service data sheet - allied services... ·...

SERVICE DATA SHEET ALLIED EXPLORATION & GEOTECHNICS LIMITED Windowless and Window Sampling Window sampling techniques have been proven to be effecƟve in a range of difficult and restricted access situaƟons. In order to provide enhanced flexibility to our invesƟgaƟon operaƟons the Company can call upon a wide range of small bore window sampling and probing methods. This includes safe operaƟon on slopes with a 30° incline and can easily be combined with other procedures such as DPSH and/or Panda Probing (Version 2). These techniques can be used to expand upon the understanding of the strata in order to establish relaƟve density (N), shear strength (s u ), CBR as well as other parameters. Recent enhancements in our reports now means that DPSH probe informaƟon can be ploƩed in conjuncƟon with stratum descripƟons to allow correlaƟon of qualitaƟve blow count data. Ancillary equipment includes the facility to pre‐start window sample holes by diamond concrete coring, the ability to carry out varied sampling regimes and conduct various in‐situ tesƟng procedures. Application and Sampling Methods InvesƟgaƟon method for the sampling and in‐situ tesƟng of fine grained cohesive and fine to medium granular soil materials to a maximum depth of 10m (rouƟnely 5 to 6m). Thin‐walled steel Shelby tube sampling in low or medium strength fine grained soils—Class 1 or 2 dependent on ground condiƟons. Open‐drive standard U100 (Class 2/3) or thin‐walled U100T (Class 1 or 2) sampling. Windowless liner sampling and small disturbed sampling (Class 3 or 4). Standard penetraƟon tesƟng; split shoe sampler (SPT (s) ) or solid cone (SPT (c) ) method dependent of soil materials (BS EN ISO 22476‐3) InstallaƟon of groundwater and gas instrumentaƟon for post‐works sampling and in‐situ monitoring assessment of the sub‐surface strata regime. Discrete contaminated land sampling for metals, asbestos, volaƟles and semi‐ volaƟle organic determinants. Diamond concrete or carriageway coring for iniƟal access, or as part of the sampling requirements. Summary Flexible and proven technique for sampling soŌ ground condiƟons. Excellent method in restricted access situaƟons which do not specifically require associated Class 1 (Category A) undisturbed sampling for laboratory tesƟng purposes. Dynamic probing using super heavy (63.5kg over 750mm drop) techniques which can be used as a strata correlaƟon tool. Suitable invesƟgaƟon tool for the installaƟon of various small diameter (c. 50mm or less) well screen for groundwater and gas monitoring strategies. Not suitable for coarse granular soils and cemented (rock) materials. Beneϐits RelaƟvely low cost. Straight‐forward deployment to site and capable of tracking across various terrain types. Excellent technique where the invesƟgaƟon must have low impact (damage) and visibility. Offers discrete contaminaƟon sampling. Can be adapted to take beƩer quality undisturbed samples. Page 1 of 1 Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-1 www.alliedexploraƟ HEAD OFFICE Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street County Durham, DH2 2RG. Tel: 01913874700 Fax: 01913874710 Email: enquiries@alliedexploraƟ REGIONAL OFFICE Unit 1, Business Development Centre Eanam Wharf, Blackburn BB1 5BL. Tel: 01772735300 Fax: 01772735999 Email: enquiries@alliedexploraƟ No: 1367 No: OHS 599062 No: FS 590911 No: 86245 No: EMS 632523 No: 610

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Page 1: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



WindowlessandWindowSamplingWindow sampling techniques have been proven to be effec ve in a range of difficult

and restricted access situa ons. In order to provide enhanced flexibility to our

inves ga on opera ons the Company can call upon a wide range of small bore window

sampling and probing methods. This includes safe opera on on slopes with a 30° incline

and can easily be combined with other procedures such as DPSH and/or Panda Probing

(Version 2). These techniques can be used to expand upon the understanding of the

strata in order to establish rela ve density (N), shear strength (su), CBR as well as other

parameters. Recent enhancements in our reports now means that DPSH probe

informa on can be plo ed in conjunc on with stratum descrip ons to allow correla on

of qualita ve blow count data. Ancillary equipment includes the facility to pre‐start

window sample holes by diamond concrete coring, the ability to carry out varied

sampling regimes and conduct various in‐situ tes ng procedures.

ApplicationandSamplingMethods Inves ga on method for the sampling and in‐situ tes ng of fine grained cohesive

and fine to medium granular soil materials to a maximum depth of 10m (rou nely

5 to 6m).

Thin‐walled steel Shelby tube sampling in low or medium strength fine grained

soils—Class 1 or 2 dependent on ground condi ons.

Open‐drive standard U100 (Class 2/3) or thin‐walled U100T (Class 1 or 2) sampling.

Windowless liner sampling and small disturbed sampling (Class 3 or 4).

Standard penetra on tes ng; split shoe sampler (SPT(s)) or solid cone (SPT(c))

method dependent of soil materials (BS EN ISO 22476‐3)

Installa on of groundwater and gas instrumenta on for post‐works sampling and

in‐situ monitoring assessment of the sub‐surface strata regime.

Discrete contaminated land sampling for metals, asbestos, vola les and semi‐

vola le organic determinants.

Diamond concrete or carriageway coring for ini al access, or as part of the

sampling requirements.


Flexible and proven technique for sampling so ground condi ons.

Excellent method in restricted access situa ons which do not specifically require associated Class 1 (Category A) undisturbed sampling for laboratory tes ng purposes.

Dynamic probing using super heavy (63.5kg over 750mm drop) techniques which can be used as a strata correla on tool.

Suitable inves ga on tool for the installa on of various small diameter (c. 50mm or less) well screen for groundwater and gas monitoring strategies.

Not suitable for coarse granular soils and cemented (rock) materials.

Bene its

Rela vely low cost.

Straight‐forward deployment to site and capable of tracking across various terrain types.

Excellent technique where the inves ga on must have low impact (damage) and visibility.

Offers discrete contamina on sampling.

Can be adapted to take be er quality undisturbed samples.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-1











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 2: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



CablePercussionBoringCable percussion is rou nely carried out on site using 150 or 200mm casing and tools,

although the Company has the capacity to use 250mm, 300mm or larger diameters for

specialist requirements e.g. deep mul ‐layered strata condi ons. Our in‐house drilling

crews are some of the best in the business, who regularly drill boreholes to depths in

excess of 40 metres in extremely challenging ground, where necessary using aquifer

protec on measures between poten ally contaminated interfaces.

Rigs are normally towed by a 4WD vehicle and are fully equipped for standard sampling

and in‐situ tes ng requirements. Mobilisa on can employ the Company’s 10t lorry

which is fi ed with an integral HIAB and winch system, a facility which can also be

useful to gain access in difficult loca ons. Cable percussion techniques allow the facility

for obtaining good quality samples (dependent on groundwater and material

characteris cs), and where required, boring can be extended into weak rock strata. This

rela vely low‐cost method of inves ga on provides a good basis to perform various in‐

situ test procedures, and to install different types of down‐hole monitoring apparatus.

ApplicationandSamplingMethods Allows a range of sampling methodologies; open‐drive (U100, U100T ‘undisturbed’

sampling (Class 1 or 2) or modified steel U100 sampling in s ff glacial fine‐grained

soils (Class 2 or 3). Thin‐walled (Shelby) in low or medium strength fine grained

soils (Class 1) and hydraulic piston sampling at 100mm, 150mm and 250mm

diameters in fragile/so ground condi ons (Class 1).

Small disturbed sampling (Class 4), bulk disturbed sampling (Class 4 or 5)

depending on sampling and groundwater condi ons.

Environmental groundwater and soil sampling for heavy metals, asbestos, vola le

and semi‐vola le organic determinants.

Facilitates various forms of in‐situ procedure; borehole shear vane, permeability,

standard penetra on, pressuremeter and down‐hole geophysics tes ng.

Allows a wide range of post‐boring instrumenta on; groundwater and gas (various

diameters) single, double, triple or mul point piezometer/standpipes, vibra ng

wire, pneuma c, extensometer and inclinometer installa ons.


Straigh orward deployment to site, although access condi ons may need to be factored‐in that could require ancillary plant.

The technique provides a good balance between cost effec veness, technical flexibility and capability for a mul tude of subsurface drilling environments.

Is generally considered to be the central pillar of the UK site inves ga on marketplace using technology that is tried and tested.

Average daily produc vity is around 10m in fairly typical soil condi ons. Progress rate is dependent on the make‐up of the sequence and the presence of obstruc ons, such as cobbles and boulders.

Not a suitable technique in cemented materials or competent rock strata.

Bene its

Can operate successfully in most environments with a minimum of associated plant support.

Operated by fully trained NVQ Level 2 (Land Drilling) and BDA (Bri sh Drilling Associated) audited drilling professionals.

Sampling, in‐situ tes ng and instrumenta on requirements can be easily configured to suit the technical objec ve.

Reliable technology.

Cost effec ve and sufficiently flexible to sa sfy most UK soil ground condi ons.

Capable of proving condi ons to depths in excess of 40m.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-2











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 3: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



RotaryDrillingRotary drilling services can be deployed throughout the UK where there is a

requirement to provide informa on on the solid stra graphy. Drilling work can be

undertaken in various diameters employing either open‐holing, conven onal or wireline

(Geobore S) coring and Symmetrix techniques which can be used appropriately to

characterise the solid geology, to highlight the presence of near‐surface mineral

workings in mining regions, and the adequacy of deep excava ons like road cu ngs and

tunnel construc on.

Drilling can be performed using different flushing media (water, air, mist, mud etc.) and

coring bits (depending on the characteris cs of the rock mass) with the recovered core

either lined or unlined depending on preference. Our in‐house rotary rigs are fully

serviced and guarded in accordance with current UK health and safety legisla on.

Various carrier chassis ensure that site access can be achieved in difficult and so

ground surface situa ons with the minimum resul ng damage.

Each driller is suitably trained to provide a basic rock or soil descrip on when

undertaking open‐holing opera ons. A qualified engineer can also be deployed to log

the flush returns in greater detail or provide a detailed account of the geology and

discon nuity intersec ons in circumstances of core extrac on.

ApplicationandSamplingMethods Depending on rotary rig specifica on and prevailing ground condi ons exploratory

holes to a depth of up to 150m can be achieved.

Various lined and unlined rotary coring diameters up to ‘S’ (145mm OD) (Category

A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling (Category A ‐ BS EN ISO

22575‐1) in s ff glacial soils and weak weathered rock deposits

Down‐the‐hole Hammer (DTH) and Symmetrix drilling up to 200mm diameter.

Facilitates various forms of in‐situ procedure; borehole shear vane, permeability,

standard penetra on, pressuremeter and down‐hole geophysics tes ng.

Facilitates a wide range of post‐boring instrumenta on; groundwater and gas

(various diameters) single, double, triple or mul point piezometer/standpipes,

vibra ng wire, pneuma c, extensometer and inclinometer installa ons.


Mul ‐carrier deployment to site (tracked or wheeled) to facilitate access in a wide range of site surface condi ons.

Various rigs types and drilling capaci es available.

Dependent on the technique used, Class 1 samples of soil and rock can be recovered. Using air, mist, water, polymer and mud flushing mediums.

An inves ga on method for probing and characterisa on of the solid stra graphy.

Bene its

Operated by fully trained NVQ Level 2 (Land Drilling) and BDA (Bri sh Drilling Associated) audited drilling professionals.

Symmetrix drilling systems available for penetra ng very dense made ground deposits (i.e. fused slag, building rubble etc.)

100mm to 300mm diameter openholed drilling diameter.

Op ons available for obtaining Class 1 samples in s ff gravelly, matrix dominant glacial lls.

Allowed a wide range of post‐exploratory hole instrumenta on e.g. vibra ng wire piezometers, standpipes, extensometers etc.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-3











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 4: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



TrialPittingTrial pi ng is a technique that can be deployed rapidly and has dis nct benefits (to the

Client), insofar as all work is supervised by qualified engineering professionals

throughout the process. This site inves ga on technique is an established and rou ne

method of assessing the near surface ground condi ons. Using correctly sized excavator

plant, geotechnical trial pits can be extended to depths of up to six metres. Shoring

support can be installed by trained employees where specified in deeper excava ons or

unstable (loose or so soils) to prevent side collapse, or subject to risk assessment, to

allow entry. The instability of the ground to stand ver cally and the posi on of the

groundwater table is a significant limi ng factor.

Trial pi ng allows direct observa on of the mass ground condi ons and how they

relate to each other, as well as observa on and determina on of buried features. The

technique is typically low cost and allows quick coverage of the inves ga on area.

Excava ons can be sampled, both for geotechnical and geo‐environmental tes ng

requirements, as well as tested using a range of in‐situ techniques throughout the

opera on.

ApplicationandSamplingMethods Useful for the determina on of abandoned mine sha s or for delinea ng the

extent of old quarried areas. The technique can also be used for weak rock sub‐

crop assessment and establishing the extent of areas of previous landfill,

essen ally contrasts between different ground make‐ups.

Trial pi ng can be integrated reliably with various in‐situ tes ng techniques (i.e.

plate load, hand shear vane, Californian Bearing Ra o and sand replacement

tes ng during the inves ga on process.

The technique allows discrete and accurate sampling (including block sampling in

accordance with BS EN 22475‐1: 2006) and tes ng of the strata encountered, as

well as the ability to assess and provide useful visual iden fica on of the near

surface ground condi ons.

Allows photography of the exposed ground condi ons for later review.

The process can be combined with soakaway soil infiltra on analysis in accordance

with BRE guidance.


Supervised excava on, with logging and sampling undertaken by an engineering professional.

Trial pi ng provides cost effec veness, technical flexibility and rapid deployment for the assessment of the ground condi ons above the water table.

Facilitates a wide range of in‐situ and sampling (disturbed, undisturbed and environmental) techniques.

Average daily produc vity depends on the sampling and in‐situ tes ng regime, as well as the strata condi ons (whether breaking out is required). Realis cally anything between 4 and 10 trial pits can be achieved in an average working shi .

Bene its

Allows rela vely rapid coverage and the direct assessment of near surface ground condi ons across an inves ga on area.

Low deployment costs.

Discrete environmental sampling for asbestos, metals, vola le and semi‐vola le organic determinants.

Can be combined with a number of other geotechnical tes ng procedures in order to provide addi onal parameter based design informa on.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-4











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 5: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



AutomatedGroundInformationSystemsFrequently cri cal engineering applica ons require regular updates with respect to the

subsurface regime, par cularly in connec on with groundwater or gas fluctua ons.

Allied Explora on & Geotechnics Limited (AEG) have the in‐house exper se to design,

install, commission and maintain automated ground informa on systems. Applica ons

may include the installa on of an array of vibra ng wire piezometers to con nually

monitor groundwater related pressure varia ons within and immediately below a

concrete dam impoundment structure. Alterna vely coastal erosion (cliff stability)

offers another constantly changing scenario which can be monitored using an

automated solu on, namely a groundwater monitoring device installed in combina on

with an in‐place inclinometer measurement system.

Installed systems are configured to con nuously monitor the in‐ground regime; data

loggers may employ GSM telemetry modules for uploading readings instantaneously to

a remote FTP server. This could be then accessed directly for immediate updates.

Instrumenta on elements can be installed in either rotary or cable percussive

exploratory holes in order to target specific points in the sequence whilst using bespoke

methods of equipment inser on and sand pocket forma on.

Solu ons use programmable acquisi on equipment units to receive raw data from the

in‐ground sensors at the desired intervals. Datalogger units can be installed in purpose

built man‐hole chambers with trenched and ducted cabling so that instruments can be

grouped in one place for convenience.

Application Groundwater movements and pressure changes rela ng to impoundment

structures (seepage and groundwater related failure causa on mechanisms),

unstable environments (slopes, coastline erosion), determina on of in‐situ thermal

proper es (electrical installa ons and pipelines) and the long‐term assessment of

structural stress/strain condi ons (embankments).

Con nuous (interval) monitoring using vibra ng wire piezometers, Divers®, in‐

place inclinometers and other in‐ground systems installed and configured in

accordance with requirement and geotechnical applica on.

Flexible data capture and con nuous recording of key ground parameters.


The installa on of in‐ground systems to provide a con nuous update with respect to aspects of geotechnical cri cality that can affect structural assets.

Exper se in the system installa on, data acquisi on, its processing and final presenta on in a illustra ve format.

Wide range of device op ons and configura ons to suit the type of site environment and applica on.

Detailed documenta on and installa on process control provided on system hand‐over.

Backup maintenance services and on‐site problem solving assistance at all stages of the commission.

Bene its

Automa c data collec on of key parameter values without operator involvement.

Data acquisi on systems that can be configured to func on specifically to the needs of the Client.

Rapid iden fica on of evolving in‐ground failure triggering mechanisms.

Con nuous monitoring of observa onal effects in real me during the course of associated works.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-5











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 6: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



OverwaterDrilling&BoringAllied Explora on and Geotechnics Limited (AEG) have been contracted to carry out

many varied and intricate marine site inves ga ons across the UK. Our experience and

prac cal knowledge allows us to perform floa ng inves ga ons where jack‐up type

pla orms are imprac cal and accordingly meet all of our Clients needs for specialist

marine inves ga ons. From coring basal c dykes to drilling on 45 degree armour wall

revetments; our special techniques are strengthened by experienced personnel, safe

working prac ces, accurate geotechnical informa on and Client sa sfac on.

Frequently we have been recommended to other Clients and asked to return on

consecu ve phases of marine inves ga ons due to our commitment, marine exper se,

Health and Safety protocols and our extensive geotechnical knowledge in these

environments. AEG are specialist with floa ng plant which can be configured and

modified to meet the most demanding near‐shore estuarine and river condi ons;

including confined bodies of water such as docks and canals. We operate flexible shi

pa erns in order to be more efficient; effec vely maximising the produc ve me whilst

using floa ng or jack‐up units.

We offer a bespoke modular floa ng system for accessing inter‐ dal zones, ponds and

mud flats for small bore sampling and probing requirements. These modular units can

also be used for near shore walk‐way requirements to enable safe unhindered

personnel access to floa ng plant (such as pontoons).

Application Cable percussion and rotary drilling in various diameters, the la er including

Geobore ‘S’ wireline and open‐holing requirements using Symmetrix systems.

Down‐hole shear vane tes ng

Single or double packer permeability tes ng

Pressuremeter tes ng(1)

Down‐hole geophysical logging and CCTV surveys(1)

Standard penetra on tes ng ‐ split shoe sampler or solid cone method dependent

of soil/rock material (BS EN ISO 22476‐3)


Extensive exper se in a mul tude of over‐water environments using a wide range of access op ons.

The ability to transfer our in‐house plant and exploratory hole capabili es on‐land to the over‐water se ng without significant restric on.

Long standing and robust experience in over‐water geotechnical inves ga ons using our own bespoke enabling systems. These range from our purpose built dock edge can lever pla orm to commissioning jack‐up pla orms for deeper water scenarios.

Wide variety of in‐situ tes ng companion services that can be deployed to maximise informa on acquisi on concerning the ground condi ons encountered.

Bene its

Reliable and robust systems configured to maximise working pa erns and environmental, bed condi on and water dra constraints.

The ability to transfer our on‐land plant resources and techniques reliably to an over‐water se ng.

Flexible working pa erns to shorten contracts and minimise cost.

An excellent track record in over‐water opera ons.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-6











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

(1) Typically using commissioned subcontrac ng services.

Page 7: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling




Our purpose built laboratories (soil & rock and specialist) carry out a comprehensive range of tes ng in accordance with BS 1377, BS 812, ASTM, Internal Procedures and ISRM standards. The laboratory is accredited for a broad range of soil and rock tes ng procedures by the United Kingdom Accredita on Service (UKAS) to ISO 17025. Surveillance visits and full reassessment are conducted yearly by UKAS to provide conformity feedback on the tes ng and laboratory procedures encompassed by the accredita on schedule. We also undertake inter laboratory assessment schemes to ensure compliance and accuracy with regards to reported parameter values. Internal audits are also carried out on a regular basis on technician competence and our laboratory management systems.

We have in‐house capability to undertaken an appreciable range of rou ne tes ng at compe ve rates in accordance with the specifica on. All result cer ficates are processed using various so ware packages and organised in a fashion that highlights the selected geotechnical requirements. The laboratory is serviced from a large purpose built stores for the safe and controlled storage of all types of samples. Recent proac ve quality audits and inter‐departmental consulta ons have resulted in an overhaul of our sampling and sample storage procedures in order to improve our Client services.

TestingServices Classifica on tes ng (moisture content, A erberg limits, par cle size distribu on

analysis, par cle density, shrinkage limit and maximum and minimum density).

One dimensional consolida on and permeability (falling and constant) tes ng.

Quick undrained triaxial (without the measurement of pore water pressure) and

laboratory shear vane tes ng.

California Bearing Ra o (CBR) tes ng including soaked analysis.

Compac on tes ng (2.5kg, 4.5kg and vibra ng hammer procedures) in standard

Proctor and CBR moulds. Lime/cement soil condi oning trials. Moisture condi on

value (MCV) analysis using five (calibra on) or single point procedures.

Point load tes ng.

Effec ve stress (CUT and CDT) and shear box (60mm or 100mm) tes ng.


Wide range of rou ne and more complex laboratory services on offer which should be sufficient for the vast majority of inves ga on requirements.

Dedicated, well trained and experienced laboratory technicians opera ng in a quality controlled environment underpinned by a robust management system.

Client focused services with a friendly can‐do and helpful a tude.

Accompanying site in‐situ tes ng services encompassing plate load (various plate sizes 310mm to 850mm diameters), CBR, sand replacement, Panda and TRRL probing procedures.

On site sample collec on and acquisi on.

Bene its

Wide range of tes ng services to accompany our opera ons on site—a one stop shop approach to our service delivery.

UKAS accredited quality assurance and experienced laboratory technicians overseeing the process.

Large purpose built facili es for the controlled storage of all sample types.

An excellent track record in over‐water opera ons.

Page 1 of 1

Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-7











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 8: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



StandardPenetrationTripHammerVeri ication

Do you need your SPT automa c trip hammer (ATH) verified? As a result of our successful UKAS accredita on for the verifica on of automa c trip hammers, in accordance with BS EN ISO 22476‐3, we are ideally placed with the equipment and exper se to offer this service to the site inves ga on industry. The BS EN ISO standard states that, ‘Energy loses occur e.g. due to fric on at the hammer (velocity loss compared to the free fall). Therefore, the energy ra o Er of the equipment used has to be known if the N‐values are going to be used for the quan tate evalua on of founda ons or for the comparison of results. A cer ficate of the Er‐value immediately below the driving head or anvil shall be available.’

Our Chester‐le‐Street office has a two constructed 12m deep test and research boreholes where the calibra on procedure is performed. There is no requirement for a cable percussion rig as a bespoke electrical test jig and frame is permanently in place for this specific purpose. In the simplest form of the procedure this avoids the requirement to bring along anything else other than the ATH which needs verifica on. Energy data is processed by computer and a cer ficate produced which verifies the Er of the trip hammer mechanism. The service can also be undertaken on ac ve sites where required at addi onal cost.

Veri icationServices Allied Explora on & Geotechnics Ltd (AEG) uses a system called SPTMAN® which is

a rugged portable ba ery powered analyser which is able to accurately measure

the energy transferred from the drive hammer to the drive rods using in‐line

accelerometer transducers. This is then used to calculate the energy coefficient by

comparison with the theore cal poten al energy of the impact system.

The data is used on site to produce the verifica on cer ficate a er readings from

SPTMAN® are processed on a computer using specialist so ware.

All of our in‐house ATH units are regularly verified which includes the rods,

hammer weight and associated mechanisms to ensure that the quality of the N‐

value deriva on procedure is not compromised. This includes automated trip

hammers a ached to our rotary rigs or window sample mini‐tracked rigs.

Our drilling crews conduct simple checks on site prior to commencing an SPT test,

and in addi on to this, the N‐value data is reported on a site cer ficate.


Applying our exper se, bespoke test facilitates and forward investment in ground inves ga on best prac ce we can offer an ATH Er verifica on service to the wider industry at minimal cost.

The Company is fully accredited by UKAS for; Site tes ng of SPT measurements in accordance with BS EN ISO 22476‐3 and, Site and Laboratory measurement of energy transfer of SPT hammers using the SPTMAN® instrument compa ble with BS EN ISO 22476‐3, Annex B.

We use the same system to verify all our in‐house SPT hammer systems, including those built‐in to our plant resources.

The service to the wider industry is cost effec ve, at only £100 per/ATH unit, and for an addi onal £0.55 p/mile can be undertaken on ac ve sites where called upon.

Bene its

An SPT ATH verifica on service that is cost effec ve, efficient and flexible to the Clients needs.

The process uses a purpose built tes ng pla orm in order to promote consistency.

Two set‐up arrangements means that large rotary rig plant can be easily accommodated.

Industry compliant cer ficate produced.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-8











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 20, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 9: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling




It is well documented what the devasta ng effects can be when an underground service is damaged during the development of an exploratory hole. Not only is there the likelihood of high repair costs but also the more poten ally serious risk of injury or fatality to site opera ves. Even when employing an industry standard safe system of working (permit‐to‐dig procedure) allied to the use of service drawings, Cable Avoidance Tools (CATs) and following‐up with the safe digging of inspec on pits using insulated hand‐tools, there is s ll some degree of uncertainty. For instance service plans may not be accurate, cable avoidance tools may not accurately work in all situa ons and some services can be extensively deep.

The welfare of our employees is paramount in these circumstances and with this in mind the company has invested in addi onal precau onary systems. This includes the investment in a Ground Probing Radar (GPR) unit and Radio Frequency Loca on devices (receivers, transmi ers, sondes, etc.), including where necessary, the support of accurate GPS loca on equipment. This equipment is industry standard and is used on a wide variety of types of apparatus, including telecommunica ons cables, gas and water pipes and electricity cables without affec ng the apparatus.

ServiceTools The use of our in‐house RD1000™ portable ground penetra ng radar system

supplied by Radiodetec on ‐ a world leader in the design, manufacture and

provision of underground pipe and cable locators. Our RD1000™ is a powerful

addi on to the company’s exis ng CATs and associated Genny equipment.

Using radar technology, the RD1000™ displays an image map of underground

features. The operator can see a pipe or cable in its topographical context making

it ideal for loca ng underground u li es. The advantage over a tradi onal,

electromagne c locator is that the RD1000™ can see non‐conduc ve materials

including plas c pipes.

We have also purchased a Radiodetec on RD8000™ radio frequency locator (RFL).

The RFL unit is a sophis cated type of ‘CAT and Genny’ and consists of a passive

receiver, which detects electromagne c waves in a range of frequencies and a

generator which induces a signal into conduc ng pipes and cables from 577Hz

through to 200kHz.


Our GPR unit provides addi onal assurance against intersec ng underground u lity apparatus par cularly in high risk urban areas.

Built from durable, weatherproof materials, the RD1000™ offers the site opera ve a comfortable and easy‐to‐steer unit that can operate in almost any terrain.

The RD8000PXL™ is the powerful successor to the industry standard RD4000PXL™ pipe and cable locators with improved speed, accuracy and reliability; all designed with the latest, patented digital firmware.

These new equipment addi ons are used where called upon to enhance our exis ng robust permit‐to‐dig procedures, or as a stand alone service to other inves ga on companies.

Bene its

The RD1000™ and RD8000PXL™ improve the confidence in underground service avoidance significantly.

There is extra cost involved although this is believed to be small in comparison with the poten al benefits.

The company offers appreciable in‐house exper se in using this equipment.

An addi onal service that benefits the welfare of our site opera ves.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-9











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 10: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling




Allied Explora on & Geotechnics Limited (AEG) are pleased to offer our Panda® Probe equipment as an extremely useful and cost effec ve in‐situ inves ga on technique which can assist in providing an addi onal er of geotechnical support, and complement those more tradi onal intrusive methods that are used in small scale works. In these cases the Panda® can provide supplementary informa on which is specific to the ground profile revealed.

The Panda® probe provides a con nuous read‐out of cone resistance (Qd) versus depth as it is percussively driven into the underlying deposits. Accordingly Qd (in MPa) can be used to derive undrained shear strength (cu) based on recognised empirical rela onships for fine grained (cohesive) materials, whereas equivalent N‐values can be determined for fine, medium and coarse granular soils. Where tradi onal in‐situ tests (i.e. standard penetra on in boreholes and window sample holes or hand shear vanes) are available, these can assist in op mising the empirical rela onship that should be applied to each stratum; for instance the value of NK (cone resistance factor) for clay soils, or alterna vely the N to Qd ra o. In addi on, a linear rela onship has also been proven with the Transport Research Laboratory's DCP device (mm/blow) for establishing equivalent in‐situ California Bearing Ra o (CBR) (in %).

TheProcess The device can be used to assess the performance and quality of landfill clay liner

placement works, trench reinstatements and earthwork compac on opera ons.

The system comes with so ware that has material specific compac on

performance data that can be superimposed onto the Qd versus depth graphical

plot. These 'lines of tolerance' can be used to establish the effec veness of the

compac on procedures applied to various fill materials.

In prac ce the Panda® can be operated quan vely, to derive geotechnical

parameters, as well as qualita vely comparing one loca on to another, perhaps

from a perspec ve of establishing material varia ons and weak zones.

Various geotechnical parameters can technically be determined when the Panda®

used in a quan ta ve manner; namely standard penetra on N‐value, equivalent

CBR, undrained shear strength (cu) and TRRL mm/blow informa on.


The technique is fully integrated with our other QCA site services, which in turn are effec vely supported by the Company’s overall range of inves ga on and laboratory services.

The use of the device has greater relevance where used with other forms of inves ga on e.g. a probe hole next to a trial pit.

In typical condi ons the Panda® is rou nely capable of achieving depths of up to 5 metres in soil condi ons between 20 and 30 MPa; even deeper where lesser cone resistance applies.

Bene its

A con nuous plot of CBR (or other parameter set) can be established using the same raw data, which can then be used for design purposes.

The Panda® offers greater flexibility than alterna ve methods of probing, and in our opinion is be er than the TRRL procedure.

Correla ons have also been postulated with dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) devices (DCP N10) a er research by the Building Research Establishment; however, these are currently tenta ve.

The data is fully processed and reported in a concise annotated graphical format.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-10











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 11: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling




Allied Explora on & Geotechnics Limited (AEG) offers an extensive range of instrumental techniques and exper se for the measurement of in‐situ gas and water parameters in the surface and sub‐surface environment. All monitoring equipment is fully calibrated and used by experienced environmental personnel who adhere to safe working prac ces. All sampling protocols, preserva on techniques, sample containers and me‐to‐analysis comply with current guidance on the preserva on and handling of samples.

Gas Non‐dispersive infra‐red Instrumenta on (MCERTS approved) for simultaneous soil

gas monitoring (e.g. CH4, CO2, CO, O2, H2S, HCN, SO2, NO2, Cl2, flow, ambient

temperature (°C), differen al pressure) in single or dual gas valve standpipe

installa ons. This includes the circula on of gas over the en re column of the

response zone.

On site screening for SVOCs, VOCs, TOC's in soil and groundwater by photo‐

ionisa on/flame‐ionisa on (PID/FID) detec on using head space analysis.

Ground gas sampling using Tedlar/Gresham units and ambient air monitoring using

gas diffusion tubes for laboratory analysis.

Groundwater Purging and development of groundwater in monitoring wells to BS 10175,

including CMT mul level borehole systems for sampling of discrete isolated zones

to iden fy groundwater flow pa erns and contaminant distribu ons

Ground and surface water sampling (including trade effluents) with, if required, on‐

site filtra on, preserva on and in‐line field measurement of up to thirteen water

quality parameters (including EC, DO, pH, T°C, redox poten al (Eh), alkalinity,

turbidity, salinity, colorimetry) using calibrated portable field devices.

Discrete interval sampling of oil/product layer, for obtaining heavy oil (DNAPL)

and/or light oil (LNAPL) samples, or for vola le and dissolved gas sampling of

groundwater from combined groundwater gas monitoring installa ons.


We offer dedicated gas and groundwater monitoring and sampling which not only supports the intrusive site inves ga on arm of the business, services can also be procured directly as standalone commissions.

The facility exists to subcontract chemical contamina on/microbial analysis of soil, water, leachate and gas samples to cer fied quality assured laboratories. This includes applying industry compe ve rates with minimal on‐cost.

In accordance with EA hazardous waste landfill regula ons, we can conduct sampling for tes ng to BS 12457‐3 and can advise and arrange for disposal of contaminated materials.

This represents a small sub‐set of our services, further informa on can be provided on request.

Bene its

Monitoring and sampling services that consistently follow norma ve UK guidelines.

All equipment fully calibrated and checked rou nely for defect.

High standards of sample administra on and duty of care. With a wide range of industry standard approaches and procedures undertaken in house.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-11











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 12: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling




The ability to recover samples of a specific type largely depends on the ground condi ons encountered. Allied Explora on & Geotechnics Limited (AEG) offers a wide diversity of sampling techniques and systems across its in‐house intrusive inves ga on services (i.e. cable percussion, dynamic, mini‐tracked window/windowless, rotary and trial pi ng). Class performance of sampling relates to the material type, inves ga on methodology used, sampling approach and the in‐situ condi ons, specifically the groundwater circumstances.

The most commonly used sampling methods are outlined below for the recovery of soil and rock materials.

SoilSampling Standard open‐drive (U100, U100T ‘undisturbed’ sampling (Class 1 or 2) or

modified steel U100 sampling for s ff glacial soils (Class 2) dependent on in‐situ soil

condi ons. Thin‐walled (Shelby) sampling in low to medium strength fine grained

soils (Class 1) in cable percussion and window sample holes.

Piston sampling at 100mm, 150mm and 250mm diameters in fragile/so ground

condi ons (Class 1) in cable percussion and dynamic exploratory holes.

Undisturbed block sampling in open excava ons (Class 1).

Standard 1m liner samples (Class 4) using either dynamic or window sample holes

techniques in cohesive (fine grained) and granular deposits. Small disturbed (Class

4) and bulk disturbed sampling (Class 4 or 5) depending on sampling condi ons.

Groundwater and environmental sampling for metals, vola le and semi‐vola le

organic determinants.

RockSampling Various lined and unlined rotary coring diameters up to ‘S’ (145mm OD) (Category

A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1), including Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling (Category A) in

s ff glacial soils and weak weathered rock deposits. Air, mist, water, polymer and

mud drilling flush depending on applica on and in‐situ condi ons to maximise core

recovery. 100mm dynamic sampling (Class 3 or 4) using rotary rig plant and

integrated drive systems.


Fully competent and trained (to NVQ level 2 and BDA audited) site opera ves with the professionalism and know how that ensures that all prac cable measures are taken to achieve high levels of rock and soil recovery.

We offer a comprehensive range of sampling systems suitable to UK ground condi ons and compliant with BS EN ISO 22475‐1.

Opera ves can advise on the best approach to take in challenging sampling condi ons, or can advise on these aspects if required to provide early technical involvement.

Company plant and equipment is fully serviced in accordance with current UK health and safety legisla on.

Bene its

Experienced and trained site opera ves.

Wide range of sampling systems available in order to address an extensive range of soil and rock condi ons.

Sampling systems can be configured to suit special requirements and ground condi ons to enhance material recovery or inves ga on plant type.

High standards of sample administra on, transporta on, storage in order to fulfill our duty of care obliga ons.

In‐house laboratory services.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-12











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 13: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



TechnicalServicesAllied Explora on & Geotechnics Limited (AEG) employs full‐ me site engineering personnel who fulfil front‐line geotechnical, geological and environmental roles during ac ve schemes. At minimum all site engineers hold an industry recognised IOSH Safe Supervision of Geotechnical Sites qualifica on, three day first aid cer fica on as well as a valid (in rela on to their role) CSCS card. With experience they are also ac vely encouraged to become members of a professional organisa on (e.g. Geological Society) of their choice. Full‐ me office engineers are involved at various levels in report produc on and contract opportuni es. This cons tutes involvement in the contract procurement process, such as the ini al assessment of site inves ga on requirements, prequalifica on and tendering processes. Other engineering personnel focus specifically in report prepara on and submission of detailed factual and/or interpreta ve informa on. Office based engineers typically have appreciable exper se and experience in ground inves ga on, generally having both first and MSc level degree qualifica ons.

Data acquired from the site opera ons is processed through gINT®, a so ware environment for the storage of subsurface exploratory hole informa on. This allows the prepara on of detailed explora on hole records, graphs, geological cross sec ons, histograms and tables in formats that can be altered to suit client needs. Our typed factual and interpreta ve reports are detailed and concise in order to priori se on the clear and unambiguous presenta on of the data. During each phase of the sitework and repor ng process our in‐house quality assurance and integrated management system ensures consistent standards of service and a en on to detail are applied.

ProcessOutline At tender stage we undertake a thorough assessment of the specified

requirements and where possible undertake a site visit to clarify any poten al snag

issues. Early contract involvement is preferred and assists the procurement process

and in‐turn yields a more effec ve execu on of the inves ga on opera ons.

Report produc on follows a strict in‐house procedure which governs the individual

processes required at each key stage , thereby ensuring that the quality and

accuracy of the informa on is not compromised in terms of data integrity issues.

Reports are stored in archive when complete which gives clients an addi onal level

of confidence that the project informa on will be fully protected and is available, if

called upon, at some point in the future.


Fully competent and trained site and office engineering personnel in‐place throughout the organisa on of the company.

Technical reports are produced to high industrial standards in a consistent format within a quality managed environment.

The use of industry recognised so ware to capture, manage, store and manipulate acquired site data in a concise and unambiguous manner.

The applica on of norma ve industry guidance at all stages of the contract delivery process.

Bene its

In‐house experienced and trained site opera ves.

The integrated use of gINT 8®, AutoCAD® and other so ware packages throughout the repor ng process. Data exchange in AGS 3.0 or 4.0 for import into client side so ware systems.

High standards of report administra on and long‐term archiving.

Seamless integra on between our in‐house laboratory and repor ng facili es.

The full range of repor ng services from ini al desk studies to final engineering assessment reports.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-13











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 20, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610

Page 14: SERVICE DATA SHEET - Allied Services... · 2020. 11. 30. · A & B ‐ BS EN ISO 22475‐1). Geobore ‘S’ Wireline drilling



QualityControlAllied Explora on and Geotechnics Limited (AEG) have for many years carried out Quality Control Assessment (QCA) tes ng in connec on with opera onal landfill sites, earthwork orientated reclama on schemes and highway construc on projects. The company employs technician and engineering employees who are willing to operate on ac ve sites throughout the Northeast, extending to other regions where required. Site performance is an essen al requirement during earthwork ac vi es in order to ensure that the specifica on objec ves are achieved and fill materials are placed in an effec ve manner. The range of applica ons is varied, ranging from road construc on sub‐grade to landfill liner assessment, including source soil suitability. Tes ng procedures can be undertaken on site with material samples returned to the laboratory for priority tes ng turnaround. On‐site procedures include in‐situ density assessment using core cu er or sand replacement methods, including the recovery of disturbed samples of soil for suitability trials and compac on comparison studies.

Our Panda Probe (V2) apparatus can be rapidly deployed to determine the in‐situ behaviour of placed cohesive and non‐cohesive fills, highligh ng weak spots in the compac on sequencing as well as general strata profiling applica ons. Other in‐situ techniques such as plate load and hand vane tes ng, together with California Bearing Ra o (CBR) can be used to check sub‐grade performance and durability a er placement. Where hydraulic conduc vity (permeability) is a cri cal component of landfill liner design, undisturbed or re‐compacted samples of placed soil material can be analysed in our effec ve stress laboratory facili es.

ServiceCoverage Compac on Control and Crane Pla orms: standard mounted in‐situ CBR (or

equivalent Mexe, TRRL or Panda probing techniques), plate load (300mm, 450mm

or 600mm diameter plates) for the assessment of undrained strength and elas c

load/se lement characteris cs, shear strength (HSV), density determina on (sand

replacement and core cu er) and other geotechnical procedures.

Landfill (Clay) Liner: in‐situ density determina on, placed shear strength, general

material classifica on proper es and permeability assessment.

Ground Corrosion: resis vity tes ng using Wenner configura on for metallic pipes.

Sample Collec on: geotechnical and managed environmental laboratory tes ng

services, the la er using a specialist sub‐contractor at compe ve rates.


Extensive experience in the Northeast of England.

Competent and trained site engineering or technician personnel who can operate under a call‐out service arrangement.

Wide range of in‐situ tes ng procedures offered with CBR, plate load and density determina on encompassed by our UKAS accredita on schedule.

Fully costed service to the client with no hidden charges, including coverage by our management systems and submission of Standard Opera ng Procedures and risk assessment documenta on.

Bene its

The QCA site services are fully supported by an efficient in‐house soil laboratory facility and can be fully integrated into the company’s overall range of inves ga on services.

Rapid local deployment and prompt turn‐around mes (from site test to cer ficate submission); dependent on laboratory procedure required.

Most in‐situ tes ng procedures covered by our UKAS accredita on schedule.

Technical support available where required throughout the process.

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Services Sheet 2020 Volume 1, Issue 3-14











Unit 25, Stella Gill Industrial Estate

Pelton Fell, Chester‐le‐Street

County Durham, DH2 2RG.

Tel: 01913874700

Fax: 01913874710

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora


Unit 1, Business Development Centre

Eanam Wharf, Blackburn

BB1 5BL.

Tel: 01772735300

Fax: 01772735999

Email: enquiries@alliedexplora

No: 1367

No: OHS 599062

No: FS 590911 No: 86245

No: EMS 632523

No: 610