world war i (1914-1918) the great war europe changes forever

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  • World War I (1914-1918) The Great War Europe Changes forever
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  • Intro Video Start at 39 minutes eYQYk
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  • The Isms The world had changed and influence had been put on three things 1)Imperialism 2)Militarism 3)Nationalism 1)M.A.I.N.S Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism, Significant People
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  • 1-Imperialism The movement in the late 19 th and early 20 th century To obtain land and expand your empire European version of the Manifest destiny Countries in Europe had laid claim to areas all over the world
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  • Imperialism and the Balance of Power
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  • 1-Issues of Imperialism When nations in Europe claimed their lands it often led to conflicts Opposing colonizing forces would often fight one another Boer War occurred in South Africa between the Dutch and the English
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  • 2-Militarism An expanding German army caused other powers in Europe to take notice An arms race began in Europe Military power was to be shown through army size and new naval tech.
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  • Navy power before and after Former War shipsDreadnought Class
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  • 2-The Dreadnought Germany threatened Britain's greatest claim the strength of their navy In response to this action, Britain devolved the Dreadnought (made all other warships obsolete) Britain's navy doubled, as did Germanys, as did France's and so on.
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  • 2-Militarism Frances, Germanys, Britain's, Russia and other European nations standing armies doubled
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  • 2- Secret alliances The nation was entangled in alliances that were unknown to other countries Often made to keep other countries from invading seized land Scenario.. Japanese-Russo war Great Britain is an ally of both, who do they support?
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  • 3-Nationalism Nationalism is the idea that you must band together with people similar to you The thought that your nation is greater than any other Combined with militarism, this made tensions high in Europe
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  • Alliance Systems. Go back to 1860 During American civil war the states of Prussia were waging war trying to unite the German Kingdoms The succeeded in unifying Germany Destroyed the balance of power in Europe By 1871 had unified and had become one of the international powers
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  • Alliance System In 1870 German attacked France for territory From this point on Germany and France are enemies To protect itself Germany signed a secret alliance treaty with.. Italy Austria-Hungary The Three were known as the Triple Alliance
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  • Alliance system Triple alliance caused fear for Russia How could Germany expand? Both wanted influence in Southeast Europe Why would this be important for Germany? Russia? Russia opposed Austria-Hungary Slavs
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  • Alliance System As a result France and Russia signed Franco-Russian Alliance Why? Due to the Common interest in opposing Germany and A.H.
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  • Alliance System G.B. Wanted to remain neutral Naval Race When Germany tried to equal G.B. navy the tensions increased Refused to sign a formal alliance with Russian and France but had friendly understanding entente cordiale
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  • Triple Entente
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  • The spark of War Archduke of Austria- Hungary Target of Serbian assassin group The black hand Was touring Bosnian Capital, Sarajevo Franz Ferdinand GB4o
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  • Spark of war The black hand was brought in to assassinate the archduke It took place under the knowledge of Serbian Government They had hoped that it would start a war Hoped to bring down Austro-Hungarian empire
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  • Spark of War Austria-Hungary was angered by the assassination They decided that Serbia had to be crushed to prevent a Slovak uprising however
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  • Spark of War A.H. knew that if they attacked Serbia would declare war on A.H. So they asked for Germany to back their cause -- They agreed A.H sent an ultimatum List of demands Austrian control in Serbia Repayment Etc
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  • Sparks of War Germany had made it known that it was going to back A.H Forced them into the war Russia informed everyone that they were going to back Serbia They asked for Frances aid Fearing Germany, France agreed
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  • The War Begins! On August 1 st 1914 Germany Declares war on Russia Aug. 3 rd Germany declares war on France Aug. 4 th Britain declares war on Germany Aug. 6 th A.H. declares war on Russia Aug. 12 th A.H. declares war on GB and France
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  • Kaiser Wilhelm II Leader of Germany during World War One
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  • Von Schlieffen plan Germanys Ultimate Idea Through a series of invasions they would blitz through France and Capture Paris in a matter of days There were a few problems with the plan however Russia had mobilized their army faster than Germany expected (had to remove troops from A. to B.)
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  • Von Schlieffen Plan German soldiers were to gather on the French German border and rush to Paris The thought was eliminate France and focus on Russia A quick defeat would keep Britain out of the war The plan ultimately failed
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  • What are problems with this plan?
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  • World War One As soon as Germany stepped foot in Belgium G.B. Declared war on Germany The Allied Powers (Allies) were formed (GB, France, Russia, (Italy-1915)
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  • Central Powers Germany A.H. Ottoman Empire (Turkey)
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  • Von Schlieffen plan fails Although the plan seemed to work in the beginning, it was impossible for the northern soldiers to keep up with the southern ones Got within 30 miles of Paris but was fought off Now what were the armies to do? They flanked and dug in
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  • Napoleon tactics Much Like the civil war, Europe still used the old style of warfare The idea was to rush the opposition with full frontal attacks Bad idea against machine guns The two sides constantly tried to outflank one another
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  • Race to the Sea The constant flanking moved the war north Multiple battles due to constant interaction Lead to trench warfare
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  • The Warfare The strategy for war had now changed Rather than frontal assaults, it had turned into trench warfare Why?
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  • Trench Warfare The race to the sea showed the nations that the nature of war had changed How? They dug themselves into trenches To avoid what?
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  • A common Trench
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  • Trenches The sole purpose of a trench was it offered protection from Explosives Machine guns Enemy line of vision Poison gas?
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  • Advantages of the Trench It was very effective in protection For days, months or even years Effectively stopped enemy advances Good communication lines, and ability to move from A to B
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  • Negatives of the Trench To effective at protection Any advancement lead to massive amount of deaths Were the trenches to effective? Or was it human error? Disease Pests Filthy living conditions Shell shock
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  • Death Tolls Huge numbers of troops would die as they tried to rush enemy trench Constant barrage of bullets Bodies were left in trenches
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  • Pest and infestation With the dead bodies left to rot, pests began to move into the trenches Rats*** Often they were hunted down as a source of food Also for protection for the soldiers
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  • Trench Foot Condition in which someones foot is wet for too long. The skin begins to blister, rot and eventually falls off Swelling also occurs If left untreated for too long, amputation is necessary
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  • Louse Small Parasite Feeds on human blood
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  • Trench Conditions German TrenchAllied Trenches
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  • How did Trench Warfare change the war? 1) caused the war to last much longer than anticipated 2) made the war more violent How? 3) changed the landscape of Europe forever
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  • New Techs Machine Gun Guns that could fire anywhere from 600 to 1,200 shells in a minute 20 shells a second! Known to cut trees down
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  • Tanks The First Tanks were introduced during WW1 Primitive, bulky, and mostly ineffective Usually broke down before it had a chance to go anywhere
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  • Planes Wooden Cloth vehicles Mainly used to scout Adapted machine guns TRIED to drop bombs late in the war
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  • America Enters the War Until 1917, America had a very Isolated view of the war President Wilson urged American's to stay Imperial through all this Difficult for Americans to do
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  • America choosing sides Americans could not keep their interests out of Europe They were left with a choice Central Powers Allied Powers? Who do you think a majority of Americans sided with?
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  • Pro British Sentiment Many Americans were very pro-British Many of Wilsons Cabinet were pro-British They pushed to aid G.B Great Britain used propaganda to try and influence America into the war
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  • America pulled into the war Germany knew that if they could stop American Trade to G.B. they could force them out of the war Announced they would sink any vessel in G.B. waters Angered U.S.A (Unrestricted Submarine Warfare) What is this?!
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  • The Lusitania British Passenger Liner Entered A war-zone Fired on by German U-Boat Kills 1,200 passengers (128 americans) Americans viewed it as an act of terrorism not war but America was very much so angered
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  • Other events The sinking of the Sussex Another merchant ship sunk by German U-boat Sussex Pledge Germany promised to no longer sink citizen ships without warning Wanted to keep US out
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  • Zimmerman Telegram Letter intercepted by British intelligence and published in American newspapers Stated: to Mexico from Germany 1) Aid us in war with the United States 2) in doing so, you will be returned lost lands TEXAS, NEW MEXICO, ARIZONA Ultimately pushed America into the war
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  • America Declares War Feb. 1 st 1917 (Germany resumed unrestricted warfare) Sink 6 American ships in two months April 2 nd, 1917 America Declares War War had been fought already for three years
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  • The American Soldier Doughboy
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  • Getting America Ready for War Not all Americans were sold on the war Committee on Public Information (CPI) Their goal was to sell the war to the American Public Actors, Song writers, Authors and others with a voice were recruited to paint a positive image of war Are the same practices used today?
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  • American Propaganda
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  • Troubles at home Espionage (Spying) was a major fear of the USA Espionage Act (1917) made to allow prison terms to ones found guilty Sedation Act (1918) made it illegal to speak negatively about the war Or anyone who talked badly about the president! 1,000 convictions
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  • German Americans At this time in historyhard place to live for German-Americans some were beaten for their heritage One was lynched for seeming disloyal Other common things changed as well
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  • American Pride Sauerkraut was changed to Liberty Cabbage Hamburgers were changed to Salisbury Steak
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  • Limitation of Free Speech Schenk vs. The US Stated that free speech could be restricted if it posed a danger to America 1 st amendment states: Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech What do you think about this?
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  • America Enters / Russia Leaves When America was deploying, Russia Dropped out of the war Why? Here is a hint To
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  • Bolsheviks Czar Nickolas II -- former leader of Russia Abducted his throne (gave up power) Vladimir Lenin (leader of Bolsheviks) takes control of Russian Government Communist Russia is born
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  • Cont Signed a treaty with Germany Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Gave them land for Germany to remove troops that remained in Russian Territory
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  • Why did America get involved? Yes they wanted to support GB and France, but not the biggest issue Yes they were attacked Yes they were plotted against The Biggest reason however was for Economical Reasons US had so much Invested in GB and France (Trade and Stock)
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  • Effect America had on Europe Allys moral was low Americas entry sparked a fighting sprit Likewise, lowered the moral of the Central Powers All but spelled doom for Germany and Central Powers Had to do something drastic Germany Makes a final offensive, but ultimately fails
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  • Battle of Argonne Forest German Attack stalled USA and French launch massive counter attack 600K Troops, 40K tons of Supplies, 4K artillery pieces Started on September 26 th, 1918 Slowly but surely, America and France advanced through German Lines
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  • The War Comes to an End As war raged on the Western Front (France- German boarder) A.H and O.E. Surrender and leaves Germany Alone With a naval Mutiny influence reaching Berlin, an uprising begins Kaiser Wilhelm is forced to step down
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  • Germany Surrenders On the 11 th day, on the 11 th hour, in the 11 th month Germany Surrenders (1918) How long was the war? Germany Signed an Armistice (cease fire)
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  • A Flawed Peace In January 1919 a peace conference began in Paris to resolve the issue of WW1 The big four were present 1) USA Wilson 2) Great Britain David Lloyd 3) France Clemenceau 4) Italy Orlando Germany was not Present Does this seem fair?
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  • Wilsons 14 points At the conference President Wilson presented his 14 point plan Wanted to eliminate the general causes of the war Disarmament Freedom of the seas The biggest point however was his idea for the League of Nations
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  • The 14 th point The league of nations was Wilsons brainchild Nations would preserve peace They would also prevent events leading to other wars And act as protectors of others territories
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  • Rejection The conference in Paris ultimately rejected the Wilsons ideas saying it was far to easy on Germany And it did not align with our nations interests Is this a precursor for anything in history?
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  • Treaty of Versailles Despite Wilsons hopes, Germany signed a document that was far to harsh than he preferred Under the treaty Germanys army was stripped They had to pay reparations (33 Billion) Made Germany take blame for the war (in hindsightworst part of the treaty) Why?
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  • Broken Peace This treaty is what lead Germany to allowing A Fascist government to take control in the 30s It belittled Germany, it caused a lot of resentment Resulted in 10+ countries being formed in Europe Poland Czechoslovakia
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  • Effect the War had on America After the war was over the government released control of the economy they had taken Rationing ended Capped prices ended Companies began to raise prices and produce more goods What would this cause?
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  • Effects By 1919 Prices had risen by 15% Increased the cost of living (Clothes, Food, Shelter and other essentials)
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  • Inflation leads to strikes Seattle General Strike Shipyard workers *more money less hours* Was a General Strike Workers of the city, not just the industry went on strike Paralyzed the city Americans hated it (COMMON Communist action)
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  • Strikes Boston Police Strike 75% of Boston's Police force walked out on the job Lead to wide spread rioting and chaos When Workers tried to return, Police Commissioner refused to hire them back Calvin Coolidge gained political notoriety by solving conflict
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  • Racial Unrest White and Black Soldiersand menwere competing for jobs Tensions were high between the two Over 20 Racial riots in 1919 In Chicago a riot was started that killed 38 people/ 15 white 23 Black
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  • The Red Scare Americans viewed Communist as enemies seemed unpatriotic Many Americans accused immigrants for starting riots in the name of communism (Communist International) organization for coordinating communist activities in other countries
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  • Red Scare Wide Spread fear that Reds were trying to take over America Wide spread bomb attacks to place in America One of which took place on US Attorney General Mitchell Palmer
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  • Palmer Raids Palmer established special division Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Focused their actions on Radical organizations and immigrants 500 Deported
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  • Palmer Raids Failed to turn up any hard evidence Used dirty cop techniques Failed to use warrants and disregarded rights
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  • End of Progressivism After Wilsons tenure America elected Warren Harding on the ideas of Returning America back to Normalcy This idea ends the progressive age
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  • What are the main points of WW1?