
Ricardo Aum - @ ricardoaum - [email protected] Hello my name is Ricardo and today I'll show you how Twitbadges will transform your experience with Twitter.

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Post on 21-Aug-2015




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Ricardo Aum - @ricardoaum - [email protected]

Hello my name is Ricardo and today I'll show you how Twitbadges will transform your experience with Twitter.

Before talking about the tool, let me tell you a story of a friend of mine. This is John.

John loves social media, especially Twitter..

He considers himself an addict and checks his status regularly, from the computer or the phone.

Just like John, there are more than 50 millions of active users accessing Twitter at least once a day posting more than 140 million tweets per day.

John loves to participate in conversations using hashtags. Ever since he created a hashtag and all his friends started using it, subsequently friends of his friends used it

and in less than 24 hours, there were more than 10 thousand tweets carrying the hashtag that he had created.

But less than 24 hours after that, nobody could remember his hashtag, let alone of its creator. Everything on twitter is very fast and that makes John a bit frustrated.

Sometimes John thinks how great it would be if there were a way to store those moments so that he could one day show his grandchildren, to his mother who keeps saying he is wasting time with this internet nonsense, or even to a potential employer.  

It is however, not easy to keep track of everything you do on Twitter.At least it wasn’t until now.

With TwitBadges, John can show everyone that he created a hashtag that was used more than 10,000 times.

Or that she was one of the first people to use a hashtag that became a trending topic.

Or a tweet that managed more than 1,000 retweets.

Actually there are many other achievements that John did not know he had.But now he knows. And all his friends now know it too. His future boss will now be able to know everything that happens on Twitter, because it is stored in Twitbadges in the form of badges that tell what John did to achieve it.

Twitbadges also helps John discover new topics that might be of his interest.And also find out about what his friends are talking about, even when he is not on Twitter.

John can also let everyone know through his profile, how much he loves bacon.

And that's how Twitbadges will improve your Twitter experience, creating a history of your activities in a fun and easy way.

Now you already know John and Twitbadges, but how to present this tool to all other 400 million Twitter users out there? How to get others like John, to discover that their accomplishments on Twitter need not vanish in the timeline after a week? How to make them understand the benefits of using the tool on a day to day basis?

Well, there’s nothing better than to show them the practical benefits of the tool. But since we cannot take them to the platform, the platform will be taken to them.

The goal is to identify the most influential Twitter users in various categories and physically send them what the site has to offer  To exemplify, I chose a influential people on Twitter that everyone here knows. Karl.

Karl would receive a direct mail showing his achievements, and also his badges embroidered or in a form of buttons.

To calculate the ROI, we can assume an estimated market where the average income per user is around $3.50 per year. Estimating an average production cost of each mailing at around $50, we can say that each influencer might bring 15 users, which sounds reasonable. If our estimates are correct we will achieve our initial goal.

Thank youfor your time.


[email protected]

Thanks for your time and feel free to ask me anything.