
Ahmed Kandil Rhet 201 Section 27 Spring 2012 Dr.

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Online Portfolio for Rhetoric class 201


Page 1: Portfolio

Ahmed KandilRhet 201

Section 27Spring2012Dr.

Michael Gibson

Page 2: Portfolio

Table of contents: Page Number

Reflection Paper 3

Free writing Journals 4

First Draft 10

Final Draft 15

Works Cited 23

Annotated Bibliography 25

Page 3: Portfolio

Reflection Paper

I organized my portfolio by putting the free writing journal first then the first draft then

my final draft. After that I put the works cited page then the annotated bibliography. I put my

staff in this order because this is the progress that I went through in this course. On the other

hand, I enjoyed the course a lot because it was very interesting. The course was quite interesting

and Mike was one of the best teachers I have ever met. The content was good and the course was

different because the idea of the I-search paper and how to turn the journals into the paper. The

students were funny and helpful. I enjoyed their presentations and I hope the enjoyed mine.

Moreover, I enjoyed going to the library and the way we are searching. I am also very happy to

work with Dr Michael because I learned a lot from him. Whenever I looked to his face, I felt that

I am doing well because he was always smiling. To sum up, this English course was my best one

ever. I used to hate English courses because they were boring except this course which I found it

interesting. I hope that I did well in the course and presented a good topic that would help me

passing the course. To sum up, this English course was a very good experiment that gave me

more help and experience to use in my coming learning life.

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Free Writing


Feb 1. Today is our first day in the Rhet class. I feel comfortable with the teacher and the student

although i know no one from the students. The teacher told us to choose a topic to write on our

paper then he told us about the I-search which he preferred this name much more than research. I

chose many topics which are Soccer, Egyptian revolution and cycling and tried to express what I

chose them and what I will do on them. We talked about the electronic portfolio on issue.com

and how to make a portfolio to keep things online. We also mentioned what the course will be

about and what we should do in this course such as journals. Finally we left the class waiting for

another one.

Feb 5. Today is off because of what happened in port said and we have an AUC student was

dead there so the campus is off today and we did not go to the class but I am still searching about

the topic and trying to make it narrow and find some sources.

Feb 8. We back today from the break. We started to discuss the topics we choose in the class any

why each one chooses this topic and what he will talk about. We shared some ideas, thoughts

and the class was funny and interesting. The teacher told us about the sources that we should get

six sources that relate to your topic which support your ideas and be helpful.

Feb 12. Today also is off because of the general strike that AUC student will do protesting

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against Military Council for the way he is ruling the country and asking them to give the

authority to elected president. Therefore, the campus give this day free to the students to express

their feelings fairly.

Feb 15. I chose my topic which is the Egyptian revolution. I chose this topic because I really

appreciate our great victory that we did. I was one of the people that was in Tahrir square and i

spend their more than 10 days so I know that what happened was really great. I want to know

how the media cover the revolution and what is believable and what is not. I decided to search

for this topic because I am really interested to know more about the revolution and to see other

peoples’ opinions that I did not see when I was in the square. I get 6 sources that should help me

in my topic and started in analyzing them and see what happened in the Square from the media

point of view. I discussed my topic in the class and listened to many other topics for my friends.

Some were interested to me and some were not. Finally, we finish the class, it was quite


Feb 19. Today i did not go to the class because I am tired and I went to the hospital and take

some medicine because my heartbeat was too fast and i do not know the reason. Therefore, i did

not do anything for today because I am really tired.

Feb 22. I changed my topic again to be the media and its effects. I preferred to focus on media

because I think that media is the main reason for what happened all over the world. Also, the

media was having a great effect in the Egyptian revolution the clearly showed during and after it.

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In my opinion, media is a double edged weapon that can help in constructing or destroying a

country. Therefore, i chose to focus more on media and try to know more and who to trust and

who is not. We had more discussion today in the class and I started to find more sources that will

support me.

Feb 26. Today also was unlucky day for me because i felt from the stairs and my leg hurt me a

lot and I went to the clinic and the doctor told me that I should rest and do not do any effort so I

left with my friend early to deliver me by his car because I was not able to take the bus. Finally, I

went home and take some rest and also I did not do anything for this day.  

March 14. Today I was conferencing with Dr. Michael and started my interview by asking him

about his opinion of the media in Egypt especially during the revolution. He said that the

Egyptian mass media had no credibility at all because they were viewing the Nile and the Tahrir

square while he was empty so he was watching some other channels such as Al-Jazeera. He

laughed and imitate what happened in Egypt with what happened in AUC magazines. He said

that that same thing happened here because Caravan is not showing all the truth because it is

controlled by AUC media department while Dimensions is free to tell the news that way it wants.

March 19. Today I continued my interviews by asking my family about their opinions for the

media during the Egyptian revolution. My father said that Egypt mass media was always lying

on us so he called it the government mass media. Moreover, my mother said that “I do not know

what is the purpose of lying on people, what they do not know is that by this way the people will

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become more angry”.     

March 23. I was in Tahrir square today to buy a laptop from l Bostan Mall so on my way back I

decided to interviewing some people who still in Tahrir Square. I gave the laptop to one of my

friends and went to ask people about how was the media during the revolution from their

perspective. I asked 6 people and 4 of them told me that they did not see any media channels

during the revolution because they know well that they were absolutely lying while the other 2

were watching Al-Jazeera such as most of the people all over the world did because they saw

that the Egyptian media channels were deceiving people by showing an empty square while at

the same time the square had more than 2 million person.

March 26. I continued my online searching and I choose many topics that related to Media and

revolution that supported my topic. The first was “Media and International Cascading Effects:

The Egyptian Revolution’s Cairo-Alexandria Interdependency” and this was talking about how

social media caused the Egyptian revolution and the impact it has. It talks in three dimensions.

First dimension, vertically with the start of the Tunisian revolution which transferred to Egypt

through Kolena Khaled Said page. Second horizontally, young people had the courage to go to

the streets also social media helped to expand it to all Egyptians. Third, Compounding  effect,

From Tunisia to Egypt to Syria to Iran to Algeria and China, social media is also playing a

pivotal role in scaling connections between people, in achieving density, in disseminating

courage and in countering misinformation generated by oppressive regimes in many countries

around the world.

My Second topic was “How Social Media Is Keeping the Egyptian Revolution Alive” and this

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was taking about Social media on the internet is what keeping the Egyptian revolution alive.

Despite the fact that the estimated number of Egyptians who use twitter and Facebook is 10

million from the 80 million. Social media used its power to raise funds to help poor areas in

Egypt. The source also says that the celebration of the revolution came really early and most of

the people did not see that the change was not complete and the revolution was not complete.

The third one was a blog which has a title of “Was Egypt an Internet Revolution?” it talks about

the role of technology and social media like Facebook and twitter in the uprising in the Egyptian

revolution which made the biggest change ever that no one anticipated. Therefore, the writer see

that what happened in Egypt is called an Internet revolution. My fourth topic was “Exactly What

Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?” it talked about The role of social

media is critical because it helps to spread cognitive dissonance by connecting thought leaders

and activists to ordinary citizens rapidly expanding the network of people who become willing to

take action which means that media was the tool that connect people thoughts together and

become one hand such as what happened in Khalid Said page and on Twitter also. The media

also helped people reach some important characters which led the revolution such as Asmaa

Mahfouz and Wael Ghoneim.

Apr 1. I continued my online search to find more sources that may help me in my search and I

found “Media effects Research” this book is talking about social media and how it affect the

societies. First, he defines what media is and what is the importance of media and how the media

message is persuade people without even trying. Furthermore, he talked about the branches that

media affect on the society such as Sexual, politics, religion and its big effect on children.

Moreover, he gave a brief history of media effects on societies and he showed that how was the

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media helped in changing the world such as it was the reason for many wars all over the world

which destroyed countries and constructing other ones. Furthermore, I found another book which

called “Communication as culture” Which talks about Media and how it became one  of the most

important tool that deliver the information to the people so the writer consider the media become

part from our culture because he consider the media is very important in our daily life. Moreover,

I found “Media Effects” which is talking about the effect of media on people and it said that

media messages have a direct and significant effect on the knowledge, attitudes and even

behavior of members of the audience.

Another article which grasp my attention and I used it in my research is “Egypt’s Revolution

2.0 : The Facebook Factor” which talks about facebook and how it was one of the most factors

that affect the egyptian revolution such as “We are all Khaled Said” which was the main engine

that triggered the revolution. It also talks about 6 April movement and the role they played in the

egyptian revolution. Moreover, it clarified what happened in the first days of the revolution 25,

26, 27, 28 of January. Finally, the writer sees that “what happened in Egypt was not a Facebook

Revolution. But it could not have come about without the Facebook generation, generation 2.0,

who are taking, and with their fellow citizens, making history”. Furthermore, I found the article

“The Egyptian e-Revolution and the Role of Social Networking” which really was a helpful

source which had a lot of information that helped me understand more about the role of social

media because it clearly shows that role of all social media such as Facebook, twitter, Youtube,

and blogs. and it also give information about the beginning of the revolution and how was the

idea come to the mind and the planning for the ideal till the victory of our generation against the

unjust rulers.

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Media Effect on Egyptian revolution 2012

First Draft


Today is our first day in the Rhet class and I feel comfortable with the teacher and the

student although i know no one from the students. In one of our first classes the teacher told us to

choose a topic that we want to know more about and to form a search question to write on our

paper.Then he told us about the I search which he preferred this name much more than research.

I was confused to choose because I had many topics which are Soccer, Egyptian revolution and

cycling. Moreover, we talked about the electronic portfolio on issue.com and how to make a

portfolio to keep things online. We also mentioned what the course will be about and what we

should do in this course such as journals. Finally we left the class waiting for another one. I

choose Soccer because I love it much and I need to know more about it. I send my topic and

some sources to the doctor to reply by agree or disagree. Next day morning the doctor said ok for

the topic and I started to work on it.

I spent One week working on Soccer topic and we took two days break for the parlimant

elections and I was not know anyone from the people I should elect so I said to myself how am I

an egyptian citizen and I did not know who should I elect. In our area the Muslims Brotherhood

were the dominating people so I tried to know more about them. I go back to their history and I

remember their effective role in our great revolution so I decided to change my topic to know

more for the Muslims Brotherhood. After searching the internet I found that I will not be able to

write a whole draft for them but what took my attention that they were good people while the

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media was showing them terrorists and killers. Finally I decided to know more about the media

and especially in the Egyptian revolution. Moreover, I chose this topic because I really

appreciate our great victory that we did. I was one of the people that were in Tahrir square and i

spend their more than 10 days so I know that what happened was really great. I want to know

how the media cover the revolution and what is believable and what is not. I decided to search

for this topic because I am really interested to know more about the revolution and to see other

peoples’ opinions that I did not see when I was in the square. I get 6 sources that should help me

in my topic and started in analyzing them and see what happened in the Square from the media

point of view so I send to Dr. Michael my new topic and my sources and he accept so I began in

writing my journal and searching for some articles and videos that will help me.

The story of my search:

I started my online search and I found a lot on media role in the revolution but I preferred

to start with some interviews so today I was conferencing with Dr. Michael and started my

interview by asking him about his opinion of the media in Egypt especially during the revolution.

He said that the Egyptian mass media had no credibility (Egyptian TV) at all because they were

viewing the Nile and the Tahrir square while he was empty so he was watching some other

channels such as Al-Jazeera. He laughed and imitates what happened in Egypt with what

happened in AUC magazines. He said that that same thing happened here because Caravan is not

showing all the truth because it is controlled by AUC media department while Dimensions is free

to tell the news that way it wants. Moreover, I continued my interviews by asking my family

about their opinions for the media during the Egyptian revolution. My father said that Egypt

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mass media (TV) was always lying on us so he called it the government mass media. Moreover,

my mother said that “I do not know what the purpose of lying on people is, what they do not

know is that by this way the people will become more angry”

After many days I was in Tahrir square today to buy a laptop from l Bostan Mall so on

my way back I decided to interviewing some people who still in Tahrir Square. I gave the laptop

to one of my friends and went to ask people about how was the media during the revolution from

their perspective. I asked 6 people and 4 of them told me that they did not see any media

channels during the revolution because they know well that they were absolutely lying while the

other 2 were watching Al-Jazeera such as most of the people all over the world did because they

saw that the Egyptian media channels were deceiving people by showing an empty square while

at the same time the square had more than 2 million person. Finally, after finshing my interviews

I back to continue my online search to find more supportive sources and trying to get some


What I found:

First, I defined mass media which is “refers collectively to all media technologies that are

intended to reach a large audience via mass communication”. Then I started searching on what is

social media and how it affect people and I found two sources that answered my question which

are “Media effects Research” that talk about social media and how it affect the societies. First, he

defines what media is and what is the importance of media and how the media message is

persuade people without even trying. Furthermore, he talked about the branches that media affect

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on the society such as Sexual, politics, religion and its big effect on children. Moreover, he gave

a brief history of media effects on societies and he showed that how was the media helped in

changing the world such as it was the reason for many wars all over the world which destroyed

countries and constructing other ones. And the other is “Communication as culture” Which talks

about Media and how it became one  of the most important tool that deliver the information to

the people so the writer consider the media become part from our culture because he consider the

media is very important in our daily life. Moreover, I found “Media Effects” which is talking

about the effect of media on people and it said that media messages have a direct and significat

effect on the knowledge, attitudes and even behaviors of members of the audience.

Second, I focused my search on the role that media play during the revolution time

espically the e-media which are Facebook, twitter, Youtube and Blogs. I found many articles that

talks about this issue which are “How Social Media Is Keeping the Egyptian Revolution Alive”

this article was taking about Social media on the internet is what keeping the Egyptian revolution

alive. Despite the fact that the estimated number of Egyptians who use twitter and Facebook is

10 million from the 80 million. Social media used its power to raise funds to help poor areas in

Egypt. The source also says that the celebration of the revolution came really early and most of

the people did not see that the change was not complete and the revolution was not complete.

Furthermore, I found “Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?”

which was talking about the role of social media is critical because it helps to spread cognitive

dissonance by connecting thought leaders and activists to ordinary citizens rapidly expanding the

network of people who become willing to take action which means that media was the tool that

connect people thoughts together and become one hand such as what happened in Khalid Said

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page and on Twitter also. The media also helped people reach some important characters which

led the revolution such as Asmaa Mahfouz and Wael Ghoneim.

While I am continuing my online search I found two articles that mention the main idea

which help me a lot because of their analyzing for the role of every social network and these

articles are “Egypt’s Revolution 2.0 : The Facebook Factor” which talks about facebook and how

it was one of the most factors that affect the Egyptian revolution such as “We are all Khalid

Said” which was the main engine that triggered the revolution. It also talks about 6 April

movement and the role they played in the Egyptian revolution. Moreover, it clarified what

happened in the first days of the revolution 25, 26, 27, 28 of January. Finally, the writer sees that

“what happened in Egypt was not a Facebook Revolution. But it could not have come about

without the Facebook generation, generation 2.0, who are taking, and with their fellow citizens,

making history”. And the other one was “The Egyptian e-Revolution and the Role of Social

Networking” which really was a helpful source which had a lot of information that helped me

understand more about the role of social media because it clearly shows that role of all social

media such as Facebook “It is the primary tool for the revolution that converted it to a real e-

Revolution.The Facebook role was essential through the demonstration process in planning,

providing news and getting updates”. Twitter “while the protesters were in the streets moving

from Cairo areas, Twitter was the best method to send direct status and updates about the current

situation. Youtube “as a video sharing application, demonstrators were able to document the

events and share it with the world through video proofs and evidence about what is really

happening out there. Although the press was covering the events in depth, the people’s video

contribution showed us events that could not be covered by the press reporters”. Blogs “in the

time where there is no real press freedom, professional and amateur writers only have the web

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and blogs to let their words get heard. Blogs give everyone on the web a way to share thoughts

and ideas in a personalized way which sounds like a good tool for activists to spread their ideas”.

and it also give information about the beginning of the revolution and how was the idea come to

the mind and the planning for the ideal till the victory of our generation against the unjust rulers.


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Media Effect on Egyptian revolution

Final Draft


Today is our first day in the English class and I feel comfortable with the teacher and the

student although I know no one from the students. In one of our first classes the teacher told us to

choose a topic that we want to know more about and to form a search question to write on our

paper. Then he told us about the I-search which he preferred this name much more than research.

I was confused to choose because I had many topics in my head which are Soccer, Egyptian

revolution and cycling. Moreover, we talked about the electronic portfolio on issue.com and how

to make a portfolio to keep things online. We also mentioned what the course will be about and

what we should do in this course such as journals. After deep thinking I choose Soccer because I

love it much and I need to know more about it. I send my topic and some sources to the doctor to

reply by agree or disagree. Next day morning the doctor said ok for the topic and I started to

work on it.

I spent One week working on Soccer topic until we took two days break for the

parliament elections. I was not know anyone from the people I should elect so I said to myself

how am I an Egyptian citizen and I did not know who should I elect. In our area the Muslims

Brotherhood were the dominating people such as most of Egypt so I tried to know more about

them. I went back to their history and I remember their effect in our great revolution so I decided

to change my topic to know more for the Muslims Brotherhood. After searching the internet I

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found that I will not be able to write a whole draft for them but what took my attention that they

are good people who care for the country while the media was showing them terrorists and

killers. After thinking for all these staff I decided to know more about the media role and

especially the social media in the Egyptian revolution. I also choose this topic because I really

appreciate our great victory that we did and tried to know more about the factors that affect the

revolution. I was one of the people that were in Tahrir square and I spend their more than 10

days so I really know that what happened was really great. I want to know how the media cover

the revolution and what is believable and what is not. I decided to search for this topic because I

am really interested to know more about the revolution and to see other peoples’ opinions that I

did not see when I was in the square. I get 6 sources that should help me in my topic and started

in analyzing them and see what happened in the Square from the media point of view so I sent to

Dr. Michael my new topic and my sources and he accepted so I began in writing my journal and

searching for some articles and videos that would help me.

The story of my search:

I started my online search and I found a lot on media role in the revolution but I preferred

to start with some interviews so today I was conferencing with Dr. Michael and started my

interview by asking him about his opinion of the media in Egypt during the revolution. He said

that the Egyptian mass media had no credibility at all because they were viewing the Nile and an

empty Tahrir square while the people were covering the streets so he was watching other

channels such as Al-Jazeera. While he was taking he laughed and imitates what happened in

Egypt with what happened in AUC magazines. He said that the same thing happened here in

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campus because Caravan is not showing all the truth because it is controlled by AUC media

department while Dimensions is free to tell the news the way it wants. Moreover, I continued my

interviews by asking my family about their opinions for the media during the Egyptian

revolution. My father said that Egypt mass media (TV) was always lying on us so he called it the

government mass media. Moreover, my mother said that “I do not know what the purpose of

lying on people is, what they do not know is that by this way the people will become more


After many days I was in Tahrir square buying a laptop from l Bostan Mall so on my

way back I decided interviewing some people who still in Tahrir Square. I went to ask people

about how was the media during the revolution from their perspective. I asked 6 people and 4 of

them told me that they did not see any Egyptian channels during the revolution because they

know well that they were absolutely lying while the other 2 were watching Al-Jazeera such as

most of the people all over the world did because they saw that the Egyptian media channels

were deceiving people by showing an empty square while at the same time the square had more

than 2 million person. Finally, after finishing my interviews I back to continue my online search

to find more supportive sources and trying to get some videos.

What I found:

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First, I defined mass media which is “refers collectively to all media technologies that are

intended to reach a large audience via mass communication”. Then I started searching on what is

social media and how it affect people and I found two books that helped me answering my

question which were “Media effects Research” and “Communication as culture”. The first was

talking about social media and how it affects the societies. First, he defined what media is, what

the importance of media is and how the media message is persuading people without even trying.

Furthermore, he talked about the branches that media affect on the society such as Sexual,

politics, religion and its big effect on children. Moreover, he gave a brief history of media effects

on societies and he showed that how was the media helped in changing the world such as it was

the reason for many wars all over the world which destroyed countries and constructing other

ones. And the other one was “Communication as culture” Which talked about Media and how it

became one  of the most important tool that deliver the information to the people so the writer

consider the media become part from our culture because he consider the media is very

important in our daily life. Moreover, I found “Media Effects” which was talking about the effect

of media on people and it said that media messages have a direct and significant effect on the

knowledge, attitudes and even behaviors of members of the audience.

Second, I focused my search on the role that media play during the revolution time

especially the e-media which are Facebook, twitter, Youtube and Blogs. I found many articles

that talk about this issue which are “How Social Media Is Keeping the Egyptian Revolution

Alive” and “Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?” The first

article was taking about Social media on the internet and what is keeping the Egyptian revolution

alive. Despite the fact that the estimated number of Egyptians who use twitter and Facebook is

10 million from the 80 million. Social media used its power to raise funds to help poor areas in

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Egypt. The article also said that the celebration of the revolution came really early and most of

the people did not see that the change was not complete and the revolution was not complete.

The second article I found was talking about the role of social media is critical because it helps to

spread cognitive dissonance by connecting thought leaders and activists to ordinary citizens

rapidly expanding the network of people who become willing to take action which means that

media was the tool that connect people thoughts together and become one hand such as what

happened in Khaled Said page and on Twitter also. The media also helped people reach some

important characters which led the revolution such as Asmaa Mahfouz and Wael Ghoneim.

While I am continuing my online search I found two articles that mentioned the main

idea which help me a lot because of their analyzing for the role of every social network and these

articles are “Egypt’s Revolution 2.0: The Facebook Factor” which talked about facebook and

how it was one of the most factors that affect the Egyptian revolution such as “We are all Khalid

Said” which was the main engine that triggered the revolution. It also talks about 6 April

movement and the role they played in the Egyptian revolution. Moreover, it clarified what

happened in the first days of the revolution 25, 26, 27, 28 of January. Finally, the writer saw that

“what happened in Egypt was not a Facebook Revolution. But it could not have come about

without the Facebook generation, generation 2.0, who were taking, and with their fellow citizens,

making history”. And the other one was “The Egyptian e-Revolution and the Role of Social

Networking” which really was a helpful source which had a lot of information that helped me

understand more about the role of social media. It clearly showed that role of all social media

which are Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Blogs. First, “Facebook was the primary tool for the

revolution that converted it to a real e-revolution. The Facebook role was essential through the

demonstration process in planning, providing news and getting updates”. Twitter “while the

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protesters were in the streets moving from Cairo areas, Twitter was the best method to send

direct status and updates about the current situation. Youtube “as a video sharing application,

demonstrators were able to document the events and share it with the world through video proofs

and evidence about what is really happening out there. Although the press was covering the

events in depth, the people’s video contribution showed us events that could not be covered by

the press reporters”. Blogs “in the time where there was no real press freedom, professional and

amateur writers only have the web and blogs to let their words get heard. Blogs gave everyone

on the web a way to share thoughts and ideas in a personalized way which sounds like a good

tool for activists to spread their ideas”. and it also give information about the beginning of the

revolution and how was the idea come to the mind and the planning for the ideal till the victory

of our generation against the unjust rulers. Furthermore, I also found a video for Wael Ghoniem

while he was talking to CNN channel after the president Mubarak resigned and he talked about

what is happening in Egypt and clearly mentioned the importance of Facebook and all of the

social media because he said that this revolution started online and became an e-revolution.

On the other hand, I found a good article that I also used because it connected what

happened in Egypt by what happened in Tunisia. The article “Media and International Cascading

Effects: The Egyptian Revolution’s Cairo-Alexandria Interdependency” which has three

dimensions was talking about how social media caused the Egyptian revolution and the impact it

has. First, the Tunisian revolution transferred to Egypt through Kolena Khalid Said page.

Second, young people had the courage to go to the streets also social media helped to expand it

to all Egyptians. Third, Compounding  effect, From Tunisia to Egypt to Syria to Iran to Algeria

and China, social media is also playing a pivotal role in scaling connections between people, in

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achieving density, in disseminating courage and in countering misinformation generated by

oppressive regimes in many countries around the world.

To conclude, I think that social media was the real connection between Egyptians during

the revolution time. Socially media especially facebook helped people a lot to connect to each

other easily and to know the news and the updates that happened in the Tahrir square. I do not

think that we were able to continuo struggling against the corrupt system without the role of

social media because not only social media gave the updates but also they always gave the hope

to the people and told them that we could make it and we would about make it.

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Works Cited

Ali, Amro. "Media and Intranational Cascading Effects: The Egyptian Revolution’s Cairo-Alexandria Interdependency." Egypt & Middle East Scholar. N.p., 05-09-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://amroali.com/2011/09/media-and-intranational-cascading-effects-the-egyptian- revolutions-cairo-alexandria-interdependency/>.

Aitamurto, Tanja. "How Social Media Is Keeping the Egyptian Revolution Alive." Media Shif: Your Guide to the digital media revolution. N.p., 13-09-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2011/09/how-social-media-is-keeping-the-egyptian-revolution-alive256.html>.

Carey, James. Communication as culture. Revised. UK: Routledge, 2009. <http://www.google.com.eg/books?hl=en&lr=&id=hZO1Xmus5_AC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=media effects on society&ots=m7HFWZPhfB&sig=X3kH6GFoKwRNBbJXxHozcU55yMo&redir_esc=y

Elmansy, Rafiq. "The Egyptian eRevolution and the Role of Social Networking Read more: http://www.graphicmania.net/the-egyptian-erevolution-and-the-role-of-social-networking/

Franklin, Pop. "Media effects." Credo reference: Smart Research Starts Here. N.p., 2005. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.credoreference.com.library.aucegypt.edu:2048/entry/sageukjour/media_effects>.

Grusin, Richard. "Was Egypt an Internet Revolution?."premeditation. N.p., 10-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://premediation.blogspot.com/2011/02/egypt-revolution-and-agency-of.html>.

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Herrera, Linda. "Egypt's Revolution 2.0: The Facebook Factor." Jadaliyya. N.p., 12-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/612/egypts-revolution-2.0_the-facebook-factor>.

Mainwaring, Simon. "Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?." Fast Company. N.p., 14-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.fastcompany.com/1727466/exactly-what-role-did-social-media-play-in-the-egyptian-revolution>.

“Mass Media.” Oxford. Online version. 2010

Sparks, Glenn. Media Effects Research. Third. Boston, USA: 1976. eBook. <http://www.google.com.eg/books?hl=en&lr=&id=s_Gh_E3uOEQC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=media effects on society&ots=VAgg2oJ9nl&sig=DWCBCSsLiDP6QyzZ9HIFsVj7GIE&redir_esc=y

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Annotated Bibliography

How the media played a big role in the Egyptian revolution 2011?

Ali, Amro. "Media and Intranational Cascading Effects: The Egyptian Revolution’s Cairo-Alexandria Interdependency." Egypt & Middle East Scholar. N.p., 05-09-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://amroali.com/2011/09/media-and-intranational-cascading-effects-the-egyptian-revolutions-cairo-alexandria-interdependency/>.

The article is talking about how social media caused the Egyptian revolution and the impact it has. It talks in three dimensions. First dimension, vertically with the start of the Tunisian revolution which transferred to Egypt through Kolena Khaled Said page. Second horizontally, young people had the courage to go to the streets also social media helped to expand it to all Egyptians. Third, Compounding  effect, From Tunisia to Egypt to Syria to Iran to Algeria and China, social media is also playing a pivotal role in scaling connections between people, in achieving density, in disseminating courage and in countering misinformation generated by oppressive regimes in many countries around the world.

Aitamurto, Tanja. "How Social Media Is Keeping the Egyptian Revolution Alive." Media Shif: Your Guide to the digital media revolution. N.p., 13-09-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2011/09/how-social-media-is-keeping-the-egyptian-revolution-alive256.html>.

Social media on the internet is what keeping the Egyptian revolution alive. Despite the fact that the estimated number of Egyptians who use twitter and Facebook is 10 million from the 80 million. Social media used its power to raise funds to help poor areas in Egypt. The source also says that the celebration of the revolution came really early and most of the people did not see that the change was not complete and the revolution was not complete.

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Carey, James. Communication as culture. Revised. UK: Routledge, 2009. <http://www.google.com.eg/books?hl=en&lr=&id=hZO1Xmus5_AC&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=media effects on society&ots=m7HFWZPhfB&sig=X3kH6GFoKwRNBbJXxHozcU55yMo&redir_esc=y

This book is talking about Media and how it become one of the most important tool that deliver the information to the people so the writer consider the media become part from our culture because he consider the media is very important in our daily life.

Elmansy, Rafiq. "The Egyptian eRevolution and the Role of Social Networking Read more: http://www.graphicmania.net/the-egyptian-erevolution-and-the-role-of-social-networking/

The article was a really helpful source which had a lot of information that helped me understand more about the role of social media because it clearly shows that role of all social media such as Facebook, twitter, Youtube, and blogs. and it also give information about the beginning of the revolution and how was the idea come to the mind and the planning for the ideal till the victory of our generation against the unjust rulers.

Franklin, Pop. "Media effects." Credo reference: Smart Research Starts Here. N.p., 2005. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.credoreference.com.library.aucegypt.edu:2048/entry/sageukjour/media_effects>.

The article is talking about the effect of media on people and it said that media messages have a direct and significant effect on the knowledge, attitudes and even behaviour of members of the audience.

Grusin, Richard. "Was Egypt an Internet Revolution?."premeditation. N.p., 10-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://premediation.blogspot.com/2011/02/egypt-revolution-and-agency-of.html>.

It talks about the role of technology and social media like Facebook and twitter in the uprising in the Egyptian revolution which made the hugest change ever that no one anticipated. Therefore, the writer see that waht happened in Egypt is called an Internet revolution.

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Herrera, Linda. "Egypt's Revolution 2.0: The Facebook Factor." Jadaliyya. N.p., 12-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.jadaliyya.com/pages/index/612/egypts-revolution-2.0_the-facebook-factor>.

the article is talking about facebook and how it was one of the most factors that affect the egyptian revolution such as “We are all Khaled Said” which was the main engine that triggered the revolution. It also talks about 6 April movement and the role they played in the egyptian revolution. Moreover, it clarified what happened in the first days of the revolution 25, 26, 27, 28 of january . Finally, the writer see that “what happened in Egypt was not a Facebook Revolution. But it could not have come about without the Facebook generation, generation 2.0, who are taking, and with their fellow citizens, making history”.

Mainwaring, Simon. "Exactly What Role Did Social Media Play in the Egyptian Revolution?." Fast Company. N.p., 14-02-2011. Web. 15 April 2012. <http://www.fastcompany.com/1727466/exactly-what-role-did-social-media-play-in-the-egyptian-revolution>.

It talked about The role of social media is critical because it helps to spread cognitive dissonance by connecting thought leaders and activists to ordinary citizens rapidly expanding the network of people who become willing to take action which means that media was the tool that connect people thoughts together and become one hand such as what happened in Khaled Said page and on Twitter also. The media also helped people reach some important characters which led the revolution such as Asmaa Mahfouz and Wael Ghoniem.

“Mass Media.” Oxford. Online version. 2010

Sparks, Glenn. Media Effects Research. Third. Boston, USA: 1976. eBook. <http://www.google.com.eg/books?hl=en&lr=&id=s_Gh_E3uOEQC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=media effects on society&ots=VAgg2oJ9nl&sig=DWCBCSsLiDP6QyzZ9HIFsVj7GIE&redir_esc=y

This book is talking about social media and how it affect the societies. First, he defines what is media and what is the importance of media and how is the media message persuade people without even trying. Furthermore, he talked about the branches that media affect on the society such as Sexual, politics, religion and its big effect on children. Moreover, he gave a breief history of media effects on socities and he showed that how was the media helped in changing the world such as it was the reason for many wars all over the world which destroyed countries and conustructing other ones.

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