yerba mate

R: Concise Reviews in Food Science JFS R: Concise Reviews/Hypothesis in Food Science Yerba Mate Tea ( Ilex paraguariensis): A Comprehensive Review on Chemistry, Health Implications, and Technological Considerations C.I. HECK AND E.G. DE MEJIA ABSTRACT: Yerba Mate tea, an infusion made from the leaves of the tree Ilex paraguariensis, is a widely consumed nonalcoholic beverage in South America which is gaining rapid introduction into the world market, either as tea itself or as ingredient in formulated foods or dietary supplements. The indigenous people have used it for centuries as a social and medicinal beverage. Yerba Mate has been shown to be hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective, central nervous system stimulant, diuretic, and to benefit the cardiovascular system. It has also been suggested for obesity management. Yerba Mate protects DNA from oxidation and in vitro low-density lipoprotein lipoperoxidation and has a high antioxidant capacity. It has also been reported that Yerba Mate tea is associated to both the prevention and the cause of some types of cancers. Yerba Mate has gained public attention outside of South America, namely the United States and Europe, and research on this tea has been expanding. This review presents the usage, chemistry, biological activities, health effects, and some technological considerations for processing of Yerba Mate tea. Furthermore, it assesses in a concise and comprehensive way the potential of Ilex paraguariensis as a source of biological compounds for the nutraceutical industry. Keywords: Ilex paraguariensis, Mate tea, nutraceutical industry, tea, Yerba Mate Introduction Y erba Mate tea (Mate), an herbal tea beverage widely con- sumed in southern Latin American countries (southern Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) is gaining rapid penetration into world markets, including the United States. It is made from an infu- sion of the dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a plant of the Aquifo- liaceae family (Small and Catling 2001; Grigioni and others 2004). In Latin America, Mate is often druank out of a dried gourd using a metal straw called “bombilla.” The dry leaves (about 50 g) are packed into the gourd and hot water is poured over them; this is then re- peated multiple times, with as much as half to 1 L of water. In the United States, however, Mate is commercially packed in individual tea bags (1 to 2 g) or as Mate tea concentrate for use as ingredi- ent in the food or dietary supplement industries. Considering the importance of the growing consumption of Mate tea and Mate tea containing products, the objective of this review is to compile and comprehensively analyze updated scientific information on Yerba Mate, including its composition, physiological effects, and potential health implications. In addition, this review hopes to further stim- ulate uses of Yerba Mate as nutraceutical ingredient. This compiled knowledge may provide a central resource for future research on Yerba Mate. Mate tea has recently been highly publicized for its health benefits but there have been also concerns about its safety. The scientific lit- erature, on one hand, reports that Mate tea is hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective (Filip and Ferraro 2003), central nervous system stimulant, diuretic (Gonzalez and others 1993), and antioxidant (Filip and others 2000; VanderJagt and others 2002). It also has ben- MS 20070427 Submitted 6/5/2007, Accepted 8/12/2007. Authors are with Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Champaign, IL 61801, U.S.A. Direct inquiries to author de Mejia (E-mail: [email protected]). efits to the cardiovascular system (Schinella and others 2005), and is a protector of DNA oxidation and in vitro low-density lipopro- tein (LDL) lipoperoxidation (Bracesco and others 2003). Some stud- ies have also suggested its potential in the management of obe- sity (Andersen and Fogh 2001; Pittler and Ernst 2004; Opala and others 2006). Numerous active phytochemicals have been iden- tified in Mate tea that may be responsible for its health bene- fits. Among them, the 2 highest compounds are the polyphenols (chlorogenic acid) and xanthines (caffeine and theobromine), fol- lowed by purine alkaloids (caffeic acid, 3, 4-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid), flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, and rutin), amino acids, minerals (P, Fe, and Ca), and vitamins (C, B1, and B2) (Pomilio and others 2002; Zaporozhets and others 2004). Not only has Mate tea been shown to contain high concentrations of bioactive compounds, it has also been shown to be cytotoxic to human cancer hepatoma cells (HepG2), and can act as a catalytic inhibitor of topoisomerase II (Ramirez-Mares and others 2004). On the other hand, some epidemiological studies have reported an association between the consumption of Mate tea and an in- creased risk of various types of cancer, including oral, oropharyn- geal, esophageal, laryngeal, and bladder (Goldenberg and others 2003; Sewram and others 2003; Bates and others 2007). Ethnobotany and Botanical Description I lex paraguariensis, from the family of holy plants, Aquifoliaceae, is a native South American tree used for the production of Yerba Mate tea. It is found primarily in the southern regions of South America, namely, Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo), Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Paraguay (Alto Parana, Amambay, Caaguazu, Canendiyu, Central, Guaira, Itapua, Misiones, San Pedro), and Uruguay (USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program 2007). Figure 1A shows the main regions where Mate is R138 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 72, Nr. 9, 2007 C 2007 Institute of Food Technologists doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00535.x Further reproduction without permission is prohibited

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JFS R: Concise Reviews/Hypothesis in Food Science

Yerba Mate Tea (Ilex paraguariensis):A Comprehensive Review on Chemistry, HealthImplications, and Technological ConsiderationsC.I. HECK AND E.G. DE MEJIA

ABSTRACT: Yerba Mate tea, an infusion made from the leaves of the tree Ilex paraguariensis, is a widely consumednonalcoholic beverage in South America which is gaining rapid introduction into the world market, either as teaitself or as ingredient in formulated foods or dietary supplements. The indigenous people have used it for centuriesas a social and medicinal beverage. Yerba Mate has been shown to be hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective, centralnervous system stimulant, diuretic, and to benefit the cardiovascular system. It has also been suggested for obesitymanagement. Yerba Mate protects DNA from oxidation and in vitro low-density lipoprotein lipoperoxidation and hasa high antioxidant capacity. It has also been reported that Yerba Mate tea is associated to both the prevention and thecause of some types of cancers. Yerba Mate has gained public attention outside of South America, namely the UnitedStates and Europe, and research on this tea has been expanding. This review presents the usage, chemistry, biologicalactivities, health effects, and some technological considerations for processing of Yerba Mate tea. Furthermore, itassesses in a concise and comprehensive way the potential of Ilex paraguariensis as a source of biological compoundsfor the nutraceutical industry.

Keywords: Ilex paraguariensis, Mate tea, nutraceutical industry, tea, Yerba Mate


Yerba Mate tea (Mate), an herbal tea beverage widely con-sumed in southern Latin American countries (southern Brazil,

Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay) is gaining rapid penetration intoworld markets, including the United States. It is made from an infu-sion of the dried leaves of Ilex paraguariensis, a plant of the Aquifo-liaceae family (Small and Catling 2001; Grigioni and others 2004).In Latin America, Mate is often druank out of a dried gourd using ametal straw called “bombilla.” The dry leaves (about 50 g) are packedinto the gourd and hot water is poured over them; this is then re-peated multiple times, with as much as half to 1 L of water. In theUnited States, however, Mate is commercially packed in individualtea bags (1 to 2 g) or as Mate tea concentrate for use as ingredi-ent in the food or dietary supplement industries. Considering theimportance of the growing consumption of Mate tea and Mate teacontaining products, the objective of this review is to compile andcomprehensively analyze updated scientific information on YerbaMate, including its composition, physiological effects, and potentialhealth implications. In addition, this review hopes to further stim-ulate uses of Yerba Mate as nutraceutical ingredient. This compiledknowledge may provide a central resource for future research onYerba Mate.

Mate tea has recently been highly publicized for its health benefitsbut there have been also concerns about its safety. The scientific lit-erature, on one hand, reports that Mate tea is hypocholesterolemic,hepatoprotective (Filip and Ferraro 2003), central nervous systemstimulant, diuretic (Gonzalez and others 1993), and antioxidant(Filip and others 2000; VanderJagt and others 2002). It also has ben-

MS 20070427 Submitted 6/5/2007, Accepted 8/12/2007. Authors are withDept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana,Champaign, IL 61801, U.S.A. Direct inquiries to author de Mejia (E-mail:[email protected]).

efits to the cardiovascular system (Schinella and others 2005), andis a protector of DNA oxidation and in vitro low-density lipopro-tein (LDL) lipoperoxidation (Bracesco and others 2003). Some stud-ies have also suggested its potential in the management of obe-sity (Andersen and Fogh 2001; Pittler and Ernst 2004; Opala andothers 2006). Numerous active phytochemicals have been iden-tified in Mate tea that may be responsible for its health bene-fits. Among them, the 2 highest compounds are the polyphenols(chlorogenic acid) and xanthines (caffeine and theobromine), fol-lowed by purine alkaloids (caffeic acid, 3, 4-dicaffeoylquinic acid,3, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid), flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol, andrutin), amino acids, minerals (P, Fe, and Ca), and vitamins (C, B1,and B2) (Pomilio and others 2002; Zaporozhets and others 2004).Not only has Mate tea been shown to contain high concentrationsof bioactive compounds, it has also been shown to be cytotoxic tohuman cancer hepatoma cells (HepG2), and can act as a catalyticinhibitor of topoisomerase II (Ramirez-Mares and others 2004).

On the other hand, some epidemiological studies have reportedan association between the consumption of Mate tea and an in-creased risk of various types of cancer, including oral, oropharyn-geal, esophageal, laryngeal, and bladder (Goldenberg and others2003; Sewram and others 2003; Bates and others 2007).

Ethnobotany and Botanical Description

I lex paraguariensis, from the family of holy plants, Aquifoliaceae,is a native South American tree used for the production of

Yerba Mate tea. It is found primarily in the southern regions ofSouth America, namely, Brazil (Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais,Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, SaoPaulo), Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), Paraguay (Alto Parana,Amambay, Caaguazu, Canendiyu, Central, Guaira, Itapua, Misiones,San Pedro), and Uruguay (USDA, ARS, National Genetic ResourcesProgram 2007). Figure 1A shows the main regions where Mate is

R138 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE—Vol. 72, Nr. 9, 2007 C© 2007 Institute of Food Technologistsdoi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2007.00535.xFurther reproduction without permission is prohibited

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nceYerba Mate tea: a comprehensive review . . .

grown. Of these regions, Argentina is the largest producer, cultivatingaround 152000 hectares of Mate per year in the northeastern partof the country (Misiones and Corrientes). This is equal to approx-imately 280000 tons per year, representing a large portion of thecountries gross domestic product. Brazil and Paraguay are the 2ndand 3rd largest producers, respectively. Worldwide, 290000 Ha ofarea harvested with a production of 874678 tons of Mate were re-ported in 2002 (FAOSTAT 2007). The overall value of Mate productionaround the world is estimated in U.S. $1 billion in 2004.

Ilex paraguariensis is a subtropical dioecious evergreen tree thatcan reach 18 m in height. Figure 1B shows a picture of the Mateplant. The Mate tree is a flower and fruit producing plant, floweringfrom October to November and producing fruit from March to June.The Mate plant requires a strict regimen of annual rainfall both inamount, no less than 1200 mm, and distribution throughout theyear. It is, however, much less susceptible to temperature, beingable to withstand temperatures of –6 ◦C, with an average annualtemperature of 21 to 22 ◦C. It is also able to withstand the frequentsnowfalls that are attributed to the mountainous region in which itinhabits.

The cultivation and harvesting of Mate is not a uniform proce-dure and is conducted by various methods depending on the re-gion. The 3 primary ways for cultivation and harvest are extractiveexploitation of the natural forest, mixed system, and cultivated Mateplantations. Extractive exploitation of the natural forest utilizes wildharvesting of Mate from the forest and is the most inconsistent of the

Figure 1 --- (A) Map of South America showing growing re-gions for Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) 1 Argentina; 2Brazil, 3 Paraguay, 4 Uruguay. (B) Yerba Mate plant.

3 methods based on quality and quantity. The 2nd method, mixedsystem, combines forest growth with better cultivation practices,including replanting of plants as they are lost and improved prun-ing methods. This practice yields a better production rate for thegrowing of natural forest products. Both natural forest harvest andmixed system cultivation are primarily found in Brazil. CultivatedMate plantations, believed to be the most efficient method of pro-duction, began in Argentina since 1915. This method increases bothyield and harvest efficiency by allowing for growth of more plants ina given area and the use of mechanical harvesting, which offsets thehigher growing cost (Giberti 1994).

Mate Tea ProcessingYerba Mate is not consumed as a raw product but instead it is

processed before it reaches the consumer. Fresh Mate leaves un-dergo several stages of processing before it is ready to be packaged.This involves blanching, drying, and generally aging of the tea. Theconditions for processing are widely varied depending on the pro-ducer and the final objective for the desired style and flavor of Matetea. Processors can vary the time and temperature of blanching anddrying. Not all producers will age the tea, while others will vary theaging time (Bastos and others 2006a). However, the overall processis generally the same. Figure 2A shows a typical process flow chartfor Mate tea.

Mate goes through very little fermentation and the blanchingprocess that deactivates enzymes, that is, polyphenol oxidase. Thedifference in the blanching process, however, is that green tea leavesare steamed or pan-fried and Mate tea leaves are flash heated overopen flame. This blanching process is in contrast to that for theproduction of black tea; the leaves for black tea are allowed to witherand ferment and are not blanched before drying. Figure 2B showsthe process for producing green and black teas. In black tea, theenzyme polyphenol oxidase is allowed to oxidize polyphenols toform dimerized compounds, that is, catechins to theaflavins (Hara2001).

The major difference between green tea and Mate tea produc-tion is the drying method. Green tea is dried primarily through afast, high temperature air drying, which retains more of the freshleave characteristics, as well as developing characteristic flavor andaroma compounds. Mate tea is dried very slowly and often usingwood smoke. This imparts very different flavor characteristics andcontributes to changes in the chemical makeup and physical ap-pearance. Another important difference between Mate and greentea is the presence of stems in the final product. Green tea produc-tion removes all large stems before grinding (Graham 1992); how-ever, Mate will generally have a high content of stem pieces present,depending on the producer.


PolyphenolsPolyphenols are a class of compounds containing a benzene ring

bound with one or more hydroxyl groups. These compounds havebeen analyzed with a number of methods, including a tyrosinasebiosensor, Folin Ciocalteu assay, and high-performance liquid chro-matography (HPLC) (Carini and others 1998; Chandra and De MejiaGonzalez 2004; Dall’Orto 2005). With these analyses it has beenshown that the variety of Mate, degree of milling, and blending withother teas determine the concentration of polyphenols extractedin an infusion. On average, the amount of polyphenols extractedfrom Mate tea is 92 mg equivalents of chlorogenic acid per gramof dry leaves, with blended teas having significantly less (Dall’Orto2005). The polyphenol concentration of Mate has also shown a

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Yerba Mate tea: a comprehensive review . . .

strong correlation to its overall antioxidant capacity (Chandra andDe Mejia Gonzalez 2004). Mate showed a slightly higher polyphe-nol concentration, 7.73 ± 0.15 mg chlorogenic acid/mL water ex-tract, than green tea, 7.15 ± 0.14 mg chlorogenic acid/mL waterextract. This correlates to a higher antioxidant capacity for Mate,90.45 ± 0.22% inhibition of free radical, than green tea, 88.36 ±0.76% inhibition of free radical, when the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrayl (DPPH) method was used (Bastos and others 2007). Further-more, the amount of polyphenols extracted from Mate is affected bythe extraction method used, that is, water or organic solvent, with50% acetone extraction yielding the highest amount of polyphenols(Turkmen and others 2006).

Polyphenolic compounds found in Mate tea differ significantlyfrom green tea because Mate tea contains high concentration ofchlorogenic acid and no catechins (Chandra and De Mejia Gonzalez2004). Table 1 shows the diversity of polyphenolic compounds ingreen tea, black tea, and Mate tea.

XanthinesXanthines are a class of purine alkaloids found in many different

plants, including tea, coffee, and chocolate. The xanthines foundin Mate include theophylline (1,3-dimethylxanthine), theobromine(3,7-dimethylxanthine), and caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine)(Athayde and others 2000). The structural formulas of these com-pounds are presented in Figure 3. Of these three, caffeine is foundin the highest concentration, 1% to 2% of dry weight, followed bytheobromine, 0.3% to 0.9% of dry weight (Ito and others 1997). These2 compounds are found primarily in the leaves of the plant and insmaller concentrations in the woody stems that are often presentin the product as well as in the epicuticular waxes of the leaves(0.5% wax content of dry leaf weight), with 5.9 to 17.0 ng of caffeineper milligram of wax and 0.9 to 3.5 ng theobromine per milligram

Mate tea

Harvest: Tender leaves and stems are harvested, bagged, weighed and transported to processing facility

Blanching(Sapeco): Product is flash heated (500 ºC) over wood or propane fire between 10 sec to 3 min which breaks the epidermis and the estomas to halt oxidation and leaf enzymes

Drying (Barbaqua): Leaves are put into drying chambers where filtered or unfiltered smoke and heat (100 ºC) is used to dry the leaves from 10-12% humidity to 4.5%, this takes approximately 8-24 h

Aging (Cancheada): Dry product is put into cement or cedar aging chambers for as long as 12 months. This helps to develop the flavor of Mate

Packaging Aged product is milled to desired size before packaging

Fresh leaves Withering Rolling Fermenting Drying

Blanching (100 ºC): steaming or pan


Rolling DryingFresh leaves

Black tea

Green tea



Figure 2 --- (A) Flow chartfor the processing of Ilexparaguariensis leaves intoYerba Mate tea (Adaptedfrom Schmalko andAlzamora 2001). (B) Flowchart for the processing ofCamellia sinensis leavesinto green and black teas(Adapted from Hara 2001).

of wax (Athayde and others 2000), though the major quantities ofthese methylxanthines exist inside the leaves.

The concentration of caffeine in relation to consumer consump-tion has been found to be approximately 78 mg of caffeine in 1 cup ofMate tea (approximately 150 mL). Compared to coffee, this is a verysimilar amount of caffeine consumption, approximately 85 mg percup. However, the customary rate of Mate consumption preparedin the traditional method can present intakes of around 500 mL,resulting in 260 mg or more of total caffeine (Mazzafera 1997).

In contrast to theobromine and caffeine, theophylline has beenfound in only small quantities in the leaves. This may be dueto the fact that theophylline appears to be an intermediate inthe catabolism of caffeine in the plant. It is believed that themain route of theophylline metabolism involves conversion to3-methylxanthine, which is further demethylated to xanthine priorto entering the purine catabolism pathway and being degraded via axanthine → uric acid → allantoin → allantoic acid →→ CO2 + NH3

route. It has been shown that when theophylline is radioactively la-beled, the label will show up in caffeine and theobromine throughthe resynthesis of caffeine via a theophylline→3-methylxanthine→theobromine→caffeine pathway (Ito and others 1997). The fact thattheophylline has been difficult to find in varying tests on Mate maybe due to theophylline metabolism into caffeine and theobromine.

Yerba Mate is often sold as dried ground leaves; however, it hasbeen suggested that the drying process can significantly affect theconcentration of caffeine as well as color and chlorophyll contentof the leaves. Schmalko and others (2001) examined the caffeine,color, and chlorophyll content of Mate leaves after 3 stages of dry-ing. The 1st stage was blanching, sapeco, with a temperature of500 to 550 ◦C for 2 to 4 min; the 2nd and 3rd stages were the dry-ing stages, barbaqua, with a temperature of about 110 ◦C. Thesedrying stages showed a dramatic decrease in caffeine (30%) and

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chlorophyll (70% to 80%) concentrations, and a decrease of greencolor. However, even though the caffeine concentration in the driedproduct was lower than in fresh leaves, evidence by Bastos and others(2006a showed that when the leaves were dried and used to prepareMate infusions, significantly more caffeine and caffeoylquinic acidswere extracted than when using fresh leaves. This increased extrac-tion of compounds is likely from the disruption of the cells duringthe drying process. It may also be explained by a decrease in mois-ture concentration to leaves and an increase in soluble solids duringdrying, thus leading to a greater amount of compounds dissolvedinto the infusion. Evidence has also been presented that the time ofharvest plays a role in the concentration of methylxanthines foundin Mate, ranging between 1 and 10 mg total methylxanthines/g de-pending on time of harvest (Schubert and others 2006).

Caffeoyl derivativesThe caffeoyl derivatives found in Mate include caffeic acid,

chlorogenic acid, 3, 4-dicaffeoylquinic acid, 3, 5-dicaffeoylquinicacid, and 4, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid (Filip and others 2000). Thesecaffeoyl derivatives are the primary constituents that accountfor the antioxidant capacity of Mate tea. Figure 4 shows thechemical structure for chlorogenic acid, 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid,3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid. They havebeen analyzed primarily by 2 different methods, spectrophometri-cally (330 nm) and by HPLC, and are often correlated with chloro-genic acid as a standard with a concentration of 6.90 ± 0.09 mgchlorogenic acid/g dry leaves (Filip and others 2000). This is rep-resentative of 0.48 mg chlorogenic acid/mL and roughly 72 mg in1 cup (150 mL) of Mate brew, when prepared with 1.5 g per 50mL water (Mazzafera 1997). These compounds can also be iden-tified individually by HPLC and in combination with liquid chro-matography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS), with absorptions at 242,228, and 330 nm (Carini and others 1998; Chandra and De MejiaGonzalez 2004). Figure 5 shows a chromatographic profile gener-ated by our group for the identification of caffeoyl derivatives inMate (I. paraguariensis) (Heck and Gonzalez de Mejia 2007). It isapparent that the large constituents are chlorogenic acid and its

Table 1 --- Polyphenols in green tea, black tea, and Matetea.a

Green tea Black tea Mate tea

Caffeic acid � �

Caffeine � � �

Caffeoyl derivatives �

Caffeoylshikimic acid �

Catechin � �

Catechin gallate �

Chlorogenic acid �

Coumaric acid �

Epicatechin gallate � �

Epigallocatechin �

Epigallocatechin gallate �

Feruloylquinic acid �

Gallic acid � �

Gallocatechin gallate � �

Kaempferol � � �

Myricetin � �

Procyanidin �

Quercetin � � �

Quinic acid � �

Rutin � � �

Theaflavin �

Theobromine � �

aAdapted from Carini and others (1998); Chandra and de Mejia Gonzalez(2004); Atoui and others (2005); Bastos and others (2007); Bravo and others(2007).

derivatives and the dicaffeoylquinic acids: 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid,3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and 4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid; though thespecific identity of each dicaffeoylquinic acid peak has not beendescribed (Carini and others 1998). This profile agrees with thecompounds presented in Table 2 regarding the concentrations ofthe caffeoyl derivatives found in Mate (I. paraguariensis) comparedwith I. dumosa, I. brevicuspis, and I. argentina. This table showsthat I. paraguariensis contains the highest concentrations of thecaffeoyl derivatives while the other species have much lower con-centrations and vary in their dicaffeoylquinic acid concentrations(Filip and others 2001). It is because of the high concentrations ofthese compounds that Mate possesses a very high overall antioxi-dant capacity (Filip and others 2000).

SaponinsSaponins are bitter and highly water-soluble compounds found

in many types of plants and they are believed to be one of the fac-tors for the distinct flavor of Mate tea. Not only do they play a role inflavor but are also attributed to anti-inflammatory and hypocholes-terolemic properties (Gnoatto and others 2005). Several of thesecompounds, namely, triterpenoid saponins with ursolic and oleano-lic moieties, have been isolated from the leaves of Mate. The pri-mary saponins identified contained the ursolic acid moiety and werenamed: Matesaponins 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 (Gosmann and others 1995;Kraemer and others 1996). Table 3 shows the primary saponins iden-tified in Mate (I. paraguariensis) as well as those for other species ofIlex; included are common R group substitutions. Figure 6 shows astructure of a generic saponin aglycon onto which various R groupsare attached. The hypocholesterolemic properties may be attributedto the Mate saponin inhibition of passive diffusion of colic acid andformation of micelles that cannot be absorbed and are thus excreted(Ferreira 1997).





























Figure 3 --- Structure ofxanthines: theophylline(1,3-dimethylxanthine),theobromine (3,7-dimethylxanthine), andcaffeine (1,3,7-trimethyl-xanthine).

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Yerba Mate tea: a comprehensive review . . .

Table 2 --- Concentration of caffeoyl derivatives in various Ilex species (% of dried weight).a

Species Chlorogenic Acid Caffeic Acid 3,4-DCQ 3,5-DCQ 4,5-DCQ

I. paraguariensis 2.800 ± 0.300 0.023 ± 0.004 0.855 ± 0.064 3.040 ± 0.180 2.890 ± 0.060I. brevicuspis 0.915 ± 0.064 0.005 ± 0.001 0.130 ± 0.010 0.360 ± 0.060 0.490 ± 0.040I. argentina 0.090 ± 0.015 0.003 ± 0.001 0.047 ± 0.010 0.545 ± 0.049 0.043 ± 0.003I. dumosa 0.042 ± 0.009 0.012 ± 0.008 0.017 ± 0.001 0.147 ± 0.060 0.070 ± 0.014

aAdapted from Filip and others (2001).3,4-DCQ = 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid; 3,5-DCQ = 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid; 4,5-DCQ = 4, 5-dicaffeoylquinic acid.



















































Figure 4 --- Structure of caffeoylderiviatives: chlorogenic acid,4,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid,3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid, and3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid.

Figure 5 --- Chromatographic (HPLC) profile of Mate tea identifying caffeoyl derivatives and other compounds (Heckand de Mejia 2007). Analysis was conducted using a 1050 Hewlett Packard (Palo Alto, Calif., U.S.A) gradient liquidchromatograph, equipped with a 1050 HP auto sampler, a 1050 HP gradient pump, a 1050 HP photodiode arraydetector (PDA), and helium sparge. A C18 RP guard column and a C18 RP Phenomenex Prodigy ODS column (250 mm ×4.6 mm × 5 μm) were used. Column temperature was kept at ambient temperature, elution time was 0.9 mL/min,and was performed with a solvent gradient. Solvent gradient consisted of solvent A (water/methanol/formic acid,79.7/20/0.3) and B (methanol/formic acid, 99.7/0.3) mixed, starting with 0% B, linearly increasing to 25% B in 50 min,increase to 80% B in 5 min and held at 80% B for 3 min, then a linear decrease to 0% B in 5 min and held at 0% B for5 min. Injection volume was 50 μL and output at 280 nm.

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Gnoatto and others (2005) recently developed a method utiliz-ing HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection for analysis of saponins inMate. Total recovery of Matesaponin 1 was 94.5% and total concen-tration of saponins in the aqueous extract was 352 μg/mL from 15g of dried leaves in 100 mL water. While the main saponins in Mateare formed with ursolic acid aglycons, 2 minor saponins have alsobeen identified that contain an oleanolic acid instead of the ursolicacid (Martinet and others 2001). Pavei and others (2007) have alsodeveloped and validated an HPLC method to characterize saponinsfrom I. paraguariensis Mate fruits.

Many of the saponins found in Ilex species have been shown topossess antiparasitic properties, including Matesaponins 1, 3, and4. It has also been confirmed that triterpenoids found in Ilex speciesare antitrypanosomal. Ursolic acid and 4, 3-O-[α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1-2)- α-D-galactopyranosyl] oleanolic acid had an IC50 of 4 μMagainst Trypanosoma brucei. These findings may lead to the exam-ination of the use of these compounds for new antitrypanosomalderivatives (Taketa and others 2004).

MineralsMate also contains high concentrations of inorganic compounds.

The minerals aluminum, chromium, copper, iron, manganese,nickel, potassium, and zinc are of particular interest due to theirimportance in human metabolism and development. Using capil-lary ion electrophoresis with indirect UV detection (Carducci andothers 2000) and atomic absorption spectrophotometry (TenorioSanz and Torija Isasa 1991; Vera Garcia and others 1997), these min-erals have been identified in varying concentrations and can varybased on soil and seasonal factors. Using particle-induced X-rayemission (PIXE), Giulian and others (2007) assayed Mate tea brandsbefore and after infusion and found a wide range of minerals andthat some depend on temperature and volume used in the infu-sion, namely, chlorine and potassium. Wrobel and others (2000)found the aluminum concentration as 369 ± 22 μg/g and a man-

Table 3 --- Saponins of Ilex species and their structural differences including R group substitutions.

Ilex Species Saponin Moiety R R1 R2 R3

paraguariensisa Matesaponin 1 Ursolic acid glc(1→3)ara H glc HMatesaponin 2 Ursolic acid glc(1→3)rha(1→2)ara H glc HMatesaponin 3 Ursolic acid glc(1→3)ara H glc(1→6)glc HMatesaponin 4 Ursolic acid glc(1→3)rha(1→2)ara H glc(1→6)glc HMatesaponin 5 Ursolic acid glc(1→3)rha(1→2)ara H glc(1→4)glc(1→6)glc H

affinisb Affinoside I Pomolic acid glc(1→3)ara H glc Hcrenatac Ilexoside II Pomolic acid glc(1→3)ara H glc Hintegrad Ilexoside XXV Hydroxyursolic acid glc H glc CH2OH

Ilexoside XXVI Hydroxyursolic acid glc(1→6)glc H glc CH2OHIlexoside XXVII Rotundic acid ara H glc CH2OH

buxifoliab Buxifolioside I Dihydroxyursendioic acid H H glc CH3

Buxifolioside II Dihydroxyursendioic acid OH H glc COOHdumosae Chikusetsusaponin Iva Oleanolic acid gluA H glc H

Dumosaponin 5 Oleanolic acid glc(1→2)gal OH glc HDumosaponin 6 Oleanolic acid ara(1→2)ara H glc HDumosaponin 7 Oleanolic acid gal H glc H

latifoliaf Latifolioside F Ilexgenin rha(1→2)glc(1→3)ara H rha(1→2)glc HLatifolioside G Polmolic acid rha(1→2)glc(1→3)ara H rha(1→2)glc HLatifolioside H Siaresinolic acid rha(1→2)glc(1→3)ara H rha(1→2)glc H

argentinag N/A Rotundioic acid H H glc COOHrotundah Ilexosides XXXIII Oxosiaresinolic acid GlcA H H CHO

Ilexosides XXXIV Pedunculoside SO3Na H glc HIlexosides XXXV Rotungenic acid SO3Na H glc CH2OHIlexosides XXXVI Rotungenic acid glc H glc CH2OHIlexosides XXXVII Rotundic acid glc H glc H

brevicuspisi Brevicuspisaponin I Hydroxyursolic acid ara H H CH3

Brevicuspisaponin II Hydroxyursolic acid ara H H CH2OH

gluA = glucuronic acid; glu = glucose; gal = galcatose; ara = arabinose; rha = rhamnose; SO3Na = sulfate.Gnoatto and others 2005a; Taketa and others 2004b; Taketa 2004c; Yano and others 1993d; Pires and others 1997e; Ouyang and others 1998f; Pires and others2002g; Amimoto and others 1993h; Taketa and others 2000i.





Figure 6 --- Generic saponin structure with locations ofcommon R group substitutions.

ganese concentration of 2223 ± 110 μg/g; Mate could prove to bea good dietary source of manganese, depending on bioavailability.It should also be noted that an inverse correlation (correlation co-efficients >0.82) was found between the amount of these mineralsleached into a Mate infusion and the tannin concentration; in thelower tannin concentrations the best leaching was observed, withthe exception of nickel.

In addition to beneficial elements, toxic contaminants could bepresent in Mate as well. Marchisio and others (2005) developed alead analysis method using ultrasonic nebulization associated toinductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (USN-ICP-OES) and polyurethane foam. Their method demonstrated aprocess for the detection of lead that proved to be fast, accurate, andreliable and can measure small concentrations of lead. The concen-trations of lead in Mate infusions were in the range between 7.6 and

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8.9 μg/L. The average concentration of lead in commercial Matetea samples analyzed was 8.1 μg/L. The allowable limit for lead indrinking water by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)is 15 μg/L; therefore, the levels found in Mate are well below the levelfor concern (EPA 2003).

Mate adulterantsAdulterants of other Ilex species may be incorporated into the

final product, either intentionally or unintentionally. Six commonIlex species found as adulterants in Mate tea were tested for theo-bromine, theophylline, and caffeine. The species analyzed wereI. dumosa, I. pseudobuxus, I. brevicuspis, I. theezans, I. microdonta,and I. argentina; overall results showed that these other species con-tained little to none of the aforementioned compounds. Only tracesof caffeine were detected in I. theezans, I. dumosa, I. microdonta,and I. pseudobuxus. Furthermore, only traces of theobromine weredetected in I. argentina and I. microdonta. Theophylline was onlyquantifiably detected in I. pseudobuxus at 6 ppm (Filip and others1998). Utilizing HPLC and NMR to analyze Ilex varieties caffeineand theobromine were only found in I. paraguariensis compared toother Ilex adulterating species (Reginatto and others 1999; Choi andothers 2005).

These adulterants can be problematic for the quality of Mate teasdue to their differing concentration of saponins. Mate tea preparedwith I. paraguariensis, showed to be the least bitter of all extractsprepared with adulterating species. Thus, it is possible that the ad-dition of adulterating species can have a significant effect on thebitterness of Mate beverages. Not only do the adulterating plantscontain greater concentrations of bitter compounds but the fruits ofthe I. paraguariensis plant itself also contain highly bitter saponins.If these fruits were incorporated into the Mate products it may leadto an increase in bitterness and a decrease in overall quality (Taketa2004).

A number of these species have also been analyzed for theirsaponin concentration. Analysis showed that a majority of thespecies including I. buxifolia, I. crenata, I. affinis, I. rotunda, I. bre-vicuspis, I. argentina, and I . integra all have saponin aglycons notfound in I. paraguariensis and I. dumosa; instead of ursolic acid oroleanolic acid aglycons, they possess hydroxyursolic acid or deriva-tives. Of the various Ilex species, I. dumosa is the most prevalentadulterant and the more similar to I. paraguariensis saponin struc-ture. All adulterating species, including I. dumosa, contained a largevariation in saponins, none of which was found in I. paraguarien-sis. Due to the specificity of saponins, it may be possible to identifyadulterants in Mate based on saponin concentration, and with newmethods for rapid and precise identification of adulterants this maynow be a plausible method for the quality control of Yerba Mateproducts (Pires and others 1997).

Biological Activities and Health Effects

Table 4 shows an incomplete list of compounds that have beenidentified in Yerba Mate and some of the most important re-

ported biological activities follow.

Antioxidant capacityIt has been found that the consumption of Mate tea significantly

contributes to the overall antioxidant intake and provides highamounts of caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, with biological effectspotentially beneficial for human health (Bravo and others 2007).Of all the Ilex species, I. paraguariensis has been shown to containthe highest antioxidant activity and has been positively correlatedwith the concentration of caffeoyl derivatives (Filip and others 2000;

Schinella and others 2000; Bracesco and others 2003; Bixby and oth-ers 2005). The study of Mate’s ability to quench reactive oxygenspecies (ROS) has been correlated to peroxidase-like activity. Thisperoxidase-like activity is strongly related to the polyphenol con-centration of Mate; the higher the polyphenol concentration, thegreater the peroxidase-like activity. This means, from the biologicalstandpoint, that polyphenols act similarly as the bodies 293 natu-ral antioxidant enzymes and may prove to be potent supporters ofthese systems.

The compound that may be primarily responsible for this activityis chlorogenic acid (Anesini and others 2006).

Mate extract has shown to be a very potent inhibitor of oxidativestress caused by ROS, considerably so for the liver and heart. Theheart is susceptible to oxidative stress during postischemic reper-fusion, return of blood flow to organ and tissue after heart attack,caused by the generation of ROS. Administering Mate extract de-creased the lipid oxidation in the heart by protecting myocardialtissue (Schinella and others 2005).

Recent studies have shown that nitrosative stress, a reaction of su-peroxides with nitrous oxide (NO) forming peroxynitrite (ONOO),causes protein nitration or nitrosylation, lipid peroxidation, DNAdamage, and cell death. Mate tea was able to prevent 95% of pro-tein nitration when tested on bovine serum albumin; in this respect,Mate was higher than both green tea and red wine. Mate was alsotested against peroxynitrite-induced cytotoxicity, associated withstroke and myocardial ischemia, restriction in blood supply, andMate tea showed the highest inhibition against cytotoxicity, com-pared with green tea and red wine (Bixby and others 2005). Mate hasalso been able to reduce ATP, ADP, and AMP (nucleotide) hydrolysis,which can help balance the circulatory system (Gorgen and others2005).

Table 4 --- Compounds identified in Yerba Mate leaves andsome of their biological activities.

Compound Biological activities

Caffeine Anticarcinogenic, antiobesity, antioxidant, antitu-mor, diuretic, energizer 20 to 200 mg, stimulant,topoisomerase-I-inhibitor 0.1 M, topoisomerase-II-inhibitor 99 mM, vasodilator

Chlorogenic-acid Antioxidant IC50 = 54.2 μM, analgesic,antiatherosclerotic, antibacterial, antidiabetic,antitumor, choleretic

Chlorophyll Antibacterial, anticancerCholine Antidiabetic, cholinergic, lipotropicNicotinic acid Choleretic, hypocholesterolemic 1 to 6 g/dayPantothenic acid Antiallergic 100 to 500 mg/day, antiarthritic 500

to 2000 mg/day, antifatigueRutin Antioxidant IC28 = 30 ppm IC50 = 120 μM,

antitumor, antitumor-promoter, antiulcer,cAMP-phosphodiesterase-inhibitor,topoisomerase-II-inhibitor IC50 = 1 μg/mL,vasodilator

Tannin Antioxidant 1/3 quercetin IC50 = 1.44 μg/mL,antitumor, antitumor-promoter,lipoxygenase-inhibitor, MAO-inhibitore

Theobromine cAMP-inhibitor IC50 = 0.06 mg/mL,cAMP-phosphodiesterase-inhibitor, diuretic300 to 600 mg/day, stimulant, myorelaxant

Theophylline cAMP-inhibitor IC50 = 0.06 mg/mL,cAMP-phosphodiesterase-inhibitor, diuretic,choleretic, stimulant, vasodilator, myorelaxant100 μM

Ursolic acid Analgesic, antioxidant IC50 = 10 μM,antiperoxidant IC35 = 200 μg/mL,protease-inhibitor IC85 = 18 μg/mL,topoisomerase-II-inhibitor, antiarrhythmic,anticancer, antialzheimer

Adapted from Duke (1992).

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It has also been reported that hyperglycemia is a cause for diabeticcomplications due to dicarbonyls involved in advanced glycationend product (AGE) formation. Oxidation has been linked to glycationand Mate extracts show a dose-dependent inhibition of dicarbonylaction (Gugliucci and Menini 2002; Lunceford and Gugliucci 2005).

Mate extracts significantly inhibited enzymatic and nonenzy-matic lipid peroxidation in rat liver microsomes as well as an ef-fective scavenger of super oxides (Schinella and others 2000). It hasbeen suggested that free radical-induced oxidation of low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) plays a role in atherosclerosis. Mate has beenshown to inhibit the propagation of LDL oxidation by inhibiting lipidperoxidation as well as DNA oxidation (Gugliucci and Stahl 1995;Gugliucci 1996; Bracesco and others 2003). It has been shown thatthis mechanism is possible in vitro; however, it is still under specu-lation as to whether it is possible in vivo. Evidence also shows thatMate possesses a much higher antioxidant capacity than green tea13.1 nmol Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)/μg equiv-alents gallic acid compared to 9.1 nmol TEAC/μg equivalents gallicacid, respectively (Newell and others 2007).

Weight management and obesityObesity is a growing concern in many countries and current re-

search in many areas is directed at finding a way to curb the epi-demic. Mate tea has been shown to have possible effects in the areaof weight loss and management and current research has providedsome supportive evidence. Obese men and women consuming Matetea have shown a decrease in respiratory quotient (RQ), indicatingan increase in fat oxidation (Martinet and others 1999). A herbalinfusion made from Mate, guarana, and damiana showed drasticslowing of gastric emptying as well as a decrease in the perceivedtime for gastric fullness thus increasing satiety. This was also fol-lowed by a dramatic decrease in weight, after 45 d, in overweightpatients (Andersen and Fogh 2001). Mate has shown to have po-tential in weight loss and is now being considered as dietary sup-plement. Adding ingredients such as Mate, guarana, and damianainto supplements has shown to be effective in reducing body weight(Pittler and Ernst 2004). In a randomized, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Mate was given in a supplement form thatalso contained green tea, asparagus, black tea, guarana, and kidneybean extracts. The results of this study showed that those taking thesupplement had reduced body fat and change in their indexes ofbody composition (Opala and others 2006). It has been cited thatthe effect of Mate on weight loss, while not directly known, could bedue to its caffeine concentration, contributing to lipolytic activity,or saponin concentration, interfering with cholesterol metabolismand delaying intestinal absorption of dietary fat (Dickel and others2007). Mate tea can also affect other aspects of lipid metabolism. Ithas the ability to inhibit atherosclerosis in rabbits when fed with ahigh cholesterol diet and an aqueous extract of Mate tea (Mosimannand others 2006). Giving Mate extracts to hypercholesterolemic-dietfed rats resulted in a reduction in serum concentrations of choles-terol and triglycerides (Paganini Stein and others 2005). Mate hasalso shown to have potential as a digestive aid due to a cholereticeffect, increasing the rate of bile flow (Gorzalczany and others 2001).One study has also demonstrated that Mate is capable of vaso relax-ation of arterial beds in rats. Thus, suggesting that the tea may beable to lower the risk for heart disease, as red wine is believed to doso (Muccillo Baisch and others 1998).

Genotoxic and mutagenic activitiesLittle data exist regarding the toxicity of Mate tea and standard

in vitro assays are controversial. In one study, Mate extracts showedto be genotoxic in bacterial cells through induction of functions that

regulate responses to DNA damage and disruptions in DNA replica-tion, and mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium. Ames test resultsshowed mutagenic activity at concentrations of 20 to 50 mg aque-ous extract/plate and genotoxic at concentrations of 10 to 20 mgaqueous extract/plate. However, when S9 microsomal fraction, cata-lase, thiourea, or dipyridyl were added to the assay the genotoxicactivity of Mate was counteracted, suggesting that oxygen reactivespecies are the factors responsible for the genotoxicity (Leitao andBraga 1994; Fonseca and others 2000). The results of these in vitrotests have not been confirmed in experimental animals or humanstudies.

Mate association with carcinogenesisCancerprevention. In vitro and animal experiments have shown

a protective effect of Mate against cancer. Several studies have beenconducted on the anticancer properties of Mate tea and compar-isons have been made with other teas such as green tea, believed tohave high anticancer potential (Yamamoto and others 1997). Testsconducted by Ramirez-Mares and others (2004) on in vitro chemo-preventive activity included cytotoxicity, TPA-induced ornithine de-carboxylase (ODC), quinone reductase (QR) activities using HepG2cells, and topoisomerase inhibitory activity using Saccharomycescereviseae. These tests are of particular importance because cytotox-icity is highly associated with anticancer activity. ODC is a promoterof tumor growth and tumor cells often contain high concentrationsof ODC. QR is another screening method for anticancer activity andtopoisomerase is required for mitosis; cancer cells show higher con-centrations of topoisomerase II (Topo II) than normal cells due tohigh rates of cell division. Mate was shown to possess the highestcytotoxicity against human liver cancer cells compared to green tea,IC50 value of 12.01 g eq. (+) catechin/mL for Mate compared with72 g eq. (+) catechin/mL for green tea. Table 5 shows the concentra-tions of tea needed for various inhibitory activities on HepG2 cells.

Human antitopoisomerase II activity was significant and showeda 65% inhibition compared with 15% for green tea (Ramirez-Maresand others 2004). The catalytic topoisomerase inhibition, however,was only on TopoII and not topoisomerase I (Topo I). An in vitrostudy on oral cell carcinoma showed that concentrations greaterthan 375 μg of solid extract/mL had complete inhibition of cancercell growth (Gonzalez de Mejia and others 2005). Mate has shownto be a potent TopoII inhibitor and thus showing significant cancercell growth inhibition, even at low concentrations.

Proteasome inhibitors are an important aspect of cancer research(Osanai and others 2007). The compound epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG), found in green tea, has already been shown to inhibit pro-teasomes (Osanai and others 2007). Similarly, compounds have beenidentified in Mate that show proteasome inhibition (Arbiser and oth-ers 2005). The compounds identified were 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid(3,5-DCQ), 5-caffeoylquinic acid (5-CQ), and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinicacid (3,4-DCQ), which act by inhibiting the chymotrypsin-like ac-tivity of a purified 20S proteasome and 26S proteasome in Jurkat

Table 5 --- Inhibitory effect of Mate tea, green tea, and Ar-disia tea against growth of HepG2 cancer cells.a

μg eq. (+) catechin/mL ± SD

Mate Green tea Ardisia

IC10 9.3 ± 0.6 50.7 ± 2.5 4.9 ± 1.4IC50 12.0 ± 0.2 72.0 ± 1.8 46.9 ± 3.3IC90 17.6 ± 0.8 113.6 ± 5.5 177.2 ± 33.4

aAdapted from Ramirez-Mares and others (2004).IC10, IC50, IC90 = concentration needed to inhibit 10%, 50%, and 90% cellgrowth, respectively.SD = standard deviation.

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T (human, peripheral blood, leukemia) cell extracts. Among all ofthese compounds, 3,5-DCQ showed the highest inhibitory ability.It is believed to act similarly to EGCG due to its similar structure(Arbiser and others 2005).

Other compounds found in Mate have also been studied for theirchemopreventive properties. Rutin and quercetin are two that showdistinct cytotoxicity to HepG2 cells (Alıa and others 2006). Althoughthese compounds are found with small concentrations in Mate theyshow the diversity of flavonoids present in Mate that contribute toits anticancer potential.

Epidemiological studies. There has been a growing concernover the fact that there are some epidemiological studies that sug-gest an association between Mate consumption and increased riskof developing certain cancers, namely, esophageal, oral, lung, blad-der, renal, and other cancers of the head and neck (Pintos and oth-ers 1994; De Stefani and others 1996, 1998; Goldenberg and others2003; Bates and others 2007). These incidences have been highlycorrelated to regions in which heavy Mate consumption persists,portions of Brazil and Uruguay. However, it is also recognized thatother habitual factors may play a role, such as smoking and alco-hol consumption, which are strongly associated with the culture ofthese regions. Goldenberg (2002) and Goldenberg and others (2003,2004) report of epidemiological studies showing increased rates ofsquamous cell carcinoma with increased Mate consumption evenwhen other confounding factors such as smoking were present. Theresults of these studies indicate that consuming more than 1 L ofMate a day can increase the risk for head and neck cancer by 3 to5 times, as well as an apparent association to lung cancer (Vassalloand others 1985; De Stefani and others 1996; Sewram and others2003). It was also reported that consuming strong and very hot teacan increase the risk for oral cancer. Consuming other hot bever-ages, coffee and green tea, also increased this risk by 2 to 4 times.Thus, the measured risk of oral cancer may be due to thermal injury(Rolon and others 1995; Castellsague and others 2000). With respectto bladder cancer, again epidemiological studies by the same leadingauthors (De Stefani and others 1991) conducted in Uruguay showedthat a relationship between Mate and bladder cancer was foundwhen associated with smoking and to some degree in nonsmokersas well, though less defined. In the same study, it was also shown thatconsumers of black tea and coffee had an increased risk of bladdercancer. An epidemiological study conducted in Argentina showedan increase risk of bladder cancer in Mate drinkers and smokers butnot in nonsmokers (Bates and others 2007). Whether this increasedrisk of bladder cancer is due solely to Mate alone, smoking alone, acombination of both, or solely another cause is unclear.

It should also be noted that the case studies of Mate consump-tion and increased cancer incidence also include individuals thatconsume black tobacco and alcohol, namely, wine. De Stefani andothers (1988) stated that there is a correlation to the increased riskof oral cancers in those individuals who consume wine, Mate, andsmoke. This increase is also noted to be greater in those who smokeblack tobacco over blond tobacco. Again, there is no direct impli-cation that any one factor contributes more to this increase in oralcancers. Due to these other confounding factors, Mate may not bea carcinogen on its own but, due to the high temperature at time ofconsumption, may in fact be a means of increasing absorption forthe carcinogens found in cigarette smoke and other environmentalcontaminants that are carcinogens or cancer promoters (Golden-berg and others 2004).

On the other hand, there may be compounds present in Matethat could contribute to cancer. Fagundes and others (2006) haveshown a correlation between the amount of Mate consumed andthe amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the body.

It is known that PAHs, particularly benzo[a]pyrene, have carcino-genic properties and that tobacco smoke and grilled meat containhigh concentrations of PAHs; at least 15 PAH compounds have beenfound in Mate varieties. These compounds were isolated and iden-tified by the utilization of stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) andhigh-performance liquid chromatography–fluorescence detection(HPLC–FLD) (Zuin and others 2005). Total PAHs found in variousBrazilian Mate samples ranged from 600 to 2300 ng/L, with naph-thalene, acenaphthene, and phenanthrene having the highest con-centrations. Table 6 shows the PAH compounds identified in Mateand their average concentration in 11 Mate samples.

It is known that exposure to PAHs through tobacco smoke andother sources may increase the risk of esophageal squamous cell car-cinoma (ESCC). Fagundes and others (2006) evaluated 200 healthyadult Mate tea consumers, half male and half female with half beingsmokers and half being nonsmokers, to determine the concentra-tions of 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide (1-OHPG), a PAH glucuronidedetoxification metabolite excreted in the urine. Their presence pro-vides evidence that an individual has been exposed to PAHs. 1-OHPGcan be measured in the urine using immunoaffinity chromatogra-phy, synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, and a urine cotininedipstick test; the tests were conducted by the Natl. Cancer Inst. atJohns Hopkins Univ. This study found that there was a direct correla-tion between the amount of Mate consumed and the concentrationsof PAHs in the urine, the higher the consumption the higher the con-centrations. Table 7 shows the increasing concentrations of 1-OHPGin the urine with increasing Mate consumption.

However, other than an increase in Mate consumption alone,higher concentrations of 1-OHPG can also be correlated with a com-bination of smoking and Mate drinking. When Mate consumption iscombined with smoking, 1-OHPG concentrations are significantlyhigher but Mate alone produces about the same concentrations of1-OHPG on average as smoking alone (Fagundes and others 2006).When examining a population in Campinas, SP, Brazil and the cof-fee and Mate they consumed, PAHs were found in all products andranged from 10.12 μg/kg for coffee to 0.70 μg/kg for Mate (Rojo deCamargo and others 2002). Considering the per capita average dailyconsumption estimates in Brazil of 69.79 g of Mate tea, one can as-sume that Mate tea contributes with approximately 0.05 μg of totalPAHs to the dietary intake of these contaminants by the studiedpopulation (n = 600) (Rojo de Camargo and others 2002).

Table 6 --- Average concentration of polycyclic aromatichydrocarbons found in Brazilian Mate tea samples.a

Compound ng/L Compound ng/L

Acenaphthene 426.3 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 11.4Phenanthrene 347.5 Chrysene 10.5Naphthalene 96.5 Benzo(a)anthracene 9.7Fluoranthene 61.4 Indeno(1,2,3)pyrene 9.5Pyrene 59.1 Benzo(g,h,i)perylened 7.7Anthracene 50.9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.0Fluorene 29.7 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3.6Benzo(a)pyrene 12.2

aAdapted from Zuin and others (2005).

Table 7 --- Concentration of 1-hydroxypyrene glucuronide(1-OHPG) in urine of humans.a

Mate consumption (mL/day) 1-OHPG (pmol/mL)

<100 1.01>100 1.97>500 3.24>1000 4.06

aAdapted from Fagundes and others (2006).

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Although there has been no proven biological correlation to thedrinking of Mate and developing cancer (Pereira Jotz and others2006), the contamination with PAHs does present a plausible expla-nation for increased rates of Mate drinking and cancer. It is highlyprobable that PAHs are obtained in the processing, as Mate is com-monly dried over a smoky wood fire. The smoke from the woodmay thus be producing the PAHs found in Mate. There also ap-pears to be an apparent lack of new information on the subject.Though a number of papers are published on the topic, no newevidence has been presented. This is an area that warrants furtherinvestigation.

Technological Considerations

Flavor and aromaConsumer preference and perception are key attributes to any

food product and the same can be said for Mate tea. The drivingforce behind sales and brand selection and consumer preference forMate brands is largely driven by smell and taste attributes. Generallysensory panels do the analysis of these characteristics; however, it isexpensive and subject to susceptibility of the panelists. Therefore,an automated method for aroma determination is needed. Grigioniand others (2004) showed that the use of an E-nose can discriminateamong the aroma characteristics of Mate and correlates to that oftrained panelists.

It has been shown that there is a direct correlation between theconsumer preference for taste and aroma to the appearance of theproduct (Cruz and others 2003; Schneider and others 2006). Whensensory panels are used, key terms must be generated to definethe flavor, aroma, and appearance of Mate products. Descriptors ofthese characteristics that have shown to differentiate products areshown in Table 8 (Santa Cruz 2002; Cruz and others 2003). Consumerpanelists have also been used to test the bitterness (Calvino andothers 2004).

The aroma compounds found in Mate have also been charac-terized using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry; while notcorrelated to sensory analysis it does show the chemical make-upof the volatile constituents of Mate. It was shown that Mate con-tains more than 250 components, many of which are the sameas to green tea. However, a number of distinct components wereidentified, namely, 2-butoxy-ethanol (in high concentrations), and3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexanone-related compounds. Among the 196volatile chemical compounds found in Yerba Mate tea, only 144 arepresent in green tea (Kawakami and Kobayashi 1991).

Mate tea infusions can be made from green Mate, the driedground leaves, or roasted green Mate, where the dried leaves arefurther roasted to enhance flavor. This roasting process has beenshown to have a dramatic effect on the flavor and aroma of the

Table 8 --- Yerba Mate sensory descriptors.a

Appearanceof Mate

Appearance of dry Mate infusion Flavor and aroma

Stick and leaf size Sediment Initial impactStick and leaf size uniformity Turbidity AcidQuantity of sticks Brown color HumidQuantity of dust Smoke


aAdapted from Cruz and others (2003).

tea. Numerous studies have been conducted to examine the volatilecompounds found in Mate. Roasted Mate showed higher concen-trations of furans, pyrazines, and pyrroles compared to green Mate,likely due to Maillard reactions (Kawakami and Kobayashi 1991).Bastos and others (2006b) examined the essential oil extracts fromgreen and roasted Mate and found that roasted Mate contained sig-nificantly less of the compounds responsible for the green-floralaroma, that is, limonene, which are characteristics of green Mate.They also found an increase in compounds such as methyl furfuraland furfural, which may be responsible for the smoky characteris-tics of roasted Mate. Table 9 shows the volatile compounds foundin green and roasted Mate tea in comparison to black tea, identi-fied with aroma analysis using solvent-assisted flavor evaporation–solvent extraction (SAFE–SE). (Kawakami and Kobayashi 1991).

Lozano and others (2007) used 3 different methods to determinethe volatile aroma compounds present in Mate. SAFE–SE analysisidentified the highest number of compounds followed by adsorptivecolumn extraction with aroma extract dilution analysis (ACE–AEDA)and dynamic headspace dilution analysis (DHDA), which found asimilar number of compounds. However, each method identifiedcompounds that were not identified with another method. There-fore, it is recommended that multiple methods be used for the anal-ysis of volatile aroma compounds. Table 10 presents the main aromacompounds and their characteristic odor identified with 3 differentmethods for 1 Mate tea.

One of the defining characteristics of Mate teas is the perceptionof bitterness. This characteristic can be attributed to caffeine (Leyand others 2006; Keast and Roper 2007) as well as tannins (Drinkineand others 2007) and saponins (Ma and others 1989). It should benoted that the presence of stems, often found in most varieties, couldsignificantly reduce the concentration of bitterness compared withthose without stems (Calvino 2005).

Compound extractionWhile Mate is primarily consumed in a beverage form, made by

steeping the leaves of the plant in hot water, its high concentra-tions of beneficial compounds make it an interesting subject forextraction and purification of these compounds for use in the nu-traceutical industry. The use of sonication has been shown to ef-fectively eliminate high concentrations of compounds from Mate,that is, caffeine and theobromine. However, this method is affectedby solvent polarity as well as extraction time and solvent to samplemass ratio (Jacques and others 2007). The sonication method alsorequires the use of organic solvents, methanol, and hexane, whichcan be troublesome when the extracts are to be used for human con-sumption. Because of this, supercritical CO2 extraction appears to bemore promising for this extraction purpose. By utilizing supercriti-cal CO2 extraction, the concentrations of methylxanthines extractedare much higher compared to other extraction methods. The use ofsupercritical CO2 was investigated and was found to be an effec-tive extraction method for caffeine, with yields of 98% total caffeine.This method also showed that it is possible to extract theobromine.It was also shown that supercritical CO2 has a higher affinity for caf-feine than theobromine. When ethanol is utilized in the extractionas well, extraction efficiency was improved by lowering solvent andenergy requirements (Saldana and others 1999; Saldana and others2002).

The use of supercritical CO2 has now been employed for the anal-ysis of Mate samples as a determination of quality differences. Sam-ples of Mate were tested using CO2 extraction to examine changesin the concentrations of caffeine, theobromine, phytol, vitamin E,squalene, and stigmasterol due to differences in light exposure, dry-ing method, and age of leaves (Esmelindro and others 2004). The

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data showed that when products were protected from light therewas a dramatic increase in concentrations of caffeine, theobromine,phytol, and on the steroid stigmasterol, especially caffeine and theo-bromine, roughly 3 times higher. Light exposure appears to have noeffect on vitamin E concentration. Age of leaves played a role inthe amount of all compounds; younger leaves showed the highestconcentrations of all compounds. When alternative methods to airdrying were used, microwave drying allows for the greatest reten-tion of compounds compared to vacuum drying. These findings aresignificant because they show that light conditions during growing,age of leaves, and drying method may play a role in the compositionof Mate and this would be important in the selection of productsfor extraction in producing a high-quality extract (Esmelindro andothers 2004).

Final Considerations

When comparing Mate to other teas such as green tea and blacktea, several differences can be observed. Most notably the fla-

vor and aroma, distinctly bitter Mate is often characterized as anacquired taste. The roasted/smoky aromas are also often a much-desired characteristic and ones that distinguish it from other teas.It is not only the outward properties that distinguish it from otherteas but also its diverse concentration of biological compounds thatare not readily found in other teas. Most notably of these com-pounds are the xanthines, theobromine, and theophylline that areattributed to its ability to increase energy levels. The saponin con-centration is also noteworthy in that they are not found with highconcentrations in other teas; the saponins contribute to the fla-vor and may also be attributed to anti-inflammatory and hypoc-holesterolemic properties characteristic to Mate as a medicinal

Table 9 --- Volatile compounds in green Mate and roasted Mate compared to Camellia sinensis tea (black tea).a

Green Roast Black Green Roast BlackCompound Mate Mate tea Compound Mate Mate tea

(E)-2,(E)-4-heptadienal � � � dihydroactinidiolide � � �

(E)-2-decenal � � � eugenol �

(E)-2-hexenal � � � furfural � � �

(E)-2-pentenal � � � furfuryl alcohol � � �

(E)-2-pentenol � � � geranial � � �

(E)-2-undecenal � � � geraniol � � �

(E)-3,(2)-5-octadien-2-one � � � geranylacetone � � �

(E)-3,(E)-5-octadien-2-one � � � guaiacol � � �

1,3,5-trimethyl-2-(1,3-butadienyl)benzene � � heptanoic acid � � �

2,10,10-trimethyl-6-methylidene-l- � heptanol � � �

2,3-dihydro-2-methylbenzofuran � � hexanal � � �

2,6,6- trimethyl-2- hydroxycyclohexanone � � � hexanoic acid � � �

2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-2-enel,-4 –dione � � � I-penten-3 --- 01 � � �

2-acetylfuran � � � I-phenylpropanone � � �

2-butoxyethanol � � limonene � � �

2-decanone � � � linalool � � �

2-ethylfuran � � � linalool oxide I (cis, furanoid) � � �

2-methyl-2-pentenal � � linalool oxide II (trans, furanoid) � � �

2-methyl-3-buten-2–01 � � � linalool oxide III (cis, pyranoid) � �

2-methylbutanoic acid � � � linalool oxide IV (trans, pyranoid) � � �

5,6-epoxy-ionone � � � methyl salicylate � � �

5-methylfurfural � � � nerol � � �

6,10,14-trimethylpentadecanone � � � nonanoic � � �

6-methyl-(E)-3,5-heptadien-2-one � � � o-cresol � � �

6-methyl-S-hepten-2-one � � � octanoic acid � � �

acetic acid � � � octanol � � �

a-ionone � � � pentanal � � �

a-terpineol � � � pentanol � � �

Benzaldehyde � � � phenol � � �

benzyl alcohol � � � propionic acid � � �

butyric acid � � � valeric acid � � �

decanoic acid � � � β-ionone � � �

aKawakami and Kobayashi (1991).Compounds are 0.5% or more of total concentration.

herb. It should also be mentioned that, though Mate is high inmany compounds not found in other teas, it does not containcatechins like green tea and is not as high in flavonoids as blacktea.

Most notably of Mate’s biological activities is its high antioxidantcapacity which has been shown to be higher than green tea, which istouted as having a very high antioxidant capacity. This high antiox-idant capacity is attributed and is directly proportional to its highpolyphenol concentration, namely, the caffeoyl derivatives. Due toMate’s high biological activity and its large concentration of knownactive compounds it makes an ideal material for extraction of thesecompounds for use in other foods and supplements. There are cur-rently several products in the market that contain some derivativesof Mate. Most of which are targeted at weight loss, as Mate has showna correlation with weight loss and weight management. Future re-search will likely show more precise mechanisms for Mate’s actionsin these areas.

Contrary to the reported carcinogenic properties of Mate, thereare scientifically backed reports of anticancer effects. Mate tea hasbeen shown to have a high cytotoxicity for cancer cells, which is evenhigher than that of green tea. Mate has also shown to be highly effec-tive in inhibiting topoisomerase II, which is responsible for cell di-vision and by inhibiting cancer cell proliferation. It has been shownthat oral cancer cells can be completely inhibited by treating themwith 375 μg of Mate extract/mL. It should also be noted that, thoughMate does not contain catechins, that is, EGCG, it does have com-pounds that act similarly, such as 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid. Thiscompound has shown to be a potent proteasome inhibitor compa-rable to EGCG, which has known proteasome inhibition activity andis being investigated for cancer treatment.

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nceYerba Mate tea: a comprehensive review . . .

Table 10 --- Main volatile aroma compounds in Mate foundby 3 different analytical methods.a


(E)-2-Decenal � � Green, pungent(E)-2-Nonenal � � Hay(E)-2-Octenal � � � Raw peanut(E,E)-2,4-Hexadienal � Fatty, metalic(E,Z)-2,6-Nonadienal � � � Cucumber(Z)-1,5-Octadien-3-one � Metalic(Z)-2-Nonenal � Melon, hay(Z)-3-Hexenal � Green, cut-leaf(Z)-4-Heptenal � � Rancid1,8-Cineole � � Minty, eucalyptus1-Hexen-3-one � � Plastic1-Oten-3-ol � � � Mushroom1-Penten-3-one � � � Plastic, rancid2,3-Butanedione � � Buttery, creamy2,3-methylbutanal � Chocolate2,3-Pentanedione � Buttery, creamy2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline � � � Roasty, popcorn2-Acetyl-2-thiazoline � Roasty, popcorn2-Acetylthiazole � � Roasty, popcornButanoic acid � � � Sweaty, cheesyCitronellol � � FruityEugenol � � � Cloves, spicyFuraneol � Burnt sugarGeranial � � � Fruity, floralGeraniol � � � FloralGuaiacol � � � Smoky, medicineHexanal � Green, cut-grassHexanoic acid � � Sweaty, body odorLinalool � � � FloralMaltol � Burnt sugarMethional � � � Cooked potatoβ-Damascenone � Cooked appleNonalactone � � � Coconut, sweeto-Cresol � Phenolic, medicineOctalactone � Fruity, floralOctanal � Orange oilp-Cresol � � Phenolic, animal,

dungPentanoic acid � Sweaty, cheesyp-Vinyl guaiacol � � Cloves, spicySkatole � � Urine, mothballsWine lactone � Plasticβ-Damascenone � � Cooked appleβ-Ionone � � � Floral

aAdapted from Lozano and others (2007).


Yerba Mate has been consumed for centuries but it has only beenscientifically studied in the last 2 decades. The growing world-

wide interest in Mate has made it paramount that research on thisherbal tea continues, as it has shown extraordinary possibilities notonly as a consumer beverage but also in the nutraceutical industry.In regard to carcinogenesis, the most recent information suggeststhat the association between Mate consumption and the occurrenceof cancer may not be due to raw Mate itself but to contaminants thatmay be present in processed Mate. The high temperature at whichMate tea is consumed may also play a role. Therefore, postharvesttechnologies need to be improved—especially the drying processneeds to be optimized to completely eliminate contaminants. Addi-tionally, good quality control, including throughout analytical test-ing, becomes imperative to insure its safety.

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