and Girls Clubs were a great program for young people, and the idea of helping with the cost of food, that makes it a lot more affordable so all kids can participate,” said Shipley.

“It’s getting them started into things that keep them occupied, and when you start with young people and you teach them a skill that’s needed lat-er in life, they are more apt to be at home making muffins than out smok-ing crack. These are the skills that

carry them through life.”The program, which normally runs

for eight weeks, currently has five kids in each group.

There is a group for children ages 6 to 8, and the second group is for kids 9 to 12. The once-a-week classes have been running out of the Lord of All Lutheran Church.

“We’re hoping to have all the other programs running out of the youth centre next time around, after REVS,” said Colina Clark, Program Coordina-tor for the Youth Club.

Karin Ewashen is the program vol-unteer who leads the Chef program. She has been teaching the kids kitch-en safety, while teaching them how to make yummy treats.

“Once Karin finds a great recipe, the first task is to review it as a group ensuring that everyone understands the directions and measurements fol-lowed by washing their hands, before even going in the kitchen. Then they jump in and do it,” said Clark.

The Chef program provides stu-

Shannon LeClair Photo

The Youth Club of Strath-more has had a helping boost from Tina’s No Frills with their Chef Program. Tina Shipley has been donating gift cards to her store to the program, so they can buy the supplies to make yummy, nutri-tious food. On Jan. 17 the kids were learning how to make apple cinnamon muffins. Front: Cian Clark, left, Quinten Bishop, Cody Holdaway. middle: Karin ewashen, left, pro-gram volunteer, Julie-Ann Gerbrandt. Back: Tina Shipley.

dents with an opportunity to learn nutritional best practices, cooking, health and safety in the kitchen, hygiene and how to make healthy eating choices in a fun, safe environment.

The program will be avail-able in two eight week ses-sions held within the pro-gram months of March to June.

The Youth Club will be at REVS on Feb. 8, and regis-tration will begin on Feb. 13 for members and Feb. 15 for non-members.

They are also currently recruiting for program fa-cilitators/leaders. Contact Colina Clark for application details at [email protected] or 403-324-4521.

Page 18: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 18 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com


Page 19: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times


January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 19

Times TidbiTS

Did You Know? Robbie Burns is widely regarded as a national poet of Scotland and is celebrated worldwide. He collected folk songs from across Scotland, often revising them,

and it was Robbie Burns who wrote the poem (and song) Auld Lang Syne.

Until 1603, Scotland (like England) had its own Monarch? And in 1603, the King of Scotland also became the King of England, ruling both countries.

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A different type of love story comes to RosebudShannon LeCLair Times Reporter

A home burglary doesn’t sound like it would be the recipe for love, but in John Kolvenbach’s Love Song that’s exactly what happens.

A woman named Molly, played by Lauren de Graaf, burglarizes Beane, played by Conrad Belau. Belau said Beane, who is kind of a recluse, goes to his apartment one night and there’s a woman sitting there with all of his possessions. She sees some-thing in him and is really taken by him and they just fall in love with each other at that moment.

“It’s really funny, it’s very dramatic and it’s really moody, it’s a deeply ro-mantic play and being a romantic at heart I was like, well this is the play for me,” said Conrad Belau, who is producing the play as his student fi-nal project.

Being on stage is nothing new for the Saskatchewan native.

“To be honest it’s all I have real-ly ever known, I grew up acting in church musicals that my mom di-rected and then I moved on to public school performances,” said Belau.

“It’s just the one thing that really people noticed me, and I was kind of the high school nerd and…I was just not very noticed. When I was on stage people would notice me, and

they would laugh, and I was like oh this is what I’m meant to do.

“When I was in Rosebud I realized it was more than just being noticed, it was about actually having a voice, and having something to share. This is the role that I need to play in my life, this is what I’m going to be do-ing with my life hopefully.”

Belau’s most memorable perfor-mances on the Rosebud Theatre Stage have been ‘Jake and the Kid,’ ‘A Bright Particular Star,’ and ‘The Se-cret Garden.’ Belau said his favou-rite role was when he was in “Jake and the Kid’, when he had a chance to work opposite Nathan Schmidt and Mike Thiessen. He said while the role was enriching, the two men were also really fun to work with.

“It was just a really awesome sum-mer experience. Ninety-eight shows can seem tiresome, it seems like a lot, but when you’re in the middle of it you just have to go for it,” said Belau.

Belau plans to go where the work takes him, saying he would like to work in Vancouver or return home to Saskatoon.

Love Song can be seen on the Rosebud Studio Stage Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m. or at 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on the 28. Tickets are available at the door, or in advance by calling 403-479-8639.

Photo courtesy of Kelsey Krogman

Beane (Conrad Belau) and molly (Lauren de Graaf) have leading roles in Love Song a funny, enchanting and wonderfully touching play by John Kolvenbach.

Page 20: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

j a n u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 1 2

Home Games Saturday, January 28 • 8:00 pm vs Mountainview Colts

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Come Watch Our Run for the Playoffs!

After defeating the Calgary Northstars on the road 6-5 on Jan. 19, the UFA Bisons earned a 2-2 tie versus the Calgary Buffaloes on Jan. 22 at the Strathmore Family Cen-tre. The Buffaloes scored on two penalty shots, stealing the tie with just 21 second left in the game.

Mario Prusina Photos

Mario Prusina Times Editor

With the added motivation of playing a pair of divisional rivals, the UFA Bisons snapped a four-game losing streak by playing some of their best hockey of the New Year.

The local triple-A midget team defeat-ed the Calgary Northstars 6-5 on Jan. 19 at the Max Bell Centre, before earning a hard-fought 2-2 draw against the Calgary Buffaloes on Jan. 22 at the Strathmore Family Centre.

“We’ve come a long way in the last two to three weeks,” said Bisons head coach Jeremy Friesen. “That’s probably our most complete game (against the Buffs) since the Mac’s. It’s finally looking like our team is back, so there is definitely a lot more positives to take out of that than nega-tives.”

The Bisons started the pair of games with a solid win over the Northstars. In a back-and-forth battle, the Bisons pulled through with three goals in the third pe-riod to secure the win.

Josh Betinol scored once and added two assists, while Mitch McAllister chipped in with a goal and an assist. Parker Ev-ans-Campbell, Kevin O’Rourke, Conner Bleackley and Owen Ferguson also tallied for the herd, while Tyler Wong recorded two assists.

“It was a strange game – we got up early and let them back into it,” said the coach. “We got a little undisciplined and started making soft plays. It was back and forth.

“What I liked about (that game) is ev-ery time we got scored on, we kind of bounced back and got one the next shift. We started doing some good things.”

The Bisons had revenge on their mind when they returned home to face the third-placed Calgary Buffaloes.

Tyler Wong opened the scoring with 3:51 left in the first period, when he con-verted a feed from Betinol and Bleackley on the power play.

Aaron Macklin extended the lead to 2-0 when he took a pass from Wong with 6:41 left in the second period.

The Bisons looked to ice the game in the third period when they had an extend-ed four-on-three power play. However, in-stead of scoring the third goal, the hockey gods had other ideas.

The Bisons gave up a shorthanded breakaway, which led to a Buffaloes pen-alty shot, which they converted with 12:29 left. The crazy turn of events got even cra-zier when the Bisons covered the puck in the crease with 21 seconds left, which re-sulted in another successful penalty shot goal.

Despite giving up the pair of penalty shot goals, the Bisons controlled most of the game and avenged a 11-3 loss earlier in the season to the Buffs.

“It’s not like we lost to a team or tied to a team – it’s two individual plays where skilled guys made a play to help their team,” said Friesen. “The biggest lesson is you spot yourself a two-goal lead – got a couple of chances to get a few more goals and you don’t and you leave the game to chance.

“Two plays make the difference in the game.”

The Bisons will look to extend their new-found success this weekend when they host the Calgary Northstars Jan. 27 (8 p.m.) and the K of C Pats on Jan. 29 (2 p.m.) at the Strathmore Family Centre.

Bisons get back on track


Page 21: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

The Strathmore Storm Midget A team claimed the 23rd Annual Casey Cup Memorial Championship Jan. 20-22 in Great Falls, Montana. The Storm defeated Coaldale and Idaho Falls in the round robin portion of the tournament, before posting 7-3 victory over the Great Falls Americans in the finals.

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TIMeS • Page 21

Times TidbiTsdid You Know?

Scotland is famous for its fresh water lakes, there are over 600 square miles of them.

One of the most famous is Loch Ness where a mysterious monster is said to lurk

in the depths of the water.

Storm take title!

Photo courtesy of Tracey Peters

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Direct Energy and the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association (AWNA) invite Albertans to help recognize our province’s tremendous volunteer spirit with the eighth annual Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award. Nominations are now being accepted and will close Friday, March 16, 2012. According to Volunteer Canada, there are 12.5 million volunteers making a difference in others’ lives across the country. In Alberta alone, 1 in 3 people volunteer. The Alberta Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award program is designed to recognize some of the most outstanding work of those individuals whose contributions make their communities a better place to live. “It is no secret that Albertans take great pride in their remarkable volunteerism, and the volunteers we’ve met and recognized over the years through this program are a true inspiration,” says Tanis Kozak, Vice-President and General Manager, Canada, Direct Energy. “We all know someone whose work makes their community a better place to live, and we’re thrilled to have the opportunity to recognize some of those amazing contributions.” The Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award is an extension of Direct Energy’s Community Investment philosophy that encourages employees to volunteer their time and energy to causes or organizations in their local communities. The award itself consists of:· $1,000 cash prize to the winner;· $5,000 cash grant to the winner’s organization/cause of choice in their respective community;· recognition of the winner’s achievement through a commemorative award, article and photo to be published in AWNA newspapers across Alberta;· $1,000 cash grant to four semi-finalists’ organization/cause of choice in their respective communities; and· special recognition of the four semi-finalists. Last years’ winner, Irma “Granny” Gray chose Tennille’s Hope Kommunity Kitchen, as the beneficiary of a $5,000 donation in her name. Gray is the mother of seven children, eighteen grandchildren and ten great grandchildren. She was recognized for her work with Tenille’s Hope and a long list of other community organizations. “We’re looking forward to once again recognizing individuals who work hard to make our communities great places to live,” said AWNA President Ossie Sheddy. “The selfless actions of past winners like Irma “Granny” Gray often go unrewarded. This program is designed to showcase appreciation for their efforts. I invite AWNA member newspaper publishers and editors and community leaders to nominate their outstanding volunteers. The direct in the community – Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award is a great opportunity to recognize invaluable volunteers and to benefit your community.” The Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award is open to residents who reside within a community served by an AWNA member newspaper. Applicants can either self-nominate or be nominated by another individual or group. Nominations should be no longer than 750 words in length and detail the specific contribution the individual or group has made to the local community through improving the quality of life for fellow citizens. The nominations also need to profile the designated organization and how that organization would use the $5,000 donation. Nominations must be submitted to the AWNA by March 16, 2012. A selection committee, formed of two representatives from the AWNA and two appointed by Direct Energy, will review award applications and select the finalists and winning individual or group. Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award rules and details can be found online at www.awna.com or www.directenergy.com/vcoy, or can be picked up at AWNA member newspaper offices.

Alberta Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award launches for 2012

Mario Prusina Times Editor

The Wheatland Chiefs got back to their winning ways by sweeping a home-and-home series versus the Inn-isfail Flyers this past weekend.

The local double-A midget team de-feated the Flyers 5-1 on Jan. 20 at the Strathmore Family Centre, before post-ing a 7-1 win on the road Jan. 22.

According to Chiefs assistant coach Len Desmet, because of the team’s suc-cess, they have to be ready to play ev-ery game right from the start.

“We’re defending champs, plus we’re fighting for first place, so every team coming in here is going to be gunning for us,” said Desmet. “We can’t afford to take a night off.

“From here on in, we have to be prepared for every game because we have provincials and playoffs not that far around the corner. You can’t take a night off because all the teams are pretty even.

“If we keep things simple, we’re a pretty good hockey team.”

The Chiefs then ignited their offence in Innisfail by scoring three goals in a span of 2:43 midway through the first period.

After the Flyers pulled closer with a goal of their own, the Chiefs responded with another four goals in the victory.

Despite the offence firing on all cyl-inders, Desmet would like to see the Chiefs improve with the man advan-tage.

“I think we have to work on our pow-er play a little bit,” explained Desmet. “We’re trying to be too fancy – some-times you don’t need to be fancy … if you keep it simple good things happen.

“Too many cross-ice passes (when you need to) get it to the point and get some traffic in front.

“We’re capable of lighting it up when we need to.”

The Chiefs are now preparing for a pair of road games this weekend be-fore returning home to host the Brooks Storm on Jan. 29 (7 p.m.) at the Strath-more Family Centre.

Meanwhile, the Wheatland Braves extended their winning streak to three

Chiefs bounce backgames by defeating the Foothills Bisons 6-2 on Jan. 21 at the Strathmore Family Centre.

The local double-A peewee team has out-scored their opposition 18-5 during their streak, as they head to Red Deer to battle with the TBS on Jan. 28 (12:45 p.m.).

However, lucky was not on the side of the Wheatland Warriors this past weekend. The double-A bantam team was defeated 4-2 in Hussar to Bow Valley on Jan. 20, before losing 6-0 to Cranbrook the following day.

The Warriors will look to get back in the win column when they host the La-combe Rockets Jan. 28 (5 p.m.) and the Cranbrook Ice Jan. 29 (4:15 p.m.).


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Page 22: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 22 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

Captain mitch mcAllister (top) and rookie Tyler Wong (left) will represent the UFA Bisons at the 23rd Annual AmHL All-Star Game in edmonton on Feb. 5.

Mario Prusina Photos


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Mario Prusina Times Editor

Two players averaging over a point-per-game will represent the UFA Bi-sons at the 23rd Annual AMHL All-Star Game in Edmonton early next month.

Captain Mitch McAllister and rookie Tyler Wong were named to the South Division roster and will take part in the all-star game festivities Feb. 5.

“It’s an honour just to be able to go to the all-star game, “ said McAllister, who was named a first team all-star. “It’s one of those things that is in the back of your mind, but you never re-ally pay too much attention to it until maybe the weekend it gets there. You really don’t focus on it.

“That’s not really a goal coming into the year, but for sure it’s nice, it is just an honour and I’ll be happy to be there.”

McAllister, who lead the Bisons in scoring with 10 goal and 20 assists for 30 points in 27 games, was also named captain of the South Division team.

“It’s more laid-back, it’s not do-or-die like the season is and two points aren’t on the line,” said McAllister. “You go out there and do your best … I’m looking forward to going out there and having fun with the guys.”

With 12 goal and 10 assists in 20 games, Wong was also thrilled to be named to the South Division squad.

“It’s a huge honour that the Red Deer coach chose me and thinks that highly of me,” said Wong. “I’m really honoured to play with the best play-ers in the league – that’s going to be a huge experience. I’m really excited.

“It was definitely a goal at the start of the year, but once the season start-ed it was all about the team – I didn’t care if I made it or not, I just wanted to help the team out.

“Since they noticed me, I’m glad that I did (get selected).”

According to Bisons head coach Jer-emy Friesen, both players deserved to be named to the all-star game.

“He has been Mr. Steady for us all season long,” said Friesen of his cap-tain. “I’m glad to see that hard work pay off for a guy like Mitch. Tyler is the only 15 year old in the entire south named to his team, so it’s a huge honour and accomplishment for them.

“We know they are going to repre-sent the program well.”

Veteran and rookie named to all-star team



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Page 23: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 23

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The Rockyford Roughnecks Tier 3 and Tier 5 novice teams hosted a home tournament with teams from Duchess, Airdrie, Indus, Didsbury and Strathmore attending on the weekend.

The stands at the arena were full as parents and grandparents alike cheered on their kids. All the teams played very well, and while the two novice teams from Rockyford didn’t win the tournament, they did manage a win or two in their respective pools.

The finals for Tier 3 had Dids-

bury and Duchess playing off, with Duchess taking the win 4-3. The Tier 5 final involved the two Airdrie teams with the Airdrie Vi-pers taking the win. Tournament organizer Glenda Wheeler said “I am pleased with the support of everyone involved from the kids to the parents and especially the coaches who have dedicated their time and expertise to the kids and the game.”

All the kids who participated re-ceived a trophy and welcome bag and the winning teams took home the tournament banners. The tour-nament was deemed a success by players, coaches, and parents alike!

Rockyford Roughnecks work hard at home tournament

Manny Everett Photos

The Rockyford Roughnecks nov-ice Tier 3 & Tier 5 teams hosted a home tourney this past weekend, Jan. 21 and 22

Doug Taylor Photos

The Wheatland Kings were seconds away from taking at least three of four points during a pair of home games this past weekend. However, a goal late in the third period versus the High River Flyers on Jan. 22, resulted in a 3-2 loss. The Kings opened the weekend with a 5-3 win over the medicine Hat Cubs the night before, earning them the split in the two home games. The team is now preparing for the three-game weekend, including a home date Jan. 28 (8 p.m.) versus the mountainview Colts.

Home split

Page 24: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 24 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012


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ObituariesGORLICK, Cody JohnCody Gorlick was born on June 7, 1988 and passed away on January 21, 2012. He is survived by his mom Deborah Gorlick; dad John McGillis; gramma Nancy; girlfriend Amanda and her children; and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. He was predeceased by his grampa Jake. Cody’s passion was hockey and he played for many teams, including the Team Canada Polar Bears. He loved his family and friends, poker, pizza, facebook, beer and women. He was fun loving, easy going, had a great sense of humour, and he was on his way to having a career he enjoyed as a welder. “Keep your stick on the ice.”A gathering will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2012 at 408 West Chestermere Drive from 12:00 – 6:00 p.m. To send condolences, please visit www.wheatlandfuneralhome.ca. WHEATLAND FUNERAL HOME LTD. (Strathmore) in care of arrangements. 403-934-5666

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[email protected]

January Promo

under new management!

10x20 Storage unit

for $115!Only valid till January 31, 2012

Wheatland & adjacent districts

emergency medical services association

is holding its AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinGon monday, February 6, 2012

at 8:00Pm at the Wheatland county

administration Building.

[ ]

C-Can Storage


Call 403-901-5255

Lutheran Church Canada (LCC)

worship services are being held every

Tuesday evening 6:30 pm at Trinity Lutheran Christian Academy

630 Westchester RoadInfo call: 403-901-0205

Email Pastor Nick: [email protected]

All are welcome!

Cheadle Community Club

AnnuAl GenerAl MeetinG

tuesday February 7, 2012. 7pm @ the hall.

Please come out and support

your community. Everyone welcome!



3” wide version

3.75” wide version

Tell them DannyHooper sent you


Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis • Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator

PS: We also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water.

Visit us online atwww.BigIronDrilling.comAlso view our 29 patented and

patent pending inventions

Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis SystemTime Payment Plan O.A.C.

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766)Check our website for local reps and phone numbers

Tell them DannyHooper sent you


Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis • Kontinuous Shok Chlorinator

PS: We also sell Softeners & Purifiers for Town & City water.

Visit us online atwww.BigIronDrilling.comAlso view our 29 patented and

patent pending inventions

Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis SystemTime Payment Plan O.A.C.

1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766)Check our website for local reps and phone numbers

COming events

nOtiCesGROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH US. Business plan-ning, financing, loans, train-ing and advisory services available at no charge. Call Community Futures Wild Rose Toll-Free at 1-888-881-9675 or visit us at cf-wildrose.ca for more infor-mation. Business services to support you.

FOr salePREMIUM WOOD PELLETS. $300 per ton. P/U. Call 403-860-3806.


DIRECT ENERGY and the Alberta Weekly Newspapers Association (AWNA) invite Albertans to help recognizeour province’s tremendous volunteer spirit with the eighth annual Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award. Nominations are now be-ing accepted and will close Friday, March 16, 2012. The Volunteer Citizen of the YearAward is open to residents who reside within a com-munity served by and AWNA member newspaper. Appli-cants can either self-nom-inate or be nominated by another individual or group. Nominations should be no longer than 750 words in length and detail the specif-ic contribution the individual or group has made to the local community through improving the quality of life for fellow citizens. The nom-inations also need to profile the designated organization and how that organization would use the $5,000 dona-tion. Nominations must be submitted to the AWNA by March 16, 2012. Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award rules and details can be found online at www.awna.com or www.directenergy.com/vcoy, or can be picked up at AWNA member news-paper offices.

photos courtesy of lisa armstrong

The Village of Hussar hosted their annual men’s Bonspiel from Jan. 15-21 at the curling rink. The event winners were (all photos l-r):

The A evenT, won by the Cuthill Rink, Barry Vanlaar (Lead), John Getz (Sec-ond), Darrell Larsen (Third) and Don Cuthill (Skip)

The B evenT won by the Gillespie Rink, mike Hale (Lead), Walter Branson (Second), Russell Douglass (Third), and Cameron Gillespie (Skip)

The C evenT won by the B. Armstrong Rink, Gerry Oster (Lead), Clay Wil-liams (Second), Kevin Taubert (Third and missing), and Ben Armstrong (Skip)

Spiel winners!

Page 25: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 25



help wanTed

MASSAGE CAREER. The key to a successful career is a quality school. Place your trust in A.I.M. to deliver a solid education, guaranteed! Part-time study in March, apply today! 1-877-6 4 6 - 1 0 1 8 ; www.albertainstitu-teofmassage.com.

REFLEXOLOGY CLASSES, fun and relaxed learning. Good for the sole. Register now limited space. Start-ing March 10 & 11, 2012. Phone Edwards & Holloway Health and Wellness 403-340-1330.

career Training

We are now accepting applications for a variety

of positions for our new Orange Julius /

Dairy Queen location, opening late January.

All interested applicants apply in person to the Dairy Queen store at 210 Ridge Road and

ask for Ashley or Sheila.

Fuel Automotive & Accessories is a full service automotive repair shop specializing in diesel performance and repair for Strathmore and surrounding area. Currently accepting applications for licensed Automotive Technician or 3rd yr Apprentice. Diesel experience beneficial. Apply in person or email resume to [email protected]


Automotive Technician

Strathmore, Alberta

Accounting AdministrAtorMarigold Library System is seeking a highly motivated individual to join its team at the Headquarters office in Strathmore, Alberta. The Accounting Administrator will be responsible for all accounting activities including: AP/AR, general ledger and payroll records; production of financial statements; coordination of year-end financial activities; and well-documented financial procedures.Education and Experience required: Post-secondary training in accounting or equivalent Four years’ experience with bookkeeping and accounting responsibilities Simply Accounting with payroll functionality Accepted accounting practices; year-end accounting procedures; basic taxation and GST procedures Microsoft Office Applications including Word and Excel Self-motivated and directed, with the ability to effectively prioritize and execute tasksFind out more about Marigold at: www.marigold.ab.ca

The position has a 35 hour work week; 7.5 hour days with an Earned Day Off every 15th day after three months of employment with a competitive salary and benefits package.Submit a resume and cover letter, along with three references by February 3, 2012 to:Laura Taylor, Assistant DirectorMarigold Library System710 2nd St, Strathmore, AB T1P 1K4Email: [email protected] Fax: 403.934.5331No telephone calls please

Minimum 2 years Experience

Salary to be negotiateddepending on experience

Must be certified in all AGLC Smart Serve Program Certifications (PROtect, PROserve, REELfacts), First Aid Certificate, Workplace

Hazardous MaterialsInformation System (WHMIS) Certificate

Must be customer service oriented and be able to work under pressure in a fast-paced environment while paying attention to detail.

Must plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate daily operations, while ensuring that

all health, safety, and liquor legislation andregulations are followed. Responsible for the hiring, training, scheduling, and supervision

of 75+ staff

How to Apply:In Person to Peter between 2pm and 5pm:

380 Ridge Road, Strathmore, Alberta, T1P 1B5By E-mail: [email protected]

Requires a full time:

MANAGER2nd / 3rd year apprentice Heavy duty MecHanic

required for a busy shop in Strathmore.

Fax resume to 403-901-1531

ToTal EsTaTE ClEaningrequires

P/T and F/T Cleaners• Valid Driver’s Licence• Clean Driver’s Abstract• Must be Bondable• 9:00-5:00pm, some evenings• Reliable


Full & Part Time help required for

housekeepingMust have experience, up to $12.78/hour.

Please submit resume to 350 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5

or fax(403) 901-0016 orcall (403) 901-0000 ext 502.

NEED TO ADVERTISE? Prov-ince wide classifieds. Reach over 1 million readers week-ly. Only $259. + GST (based on 25 words or less). Call this newspaper NOW for de-tails or call 1-800-282-6903 ext. 228.

ALBERTA EARTHMOVING company requires a Jour-neyman Heavy Duty Me-chanic. You will work in a modern shop and also have mechanics truck for field work. The job is at Edson, Alberta. We require that you have experience on Cat crawlers and/or Deere ex-cavators. Call Lloyd at 780-723-5051.

MEDICAL TRAINEES needed now! Hospitals & doctors need well trained staff! No experience needed! Local training & job placement available! Call for more info! 1-888-748-4126.

help wanTed

DOG LOVERS! Enjoy a healthy, profitable career as a professional dog trainer. Government accredited program - student loans + grants available; www.wonde rdogs .bc . ca /ca-reers/1-800-961-6616.

CLASS 1 COMPANY dry bulk drivers required full-time in the Edmonton area. Excel-lent wages and home time! Email resume to [email protected].

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - Spruce Point Park is accept-ing proposals for the opera-tion of the Gatehouse and/orMarina Kitchen from May 15th to Sept. 15th. For com-plete package and details please call 780-775-3805 or780-805-0801. Email: [email protected]. Deadline is Feb. 7. Located in Kinuso, Alberta on LesserSlave Lake.

TRENCHUK CATTLE CO. has positions available at their feedlot in Smoky Lake, Al-berta. Labourers/feedtruck drivers $17.-$22./hour. Feedlot Manager/Class 1 truck drivers/mechanical $22.-$25./hour, all depend-ing on experience and quali-fications. Housing available. Fax resume to 780-656-3962 or call William at 780-656-0052.

help wanTed help wanTed help wanTed

help wanTed

HIRING - F.T. Kitchen Helper at the Roadhouse Restau-rant - $11.30/hr experi-ence preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/hr 3-5 years experience required. Mail resume to: 510 Hwy #1 Strathmore AB T1P1M6.

TIRE TECHNICIAN WANTED. Experience preferred but willing to train the right person. MUST have Valid Drivers License. Drop off Resume in person to the Fountain Tire in Strathmore Or Fax it ATTN: Bob Vert to 403-934-6271.

NOW HIRING - F.T. at the Strathmore Station - Kitch-en Helpers 11.30/hr expe-rience preferred, but will train. F.T. Cook $13.61/hr 3-5 years experience re-quired. Mail resume to 380 Ridge Road, Strathmore, AB T1P 1B5 or Fax 403-934-9390 or Email: [email protected].

F/T LINE COOK REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY. Apply at 104 Main Street, Carseland or call 403-901-0302.

TODDLE INN DAYCARE, va-cancies for on-call position. Duties include supervising children and program plan-ning as well as light cleaning duties. Job requirements; criminal record check, 1st aid and must hold a child-care professional certificate. Drop off resumes at the day care, 309, 2nd Ave. Strath-more.

TREE TO TREE NURSERIES of GLEICHEN, ALBERTA is seeking general labourers. Duties include heavy lift-ing, planting nursery stock, equipment operation, weed control. No qualifications required as training is pro-vided. 40 hrs/week based on a 6 day work week. April 3 - October 31, 2012. $9.40 /hour. Send cover letter and resume to [email protected].

help wanTed

SUPERVISOR/MANAGER. Hotel experience neces-sary. Please submit via fax, resume to the Travelodge attention Mr. L. Zakof at 403-901-0016 or email [email protected].

NOW HIRING! Field Auditors, Technicians & Gas Meter Exchangers. Are you looking for an opportunity where you can make use of your skills and talents? Consider join-ing our team. Apply to: www.corix.com.

JOURNALISTS, Graphic Art-ists, Marketing and more. Al-berta’s weekly newspapers are looking for people like you. Post your resume on-line. Free. Visit: www.awna.com/resumes_add.php.

KINGLAND FORD - Journey-man Small Engine Techni-cian wanted. Rigging boats packages, repairs & mainte-nance on ATV, marine, power equipment and motorcycles. Email resume: [email protected]. Fax 1-867-874-2843.

ROADEX SERVICES LTD. has new supplier contracts! We require immediately - O/O 1 tons and 3 tons for our RV division and O/O Semis and drivers for our RV and gen-eral freight deck division to haul throughout North Amer-ica. Paid 2x month, direct de-posit, benefits and company fuel cards. Must be able to cross border with valid pass-port and have clean abstract. 1-800-867-6233; www.roadexservices.com.

A JOURNEYMAN MECHANIC is required in Whitecourt, Al-berta. Must have experience. Send resume with referenc-es to: OK Tire. Email:[email protected] or by fax 780-778-6471.

PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR at ECACS Division Office in Wainwright. Duties include payroll and benefits for The School Division, along with general ledger and pension services. For more informa-tion call 780-842-3992.

BORDER CITY RV is currently looking for Marine Mechanic. Mercury, Mercrusier, Evin-rude experience an asset. Fax resume to Ken at 780-875-3109.

ONLY AUTHORIZED Harley-Davidson Technician training at GPRC’s campus in Fair-view, Alberta starts March 5,2012. Hands-on training, up-to-the minute curriculum, current HD motorcycles, on-campus residences. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

TRADES PREPARATION PRO-GRAM at GPRC’s campus in Fairview, Alberta. Starts Feb. 6, 2012. Not sure which trade to enter - this is for you. Work skills. 12 week work practicum in trade of your choice. 1-888-999-7882; www.gprc.ab.ca/fairview.

50% CO-OWNER SOUGHT for professionally managed late model Meridian 391 luxury motor yacht with prime moorage downtown Vancouver. Skippering/ train-ing available. 604-669-2248 ext. 2; www.one4yacht.com.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS with Great Canadian Dollar Store. Franchise opportunities now available. Call today for de-tails 1-877-388-0123 ext. 229 or visit our website: www.dollarstores.com.

buSineSS oppSDRIVE A BLACK BMW. Be your own boss. Work from home. Tax breaks. No over-head. Get paid to party! Call 403-983-7706.

STEEL BUILDINGS for all uses! Beat the 2012 steel increase. Make an offer on sell-off models at factory and save thousands now! Call for free brochure, 1-800-668-5111 ext. 170.

NAPLES FLORIDA AREA! Bank acquired condos only $169,900. Same unit sold for $428,895. Own your brand new condo for pennies on the dollar in warm, sunny SW Florida. Walk to over 20 restaurants/100 shops. Must see. Ask about travel incen-tives. Call 1-866-959-2825 ext. 15; www.coconutpoint-condos.com.

METAL ROOFING & SIDING. Best prices! 36” Hi-Tensile TUFF-Rib 29ga. Galvalume $.69 sq. ft. Colours $.85 sq. ft. 40 Year Warranty. ALTA-WIDE Builders Supplies 1-888-263-8254.

$10. CASH BACK for ev-ery pound you lose. Herbal Magic. Lose weight guaran-teed! Call Herbal Magic now at 1-800-827-8975 for more information. Limited time of-fer.

DATING SERVICE. Long-term/shortterm relationships. Free to try! 1-877-297-9883. Live intimate conversation, Call #7878 or 1-888-534-6984. Live adult 1on1 Call 1-866-311-9640 or #5015. Meet local single ladies. 1-877-804-5381. (18+).

TRUE ADVICE! True clarity! True Psychics! 1-877-342-3036 or 1-900-528-6258 or mobile #3563. (18+) $3.19/minute; www.truepsychics.ca.

CRIMINAL RECORD? Guar-anteed record removal since 1989. Confidential. Fast. Af-fordable. Our A+ BBB rating assures employment/travel freedom. Call for free infor-mation booklet. 1-8-NOW-PARDON (1-866-972-7366).RemoveYourRecord.com.

DISCONNECTED PHONE? Phone Factory Home Phone Service. No one refused! Low monthly rate! Calling fea-tures and unlimited long dis-tance available. Call Phone Factory today! 1-877-336-2274; www.phonefactory.ca

CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. (24 hour record check). Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt re-covery? Alberta collection to $25,000. Calgary 403-2 2 8 - 1 3 0 0 / 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 4 7 - 2 5 4 0 ;www.accessleg-alresearch.com.

miScDO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money - It’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161.

MONEYPROV IDER.COM. $500 loan and +. No credit refused. Fast, easy, 100% secure. 1-877-776-1660.

PAWN SHOP ONLINE. Get cash fast! Sell or get a loan for your watch, jewelry, gold, diamonds, art or collectibles - from home! Online: www.PAWNUP.com or toll free 1-888-435-7870.

HAWAII ON THE MAINLAND, where healthy low-cost liv-ing can be yours. Modern Arenal Maleku Condomini-ums, 24/7 secured Com-munity, Costa Rica “the most friendly country on earth”! 1-780-952-0709; www.CanTico.ca.


Be part of our team in 2012! The Strathmore Golf Club is currently accepting applications for:

Red Seal Chef • Food & Beverage Manager

Servers • Pro Shop AssistantBack Shop Staff

Submit your resume via email to

[email protected] be sure to include the job title for which you are applying for. For additional information

visit us online at strathmoregolfclub.com

ROUND HAY and straw bales for sale. Cheap! We deliver, self unloading. No Sunday calls please. 1-403-843-6380.

HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Spring-thrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252.

feed & Seed




Page 26: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 26 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012

Check Us Out on Facebook!

Check Us Out on Facebook!


Large 2 and 3 bedroom apartments for rent, starting at $900/mth plus utilities n/s, n/p. Call 403-934-2959.

real estate

Great locationCanal Gardens

one acre parcelcall lorna

Pole shed.40 gal well.

1/2 mile to pavement.

views, trees! 4.22 acres$199,000

call lorna



BranD new BUnGalow $336,000

call lorna

Huge Double WideSingle Garage

Large Corner LotForeclosure

priceD at $124,900

call lorna

Huge country kitchen. Backs on soccer field.

Retire here!

ranch estates! $87,500

call lorna

3 bdrms, 2 full baths, family

room, fully dev basement.

call lorna steal this!$154,900

This home sparkles, fully developed

lower, 18x14 deck, views of the country.

jUst like new $212,000

call lorna





totally renovateD!!

1548 sq, ft,Fully Dev. Lower

Downtown locationHuge treed Lot

Priced at $360,000

call lorna


Great Four PlexOver looks Lake$3500 per mo


invest in real estate!


call lorna call lorna

3 bdrms, 3 Baths, Bsmt Dev.

Walk out Bsmt, Green Space.

new GorGeoUs villa


Industrial rezoned west of Strathmore

11.9 acres $288,000

call lorna

solDa little Bit coUntry!!

$149,000Gorgeous Modular

Heated 28x24 GarageHot tub

Lease is $300 per mo.

call lorna

Many options on this parcel of land, 25 min-utes east of Calgary.


46.56 acres

call lorna$214,900!50+ living. 2 large

bedrooms. Backs on canal and green. Front attached


call lornanew new$333,000




call lorna



Call lorna Phibbs

403-874-7660 to buy

or sell!

106 - 304 - 3rd Ave., Strathmore

[email protected]

Associate Broker

call lorna

Paved Circle DriveLots of Trees

Walking Distance to all Amenities

Attached Double Garage

BeaUtifUl Brick BUnGalow$299,900


2 town homes for sale in quiet family neighborhood

3 bedrooms; 1.5 baths; oak kitchen; stove, fridge, microwave, dishwasher, washer, dryer; window

blinds; front & back yards; underground sprinkler system; 2 rear parking stalls.

Ready to move in; quick possession.

No condo fees. No GST. Take advantage of low interest rates!

Unit with developed basement....$219,900

Unit with undeveloped basement...$212,900

Call 403-361-0018 today to view.

$189,900Downtown Location

Immaculate Condition - Very Clean. 3 bdrm, 2 BathBi-Level, 1097 sq.ft. approx.

5 appliances, Hardwood Floor in Living RoomVaulted Ceilings, Large Deck

Close to all amenities and SchoolsCondo Fees $75.00 per month

Tamara Desjardins (Associate)

403-874-6486 or 403-934-5533www.aztecrealestate.com

Open House

in Hillview this Weekend!

New Show Home on Hillcrest Manor Estate

1241 Hillcrest Manor Estate

This Saturday & Sunday 1 - 5 pm

Reduced and

Priced to Sell!


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

PH 403.901.2727LHILTON@RICHLEECUSTOMHOMES.COMwww.richleecustomhomes.com



• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

PH 403.901.2727LHILTON@RICHLEECUSTOMHOMES.COMwww.richleecustomhomes.com



• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore ~25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey home begins with adesign consultation with accessto a variety of floor plans to actas reference points in creatingyour signature home.

From bungalows to split levelplans, Rich-Lee will createthe perfect design for yourlifestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

e perfect design for yourfestyle, taking into accountyour current and future needs.

PH 403.901.2727LHILTON@RICHLEECUSTOMHOMES.COMwww.richleecustomhomes.com



• Prestigious gated community• View of mountains• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1229 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST

• Immediate possession• Oversized Estate lots on the Golf Course

1193 Hillcrest Manor

$569,900 including lot & GST


~ Strathmore


25 minute drive to Calgary

Your journey ho

me beginswith a


ation with access

to a varietyof floor

plans to act

as reference points

in creating

your signature


From bungalows to

split level


e will create

the perfectdesign

for your

lifestyle, takin

g into account

your current a

nd future needs.e perfectdesign

for your

festyle, taking

into account

your current a

nd future needs.

PH 403.901.2










• Prestigious g

ated communit


• Viewof moun


• Oversized Est

ate lotson the G

olf Course1229 Hillcrest



g lot & GST

• Immediate po


• Oversized Est

ate lotson the G

olf Course1193 Hillcrest



g lot & GST

Hillcrest Manor

Lots(4 lots left to choose from)

Apply your credit towards

a lot or the build!

Lots to come in Prairie Development in 2012.Like Us on Facebook

We have I residential Unit left in our 3 Plex


“Constantly Selling More Real Estate”

New roof, siding, windows and main bath. Huge well landscaped corner lot

with single garage.Immediate possession. $91,900.

Canyon Creek (Strathmore)www.strathmorerealty.ca

Tina Scott 403-901-5388

Tina’s Feature Properties

Specializing In Country Properties

Country Charm - arrowwood

real estate

real estate

ImmedIate - $995/ large 2 bdrm / $925/ small 2 bdrm, both furnished, all utilities included. n/p, responsible tenants only. Call 403-936-5541 or 403-615-5678.

1 sIngLe person house for rent, 8km south on hwy 817. all utilities includ-ed, semi furnished, n/s, n/p, rental references, $675/month + $675 security de-posit. available Jan 1, 2012. Call 403-934-4407.

rentals rentals2 bdrm apartment in strathmore, 329 2nd ave, Close to downtown. $725/mth + $725 d.d. plus power & gas. n/s, pets negotiable. Call 403-934-5483 and leave message.

2 bedroom Condo for rent on main floor of Lambert Village. Large bathroom, wheelchair ac-cessible throughout. rent includes all utilities, apart-ment size washer, dryer, freezer as well as use of garage. Condo fee’s are are also included in rent. asking $1100.00 monthly. If inter-ested please call elisa at 361-0077 (day) 934-9200 (nights).


2 bedroom, 1,5 bath large country kitchen with covered deck and single attached garage! Comes with 6 appliances and walk-ing distance to downtown strathmore! 1100. plus utili-ties and d/d!also for rent baCheLor suIte, with kitchenette area (no stove)a full bath ,private entrance partially furnished! 550. plus d/d! Call 403-850-4593

upstaIrs bungaLow, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, f/s, dw, fire-place, douple parking pad, shared laundry, large fenced yard, n/s, pets negotiable. $1050/mth + d.d. + utilities, available february 1. Call 403-901-0309


2 bedroom aduLt apt. close to hi school and health ser-vices. 6 appliances includes washer & dryer rent includes water/garbage/heat. $950. per month plus sd to view call 403-934-3502 or 403-333-8155.

rentalsChInooK III. first months rent is half price! 2 bdrm $900/mth or 1 bdrm $800/mth. +dd required. heat & water included. no pets. Call Jane at 403-934-6896.


aVaILabLe feb. 1- large, bright, immaculate 2 bed-room 1 ½ bath 2005 built. wellington Cove bi-level condo. hardwood upstairs, maple kitchen, dishwasher, fridge, microwave, stove, washer, dryer, gas fireplace included. deck, 2 parking stalls. ns, no pets. 6 month lease. $925 + utilities. sd $925 Call: 403-852-6855.

LaKeVIew homes & lots, Vernon, bC. Lake okana-gan. private beach. dock, trees, meadows, wildflow-ers, birds, trails. reason-ably priced custom home construction. architectural guidelines. build now or later. ten minutes to town-center. Lots from $219,000. houses from $499,000. Ven-dor financing available. Call scott 2 5 0 - 5 5 8 - 4 7 9 5 ;www.adventurebayVernon.com.

real estate

wInter promotIon! up to $5000 in free options on January & february orders! (spring delivery). Lowest prices best service on srI homes - guaranteed! don’t delay - Call now 1-8 7 7 - 3 4 1 - 4 4 2 2 ; www.dy-namicmodular.ca. dynamic homes, red deer.

manUFaCtUredJandeL homes. acheson location now open! 2012 show homes arriving daily at all three locations - acheson;fort road and grande prai-rie; www.jandelhomes.com. edmonton 1-855-463-0084. grande prairie 1-877-504-5005.

grandVIew moduLar homes. Limited production on grandeur homes! only 7 grandeur homes left for 2012! don’t wait until they are gone! Call 1-877-945-1272 or [email protected].


LOOKING FOR AN OFFICE PRESENCE?Are you working from home and need to meet clients in a professional office atmosphere?Has your business grown to the point where you could use some office space every now and again?

We have a solution for you!For part time office solutions call Robert Desjardins at 403-934-5533


sCrap batterIes wanted. buying scrap batteries from cars, trucks & heavy equip-ment. $3. each. free pickupgreater Calgary & edmonton area. minimum 10. toll free 1-877-334-2288.

free Cash baCK with $0 down at auto Credit fast. need a vehicle? good or bad credit call stephanie 1-877-792-0599; www.autocred-itfast.ca. dLn 30309. free delivery.

banKrupt? bad CredIt? Call us! all makes and mod-els. professional credit re-builders. delivery available. Call garth 403-888-5593 or 1-866-476-1938. Caval-cade auto acceptance Corp., serving alberta for 20 years.

no moneY down! Low pay-ments! 1000s of vehicles. free delivery. trades ac-cepted. good/bad credit ok! must earn $1400./month. auto source Canada 1-888-601-1118.


rV Lots $38,000. Clear title. $1,000. down, balance on/before april 17/2012. fhu50amp, pool, spa, club-house, gated. Viewing by pre-booked appointment only. Call 1-888-913-2114. website: www.countryla-nervcalgary.com.

reC vehiCles

don’t mIss thIs one! 930 sq ft condo. available imme-diately. 2 spacious bdrms, 1 bathrm, covered parking, storage shed, 6 newer appli-ances. Quiet location: close to parks, schools, and down-town. $1100.00/mth. – Inc. all utilities and cable. dam-age deposit required. n/s, n/p. 780-997-0276.

Page 27: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

January 27, 2012 • Strathmore TimeS • Page 27


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Page 28: January 27, 2012 Strathmore Times

Page 28 • Strathmore TimeS • January 27, 2012 www.StrathmoreTimes.com

1 800 921 9995 139 East LakE Cr, airdriE6 Minutes north of Cross-iron Mills

airdrieChrysler.comCliCk – Buy – save

‡Payments based on $0 down with a 4.99% interest rate and a 96 month term. Prices and payments do not include GST, all rebates to dealer. Ask a sales professional for details. **Payments based on biweekly payments. GST not included in any prices or payments. †Some exclusions apply, see dealer for details. Vehicle images are for illustration purposes only, actual vehicles may not be exactly as shown.



FOr LiFE!†

2008 dOdGE VipEr srt10 CONVErtibLE8.4L V10, 6-speed manual, Alpine cd/mp3 player, leather, security system, only 22,528 kms.#1219611B

2008 dOdGE ram 3500 sLt duaLLY6.7L Cummins Turbo diesel 6 cyl, auto, panoramic sunroof, tow pkg, with only 33,239 kms. #1219821A

$68,620 $38,485

NO admin or documentation fees, a/c tax, or other fees. SAVE BIG!

2011 Dodge Durango RTWas $55,420

NOW $47,988 or $280! B/w ‡

$0 DOWN!

2009 buiCk LuCErNE CX

2008 JEEp COmpass spOrt 4X4

2010 FOrd EXpLOrEr EddiE bauEr

$16,848 or $132 OaC**$13,848 or $109 OaC**b/Wb/W

3.9L flex fuel V6, auto, ABS, traction control, OnStar, AM/FM/CD, heated mirrors, with 65,660 kms. #13322A

2.4L 4 cyl, CVT, heated seats, privacy glass, roof rack, stability control, with 91,677 kms. #1119332A

4.0L V6, auto, air, tilt, cruise, CD changer, running boards, tow package, pw/pl, with 54,360 kms. #13283

$26,848 or $187 OaC** b/W

$0 dOWN $0 dOWN

2010 dOdGE JOurNEY sXt

$19,848 or $138 OaC**b/W

3.5L HO V6, auto, keyless entry, satellite radio, air, tilt cruise, traction control, roof rack, with 30,571 kms. #13369

$0 dOWN $0 dOWN

2010 ChrYsLEr 300 LimitEd

$19,848 or $138 OaC**

3.5L HO V6, auto, leather, keyless entry, satellite radio, sunroof, heated seats, with only 26,072 kms. #13363

$0 dOWN


2012 DoDgeJourney se

or$0 dOWN $117 B/w ‡



Was $22,570 #1219387

2012 DoDge granD Caravan se

or$0 dOWN $122 B/w ‡



Was $29,820 #1219843

2012 raM3500 Crew CaB 4x4

CuMMins Diesel

or$0 dOWN $272 B/w ‡



Was $60,615 #1219556


2011 Chrysler 200liMiteD ConvertiBle

or$0 dOWN $233 B/w ‡



Was $43,185 #1119123

2011 Chrysler300C heMi

or$0 dOWN $233 B/w ‡



Was $46,545 #1119160

2012 raM 1500sxt QuaD CaB 4x4

or$0 dOWN $150 B/w ‡



Was $38,720 #1219844

8 2011 DURANGO RT’S PriceD ThouSAnDS Below inVoice!!4\


owner trade

Low kms,

one owner t
