kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington, ky...

KENTUCKY No. 626. LEXINGTON PMNTED BY JOHX JORDAN, j un. HAS Jl'ST RECEIVED A LARGE QLANrlTV O i MMJSr IK.A, ) SHLRHY, WINES. H 1 ison, & ' PORT, ,,. 3 onrerfo n oc v T onixno "'' oiinvvi, J Of a fupenor qn&Hty, wh n he puipofes ffHirg Very low sir Cafli. Notire. annally being the time ap SEPTEMFFK. cjinaes, I fnall at tend on Satunlv the 2ch of ne .t month at Mai. Tames Mornfon's. It is expected that all tho'e who have carjiaf s u nl tttnd those who d 1 nt, may depend on being dealt with as the law ore Is. Entries will be received on tuy preceding davat IWUj Mention's. ohn Arthur, Collector. August 27, 1 7 9s TH Mamgcrs of the Lesirton Lodge Lottery hi e appointed Bhfs, efq tj attorney at law, to settle the lottery business in -- t. : iu...i .u.ii ni,.iA my an lee. lime " " I""- - 4i., ,ake , . ...mate pav uen.t, ot -. wue suits Wf certairly be commenced without dilciiminatrorrwl 1 H.JiUDLhY. ""-"- " 3 "V f " ThK. public ae hereby infoimed the bulling and living b.tfi-nef- s, will becairried on in the neatcil arul bt'l manner, at 111 jar John Mor ri(b'' 1 ailing tiiII five & h lulf miles from Lexinp,totl, on th; I ..tes creek road, cloth will he leceivedat Mr Geor"e nderfon's doie in Lexington, near tuc markett houie, on the fii It day of every Fayette coiut,-fior- and altev Oiftober court, and returned the , r-- n li Linrr il thni-oi- t 1 o liinitli; . .,.! nm it .l.U U, l..e.- - i. .y ., ..u. ter. Every endeavor will be nfed to J'of pive latlsl action to thole who may jilcafe to savor me with thbir cufton, A urney man fuller vt anted at said mill. WILLIAM CAME ELL, Fuller, September ill, 1798. "v TAKE NOTICE, SH'VLL meet with tV commifiiorlers an I ponted b the county court of Mercer coun ty, 00 ta2 z'jthdivot Sep"e nber next, between tee noirs 01 ai a two o -- t tne witnell of Johr Endues, in order to toceed from- thence to a pie emption of sour bundled acrer m iano gra icen 1 is c nm loners u jonn liatcer, t ie zom 01 upru 1 , iMiigon tne wa fers ot Cedai creek, i branch of Chiplins fork; then and t'lere to take tl deoofitions ot sun dry wi'nelle-.- , ind perpetuate thju teflmony refpeAing said land, and do such other aft as Uiall be deemed neeeliary a d agreeably to law IVii.iam Grijftn, Augufl. 28,'i, 179? Pfi TO sow inz alter ON SIX IIP.NTH C1EDIT. yT T Hardin court houle. on the fiift T JTX. diy in Oftober next, it being Court day, all the Hnds remaining u lfold, of the e&ate ot Joseph Bainett, dec the pjieuafer to give bond and approved tecurity, to Harkison liCNilv Roids, ST1"HEN ClCAVEK, ill, 1793. 3f IF ILL BE SOLD, iO,N the third Monday in eptember, at the s nouie 01 tne late William Margin dec line mile and a hall front Danvil'e, one hkel necro mn. one woman, five children. ' and geer, pi mtation tools, horles, ' .tattle, Iheep ana nog', nails, locks, mnges, U-- Tvelve months credit will bd given for a funis over thirty Hillings, by giving bond an appio cd security. The sale will commence at len or clock, by , 3t h Morgah, Ex'or. ONE half of 3039 anesof land, lying on river, about e 'itor tc ' nules the beaver dams, entered in the nams of Wil liam ,Bai kfdnle, dec wU b. eipe-le- to sale to hisiheft b.dder, in Puis, on Satuida the 22d ol Sejtember next, th la tn h sold with its con e ifnce, without recourte. And alfiw one halt fundi y ei trys made in the name of Lewis ( u.,, alir1 e of Willnm Ilarkfdalc, on the lurrl . ot fmiJrv militu y furvevs, amuint t"1 j acres, in the county of Fayette, be fo'd on le fime tcr-n- s, bv S4MIEL E 'nr. of Win Uarkfdai , dec. Ausuft Dt!), I7;3. y JHtp. WEDNESDAY, JOHN BJtADFORt), , SURVEYING, fcrV. THE subscriber heisby informs the public, 011 the (h rteit notice hs will attend tT above buGnels in the following line, viz, til I 7ill lootc 2nd survey 01 survey lands tut have been located bv virtue of warrants. Pilling for lands west of the uvcr Ohio. I will J' tei"! av mistakes, (i. e ) ?ake up war T"it that have been wrong located, and locate them anew All oi which (hall be done at the molt reduced price. And from long cxpei fence m (he above business, and a general knowledge of the country, I flattei myself of 0ivmg.par ticular fatisfaflicn to nv gentleman that I may hive the honor of serving in tbcafe-en- ul bus Puna M'AJthuR. September Ift, I79S. 3t N B A woid lest with Mr James Lcmcn, Geoigetown, will bt futEcient notice. P. M to an order of the court ofMa- - JL soil countv, appointing comnnlhone'-- s to edabhlh the special call and boundaries pf an entry of 23,730 acres of hnd, made in the name ol Anthony Thorn ton, King in Mason countv, ind btginm-pro- n tue lower Buttaloe road, whicn Leads tioiri t,he lower Blue Licks towards the (north lone oi about a mile north ol ,,, j .' Ter., -- , " '' "" " ' " " J"' . LT " -- " "'" """ "" "" " cdc 'ing ironi each endol the line sit miles a ort courie (or quantitI mall on Tnuildavliasa mark on each flde of hcr neck some white tie 2 th d y ol September, attend with theyOha, f ,t and ha, two whlte leet behind, and r- cock, nouietshannoi, in order to take depofitionsot m Taylor,") Sep"tcmber )ight"wa5!,on above ot to BAKSD4LF, in rUHSUANT ...4 lu om. tne eeueillllui3 ui eeaei... pen ms, n older to ell ibhdi laid call and boun-- d tiles The witnelles, &c will n-- et at ten o'clock 1.1 the morning it James Uticklia mon's, who lives on the fout'i eatt cor- ner ol the said land, and thence proceed to the calls ol the entry. ANTH. THOmTON. ten. August 31, 179S. BEING oblig-- d (o b3 absent liom tli's state sew mont is, I have appointed melT James Bills and William D tbney, j in to take nil riTL rF ni ntft . n.rl llu.i v.. X..ll.. "B " " wuev uu. iv, ail; juiir aoikUO .. - . . . . J .Lirueil tO tianllft the Whfl ? IliCr. o( fhr. I' ., the Lesington Uiitnft Court. 1 have alio empoMercd those gentlejnen to receive money due me, and diftharge certain accounts those indebted aie requested to make immedi- ate payment. TH. BODLEY. Lexington, Aug. 30, 1)98. , f TAKE NOTICE. THAT commiffioners appointed by the couit of Mason county, will meet on Wednesday the 261 of September ei fumg, at Hugh Shtnnon's Settlement and pre cmption, on the warns of cs - !ml pel petuate their testimony refpectmg e said settlement and pre emotion, and to dofudi other acts as may be agreeably to Jaw. WILLIAM JOHNSON. Sept i, 1798. 14 T HEREBY forewarn all persons from ( A taking alignments oh two notes gi- ven by me to mr, Hugh Rankin, mill- - nwrignt, ciateti lome nine auout tne nrit Jot the tint tor Utteen pounds fecOIld twenty-fiv- e ppunds, payable TitTri mnnflic nftirillnr. ri I nm nptnr. mined not to pay them until compelled by law, the (ai. Rankin not having complyed with his coiitracT, villi me in building my mills, SAMUEL KINCART. September ill, 178 3w NOTICE, ALL persons indebted to the lfubfcrber, are call and pay oft their refpec- - tiveba'ances, on or before the twentieth bt fiu gust nex ; about which time I intend sending tor a freH iupply of goods. 1 hose wjio cannot pomoiy will atleatt oe expected to call and dole their accounts, by giving bond or note nv ritl Gin npirli.l'iniF th rilww. nnttrp. will conhJeied as unwilling to difchaige their j'tiy lebts, indmoie effiiftual steps wil.oe taken toA compel payment. , , C. BATTY. Lexiflgtonj July loth, 1 798. tf rOUM), NEAR LEXINGTON, AND lefc at. this office, A BLACK POCKET, BOOK: ,jlv the naners it contains, it annenrs Seiorjo- - t0 Samuel Whitlock the owner may get it by applying to the 1 printer; and pajing tor this advertise ment. BLANK BOORS, Suitable for Clerljs, Merchants, ihenns, Lz. foi lal. at. tah oiSetf. I Bb 10 muHsr BiDDEX.?s-,.M- e flVe months Uate, the the "ig the ..V, :'., GAZETTE: September 19, PRINTER TO THE PUBLIC NOTICE. , The Members of the Kentucky AQbciation for 4") tha eftabhfiiment of . AJA VINEYARD, areregffeftgd'to l?s punctual in theif attendance j at Mr. Pollle 1 vait's 111 Lexington, on aatur day the 22d inft at three o'cleck in the alter nomi, as some matteis of great importance are tbeii to be laid before them N B. The gentlemen, in whose hahds J. J Duloui has lett his li.jlcuption-paper- ', will please to ferd them aj leo 1 as polT.ble to the fubferjje. ill Lexington. J RUSsELL, Sec of Hie Society. Lexington, September 10, 1798. twenty-fiv- e cexts Heward' RUNAWAY fiom th? subscriber, an th Hi-l-f.r- ' ndnietl Ih fcoh Cnrtman. about fifteen yearsold. Whoever rdelMeis luni to his mailer, near the mouth of Dick'i r er, fliall have the above revard, but no othrr charg's paid. David Sutton. Sept-mb- er 10, 1798, 3t TAKEN up by the subscriber, in, Scott county, a bught bay mare about fourteen hands and ahalf lugh,'thre"e yqars old, a,star 111 herlorehead, no brand perceivable pn her, but one belore. aDtirailed to 12I. ABHAllAM UOBINSqN. September 8th, 1798. pAKEN up by the subscriber, liv il mg in Montgomery county, on i iveu river, near the ureat Beaver chpond, one bsj marc, ffiven years old, suuuul nurtccn anu a na(r nanus ingii, (oine laddie lpots, bi anued pn the near lljDtildr thus f, has oh a. fnialj bell tiea vi un a, leater urap, appraiied to ial. WILLIAM VVOOLDRIDGE. April 23d, 1798. TTEE ot the trustees ol the Lex ACOMMI Aqademy, have emfloyeJ a Mr. Lstby Johnson to opei) a-- l j, ENGLISH SCHOOL, uiider their dircftion. in the laid academv, the ift day of October next. AtJji,M KANKIN. NOilCL, WlL sell on the jnolt mcdciate I tei ms, ten tlioufand ares o iai d or Licking, being p?i t of a thi.ty thou-faC- .l jcre tract, which inclu'les the three forks of Orafly creeH, thice or sour hundred acies of iands liiua'-- in Plhe neiglibourhood of Lexington, v. ill 'be taken in pait payment, and twelve months credit given for the balance , any person inclinable to purchase, ill apply to Mr. William Leavyof Lex- ington ho is sully cmpoveted to tianfacl this business, or to the sub- fcriber. JGHM CR1TTENDON. September 7Ch, 1798. ,w TAKEN up by the subscriber livmg in Fiy ette countv, on the waters ot Cane run, fi ir m.les from Lexington, on the Georgetown 10 ij, a dark maie. about 14. aiH a h tit li kU Qihigl, fuur years old lad fpm g, bas iiine fcuy hairs on her ottlund toot, no brud peiceu able; appi ailed to 10I . JAMES ALEXANDER: June 12, 1198 oe A LL those indebted to the late partner JTL flnp of ' 7- - CLAY & Co. reqnefled to come forward and pay of their reipecuve cKiiAiiees, on or ueigie toe lenrn oiy olOclober next) gr to give theirbondsoi notes, payable in two months aster date Those who sail to comply with the above notice, may et-pe- mote effectual ftegs immediately tiken to compel payments. Samuel Watkins. Scptcnlei 10, 179S. 3w WHEREAS my wise Judith Vanlandingham rny lodein.rrs and fepivated f roni me. T do herehv Ini Pv 11 .low nfrfhn iritr .la I ig with her in my name, as am determined to pay none oi her debts, nor amwci any tt hei calls in any refpeet. George VaJandtniham. $:tembtr 10, 1798. 3tj 1798. Vol. XL COMMONWEALTH. 'NEIV BOOKS. opening on Crbfs ftreef, n?xt dqor tj JUST Burrows's ilore, a large collection of BOOKS, Confuting of minv thpufand volumes of Law, Vhyfic, Divinity, H'tlory. Novels, nlavs. Re views, Chap Books, TelUrnents, &c Ac A parcel of Gernun apd Frenth Books, Some Claflics The whol of which ivill be fol'd at e a pac--- 1 Ne7 the Philadelphia tetail prices Liki celof Mulic loi the Violin. Hute. Songs and Country Daoce--- A quantity of Ele gant Paper fian jigs Loaded Hoiie Whips Playing Card A. qua tity ot Mens' Shoes, Fin? and Coi te, very low A pirccl of Cold itings Alloa quantity ot Cotno, Coatings,, Caiimers, t ancv u aid Co-it- u fjinrt'ty of Tambour, Muslin, and various othei art'cles too tedious to mention. As I am about returhing to tialtrnorc this fall, J will give b rgains, either vs hole sale or retail, for Cfli. JOHN MULLANPHY. Lexington, Sepiti I -- r 1 1 , N. B. Thele golds will remain 11 town but two or thice weeks. at JAKE NOTICE. A Petition will be prcfented to the ner.l general aiTembly, lor the di . 1. o 1 oi War- ren county. August , 1798. "VJOTICE is hereby giien, that thejcotnmjf. Honors ippo nted Uy the conntv court of Fayette, will on Saturday the 29th mil let to the lowpft bid tier, the l)uildn 0' a bridge of hewed timber, across South Elkhom, near lohri I'arler's mill. . 3t , Sepjepler nth, 1798. rTKEN upbythe fubfci ibei, Jiving J- - in Lincoln county, bay mare" ten years old, about thirteen Jiands high, no bran! perceivable, a 'arge bell on branded thus CfOOOOOO, a flar in her foreheid, a sear on her near hip, appraised to 61.. WILLIAM I'ERR.'L. M?y 4. ,'j""AKLNiip by the fubfctiScr, livjng "f in t incoln county , one b-- hoife, mixed with hiteiairs, abt hltreii hands biij'i, fpr befoi e, fiv e j t a,is rid, branded u-- i tne. hear butiocr, but not leyibi'" ari'i.ifed to 2?! .,11 brivin hoile 'flf, about tbi ie'u 'i ' h th' ee mi! - t ie.h, tlnee years oli, Li uled rn tl ( n ; del a d b ki virl t bai ttl fViirL') no'i, i.h a w Imp ui his lcc, r pin iileii t JVC II VRIJ 'i'HY. Maj 2 111, 1 '' A TAKt N ut3 by tl e t ber, in, oi 11 mile creek, i d"'k baj li rf", m tliir- - teen banc's " ! a ' alt '.n b and X perceivable, - small flui in s lore- - J5&? s iieadj ha has some aj pc'r mcc of t'ie"5'w5 poll-evi- l, Ins bind feet w'i '- -, ijine years old, arpraifed to t A. JAMEo DuCAN. May 17th, 1 7 jS t'jR i lL, Forty tliourand acre3 of LAND, ON L I C K I N C. ,"-- ,, e!mo mjclfirfon ccun' , i the m. tersofi5er Ol . 100 acus o a pre emption in S e'by county hu.xe s 1 400 Tie p ngthe pic en " n 109c . ,esei the Oh o, jeffe tru 'ounty 2,500 on tne umo, maion coui 2000 to do. coo acres on the Beech Toi'., Mellon ootm ty 2 33 1 3 acres on Te n cree' , J ejfen coun I I about: ty 70JO acres on Hnugh crcclc, I- ru icci'Dty. 4,30iCie3 in M'Mjn couriv c c phio. 45 acres ou GrceBrriver, LintSjlnounty 750 acresonCoxe's exk, Ufon corrfv. s, 1030 do near the Kenrtpky river, Wcodforjl countv. ' . 7"he greater part of the above linds I wilr sell very low fbr the next ?rop ot toioccoj wheat, flour, hemp or merchandile. v iAMUEL i DVY4LL. April ill, 1798,.

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Page 1: Kentucky gazette (Lexington, Ky. : 1789). (Lexington, KY · KENTUCKY No. 626. LEXINGTON PMNTED BY JOHX JORDAN, jun. HAS Jl'ST RECEIVED


No. 626.



i MMJSr IK.A, )SHLRHY, WINES.H 1 ison, &

' PORT, ,,. 3onrerfo n oc v Tonixno "'' oiinvvi, JOf a fupenor qn&Hty, wh n he puipofes ffHirg

Very low sir Cafli.

Notire.annally being the time ap

SEPTEMFFK. cjinaes, I fnall attend on Satunlv the 2ch of ne .t month atMai. Tames Mornfon's. It is expected thatall tho'e who have carjiaf s u nl tttnd thosewho d 1 nt, may depend on being dealt with asthe law ore Is. Entries will be received ontuy preceding davat IWUj Mention's.

ohn Arthur, Collector.August 27, 1 7 9s

TH Mamgcrs of the Lesirton LodgeLottery hi e appointed Bhfs, efq

tj attorney at law, to settle the lottery business in-- t. : iu...i .u.ii ni,.iAmy an lee. lime " " I""- - 4i.,

,ake , . ...mate pav uen.t, ot -. wue suits Wfcertairly be commenced without dilciiminatrorrwl

1 H.JiUDLhY.""-"- " 3 "V f "

ThK. public a e hereby infoimedthe bulling and living b.tfi-nef- s,

will becairried on in the neatcilarul bt'l manner, at 111 jar John Morri(b'' 1 ailing tiiII five & h lulf milesfrom Lexinp,totl, on th; I ..tes creekroad, cloth will he leceivedat MrGeor"e nderfon's doie in Lexington,near tuc markett houie, on the fii It

day of every Fayette coiut,-fior- andaltev Oiftober court, and returned the

,r--n li Linrr il thni-oi- t1 o liinitli;. .,.! nm it.l.U U, l..e.- - i. .y ., ..u.ter. Every endeavor will be nfed to J'ofpive latlsl action to thole who mayjilcafe to savor me with thbir cufton,A urney man fuller vt anted at saidmill.

WILLIAM CAME ELL, Fuller,September ill, 1798. "v

TAKE NOTICE,SH'VLL meet with tV commifiiorlers anI ponted b the county court of Mercer coun

ty, 00 ta2 z'jthdivot Sep"e nber next, betweentee noirs 01 ai a two o -- t tne witnellof Johr Endues, in order to toceed from-thence to a pie emption of sour bundled acrerm iano gra icen 1 is c nm loners u jonnliatcer, t ie zom 01 upru 1 , iMiigon tne wafers ot Cedai creek, i branch of Chiplins fork;then and t'lere to take tl deoofitions ot sundry wi'nelle-.- , ind perpetuate thju teflmonyrefpeAing said land, and do such other aft asUiall be deemed neeeliary a d agreeably to law

IVii.iam Grijftn,Augufl. 28,'i, 179? Pfi

TO sow inz alterON SIX IIP.NTH C1EDIT. yT

T Hardin court houle. on the fiift TJTX. diy in Oftober next, it being Court day,all the Hnds remaining u lfold, of the e&ate otJoseph Bainett, dec the pjieuafer to give bondand approved tecurity, to

HarkisonliCNilv Roids,ST1"HEN ClCAVEK,

ill, 1793. 3f

IF ILL BE SOLD,iO,N the third Monday in eptember, at thes nouie 01 tne late William Margin dec

line mile and a hall front Danvil'e, one hkelnecro mn. one woman, five children.

' and geer, pi mtation tools, horles, '.tattle, Iheep ana nog', nails, locks, mnges, U--

Tvelve months credit will bd given for afunis over thirty Hillings, by giving bond anappio cd security. The sale will commence atlen or clock, by ,

3t h Morgah, Ex'or.

ONE half of 3039 anesof land, lying onriver, about e 'itor tc ' nules

the beaver dams, entered in the nams of William ,Bai kfdnle, dec wU b. eipe-le- to sale to

hisiheft b.dder, in Puis, on Satuida the22d ol Sejtember next, th la tn h sold withits con e ifnce, without recourte. And alfiwone halt fundi y ei trys made in the name ofLewis ( u.,, alir1 e of Willnm Ilarkfdalc, onthe lurrl . ot fmiJrv militu y furvevs, amuint

t"1 j acres, in the county of Fayette,be fo'd on le fime tcr-n- s, bv

S4MIEL E 'nr.of Win Uarkfdai , dec.

Ausuft Dt!), I7;3. y JHtp.




THE subscriber heisby informs the public,011 the (h rteit notice hs will attend

tT above buGnels in the following line, viz,til I 7ill lootc 2nd survey 01 survey lands

tut have been located bv virtue of warrants.Pilling for lands west of the uvcr Ohio. I willJ' tei"! av mistakes, (i. e ) ?ake up warT"it that have been wrong located, and locatethem anew All oi which (hall be done at themolt reduced price. And from long cxpei fencem (he above business, and a general knowledgeof the country, I flattei myself of 0ivmg.particular fatisfaflicn to nv gentleman that I mayhive the honor of serving in tbcafe-en- ul bus

Puna M'AJthuR.September Ift, I79S. 3t

N B A woid lest with Mr James Lcmcn,Geoigetown, will bt futEcient notice. P. M

to an order of the court ofMa- -

JL soil countv, appointing comnnlhone'-- s toedabhlh the special call and boundaries pf anentry of 23,730 acres of hnd, made in the nameol Anthony Thorn ton, King in Mason countv,ind btginm-pro- n tue lower Buttaloe road, whicn

Leads tioiri t,he lower Blue Licks towards the(north lone oi about a mile north ol,,, j .' Ter., -- ,

" ' ' "" " ' " " J"'. LT" --" "'" """ "" "" "cdc 'ing ironi each endol the line sit miles aort courie (or quantitI mall on Tnuildavliasa mark on each flde of hcr neck some whitetie 2 th d y ol September, attend with theyOha, f ,t and ha, two whlte leet behind, and

r- cock, nouietshannoi, in order to take depofitionsot











...4 lu om. tne eeueillllui3 ui eeaei...pen ms, n older to ell ibhdi laid call and boun-- d

tiles The witnelles, &c willn-- et at ten o'clock 1.1 the morning it JamesUticklia mon's, who lives on the fout'i eatt cor-ner ol the said land, and thence proceed to thecalls ol the entry.

ANTH. THOmTON. ten.August 31, 179S.

BEING oblig-- d (o b3 absent liom tli's statesew mont is, I have appointed melT

James Bills and William D tbney, j in to takenil riTL rF ni ntft . n.rl llu.i v.. X..ll.."B " " wuev uu. iv, ail; juiir aoikUO.. - . . . . J

.Lirueil tO tianllft the Whfl ? IliCr. o( fhr. I' .,

the Lesington Uiitnft Court. 1 have alioempoMercd those gentlejnen to receive moneydue me, and diftharge certain accountsthose indebted aie requested to make immedi-ate payment.

TH. BODLEY.Lexington, Aug. 30, 1)98. , f

TAKE NOTICE.THAT commiffioners appointed by the couit

of Mason county, will meet on Wednesday the261 of September ei fumg, at Hugh Shtnnon's

Settlement and pre cmption, on the warns of

cs-!ml pel petuate their testimony refpectmg esaid settlement and pre emotion, and to dofudiother acts as may be agreeably to Jaw.

WILLIAM JOHNSON.Sept i, 1798. 14

T HEREBY forewarn all persons from(

A taking alignments oh two notes gi-ven by me to mr, Hugh Rankin, mill- -

nwrignt, ciateti lome nine auout tne nritJot the tint tor Utteen pounds

fecOIld twenty-fiv- e ppunds, payableTitTri mnnflic nftirillnr. ri I nm nptnr.mined not to pay them until compelledby law, the (ai. Rankin not havingcomplyed with his coiitracT, villi mein building my mills,

SAMUEL KINCART.September ill, 178 3w


ALL persons indebted to the lfubfcrber, arecall and pay oft their refpec- -

tiveba'ances, on or before the twentieth bt fiugust nex ; about which time I intend sendingtor a freH iupply of goods. 1 hose wjio cannotpomoiy will atleatt oe expected to call anddole their accounts, by giving bond or note

nv ritl Gin npirli.l'iniF th rilww. nnttrp. will

conhJeied as unwilling to difchaige their j'tiylebts, indmoie effiiftual steps wil.oe taken toA

compel payment. , ,

C. BATTY.Lexiflgtonj July loth, 1 798. tf


AND lefc at. this office, A BLACKPOCKET, BOOK:

,jlv the naners it contains, it annenrsSeiorjo- - t0 Samuel Whitlock the

owner may get it by applying to the 1printer; and pajing tor this advertisement.

BLANK BOORS,Suitable for Clerljs, Merchants, ihenns, Lz.

foi lal. at. tah oiSetf. I

Bb 10 muHsr BiDDEX.?s-,.M- eflVe months Uate, the




..V, :'.,

GAZETTE:September 19,


PUBLIC NOTICE. ,The Members of the Kentucky AQbciation for

4") tha eftabhfiiment of. AJA VINEYARD,

areregffeftgd'to l?s punctual in theif attendance j

at Mr. Pollle 1 vait's 111 Lexington, on aaturday the 22d inft at three o'cleck in the alternomi, as some matteis of great importance aretbeii to be laid before them

N B. The gentlemen, in whose hahds J. JDuloui has lett his li.jlcuption-paper- ', willplease to ferd them aj leo 1 as polT.ble to thefubferjje. ill Lexington.

J RUSsELL, Sec of Hie Society.Lexington, September 10, 1798.

twenty-fiv- e cexts Heward'RUNAWAY fiom th? subscriber, an

th Hi-l-f.r- ' ndnietl Ihfcoh Cnrtman. about fifteen yearsold. WhoeverrdelMeis luni to his mailer, near the mouth of

Dick'i r er, fliall have the above revard, butno othrr charg's paid.

David Sutton.Sept-mb- er 10, 1798, 3t

TAKEN up by the subscriber, in,Scott county, a bught bay mare about fourteenhands and ahalf lugh,'thre"e yqars old, a,star 111

herlorehead, no brand perceivable pn her, but

one belore. aDtirailed to 12I.ABHAllAM UOBINSqN.

September 8th, 1798.

pAKEN up by the subscriber, livil mg in Montgomery county, on i

iveu river, near the ureat Beaverchpond, one bsj marc, ffiven years old,suuuul nurtccn anu a na(r nanus ingii,(oine laddie lpots, bi anued pn the nearlljDtildr thus f, has oh a. fnialj belltiea vi un a, leater urap, appraiiedto ial.


TTEE ot the trustees ol the LexACOMMI Aqademy, have emfloyeJ a Mr.Lstby Johnson to opei) a-- l

j, ENGLISH SCHOOL,uiider their dircftion. in the laid academv, theift day of October next.


NOilCL,WlL sell on the jnolt mcdciateI tei ms, ten tlioufand ares o iai d or

Licking, being p?i t of a thi.ty thou-faC- .l

jcre tract, which inclu'les thethree forks of Orafly creeH, thice orsour hundred acies of iands liiua'-- in

Plhe neiglibourhood of Lexington, v. ill'be taken in pait payment, and twelvemonths credit given for the balance ,

any person inclinable to purchase, illapply to Mr. William Leavyof Lex-ington ho is sully cmpoveted totianfacl this business, or to the sub-


September 7Ch, 1798. ,w

TAKEN up by the subscriber livmg in Fiyette countv, on the waters ot Cane run, fi irm.les from Lexington, on the Georgetown 10 ij,a dark maie. about 14. aiH a h tit li kU

Qihigl, fuur years old lad fpm g, bas iiine fcuyhairs on her ottlund toot, no brud peiceu able;appi ailed to 10I

. JAMES ALEXANDER:June 12, 1198 oe

A LL those indebted to the late partnerJTL flnp of '

7- - CLAY & Co.reqnefled to come forward and pay of their

reipecuve cKiiAiiees, on or ueigie toe lenrn oiyolOclober next) gr to give theirbondsoi notes,payable in two months aster date Those whosail to comply with the above notice, may et-pe-

mote effectual ftegs immediately tiken tocompel payments.

Samuel Watkins.Scptcnlei 10, 179S. 3w

WHEREAS my wise Judith Vanlandinghamrny lodein.rrs and fepivated f roni

me. T do herehv Ini Pv 11 .low nfrfhn iritr .la I

ig with her in my name, as am determinedto pay none oi her debts, nor amwci any tt heicalls in any refpeet.

George VaJandtniham.$:tembtr 10, 1798. 3tj

1798. Vol. XL


'NEIV BOOKS.opening on Crbfs ftreef, n?xt dqor tj

JUST Burrows's ilore, a large collection of

BOOKS,Confuting of minv thpufand volumes of Law,Vhyfic, Divinity, H'tlory. Novels, nlavs. Reviews, Chap Books, TelUrnents, &c Ac Aparcel of Gernun apd Frenth Books, SomeClaflics The whol of which ivill be fol'd at

e a pac--- 1

Ne7the Philadelphia tetail prices Likicelof Mulic loi the Violin. Hute.Songs and Country Daoce--- A quantity of Elegant Paper fian jigs Loaded Hoiie WhipsPlaying Card A. qua tity ot Mens' Shoes,Fin? and Coi te, very low A pirccl of Colditings Alloa quantity ot Cotno, Coatings,,Caiimers, t ancv u aid Co-it- u fjinrt'ty ofTambour, Muslin, and various othei art'clestoo tedious to mention.

As I am about returhing to tialtrnorc thisfall, J will give b rgains, either vs hole sale orretail, for Cfli.

JOHN MULLANPHY.Lexington, Sepiti I --r 1 1


N. B. Thele golds will remain 11 town buttwo or thice weeks. at


A Petition will be prcfented to the ner.lgeneral aiTembly, lor the di . 1. o 1 oi War-

ren county. August , 1798.

"VJOTICE is hereby giien, that thejcotnmjf.Honors ippo nted Uy the conntv court of

Fayette, will on Saturday the 29th mil let tothe lowpft bid tier, the l)uildn 0' a bridge ofhewed timber, across South Elkhom, near lohriI'arler's mill.

. 3t , Sepjepler nth, 1798.

rTKEN upbythe fubfci ibei, JivingJ-- in Lincoln county, bay mare"

ten years old, about thirteen Jiandshigh, no bran! perceivable, a 'arge bellon branded thus CfOOOOOO, a flarin her foreheid, a sear on her near hip,appraised to 61..


,'j""AKLNiip by the fubfctiScr, livjng"f in t incoln county , one b-- hoife,

mixed with hiteiairs, abt hltreiihands biij'i, fpr befoi e, fiv e j t a,is rid,branded u-- i tne. hear butiocr, but notleyibi'" ari'i.ifed to 2?!

.,11 brivin hoile 'flf, abouttbi ie'u 'i ' h th' ee mi! - t ie.h, tlneeyears oli, Li uled rn tl ( n ;

del a d b ki virl t bai ttlfViirL') no'i, i.h a w Imp uihis lcc, r pin iileii t

JVC II VRIJ 'i'HY.Maj 2 111, 1 ''A

TAKt N ut3 by tl e t ber,, oi 11 mile

creek, i d"'k baj li rf", m tliir- -teen banc's " ! a ' alt '.n b and Xperceivable, - small flui in s lore- - J5&? siieadj ha has some aj pc'r mcc of t'ie"5'w5poll-evi- l, Ins bind feet w'i '- -,

ijine years old, arpraifed to t A.JAMEo DuCAN.

May 17th, 1 7 jS

t'jR i lL,Forty tliourand acre3 of


,"--,, e!mo mjclfirfon ccun' , i the m.tersofi5er Ol .

100 acus o a pre emption in S e'by countyhu.xe s 1

400 Tie p ngthe pic en " n109c . ,esei the Oh o, jeffe tru 'ounty2,500 on tne umo, maion coui2000 to do.coo acres on the Beech Toi'., Mellon ootm

ty2 33 1 3 acres on Te n cree' , J ejfen coun




ty70JO acres on Hnugh crcclc, I- ru icci'Dty.4,30iCie3 in M'Mjn couriv c c phio.45 acres ou GrceBrriver, LintSjlnounty750 acresonCoxe's exk, Ufon corrfv. s,1030 do near the Kenrtpky river, Wcodforjl

countv. ' .

7"he greater part of the above linds I wilrsell very low fbr the next ?rop ot toioccojwheat, flour, hemp or merchandile. v

iAMUEL i DVY4LL.April ill, 1798,.