shortcut of keyboard

Upload: ganesh-gani

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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  • 8/12/2019 Shortcut of Keyboard


    short cutMore than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must readSHARE IT........

    Keyboard Shorcuts (Microsoft Windos!1. "TR#$" ("o%y!&. "TR#$' ("ut!

    ...... . "TR#$) (*aste!+. "TR#$, (-ndo!. /E#ETE (/eete!. SHI2T$/E#ETE (/eete the seected item %ermanenty ithout %acin3 the item inthe Recyce 4in!5. "TR# hie dra33in3 an item ("o%y the seected item!6. "TR#$SHI2T hie dra33in3 an item ("reate a shortcut to the seected item!7. 2& 8ey (Rename the seected item!10. "TR#$RI9HT ARR:W (Mo;e the insertion %oint to the be3innin3 of the ne

  • 8/12/2019 Shortcut of Keyboard


    short cut&. Windos #o3o$4REAK (/is%ay the System *ro%erties diao3 bo

    &. =-M #:"K$Asteris8 si3n (C! (/is%ay a of the subfoders that are under theseected foder!&+. =-M #:"K$*us si3n ($! (/is%ay the contents of the seected foder!&. =-M #:"K$Minus si3n (! ("oa%se the seected foder!&. #E2T ARR:W ("oa%se the current seection if it is e or seect the%arent foder!&5. RI9HT ARR:W (/is%ay the current seection if it is coa%sed> or seect thefirst subfoder!

    Shortcut Keys for "haracter Ma%After you doubecic8 a character on the 3rid of characters> you can mo;ethrou3h the 3rid by usin3 the 8eyboard shortcutsD1. RI9HT ARR:W (Mo;e to the ri3htor to the be3innin3 of the ne if any> for the seected item!. 2 8ey (-%date the content of a consoe indos!

    . "TR#$210 (Ma

  • 8/12/2019 Shortcut of Keyboard
