uncanny valley week 2 - lindemann

Why, hello there. Are you ready to get started on Week 2? I know I am! Let's go!

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Post on 02-Jul-2015



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Beginning round 2 with the town Founder, Heaven Lindemann.


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Why, hello there. Are you ready to get started on Week 2? I know I am!

Let's go!

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If you read the recap, you'll know that last week Heaven hooked up with Nabila here, and also Stephanie, who's now living with the twins. Nabila won this one, seeing as I like this pair better.

Heaven invites Naibila over, all friendly and neighbor-like, and she asks if she can bring a friend. No problem, right?

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What would make you think a silly thing like that? Hi Trouble and Trouble 2. Why am I not surprised you're here?

Really, I can't even blame her for this one, I know it's all him.

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Since the gang's all here, we might as well make a day of it. Lot of socialising to go around. Everybody wants to congratulate Kareema on getting the utilities hooked up. That's a big load off their minds.

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Eventually, everyone else is sent home, though, and these two get to spend some time alone together.

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She even spends the night.

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When she isn't spending time in the office or skilling like a fiend, Heaven likes to greet every neighbor who walks by and hang out for a while. As you can see, Euphie's still tremendously pregnant. Eventually, one of these days, she won't be pregnant all week, I promise.

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See? Everybody everybody. Euphie's everywhere. I think she gets bored easily.

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Nabila: Oh! A dog! Where did you come from?Pack Leader: Yes, come closer, tasty morsel. I mean, mortal.

Nabila, no. Nabila, stop. Nabila, don't touch that.

And then, Heaven decided she wanted to be a werewolf. Head, meet desk.

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Aside from truly horrifying notions of what animals are safe to be around—or what animals are even actually animals—she's still a real joy to have around. Heaven invites her over a couple times a week now, so we might as well go ahead and make it official.

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I go ahead and direct Heaven to ask her to move in.

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The magic picture. Where'd you get that shiny rock, anyhow?

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In a town this small, where everyone knows everyone, there's little else to do but socialise. And it's the best way to keep in touch, really.

Come to find out they shouldn't have phone lines right now? Because the town is too small. So, yeah, I'm going to be fixing that next week. I'll get the hang of this eventually.

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/throws hands in air

I give up.

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Son of a bitch!

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Get out, Gary.

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Agnar: /obliviously does ballet


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Gary: NAKED!

OMG, everybody get out you're all terrible.

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Damn you all!

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Dinner and a show, gentlefolk.

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See? She even does the dishes and everything. You beautiful woman, you.

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Sometimes they get together and do yoga. What's this one called? Downward-facing Dog? I don't have a clue. Help a sista out?

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In the morning they share breakfast.

...and paper airplanes. Not sure how the Sim City Chronicle gets delivered way out here, but it comes in handy.

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So they borrowed the Hsia's arch and set it up in the yard.

Y'all know what this means.

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It means we teleport every in town to the lot to have a big ol' shindig.

...Agnar. RUDE.

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Break out the hors d'ourves, cause it's weddin' time.

Heaven: Guys, stop playing on the ballet barre, I'm getting married here!Stephanie: Who invited this guy? He keeps sniffing me, and it's creepy.Pack Leader: Are you wearing Channel? I fucking love Channel!

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And that's that.

Nabila: Sweetheart, stop playing with Spot and come help me cut the cake.Heaven: Just one nibble, that's all I'm asking for.Pack Leader: Keep wiggling those fingers and you might get it.Ibrahim: ...Are its eyes glowing? Is that normal?

Dude, nothing about this town is normal. Especially not anyone in it.

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The moment of truth: will she shove that piece of cake in her wife's face, or politely offer her a bite?

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Nabila Duman is not a cake-shover, thank you very much.

That does look tasty, though.

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Indoors, everyone gets jiggy. This is kinda sad, watching Agnar watch her dance with someone else, especially Ibrahim, of all people.

Esperanza: Can't the dishes wait until after the honeymoon?Nabila: No sense getting bugs!

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One thing's for sure: love is in there air tonight, and everybody's spreading it.

...okay, that. Metaphor kinda got away from me there, uh. Sounds really wrong. Let's move on.

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Well, at least she throws the guy a bone.

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Breakfast is, of course, leftover wedding cake! It's likely that they're going to be eating this until the village children are married themselves.

No sense wasting food, I say. And it's quickly eaten, and fills a Sim up quite nicely. Win-win. The cavities? Not so much.

That is, if Sims got cavities. Lucky bastards.

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Everyone in town's an art critic. Although really, Euphie'd know, she's painted enough of these. Beats the alternative.

Euphie: Remember your proportions—symmetry is the bane of an artist. It makes for a boring picture. The golden ratio is a 2:3 weight to one side....

(And this is why she's going to be the town's teacher.)

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SURPRISE! Who saw this coming? I sure didn't!

Finally. You go, Eyulf!

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Gary: Uh, guys? You're sort of standing in the way.Kareema & Eyulf: (OBNOXIOUS MAKEOUT NOISES)Gary: ...Guys? I have to use the toilet.

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So they took it outside, instead.

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By now, it's very late fall. The trees, were there any, would have dropped every leaf by now, and it has started to rain fairly regularly. Obviously, this could be a problem, what with living in a flood plain, so everyone's keeping a close eye on the FREDs.

....For those of you not trapped in Tornado Alley, FRED stands for “Fracking Ridiculous Electronic Device”—basically, a NORAAD radio. FRED is an SCA term—or at least, that's where I firstheard it.

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Nabila: I don't believe it!Kareema: What? That it's raining?Nabila: No, you've magically forgotten how to knock. Or call before coming over.Kareema: Don't be silly! I'd never do that.Nabila: Yeah, I know.

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Heaven: Again?

Yes, again. Don't worry, the ground seems to be absorbing most of it.

Oh, don't forget to pay the bills, while you're out there.

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It's actually gotten cool enough that some people have started to break out their winter clothes. You probably noticed Nabila's new sweater earlier. Ibrahim...goes a little further. Personally, I would have gone without the giant mittens and ear muffs, but to each his own. Dashing scarf, Agnar.

Yes, those are crush hearts. Yes, I am ignoring them. No, he does not have any for her.


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So, does anyone remember how I said that I had an idea about how to get Heaven and Nabila to have kids, even though they're both women? Yeah, this is that idea. I want a few flat-faced green children running around town.

Don't judge me. 8D

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In the background, canoodling. CANOOOOOOOODLING.

You might want to try morse code, babe.

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Also, notice who's missing? Yep. I had the game on ultra speed and I missed the pickup, but she's abducted.

(A note: normally, it's not possible for a female sim to be impregnated by aliens, but I have a hack that makes it work. Otherwise I'd have to fall back on the SimBlender (another hack), and I don't like to do that.

Most people who play the game know this, but I have people in the audience who don't play. This is for them. <3 )

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Dateline: Uncanny Valley, the wee hours of the morning...

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Hey, I'd be horrified if they dumped me face-first on the pavement, too. You bastards could at least give a person a coupon for a meal or something!

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Being a Knowledge Sim, Heaven gets a kick out of the prospect. But sadly, there's no chime! It seems I have a problem.

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Second time's the charm.

A quick search through my Downloads pinpoints the problem: I'm missing the character files for my multi-PT hack. Whelp, that'd do it, all right.

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Heaven: The experiment—did it work?

Yes. Yes, it did.

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In celebration, she promptly makes friends with the excersize machine I bought to replace the ballet barre.

HAHA NO, I'M KIDDING. I'm pretty sure she just got off the phone is all. Although with as much time as she spends on this thing, I'd be surprised if they didn't have tea parties together.

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Heaven: ...Honey. Is there something you want to tell me?

Experiment: Successful. She won't have the baby before the end of the week, but it's a swell start.

Plus she looks adorable in her little sweatshirt. ~Baby bump!~

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Kareema still comes over every time she has a spare minute, and it's good to have her. Sometimes, they even know she's coming.

For the record, this isn't inaccurate, either. It does actually snow in the desert, it just doesn't tend to snow all that much, and mostly only in certain areas, but it's not uncommon. Just check out pictures of the Great Salt Lake sometime!

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Kareema: So! How's being pregnant?Heaven: Not feeling it. Mostly it just sucks. But I hear there's an important development in your life?Kareema: Eh, maybe. I don't know yet. We'll see.

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Whoops. So close, and yet so far.

And we're out for the week! I'll catch you guys on the flip side with the rest of the Duman clan. We can see what kind of mischief they're up to. ¡Adios!