netties 2017 preliminary program

International Scientific Conference NETTIES 2017 ARISTOTELIAN THINKING IMPACT co organized by May 4 – 6, 2017 P.U.A.S. Conference Center Petrou Ralli and Thivon 250 Piraeus, Greece

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Netties 2017 preliminary program

International Scientific Conference


co organized by

May 4 – 6, 2017

P.U.A.S. Conference Center Petrou Ralli and Thivon 250

Piraeus, Greece

Page 2: Netties 2017 preliminary program

NETTIES 2017 Conference


Dear Participants of NETTIES 2017, The year 2016 UNESCO celebrates the 2400th anniversary from

Aristotle’s birth as “Aristotle’s Anniversary Year”. It is important to

promote intellectual and cultural heritage of the whole world and the

contribution of the Aristotelian Thinking in the Technological Evolution

and Social Progress.

Aristotle Technology Theses attributed to Aristotle:

A. Technology imitates nature, such that there is no place for

authentic human creativity.

B. Technology in supplementing and completing nature fulfils but

the inherent aims of nature.

C. There is an ontological hiatus between natural things and

artifacts such that technology cannot reproduce or change

natural things.

Thesis A was borrowed from his opponents and does not place

constraints on technological creativity concerning new products,

procedures and goods. This only explains the common sense opinion

that technology is a national enterprise directed towards goals, without

saying anything about the specific goals of technology. In technology as

well as in nature, the way is directed step-by-step by the final goal.

Thesis B Aristotle acknowledged authentic human purposes different

from direct natural aims.

For Thesis C we can say that there is not a place in entire authentic

“corpus aristotelicum” where Aristotle explicitly places constraints on

human technological creativity, beyond the trivial limitation that

technicians must start with raw natural products and can do only what

is ontologically possible.

The Conference Chair

Professor Dimitrios I. Tseles Vice-Rector of P.U.A.S.

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


Conference Program

Thursday, 4 May 2017

1. Introduction Session /Plenary Session

Time: 10:00 – 12:30

Location: Conference Room A

Chair: D. Tseles – V. Panagou – J. Günther

Welcome Speech from Professor L. Vryzidis, Rector of P.U.A.S.

1. “Aristotle and Alexander: from Logic to Politcs”, Associate Professor

Syropoulos S., Vice Rector of International Relations, Student Affairs and Alumni, University of the Aegean.

2. “Aristotle, Beauty and Multisensory Imagery in Modern Times”, Professor Michailidis S., Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Webster University Athens.

3. “Theory of Science: Αn Aristotelian approach”, Professor Emeritus Karasmanis V., Dept. of Humanities Social Sciences and Law, National Technical University of Athens.

4. “Block Chain – The Technology behind Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum and the Internet of Values.”, Edelmann F., IAFeS Board.

5. “Oulu - new rise after Nokia Mobile Phones.”, Kimari R., IAFeS Board.

1. “Electronic Walking”, Günther J., IAFeS Board

2. “Update on Drones Technology and live demo with the DJI Mavic drone”, Edelmann F., IAFeS Board

* Coffee Break

Time: 12:30 – 13:00

Location: Reception Area

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


2. ICT Session

Time: 13:00 – 15:00

Location: Conference Room A

Chair: Yannakopoulos P. – Patrikakis Ch. – Vasiu R.

2.1. “ICT and the peripatetic school: A contemporary approach”, Yannakopoulos P.

2.2. “The AUTEX Network”, Priniotakis G.

2.3. “ICT Technology and 21st Century Learning”, Kalemis K. - Kostarelou A.

2.4. “Implications of Aristotelian theory on ICT”, Kolokythas G.

2.5. “Social Health Avatar: a Social Network Platform for anonymous health-related interaction between users and professionals”, Delikaris A. – Kogias D. – Kagkas D. – Patrikakis Ch.

2.6. “Design and implementation of an indoors navigation system based on the use of autonomous intelligent vehicles.”, Moustakas D. – Patrikakis Ch.

2.7. “Computer Vision Applications in Service Robots”, Koikas D. – Nikolaou D.

2.8. “The quest for credible earthquake precursors: the case of fracture-induced electromagnetic emissions”, Potirakis S. – Contoyiannis Y. – Eftaxias K. – Nomicos C.

* Cocktail Party

Time: 19:00

Location: Cultural Center of Webster University Athens 5 Markou Avriliou Street, 10556 Athens

A Wine and Cheese Gathering at the foot of Acropolis, offered by Webster University Athens

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


Friday, 5 May 2017

3. Netties for Education Session

Time: 09:30 – 11:30

Location: Conference Room B

Chair: Psaromiligkos Y. – Koch G. – Kimari R.

3.1. “New paradigms and approaches in Learning: Abstractions from the European Leonardo Learning Award”, Koch G.

3.2. “Redesigning e-Learning Courses: A Student-centered Approach”, Kytagias C. - Psaromiligkos Y. - Dimakos G.

3.3. “The social and economic impact of technology: 8 digital skills we must teach our children”, Kalemis K.

3.4. “Applying Inquiry Based Science Education & Modern Assessment Techniques in Classroom: A Case Study in Primary School”, Themeli Α. - Stefanidis G. -Psaromiligkos Y.

3.5. “The procedure of "education" to determine the role of internet in highlighting the cultural policy of the country. A field survey”, Boulouta K. -Karagiannis G.

3.6. “What Can Technology do for Tomorrow’s Children?”, Kalemis K.

3.7. “Identifying Risk Factors of Students’ Failure in e-Learning Courses”, Gewrgakopoulos I. - Kytagias C. - Psaromiligkos Y. -Chalikias M. - Voudouri - Artiki A.

* Coffee Break

Time: 11:30 – 12:00

Location: Reception Area

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


4. Social Impact Session

Time: 12:00 – 14:00

Location: Conference Room B

Chair: Sfekas S. – Edelmann F.– Priniotakis G.

4.1. “Aristotelian Fundamentals of the Practice of Knowledge and Information”, Sfekas S.

4.2. “Greek Patent Protection System and the Impacts in Information Industry”, Zografakis E. - Hwang J.

4.3. “Demola – Link for Co-Creation”, Silvén P.

4.4. “E-Government initiatives in taxation field and the protection of personal data”, Bousli E. - Filippou D.

4.5. “Collaborating University and Business Networks Fostering Rapid Value Creation”, Lähdeniemi M.- Mertanen O. - Laine K.

4.6. “Evaluation of Greek penal provisions on hacking (survey data of 2013) - The opinion of hackers and jurists which led to the change of the cybercrime laws in Greece”, Spyropoulos F.

4.7. “Aristotle at the Googleplex: On the Virtuous Use of eScience”, Conradie K.

4.8. “Hospitality Industry and Innovative technology for People with disabilities: the case of the island of Rhodes, Greece”, Theocharis N. - Lagos D. - Tseles D. - Klada N.

* Coffee Break

Time: 14:00 – 14:30

Location: Reception Area

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


5. Automation Session

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Location: Conference Room B

Chair: Papoutsidakis M. – Pyromalis D. – Potirakis S.

5.1. “Generic IT Platform Hosted on Mobile Devices for Automated Logistics and Management Processes”, Apostolakis C. - Symeonaki E. - Papoutsidakis M. – Tseles D.

5.2. “Automated Braking System to Increase Passengers Protection on Modern Public Railway Networks”, Kalathas I. – Smyrnaiou G. - Papoutsidakis M. – Tseles D.

5.3. “A Study and Implementation of an Automated and Integrated System to Support Home Electrical Power and Heating”, Michailidis C. - Symeonaki E. - Pyromalis D. – Tseles D.

5.4. “Automation Engineering for Residential Infrastructures Applications Aiming At Its Bioclimatic Upgrade”, Trimi C. - Sigala M. - Papoutsidakis M. - Tseles D.

5.5. “A Study of Design and Implementation of a Telematics System for Control and Data Transfer for Road Transportations”, Papadopoulos P. - Smyrnaiou G. - Drosos C. - Tseles D.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

General Assembly of IAFeS

Time: 10:00 – 12:30

Location: Conference Room B

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NETTIES 2017 Conference


Program in Brief

Thursday, 4 May 2017 10.00 – 12.30 Conference Room A Introduction/ Plenary Session 12.30 – 13.00 Reception Area Coffee Break 13.00 – 15.00 Conference Room A ICT Session

19.00 Cultural Center of

Webster University Athens

Cocktail Party

Friday, 5 May 2017 09.30 – 11.30 Conference Room B Netties for Education Session 11.30 – 12.00 Reception Area Coffee Break 12.00 – 14.00 Conference Room B Social Impact Session 14.00 – 14.30 Reception Area Coffee Break 14.30 – 16.00 Conference Room B Automation Session

Saturday, 6 May 2017 10.00 – 12.30 Conference Room B General Assembly of IAFeS

© Piraeus University of Applied Sciences 250 Thivon Avenue & P. Ralli Avenue Tel. +302105381556 , Fax. +302105381200 http:// , E-mail: [email protected]