bull run: in summary

Post on 20-Feb-2016






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The Battle of Bull Run Primary Source Investigation Adapted from a lesson found on: http:// www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessnuse/howtouse.htm#facts. Bull Run: In Summary. Lincoln and General Winfield Scott came up with the “Anaconda Plan” - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


The Battle of Bull RunPrimary Source Investigation

Adapted from a lesson found on: http://www.nps.gov/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessnuse/howtouse.htm#facts

Lincoln and General Winfield Scott came up with the “Anaconda Plan” 1. Surround South by land and sea to cut off

trade. 2. Divide the South in two (MS River) 3. Capture Richmond, Virginia

Rose Greenhow – SPY – she lived in the North and sent messages to the South about their planned attack on Richmond.

When Northern troops marched toward Richmond, they met Southern troops who were waiting for them.

“Stonewall” Jackson – helped win the battle Bull Run – smashing victory for the South,

shocking blow for the North. BOTH SIDES BEGAN TO PREPARE FOR A LONG


Bull Run: In Summary

Find Washington D.C. and Richmond – what do you notice about the proximity?

What are some possible advantages of having the Union Capital in Washington D.C.?

A regiment of Union Troops just before the Battle of Bull Run. How would you

describe the mood of this photo?

In what way would you compare the mood of the letter to the mood of the soldiers in the photograph we just looked at?

Who do you think J.W. Reid is writing to? What makes you think this?

How would you have responded if you had received this letter?

Take a moment to read The Battle of Bull Run: The Letters of J.W. Reid

The Creek at Bull Run

The battle was fought near the Henry Home in Manassas. This is a drawing depicting the

house shortly after the first battle of Manassas/Bull Run.

Remember to read the questions first, then the passage.

Annotate as you read, underlining facts that interest you and/or answer questions.

Take a moment to readBull Run: Some Events Connected with

the Life of Judith Carter Henry

This is a photograph of the same house in March of 1862.

Many times, the

aftermath of battles were

worse for civilians than the actual

battles. Why would that be so? What do you

think happened to this house?

Soldiers' Graves on Muddy Battlefield of Bull Run: Hastily buried soldiers were marked with

headboards in the mud after the First Battle of Bull Run. Many soldiers were never identified due to the

frequent field burials

The Smithsonian Institute website refers to the Battle of Bull Run as the “End of Illusions”. Why do you think it would be called that? What lessons did Americans (soldiers and civilians) learn from this battle?

Moment of reflection:

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