internet in our daily life

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest The maximum effect of the internet is actually on the daily life of the individuals because indeed there is no aspect of life which is not influenced by the internet and its uses. Internet in our daily life . Life has become drastically smooth and easy over the internet. Even in the minor daily life activities like traveling and planning is also related to the internet in some way or the other. The most interesting aspect of the internet influencing our daily lives is the factor of entertainment. Entertainment no longer demands your money or expense, today you can just log on the internet in your free time and get involved talking to people of similar interests, or watch movies or play games, its all there in the internet. Because of the so many opportunities on the internet it is also said to have become an addiction for some people, which makes them more lazy and inconsistent in much more important works in life. Cristescu Alexandru Vasile Satu Rober Georgian Grupa 8112 Wikipedia Google for images

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Page 1: Internet in our daily life

University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest

The maximum effect of the internet is actually on the daily life of the

individuals because indeed there is no aspect of life which is not influenced by

the internet and its uses.

Internet in our daily life .

Life has become drastically smooth and easy over the internet. Even in the minor daily life activities like traveling and planning is also related to the internet in some way or the other. The most interesting aspect of the internet influencing our daily lives is the factor of entertainment. Entertainment no longer demands your money or expense, today you can just log on the internet in your free time and get involved talking to people of similar interests, or watch movies or play games, its all there in the internet.Because of the so many opportunities on the internet it is also said to have become an addiction for some people, which makes them more lazy and inconsistent in much more important works in life.

Cristescu Alexandru VasileSatu Rober GeorgianGrupa 8112

WikipediaGoogle for images